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leview ot the lirmsli Corn…

Review of the foreign Corn…


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Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

LONDON MARKETS. 1 CORN EXCHANGE, MAIIK-LANE, MONDAY, DEC. 6. At this morning's market theie w.is a moderate show of wheat on the Essex, Kent, and Suffolk stands; whilst from more dis» tant counties there was hardly anything fresh up. The wet' weather caused most of the samples to come to hand in indif- j ferent condition; but the millers being in want of new wheat, a tolerable clearance was effected. The inquiry for foreign wheat was by no means active; hot- deis, neveitheless remained firm, and the finer kinds were certainly not lower than on Monday last. No alteration was made in the nominal top price of town manufactured flour, and American was liLdd at former terms. Having a scunty show of bailey, the maltsters manifested) rather more disposition to purchase, and the best parcels brought rather higher terms nor could the inferior sorts be bought at all cheapei than oil this day se'nnight. Malt excited little attention, and its value remained p--cisely the same as before. There was a small supply of oats, but a large proportt. t of It t: e same consisted of new Scotch. Fine old oats was In U j firmly, at former terms, but it was difficult to place new Scotch #• and Irish at last Monday's prices. | Beans were dull of sale, and again rather easier to buy thai on this day week. White peas were obtainable at less money, particularly foreign. No quotable alteration occurred in the value of Indian corn or meal. i CURRENCY PER IMPERIAL MEASURE. 1 Shillings per quarter, i New. Old. WHFAT, Essex & Kent, white 49 55 54 57 Ditto red 45 49 49 52 Mor'olk and Suiiblk 46 48 Lincolnshire and Yorkshire — — 49 53 Northumberland, Berwick, and Scotch.. — — RYU, 31 34 [ Norfolk and Suiiblk 46 48 Linrolnshile and Yorkshire. — 49 53 Northumberland, Berwick, and Scotch.. — — RYU, 31 34 [ BAIU.EY, Essex, Kent 1 com. Malting 30 32 Norfolk, and Suf- J Distillers'&Grinding 24 29 folk ) Chevalier 32 33 MALT, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. — — 57 '9 Kingston, Ware, and town made — — 59 t2 OATS, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire, feed — —" 20 22 MALT, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. — ô7"i9 Kingston, Ware, and town made o — 59 t2 OATS, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, and Yorksiiire, feed 20 22 Ditto, Poland and potato. — 25 5M» j| Northumberland, Berwick, and Scotch pota<o — — 27 29 ,1 Ditto, feed — — 25 27 ] Devonshire, and West Country feed or 1 black — — 17 20 1 Dtindalk, Newry, and Belfast, potato — — 24 25 ] Ditto, feed — — 21 23 j Limerick, Sligo, and Westport, potato — — 23 25 I Ditto, feed — — 20 23 j Cork, Waterford, Dublin, Youghal, and j Clonmel, black — — 16 19 Ditto, white — — 13 21 Gal way — — 13 15 BEANS, Ticks 36 38 40 44 liairow and small 38 43 45 50 PEAS, boiling 42 44 Hog and gray 38 42 FLonn, town made (per sack of 2801bs.). — — 41 46 Norfolk and Suffolk, household (ditto).. — — 36 40 FOREIGN GRAIN. Shillings per quarter. WHEAT, Dantzic and Konigsberg, finest high Free. mixed, white J 51 55 Ditto good mixed 50 53 Ditto, red mixed 48 52 Stettin and Rostock 51 53 Danish 47 50 Hamburgh and Pomeranian 50 52 Black Sea (nominal) hard to soft 38 44 Black S(, Riga, St Petersburgli, and Liebau, soft 38 43 Canada 50 53 Spanish. 53 56 Buck or Brank 31 33 INDIAN Couv 28 32 BAIU.EY, Hamburgh,Dantzic,Konigsberg,& Riga 25 30 Ditto, grinding 21 26 Danish, Mecklenberg and Pomeranian 21 25 OATS, Dutch, brew, and Poland, Friesland, and Groningen 24 2G Danish and Swedish 20 23 Russian 20 23 BEANS, Tick .u. 36 40 Small 42 45 Mediterranean '28 30 Pt:As,whtteboinng. 40 42 lAnEs — FLOUR, United States 23 27 Canadian 22 26 SKKD MARKET. The operations in the seed market were again on quite a restricted scale this murning, and in the absence of business of importance prices remained much the same as before. BRITISH SEEDS. Linseed (per qr.) .sowing 60s. to 63s.; crushing 48s. to 50s. Linseed Cakes (per 1,000 ot 31bs.each). A'13to, £ l3 10s_ I refoil (per cwt.) to 20s Hapcseed, new (per last) £ 30 to £ 32' Ditto Cake (per ton) £ 6 to £ 7' Mustard (per bushel) white 7s. to 8s.; brown 8s, to 9s" Caraway (per cwt.) 36s. to 38s.; new 38s. to 40s' Coiiandei (per cwt.) 18s, to 21s* Hempseed (per quarter) to 38s. Canary (per qr.) 70s. to 7-2s.;Bne 74s. to 77s' FOREIGN SHEDS, &c. J Linseed (per qr.) Baltic 48s. to 52s. Odessa 50s. to 52s Lmseed Cake (per ton) £ 9 Os. to ;CIO 0s RaPe Cake (per ton) £ 0 to £ (i 10s LONDON PROVISION MARKET, MONDAY, DEC. 6. The arrivals last week from Ireland were 16,000 firkins butter and 1200 bales bacon; and from foreign ports 4,550 cask butter. The butter maiket ruled very quiet during the past week, and but a moderate amount of business transacted holders gene/ally were willing to meet the views of buyers, and prices gave way Is. to 2s. per cwt the best foreign declined to lGels. iiad 102s. The bacon maiket was also quiet, the supplies being now quite equal to the demand, and the dealers purchase in a ret"l way to supply their immediate demand. Tnere was no altera- tion in prices. liusii BUTTER (new)s s. CHEESE, pei cwt. s. s per cwt. nominal — — Double G loucester 58 C4 Cdilow, new, on brd 90 9G Singleditto 58 64 Sligo 86 88 Cheshire 56 76 Cork, 1st 88 90 I HAMS. ENGLISH BuilEn. Irish 40 60 Doiset.percwt 108 112 Westmoreland fl8 —> FOREIGN. York 94 — Plime, Fricslalld, ct. lOG lJO I BACON, new (18 — flit-to, Kiel 94 102 | Middles 58 62 SMITH FIELD CATTLE MARKET, MONDAY, DEC. 6. We have to report a very inactive demand for all kinds of beef, although the bullock supply was by no means large, the time of year considered, and last week's quotations were with diificulty supported. In the general quali'y of the beasts a decided improvement was noticed, yet it was not first-rate. The supply of sheep on the decrease, compared with tha; shown on Monday last. For all breeds the demand was in a sluggish state, but we can notice no actual decline in prices. With calves we were scantily supplied nevertheless the veal tiade was in a very dull state, at late figures. Prime small porkers sold at full prices. Otherwise, the pork trade was very dull. Per glbs., to sink the offal. s. d. s. u. s. d. a. d. Coarse and Inferior Prime coarse wool. Beasts 2 10 3 4 led Sheep 4 6 4 10 Second quality do.3 0 3 8 PrimeSuuth Downs Piime large Oxen.3 10 4 2 ditto .5 0 5 2 Prime Scots, &c..4 4 4 8 Large coarsc C'alves3 8 4 6 Coarse and Inferior Prime small ditto..4 8 4 IQ Sheep .3 6 3 10 Large Hogs .4 0 4 fi Second quality do.4 0 4 4 Neat small Porkers.4 8 5 2 Suckling Calves, 19s. to 28s. and quarter-old Store Pigs, 16 to 2tis. each. Beasts, 3,057 Sheep, 21,090; Calves, 97s Pins. 370. LATEST CURRENT PRICES OF METALS. LONDON, Die. 2, 1847. 1. s. d. IRON—Bar a Wales. fo?; 800 London 9 0 0 Nail rods 10 0 0 Hnops(Staf.) 11 10 0 Sheet „ 12 0 0 Bars „ 10 10 0 Welsh cold blast foundry pig 5 () 0 Scotch pig- h Clyde 2 10 0 Rails, average g 10 0 Russian cCCND 000 o 0 0 Gounefl 0 0 0 C.. Archangel J3 10 0. Swedish d, on the spot 11 5 0 Steel.fagt 16 b 0 n kegse 14 0 0 CoprF.r, -ille/ 97 0 0 Tough cake 98 0 0 Bestselected 101 0 0 Ordinary sheets lb. 0 0 11 bottoms 0 0 12 Vn.i.ow MET At. SIIEATHING 0 0 9i IIN—Com. blocks g.citit. 4 5 O bars 460 Refined 4 10 0 Straits h 4 2 0 Banca. 4 4 0 TIN PLATI S—Ch., 1C. T .box 1 10 0 IX 1 16 0 Coke, IC 1 4 6 IX t 10 6 Lf.An-Sheet I, 19 5 0 t Pig, lefined 20 0 0 common, 18 0 0 o 17 0 0 Red 19 jo 0 Dry White 2;5 10 O Shot (Patent). 20 0 0 Si ELTEH (Cake) I on spot 18 5 0 for arrival Q 0 0 m export *o o.. 27 0 0 QUICKSILVER »I 0 4G „ U filet cash. c Discount 2.} per cent, d Ditto, e In kegs £ and ^inch. f Discount 3 per cent, g Ditto pei cent, h Net cash, in bond, 1 Dis- count 3 per cent, Ditto 2i per cent, I Net cash. bond m Discount Is per cent. 7t discount It per cent. For home use it is £ .52. per ton. luON.—During the last month the price of Welsh iron receded to the extenl ol 15s. per ton, bars being now quoted at £ d. per ton Iree-on-board in Wales. Staffordshire iron has also yielded, but not so Renerally as Welsh. Scotch pigs have fallen consi- derably, since the date of our last. In other descriptions of foreign noo we icpvirt no transactions. Copper continues firm, with demand sufficient to take off the present produce- TIN.—In English very little was done during the past month- some few sales were made under quotations, and a general re. du< tion was expected. Tin-plates are very quiet. Lead has given way a little, the demand for exportation being very limited, though for howe consumption it continues fair.