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■ !■_ -IJI1 L JMA» J ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL. GREAT EXHIBITION ALMANAC FOR 1851 tlON I'AINING « Vjuw of the Building erecting in IIyd<- Park, and a full account of every particular connected with the same, in ENGLISH. FKKNCH. and GERMAN; aUo liow to visit in six days the whole of the Gratuitous Exhibitions in Irfindon, and its principal Squares, Streets, Churches. Monn- ineiiis, Markets, &c.; with the Cab Fares, and every other HBCBMURY information. Published by HOBS and bo.is, 119 and l-t), Bisiiopagtite Street, London, the celebrated I crrii<]uicr», Perfumer., Hair Cutters, andilair Dyers, who beg to call public attention to their extensive and unrivalled assortment of British and Foreign Perfumery, Soaps, brushes, Uieswnjj <Ja»es, Strop«, Cutlery (particularly their Rc^stered Guard Razor which prevents the possibility of even the most tremu- lous cutting themselves while *liavi»K), Ambulatory tor dynnL' the hair of any required shade, and their stock of Orna- nuntal Hair uf all kinds, for bothludicb and gentlemen, which is the largest in the world Price ol the Almanac, fid.; and it will be Rent to all parts of Great Britain and Ireland, on receipt of ei;<;ht postage stamps likewise by order of all Buoksdlers and Newsmen, to whom the usual allowance will be made. IAd-liess-ILOSS AND SONS, 119 and 120, Bishops gate Street, London. 2r- BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY No. ] ,l'ltlt'Clig-¡¡IIfI',I-:1, BANK,' LONDON > Empowered by Special Act of PatliaHnieut, tV. Vict., C. IX DIRECT'HIS, William Harden, Esq. J»Hn Drewctt, Esq. F^mnel l'evingU>n» Esq. RoIksH Isirlinton, hs(]» William Feeliufy Black, Esq. Erasmus Robert Foster, Esq. George Cohen, K:.q. I Peter Morrison, Esq. Mollis Coventry Esq. Henry Lewis Smalo, Esq. AI'IIITOIIS. B- Revision, Esq. I F. B. Cockerill, Esq. I J. 1) '^ow,' Mtuii'M, Ornc:i:R.—John Clemlinning, M.D., F.R.S., W. \Vimt>ole-stieet, Cuv-jndish-square. STANDING COUNRF.L.—The 1 Ion. John Ashley, New-square, Lincoln's Inn. M). Sergeant Muiphy, M.P., Tunple. houciToa.—William Bcvan, Esq., Old Jewry. 11anki. us.—Messr*. Drcwett and Fowler, Princes-street,Bank ra^lllS luslitutll)nis empowered hy a Speciul Act of J orlmrnent, |_ and is so constituted as to afford the benefits ot Lite Assu- rance in tlteir fullest extent to Policy Holders, and to present prettier facilities ami aceoinmodatioii than are usually ottered by any other companies. Among others, the following important advantages may hy enumerated-— Increasing Rat«9 of Premium on a now and remarkable plan for securing loans or debts a less payment being re<[iiiied oil a Policy, fur the whole term of life, than in any other off,ce. CRD.n TAISLK.—By this table the premiums may remain un- paid for five years, upon satisfactory security bein, tfiven for the quidation of the same, at the expiration of that period. HALE OR EDIT RATES OF l'J{'EI\HUM. Persons assured accoiding to theso rules, arc allowed credit ( without aecurily) for half the amount ot the Jirst seven Annual Premiums, paying interest thereon, at the rate of five per cent per annum, with the option ol paying off the principal at any t'fnf. its having the amount deducted from the sum assured when be policy becomes a claim. Policies may he thus effected at lower rates than are generally required lor the term of seven year. only wlnNi the holder have the same security for the payment of their claims, ivheneva thuth may hnppni, as if they paid double the amount of prt" ri iums, which would be charged for assurance effected in the Eflille way. Policies revisod without the exaction of a fine, at any time within twelvt months. A Board of Diicclors in attendance daily at two o'clock. Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the Policy. Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports Extiact from Increasing Rates of PretMum, for an Assurance of £ 100. for the WhftteTer ) of Life. | | Annual Premiums payable during | iAfik-'i If-t 1'ive 5 2nd JKive 3rd Five S 4tli Five ) It n j j I Years. | Years. j Years. £ Years. j of life. '< £ ■ s. d. j £ s, d. 11. s. d. £ £ s. d. > £ .8. d i '20 i 1 1 4 J 1 5 10 i 10 I' I l(i !> 2 3 8 <30 I G 4 I 12 tf t IU I it 7 4 "2 17 <> 40 { I 1G I a 4 4 2 It 6 3 7 :t 4 3 4 j 60 | JJlfi 7 | 7 9 4 j 4 5 5 | 5 G 3 j 0 13 7 Extract from the Half Credit Rates Premium. A ooual Prcm;ulII required for an Assurance otjElOO for the Whole Term of Life. i Hall Piemiom for | VV hole Premium j f Age, j Seven Years. j after Seven Years. < | £ s. d. & II. d. 30 1 1 9 2 3 6 35 1 4 11 2 H 10 4 1 9 2 2 1H 4 I 45 1 14 10 39 R 50 2 2 6 450 S 55 2 12 !> i 5 5 G j 60 { 3 6 8 6..»3 4 [ PETER MORBISON, Hcsident Director. Detailed Prospectuses, and every requisite information as to he mode of effecting assurances, may be obtained oil application to the following agents — Newport—Mr. H. V. JENK1NS, Chemist. Chepstow—Mr. J. L. BALDWYN .Solicitor. lirii;tol -.Ilr. JOIIN MOXHAM, Banker. Coin-street. =1 BRISTOL ANI) NEWPORT STEAM PACKETS THE USK AND DART, *Vut^lK\Bi\Are intended to ply Daily durinK tlic ensuing Wecli Tg'tZ.rXafe.-» between BRISTOL and NKWPOKT, as follows;— From the llutwclls tiristul. From Meirport. NOVEMBKLL. KOVEMBKR- 2 Sstnrday 3 after 2 Saturday, —— 2^ after 4 Monday, 6 morn.. 4 Monday, ■ ..4 after 5 Tuesday, tii morn.. —— !i Tuesday, 6 morn. -—. t> Wednesday, 7 morn.. 6 Wednesday, 0 mom.. —- 7 Thursday, 71 morn.. —— 7 Thursday, 6 morn.. -—— 8 Friday, 8.1 —— S Friday, ';4 morn.. —— 9 Saturday, 81 —— 9 Saturday, 6.J morn. —— ifefreslimcnts niiiy be had on Board. Fares-After Cabin, 3s. To and Fro same day, Is. cacli Fore Deck, Is. 6d; To and Fro Rame day 2s. each. Children under twelve years of age and above two years old, hall-price. The Proprietors of the above Packets give NOTiCE, that they will not be accountablo for any Passenger's Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any (ioods, Package,or Par- cel, (if Lost or Damaged,) unless Booked at either of then Otheer,, in Bristul or .Newport; and if above the value of 40s, entered at its value, and carriage paid at the time of booking. (ioodg, Packages, Parcels, &c., must be delivered at the W aiehouse, Clare-Btreetilall, Clare-street, Bristol, twohours( at least j heforc the time stated for the sailing ot the Packet, and at nownham- W half. flotwolls. one hour before the time of sailing, to ensure their Iteini; forwarded. Williams's Packet Coach daily, from the Carpentei's Arms, Newport, on the arrival of these Packe's, through Caerleon and Usk, to Abergavenny, CrickhowcM, and Hrccon, and from the tioldeu Lion, Aberpaveuny, three hours before the tiuie of sail- ing for Hristol.—Tire following coaches leave the Kind's tlcad Hotel, Newport, at tuttowa :—The Abergavenny Mail every afternoun at two o'clock, through Caerleon and Poulypool, to Abeigavenny, Ctickhnwcll, and Brecon, and anivea in Newport eveiy morning at ten o'clock.—The Tredegar and Naniy^lo Mail every altcllloofl at two o'clock, through liisca, Abercarn Nevvbridge, and black wood, and arrives every morning at eleven o'clock. The Nantyglo M.iil every morning at etglit o'clock, throuuh lllltca. Abcrcam, and Newbridge, and arrives in New- port every attcrnoon at five o'clock.—The Hero to Worcester every Monday, Wednesday, nud Friday, at Half-past Nine f'<Tuck. returninK oil Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.— The Caerphilly and Newport Omnibus stalls from the Castle Inn, Caerphilly, every morning at eipht o'clock, and leaves the Carpcnteis' Arms, Newport, every afternoon al thlee o'clock. Poutupool and Abergavenny.—Coaches daily between these Traces and Newport.. Iredrgai Iron Worfcs, through Abcrcarne, Newhritlgil, aud H,:dn'tUv ,->nd <» iiraiic.lifrom Newbridge to haiityglo.- A Coach daily between these places and Newport. Apply at the Hristol General Stcain Navigation Company s Ofhce, Quay, Ui istol; or to Packet Oriiccs, Rownh.im Wharf, Hotwells, Nelson-strtet, Bristol, and Rodney Wharf. Newport JOHN JONES, Agent. STEAM C()MMUNICATION BKTVVEKN -U> JJHISTOL AND NhWlOHl. ^r\rif\ The New Steam Packet Company* Iroii-bull gchooncrs, Propelled by Screw, ■^rP^m*gyar THE AVON AN!) SEVERN, Are intended to Sail during foJlows:- 8ra«,ort Whurf, S^VOrt. >irh> N.°2 SaSay, -3 «ft9r Baturday' 5 m°rn- — morn 4 Monday, 0 morn.. 4 Monday, monu> ft Tuesday, <i morn.. « Wpd'newHy li mom.. C Wednesday. 7 mom.. 7 Tlmr" d*y, 64 morn. Thursday, 7 J mom.. H Pr lav 7 morn.. » f»day, h mom. s "n ray, 9 batunlav, S morn.. ♦ To'arnmo from Bris'toK t To and fro from ISri.tol and Newport. The voyaires are pertormed by these Boats usually under two hours, and noloni; pas8»|tfls^rc niac c. o Fares, Screw Steamers Avon and Severn Altci Cabin,3s., I 0iC Deck, Is. 0u.; j To «nd fro same Hay, provided a to and;ro .icket betaken, Af.erC.bin, 4«.; Foro Cabin, 2s.; ^arS ol UaH-pri«c..— lielrctshintiitb niay l Mown t 'L'he following COACH FA leave the King N o'clm-kl daily-The AHILKCAV. nny MAII. every afternoon at I o clockl through Caerleon and l'ontypool, to Abergaven y, '°yV and Brecon, and arrives in Newpo.t -very menmig at 10.I he BKYNMAWR and NANTVOLO MAIL eve.y i.io.a t ooclo'r k through Risca, Abercame, Newlmdge, Hlactwooi i.i e- *ar, leaving Brynmawr at 12 o'clock, and antves Newport at four o'cll k in the atternoon.-Tbe H E«« .Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at Ila'f-past Nine o Clock returning on Tuesday, 'lhursday, and ^a,m f ,va.c 1 leaves the Bnd'.e Inn daily on arnvil of thu 1 -^cts for 1 on y- p.uil and Abersychan The Caerphilly »nd Newpurl Omni- ,act lms starts front the Castle Inn, Caerphilly • evc!J morning at eieht o'clock, «nd leaves the Carpenters'Arms, Newport, every wtttrnoutt at four o'ciofk.. Th# Pioprietorsgive noticcthatthey will notheaccountable tor Pnssengers' Luggage, &c.; and their responsibility in respect of Goodsin general is restricted by the terntS of a Notice athncd in their Offices, at Bristol and Newport. Goodsregnlarly and punctual foiwarsieJ hy careful (!arrierE, to oil parts of the country. For terms and conditionw of freight, apply at the Companys' Oftrces, Bell Avenue, Quceu Square, Briiitol and Eeaulort. Wharf. Newtlort. A.M. A M. P.M. P.M. P.M. The SouthWnles Hai)wayTrain<t) leave Nexvport lor Swansea and ^5 20 7 5j U 40 5 0 8 10 intermediate Stations at.) And arrives at Newport Iroin | (J 12 l0 3 3G 7 32 9 3f, Swansea Ac intermediate blations ) JOHN ULAND. Asrent. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. TANNER'S DINKEK PltttS. a mild .n.i.««»■, J\ Stomach and Live1 offered to the public: harm- found one ol the best mi t|icacious in removing Indi- less and eimple yet lialn ,n the stomach gestum— known by a bense > Actions of the chest, giddi- alter meals, flatulence, r„|nesS in the tiiioat. ness, inactivity and lanG""r> ''h|s ) loss of appetite and (popularly called thc r's!°Bfood sickness after meals, heartburn, nometimcs great sonr b«|cl,ii,rs, runiblini; sensation in drowsiness,sick head114-' nIV|it, »taitli»B and friglit- the stomach or bowels, re inoanjDfr in the sleep, and sense ol ful dreams, 8»meti",c!' P' c|ies, ,ltipleasant taste in the wesht and oppression upon covered with a mouth in the morning > from the stomach to'the shoulder yellowish fur, shootinff P wnfSS 0i the eyes and skin, weight bla des, pain in the sidef head, loss of memory tliZ7.i- over the eyes and back part -0„ uoi8o in the ears, and great ne«» and dimness of sight, rlCCt the morbid state of the liver depression ol spirits. They 0[1 promote a due secretion of and organs subservient to d'S.' 0stivcness, destroy worms, re- btle, speedily remove habitua and other impurities, and lieve the constitution of g°"ty restore the l.ame to a healthy «ta,e; proprietor in private prac- l h«se Pills have been used 'jy ,raordinary success. iey lice, lor the laet ten years, wi«h e*'[WIIles. and are wel! kn„»n are stMiable lor the most dehcatu ,ejr use the grca es ent 1 • by hundreds v\ ho have derived I'01 1Il0dcrate exercise wi pro- They do not require confinemen > at-tinK "n V1* m«te their beneficial effects; se' ,j,cn almost several houis after taking them, aI1 |0 answcr a( nur- y- as s gentle aperient they will be fou .fttivc, promoting Tannet's Pills are tonic and catm ^-¥t, tone am s warmth in the stomach and bowe's> the whole system. In all cases it can i|C steadily PcrKt! ■ two doses will effect a cure they »'us .^ssful results will show lor several days, and tlicu the most su themselves. lg „nd 2s. each. Con- Price 7id. per box family boxes, • l)OX. 8iderable saving in purchasing the !«• }JeaiC« Wholesale ARenU for Brislol.-W^. and Messrs. t. Surgical Instiument Makers, 7, P,lcliH sUCG /1 and A. Warren. Wholesale Urur;Rists< \\w- Su"on cH„M WtokMle Agent, for LoWIou.-Mcs* >nd Bairow. Can Bow Churchyard iilcssrs. Drew, Iicy%va non-street. LOCAL Aoknts- Mr. George Ackrill, chemist, AbcrgaVCn H firiggs,etivinist, lltitibioke. swailscfi. „ W. M. Brewster, Cumbrian (.'inte, J. Croswcll, chemist, 'l'redeg«'r* c8t, *>. F.. |)avic*> ohemist, Havei'e" „ R. M. Davies, chemist, Carmatt 1 • W. II. Davies, chemist, Pil'Svv „ J. Evans. chemist, Nalbnth. kb ler Monmouth. Mirr Ehzahd" Heath, printer and bo"t" INIr. It. J'rosser. chemist, Brecon. „ E. J. Phillies, chemist, Newport (irifliih Phillips, chemist Caid>»- T. Stephens, chemist, Mcrthyi- C. T. Wilson,chemist,Swansea. T. Woolcock, chemist, Neath. „ J. White, chemist, Caimariheii. 1& AberteycUa MMMt W. & li. Wood ,theroii»ts, Puu t y pool& 1SRITIS11 PLATK, CROWN, AND SHEET GLASS WAREHOUSE, 140, COMMERCIAL ROAD, PILLGWENLLY, NEWPORT, JAMES SANDERS, desirous of acknowledging with gratitude the lurge share of public patronage he has received during the pust six years, begs to announce that, having effected considerable alterations in his premises, he has now made arrange- ments for carrying on the British Plate, Crown, and Sheet Class Trade, in which department will be found a large assoumeiu ot LOOKING GLASSES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. J. S. also begs to state, that he has made arrangements for extending his House and Ship Plumbing, Glazing, and Painting jpMS/HCSN logether with Venetian Sign, House, and Ornamental Painting; Gilding and Paper Hanging. F rora this catablishrnent arc forwarded, to any part of the town or country, Patterns, with l'riccs, ot Lntish 1 l Crown, and Sheet (ihias, pcr foot; and J. S. is prepared to give Tenders for work to any extent, in Plumbing, Glazing, and Painting, m Newport and the neighbourhood. Zinc and Wire Blinds Manufactured on the Premises. Pipe and Sheet Lead, Oils, Paints, Turpentine, Brushes, and Dry Colours, always on oale. -'f'IIiI! Teas as In London, at 139, Commercial Street, Newport. IlENRY ROPER, OF 44, IIIGil STREET, VERY ie-|icctfiilly desires to inform the inhabitants of the town and its vicinity, that fie has taken to the above central pi muses, for the sale ol Genuine TEAS, COFFEES, and SPICES, as imported (apait from the Provision 1 ra<le), and from the practical knowledge he possesses of the Business, together willi his vety larre COlttJeXIOIIS 811d iiicieattiug 1 i-.iiIb, lie Villlue enabled to purchase every variety of Tea to meet the wanU of the public, and to otter thclll at the veiy lowest rcmuneiatiug profit, defying competition. 11. It. considertt a List of Prices superfluous, quality being the test of chcspue38. COMPARE, TASTE, AND DECIDE. The Newport Plate and Window Glass, Pipe, Sheet Lead, and Paper Warehouse, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 4, COMMERCIAL STREET, (OPPOSITE THE WESTGATE HOTEL.) NEWPORT. J. & T. P. WANSBROUGK, IJAPElt TIANGF.RS. PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, GILDERS, GLAZIERS, &c., respectfully solicit the I attention of the public to a largo and varied assortment of the most elegant and fashionable PArELt HANUINUS, which art on sale at prices that will suit all purchasers, Wansbrough, Brothers, having in stock the choicest patterns and best qualities (or\he mansion, as well as cheap and substantial papers for the cottage. PAINTINO, plain and ilccorative, Plumbing, Glazing. Oilding, &c.,&c.. in all their several departments, executed in a manner that cannot fail to give satisfaction the advertisers having a practical knowledge 01 the trades, in all their branches. The use of the best materials only, the most snpeiior work- manship, and promptitude in the execution of all orders, together with moderate charges, are the distinguishing features of the principles upon which WauBbrough, Brothers, conduct their establishment. t>' r, Glass cut to order. Paints mixed ready for use. The Trade supplied. Contracts for work in any part of the country, tendered for and undertaken. .-w French and English Silk and Beaver lint Manufactory, 157, foniinercial Street NEXT DOOR TO THE NEW WESLEYAN CHAPEL, NEWPORT. WW ATKINS begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Newport and vicinity, that he has just received a splendid W assortment of Gentlemen's, Youths', and Children's FRENCii AND ENGLISH SILK IIATS, combining every improvement in make and material. # t t t t, t lie has also been induced to add to his business a branch which has long been needed in this town and neighbourhood, that of a DEPOT FOli CHOICE SILK. ALPACA, & liEST GINGHAM UMBRELLAS W. \V. has made arrangements with the best and most tashionabh- makers to supply him with the Newest Designs in Fancy Mountings, &c., and having just received his first assortment, he confidently asserts, that for taste, elegance of design, and durability of tcxtnre, his stock of Umbrellas will be found equal to any out of London. 157, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE NEW WESLEYAN CHAPEL. IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING. A HOUSE, ACCORDING TO THE POLLOWING ESTIMATES, MAY BE FURNISHED IN TWELVE HOURS' AT II. TRAPNELf. AND SON'S CITY CABINET ROOMS, 2, ST. JAMES'S DAItTONj BRISTOL, ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 26 YEARS. PUilNISHING S3TXI*ATB "ffo'i wV |7<OR FURNISHING A FOUR-J1'™ JL COMFORT \BLY, for ^,8; l7' ld'jdb I'.tilour, Starrs, and two Bed.liootl)s- kitchen. Clothes'horse •• 0 S 0 Stout table, with drawer •• 0 7 G Three strong chaim pAfcBACiB. ■1 ■ 1 3 6 (Say) four yards of floor-cloth, at '^S. 6d. 0 10 0 Coco* door mat JMUMJUR. 0 13 0 Kidderminster carpet, 4 ya.ds. by 3 (it ino.ETIRLTM.2s. per JD.J •• •• 1 £ « Health ru« to niaich •• *• Solid mahogany table 3 ft. b inch square 1 I) Oil cover tor ditto .010 Six imitation rnahopany chairs, cane seats, French polished 10 0 9 siAiug. — o IB 0 Say eifiht yards 2-4> carpet o (i 0 Sisteeu stair rods and eyes 0 b litST BED ROOM. Full size elliptic bedstead, itolished Anit)iu:»ui bucli toot pillais •• 1 o 0 Dimity furruLUle complete. 1 5 0 iMattras 14 0 Good millpuff bed. boUter, and pillows ) 15 0 Painied wa.nh Btand and table •• 0 14 Ö Full »i/e chest ol draweis •• 1 12 « Two cliaiis, at'2s. 3d. 0 4 b Dressing );lass, good size •• <> n Towel horse, paiuicrt •» •• ° liedsidc carpet, 7 yards. — • 8 U y ]() g TWO tlliD ROOMS. T»« lre<)sle»il» <• 9 t) fl 18 O I'wo b^ds, bolsters, and pillows 18 0 1 Ih 0 Two p;unied washstands 0 t) 10 0 Two (lressiiift nlas»es 2 6 0 5 0 Four diaits,painted •• 2 3 0 9 o ——— o I O I' US 17 I) H. TRAF2I £ I<L AND SON'S rUENISH- ING £ STXMATS FOR ITFO. 2. For FUlnishing a SIX-ROO.MED HOUSE, ii,), a neat and respectable style, for L61 1011. Kitchen, lIall, Tarlour, Stairs, Drawing-room, best and Spare Bed Koom, and Sctvantit Room. KITCHEN. Lnrge sixe clothes' horse «» 0 7 6 One flap strong table 0 12 6 Fuurcha)rt,t3s. 0 12 0 IIALL. ————— 1 12 o Say ui* yards of lfoor cloth, 2s. 6d 0 15 0 Say ui* yards of floor cloth, 2s. 6d •• 0 15 0 Cocoa door mat •• •• 0 3 6 rAHLOUit. 0 111 0 Super Kidderminster carpet, 81\y 5 yaTds by 4 vards 2 10 0 (1 f more or les*s» yu-) fleatli i-tig tt) matcli 0 11 0 Chimney glass, best 13iitisn plate, in guilt I runic ? Solid mahogany table, to dine eight 2 10 0 Oil covcr lor ditto *• .0 5 0 Six mid two arms rnaboK»ny chairs, shifted all horsehair, best lunr-staled covers Pieuch polished •• 6 10 6 .———— 14 16 ti si Ains. Say nixtcen yards of carpet •• ..100 24 Stair ruds and eyes 0 i) 190 dBAWINO BOOM. Super Kilmarnock carpel, 15iu«hel* patieru I'ay 5 »aids by 4 (if int>re 01 'ess 3s. per 3 0 Ileaitli iuk io match •• 0 11 O Cbnnney plass, in nilt franio ,J 10 0 Rosewood loo table •* 3 5 0 imitation rosewood couch • 2 10 O Six Flench polished (hairs, with sweep backs, and cusliious to match 2 15 0 151,t 0 «Ksr Btn iioum, Full size foiiroost bedstead 2 5 0 Neat cljitjtz or diinity luiijifulta ..220 Mattryns ..110 Feather bed. bolster, and P'llows 413 () Painted wash litand and table 0 15 G Swills (liessntp glass •* •• 0 12 6 Painted towel horse 0 3 0 1'hrt'e painted chaiis, at 2s. ou. 0 7 6 Full sixe cln'Sl ot tirnllefl; 1 12 0 Bed loom, 9 yds. 4-4's carpet ..013 ft 14 7 0 spAuk BED ROOM. Full size elliptic bedstead, I'rcocb polnthed 15 0 })lI1l1ty t'uuÙlultI,cornplcte. 1 5 0 Maitruss 0 IK 0 Milpulf bed and bolster •• I 15 0 Two leather pillows •• • 13 (J Wash-Maud aud table — 0 J5 ii Chest of draweib 1 fi 0 Three chairs 0 7 Ij Swmndresstnggtass 0 10 0 Towel horse ..0 3 0 Ijcdside carpet, 6 yards •• ..076 ————— 9 5 0 servant's BED ROOM. 9 5 6 Full size double bedstead 0 10 6 Mil I puff bed, bolster, aud pillows 1 0 O Wash-stand • ..056 Chest of drawers •• ..140 Two cli,nrs .060 GUSS ° 3 7 C LGI to H TEAPNELL AND SON'S FURNISH XNCr ESTXMCATX: rOB. No.3. For Fur .mlime all El(i IIT-R* >OM E«> HOUSE in a neRt and respectable style, with good modern foiuiture, for £ 12!) \h. lid. Kitchen, Hall, Dming-room, Mreaklast-room. Stairs, DrawinK-iooui, Hest Bed-ioom, Spare Bed-room, and Two selvatitt%, iied-rooms. Small deal table 0 8 6 Long olle fiap tdule 0 12 6 Four sti-otil; cliaits, at 3s. 6d. a 14 0 Large clothes horse •• ..076 Small dlito Knife box • •• ..056 HAIL. ————— 2 13 0 Bay 7 yd5. 4.4'8 oil doth, at 2H. 9d 0 19 3 Cocoa Illat3 6 IIat aud umbrella stand.. I r, 0 2 7 « DINING ROOM. 1 Set dainask or moreen window cunains, 3J yds. Ions, trifle drapery, polished mahogany or gilt-pole, 6 leet 3 15 0 Sup"r Brussels caipet, 181t. by 15ft. 6 111. 42 yards 7 7 0 Hearth rug to match 1 5 0 Mahogany sliding table, to dine cifcht ..450 Six and two arms solid mahogany hair- seated ehlllU 6 10 (• iVlahonany sofa, hair-seated •• 4 15 0 IJitto sideboard 4 15 0 breakfast ROOM. Sup. Kidderminster Carpet,|tay 5 yards by 4 yards 2 10 Hearth rui; to match •• 0 14 Mahogany l'cmbioke table, 3fl. bin. squaia 1 5 0 Six imiiation IIIlIhogany ehaiis,cane-sealed Q and French polished 1 I 0 5 10 0 ST A r" s. 1 1 « S Strong Dutch carpet, say 20 yards, at la.4d. 1 36 stair rods and eyes •• 0 2 18 DIIAWINO ROOM. Super. Brussels carpet, including making, 18 feet by 15 leet ti inches, 42 yards 50 Hearth mt; to match •• Two sets ot rich damask window eurlalllS, JJj yards long, drapencs, and two O let Kilt window poles, complete 4 10 0 Iloiewood cheffonier •• *1" Chimney Klass, in gilt frame, best British plate, 40 inchcs by 30 41.50 Rosewood loo table •• •• 4 0 Handsome rosewood couch, Muffed with best hair, covered in damask <> lo 0 Six solid rosewood chaiis, to match b (• *0 si ih DHOOM ■■ 4U IB M Handsome four-post bedstead, with cornice, poles, rim?s, >Sc. •• 4 Handsome movccn *>r demask fuioiture, wtlh limgcd dtapery complete u 4 15 0 tarried Igrward 186 11 Brought forward £ 'i'f> 2 11 •Vlftltrans ..110 Cooil leather bed, bolster, and pillows G (i 0 wasli.,tan.J ai,d table 2 15 0 "ressui^ f;lass, large size -110 Alaliognny toivel Jiorso .040 touriniitationinahogjnychairs,cane-eatod 0 12 0 Lni'i;o size mahogany chest ol draweis, Fiench polished 2 15 0 Bedside caipet, 1 yard wide 0 It) 6 Night cOlllillodc 00.. 0100 STAKE dkhko(>M. 25 6 6 Japanned full size half tester bedstead 220 Cood (liiiiity lurniture, with fringeddrapcry, complete .176 Mattrass 0 18 0 Ciood millpuff bed and bolsier, with two feather pillows •• 2 12 ft Painted washstand and table 0 15 6 Clicst of diawcrs, larne size 1 12 0 Three chairs, at 2s. tid.076 Dressing glass 0 10 6 Towel horse •• •• 03 0 Bedside carpet, B yards 1 4's ..016 I) SMiVANlti' Bi'Ditocms. —————.H 46 Two lull Biie double bedsteads 1 1 0 Two IIlIlIpull beds, bolstcn, and pillow! 20 0 Two washstauds 0 II 0 Two chests of drawers 2 Hi 0 Four' chairs 0 10 0 Two glasscs 5 0 ———— 6 17 0 Total.. £ 121) 9 11 m XKAPKELL & SONS' JBSTXttlATS ;&"0. No, -ft. Ten-roomed house, fni nislie<! superbly with good, substantial, and most modern sty le furniture, for £ 267 16 6. kllCUEIv. Large clothes horse, 3 leal .0 10 6 •Smalt ditto, 2 leal 0 5 6 Four kitchen chairs, 3s. (id, 0 14 0 Laiye two-flap dining table ..110 Butler's ti ay and stand 0 15 0 11 ALL 3 6 0 Say 12 yards floor cloth 1 13 0 Two mahogany French polished chairs ..170 Mahogany hat and umbrella stand, French polished .1150 DrilliNG ROOM. 4 lb 0 18 feet by lofeet 6 inches, 42 y-mls superior 3thrcad lJrusselscarpet, including making 8 8 0 Handsome rug, to match 1 10 0 Two sets of rich crimson damask niriduur curtains, 3& long, deep bullion fringed draperies, curtains, bands,&c., complete 7 10 0 I'wo six -fuctliatidso.iiie gilt or mahogany window poles, riugs, ornaments, &c., complete. 2 10 0 Spanish mahogany telescope dining tablw, to dine twelve, with two shifting leaves 8 16 Eight Spanish mahogany chairs, coveicd iVlorocco leather, b'rcnchpotitihed tl 4 6 Suanish mahogany lounge, in Morocco leather, to match, spring stuffed, and best hair.0 8 10 0 Handsome Spanish mahogany sideboard, 6 feel 6 iudlCI, with cellarette, &c., com- plete, French polished •• '2 10 0 Spanish mahogany dessert waggon •• 2 10 0 BRKAKKAST BOOM. — 63 0 0 15 by 12, 90 yards 4-4's Dutch carpet, bcllt lJualll y, nwû" complele •• 2 lå 0 Hearth rug, io match -• oI tj Spanish mahogany table, 011 pillar and block 3 15 0 Six Spanish mahogany chairs, covered green Morrocco leather 7100 One set crimson dnmank window curtains, 3} yards long, fringed window drapery, trimmed with lace, Gleet mahogany win- dow pole, rings, ornaments, &c., com- plote 4 15 0 LIBllARY. —— l!> feet by 12, 20 yards 4-4'3 Dutch carpet, made complete •• 2 5 0 Hearthrug, to match 0 10 6 Set mahogany book shelves, wiih leather on edgK of shelves, 7 lect by 4 leet 3 5" Spahish mahogany wiitmg table, «vilh dra wers aud leaiiier top 3 15 0 Easy chaii, covered in leather, and stuffed Willi best hail' 3 5 0 Four chairs, to match .400 Set crimson damask window curtains, long, trimmed WIlh laco, lunge drapci y, window pole. Sec., complete, same as j bieakfast room 4 15 0 r t STAIRS 21 15 t 30 yards super, caipet .3 7 0 4 dozen stair rods aud eyes .100 1IIIAWIMI-IIOUJI, 4 7 6 18 fcet hy Hi. Forty-two yards superior 3 tliieud Li 1 usscls carpet, including making 8 8 0 Handsome health rup, 10 match 1 10 0 Two sets of Ilch damask window curains(rich Idee and deep fiinge draperies complete.. 7 15 0 Two rich gilt window cornices for do., com- plete, 7 feet each .330 1 laudsomc gilt chimney glass, best British plate, size of plate, 50 inchcs by 40 810 0 Handsome rosewood loo table.. •• 0 10 0 Handsome do., occasional table to match 4 10 0 Elegant losewood lounges iu damask silk gimp cord, tassels, &c., complete.. 8 8 0 Six solid rosewood chairs to match, complete in damask .820 Solid loiewood easy chair.in damask 3 I0 0 111111<150010 rosewood chdIčmier, plate glass li n k, and marble lop to correspond.. 7 10 0 Two feucy occasional chairs. O 13 (J BURT BFF) ROOM. (it I) 0 Thirteen yards super Kiddeiiiiiiister carpet 1 It 6 Mahogany four post bedstead, double screw and carved pillars 6 10 0 Rich damask or nimecn furniture, made full and handsomely trimmed, complete o. 5 10 0 Palliass uf best quality 0 18 0 Matir;iss, for ditto •• ..150 Best linen tick borderedfcalher bed, bolster, nud two down pillows •• 7 10 0 ?t It G in. mahogany washstand, maibletop 3 10 0 Toilot table,with muslin cover,&o.,complete 0 IS 0 II ;i lid some vwing dressing glass 15 0 Mahogany towel horse •• ..046 Four cane seat chairs, 3s 6d Oil 0 Spanish mahoganv wardrobe, sliding trays, and drawers under, 7 tcct by 4 leet 6 10 0 Bed steps, with commode, complete 1 10 O BKST SfAtt): UKD-ROOM. ——————— 37 17 0 Four post bedstead, cornice, poles and lings 4 10 0 Handsome damask or Moreen furniture, fringed draper y,&c., complete 4]5 0 Mattrasa 1 1 0 (jooel border feather bed, bolster, and pil- lows • • .» ..660 Mahogany washstand, marble top o. 3 Õ 0 Toilet table, musliu cover, complete U Hi 0 Dressing glass () 15 0 Towel horse .046 Four catie seat chairs, 3s 0 12 0 Mahogany chest drawers 2 10 0 lied side carpet 4-4's wide 0 16 6 Alaltogany bedstot-coiiiiiode 0 14 6 SKCOND S1' A R I. BMIHOOM. 26 5 f Japanned full size halt tester bed tead 2 2 0 Dimity lumituie with hinge drapery, &c., complete .17 G Mattrass o llf 0 Ciood nullpulF bed, bolster, and twofcathcr pillows 2 10 I) Japanned washstand, one toilet table 0 15 h Japanned chest of drawers, full size 1 12 0 1III'l'cllitlochalls 0 7 (; Japanned commode complete 0 !) () I>i 11 o towel hoise 0 'J 0 Toilet glass '0 10 R Bed side carpet, 8 yards 4-4's. „ (] |fj (J TWO SHIVANIS' 1IUOMS, WITH uoUUlTTTrr" 1113 8 Two fill size double bedst* ads # » ,)i)lNo* Two iMillpufV beds, bolsters, and pillows" •> n « T»t> washstands '"(Ill Two chests of diawers „ HWch.it. ;• j o « T«. «!.»<■» 0 6 0 6 17 0 Total.. f .Sr; ss™ cit,cSt biap«V sr' fuS^-to 1°, ■I I! NI L'I J'WI 11' "1 STYLE. any part of the kingdom. 01 postftcs* b Ouide tnay be hadgraUiiioD appli*10 KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rjlHAT any PFUSONS found TRESPASSING upon the 1 MANOR ol hhNGH liNITU, in the county of Cilamor- Ran, in pursuit of GAME, will be Prosecuted according to Law. By order of the Dowlais Iron pompany. Mcrthyr, 22nd Oct., 1850. JOHN EVANS. THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY London, S2, King William-strert. Edinburgh, d, George-street, (Head OHicc.) Dublin, Mf Upper Saekville-strcct. DIVISION OF PROFITS 1850. rjjlHK Caixi'LATIONS are now in progress, preparatory ton f DIVUSION of PIIOFIT'S for the Five Years ending 15th of NoviiMHRtt next; and a, all Policies spened before that date will participate in the divisiutt, the Directors request the atten- tion of parties purposing to assure, to the advantage of joining the (company at this time. As the Company'" Policies are ranked at can h Division of Profits, according to the particular year in which they are opened, persons who may assure before 15th November next will also receive Additions, at the following rate, at future Divisions ti Years in 18r4. 11 Years in I860. 16 Years in 18G5. And !io oil, by five years, at each period. The BONUS A DDITIONS^ declared in 1335, 11140, and li;45, arc shown in the Company's Prospectus. The following gle specimens extracted from the Table referred to A Policy fur..t.:lOOO opened in 1825, was increased in 1845 tofilCOo Ditto ditto 1S27, dittrf ditto t I Ditto ditto 1S29, ditto ditto £ 1150 PROGRESS OF THE BUSINESS. During the year 1H49, upwards of Euiht Hundred Persons joined the Coropimy and durfti £ th<» last six yearn alone up- ward" of Three Thousand Eight Hundred Persons have become Assur zq, The "Sidndiirtf Li#^ Aiswraftc" C ompany was established iii 13-25, and now stands the lust tffflee in Scotland In public favour, as bhown by the Reports of she year IS 19, having transacted a larger business in thaf yyar than any other insti- tution. The Income of the CompanyijV; jjlf)0,0;)0 per Annum; and its large and increasing Funds:"have been invested with much care, chieily on the security ftf Land or Government Securities. livciy information will bo supplied at the Company's Offices in Edinburgh, London, or Glasgow; also, at the Ajrencien ol the Company, which are established throughout Scotland and England. WM. THOS. THOMSON, Manager. I'FjI'I'JV KVV ARi, Resident Secretary. London, 82, Kinp, William-street. AGENTS: Newport, Mon.—E E. Bcckiimham, West of England Bank. Abergavenny—Henry Price, Land Ajrent and Surveyor. Cardiff—George Clinton, Architect, Windsor Tlace Monmcuth—Thomas Bcckinghain, jun., Accountant, Coal and Lime Wharfs. I — HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT J[ 0 L LOW A Y' S PILLS. Cure nf it Disordered Liver and Stomach, ivhcu, in a most hopeless stnt e. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Harvey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the JSth of January, ISjo.—Xo I'rofcssor Hol- loway —Sir,—Your valuable pil's have been the mun3, with God's bles-;ing, of rcstorin; me to a state of perfect hcaltli, and at a time ivlien I thought I was 011 the brink ot (lie grave. I had consulted several eminent doctors, who, alter dOJIIg what Ihey could for HIe, st ited that, they considered my cisc as hopeless. ] ought t" say that I hap been suffer in:: from a liver and stomach eoulplaint of long standing, which during the last two years got so much worse, thnt every one con- siclercd my COIl..1it;OIl as hop"¡e5s. I as a last resource syit a box of your pills, which soon relief, and by persevering in their use for some weeks, together with rubbing Highland rnor iriiiiR; your ointment over my chest and stomach, and right side, I have by their means alone got completely cured, and to the astonishment of myself and everybody who knows me. (Signed) MATTHEW HARVEY. Cure of a Case of Weabwsf and Debility if Four Ilcars' Standing. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William Smith, of No 5, Little Thomas. street, Gibson-street, Lambeth, dated J'cc. 12th, —To Professor Ilolloway.—Sir,—1 be;^ to inform you that for nearly five years I hardly knew what it was to have a day's health, suflering from extreme weak- ness and debility, with constant nervous headacW'S, giddiness, and sick ness nf the stofnactr; together with a great depression of spirits. J used to think that nothing could benelit me, as I hall been to many medical men. some of whom, after doing all that Was itt their power, informed me that they considered that I had some spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure, together with a very disordered state of the stomach and liver, making my case so complicated that nothing could be done forme. One day, being unusually ill and ill a dejected state, I saw your pills advertised, and resolved to give them a trial, more perhaps from curiosity than witha hope of being cured however,1 soon found myself better by taking them, and so I went on persevering in their use for six mouths, when I am happy to say they effected a perfect cure. (Signed) WILLIAM SMITH. (Ireqneiitly called EDWARD.) Cure of Asthma, oj' Twenty years' standing. Extract of a Letter from Mr- J. K. Heydon, 78, Kiiig's-st.-ect, Sydney. dated Illth of November, tSig.—To Professor Holloway.—Sir,—1 have tile pleasure to inform you that mallyextr;lordillary cures of asthma have been effected lieie by means of your pills. One is that of a lady residing near the Ray,orbaek," who, after having for twenty years been unable to make tlw slightest exertion, suffering very fearfully from .shortness of bieath, coughing, and spitting, is now, to use her own expression, aide to run up to the tup of that mountain. Another case is that of Mr. Caton, tailor, 11 utchinson's Uuildings, Clarence street, who was so dreadfully bad that he was confined entiiely to his bed-room for gx months, prior to his commencing with your pills, and attended re. ynlarly by his medical man, who pronounced him to be in a dying state tet he, likewise, to my knowledge.has been restored to perfect health by he use of your pills, and rubbing your oiatmeJrtujght alltl niorninginto his chest- (Signed) J. lv. HEYDON. The Pari of Aldborongh cured of a Liver and Stomach Complaint Extract of a Letter from 11 is Lordship, dated Villa Messina, Leghorn, 1'lst of February, 184ft—To Professor Holloway.—Sir,—Va- liotis circumstances prevented the possihility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness fit sending me your Pills as you did. 5 now this opportunity of tending you au order for the amount, and, at lie same tone, (0 add, that your PlUs have effected a cure of a disorder 1I my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent of the faculty at home, allll all over the Continent, had not been able to effect; nay, not even tlie waters of Carlsbad aud Mfrienbad. 1 to have another • to.: and a Pot o!bo Oiiitiin '.t, in ilije any of my family tihould ev r require either. Your most obliged and ol»edieiit Servant, (Signed) ALDBOROtTGH. These celebrated Tills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints:—Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaints, IHotehcs on the Skin, liowcl Complaints, ('holies, Constipation' "f the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Levels of all kinds, Fits,Gout, Hcad-achc, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or king's Evil, Sore-throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms Tic-Douloureux, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Attentions, Worms of all kinds, Weakness, from whatever cause, &e. &c.—Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY. 244, Strand, (near Temple I>ar,) London, and by most all respectable Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following priccs:— Is. li,1,, 3s. :ld.. 4s. fid., its, 2>s., and 333. each Box. There is a con- idcrable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.H.—Directions for the uidancc of Patients In every Disorder, arc aflixed to each Box. THIRTY-FIFTH EDITION, CONTAINING THE REMEDY FOR 1 ItE PREVENTION OF DISEASES. Illustrated by 26 Anatomical Coloured lingravingn on Steel. ON PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS, GENERATIVE INCA- PACITY, AND IMPEDIMENTS TO MAKRIAGE. A new and improved Edition, enlarged to 19(1 pages, price 23. (id.; by post, direct from the Establishment, 3., t»d., in postage stamps, U THB SIZaSNT PRIEND, A Medical Work 011 the Exhaustion Practical Decay of tho System, produced by excessive indulgence, the consequences of iutecrion, or the abuse of mercury, with explicit directions for the useol tho Preven- tive I otion, followed by observation* 011 ttie Married State, and the dis- qualifications which prevent it; illustrated by tit culonrc,1 er.^raviuRS, and by the detail of cases. By R and L. I unuy and Co., Consulting •Surgeons, I!I, ticrucrs sttcet, Oxford-street, London. Published by the authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster-row; Hannay, (jj' and Sanger, I to, Oxford street; Starie, 23, I itchbourne-strcet, Haymarket; and Gordon, ltd, l-eadenhall-street, London; .Land R. Haimes and Co., Lcithwalk, Edinburgh n. C.f''e". Argyll-street, Glasgow J. Priestly, Lord-street, and T. Newton, Church-street, Liverpool; It. H. Ingham, Market street, Manchester. Part tlie first of this work is dedicated to tno consideration of the ana- tomy and Physiology of the organs which are directly and indirectly enj-aged in the process of reproduction. It is illustrated by six coloured engravings. Part the second treats of the inflrllllttcS and decay of the system pro. duced by over indulgence of the passioiii, and by the piacticeof solitary C'atification. It shews clearly the manner in which the baneful eonse- (juenccs of this indulgence operate on the economy, ill the impairment and destruction of the social and vitallhlwns. The existence of ner- vims and sexual debility and incapacity, with their in., train of symptoms and disorders, arc traced by the chain of connecting results to their cause. This section concludes with an explicit detail of the means by which tbc"e cliectsrnay be remedied, and full and ample di- rections for their UNO. It is illustrated by three coluurcd engravings,, which fully display the effects of physical decay. Part the third contains an accurate description of the diseases caused by Infection,and by the abuseof mercury primary and secondary symp- toms, eruptions of the skin, sore throat, inflammation of the eyes, dis case of the bones, gonorrhcea, elect, stricture ,tc., arc shown to depend Oil this cause. Advice for the treatment of all these diseases and their consequences, is tendered in this section, which, if duly followed up cannot fail in eiloetiiig a cure. The part u illustrated uy seventeen coloured engravings. Part the fourth contains a remedy l»r tne prevention of disease, hy a simple application by which the danger of Its action is simple, but sure. It acts w'th the virus chemically, and destroys its power Oil the system. Ims important part of the work should not escape the reader's noticc. Part the Fifth is devoted to the consideration of the duties and obli- gations of the married state, and ol the causes which lead to the happi ness or niiserv of those \vl:o have entered into the I)..nils of matrimony. The operation of certain disqualifications is lully examined, and infeli- citous and unproductive unions shown to be the ncccssary consequence. The causes and remedies for this state form an important consideration in this section of the work. „,r« nB ivin THE CORDIAL BAl.M Or oYlllACUM Is a renovator of the impaired functions of life, its inlUicnee on the lniman system is especially directed to the treatment and removal of those affections which are produced by of th" generative or- K 111s w hether constitutional or acquired and it is especially intended for those cases in which,by the practice of Onanism, the powers of the frame have, by undue and unnatural excitement, been reduced to an unwonted amountof depression, and the vigour ol constitution, together with the social happiness of existence, appears to be entirely and irre- vocably lost; the mental faculties being at the same time m a state of extraoidinary impairment, so that the tptin)-.a of bit-appear to be tapped at the yerv foundation, and the only prospect lett for tho unfortunate victim or evil example, is a lifetime of misery, and a wrucbc.i ami early dwath, The consequence* which follow the dangerous practice w" con- demn, are nut merely phUiical, the mirid participates in the infatuation, and it is gradually led illto a fertile field of seductive error, the result being all absolute loss of tho powers of manhood, from a pernicious application of those Inherent means whkh nature wisely imparted 10 us for the propagation of the spccies. Such 1111 ulle carries with him the form and aspect of other men, u" L without tho vigour and energy of that season of life which liis early YOllth gave him every reason to expect he would attain, and many cease to be. men, or at least to possess the qualifications of manhood at thirty. Persons so situated are .'arnestly advised to consult and study the fclLKNT FRlliNl), which they will lind tn be :1 excellent guide. It should be carctully read. before a course of medleme be "ukrèd 011. For such cases as these, the 1 "r.hal Balm of Syriacum is peculiarly adapted, the direct object of which is the relief of those who, by an inordinate and unnatural indulgence, have destroyed their powers of constitution, and of those who, wtiile advancing rapidly to that unfortunate condition, aro troubled with any of the premonitory symptoms which should warn of its approach, such as the various affections of the nervous system, obstinate ntect, excesses, irregularity, obstruction or imperfection of certain evacuations, debility, general and partial, total impotence, barrenness, or sterihty. *c. Tho Cordial Halm of Syriacum is vspeclally recommenced to be taken for some time bv persons who contemplate entering into the holy bond* of matrimony; "jj,st in the event of the marriage bod proving fruitful, execsso"^ ^O'^a^d'cbiHty^tli^u.suR oV"'ear"y m~ii^o;^l"i^Uie to *Ss- »»»«!. lis. are saved. The Concentrated Detersive ^CONTAIUINAUORI, is recommended purifyi,, THU TCLU from venereal con .1. as erupt 0 0 «ny of the varied ^7^°^^ <-»*'GENUMT of JLLL ;;KM, blotches on the head Tion OF the nose, palate, &c., LO|isils and uvula; threatened„ JS Ulccrs, sore logs,venereal ulcers scurvy, scorbutic humours.old wou jcprosy, king s evil, pimples, AND sores, glandular swellings, erys I ()1J A„y part of the body, and diseases of the skin, cutaneous ER UPT B ,O all inipuuiics of the blood, I C LLIAny liornbl • diseases which The deplorable consequences a HAY(J> „„ doubt, A very K''eat result from gonorrhoea, PP1' TO Tlie commission of «''cnccS which influence on men, and DRI™ 11 LL"' WCll being »T.SH|-LCT>; A «eitai„ are co'vrirv to law, morals, AMI and this the Messrs. PURT a- xssss&«* £ disease, which can be T PlLI.S SILENT FHIKND pUli|Ky/NtJ SP I, riHea.glcct, stricture, L^EINEDYINA'L^ ,1s per box! Constitute an um<1 .nary 111 "J Essence can only and diseases of the of Concentrated UtiM wholu„Y thoro The £ > cases ol S> ntr0Ct, Oxford strcit, reL,oivt, advice will,out „?*?• ^^• „ -st.IS" Consultation fee, »t dcscriptioii of tln.ii ease minute as possibie M s„.c,.t, Oxford anj position in socn-0 ))(]onoe daily at I. K or Sundays Messrs. Perry are m to two, and from five to cibl> street. Loudon, nv»iwiK ( luoniclc from eleven toone. bert3, chemist. Conway; o'^1 Caernarvon; Sold by Thomas A. (;r,rtl,h,. eheo is, 11,yh strcc H<)ly; Office, Bangor; Re ist, Denbigh III. Hut 1 XV;ira, chemist, William Kdwards, e1|C t llighstre t, Wrexham, I • Webber, ,,cad; John Heal.elieM ,,riL.e ost Ollice, Urn ge ;J Am;l,l)) ns»j, KiiB.it Hrrcon Wnlter Inomas, ciienii (°rJ \v tefefSJSfe- Si ^vccks Chemist, li.oad Streci, New Town, Tho,.K,s Swansea' John strcct, Mertbyr Tydfil Ferris and sicnhcn- chemist, "'j' Hristol; John Walton, (hronicl* Oth-C, 1 Union bookseller, Bioa.l street, l.ceinuister; Sbiew b'ury; Janics < j s(rcof, Hereford; T. Farror, lieacon Ofhcc. Draper, cbemisr, «r"*NKlNS, Cmmncrcial street, Newport; ami J- Monmouth; E. v* tiuh »tiect, Newport, of all of w/foin iu«y b* liad PHILLIPS! chemist. H« F>il«ut 1'rlend. PERFECT Health is invariably restored without incdicino» inconvciiienci;, or expense, to thu most IICIVOUB, delicate, dyspeptic, corisiijiitted. bilious, rleliilitatcd, or shattered enn- stlfllliulI, by DO HA lUt Y'S ddicil'us Hcalth-Hesloring Food- THE RSVALENTA ARABICA, Ilich saves fifty times its cost in other nleans of cure, and cflccitially removes indigestion (dyspepsia), constipation, and dian lmia, nervousness, billiousiicss, liver coiripluint, flatulency, distension, palpitation of the heart, nervous headache, deafness, noises in the head and cais, pains iu almost every pait of tho body, chronic inllauimHtion and utccrationot the utotnacli, ery- sipelas, eruption, of the skin, incipient consumption, dropsy, rheumatism, gout, heartburn, nausea and sickness during preg- nancy, ^fter eating, or at sea, low spirits, spasms, cramps, spleen, general debility, paialysis, asthma, cough, inquietude, sleeplessness, involuntary blushing, tremors, dislike to nocicfy, unfitness for study, loss of memory, delusions, blood to the head, exhaustion, melancholy, groundless fcur, indecision, wretched- ness, thoughts of sclf-dotsi uction, and many other complainls. It is the best, food for iulmits and invalid* neneriljy, as it never turns acid on the weakest stomach, nor interfere with n good liberal diet, but inipaits a healthy relish for lunch and dinner and restores the laculty ot digestion, and muscular and nervous eucrgy, to the most enlcebled. Discovered, exclusively thrown, and imported by Du Barry and Co, 127, New rond-strcet. London, sole owners of the Revalcnta Arabica Estates, and of Ihe Patcnt !\IaChIDfHV, by winch alone the curative piinciples of the plautcau bo developed -ficiice none other cau be genuine. DU HARRY AND CO., 127, NEW BOND STREET LONDON. COUNTRY AGENTS. Newport, A. Cicnieuis, Siauip Cow budge, John Parsons Ollice. Haverfordwest, O. E. Davies l'ontypool. If. Hughes Hereford, Edward VVcymiHs .Mnninniitli, Dyke Br>«thers ltoss, Caiy, Cocks, and Itoppr Abergavcuny, J. 1'. Waikins Bristol. Fetus and Score. lUynn-awr, John Cuolifte L'nion-Ktrcf. j'utnton and I'rcde¡';¡Af, CI.arlcs !aty Naffixway, 27, Clare-street; Swansea,Jonathan Dury Thomas C. Poum));- C Cardilf, J. B. Hopkins Guest. Hotwells; Thomas Carniaitheii, R. A'l. Davies, 49, and Co., 5, Bnd^e-parjde King-street A FEW OF 50,000 TESTIMONIALS. No 1. UKASB "Y ''tlr. tMlMltOH OF 111] SSI A. Russian (,(.t),t,late G;ritriLl, London, Decembers, 1817. The ConsuKicuejal "as been ordered to inform Alcssi». Du Many and Co., that the Revalcnta Arabica they had sent to his Majesty the Emperor, has, by imperial permission, been loi- warded to the Minister ol the Imperial Palace." Ca~e No. 2. Analysis hy the celebrated professor of chemistry, and analy- tical chemist, Andrew lire, ft 1.1)., E.U.S-, \c., \c, London, 1.1, Mlooiiinbury-squaiu, June 8, 1819. "I herehy cCltify, that having examined' Du B.tiry's Reva lenta Arahica,' I find it to be a pure vegetable farina, perfectly wholesome, easily digestible, likely to ptomote a healthy action 01 II e tomach and bowels, and thereby to counteract dyspepsia constipation, and their uervousconscquences. "ANDREW URE, ft].I), F.R.S., &c., Analytical Chemist." Case No. 3. II 3, Sydney Terrace, Reading, Berks, DCc. 3, 1847. Gentlemen,—1 am happy to be able to inform you' that the person for wholll the former quantity was procured, has dc. ive,¡ very gicai bcuelil liom its use; distressing symptoms ol tonx slaiiding have been removed, and a feeling of rcsloied health induced. llavinK nitncf-ed the hctielictal eliects, in ibe above- lneniioucd case, I can with conlidencc rccommcnd it, and shall have much pleasure in so doini; whenever an oppoitunity otrers, icc., ivc. "J am, t;cntl'111011, veiy truly yours, "JAMES SMORLAND, lale Surgeon PGih Rcgt," Case No. 4. Dublin, March 2nd, 1850. Respected Sir,-l have now suffered thirty years' indescri- bable agony, arid have applied in vallI to the most eminent of fhe acuity, both in London and here. I had r,ivcn up all hope ol a cure, having experienced nojielief lonn any ol the remedies sutuesled. As a last resource, 1 tried your invaluable and delicious food, and am at last happy to say that 1 am perfectly cuied. I think it due to the interest of sufleriiiK humanity lhal tho world at large should be acquainted with aud appreciate your delicious tood. I ail), sir, your most humble setvant "CORNELIUS O'SULLIVAN. M.D., F.R.C.S." Case No. 75. From the Right. Honouiahle the Lord Stuait de Dccics. "I have derived much benefit Irom Du Rurry's healtli-reslorint food. "STUART DEDECiES. Dromana, Cappoquin, county of WallCrford," Case No. 180. Twenty-five yesrs neivonsncss,constipation, indiRcslinn, and debility, Irom which I had sufli red Ricat misery, and which no medicine, could icmove nor relieve, have been clFcciually cuied bv Du Barry's hcalih-restoring food, in a very short time. Pool Anthony, Tiverton." ty. R. REEVES Case No. 461. « Sixty-years' partial paralysis, affecting one-half of my fraino and which had resisted all otl,er remedies, has yielded to Du Harry's health-restoring food, arid I now consider myself a stranger to all complaints, excepting a hp;¡rty old age ,VM!' Watrister-at-Law. lvinn s College, Cambridge. Case No. 1734. "Not cxpected to live six days longer, I was cured by Du Bairy's .idmiiable health-rcotoiing food. Moila't, Scotland." IUAGDALENA PURVIS Case No. 4298. liiuhl years' dyspepsia, nervousness, dehilit y, with cramps spasuik, and nansea, for which my servant had consulted the advice of many, have been elFectnally icmoved by Du Barrj'i licalth-iestoruiR lood, in a veiy short lime. I shall be happy to answer any inquiries. «ir„ 11 » A7 r V, "Cv-JOHN w- tfl'AVELL. Ridlington Rectory, Norfolk. l-ase No. lb1^. "Three years-, excegsive wiih pains in mv neek and lull anu, and Koneml debility. which rendered my life very miserable, has been radically removed hy Du Barry's health- restoring food. Arebd" S'I'VAIL" 1, Archdeacon of ltoss, Skibbeieen." Case No. 2701. I consider you n blessing to society at large. It is not to be told all the benefit Du Bairy's liealtli-restoiing food has been to mf and my little boy cues for a saucer of H every morntnc .ro*, i ,< VWALTER BATING, 2, Slanniug-placc, 1'ive Oaks, Jersey. Case No. 39t>(i, Thirteen years' cougli, indiietitiost, and vencral debility,have been removed by Du Barry's exoellcnt health-restoring tood Athoi-street, ilerili." "JAMES PORTER. Case No. 81. Twenty years' liver complaint, with disorders of the stomach bowels, and nerves, lias been perfectly cured by Du Barry's lienltli-rcstoiing lood. "ANDREW ERASER. "Haddington, East Jothian." Case No. 3183. "Twenty years' dyspepsia, in a patient 31 years of age, with the most distressing symptoms of flatulency, constipation, sick. ness at the stomach, acidity, and irritability, which had resisted all mediciues, has uecn clltucly removed by Du Barry's healih- restoriiiK food. i "SAMUEL llAHLO W, Chcmist. Dailingtou." Case No. 3120. "Twoyearit diarihwa, with all its attendant symptoms, has been removed by Du Barry's health-restoring food. Aiiirkct-Fttect, Leicester." "SAMUEL LAXTON. Case .0. 79. Devon Cottage, Bromley, Middlesex. Gentlemen,—Hie lady for whom 1 ordered your food is six months advanced in pregnancy, and was snaring severely from indigestion and constipation, throwing up her mealll shortlv alter eating them having a great deal of heartburn, and bcin'g constantly obliged to .csort to physic or the enema, and some- nrncs to both. I am happy to iulorm you that your food pro- duced immediate rehef. i>he has never been sick since, had but little heartburn, aud the functions aie more regular iYc THOMAS WOODHOUSK." Case No. '7. Louisa I crrace, Exmouih. Deir Sir,—I beg to assure you that its beneficial e'l'ccts have been duly apprtcutcd by. dear sir, mot.1 lespeciftilly, I MOM AS KING, Mi; jur-General Case No. ,¿Wil. Dcwsbuiy, Yorkshire, licntlcmen, I am using your food with gicat success. Be- fore 1 comincnccd 1 could not take a meal of any description, but was sure to suller gieat pain after iI, from indigestion, I sup- pose bat, thank God. I am much better. L have reeollHllcndeJ your food to a gieat many o! my fellow-sufferers. "A LEX. CALDEB, Serge*»t Royal Sappers and Miueis, Oiduance .Survey, Dewsbury." Case No. 710. „ r i • ^'inslow, Bucks. 1 have loiiiul it to be a simple, though very etlicacious and pleasant t'uod, doing good to my own and others' functional dis- orders. "(Hev.)C.HARLESKEKR." Case No. 7-2. "21, QueeuVterracc, Bayswater, London. '< Mr. Dainpur will thank Messrs. Du Barry and Co. to send him another canister of their restorative food, it agteeing so well with his infant. (This intsnt was six days old when it com- menced living on the Arabica.) Case No. 920". 1'iiuccs-strcet, Manchester. llrpcctGu rncndj -I think uo unc who hud rucoiveii or seen so much good and comfort result from it as in my mothei's onsc, would be without it in sickness. Thou art al liherty tu IIse thlll loiter as thou thuikcst be.t, and I will cheerfully answer any iiiquiiics. 1 am, thy fnend, "EDWAKO CORBETT, Sanitary Engineer." Casc No. 21tiO. Sf, Saviour's, Leeds. For the last five years 1 have been in a IIIIISI deplorable con- dition ol health, having been subject durin:; that period to most sevcie pains in the back, chest, and light and left sides, which produced vomiting almost daily Next to God, 1 owe you a f.real d«*bl ol platitude. 1 have not bad auy sickness at tile stomach since I commenced your food, ivc., &c. •" f remain. Gentlemen, yours very liuly "(Rev.) THOS. ftlINSr £ lt, <•! Farole, Tyas,' Yorkshire." Case No. 2,71. r> ,t i i High-street. Ayr, Scotland. Gentlemen,-I certainly must pay y„„ ,fie compliment of staiiijg that you have not said more to lavour of your excellent Case No. 7,143. ".WILSON." Case No. 7H43 Ila.lDs T€«rl'"bye r Wj,lh lm Hens. Arabica Foed, I was determined to U' y!Ur, lluVii,euJa hall the good others said i|y UH ,1. r. would ',0 "»e only nhould be wcM satisfied if .u^ S"Ved tv"m f"r 1 ,el! 1 several years spent a great d«a| prove ,hc case, having for oordmgly 1 commenced L.1ti„K j» ner. on l'hy«iciao«.. Ac- first read what other people said abo 1 .ay.' 1 letters must be puffs, but novv r f(1^ut y»»r f»««. 1 thought their half enough in its praise. c' as 'hough they had not said ELIZABETH JACOBS." «M>car Sir,-Several pe?^^0-8'0^- Peniance hourhood, who have be, » '"fih standing in this neigh- incipient pulmonary eonsu, tr>,m r.vt>U8 <,eb, 1y.I health and streugui under t| n V i/ lenta Arabica Food. A l..t(e V 7'"»ce P Kc.v"" < o.icli, accompanied by f \,rl ° w1"' hooping debility and exhaustion |1M a low lype, producing exireme th'ch was the only ,hl'n"Juch ^"T' ,0°d; which shortened the paroxy ,eta,n ?a Ulc stoma^ °,ns ol the cough. f. HEN B Y R. CORNISIL*. A full report ol importnnt a copious cxtiact fiom 60,000 ..of tl,e above complaitits, aud highest lespectability, is se'ut „r'i-'I"H"!ials ,lom Parl,e8 of plication. Important Caiui„n _s by a«»tf Co., oil ap. received Irom invalids, 0f t|lc,'ir 'v«merous complaints have been paired by spurious compounds of having been leaifully im- pal,i.ed O{\'HIIIIII Ihell) IS II) pease, [)"I\I)s. IlId"tn and oat- a» Ervalenta, Arabian Beval,C',c;'0selv similar names, such I)u li.iii v have taken theirouhi' r1'1'1 Powder, &c. Messrs. Pounds, and lind litem to be hari^ analysing all these com- "tl. r r devoid o' all curative pr, ili lo ',le healthy,bul and irnuting tendency, they Hru^ a flatuleni than oil to quenching a e,nin"° b,i,|cr .idapicd to cuie dis- tative impostors show a single e,lr "*«'ion. Nor can these imi- Arabica has received the niusl Hum '^u Bariy's Revalema Persons ol lugh respectability r/ol Cr,K tesMinonials Irom 50,0ilt> 'o 'is cxlr.-iordiiKiiy i iirative l'oo,l"! 'f 'V' L'xatf«er»tion lo asctibe ll1" asc and mortality ,.a t,,lr share in the great de- « JO deaths per week. '"etropolis—a decrease ol ^rwi0'? 'n canislcrK, with full instm «- <r.»utuie ol Du Barry and Mns» bearing the seal geuiinie), we^hii, L lb at "s W|"i"ut winch none can be "2 lbs. at -1 "uL^ d'; '•«. at 4s. 6d., 5 lbs. also' of t2s\ 1>u U ir,y 127 <!s,f|Ual',y' 10 ll,s' also of tort, lV|ason a Nen, liond-street. London; the yucon Hedges nnd Boiler- i'l '>1,rvcyor8 to her Majesty Co.; Evans, Leather, and t'„ '"v; Stcrrv, Sierry, and Newberry ganger; Har.rlrt» 1,Wa'ds Ramsey; Sutton; chemisls, mcdiciiie vendors V i °UR,» all respectable grocers, 'ksellers in the kingdom. DU llAR|jy.s p. — A nice, sate, and eirt;ctua| "()N|C Bt)N BONS, and all allcctions nl |]lc r*"nedy for C„UR|,S i-0|,|s, asthma. excclleoey. In lJOv: and voice, aie of uniivallcd I 3s 3d, 5s »tl» • 4,3 4s (id or, pe^t Ircc, Is 4s, iDSEADFUL MURDER (If THOUSANDS B» 'he Hnncfui use of Deleterious Dings. 1)R. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Vine Cottage PiH-Ko«d, Commeicial-strcct, Newport, one door from the new Bible Christian Chapel, HAVING devoted Lis «!.ole study, to the curing of the Venc- A „.i uii.i, for ibe iaS. b; j enabled to treat with the utmost o« stage of ihat. dreadlul « y> f business whatever. Dr restraint of or-1 n Pv0cricuced bv thousands, to be W.'s Herbal P. Is have been of-Gmlorr|i;e> Gleet, the most valuable yet no seHW! ln any other of its morbid Strictures, and .^yphiiis, or the nyctvous„ess, indiges- forins pains in the head, back, and loins nu °CounU>°l'arients ^'niust'be^paVucula'' iu sUt.a^ U.e.r eases,as tSS £ Z" TS"co',Ks,»ndca «Uh till CUTte ulmost safijty «nd confidOTCe !"•» those who entrust themselves to the care of Dr.. evcry case_ most honourable secrecy and delicacy re • rn.0R uotiI Ten at Aitendaiice Oaily from Nine in the Moroiof, un Nisht; on Sundays, from Nine till Two. the T5*tabli*li- OasEKVB.—The number ol Patients curedi at the > mcnt, Vine Cottage, Pill-road, Newpo.t, by Mr. w»» | 849, amounted to one thousand one hundred and forty T1IF ONLY RATIONAL REWEDV IS THAT FINE llIE ONHERBAL MEDICINE, pARR's Mrs PXltliS r.ii? Iinarv sncceis of tin* medicino is the wonder ol rheeaee ■ it has bear) tried by hundreds of thoussnds as an has in every instance dono good it has never, in th« slwbtest degree, impaired tlie most delicate constitution. |W,s of thouwuds have testified that perst^crattee ■■ the use of I'l vs Life HiUs will completely cure auy disease, and atc lrving •ruuttsses of the benefit received from this invaluable medi me. Testimonials a.ceccivcd daily, and it would be impossible, ,n a newspaper, to publish one-half received, and the following nre selected as pc»5.lc well-known in their respective nemh- bouthoods, aud whoso testimony w unquestionable. Further sheets ol Testimonials and the Ltle aud limes ot Old air, mav be had, Oralis, of all Agents. maj oc FAVOUK OF PARR S lifi; PIILS. October 5, 1M7. cIR —I Charles Foster, ground-keeper to Henry Sliepphcrd, I'so do this day. October 5, 1846, attest to the following state q7 Having been ill a lon» time, proceeding fiom pain in ,w attended with considerable fever, veiy faint, sick in fhe .norni'ng, w.thout heing able to discharge anything from tlie T »nd nu •ipuetitu whatever, with many other dis.gree- »tomach, » an over me, do medical man was able to benefit ,,c IIIC, ilnd 1 becaml' rL.(iuccd in strength so much as to prevent my me, and 1 oe av(,cations. Hearing the many benefits attending to mr p;irr'4 PilU, 1 decided at once to give them a derived Iron) U j a i,ox at your shop, near the Stone Bow, tual, and P°'c1 Jj• j me great pleasure to inform you Ihat the L,nt;°in' r,cdme. 1 am now entirely restored in one bo* en'i" (r teel less nttr«ctive, aud not so lively as health; bui "V ()ave recouise to Old Parr, and a couple usual, I miiiic riKht. T',e astonishing effect Parr's Piils ol his pi'ls t>ri"K '"V ic)i ff,at [ Can scaicely believe that 1 am have had ui>»" nn ^'fem 'months ago1 felt then as though my I lie same n-m uuw 1 feel hearty, and able to undertake life WHS neai'v en< c eXcttion. without feeling that ex- any dcsenpiii"! vU,us io taking them. It is really and cessive b'tiK-'e |^|,ave givcn 'his statement voluntarily, truly new Me 'o <"1 • fellow creatures who know nothiur for the benefit pills. ol Old 1 an s »ou j yours re(tl>ecifi)lly, I innai CHARLES FOSTER. ■i ,h. rr"l"ie,orso, P,:r,'8Uf P,ills-, .i has been giyen me tin# day from tne SiH8,—Tb' ahoK" iXVJ,0 came for two boxes, and who lipsoiftJr < 'les without sending you word of the was not dispo-e'i *-■' benelit he basreo-iv^* remain, yours, &c., 1 JAMES DIWRY. inltnent, by E. Edwars, 0"7, Saint Sold wholesale, by "PP" ftDd Sons, Karringdou-stK-ct, Paul's Churchyard; j,ot,don J.and B. Kainus Sutton and Co.. I'w vll)l(,.rshead and Co.. Manchester and Co.. Edinburgh i a<»» y Tawtl nie Unuert King- also Retail by our Agent ft-jei|,0inc Venders in Iwacs at doni, and bv most "j*'1"1' h„ boxes at-s. Dd., contain three ,d '2 s.9d., anJI' ,;early fiye at is. 9d. small, and <)F TUB NEW MODE OF IMMENSE sUL(T'uEAl'I\lENT. nd Bicord, Deslandes, and others of Aa adopted bv •* -'i Paris,and now uniformly practised the lespital dc* Veuciiensnt in the country, by VTAtTER DE BOOS. M.D., s-t Y PLACE. HOLBORN HILL, LONDON. x AUTnnR OF r„uP4l ADVISER, 144 pages, an improved ctlt- THE MEDICA wn,|y published, written in a popular tion ol whio linica|j(H,g aut| addressed to all those who style, devoid ot tccg natorrhasa, seminal weakness, and the are suffering j" |0,-msol premature dccay resulting from m- vanous abuse, that most delusive practice by winch lection and yj^ n|.i[iline),s 0f ave eneivated aud destroyed, the vigour #gub|ishe(j tt)e llovve,8 :ind stannua even u8,u,v °f It'co n" a iii s'a so"a* n elaborate and carefully written account of the anatomy aud physiology ol the organs ol both sexes (illus- irifled bv numerous coloured engravings, with the autboi s obser- traiedhy num ll5 dntic* and hindercncc*. The prevenlion vatious on ma g ,jH Rlcet, stricture, ayphillis, &e. "iL^enousXr the attainment of. health .vigour, and conse- quent happiness during tho lull period of time allotted to our SPThcS"work is illustrated by the detail of cases, thus rendering it what its name indicates, the silent but tnendiy adviser ol all who may be sulVetiim tram the consequences ot e uly error and vicc,-a woiW which may bo consulted without exposure, and with every assurance ot complete success and boueht. May be bad in a staled envelops through most ttooki'Ucrs, ±i. or to avotd diiffculty. will be tent from the Author, ((rei) by pott tor J2 Postage Stamps. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS, 0' 1' Extract from tho Mcdical Gazette and l imes.—" Fortunately fir our country, a moreefficieol ( because certain ) mode of treat- in those deplorable complaints is at last introduced and wc I VI the time as not far distant when such diseases shall be com- parativelyunheartlol, we would earnestly recommend all persons P«i I with any kind ol generative derangement, to avail thc">- selves'of the information contained in almost ever, page of Dr. xT/tr ^Vl'M > I A L ADVISER is indeed a boon to the pub- i- l -js thc two-fold advantHgo ot plainness, and being lie, as it and duly qualified man, who evidently well written by a. "((;eCf."—Daily Times. uiideistandsbis* J sapCI|a»ive excelleiico, and one «i should Ibis is • D(;rusal ol all; in (act, the information therein recommend to tne » lia| t0 those ot cither sc* wbo eontero- conveyed it is d. plate marri«t;8. unmarriwi and miserable, is now enduring Many a man.wi a|tie40f former folly (perhaps committed iu sileut sorrow the l ^sst.9Sed such a book as this, would have in ignorance), baa f" uonoUred parent, aud useful member been a happy ''»sb,T(Ury >«- of society.—-0'7" irof exposure, consequent on these affec- Tlie diffidence aim sollg applying lor assistance, until turns, liequcn'ly Prfve„ :nfl.ctcd on the constitution and powcr> Bicat mischief has ntl.usal of this work will teach such of hie. It is hoifi £ II(i lead thein at once to seek that as- personsthe evils of delay, ai fro|T1 „1C ho, 0, an e sistence which alone can enduiing wretchedness, both istiince protracted a,H mental and physical. reasonably expected at the hands Lasting benefit ^n.° act.cal phy^ian, who departing from of the iufclligent and praU^ the whole of "■» the loutine of general Pr»c!me„table neglect ol which by to this class of d»c»«e. ir(a,ue attempt, at cure by mer- ordinary medical uic». medicines, have produced the cury and other equally a « most alarming result*- } De Roos' practice for many Er..m tho great e*tent oi wj|h ,e varl0Us Institutions years, and his io.mo' «^e(or lUc relief of those afflicted with both in London and 1_» n,,toins, stnoiurcs. gleet, vene- debility, syphilis. &c., .tc., ol the face and body he real and scorbutic crilption", for observing tire peculiarities has had perhaps «»««'' g(1Jcular stage. Jleoce he is enabled and conscquene'cs ol e«n I ,0 undertake the removal o! confidently f x"eptu»S thc n,ost !1vc'e™«e or lon* every symptom (not «* C0uslstt,nl witbsatety, or return standing) m as sl,urta the money.. „shinc lo P»acC tJ«cn>«ol»ei under treatment, Couutry |>ane"!s jl-iail oi their cases and to prevent will be minute in t' „crs will be replmd to unless they trouble, no letters from t 0(Kc0 Order payable at the Uol- eontain £ 1 i" aud Medicines will be sent. Pa- born OlHcc, «h>th |cU(ed. ttents corresponded l"l( jo|) daily, from 10 till 1, and 4 till g, At home for cotisu ariangcineiit. (Sundays cxcei'te.l), u .j „t tlie Holborn oflice, to Walter de Post-oflice Orders pay- ||0lborn, Londou. «• "•S'CFNTH.TRI) ounvE viras (OR DE ROOS' CONCEI^. |)lu,Ps)t • 1 „ cafe and permanent curclor every variety Is as Hsname implies, a youthfuldel usive excesses, ol'disease aministw connatrlaea, syphilis, ^Scc.v wknclt from and infection. *UL gtmciit by umrcury, copaiba, cubehs.and neglect or impiope va,iahly cu>i in some of the following other d- adly poisou* .onlS vii.pains Hnd swellings in the I'm ms <d secureirtary s.j irruptions, blotches and pimples, bones, joints, and i; a hair, diseafC and decay ot the weakness ot the ey«- |J(() <K,e) bjck> and Joing( ftl(,u|a nose, soic thr» eus<j ()J ,||C kidneys and bladder, gleet, piles, &c.. 08 wPakiies« nervous arid sexual debility, loss ol strictuie, 'e' ^|j|y Si,e!i 'a state of U,o«siucss, lassitu.l, and gent'ral pronation of strength, as unless skilllully arrested soon 6"thi"me'dic^ne'is^leservedIy popular in the prevention and re- moval of the foregoing symptoms, and as a leslorittive o manlv vigour whethor deficient from eaily Imprudence, or residence in ^Erom'^ts'proportics in removing all disorders of Females, such as leucoiihoea or the whites'' headache, giddiness, iudiges- tion, palpitation of the heart, diy cough, lowness of spints, &o &c.it is admirably adapted to this class of sullueis, as it creates uew, ptiic, and rich blood, (thereby purifying aud strengthening tlie whole system,) and soou restoies the invalid to sound health, even after till oilier remedies (which have usually a depressing tendency) have failed; hence its almost unpara- lei led success. May be obtained with directions, ,<<• at lis., or four quantilie» ji one large bottle for by -which lis- off saved, through alt Medicine I'cmJors, or it u-ill be scnt securely packed from the lishment on receipt of the vricc bu Post Othce Order pay able at t Holborn Office. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL. £ IIE MATISM, GOUT, INDIGESTION, UEBILUX, STRICTURE, GLEET. &o. De lloos' Compound Renal PiM* (of effccteil a imitations under other titles) have iu tnan?0I)M e-tablishcd cure when all other means had failed, anil^ t,j]jcaciollg by the consent ol the Faculty a* and remedy ever discoveied lor the above • f> _enerally, whethei diseases ol the Kidneys and *• which, il neglected, Ire- resultvug fiotn iiiipiudeoce oi a lingering death ft quently end in stone ot the ",aa oi g()„t and rheumatism is an established lact that mos co>l|bl|)C(j „ iih diseased ni me occurring after middle age, *,rt I|Slilus afflicted .••hould attend how necessary i>- it then. Il'a^' ('|((? ia|utar\ iiction of these pills 10 these important mattery..v, (-|Tcct bilo and indiocstmn on acidity of the S'"I""C l',| goeietions, thereby preventing tli' purify ;uul promote » ,t? (or life a healthy pcrfoinianc* ior.uationot slot»c,os ot the I unctions of at U 1 Id, 2s. i)d., 4s Cd. May be ootan«d > j]fcdiciiie Vendors, or should any dif- and I Is. per box, t p f ) ,>n receipt of the. price m licit Iry occur, thru <f R .j; Ej pliuv iIon,om /JlU Postage Stamps by »>• Itnheits chemist, Conway Brown, Cbr,micle Ollice ■sold by t'.||CIIli,l# l|jK|street, Caeruarv<.i, Eduards, Hari'.or, • |lli:,1L.;(, ..heniist, Holyhead; I'.e.ile. chcini^i 7l0,h'tiM-et Wrusham; Ward, chemist, High-slicel. Ilreeo,, 'rue Brothers, post ollice, Hodgci.! Thomas, chemist (npp0.' site'the Angel), Merthyr, \Vh.t«,, chemiM, O.uldhall Sr,,Ul( Carmarthen; Williams.c.heiii'St, tligh-sti.-cl,Cauligitti l).lvUs ehemist. I'otier, Herald Olbco, llavei loidwest Treweeke ebt' mist, Pembroke; Evans chemist, High-sltcet, Sw.,nsL,a ^|'0 chemist, liioad street, New low, Mepheiis, o|ieillls, strcpt, Merthyr ly.llil Krtisand ft>c<.i«s,U,.iKK,sts, n, Hiistol; Walton, ( hronicle Ollice, Shrewsbury Cln|. !e<J. seller, Itroad-street, Leou.insier Draperch, it 'V street. Ilcreloid t.iiror. Pcnon < Mice, Monteoufh I i'N Vk'/I Coinrm-rcial-Htici: ami I'll \A .ll'S, U'ali ;;tri i ivl rt>n»ui;h moit WcdKinc Vnnloi>i. Pnco m *'wP(>n hiwI 4s. 6d. per box; or sent free 011 rttcuiut'ot 7l.« :,li stainp», by Dr, D« Roos. V c' lUc in poalaKe MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY A CANAL COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ibe ordinary HALF Y EA HLY MEETING or Geheral Assembly of th" Company of Proprietors ot the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Navigation, will be held at the CAWAVHOUSB, Nzw- ORT, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th of NOVBMBEE next, at twelve o'clock at neon. By order, EDWARD WELLS, Chief Clerk, paro tem. Dated, Railway and Canal Office, Newport, Oct. 23,1850. |u UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE. PERFKCT FREEDOM FROM COTTGHS in ten minutes after use INSTANT BKI.IEP and « RAPID CURE of ASTHMA. CON SUMPTION,COUGHS, COLDS, and allDlSORDERSof the BREATH and LUNGS, arc Inlmred hy DR. ITOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. The extraoidinary powers of this invaluable medirine are now proved by a mass of evidence and testimonials, which must convince the most sceptical, tbat for all disorders oC the breath 4I¡nd lungs, it is the most effectual remedy ever discovered. The following are a few Testimonials reeeived hy the Proprietor many hundreds of which mat be bad from every agent In the kingdom. MOltI: CURES IN TREDEGAR. From Mr. J. P. Williama, Chemist, Church-street, Tredegar. Dereinber 25, 1848. Gentlemen,—A number of my friends have experienced great benefit through taking Locock's Wafers. Please to send me on* dozen boxes by post, as somo are waitinK for them. Oue frien,1 named Amy Cala- more (subject to asthma), had a box last week, and has already received preat benefit from theUl, although she did not take the whole, as she divided the box among some of her neiffhbuurt. Every one speaks hielilv of them, ami the? are taken by some of the first families io the ,uWn Yours obediently, J. P. WILLIAMS. ANOTHER SURPRISING CURE OF ASTHMA. From Mr Wm Bowen, Cartlrtt, Haverfordwest, dated Feb. 4th, I". KIR,—Having been afflicted for many years with a violent cough and asthma, and having tried all other medicines m vain. I was recom mended to try l)r. LococVs Wafers. I sent to you for a box, and. to my great astonishment, I found relief tlie very first night, ami have con- tinued to gel better ever since. Their effects are really wonderful. My appetite is now good, whereas formerly I could scareely keep any food on my stomach. I have myself since recommended them to several persons, who have all received tho greatest relief from SSir-upd 1 WM.JJUWfcN* IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING. From Mr. Edward Page, late Director of the Choir and Organist of St Marie's Catholic Church, Newport, Monmouthshire. GF.NTLEMKN,—Having frequently sufTere<l much from relaxation of the throat, I have often been obliged to resort to various preparations, nit since I have had the good fortune to try Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Waleis, I am now but seldom obliged to resort to them, for the extraordinary good effects they have produced are moat surprising. Even when thethroatappears to be completely exhausted, and the voice to be nearly gone, two or three (at most four) will, in the short space ol half an hour or so, completely restore its flexibility and power, and they do not act as a mere temporary exciting remedy, nor do ther leave 8ny lassitude after. Having felt the great value of the remedy, I feel it a duty to generally recommend it, as I am convinced that all peisons will find immense benelit from the general and persevering UFe of it. EDWARD PAtJE, 10, Stow Hill, Newport. To Singers and Public Speakers they are invaluable, as in a few hour» they remove all horscness, and increase the power and fleaibility of the voicc. They have a pleasant tast". Price Is. ljd., 2s.'Jd.. and lis. per box orsentfreebypostforts 21. 3s., or tie. tid., by Da Silvaand Co., I. Dride-lane, tteet street, Lond) 11. Solil by all Medicine Venders. NOTE.—Full directions are given with every box io the English, Ger- man, and French languages. Protected by Royal Letters Patent. PH, XiOCOCXt'S rBMALa V&FBAS. Have no taste of Medicine, And aro the only remedy recommended to b« taken by Ladies. They lortify the constitution at all periods of life, and in all Nervous Affec- (ions act like a Charm. They remove ALL OBSTRUCTION, Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lownesi ofSptrtte. Weakness, and allay Pain. They create Appetite, and remove Indigestion, Heartburn, Win.t, Headaches, Ciddincss, Sc. In Hysterical Diseases, a proper perseverance In the use of litis Medicine will be found to effect a Cure after all other meant have f.1i1eJ. Full directions are given with every box. NOTE. These Wafers do not contain any Mineral, and may be takeu either dissolved in water, or whole. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. OnsEnvF.'—There are various Counterfeits of thi. Medicine In the form of Mi>rtures," Pills," &c. Purchasers must therefore observe that none are Reniiine but "Wafers,"and that the words—" Dr. Locock t Wafers are 011 the Stamp outside each box. The eountcrfeit Medicines have words 011 the Stamp so nearly re'-em- Ming these as to mislead the unwary. Purchasers must thereloic strictlv observe the above caution. „ „ „ Prepared only by the Propiietor's Agents, Da Silva ft Co., t, Brid lane, Fleet-street, London. Price is. liil., 2s. 9d.,and lis. per Box. The 2s. 9d. boxes contain neaily three of the tintaii siM, and the us. Boxes five of those al 2s. »d. WiioiasALB AoKKrs Evans, Son, and Hodsen. wholesale drug gists, Exeter. Soldliy Mr. E. J. Phillips, and Mr. K V. Jenkins, Newill), ARcntfotMerthyr. Mr. White, bookseller, High-street, wHlaOld by taciiicine venders. ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. New Edition, Illustrated with Forty five Coloured Engravings, and contllining THE NEWLY-DISCOVKURD PREVENTIVE LOTION. Just Published, the 54th Thousand, priee 2. fl l., in sealed envelope or sent by the Author, post-paid, for 4Q postage staiup«, MANHOOD TIIF CAUSES OF ITS PREMATURK DECLINE, WITH TLAIN IllKir I'tONS FOR ITS PERFECT RESTORATION. 1 MKniCAL Review of everv Form, Cause, and Cure of Nervous De- A bilitv Impotencv, Loss of Mental and Physical Capacity. whethe- resul,ing rro Youthful Abuse, them Follies of Maturity, tho Effects of Climate, or Infection j &c.. adddressed to the Sufferer in Youth, Man- hood, and Old Age; with the Author's Observations on Marriage, its Dnties, and Disqualifications: tde Prevention and Cure of Syphilis, Sperm'itorcp. and other UrinoGcnital Diseases: as adopted by Deslandts, !.allemand, and Ricord, SurgeolJs to the JlOIIpital Venerien, PIJris. By J. L. CURTIS, Surgeon, 1;"Alhcmarle-strect, Piccadilly, London. With this NEW and ENL.ARGED EDITION of MANHOOD, which is nine translated into fire lau^uagc^, will be given the Author's Pre- scription of a Disinfecting Lotion for the prevention of.. t. Sonet Disorders, which, b> its extraoidinary powers in decomposing theVirns as attested by the opinions of Lalleinand, and the most eminent Sur gcons in Europe, will go far to prevent the ravages which for ages these Diseases have entailed upon mankind. At home for consultation daily, from 18 to 3, and 6 to 8. REVIEWS Of THE WORK. Wc reel no hesitation in saying, that there is no member of society bv whom the book will not be found useful, whether such person hold the relation of a Parent, a Preceptor, or a Clergyman — Sun Evening Paper. Tins work will do Kiuch to prevent the vice which, by its preva- lence among the young, has so much influence on the present, as on the futurtt well-being of man y."—Xaval and Military Oaxftte- "CURTIS on MAKHOOD,—Portnnate for a country would it- be, d" the youth put into practice the philanthropic and scientific maxim" he," laid down—one cause of matrimonial misery might then be banished from our land, and the race of the enervate be succeeded by a renewal of the hardy, vigorous spirits of the olden t¡rne.Chronicú, I consider the Treatise on Manhood is decidedly the best extant In the French or English language. The subject Isiinportant some of ttja highest medical authorities pronouncing the vice on "hl^tr V the great scourge of civilisation. From A. Suint9 Doane, M.D.. 'Vl'l.blhed by tho Author, sold also In scaled envelopes, by Strange, ,1 Paa'nostc^Row; Hannay, «», Oxford-street; Mann 39, Cornh.lt loiidon- Hevwood, Otdham-strect, and Armstrong, 13, Bond-stre*f, Manchester; Howell,Church-street, Liverpool; Needham, Gloucester, Times Office, Hereford; MEanx Office, Monmouth and by aU Book- ellers and Chemists In the United Kingdom. ON THE PREVENTION, CURS, Mid general ebaiaoter of SY PHIUS, STRICTURES, Affection* of the PROSTRATE GLAND, VKNERF.AL, and SCOKBUT10 ERUPTIONS of the face and body, Mercurial excitemctt, &c. followed by a mild, successflll and expeditious mode of treatment. THIRTY-FIFTH 8DITION, il- lustrated bv 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel. New and improved Edition, enlarged to 19f, pages, just published, pnee 2s. fd. or by post, direct from the Establishment, Ss. fid. in postage stamps— THE SILENT FRIEND, A Medical Work on Venereal and Syphilitic Diseases, (tecondary ffymp to 111s Go nrrh or a, with a Remedy for their Prevention physical ex- haustion, and decay of the frame, frcm the cfTecU solitary and the injurious consequences of the abulle of Mercury, with obser vations on the obligations of Marriage, and directions for obylaUIIf ^er" tain disqualifications. Illustrated by 2# Colored Engravings, by R. and I, Perry and Co., Consulting Surgeons, ly, Bernerg-street, OaIOKI- strect London. Published by the Authors, an<1 gold by Strange, 21 Pateriiosier ltow; Hannay, 63, and Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; Starie. 2.1, Titclibourne-street, Haymarket; and Oordon, 146, Leadenhall stree, London; Powell, 88, Grafton-sireet, DuWin and Ramies and Co. Lpart^re'ats of the anatomy and physiology of the productive organ*, and is illustrated by six colored engravings. Part II. treats of the consequences resulting from excessive maul gencc. and their lamentable effects on tlie system, producing mental and hodily weakness, nervous excitement, and gentrauvetncapacty- It is particularly addressed tothosc who are prevented, in consequence, from entering into the marriage state, and points out the sure means perfect and secret restoration to manhood. It it illustrated by mrce explanatory engravings. Part 111. treats of thc diseases resulting from Infection, either in tn« primary and nwondary fornit and contains explicit directions foi Useir treatment, Illustrated by seventeen coloured engravings. Fart IV. contains a Remedy for the Prevention of Disease by a aim pic application, lIy which the danler of lofeetlon Itt obviated. Jte action ia simple, but sure. It acts witb the virus .mieally, and destroys ft. powerott the system. This important part of the work should not es- cape the reader's notice. Part V. ia devoted to the contldcratloD of marriage And its datias. The reason of physical disqualifications, ami the causes of unproductive unions are also considered, and the whole subject cntieaRy attdphttoeo- phically inquired into. The Authors. regularly educated Kembenefthe Medical Profession having had long; diligent, and practlcllt observation fn the varieus HOII- pitals and Institutions for the relief of tlioee afflicted with Syptiilia, Se- condary Symptoms, Stricture, Venereal and Scorbutic Eruption* ef the face and bedy, have perhaps had an unusul opportunity of witnessing theIr dreadful ani destructive consequences hi all their various stages. Hence, knowing the practical necessity of sound judgment in such se- rious cases, and having seen the injury that has arisen from the careless- ness and neglect of iia study, Messrs. k. and L. Perry have devoted their attention exclusively to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow creatures, II (ully testified and gratefully rwkuowJedged by convalescent patients, and others daily arriviag tntown, from all parte of the country, for thc express pnrpuse ouly of perianal consultation, while their exer- tions have been Clowned with the inostsignaladvantages:yet,from what they have experienced In inquiring Into the nature and causes of thel. 111 tectJOU5 complaints (from their most simple condition to that of the most dungeruus and inveterate) thcy have always entertained the poMi- bility uf their prevention and removal, and likew'.se Invariably found, that tlie more horrible and malignant forms of the disease could almost always be traced to one of the following cauaee ignorance, neglect, or tlie. ill effects of unskilful and impepei treatment: therefore Me set*. I erry have succeeded In discovering, m the selection of their remedies, a safe, clt'ectual, and cautious course, omitting all cOlnbination of reme- dies which bear an equivocal character, as well as tiioec whoee prema- ture or injudicious application might be producLÏve of bad consequence, in the hands of private individuals. In short, the laudable end of tlna remedy is the lessening of a great mass or human misery, b, the allevia- tion, rclicf.and preveuiion of those grievous afflictions that are in reality the secret foes of life, and which, while they so extensively serreund we, call aloud for our skill and interference for their examination. Messrs. R. and L. Perky fc CO., Suegeona, may be consulted as usual, at 19, Bcrners-street, Oxford-street, Londoe, from eleven to two, and from live till eight in the Evening; and on Sundays from eleven to one. „ THE CONCENTRATED OETBItSIVE ES8ENCB, AN ANTI- SYPHtHTtC REMEDY, Is recommended in Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms, tt searches out and purifies the diseased humours from the blood, and cleanses the 1sys- tem from all deterierating c.iuses. Its influence in the restoration10 health of persona labouring under the consequences which liieuta follow contamination, is undeniable, and it also constitutes a certain cure for schrvy, Kiofula, and all cutaneous eruption*. Its active pi in- ciples are transmitted hy tli« medium of the circalatinp; flnld throughout the entire frame, and even penetrate the mere minute vessels, removing and expelling in its course all corruptions and impurities from the vital stream so a* altogether to eradicate the virus of dis.aw, and expel it with the insensible pers|>iratien through the medium of Hie pores of tho Skp"ice 1 lT'orVour bottles fn one. for 3<s by which lis saved, also in £5 eases, hy which will be saved £ I 12s.—To be had at the London Et- 'aCont"minntion from virus of the venereal disease, if it be not removed when it first displays Itself, may linger In thlllystem for many yerirs, todore it shewt itself in any palpable form, h.trg "ecup ed ineann h,le in sapping the loulldation of the vital jiowers, and destruYlOg tile spun*, of life at the very fountain head. The dill8ase uu er tliese I'IreU1ll- ■ l„. lp.ut exnected. bicak out and overwhelm « anccs wiU £ at his fearful slate. Those the sutterer with ^'cbed. norror ( >f persons who ma, ,otches on the head end face, symptoms, auch ""th, throat, tonsils, end uvula, threatened ulcerations and enlaigeme^' o( .bin or colla* twnea. destruction of the or'ftont anyef the painful affections arising 01 on the 1" 01'' iffec 1* esused by the indiscriminate use of mer- from the gating in the system, or from the evils fellowing c.ury, or of ,l* o( tre»fient, derive the most extracrilinary ad- an imperfect I |e<jt from the use of the Concentrated Detersive Es- vantagc an estin(, the rav&gee ot these various disorders, removing Sn"T' hntic syrt>ptom«, and fully and Completely renovating the «o"» H 'iwur of the constitution. ThoRe pe.sons also wbo propose to ?i" .I.Vivcs the participating in the lvoly and refined pleasures ef the m«rria<re state, if they have bad in early life the misfortune to be tainted with the virus of disease in any of its forms, will act advisedly ill submitting thelnlelves previously to a course of tills rnediclnp-a proceeding to them of the utmost importance; III should iheie lurV a t/lint Ør disease 11\ theor systems, it Dlay, Rnd will, In all probability, he visited 00. their COIlS.tS alld offspring, impairing their health and des- troying their happiness, while at the same tim, the children art. bom puny, diseased, and unable to struggle against thc ilia and mischances of life. It must be remembered that when the fountain is polluted the streams tliat How from it cannot be pure. THE CORDIAL HAUl OF SYRIACUM Is expressly employed to renovate the Impaired powers of ltfe wv exhausted by the influence exerted by solitary iiidulgein e on the s'v Its action is puiely balsamic its power In reinvigornting the frame "li cases of nervous tind sexual debility, obstinate gleets, impolcnc 'l! renncss, and debilities arising from venereal excesses hss Wn I' stiated by its unvarying success in thousauds of cases Ti tl mon" sons who are prevented entering the married stale b> "lose per of early errors, it is invaluable. Price Us. por hnttla €onse^uence« in one for 3«s. 1 "OlUo, or four quantities The £ > cases of Syriacum or Concentrated Del* f be bad at I!i, Berncrs-slreet, Oxford-str-ot er*,v« Essence can only a saving Ot .t l 125., allll the palient is Lundol1; -hekl:1y therein o„ advice with a p'l"kct. e only to tholle who remit Constitute nrSSl^E'EClFIC PILLS Stricture, and Diseases of ihn n> cases of Gonorrlnea, Oleet- and s. per b,>x. 11>ary Organs. Price 2s. fid., ts. bd. I .'itients are icqucsted t l^f, detail of their e.iot s ii.,ti,1'. dS nil"ute and concise as possible in the the mode of it:; cmin, ^C'P,H'ially the duration of the complaint, living, and position in', ■s>ll>!oms and progress. »ge. haliit;. of or ilie world tu. ditli Medicines can be forwarded to any patt and carefullv nn.i, 'l lVl" <>l-'(,ur,as they will be 6eclir«ly packed, 1'k. s,. nu-dieio. h' ^uigeoiis -wi if, *'1 L> ',t<JlMr*'d only by MESSRS R. & L. Pkhri &- ( o.. ot.icet. Lo'ndon consulled a^ usual, at 19, Bcrncrs strtet, Oxloid- 1'iu ni Vendors c»u be supiilied by most of the Wholesale H"use, Lonilini. „ Iiicl ?. A. Roberts, chemist, Conway; J»hn Brown, Chr«. W.in t.C: Bll"K"t' Robert tiriflith. chemist, High-Mrcet.t aeinatven ( "ilUam Ldwanls. chemist, Dent.inh; H. G. Hughes, ebenn -tn lloly- >lad; John U,,aie< c|,emist. High street, Wrexham; E. Ward, Uieiiiisf, High-street, Brecon; Philip Price, Post-olliee. Brdgend Webber. Cuardian Oflice, Cardiflf; Walter Tliom.'S, chemist fop4,o site Angel,) Meithyr; ,1. VV. White, eh"nilst, Guildhall Square, mart lien W. Williams, chemist, High street. Cardigan; O.K. navj„s chemist, Havcrfoidwest .losejd. Potter, Herald Office, MavcrfordwcHt R- 0. Trcwi eks, chemist, Pembroke Thomas Evans, chemist, High- street, Swansea; John Moore, chemist, Broad—treet. New Xown, Tli<iiii,i^ Sfepbens, clieniist. Iligti-strcet, Merlliyr Tydfl] Ferris *1 d Score. d'U.I" Union-str'-et, Bristol John W atton. Chronicle Oftire Sl'l'ewsbuiy .lames C'liiholt, I>OVI;M ller, Bioad street. Leominster >» r, chenitsi, Broa'i-sireet, Hereford T. Pal lor, Bencon Otbe*1 Monmouih; li. V. JENKINS, Cominrreial-slrert, Newjxirt | nod jl Ptt 11,1.1Ps. chemist, High»itreet,Newpuit,ol»ll ot Whom nay bs bad the tfUeut iricna. I e