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PREPAID TARIFF YOR SMALL A DVEnTISEIEXTS. DAILY I' tlOllS In p jDiv News W»r>n-. q(1> xhree Six & once in Insertion. Insertions.lir.sertions. Cardiff Times. | s. d. | s. d. I s. d. ( s. d. lilwCT 6ff-I1-Ö-r-1-6-ï20 i!7WmTuj 0 "9 I 1 6 I 2 5 i 5 0 36 Words 1 3 0 j 4 0 45 Wo-1 1 5 | 2 6 j 3 9 [ 5 0 54 Words 1 6 j 3 0 4 6 1- 6 0 Each extra ) I lir.e <>f v 0 3 0 6(0 9 1 0 9 Words) | Tt,t>"p c: ;l"t'S e, ,DIy only tù the classes of advertise- ment :5}JeciiieJ below, and are strictly confined to which are ordered for COXSF.CtrrivB insertion, and PAID F01t PREVIOUS TV- INSERTION; if either of these con- dition* is 1:0;; complied with, the adTerti5eluent. will bE charged 1. t1, BíI4ille;s scale :— APARTMENTS WANTED. HOUSES TO BE SJLD. ArARTMFNTS '10 LET. MONEY WANTED. Articles LOST. MONEY TO LEI), ART: CI.ES FOUNP. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUSINESS KS FOR DISPOSAL MISCELLANEOUS SALES. BUSINKSSKS WASTED. PARTNERSHIPS WANTEV1 HOUSES TO LKT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Ko-tsK.s WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. CENKHAL. ADVERTISING TARIFF. PAHLWMK.VHRY NOTICES, Government Announce- nents, ii-l Parliamentary Flections are charged One SliTlina: pev line for each insertion. Prospectuses of Fublie Companies .ire charged Xinepenee per line for each :n-t'(l11. Public, Legal, Municipal, Parochial, and "cho, board Notices, Tenders and Contracts, &c" are charged Sixpeice per line for each insertion. Auc- tion Notices art* charged Sixpence per line, ami all ether cesses of Advertisements Fourpence per line per insertion. Some of these charges are, however, subject to reduction in accrdanca witn th3 number of inser- tions ordered. — Particulars may be obtained at our Cl1ie-f and Branch Oiiices. ADVERTISERS. when senrlin advertisements in mn. \ftrer¡nr,JlIY e>tiea,te eight words t.) a line, and 12 line" t. all inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including large line' fÎlklhe, and white spaces, i3 measured, and th pace occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve lines to 1 inch THE NEW POST A] J ARRANGEMENTS. Advertisers and others having occasion to remit small mv.ni tl) this office are requested to send PIKVI A' NOTKS INSTEAD OF STAMPS. The Notes may he obtained ac IIV..}"Y P01lt Office in tbe for the following sums and charges Airuunt of Postal Notes. Cost of Note. One Shilling Halfpenny. Kgl tteenoencs Halfpenny. Hnf a Crown One Penny. Five shillings One Penny feevt-ii shillin/Siind Sixpence One Penny. leu Shillings Twopenci.>. Twelve shillings amI sixpence •• Twopence. Fineen sh;J\il1, Twopence. shillings and sixpence.. Twopence. Twenty shillings Twopence. .11i Notes" may be transmitted just as received from Ute Post Office; bu if greater security is desired the •ame&iul Fost Office at which it is intended to make them payable (D. Duncan and Sons, Cardiff), may be Inserted. As postal notes are ouly issued for the fixed sums Above given, it will not always be possible, by sending <me or mord of them, to make up the exact remittance 4e»kad. In such cased the balance (which wTll always Ñ bean than a shilling) may be addetl in postage stamps. educational. "T ANTKD, an ASSISTANT MASTER for Boys' f School.—Apply, stating salary required, to the of Llandai'f. 5483 flEanfift. WANTED, "good Slaughterman, willing to make himself useful sober anll. cleaD to live in- <wors.—Apply A. B., Aberaman P-st-office, Aberdare. ■\7"AC'ANCIE5 IN CIVIL SERVICE. Age 15-25. T Commencing salaries range to £ 100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—Intelligent young wltn writs to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, NnoLemd, London. 5636 TO WHEELWRIGHTS.—Wanted, at once, a good and > teai.y workman.—Apjfly J. Williams, West- ^laee, Foil ty pool. 5547 Q WEEKLY and upwards may be easily and ¡, honestly realised IIY persons of either sex. without hindrance to present occupation.—For parti- culars, &c., end so addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, and Company (P. 130), Merchants, Birmingham Xhid is genuine. 5030 irirANTED FLOUR, FRUIT, SODA and other ▼ T BARRELS.— Dobson Soda a.nd Dry Soap Work", Cardiff. 9133—49874 SERVANTS WANTING PLACES ofanydescription, t.. alitl Householders requiring Servants, should •dvortise in the CARDIFF TIMES. ODGINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or to be B J LET. should be advertised in the CARDIFF TIMKS JEet. HOUSES or PREMISES to be LET should be advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES. "3 Jor BUTCHERS Carts, Farm Wagon, JL) Pony Trap, Small Break, Garden and Contra.c- tors' Barrows.—J. Norman, Steam Wheel Works and Saw Mills, Market-road, Canton, Cardiff. 10754 61153 SALE. a superior wrought-iron FIRE and THfKt-PHOOK SAFE, 30in. high by 20in. fey 20in Cotterili's lover lock antI two keys look-up drawer, quite ew and perfect. Will hold three books 18in. bv Hin. by 4in. Price £4 10. Carriage paid. Worth double.—E. Nayier, Dudley, Worcestershire. FOR SALE, at St. Ives, the fast sailing SMACK JD PHIXG, 36'27 tons, with all her iron ballast and She is built of oak, and will be sold a bargain.—Fur further particulars apply to Short and Dunn, Cardiff. 11026 HOUSES and PREMISES for SALE should be advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES. üUTH W ALES PROPERTY o GAZETTE," A MONTHLY REGISTER OF Est A. !•:>, Holies, LANDS, Ac., to be LET or SOLD in Wa.le", Monmouthshire, West of Er>la.nd, Ac. 1,000 Copies sent )Ionthl> post-free, to tile leading inhabi- tants of Wales and Monmouthshire. Insertions free. Copies post free, from Messrs HER. Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &c.. 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 244 WILLIAM SANDERS, TT AUCTIONEER, t> ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, 23, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, KM the following PROPERTIES for SALE eA.THAY.Ni). 2l, Cathays-terrace, 3.). INDSOii-KOAD. LargQ house, suitable for 10 i edrooms, Ac. DOCKS.—Nos. 13, Mountstuart-sqnare. CANTON.—Two houses in Egerton-street six houses In W¡n.lha.m-rùa.d. GRANGKTOWN.—Nine Vt!ry excellunt large houe3 in Clive-street, seven with nine rooms, and two with 12 Moras each, and six houses in Kent-street. j .-A liberal portion of the purchase money can be had « mortgage. Apply as above. 125 ,C:=:=: ^cx -iExscgllangous, WANTED, ca.-h offers for a handy (new) BOAT, t V sprit ringed, complete.—Address, G. South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 5565 INKS, Black and Coloured.—Kernickand Son, Manu- facturers, 5, St. John's-s.quare, Cardiff.10975 6307 BICHROMATE of Potash, Sal Ammoniac, Chlorate of Potash.—Kernick and Son, Wholesale Drug- gists, 5, St John s-square, Cardiff. HONEY and Beeswax.—Kernick and Son, Whole- sale Druggists, 5, St. John's-square, Cardiff. STEAMSHIP INVESTMENT (LIMITED) COM PAY. Soma S10 SHARES in a new Steamer, which will be seady for Sea in anout fcur weeks. AU information and forms for application may be had a* 11057 Messrs COURTIS & DA VIES, 63822 48, Mountstuart Square, Cardiff. Jtlxsallatwous. C"CORPULENCY.—A Gentleman, whe. can personally j vouch for the efficacy of a REMEDY (Doctor's pre>;<;rjiofi) which will. effectually and rapidly Rg- DUCE COUP ULENCY wit';<,nt tiresome restriction as 4»di«f, exercise, Ac "oiy harmless) will sellll Recipe on receipt "f s #d ad<lre3.j¡o F. Knssell, Connaught Chamber High Holborn, London. 5281 OROIDB GOLD JEWELLERY (Registered). PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR GOLD. WATCHES, in olegaot design, equal in beauty and utility to 13-carat, warranted accurate time-keepers, 214., 30s. LOCKETS, to hold two portraits, set With pi-ar'.s, coi-al. Ac., highly finished, 33 6d to 10s 6d. ALBERT and O'J'FIER CHAINS, fine gold patterns, 7s. M.. 10s. 6lL STUDS, LINK' etc., 2s. 6d. tiCARK PiN^, Is., 2s., 2-<. 6d. Every Article of Jewel- lery safe and frei) 1>r ri-gisterod post. Send for X oW Illustrated Price List and Press Opinions post free. C. C. ROWE, 92, BROMPTON-KOAD, LONDON, S.W. (ESTABLISHED 1870.) 10971 THE "GALIGNANI'S MESSENGER" says Messrs Honiiman havo had wonderful success with their fam'.us Tea in the Paris Exhibition •" It is possessed of a most delicious flavour, and is unique in quality tit" price, too, is such as to bring it within ) tiio reach of all.' I Lisi of Horniman's Local Agents. Williams, chem- Bridgend—Williams, ist, 11, Bute- Stamp Office, f street. Cowbridge—Thomas, High H Coleman A Co., street. f street. Cowbridge—Thomas, High H Coleman A Co., street. street. Glyn Neath—Co-operative „ nowei!,25o,Bute Society. ciiemist. Blaina—Co-operative M Joy, 17, Duke-st. Society. „ nowei!,25o,Bute Society. ciiemist. Blaina—Co-operative M Joy, 17, Duke-st. Society. „ Traiierae, cnem- Chepstow—Griffiths, Bean- iso. fort-square. n Anthony.Stilary Mountain Ash W hite. street. Pontypool—Wood, Stamp street. Pontypool W 00,1, Stamp „ Mumford.Splott- Office. lands. ♦ Pontypridd, Key, chemist. Collier, o5, Ja-nes-st 1 loath—Hancock, chemist. 3>«wlais, Williams,chemist „ Jones, Clifton-st, <Jftnf >n, V orath.Post-oliice. Prust, chemist. 10/61 Penarth—Prooior,chemist JNJBOTION DAY. An INFALLIBLE REMEDY and certain cure for all from tho Urinary Organs in either sex tfhether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronio cure,. in a few days without medioines. Sold in bottles, Id 6d each, by all chemist. London agents. F. New- fcury and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, B.C. Agents for ^Cardiff, J Mnnday, 1. Duke-street, comer of High. .8kót; and J. A. Collier, 55, J*jaes-s*reet, and 4tt Graogetown. 10776 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the nr.nary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional, I grave 1, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d 48Ch, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors or ajent to any address for 60 stamps by the makers, The t J^-coin and Midland Counties' Drag Company, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Karpiay and Svns, London, snd all Iw wuo.esaio aoas««, 9 133 IJultlic ^mua^imnts. EW THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF, .1., —— LESSEE A MANAGER llr EDWARD FLETCHER ACTING A STAGE MANAGER ..Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), and TO-MORROW (SATUR- DAY), July 6th an i 7th. LAST TWO NIGHTS of Miss KATE SANTLEY'S Comic Opera Colil.-)any, in the latest and greatest Loudon success, THE MERRY DUCHESS. By G. R. Sims and Frederic Ciay, Received each evenirg with enthusiastic applause. On MONDAY, July 9th, and Every Evening. Mr C. Bernard's Comic Opera Company in the New Nautical Opera, BILLEE TAYLOR, By H. P. Stephens and Edward Solomon. Full Orches- tra. Splendid Musie. Magnificent Scenery. Rich and Costlv Dresses. MONDAY, July 16th, the famous Esthetic Opera, PATIENCE, or Bunthorne's Bride. Open 7.50, commence at 3 precisely. Stage door, open half-an-honr earlier, 6d extra. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and Shaekell's. (ttnôtrz aitfr Tontracts. LAMORGANSHIRE TURNPIKE 7C ROADS. NORTHERN DISTRICT. Persons desirous to CONTit-ILCT for thi supply of LIMESTONE, from the 30rh November nex, to the 31st day of October, 1334. f n* either Orr or more of the undermentioned parts of Turnpike llaads, are requested to send sealed Tenders (post paid), on or before S-k- TURDAY, the 23th day of July noxt, to Mr David W. Jones, Aberdare, clerk to the Northern District Roads Board, stating the number of the portion for which they wish to tender, and the piice per cuo.c yard at which they are dlling to supply the s.ime and any person oifering for more than one division must send for each a separate tender, Nature of Probable qnan- No. Portion of Road. Material titv required Required. for 1883. i 1 From Rhydyblew Gate to the Horse and Groom. Tlowlals Limestone.. 650 cube yards. 2 „ Nant' gwenith Gate to the 20th Mile Mark from Neath 100 3 „ 20t!i f lile Mark from Neath t • Hendrebailey Bridge „ 50 4 Ilendrebailev Bridge to nigos Toll-gate 200 5 Rigos Toll-gate to Pontywalby 150 6 Tongwynlaes to Blac.khrook Gate 950 7 Plymouth Gate to Blackbrook Gate 550 8 „ Trebnnnog Gate to Aberdare Upper Gate 3CQ 9 „ Aberdare to Aberaraan Bridge 450 „ 10 Aherarrrtn Bridge to Travellers' Rest, excepting the Town of Mountain Anil „ 400 „ 11 „ fyiaker's Yard to Yntrad Railway Bridge „ 200 12 Htrad Railway Bridge to Caerphilly 150 13 Bed was Bridue to Thornhill — »• 250 14 Caerphilly to Nantgarw .» 100 15 ,,Newbridge to Uantrisant 200 16 Llantrissant to Llanharran, i n theCowbridge-road toRhydalog, and to'lYllant on the Cardiff-roa.() II 550 „ 17 Removing all Boad Dirt which may accumulate betweoen Aberdare and the entrance to the New Gas Works near Aber&nian, ——— within twenty-four hours of receipt of notice from Constant 5,250 i Labourer. I Each contractor will be required to take away, with- out charge, any road dirt that may have accumulated from scraping, cleaning ditches, or drains, Aa, im- mediately the same is scraped. or within 12 hours after notice to that effect from the sur/eyor, or any of his constant labourers, excepting on the road between Aberdare and tha entrance to the New Gas Works, for which a separate tender is required for One Year, from the 30th day of November next together with the portions of road between the Horse and Groom, Dowlais, and Dowlais Top, and between Plymouth Toll Gate, Merthyr, and the Mardy Bridge, for which a separate tender is also required. The material is to be brokel. sufficiently small to pass by its largest dimensions through a 21-inch guage, and to be perfectly free from dirt; it is to bo delivered in such quantities as may be directed by the Surveyor of the Northern District of Roads, and piled in the depdts on the road side (one yard in heiht. and either one or two yards wide), in such places as may be pointed out by the constant labourer on the spot, in readiness for measurement by the time named for its delivery on such surveyor's order, which order shall always be seat to the contractor at least a fortnight before the day named for delivering such material. The contractor must, at his own expense, remove all materials to the road after it is measured, in all cas' s where the portion of the road to be metalled shall exceed fifty yards from the depdt. Observe.—All persons desirous to tender must do so upon a printed form of tender, which will be supplied (post free) on application to the iirve, or. The name of a person prepared to become a security for the due performance of the contract to accompany each tender. For particulars, apply to Mr. FREDERICK HAMILTON PHILLIPS, Head-Surveyor to the County Roads Board, Neath. June, 1883. 11055 fhiMir Dticts. THE WESTON SUPER-MARE GRAND JL ANNUAL HORSK SHOW. THE THIRD EXHIBITION Will be held on TUESDAY, JULY 31sT. PRIZES will be offered to the value of upwards of 300 GUINEAS. ENTRIES CLOSE ON JULY 17TH. B. REAP, 11059 Hon. Sec. R M Y S E R V ICE. YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MAJESTY'S ARMY, will, on application at any Post-office in the United Kingdom, be supplied, without charge, with a pamphlet containing detailed information as to the conditions of service and advantages of the Army, as to pay. deferred pay. and pensions. Great peospects of Promotion are offered to eligible young men. Applications can be made either personally or by letter to the Officer commanding the Regimental Dis. trict at Cardiff, or to the nearest Volunteer Sergeant Instructor or other Recruiter. Recruits, if eligible, can be enlisted for any arm of the regular service they may select. 11055 63841 MANITOBA AND TH E CANADIAN IrJL NORTH-WEST. Prairie aid Timber Lands, Rich oil. Healthy CUmate. Good Water. 320 Acres reserved by Government for each Settler as Homesteads and Pre-emptions. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ALSO OFFER FARMING AND GRAZING LANDS For sale on easy terms to actual settlers. For full particulars, maps, and pamphlets descriptive of the country, address ALEXANDER BEGG. Canadian Pacific Railway, 101, Cannon-street, Londo. ——— 11C52 Or Mr Begg will be happy to answer aay enquiries about the country either personally or by letter. IP MIGRATION TO NEW SOUTH Li W A T, F-S. THE NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT will provide Passages to Sydney (by first-class ships) upon payment of the undermentioned rates, to persons ap. proved by the Agent-General. To consist of Married Couples not exceeding 35 years, with or without children, and single persona not exceeding 33 years of age. Rate p?r oach adult £ 5, except SINGLE FEMALES, who will be taken at A REDUCED RATE OF, 92 RACH. Children of three and under fourteen years, E2 10s each under three yeaM, free. Farmers, Agricultural and other Labourers, Vine IV.vssers, Mechanics, and Female Domestics are re- quired. Further information may be obtained from. the Emigration Department, New South Wales Govern- ment Offices, 5, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W. SAUL SAMUEL, 11022 Agent-General for New South Wales. ^public Appointments. A MBLESTON SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED, by the 2nd day of October next, a CERTI- FICATED TEACHER for the above-named School (average attendance 56). Applications, stating age, qualifications, and salary required, to be sent to D. Phillips, Post-office, Ambles- ton, Haverfordwest. July 4th, 1883. H%0 ^publications. THE T ITTLE FOLKS' MIDSUMMER XJ VOLUME is full of charms and enchantment. We cannot conceive of Children who would not be de. lighted with it.The-Christian World. The most charming Gift-Book of the Season is the LITTLE FOLKS" MIDSUMMER VoLrjiB, containing several hundred beautiful Pictures, ,u,1 a store of interesting r-ading for Girls and Boys of all ages.—Price 3s 6d cloth ujilt, 58. 11058 Casseii and Company, Limited and all Booksellers. LIVER COMPLAINTS DR. KING'S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (without Mercury). The best remedy for BILIOUSNESS, STOMACH DE- RANGEMENT, FLATULENCE, PAINS BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS, BAD APPETITE. INDIGES- TION, ACIDITY, HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, and all other symptoms of Disordered Liver and Dyspepsia. Acknowledged by many eminent Surgeons to be the safest and mildest Pills for e ery constitution. In boxes at Is ljd, iis 6d, and 4d od, at all Chemists. 44391 811 MUNDAY'S LIVER PILLS CONTAIN NO MERCURY, And are the Best Pilis for Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache, Liver Complaints, and fur Purifying the Bloo(L In Boxes Is., 2s. M.. and 4s. (PL, free by post. Prepared only by J. MUNDAY, CHEMIST, 1, DUKE-STREET. CORNER OF HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 10776 ASK FOR "SILVER A GLE," BEST VALUE, gD. CIGAR. 10818 WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH, 79. GREAT FRE- DERICK-STREET, CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC TIILJ. POSTER, who rents the largest number and best pri- I vate bill posting >!tatirl1\S in the town and neighbour- hood. All work entrusted to him will be speedily and I faithfully executed. N. B.—Bill Posting seat by post M nd will bar* immediate atteuiioa a!£5 bxr JUtcficw. CCARDIFF AUCTION AND STORAGE > COMPANY, LIMITED' (J. G. MADDOX, Alien ON;. KIT AND SECRETARY), 24, 25. and 2o. HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. THE MOST COMMODIOUS ROOMS IN THE PRINCIPALITY. SPECIAL NOTICE. In accordance wirh the announcement made in pre- vious advertisements tho Company beg to direct attention to the tact that they have now OPENED one of the spacious and handsomely-appointed Rooms in the building as a SHOW ROOM for the EXHIBITION of HIGH-CLASS ANTIQUE and MODERN FUKNITURE, POTTERY, PAINT- INGS, STATUARY, BRONZES, and other articles of vertu htended for SALE by PRIVATE TREATY, A moderate weekly rental in proportion to the space occupied will be charged on all goods sent in for Exhi- bition or Sale, which will be inclusive of insurance. Tho price of every article will be marked thereon in plain figures. Connoisseurs and collectois úf china, antiqu¡tie- brie a brae, Ac., having articles for disposal or exchange, are invited to avail themselves of the very superior ad rautages offered BY the above ma,nifieel1t premi.o;E>s. Fur particulars apply to tha Secretary, at the com- pany's offices. 11020 63333 AT 11, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF, On THURSDAY, 12th JULY. at ELEVEN O'CLOCK. TO PARTIES FURNISHING. HOTEL PRO- PRIETORS, AND OTHERS. SALE BY AUCTION OF 345 LOTS OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, Th; property of various Vendors. The chief portion removed from, a large residence in Crookherbtown, and. fro,n ¡. W'p()rt-roa,rl, lloath, Csmprisi g— 60 LOTS of USEFUL KITCHEN FURNITURE, cooking utensiis, including plate racks, chairs, tables, dish oovers. crockery ware. 120 LOTS of BEDROOM FURNITURE in very good condition, embracing three full Suiti of Furniture, in ash, mahogany, and maple wood; FOUR EXCEL- LENT J'S.ASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, with bed furni- hue, spring mattresses, and feather bedding, 3 goose featller heds, toilet ware, carpets, 8hapd to fit roomx, TWO WARDROBES, toilet tables In pair and odd, linen, A MAHOGANY ARABIAN BEDSTEAD and toilet tables to match, two felt lauding carpets, corrider oil-cl' th, stair rods, three chests of drawers, Japanned wardrobe and toilet tables, a child's cot. 70 LOTS of ERA WING-ROOM ARTICLES, including a FULL S' ITE OF CHAIRS AND COUCH, loo tables, cabinets, elegant ornaments, a cheffi(lrpre, two carpets, easy and small chairs in silk and tapes- try, 7 OCTAVE TRICHORD COTTAGE PIANO- FORTE, by an eminent London maker a very tine GILT PIER GLASS with paintings and shelves, two small tables, an ottoman, a few bo ks, water- colour drawings and engravings, two cornice pole", a screen,Ac..Ac. &5 LOTS of EXCELLENT DINING-ROOM EFFECTS, including MAHOGANY DINING TABLE by Jackson Gra- Mm. of London, handsome SIDEBOARD anJ suite úf CHAIRS to rnatcl1 covered in marone morocco leather, a large DINNER SERVICE in earthenware, two tea sets, cutlery, electro-plated articles, two clocks, bronze ornaments, an 8 f MAHOGANY DISING TABLE, THREE CARPETS, four hearthrugs, TWO USEFUL SIZE BOOKCASES, a few marble ornaments, eight oil paint- ing, engraving and other pictures, coal boxes, fenders and fireirons. 30 LOTS of GARDEN and OUTSIDE EFFECTS, in- cluding 11 ITALIAN STONK GARDEN OR TERRACE VASES of handsome shape, each 22in. high with foliage, garden jardiniere, small,v i>es and pedestals in Italian and Maltese atone, also a fev>- garden plants, wheelbarrow, garden tools, and other outside effects. P OTTWALTZ, BOWRING & HUGHES JT are instructed by the owners to SELL the whole of the above EFFECTS by AUCTION, in their Sale Rooms, 11, High-screet, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, 12th July, commencing at Eleven o'clock punctually. ON VIBW WEDNESDAY, 11th JULY. Catalogues may be had either from the Auctioneers, 11. High-street, Cardiff, or the principal hotels in the district. 63804. ESTABLISHED 1840. E. T. LEWIS, LICENSED VICTUALLERS', AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, 10, BRIDEWELL-STREET, BRISTOL. GAUGING AND ULLAGING. Secretary to the Canynge Building Society. 10494 BASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES, SEASON BREWINGS. ] MAY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF. 114 TO BUILDERS, PAINTERS, DECORA- TORS, AND HOUSEHOLDERS. NOW OPEN, at 74, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, with the Largest and Best-selected Stock of PAPER HANGINGS in South Wah; over 30,000 Pieces to select from, CGm- mencing at 2d per piece of twelve yards. Paints. Varnishes, Colours, Bru>lhes. Window Glass, Room and Picture-frame Mouldings, Stains for wood, &c., Ac. J. MOORE & SON, PROPRIETORS, And at 7. BUTE-STREET, and 4, WINDSOR-RC 10987 PENARTH. 6Ufr LEWIS AND LEWIS, LEWIS AND LEWIS, LEWIS AND LEWIS, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT, IlOUSE FURNISHERS, HOUSE FURNISHERS, HOUSE FURNISHERS, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT, J^EWIS AND LEWIS, LEWIS AND LEWIS, LEWIS AND LEWIS, 11014 63409 TENTS, MARQUEES, AND JL PAVILIONS ON HIRE. JOHN SMART AND COMPANY, Late of 41, ADAM-STREET, now 2. WELLINGTON- TERRACE. CARDIFF, Beg to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and the Public at large that they have purchased tJl Large and Extensive STOCK of TENTS and MARQUEES of the late Joseph Prince, Cardiff, making theirs the LARGEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT SUITF. OF MARQUEES IN THE PROVINCES (not surpassed in the Metropolis). Every style and, variety, Muitable for Horticultural Exhibitions, Galas, Bazaars, Tea Gather- ings, Coming of Agd Festivities, Wedding Breakfasts, Evening Parties. Temporary Ball-rooms. Eisteddfodau, &c., Ac. FLAGS and BANNERS. SHIELDS, and DECORATIONS in great variety, at charges tha.t will defy competition. Distance no object. Estimates on Application. 10923 62594 THE OLD SEED WAREHOUSE, JL No. 6, CROCKIIERBTOWN, CARDIFF. WILLIAM THOMAS, (Late J. S. Matthews), NURSERYMAN, FLORIST, AND SEEDSMAN. FRUIT AND FOREST TREES. SHRUBS, Ac., POTS, and ORNAMENTAL WARE, and all requisites for Garden purposes. WEDDING, TABLE, A OTHER BOUQUETS CUT TO ORDER At the Shortest Notice. 3667 I I ESTABLISHED 1852. pALMER AND CO.'S UNDERTAKING AND FUNERAL FUR- NISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 10, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF. P. and Co. beg to inform their patrons and the public generally that the r.'ouve business will in future be carried on under the title of Palmer aud Co., and trust they may by un- remitting attention and economy merit the same patronage which was extended for 23 years to the late Mr John Palmer. Charges equally as low as the advertised pries of other I 1 JJL IN C H' S U S T A R D UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY, IN SQUARE TINS. RECOMMENDED. OF ALL OILMEN AND GROCERS. FINCH. RICKMÅlt AND LONDON. ——— 10819 AOENt-J. S. WINDOW, GELLYWASTED-ROAD, PONTYPRIDD. JYJUN DAY'S FLY pOWDER A sure preventive against tha FIYlirikiag SHEEP AND LAMBS; Improves the growth of wool and destroys ticks, Ac. This Powder is prepared from an old and valuable receipt that has stood the task in a largo Agricultural District for over 50 years, which, with its annually in- creasing sale, is tha best proof of its efficacy. It is acknowledged to be the best preventive against the Fly striking Sheep, and also destroying Tick and other InsectS injurioUä to the fleece. Sold in Packets, 6d each, sufficient for from 8 to 10 Sheep. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J. M u N DAY, AGRICULTURAL CHEMIST, CORNER OF HIGH-STREET A DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. AGENT FOB COOPSTT'S DLTSLSQ POWDKX. | Sfiitsiiwss J\ùbr£s5£z.1 LEATHER JGELTING OF SUPERIOR QUALITY AND IIAND-SEWN, MANUFACTURED BY GERRISH AND GWYN, CURRIERS & LEATHER MERCHANTS, OLD MARKET, BRISTOL. A Large Quantity of Single and Double Belting a ways in Stock. 1C956 J. SESSIONS AND SONS, MANUFACTURERS, CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER, Have been Awarded THE FIRST ORDER OF MERIT At the MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1831, AND PRIZE MEDAL AT THE SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI- TION, 1879, FOE THEIR ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, BATHS AND SANITAHY APPLIANCES. Illustrated Price Lists on Application. J. SESSIONS AND SONS, CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER. 9509 AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE J"jL BY THE MUTUAL WATCH CLUBS' ASSOCIATION. (KENDAL A DENT. Managers) 106. Cheapside, London. Foremen, Timekeepers, Station masters, Clerks, Secretaries of Portrait Clubs, Police officers, Shop- keepers, &c., with spare time, wanted to form Clubs for this successful Association. Illustrated catalogues and particulars on application. 10615 CARDIFF DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. 1, NELSON TERRACE, CARDIFF. J. S. HOBBS, PROPRIETOR. D&Hmk, Moreen, and Rep Windsw Curtains, Silks, Shawns, and Dresses of every description Cleaned, Dyed, and finished in a superior style. Gentlemen's clothes cleaned and returned in 24 hours. 10921 FOR BEST LONDON-MADE UMBRELLAS, AT REASONABLE PRICES, Go TO W. KORNER & CO.'S. FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF UNDERCLOTHING, AND SCOTCH, LEICESTER, AND GERMAN HOSIERY, Go TO W. KORNER & CO.'S. FOR SCARFS, TIES, GLOVES, BRACES, BELTS, &c., AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, Go TO W. KORNER & CO.'S. WHO BUY AND SELL ALL THEIR GOODS FOR CASH ONLY. THE LARGEST STOCK OF SCARFS AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES. ADDRESS— W i £ ^RNER & CO., THE CARDIFF HOSIERS AND UMBRELLA WAREHOUSEMEN, 27, 29, AND 31, ROYAL ARCADE, P.S.—No connection with any other Establishment in 10789 thi, t.jwn. 61396 £ JORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS POSITIVELY AND QUICKLY CURED WITHOUT PAIN BY jVIu N D A Y's y IRIDINE." (Registered at Stationers' nail) AN ENTIRELY NEW PREPARATION, FREE FROM CAUSTIC, OR ANYTHING IRRITATING TO THE SKIN. THIS infallable remedy introduced by J. MUNDAY jL has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIRIDINE may be judged by its having Cured Corns of 40 years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies, and the following, selected from hun- dreds of testimonials, is a sufficient guarantee of its excellence. IT succeeds where all plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. In Bottles, price Is, by post Is 2d. Important Testimonial from Mr SPIRIDION, Gold aud Silversmith, Cardiff. 29, Duke-street. Mr Munday. SIR,—Your new Cure for Corns, VIRIDINE," is ready a wonderful thin?. I have suffered from Corns for over 40 years, and tried innumerable renledies with. out avail. I used your preparation for a few days on two of my Corns, and they have entirely disappeared without causing me the slightest pain.—Yours truly, November 11th, 1881. W. SPIRIDION. Testimonial from Messrs WILCOX and CO., English, French, and German Chemists, 23, Oxford-street, London, W. To Mr Munday. Kindly send us another supply of "VIRIDINE." Customers buying it always recommend it to their friends, as the corn positively does come off if the in- structions ar6 foilow6d. I have removed my own corns and about ten persons of uiy friends and rela- tions. WILCOX and CO. November 15th, 1832. Testimonial from Mr RODERICK, Chemist, Pontypool. May 23rd, 1882. Mr J. Munday. DEAR SIR,—Your "VIRIDINE," for Corns, au- swers admirably; th so who have tried it are highly delighted with tho resnlts. One of my cus- tomers writes me as follows, which is a fair specimen of the numerous cures that it ha.s effected in this neihbourhood :—" By the use of half the small bottle of VIRI DINE" supplied by you I have entIrely re- moved f.our most troublesome corns, one of which has given me great discomfort for the past fifteen years. Hin fond of pedestrian exercise, yùu can imagine bow thankful I feel for the remedy that has so quickly, and without pain, delivered me from my tormentors." Testimonial from Mr FRANCIS GRIFFITHS, Chemist. 34, Church-road, Weston-snper-Mare. Mr Munday. SIR,—Your VIRIDINE" acts like magic. I receive testimonials unasked. For inst.ance :-A gentleman purchased a bottle for his wife, express- ing himself quite sceptical as to its virtues, but his wife should try it. A few days after he bought another bottle, with the remark that it baù quite eradicated his wife's corns, and now he would operate on his own. April 14th, 1333. CAUTION.—As there are several imitations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR U N D A Y S H yiRIDINE," And siÈmAT MY SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure" you may receive one of the many so-called "remias" which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of Viridine." May be obtained from all Chemists or from the SOLE PROPRIETOR, J. 1\1 U N D A Y* I OPERATIVE CHEMIST, 1, DUKE-STREET, I CORNER O? HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. LONDON AGENTS-WILCOX & Co., Chemists, 239, I Oxford-street, W. PARIS AGENTS-HERAr. PHARMACIEN, 14, Rue de la Pais. DUBLIN AGENTS—HAYES & Co., chemists, 12, Graf ton-street. LIVERPOOL AGENTS—SYMES & Co.. Chemists, E8, Bold-street. 10776 "VTERVOUS & PHYSICAL DEBILITY. _L i A gentleman, having tried in vain every ad- Tertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to forward the par- j ticulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped au d dir cied envelope.—Address J. T. Sewell, Esq., Brook Villi* liauuucrsQutk, London. 4513 I business JUr&wssrs. SEE SPLENDID SELECTION OF NEW SUMMER CLOTHING, AT THE CARDIFF HOUSE. LATEST STYLES IN FANCY SCOTCH TWEED SUITS, FOR GENTLEJIEN, Prices: 17s 6d, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s,'& 50s per suit BLACK WORSTED SUITS, FOR GENTLEMEN, Prices: obs, 40s, 45s, 55s, & 65s per suit. COATS AND VESTS TO MATCH. TROUSERS AND VESTS TO MATCH. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT: NEW AND ATTRACTITE STYLES IN SUITS FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS. STFF AND FLEXIBLE FELT HATS IN LATEST FASHIONS. REGATTA AND OXFORD SHIRTS, Wit-L'Collars attached or detadied, New Patterns. PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIERY, Best London Makes. GLOVES, TIES, SCARFS, COLLARS, Ac., in present modes. Terms: One Price. No Abatement. No Discount No Credit. ADDRESS W. PRICE & SONS, ST. MARY-STREET & CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 104 YOU-NLG an(I PERRY, l. DENTAL SURGEONS, 7, PARK-ST, BRISTOL. Pro fessional A11; ndance. CARDIFF—1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY in every month from 11.30 to 7 p.m. at BEDWELLTY HOUSE, No. o;, CROCKHEHBTO >VN (Corner of Charles- street). Next visits, WEDNESDAY, July 18th and August 1st. BRIDGEND—1st and 3rd THURSDAY in every month, at W. Powell's, Chemist, 22, Caroline-street, from 0.30 to 4.30 p.m. Next visits, THURSDAY, July 19th and August 2nd. CHEPSTOW—2nd and 4th THURSDAY in every month at 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11 to 4.30 p.m. Next visits,Thu suay, July 12th and 26th. A Vacancy for a Pueii. 105S3 51890 T JGTEAM xL T T I N G S J. G. pROGER, LEAD MERCHANT, PLUMBER, &-c., 12 & 13, TRINITY-STREET. SOLE AGENT IN CARDIFF FOR MESSR. LLEWELLINS & JAMES' CELEBRATED GTEAM F I T T I N G S. A LARGE STOCK ON VIEW. 10915 AN INSPECTION SOLICITED. 6278 TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS! IN UNPRECEDENTED VARIETY. JOHN OWEN, WHOLESALE TOY DEALER, 49, Shudeliij, Manchester. Overflowing Stock of Continental and British Fancy Goods, Croquet, Archery, Cricket, Ba.dmington, Lawn Tennis, Balls, Bats, and Wickets. Overflowing Stock of Continential and British Fancy Goods.—Novelties of every description in out- class vases, cabinet ijoois, electro plate, Glalitoiie bays, hand bag. jervellerp, culltry, workbozes, desks, dress- ing cases, tea, caddies, hair brushes, and combs. Owen's collection of giass ornaments, lustres, vases, and shades, is unequalled. Ladies' com- panions, Ac. Every variety in purses, bags, albums, perfumery, and soaps, Noah's arks, dolls, drums, l(ii tops, building tricks, and puzzles of all kinds. Terms, Cash. Cases of goods always packed up to suit any trade from E2 to and £ 10to fiJ.5, well assorted, of all kinds. THE OLD ESTABLISHED TOY WAREHOUSE. 49and51, Siiilehill, oppositeThomas-street, Manchester. JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. 7300 £ 1. A. STONE'S FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTALLISIIMENT. Stands unrivalled for mollerate charges,com- bined with Coffins, Hearses, Mourning Couches, and all the necessary equipments for first-class Funerals of superior style and finish, and is conducted under the imme- diate superintendence of the proprietor. Everything necessary for completely furnish- ing funerals kept on the premises ;friends of deceased persons are thereby spared the trouble of consulting any second person. The proprietor keeping horses, hearses, mourning coaches, Ac., can offer advantages for funerals of every description, at prices lower than any other house in Cardiff. Ar- rangements for graves, &c., also made by he proprietor. Funerals with best hearse and coach, pair of horses, and ltang. ing velvets to each, superior black cloth coffin, richly nailed, metal breastplate engraved, Ibunellin. ings, mattress in but torn, fiaiuiel shroud, best liall, hat-bauó<,J, and attendance to cemetery £ 5 10 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach Complete 4 10 0 3rd Class ditto ditto 3 10 0 4th Ciass ditto ditto 2 15 0 Cth Ciass, coffin pall, hatbands, superior carriage to take corpse, and friends 2 0 0 6th Class 1 15 0 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls, Ostrich Piumes, Hatbands, kc., on advantageous terms. Please note the Address: 11, and 12, WORKING-STREET, (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CARDIFF. N.B.—Licensed to let norses, Cabs, &c., Dog Cart to let on Hire. 103 DEAFNESS OR DEBILITY.— Sufferers will do well to write for Rev. E. J. Silvertou's book on Ears, Eyes, and Health, price Is., but to the readers of this paper two penny stanps.- Note the Address Rev. E. J. SILVERTON, 17, St Bride-street, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C. 10449 E M E D Y F R E E A victim of youthful Lnprudencs causing Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Ac., having tried in vain every known remedy, has discovered a simple self-cure, which he will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address:—J. H. REEVES, Esq., 43, Chatham-street, New York City, U.S.A. 10984

[No title]



Family Notices

SATURDA Y, JULY 7, 1883.