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£ uifeas aefifions.


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i^tupping Unteliiwnte* v2

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Family Notices



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woMHQiryHgmas soaouan8.


woMHQiryHgmas soaouan8. On Monday last, Mr. Hall, the present respected Member for the Bortfiigks, published an address to his constituents, in which he announces his determination of net ag?.in offering himself for the honour of representing them, in the event c'f a dissolution of Parliament. As Mr. Hall's intention had been previously known to some of the leading Reformers in the boroughs, measures had been taken for the purpose of acting with promptitude immediately after the publication of the address; In the course of the day a requisition, signed by a large number oi liie principal inhsfliitants of the borough, was presented to the Mayor, who, in compliance therewith, convened a public meeting for Wednesday evening, the 18th, at the Lancasterian School, at six o'clock. The announce- ment of Mr. flail's intention having caused a great sensa- tion in the borough, at the appointed hour a very numerous and respectable assemblage of the inhabitants attended, when, on the motion of Mr. Latch, the Mayor of the Borough was called to the chair. The Chairman stated that the present meeting was called in consequence of a placard which was published in the town by Mr. Hall, their present member, announcing his in. tention not to come forward as a candidate for the honour of representing them at the next election. All must regret the determination of Mr. Hall, as it will deprive them of the services of a gentleman who has represented them with such assiduity and zeal. The object of the present meeting was to secure the services of some gentleman who would take care of their interests and advocate their rights in parliament. Air. Hall had told them in his address to exercise great caution in the selection of the individual to whom they would confide the important trust, and he (the Mayor) begged leave to en- force that wise recommendation. It is truly a matter of great importance seriously affecting every inhabitant of the boroughs, for the representative whom they would select will be confined to the care oftheir deepest and most important in- terests the selection, therefore, of that individual should re- ceive the greatest consideration. What was the reason as- signed by Ilr. Hall for declining again to come forward for the honour of representing the boroughs in parliament. It was indeed a very sound and a. very sufficient one, namely, ilie-immense expense attending a contest, which his duty to his family would not allow him again to undertake. Bad- indeed must that system be which thus deprives a devoted consti- s tuency of the services of a faithful and intrepid representative. What honest man that hears this can be opposed to the bal- lot, by means of which money would be rendeied unneces- sary, and electors could exercise a conscientious choice, with. out apprehension of the consequences. In the ordinary Jr. fairs of life when men are about to select individuals to tran- sact business for them, what 49. they look for but integrity and zeal. Under our present system of representation those qualities are useless, and the possession of a large fortune is the first requisite in a candidate. Under that corrupt system candidates must hive the command of large sums of money, and must spend it profusely in treating, and in other ways. Can the views of those menf be honest who are ready to ex- pend such large sums for the acquisition of a trust which, if ugrightly administered, can return them no pecuniary profit. The ballot, gentlemen, continued the Chairman,the ballot is the cure, and the only cute for those evils and the circumstances which have this night brought us together furnish the strong- est facts to show the necessity for its immediate introduction. (Great applause.) He concluded by saying that as this was a matter which deeply concerned every inhabitant of the boroughs, he called on them to come forward and express their sentiments, and whether friendly or adverse to the measures which would be proposed, he would ensure to every speaker a patient and attentive hearing. Mr. Latch rose and said, he thought he could not com- mence better than by reading the resolution which he would have the honour to propose. [He then read the 1st resolu- tion, expressing approbation of the conduct of Mr. Hall in parliament.] He would appeal to the better feelings of the constituency, if Mr. Hall's public conduct did not fully en. title him to their thanks and gratitude. (Hear, hear.) Zea- lous in support of the interests of his constituents lie had been unremitting in attendance to his duties. He (Mr. L.) deeply regretted his secession and earnestly hoped they should be able to supply his place by as honest and as efficient a representative. (Loud cheeis.) Mr. Corsbie seconded the resolution and said, that on look- ing at the whole of Mr. Hall's parliamentary conduct, he fufly coincided with his friend, Mr. Latch, that that gentle- man was entitled to the thanks of the electors. When Mr. Hall first came forward to rescue those boroughs from thral. dom, he did so in the certainty that it would be attended with much expense, but those expenses have been so much greater than was anticipated, that he can no longer undergo them. (hear, hear) Mr. Hall has been one of the most consistent reformers in the House, and he need but appeal to his con- stituents to testify the zeal and alacrity he has ever evinced in attending to the local interests of the boroughs. (Cheers.) It now becomes the duty of the electors to choose another re- presentative in the place of him who has been driven from them by the evils of our present mode of election.. (Hear, hear.) Ip exercising this choice it will be ueceSsary to ob- tave "determined upon a cawlidak^he woul^er^^f^Mitr Wiat success would depend on thfeir maintaining a perfisrt unanimity so that they should give him the undivided support of their party. (Loud cheers.) Mr. Edwards in (proposing the 2nd resolution said, that he much regretted the necessity which obliged Mr. Hall to retire from the representation of the boroughs, having served them faithfully and for so manyyears, the electors were too deeply impressed with the value of those services to part with Mr. Hall without regret. It was their duty, however, now to secure the services of some other gentleman, and he could assure them that a better opportunity for a gentleman of liberal principles to come forward could not present itself. There are but few constituencies in the kingdom more zealous or more devoted to the liberal cause, and that in the face of lemptations of no ordinary kind, than the electors of those boroughs. (Loud cheers.) Above all things he would im- press upon them the importance of requiiing from any candi- date who might come forwaid a distinct pledge on the subject of the ballot; and he hoped they would not give their votes to any man who was not ready to support it. (Cheers.) Mr. Owen seconded the resolution and said, that the zea lous and faithful services of Mr. Hall fully entitled him to some lasting token of the gratitude of the electors. (Cheers.) Mr. IgguWen proposed the next resolution for the appoint. ment of a committee to consider the best means of securing the return of a liberal candidate. While on his legs Mr. I. would make one observation as to the duty of the committee. They should select a gentlemanof liberal principles, and above all a good reformer. 1 hough not friendly to the principle of pledging generally, he thought it would be the duty of the committee to require,from the candidate a distinct and positive pledge on the subject of the ballot. Mr. I. at considerable length pointed out the benefits to be derived from the ballot and concluded by hoping that at the next election every con- stiluenev "ill call upon the candidates lor a pledge on this vital subject, (Applause.) Mr. Wells seconded the resolution. The Mayor in putting it said, that the appointment of the committee was a matter of much importance, for on the com- position of that committee the success of the election will mainly depend. The meeting was, therefore, deeply interested in the nomination of the committee, and to them it should be left. There was some discussion as to the number of gentle- men of which the committee should consist. The Chairman observed that it would be unwise to have too numerous a committee, as in that case their plans might be defeated. It would be the duty of that committee to enter into correspondence with gentlemen, and it would be highly inexpedient that that correspondence should be revealed un. til it was in a state to be submitted to a public meeting of the electors, whose province it would be finally to decide on the steps taken by the committee. The names of thirteeu gen- tlemen were then successively moved and seconded, as mem- bers of the committee, and adopted by the meeting. Mr. Corsbie being called on, came forward and made the following statement to the meeting. On Thursday, the 12th, after he was aware of the determination of Mr. Hall to retin;, it was intimated to him that Mr. Blewitt would be an eli<>i- ble representative for the boroughs. Having mentioned this to Mr. H., he said that Mr. Blewitt's opinions were, he believed, in accordance with his own, and that if he would pledge him- self on the question of the ballot, and as to the generalliberalilv of his opinions, much advantage might be derived from having such a member. He (Mr. C.) consulted the leading Re- formers here on the subject, in consequence of which he, and Mr.Dowling, proceededto Ll intarnain, where they had an in- terview with Mr. Blewitt. After some discussion upon these points, Mr. B. gave permission to be put in nomina. tion, reserving tohimself the right of declining, if, onconsulting his friends, he found it expedient to do so. 1 he communica- tion being one of such importance,it was reduced to writing at the time, and signed by himself, Mr. Dowling, and Mr. Blewitt. Mr. Corsbie then begged leave to refer the matter to the decision of the meeting. Mr. Dowling addressed the meeting at some length, on the present political aspect of the boroughs, but from the limita- tion of our space, we are unavoidably obliged to pass over his speech, and those of other gentlemen, merely with brief aHusiuns.—Mr. Dowling enforced the necessity of a strict adherence to the impoitant advice judiciously given by their justly-esteemed member. Firmness of purpose, a concentra- tion of exertions, and active zeal in the good cause, would ensure an addition to the victories they had before gloriously won. He dwelt on the merits of the ever-faithful band of Monmouth Reformers, of whose patriotic devotion to the principles of rational liberty, he was long a witness and lie looked with entire confidence to their unswerving political integrity in any trial that might arise. He felt much satis- faction that the Reformers had directed their attention to Mr. Blewitt, as a candidate for the representation of the boroughs his public principles are anexcepiionable-as a resident coun tl y gentleman he is well and justly esteemed-and as a land- lord he is beloved. Mr. D. took a view of his public piinci- ples, of his assiduity and talents as a man of business, and of his character as a landlord and county gentleman, which met the repeated cheers of the meeting. The Mayor then came forward and said, that & few mo. ments since a placard was piase^-id f i he an address from Mr. Bailey to the elector: c-l': !'orQ\tg,.s: This address he would read to the meetic, g, and begged •» trespass on their patience while he made a few remarks «>n its contents. He then proceeded to read the address, soitle passages in which elicited loud expressions ot disappro- bation from the rneefiW. In that address Mr< Bailey states that his political principles are alrSad? bpforti the e ecioIJi hat, he would ask, are those principles 1 They lory In the strongest sense. (Cheers.) What is the definition of the word Tory ? A man who governs by violence and by the sword. For fifty years, during which, with short intervals, the reigrr cf the Tories continued, every oppressive measure —every law subversive of the liberty of the subject, was car- ried by that cruel party. (Loud cheerS.) forget 'he years 1817 and 18191 (Hear, hear.) Who d.a Sot re- member the cold-blooded massacre at Manchester, where 500 men, women, and children were killed and wounded for peaceably assembling to exercise their undoubted light of petitioning for a redress of grievances- (Loud cheers.) 1 hose things could not be forgotten nor would it be forgotten that the Tory ministry of the day publicly returned thanks to the perpetrators of that cruel massacre. (Loud and continued cheering.) Mr. Bailey belonged to that party, and is pledged to support It-R party which had increased the debt to Such an amount as to weigh down the energies of the eountrJ-a debt which would ultimately produce a greater change than any that has been seen in England since the Norman con- quest. (Hear, hear.) What did Mr. Bailey mean by imper- fections in the constitution ? it is all imperfection (cheers) for instance, the Court of Chancery—how does he propose to remedy the abuses there ? How will he deal with the abuses in the army 1 (Hear. hear.) We have there no less than 480 Generals after twenly-one years of peace. (Cheers.) Not a word of rednction of^taxation, the overwhelming amount of which has reduced the people of these countries to a de- plorable state of misery and crime. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Bai- »«y, he had understood from those who had good opportuni- ties of observing him, was an amiable and accomplished young man, and in every relation of private life a most esti- mable character; but it was with his public character they had to deal-as a politician-and in that capacity he belonged to a .fiar^y which were derermined to carry things to extremity, •tad at such he would not suit them. (Cheers.) The Mayor fcjhen alluded to the proceedings at the last election, and de- precated in strong terms the corrupt practices they had re- 11 course to. He also repeated some instances of great virtue evinced by persons belonging to the working classes, who had resisted the temptation of biibes upon that occasion. No CtaM, he observed, were so deeply interested in having good members of parliament as the working men, one half of whose earnings is absorbed by taxation. He concluded by stating that, as a dissolution of parliament was expected to be at hand, he trusted every person would do the utmost in his power to en- sure the return of those men who would be most likely to con- duce to the public good. (The Mayor sat down amidst loud applause. Mr. T. Hawkins then addressed the meeting in a very ef- fective speech, and was followed by Mr. Perkins, who spoke with great energy and feeling. Both gentlemen were loudly applauded. After which, Mr. Owen, in a neat speech, proposed a vote of thanks to the Mayor, which was seconded by Mr. Latch, and tarried with three rounds of applause. Before the meeting separated they gave three hearty cheers for Reform, three equally hearty for Mr. Hall.

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