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> » r -^i>r Mm- in- an m mm iiii^WJ.ij lu MERTHYR. BOARD OF GUARDIANS.—At the usual weekly meeting of this board, on Saturday, Mr H. H. Ilhyr;, the chairman, presiding, the clerk to the governors of the Gelligaer Endowed School wrote intimating that the term of office of Mr James Lewis, one of the governors of the school elected by the board had expired, aud requesting the board to fill up the vacancy,—The Chairman gave notice that at the next meeting ha should movo that Mr Lewis be re-elected.—In reply to the chairman, the Clerk said that he had received no communication from the Local Government Board in reference to the return he had sent up giving the result of the poll on the question of; the triennial election of guardians, but he had had a communication Vrom 111: Stephenson, of Cardiff, from which it appeared that an order had beeu made for a triennial ser- vice at Cardiff, although the majority of persons voting there had not been anything like a majority of the whole body of the" ratepayers.— Mr PIews, on behalf of the committee appointed to consIder and report upon the best means of securing the regular celebration of religious ser- vices at the workhouse on Sunday, said ths exist- ing practice was to have two services on Sunday, one in the morning conducted by a Church minister, and the other in the evening conducted by a Nonconformist minister. There was a list sent round to each, showing the days upon which he had to attend, and, in addition to that, each received special notice when it was his turn to officiate a few days beforehand. The committee considered that this system was sati-fa-:tory, and th there was no necessity for any alteration. They also felt that the board had great reason to be satisfied with t'he way in which the various ministers had given then-attendance, and that tho board ought to express their thanks to them for the past services which they had so kindly rendered.—Mr Plews formally moved that their thanks be conveyed to the rev. eentlemen, and, the motion having been seconded by the Rev. A. Davies, was unanimously agreed t, POLICE. —At the police-court on Saturday— before Mr J. Bishop (stipendiary) and Mr T. Williams—William Evans, Gelligaer, was fined 10s, or seven days, for stealing a quantity of coal, the property of the Dowlais Iron Company. HOUSEBREAKING AT DOWLAIS.—Mary Morris, 32, Elizabeth-street, Dowlais, was charged with breaking and cntrring: the dwelling-house oi Joseph Davies, at 30, Elizabeth-street, Dowlais, and stealing therefrom a blanket, two fhunel shirts. anel a skirt. It appeared that oa the 12th inst. Mrs Davies went away from home, leaving the house in charge of a person named Elizabeth Jones. On the next morning Mrs Jones found the back window, which had been fastened with pieces of stick, drawn down, and the back door, which had been bolted, open, and she therefore communicated with Mrs Davies, who, upon her return home, discovered the articles, mentioned in the charge, missing from her bedroom. The things were traced to Mr Gettleston's, pawnbroker, where they had been pledged on the night of the 12th by the prisoner's daughter, and whence they had been redeemed on the 14th. OIL the 17th prisoner was arrested by P.C. Nathaniel Jones, when she admitted having gone into the liouss and stolen the property. After she was in custody she pointedouttotheomcer a bundle which was standing in a dark corner ill front of the police- station, and in this bundle the purloined articles were found to be contained. Prisoner was com- mitted for trial at the assizes. DISHONEST LODGERS.—Thomas Lynch, Dow- lais, was charged with stealing a blanket, the pro- perty of his brother-in-law, Thomas Kennedy, with whom he lodged. The blanket was taken by the prisoner on the 18th, and given by him to a woman for the purpose of pledging it. This woman put it in pawn, and handed him the money which had been advanced to her. The bench, after hearing all the evidence for the prose- cution and the prisoner's defence, came to the conclusion that there had been no felonious intent 011 the part of the accused, and consequently they ordered his discbarge.—Elizabeth Laws, Aberdare, was charged by John Solman, in whose house she had been a lodger, with stealing a bed sheet. Mr T. Phillips appeared to prosecute, and the testi- mony of the witnesses whom he called led the magistrates to commit the prisoner for trial at the assizes. LECTURE BY PROFESSOR KER.—On Monday evening Professor W. P. Ker, of the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, com- menced, at the Caedraw Board-school, a course of ten lectures on the "History of Literature in England during the Reigns of the Tudor Sove- reigns." There was a large attendance, which included many gentlemen associated with educa- tional work in the neighbourhood, and the lecture, which proved highly interesting and instructive, was much appreciated by all assembled. QUOIT MATCH.—On Monday a quoit match for £5 aside, 31 points up, took place at Merthyr be- tween John Griffiths and John Morgan, both of Penrheolgerrig. The play was witnessed by a large number of persons, and in the result Griffiths proved himself the victor, beating his opponent by twelve points. POLICE.—At the police-court on Monday— before Mr J. Bishop (stipendiary)—John Jones was sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour for stealing a piece of timber, the property of the Plymouth Iron Company on the 19th inst. Ths case was proved by P.C. D. Evans ATTEMPTING TO STEAL MONEY.— John Evans, a dirty, lazy-looking fellow, was charged with at- tempting to steal money, the property of Joseph Watkins, of High-street, Merthyr. The prosecutor keeps a small greengrocer's shop, and at about half-past five 011 Saturday night, whilst in his kitchen he saw the prisoner inthe act of leaning over the shop counter and opening the till. Mrs Watkins, who attends to titobusinesa, went in to the prisoner and asked him what h<? wanted, when he begged for a. crust of bread. This being refused him he went out, :1:1.1 after he left he was joined by two other men. Prosecutor followed them, and he gave ihe prisoner into the custody of Acting-Sergeant Thomas (9). When charged by that officer, the accused said, I did lean over the counter, but I took no money I wanted some bread." The learned magistrate committed the prisoner for a month with hard labour. SERIOUS CASE OF WOUNDING.—Wm. Evans was charged with unlawfully wounding David Thomas. A medical certificate was put in, showing that the injuries sustained by the prose- cutor were so serious that he was not out of dan- •ger, and that he would be unable to attend the court for some little time. Only sufficient evi dence was taken to justify a remand. Lewis Lewis, a haulier, of 37, Chapel-street, Aber- canaid, stated that at about ten minutes to eleven o'clock on Saturday night a quarrel took place between the parties in the Glamorgan Arms public-house, Abercanaid, and in the course of the row Evans threw a glass at Thomas, which cut him very severely over the eye. The case was ad- journed for a month. AELEGED THEFT OF A WATCH.—At the police- court on Wednesday—before Mr J. Bishop, stipendiary — William Foley, labourer, was charged with stealing a watch from the person of David Pugh, a coil-er.—Mr W. Bedims defended. —!t appeared that on Monday evening a quarrel took place at Yoysgan, Merthyr, between the prosecutor's mother and another woman, and that Pugh, upon interfering, was knocked down by someone interested in the row. He alleged that whilst on the ground his watch was forcibly taken from him by the prisoner. Thewatch, however, was found on the roadway near the scene of the disturbance by Thomas Beyaon, an onlooker of the squabble, and by him it was taken to the police-station.—Tho learned magistrate dismissed the case.







FALL OF A CHIMNEY. - ,,t-----•*














.... | CARDIFF.




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