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MAVTOBT AltMB Inxio LJLAStULZv, i NEAR ABERGAVENNY. TO LET, THAT Old-established Road-s.de Public-House, leading to JL the Iron Works, with good Cellaring, Brew house, Stabling, UM capital Garden. Rent Moderate. Inquire of the present Tenant, who is giving up business. I This Advertisement will not be Repeated. PORT OF NEWPORT. MONMOlTrHSHFR i Important sale or SaZPFlMG and pock, shares. TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD BY AUCTION, By EDWARD PRITCHARD, At the King's HEAD Inn, Newport, on MONDAY, the 30th day of May next, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, by order of the Trustees of the late Mr. John Corner, for the Benefit of Creditors, the following nasT-cuiss vessels, 4..c., <&.c. A those 24-64th parts of the A 1». British-built rX. Schooner KING OF THE FOREST, Joseph Beynon, Master, 128 tons register, now employed in the Coast- ing Trade. Lot 2. All those 8-64th pasts of the A. 1., British-built Schoooer MONMOUTH, John Beynon, Master, 143 tons master, now employed in the Coasting Trade. I Lot 3. All those 24-64lh parts of the A. 1., British-built schooner YANDEW, J. P. Lowther, Master, 130 tons re- gister. t The above Vessels were faithfully built under the particular inspection of the lat £ Mr. Corner, and are well worthy the at- tention of patties disposed to invest Capital in Shipping, tention of patties disposed to invest Capital in Shipping, as the whole must be peremptorily sold. Alto, 3 Shares of £ 100. each, ail paid up, in tbe Newport Dock Company. Dated, April 27th, 1842. [ TO B £ SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. BURTON AND SON, At the Beaufort ARMS, in the town of Monmouth, on I THURSDAY, the 16th day of June, 1842, at Four o'clock in the Afteruoonpi-eelsely, subject to such conditions of Sale at shall then be produced,-The undermentioned I ..a liB BOLD PROPERTY. Lot 1. yERY compact and desirable FARM and LANDS.situate in the parish of Mitcbel Troy, within three miles of the town of Monmouth, adjoining the Turnpike-road leading fiom Monmouth to Trelleck, in the oc- cupation of Mr. John Howells, as tenant thereof from year to year, comprising a newly-built Dwelling-House, with conve- nient Farm-buildings, and 65A. 1r. 1p. of Fertile Land, divi- ded into convenient enclosures, surrounding the House, and lying within a ring-fence. The whole Farm is Tithe Free. „ k°t2« A *ery convenient and desirable Residence, called Mount Pleasant," situate within the precincts of 'he town ol Monmouth, at a short distance above Monk gate, and adjoin- ing the Turnpike-road leading out of Monmouth to Hereford, consisting of a substantial Brick-built Dwelling-house, with appropriate Offices, a Two-stalled Stable, and a Stable-yard thereto adjoining, and having a large green plot in front of the I House, and a productive garden behind the whole being now in the occupation of Mrs. Nicholas, as tenant thereof. Lot 3. An excellent Piece of Orchard Land, containing aboui two Acres and a half, exceedingly well planted with thriving Apple and Pear Trees, now in full bearing, adjoining to Lot 2 and to the said 1 urnpike-road leading to Hereford, and now occupied by Mr. John Howells, as tenant thereof from year to year. J Lot 4. A very commodious and desirable Dwelling-House, situate near the bottom of Saint Mary-street, in thi town ol Monmouth in the occupation of Mr. Prosser. Surgeon, with W^ni^ia C°»ch-house. ani[ otilCT Buildings, and a spacious Walled Garden, adjoining thereto, together with a good- sued Pew in the North Aisle of St. Mary's Church. Also, a small Dwelhng-House and Shop, adjoining to the above House and thereof 0CCupatl0n of Mr- Lambe*. Gardener, as tenant Lot 5. A Dwelling-Houte and Shop, advantageously situated for Business, facing the top of Bridge-street, in the town of Monmouth, now occupied by the Miss Ansleys, with three amall Dwelling-Houses adjoining thereto, and a Bakehouse and Stable, and other convenient Buildings lying behind tht same. R,v?r 6v'vlPr,f ?i *?eador L"d- •yag between ih. £ ? » J and the old Jurnpike-road from Monmouth to Duton, situate within five minutes' walk of the town, and con- irK'Tp, £ „c,7^°d»h'i» *• •««►- LAA11 °NS lhe ABEUGA VENN for the APPREHENSION and CON vx^HON of FELONS. WILFUL TRESPASSERS, &c! "u- the n.u™ber of ^e Committee be Eleven- Hve of the town, six of the neighbourhood, and that Th.ee torm a Quorum. The Secretary tor the time being to be always of the committee. 6 Wd»' THmn.—That every Member of the Committee who shal: not attend the Annual Meeting at or before Twelve o'clock shall be fined Half-a Crown, to go to the Fund of the Asso ciation. FOVRTH.-That it any demands are due from this Associa tion to any member thereof, and if such demand or Jemand; are not made, and bills thereof delivered to the President oi Secretary before Twelve o'clock at the next Annual Meeting, the same shall not be then allowed, or at any time afterwards .K IFT.HT^T J1 the Accounts of this Association, made up t( the last Thursday in every January, be laid before the Annual Meeting at three o'clock. aU Persons entering this Association do pa> nuaI Subscription of Five Shillings at that time and ir T deficiency, the overplus required be paid in equa proportions by the members of the Association. That "hi an nual aobscnptions of members be considered due everv lasi IndUr.h«Von^aDryKftnd ^"P^tedtobepaidai that tiafe and that no member be entitled to any benefit from this Asso- ciation whose subscription is in arrear. That the subsciiption: be received by the Secretary, and handed over to the Treasurer* the first Monday in every month. Seventh.—That the Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire Banking Company be the 1 reasurcrs. REWARDS. Abergavenny Association for the Prosecution of Felons Wilful Trespassers, Sfc. j The Gentlemen, Farmers, and Tradesmen, combined of tin following panshes. viz.: Abergavenny with HIP Hardw^k, Lloyndee. LI.nweS.rffCi'tra 2d Uh» a? £ msth« Brecon and Abergavennv Canal r as ditto, Llanellen, as far m ditto r i ° St H°wer' asfa' Llanvair Kilgeddin.Clytha Laiiartl!'J h aS fr*s,d,'J Lfangattock luxta II,k 11 LJaovihangef nigh Usk Llanfhewy Rhydderch IWan^d; ,LlaDt'iewy ^kirrid, cattock 1 in^pH t i L ,an aPley> Llanvethenne, Llan hamlet of Ppnliiiji iT ge' Ciucorney, including the do herebvS k r^Wer' Bwlch' lrewy°. Oldcastle. whatKll au f°HowiI»S REWARDS, over and abov, Wtl4t a,iowed by Act of Parliament, viz.: aoy ro^bery on the highway, breaking S' fk nng any ^we'^n8*house. and stealing or DUto, by !iay l° StCal a°y lhmS lhe'e0Ut nish' 10 ° for setting fire to any dWling'-houVe! mil'l," granary! ° ° warehouse, barn, stable, or other building, or to any stack of grain, hay. straw, or fodder 10 0 ( for stealing or maliciously killing or mainint; any horse or hoises, cattle, sheep, or pigs. 5 0 f) For breaking or entering any mill, granary, waie- therefro fn* 8ta^e'or ot'ler buildings, and stealing lor stealing any kind of corn growing, or after the saoje is severed from the giound 2 0 (' d°W? °r °.therwise injuring any timber 1 tree or trees, plantation, underwood, or quicksets 10 0 For stealing or injuring any household goods, stock- in-trade, implements, utensils of trade or husbandry 1 04 > Yor stealing any poultry, or milking any cow 1 0 (, For lobbing any court, yaid, wharf, garden, nursei y, held, fish-pond, or tifhery I Q 0 For stealing rail poles, gate, stile, post, pale rail, or iron work thereto belonging, or breaking any win- oowor windows 1 0 0' For obtaining money, cattle, goods, or any other ef- fects under false pretences, that shall come under any Act of Parliament made to punish swindlers I 0 0 For stealing hurdles, green or other fodder, fruit, tur- nips, potatoes, cabbage, parsnips, peas, beans, or carrots 1 0 0 tor topping, cropping, lopping, or shredding any tree or trees, breaking or stealing any hedge. I 0 V And to any servant 01 servants, who shall give mfor- mation or evidence against any offender or offen- ders against the person of his or their masters or mistresses, a further reward, at the discretion of the Committee, not exceeding I 0 0 For wantonly throwing open any gate, or turning any cattle, horses, mules, asses, sheep, pigs, &c. into any lands belonging to any member 0 10 0 t Wilful trespass 0 5 0 ( With power to the Committee to add in case of necessity-) 1 bis Association will pay the expenses of any member of the same (not exceeding Five Pounds) who will prosecute any person or persons receiving any property belonging to either ol the members of the Association, knowing the same to be stolen f o. shall makeup or compound any felony committed on the property of either of the members of this Association, and thi same reward as he, she, or they would be entitled to, If they (j had given evidence against any person or persons stealine the r same. • r LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. COMMITTEE. HENRY VENNOR, Esq.. Penypouud, Abergavennv, President. J' Mr. WILLIAM ELLIS. Penyponnd, Abergavenny, ice-President. Mr. WILLIAM MBYRICK. Auctioneer, Secretary. Air. T. Morgan, Abergarenny, Mr. Win. Davies, Momx-fity. Mr. Isaac Isaacs, ditto. Mr. Edw. Harris, Llnnf'oist. Mr. Francis Evans, dilto. Mr. fJeoige PritrhariJ, Llan- Mi. John Lewis, ditto. vihangel. Mr. fim. Wallingfon, ditto. 1 Mr. James Watkins, Lower Mr. Philip Price, ditto. Stanton. Mr. B. Edwards,White-house. Adauis, Mr. Duilryii. Jones, Win. Esq., Clytlia. Andrews, Mr. S. Abergavenny. Jenniugs Mr. Kings and. Anthony, Mr. C., Hereford. Linus, Mr. John. Baher, Mr. W Abergavenaj. Lewis, Mr. J., Abergavenny. Baker, Thomas, Esq. ditto. Lewis, Mr. Wni., Llanellen. Barrett, Mr. George, ditto. Meredith, Mr. Joseph, Aber- Bndgwater. Mr. WB„ Llan- garannv. foist. Michael, Mr. JOIID, ditto. Clement, Mr. Richard, Aber- Moore, Mr. James, ditto. gavennv. I Morgan, Mr. J. H, ditto. Cramp, Mr. Wm., ditto. Morgan, J. Jones, Esq. ditto Daniel. Mr. Wm., ditto. Morgan, Mr. Thos., ditto. iJaviea, Mr. J., ieo. ditto. Morgan. Mr. Win., ditto. Danes, Mr. J. jan. ditto. Morgan. Mr. John, draper. Davies, Mr. Tho»., ditto. Morris, Mrs. Penlanlace. MB *ir °* 1 P«'vf Mr E., Abergavenny. Edwards, Mr. Wm., Llan- Preece, Mr. Jas., Llantliewv. Vir °MCrti V* Rees, Mr. Rd., AbergavennN Ellis, Mr. James, Lloyndee Kogers. Mr. Chas., ditto. Sandeman. Mr. W., ditto. SRoger, Aberga- Smith, Mr. V. II., ditto. Esq Pentre. Smith; M^iiem V'. D'U°' J. Oldcastle Tucker, Mr. Join' ditto. J. lracey, Aber- Tutton, Mr. William, ditto. ^atkins. Mr. John, ditto. 1*8C' dl' 11 5 ?"*> Mr- Geo.. Llanfoist. hos., Llanellen. ^heMey, R., Esq. ditto. Tho«., Skirnd. Williams. Mr., Treadam William, Llan- Yorath. Mr, Anthony Afw ,nnnr. PORTER, BEER, AND CIDER, STORES, 2 y, L LAN ART H S r R E E T. NEWPORT. ]' ? GENERAL MERCHANT & AGENT FOR BEAMISH & CRAWFORDS, CELEBRATED & HIGHLY-ESTEEMED CORK PORTER, BELiS to inform Innkeepers and the inhabitants generally of Newport, Cardiff, Pontypool. and their vicinities, that lie has al- ways on Sale, B. and C.s' PORI EH, in Hogsherds, Barrels, Kildelkins, And Bottles, in prime condition SCOTCH, OAKH1LL. and other ALES, m Cask and Bottles; prime DEVON, SOMERSET, and HEREFORSHIRE CIDER, in Pipes and Hogsheads; new BLACK-HORSE EAST KENT HOPS. Wholesale and Retail. N.B. No other Porter but B, and C.s', Sold by H. S. and 111 order to ensure it to the Public fresh and good, arrange- ments have been made to receive a supply direct from the Brewery Monthly, wind and weather permuting.—May 4, 1842. .ILBIO.y HOUSE, NOEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. At Ef V t] R E P0- C W » O C K> HENRY THOMAS BEGS respectfully to acquaint his Friends and the Inhabitants generally of Newport and its Vi- -*— cinity, that he HAS THIS DAY OPENED the abo;:e House with an Entire New Stock of LINEN AND WOOZ-LEN DRAPERY, SiLKS, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, PARASOLS, Chine CHUSANS, DELAINES, 6;c. &;c. This Stock has been carefully selected in the first Markets, and will be found to consist of the Cheapest and Best Goods which can be prodiiced. In consequence of the present great and unprecedented depression of Commercial Affairs, H. T. has been enabled to make purchases which require but to be seen to convince those who may favour him with a ctll, of then unpa. ralleled cheapness. WATERPROOF, GOSSAMER, AND BEAVER HATS. (tT Obserre.-ALBION HOLSE, Commercial-street, Newport, Two Doors from Llanarlh-slreet. THE LOWEST PRICE ASKED, FROM WHICH NO ABATEMENT WILL BE MADE. I' JUST PUBLISHED, PRICE ONE SHILLING, PRATSBS FOR THE DBAD, Oil TilE CCATHOLIC DOCTRINE OF PURGATORY Demon- j stratcd, by Extracts from a Series of Lectures on the above. subject, delivered at St. MARY'S CHURCH. Newport, by ihe Rev. EDWARD METCALFE. To be had of all Booksellers. POBTSALE, WO OR THREE BRACE OF POINTERS and SPANIELS, the property of a Gentleman giving up Quoting. Apply to Mr. EDWARDS, Druggist, Usk. LONDON HATS, WARRANTED to retain their Shape and Colour, and not to Spot with Rain. s. d. s. d. Real Waterproof Hats 4 10 Fine Stuff Nap Hats 13 « Fine ditto 5 6 Rich ditto, particularly >upeiHne ditto. 6 6 recommended 16 0 Superfine Saxony ditto 8 6 Extra Fine 20 0 Fine Short Naps. 10 0 Very Best 21 (» Real Stuff Nap Hats 12 0 Real Stuff Nap Hats.. 12 0 Silk Hats, 3s.6d. Gossamer, prime, 5s. 9d. Paris nap, 10s.6d# Boys' Fancy Beaver Hats and Cloth Caps, in every variety IN GENTLEMEN'S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, t. DA VlRS sends forth such Articles as shall convince the pub- lic, there is an amazing saving effected in price, without the slightest sacrifice in Style, Quality, or Workmanship. Every Garment is made equal to a First-rate London House. Notice.— T. DA VIES, High-street, Newport. TEETH. Termination of the present Visit, SATURDAY, Evening the 28th instant. MONDAYS & TUESDAYS ABERGAVENNY WEDNESDAYS & THURSDAYS. CHEPSTOW. FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS MONMOUTH. Mr. L. MOSELY, SURGEON DENTIST, 12, BERNKRS STREET, O X t O R D STREET, LONDON, HAS the honour to acknowledge the very liberal and gra- tifying patronage accoided to him during the last five veus, and at the same time begs to inform his Patients and iliose who may wish to consult him, that his present Visit uill p""itivIly termillate on SATURDAY Evening next, the 28th instant, and up to which period he may be consulted on MON- DAY and TUESDAY, the 23rd and 24th at private rooms, \\GEL HOTEL, Abergavenny. 011 WEDNESDAY and TnURS- DAY, the 25th and 26th, at Miss BONNEY'S, Milliner, near he George Hotel, Chepstow, and on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the 27th and 28th, at Mr. J. POWELL'S, plumber, &c., Mon- noullu At home from Ten to Five. Mr. L. M.most respectfully solicils early visits, as his stay ,i !I positively terminate on Saturday Evening. Constant attendance at Town residence, No. 12, Berners- 'tieet, Oxford-street, where patients can always be attended, nid letters addiessed will meet with immediate attention. May 20th, 1842. O PT I C AL INSTRUMENT REPOSITORY, AT MISS MICILJEL'$ tPPOSITE THE WESTGATE HOTEL, NEWPORT. SAMUEL DAVIS, (Prom Cheltenham,) OPTICIAN, HAS the honour most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newport and its Vicinity, that he has 'pened his Repository as above, where he begs to invite their oteation to his well-assorted Stock of SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, of the best Manufacture, mounted in Frames »t Gold, Silver, oteel, and Tortoise-shell, fitted up with Brazil Pebbles and Glasses of every kind. The nature of the various iefects to which the Eyes are liable having been the subject of S. D.'s attentive study, he is enabled, in every case wherein the aid of Spectacles can prove available, to offer the most efficient assistance I I it Ladies and Gentlemen residing at a distance can be correctly suited by describing their case, or by sending the Spectacles tliey have recently used. In addition to his Stock ot Spectacles, he begs also to diiect (Mention to his well-finished and elegant Stock of INSIHU- W ENTS, consisting of his celebrated Pocket Telescopes, mea- ning 35 inches, worthy the attention of Pedestrians and Gen- ileinen going to sea. Microscopes Irom Is. 6d. to £ 2 • I lier- mometers. Barometers, Magic Lanterns, Air Pumps, and a variety of other Instruments connected with experimental Philosophy.. As S. Davis's stay will be very limited, he respectfully s >licits an early inspection. BIRMINGHAM AND GLOUCESTER R A I L \V A Y THE Public are informed that the Biimiugham and Glou- cester Railway Company's CARRYING ESI ABLISII MENT, at Birmingham, will be REMOVED on MONIMY EXT the 23rd May, from CAMf HILL, to the LONDON md BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY STATION, Curxon-street. And the Directors hereby give Notice that, on and after W bU- NESDAY, June 1, all former advertisements of Rates and Cart- age, &c., will be superceded by other arrangements, which may lie known on application at the Company's Offices, Curzon- street, as above, or at any of the Company's Stations. By order. G. KING, Secretaiy. 12, Waterloo-street, May 17, 1842. Agents at Bristol Messrs. Southan, Evans, and Co. -Iger ts at poi-t, Car- Nlessrs. Soutlian and Son. diff, and Swansea, I Under the especial Patnmage of the ROYAL FAMILY and 208>J >the Faculty. W O O D H O US E J S Essence of Chamomile &. Ginger. THIS preperation is a compound of two of the most valuable Medicines in tbe vegetable kingdom. It combines the s'owllcbic properties of the Ginger with the aromatic and bitter qualities of the Chamomile Flowers. The Proprietor earnestly recommends this Essence to all those suffering as hereafter mentioned all be asks is a fair trial, for he can assert, with the greatest couKdence, that he never knew of its failure in any of ilie cases it is recommended for, excepting where it has been neglected to be propeily persevered in, for Indigestion, Sen- neglected to be propeily persevered in, for Indigestion, Sen- sation ot Fulness, Pain and Oppresion after Meals, Loss of Appetite, whether arising from excess or waut of tone and energy of the Digestive Organs; also for Rheumatism, Gouts, energy of the Digestive Organs; also for Rheumatism, Gouts, p_asins, C ramps, Hysterics, Flatulencies, in immoderate Per- spirauon. Nervous Hypochondriacal and Bilious affection*. i.Ti,r/ r,nS°or. K*neral Debility, or a delicate slate of ie' e.r. ^"It of long illness or constitutional weak- Siv'l- 'u IT ""Vf14 8ffordin J instant relief in the most violent Sick Headache. Fom drop, U equal to half-a-pint of Chamo- 6d., and 2,s^eaclfS' 108. 6.1., and 2 h, t'acb. Prepared only by. E. R GREGORY, (late DEct-tius WOOD- tk h «. ? n% Vbem,st Extraordinary to his late Majesty,) Cburcb Street, Hackney, and sold \w h;»™ i i i by Hooper, 43 King William teeV 1„ J I f1 < 1 in # i> .1 I sircet, London-bridge Sanger, v I 't; Butler l.Cbeapside, Barclay and Sons, b arrinsjdon- street Edwards 67 St Puni l PL l J c # ton aud Co., 10, Bow Churchyard F *r C!,°rch^^ 11;' „_J r> *1-; » ferris and Score, Bristol V nitpK tn Town °i'i' 0 er'lampton and bv all Medi- cine Venders tn 1 own anil t.oontrv. ki k,^i GREGORY'S UNIVERSAL RESTOK-VTIVE PILLS prepared strictly in contonnity with his late .V]a,esty s Physi- cian s prescription, who tor years experienced their beneficial effect m all oases of Costive. and Bili00, Complaints, Attacks ot Fever, Disorders ot the Stomach and Bowels, Goit, Acnte a,.d Chronic Rhearaatism, Cutaneous Eruptions, Indigestion Pimness of Sight, Giddiness ot the Head, and Dropsical Com- plaints, The qualities of these excellent fills, consisting entirely of » egetable productions, require no confinement or change of diet ml ilie contrary, moderate exercise promotes their operation, Families willllnd this Medicine well worthv their attention, a-^ Ilicv neither impair by time, or change by climate and may In ,ken with perfect safety, even by the IUOst delicafe child. The Proprietor earnestly solicits the attention of all classes In this invaluable Medicine, more especially those whose daily avo- c ttion is such as to render their life sedentary, and who are s lequentiy subject to violent headaches, sickness, &c. Tbe\ rengthen the digestive organs, promote a healthy actlOn."j th, iver, and remove those obstructions of the bowels, which Sf i equently cause sick head aches, heartburn, flatulencies, ami u-rvous affections, which by the occasional use of these Pill ire spepdily removed. In Boxes 2«.9d., 4s. Od., and Family Roses 10s, t>d. each dnty included, Be snre to ask for Qrr• uiiJ oh;ar\ v on the •' MONMOUTHSHIRfc. FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE LET, OR SOLD, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, A GENTEEL HOUSE, with Palisade in front, pleasantly situated near Caerleon, containing six Bedrooms, two I Parlours. Kitchens l'antry. Store-room, Cellar, Brewhouse, large Garden, and Stable. If LeI, a I;, w Acres of L?nd may be had if required. For particulars, apply on the Premisis, or in Mr. HARRIS, Llaneravon, near Newport. BALENDARE STABLES, PONTYPOOL. TO COVmB. THIS SEASON. ON TUESDAYS, at the GREYHOUND, Abergavennv, THURSDAYS, at the TREDEGAIt ARMS, Newport. FRIDAYS, at the KING'S HEAD, UsJt, the other days at the Stabfes as above. The Thorough-bred Horse CALICO, At Four Sovereigns each, and Hall-bred Mares, at half-price. Grooms Fee 2s. 6d., to be paid at the time of covering, and the remainder on or before the 24th of June next. PEDIGREE.-CALICO is a beautiful dark brown with black legs, stands 15 hands 3 inches high, perfectly sound, is now 6 years old, and has proved himself a sure foal getter. He was bred by Mr. Houldsworth, and was got by Filo da Pitta (winner at the St. Leger), out of Corset by Walebone (Siieofsome of the first Racers of the present day), Corset was out of Sultana, sister to Sultan by Selim Filho da Puta by Haphazard, &c., &c. Good Grass for Mares at 4s. per week, at Blaendare, where every attention will be paid to them and their Foals. Pontypool, May 20th, 1842. EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES. FROM NEWPORT FOR BALTIMORE <L PKZX.ADEX.PKXA DIRECT. To SAIL, on or about the 5th of June next, the very Fast-sailing, First-class, Coppered and Copper- fastened American SHIP FANTBENOIV, 600 Tons Burthen, S. WOODBURY, COMMANDER. Persons desirous of Emigrating will find this a most eligible opportunity, as it is now the best season of the year, and such a splendid ship very seldom offers She has filst-rate accom- modation for Cabin, Intermediate, and Steerage Passengers and will take a few Tons of light goods. As only a limited number can be taken, early application should be made to C. H. STONEHOUSE and CO Skinner street; Mi. W.CHESSELL. Blaina Wharf, Newnor" or 10 Messrs. J. BROWN and SON, Ship Brokers Cardiff. May 19th 1842. Economic Life Assurance Society, No. 34, BRIDGE STREET, BLACKFRIARS, LONDON, ESTABLISHED 1823. Empowered hy Act of Parliament, 3 William the Fourth, „. TR DIRECTORS. Ihe Right Hon. THOMAS FRANKLAND LEWIS, Chairman. HENRY FRED STEPHENSON, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Louer Rates oj 1 remiums than those of any other Office that en title t heassu red to par tici pate in the profits,as follows j Agu' 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 en title t heassu red to par tici pate in the profits,as follows Agu' 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Annual Premium 110 8 I !4 7 I I!) o 2 4 3 2 10 11 2 19 9 3 |l (j 4 g 0 per ceut. I per ceut. I THHE BONUSdeclared in 1834, amounted upon an average A to £ 16. per cent, on the premiums then paid; and in 1839. a second Bonus was declared, amounting on the average, to £ 31. per cent. on the premiums paid during the preceding five years. Bonuses may be applied to the increase of the sum assured, to reduction of premiums for life, or for a term of yeais. Policies on the lives of persons dying by suicide, duelling, or by the hands of justice, are not void as lespects the interests of parties to whom they may have been legally assigned. Persons residing in the country may have prospectuses and instructions loiwarded to them on application. By order of the Board of Directors, CAMPBELL JAMES DOWNElt, Secretary. A GEMS. Abergavenny THOMAS FOWLER, Bank. Bicccn. WM. HlER. Carnarvon. OWEN JONES, Castle-square. Denbigh. ;HOMAS EV ANS, Solicitor. Wrexham JOHN BURY; GFORGE LEWIS, Esq., Medical Referee.


[No title]