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it "r dT #o¥ttTEf is _^j of th". Investor! *ijtbe h-y at og/Working-street, on Monday evening m-xt, at ffigfrf q-efock. 1863 ff ^^KSSKI ;M.VRK«T.^f -AjTOriGK -■ GIVEN", that under the Licensi J>| kher Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, a Hibh rKei (<* th:fSaIe of all Auiraals at Canton, in tb$p*«sb ° m the county <> Ulamergan, will he held on the I■ £ Tat of every Tb<?Flrst Higb Market will •■ P n huisday, the 4th of July next. Dated the 27th day of June By Order, 1856 G. WILTSHIRE, Manager. THE GLAMORGANSHIRE Jxri4 »^S^hikB*a¥'' XV 'ganshire andfc^K' r^GJamor- ° Q c pr>r,TJ0lmioutb>l'ire ffrm'fnferv,* r^mfe 70a to convene a ^ECIav^e^RAL MEETING of the ^m^TEES ui't'hf lor the ,purp<>sp of.fleeting no,ake- oecease^nd for shSB be-toasted. m ^unds of the Institution Dated this 4th dajpf 18fV. fr (Signed), W.'b. WATKINS. ..r<■ vn^ 'h'^KO. BIRD. — *;• T «•, 'i .-»•}, uli» ,xf»> V/.c. Thompson, .».. •••:<•' •• '< -■•Ht BOWEN. f -• JOHN P. INGLEDEW. > G OR-CE SALMON. '.In accordance witfr. tie ata^tV "'■ } t:^iU-dv GIVE NOTICE, that/a 'SlTO?tJ of the Governors, of .the OiaTtrioroa >'« 1 ,1 shire Inrirmary *i» Tuesday, J^ly the SeeoiiJ,. 18^ T-,r^raPa.ry' *?? A'" Afternooni J '? .at th^e^'cl^k in the Cardiff. Jrine r £ rpHE Board' are. 1 widening ef a raact in X Benders for the leading from Tvfry Cross of Bhydyboitban, The Survey or wiU atiead •? £ ,*}8l'8n a,hur^i iastant, to-paint, out whaC^ x^ j t«l.Thursday the 2/th fieation, and can be seen abhk h*»w?ne"? ,plan- ,m' sPecl' vioasly.. j .„ "■ ""weHoe'xn Lhntnssant pre- Sealed tendera, addre^ t^,M.! V r Q the above board, to be E:C- Spiekett, clerk to Wednesday "morning, Julythe 3^ iSg- "re o clock on d° bi"M1«»'«l™ » accept th, lowest or ■r^WwiLlIAMSON, Llantrissant, vfune LSth^lggj^ Surveyo^ PONTYPRIDD HIG'Il^lf v. -,Tj r~~ OF, ystKA&rJH' No- J-IAliIss: TO C 0 S '[ Rl n 1 npHE Highway Board i,riiesir-^ T O R S- 1 for the supply of Quarrv °l.!e,c"*inR rE^DER& stone, from the date hereof ud'to ?le, Stone, and Lime- o( March, l'86*i, for either one of^ deluding the 2„th day Divisions of the Highways in the ""6^ undermentioned The specification an 5 0f01 ^stradyfolwg. cation to the Surveyor.. Aoy tentlfl 1 ™.av.be haii 011 aPPj}" form, and signed by thft\p^'2S W U°h fv."0' U]??n be rejected.. ^nciermg and his sm ety, will. Contractors must .s'viler'^ ,Lmk • '• which they tender, aa.d the Se^v, f I'wi are willing to supply the materi^ cab,c which they _• Name of Hivigion.aturc Probable Quan- 2; 1 Material feity required in i. j 1; yquired. Cubic Yards. 1 'j^Diii'cefetre of Eowficj, V' Perth, to fenypands,anrit J ai^, tre of Coo<A Brid^el4 wgs|(l'^ 8tone9, > 2 (From I for Hael Inn 'tdl «. 1 "Vi Gellitiawel n; 'I ( Gellidawel to ParsnnB»iDitf^ 'k '< 3 l Ditto diuo^C, .1 *600 4 Parsonage to Crown Inn. iftivo, «'Ter, quarry,! 5 Crown Inn toTyNewyddJ i'r s'ones- l800 and up Dnnraven R0«dl Dittev to ihe Ford J"1** '•••••J' .?f;. The above is the estTf^J qua^TT^ L-r" V':i • be required but the Board ?eserv^ I 1™ U1U>" or less than the above quantitv o" t0 ° licee'-sary >. nut.T, as. the Surveyor maj had. Each ContrHetor will v,a har^e- any „>»d din that mJr l *0 t»ke aw»y,without ing, cleaning ditches or .h,^ ^^mulafed £ no»i s^fr. No -ender necessarily accepted0* T„ r »' i » "'a .hvsse-i to the Cliairman, noS tV,Tenifcrs ,t0, bf sent' ad" Wed.nesd.vv, the 3rd day of^tf?" ^eno oiock tin, .pa By order of the Surveyor's Office, ^igbWaj »nr»SHha June 12th, 1-67. ■— « ? r't f H E KAHKRtWCY aV'T ^iwii 1*^1 ;.c™ktL< 'H S'1" a»? "< J»ij, i W, "'Lr:t fcr™»JJt"s ?? "• f"4 ■"» *»'■! th„ Ac, Proved .his debt ftiflv examine the inu Mr \craa«an^*tk^1 be Sal:'IB'ttad:0 tbe meet" Bristol, Kie the BolteH.rs ^"Mnskip and } hou.as, THE RANKH^i^Y^AT-r "i«ni^ — 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVRv i.r w-v' held at the Bristol District Srf ,V f e9tmS haU, Bristol, on Tcesdat, the Thirtieth°^ailf TUptC_Vis^~ t Eleven o'clock in the forenoon for JO^Vf f>Wa'p hI'' 8f Gadlys-road, Aberdare, in the ('0unt\ f ° to pass his last examination, and f v. f' charge. Alfred John Acra'm^ Eso q,0^" ^-dl^ Parade, Bristol, is the Offiei,r V 9 19> Su Augustine s acting in the Bankruptcy are Mr 'hC 6lree., Aberdare and Mr. i. EDWARDS PRICE, BristoL°'" — 18-50 IN C In the matter of an Act • r holden in the 19 th andwV Session of Parliament present Majesty, anT^f^/T. of ^'g11 of her Leases and Sales of 8etSSltea^n ACt t0 facilitate And in the matter of Freehold i situate in the parish and Hereditaments Glamorgan, containing 28 ?}?' tbe county °,f of 22 Closes of Lani, which ar! tbecea,bouts> composed •22, 115, 116, 117, 11^119 m ^,bere^ 18'19'20' 21' 126, 127, 128, l^ and lS iVS'^1' 122> 125' of the said parish, beW nart S tbe commutation map House Estate; but as to the-r^T Z commonly called The Walnut under lease at and a pioiety of a certain Dwellinoif6 ^re Estate and of raises, at C-erpfciuJ' tSe3^3' Garden' and Pre" th« said map, containing 2A 2R^Tah' b?mg" ^°" 1421 of Freehold Lands and Heredita™ 1'^ thereabo,ats'' and of Whitchurch, in the same ^tnate m the parish or thereabouts composed V &Z^ are numbered 663 to 073 inclno C!oe0s of Land ^'c11 680 both inclusive, in *he tifhi e' from' 675' 675a' said parish, and comnlonIv wlCOminatation raaP for.thM and of Freehold Lands and H.S M "'roIJ^7nln,« parish of Roath, in the «T dltameat,i sltnate in the 2fi. 16P., or thereabouts, iS containing 15A. the tithe commutation man frn^L w 1D Freehold Lands and Herediw said Parish 5 ftnd of of Saint John the Baptist in7Km8 situate in the parish skating of 48 acres of W fir T town of Cardiff, and con- 1«6, 186, 187, 189,198, l»7 iQ?ere*boufR> numbered 183, tiitlie cotaxnutation map of th and a*ld the hold Lands and HwediuDl™fSa,1<1' Pa1"'011! andofFree- Llandaff, in tbe same com* sitfate in the parish of thereabouts, composed of ei»>,7i„containing 15 acres> or numbered 767, 7'70, 777, 77| lrows.of tand. whi('b are the tithe commHtatSoti maD fnJl?1 868> 1121> and 112? in Freehold MesHuag*fi; L^i "e8ai<1 parish; all which devised ani settled by t^ j**d Hereditaments were daceased. > Charles Crofts Williams, NOTICE is HBREfe^ j above-mestidri^d toalferw iZj*' tbat a Petition in the 1867 presented, to thfr Lc^ii^V^a the 18th day of June, tain'bv Chartes Hettry Wrn^Xlty^Pcerior of Great Bri- in the edttkty "of, GlftWibrga't^S, of Roatli Court, Qafditf, David, of Cardiff aforesaid, Es„!Charles Williams bv an order of the lJih 4«y ^!le, a Guardian, ftppointed Willies, -of Roath Court 1^67, for Charles Crofts age of 21 ye&frf; Ocorge Crofta^1.' an under the Hall in the same ootqity 2s<jti* ma» Ij'^nrumI1(,y Hall! Shrewsbury, in. the rXir,e; John Harley, of Ross Reverend.William Powell, 0f Tj^ y of Salop, Esquire the Monmouth, Clerk; and' Tho^J^echva, in the coonty of said Gentleman, praying, that Dalton, ot Cardiff afore- might be ordered to be vested in ? £ neraJ powers of leasing the time being of the Testator's Trustees or Trustee for him with the consent of ^d will, enabling them or Williams, during bis life, aad^fatitioner, Charles Henry discretion, to demise or lease ZT^ards at their or his own estates for the purposes of havj~y Part or parts of the said for any term in possession n^T& buildings erected thereon, farming purposes not exceedim, needing 99 years, or for poses not exceeding 42 years/; 1 ^rs, or for mining pur- yearly rent or rents thatcaa^ su^h leases the best and so as no fine be takea th/^119^ he received thereby; such Order might be endorse re°u; And that Notice of Testator's Will or that hi8 j011 the Probate of the said further or other order as to hiR T ^ip would make such And Notice 16 Hereby ij?rdsb'P should seem meet. tioners may be served with an 80 GIVEN, that the Peti- Notice relating to.the subject 0f !lr<ier of thl8 Court> or Office of their Solicitors, Meg^ the said Petition, at the and Young, of No- 10> New Ian « ard' Crewder' Anstie, Middlesex.. btrand, in the county of pdted this 22nd day of Juri VIZARD, Cli0W:DEfi1 1\T 1838 Sofe ANSTIE, & YOUNG. ui-T—m ZTTT^^s for the Pctitioneis. just published. Is-, sent f0,14—— a LEX. ROSS'S TOILET ^AGA^mps by tbe Editor- J\ Collection of Pamphlet* (^rd Volume) is a i«red at different ir) the v Toilet Matters, and Holborn, London- Py A. ROSS, 218, CIIEAP GOSPEL TRACTS, XV n]i languages, 2s. per 1000, and Sto G K 0 R G E KOr v,I)er 100, may be had of (I.nte Seamen's 3Iission? S p I C- T U R K M A K U F A NVr'ARTON-T^RER, MOULDINGS to 1638 rriHE j,m deny the assertion JL I.iftt v-a-k amn-.r, ,1.ypineaa vure hlood Bnd a k stomach • 7"^ > first reqn^^nts.- Both bftMiely an'* u exseasrvcly 8eniltd bv admirable T'i s- which act .crc ;itly ^a-the weakess. fr«mts cause no j, giioek U n,asit sei:itive 5>ste& IloUo^By's i'ills r ,i iliewwlws cr-inpetent to constitivrtonally 1 -k<■'««. iiiii) rwitieo wiiich descend from «*%nt to ollspring, with -Dos tj|e k,•;«►{*test prospects, and throw a constant whi'h ofte ihese Piiis piuii'y both the oolH6 and the £ •" ::1 °„ve,r 1' \„,i hv that salu'.ary process rouse every crtm to .perform naturally its proper function, and strengthen v ywy aeivc iO': ila u" .'til j Jjttblfe SL0tke&i; „ I' THEATRE !it ^QYAt, V 'CEOCKHEllBTO.WX, CAfeDJIT. Bihkc.t.o$. Mr. GEO, MELVILLE. 1* ^O-HiGHT, -mitwi, THB DRQPPJN&• WEL^tIaxH t, v ,;DON> GjflSAR D±J, B'AZA^" fc J i- OJ, S.aturday, junp 2»!h, THE UNEMPLOYED*WCkBKMANi TBE;3RIOAK^»'j&i '•: • ,v.V" m a?t w i rft c A:Up e t b a c ^R^'Ant^ng^gpi^entsjwBding^ ;;i |874 :'1, ¡;I ::d./ "'J' '1.: PRINCE OF WALE 'THEATRE." r:. 'i 1 A j :> •' T<jVVN,Ckr}IM|P;nl\^ v t" r:f EXTRAORDINARY AXTjR^CXYON 1 ;1!; l. ENGAGEMENT FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY 01T THE ETUytXT ARXISTES, ■ MR. & MRS.. CLARENCE HOLT, m I S S M AY %l il I. T, A5SB /( Vif r MR. G. F. ROWE.; ill ;tc!T;o-(; j/ ■ lii'i-H ¡(, • "J 'l 1U .i! 1 -rlii.il !f ON MONJ>AY, THF.GREAT—PLAY, T H.E M A H I;S R IVf <S TKJiOMiP AiS^S iv > i'i A-j i l'< lSi;) ST U A R T 'filA-J; jj ,• U: A R l) I V F i:i —nM FOR OX E.. ,,N J,,GjHi T 0 N TUESDAY,1 -Ttilf::trt3-^■ I" h s The Grear'Mabqa»jH«ti<)ti' •• -■ ,E W fi. ;R ,T Universally accepted by the pul,lic and Press a» the First- VENTBlLOQUI^f Tn Europe. The most wonderful traiisformoi1 ot; the Age, also the most retined Polyphofiical Comedian^, extant, jvili have the honour of presenting his Laughter-provoking ani extraordinary EntertairiBQent on the I'uvvcr and lieauties of the Human Voice, illustrated by eptriloquism and Transformation of Character distancing all Competitors, entitled E W ART'b ANGLO-ARAB1 AN NIGH IV ENTERTAINMENT. Doors open at Half-psst Seven; commence at Eight. Tickets may be obtained and places secured of Messrs. Lewis and Williams, Duke-gtreet. Price of Admission—Reserved Seats, 3s Second Seats, 2s Bick Seats, Is; Promenade, 6d; Children half-price to all parts of the house except Pfomenade, Carriages may be ordered for Teni 1853 SEA BATHING AT LLANTWIT MAJOR. IT is intended to mn an OMNIBUS between LLANTWIT MAJOR and COWBRIDGE every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, on and after Monday, May 26th, to meet the 7.40 ..01. and 5.38 p.m. np traint, aud ttfe 10.6 a.m. and 8.34 p.m. down trains. A One-horse Bus to be Let on Hire.' DAVII) WILDE, Proprietor, Llantwit Major. fAPARTMENTS1 TO LET: 1596 FOR VALPARAISO; TOUCHING AT ST. VINCENT (CAPE DE VERDE) AND MONTE VIDEO, HMO SAIL from LIVERPOOL positively -L en Wexwesday, 10th Juls, the PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S new Iron Paddle Steam-ship QUITO. 875 Tons.250 Horse power. R. B. WILLIAMS, Commander. This Vessel will take First Class Passengers only. For terms of Passage or Freight of Treasure (no other de- scription of Cargo will be takes), apply at the Company's Offices, Harrineton-street, Liverpool; or, in London, to Messrs. N. Griffiths, Tate & Cpv 4, East India Avenue, Leadenhali street. ? t-. W. J..CONI.AN, Secretary. N.B.—The Company's Royal Mail Steirm-s Ap Pern will follow the Quito about the end' of September Or beginning of October next. -• >) -■■■-1644 ■■ |■■■■ f. CARD IF F A.NP vLQNDQN TRADERS, Sailing Monthly from ftiaork'si Wharf, ;Tooley-street, LwAon* -pHE SCHOONER ISABELLA," Capt L Newbj7, will' LONDON FOR GARDII'.I'j «iit,#r: about, the 30th of June, 1 t^ki^ in ^?podj} for Cardiff, and alladja- cent plfio^, (oq- th« Taff Vale, South. Wales, and Rhymney Railways, and Glamorgatosbire Canal. For particulars of freight,,&e., apply to Mr. William Davies, Bute Docks, Carditf, frnd residence, 5, Brighton- terrace G. W. Jones and Uo,, Newport; and at Symons' Wharf, Too ley-street, London. 1825 THE CARDIFF CO-OPERATIVE rSTDUSTRIAIi BUILDING COMPANY (LIMITED), BUILBERS AND CONTRACTORS IN GENERAL, RESPECTFULLY announce to the Gentry and Inha- bitants of Cardiff and its suburbs, that they are now prepared to execute any order that they may be favoured with, either in BUILDING, in its various branches, AL- TERATIONS, or in the general REPAIRS ef DWELLING- HOUSES, SHOPS, or OFFICES; and beg to say that every order they may be entrusted with shall be executed satisfactorily, and with punctuality and despatch, on reason- ble terms. The Company, being composed of experienced practical men in every branch of the building trades, can with confi- dence, and without fear of contradiction, assert that they are enabled to execute any order with which they may be en- trusted, at the lowest possible remunerating price they therefore respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. OFFICES, No. 1, ARCABE CHAMBERS, ST. MARY- STREET, CARDIFF. Application for the remaining Shares may be made evtry Wednesday Evening, from Seven to Nine o'clock, at their Offices, where the Deed of Incorporation and Articles may be seen. 3 & 4 Victoria, cap. 89. 1207 ARDIFF PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. BUILDHW SOCIETY. TRUSTEES. CHARLES WM. DAVID, Esq., Mayor of Cardiff. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esq., Alderman. CHARLES H. WILLIAMS, Esq., Roath Court. SrEClAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS SOCIETY— No Solicitor's Charges I-NQ Surveyor's Fees !—No Charges for Contingent Fund!—No Charges for Fire Insurance Nor any additions to the monthly subscriptions. Several Sums of Money ready for immediate advance- Investors receive X,5 per oent. compound interest for their money, and a share of the Profits. Five per cent. interest allowed on deposits from £10 up- wards, which are repayable at 30 days'notice. APPLICATIONS FOR SHARES ARE INVITED. For prospectus and particulars apply at the Society's Office CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF. 191 PETER PRICE, Secretary. TAUNTON AND WEST: OF ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY 1. 3, HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. ESTABlisheb ,1857. Money lent on mortgage at 5 per ceW., repayable by instal- ments, and redeemable at any -time, without loss of interest. £ 60,000 and upwards already advanced in Glamorganshire. Its security offers a good and skre in vestment for depositors. li per cent. (without any deductions) allowed on sums of X5 md upwards, interest payable half-yearly. Investing shares may be taken also, with liberty to with- iraw at a month's notice, with five per cetat. interest. This old-established Society has no connection with any Dther recently started at Taunton. For particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Strode Bragg, Managing Director; Mr. Albtrt Goodman, Secretary; or to MR. THOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary, 64, St. Mary-street, [634 Cardiff. MR. DICKENS'S WORKS. THE CHARLES DICKENS edition. edition. MESSRS. CHAPMAN AND HALL have the honour to announce AN ENTIRELY NEW EDITION OF THE WHOLE OF MR. DICKENS'S WORKS. It will be produced with especial care, and has been devised by Mr. Dickens and his Publishers with the object of combining the four important points:—Legibility, Durability, Beauty, and Cheapness. Twenty years "have elapsed since the first stereotype plates were cast for cheap editions of this series of books. It is considered that the time has come for reprinting them in a far more agreeable and remarkable form, and for offering them to the public in association with every available mo- dern advantage. In the new Edition now announced, each Novel will be completed in a single volume. The page will be a flowing, open page, free from the objection of having double columns A descriptive headline will be attached by the author to every right-hand page. Every volume will contain eight of the original Illustrations, selected as the best. Every vo- lume wiil be printed in clear type, on fine toned paper, by one or other of the first printing-houses in London, and will be strongly bound in red cloth. The pricc of The Pickwick Papers in this form (taking that book as an example) will be Three Shillings and Sixpence. The Edition will bear the distinguishing fac-simile Title :— THE CHARLES DICKENS EDITION. This Title, appended to every volume, may suggest to the Author's countrymen his present watchfulness over his own Edition, and his hope that it may remain a favourite with them when he shall have left their service for ever. On the other side of the Atlantic, it may perhaps act as a reminder that he bas arranged with Messrs. Ticknor" and Fields, of Boston, to reproduce his Works (in this Edition and in others) in the United States, with a just recognition of his claims aa then antbor. If the great American People should see any good.reasonfor recto^fniamy those claims too, without detriment to themselves, the imprint of Messrs. Ticknor and Fields will henceforth afford them their opportunity. The Series will be issued monthty. Ready, with Eight iLnusrn.atiwns, THE PICKWICK PAPERS, Price 3s. 6d. On July 1st, with Plates, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. Price 3s. 6d.. Ch.,rM%U 4k 'HUI] J803 w*l fi \a jiAijifltiMk gto&cflsci airr tMJsi aiii al V :>iij j,piQ i; r j dr/A'i-nilA r 0 0 -411 ii a/; t'j • iioF-^tllfctariTKDJBOROEGK OF i' pjBTHYIt: Tnmu, VAYNOR,; A3D ban J'dn a lo I.•• nASSRrDARE.' id ddii,/ •jsiijj ^x-jinvUnno'j" i; ■ '-i '■& j J oJ Li-UM',1 a«4oiIi.U'•»,/]. .,d1 1a !>.<-■ ir-l f)\ J&NT^EM.E2fo — The House of Cammons having U, agreed iin&nirrtonsly to accord to our Borough a Second Tteyres >ntative3 this just freasuie may be considered as ;uu6ui'ed, and,, encouraged by the flattering requisitions I have receiVed from so large and influential a proportion of tte1 Constituency, 1 Verrtufe most. respectfully to offer my- s^lfas 4 "Candidate for the honour of representing you in l^ariiaioent at the next General Election. • In thus seeking your strffrages, I wish to say that I am ijtclisposed in, any way .to pi-ejudice tbq position of Mr. Bruce, wjlp bas so long aad so worthily represented us. -Allowiiue to thank you most sincerely for your kind offers Of support., I have'lived amongst you from boyhood. We have the advautagersof personally knowing each other our Ibcal interests- are the same, and we have a. general concur- rence in poHtical opinions. Liberal, like my family before rajs, our watchword of "Civil and Religious Liberty" is Wry, dear to me, and, if returned as your representative, I sIiohM give my support on general measures to the great t,iberal .party, reserving to myself the right of voting on 6ipeei;d question,, a& the interests of my constituents may require. Avithiii iRe bri'eflftnitS; of this address deal but with a few of the many ameliorations necessary for maintaining our country irkzthe iraii of civrli'/ation but, referring to pro- niiM^'pie^3[ure^of;inteirqBt,,T shall support tho Ballot as tbe means of xjroteefing;ftlos^ilpctprs who need it in the ^ejrcjs^ of the Franchi^ie. !Œ will support every measure conducive to the freedom of 'Aiid the] of taxation on all the neces- Directly in tores tgd:t«a'I.aU)..iti.th* commercial prosperity of all I regard the maintenance of peace zjjet tjnly;ais'"th'0'reate$t ntitfonal biasing, but the source of nwyteriiil wealth, and xl»viestio happiness. I shall, therefore, at ail timftsrlj& glad to. co-operate with those who desire that dis- rldtes between natf(ot5'ahottld'be. settled by arbitration. Huyin^'yegai-d to. tie reduction of taxation, I think that Qur Military .and .Naval establishments should bo re. organised, Sfrtfs t-o'ensure the utmost thrift consistent with 4 the services, .and the maintenance of Im- interests.> Looking at the dignity of manhood, I hope tha* Parliament will, at an oarly day, abolish the use of the ljisR to those whose'courage has maintained the inviolability of our land, and the security of our homes. I Attached tothe-true principles of the Established Church, ? frrn anxious for those needful changes which, while main- taining, all just right*, shall tend to increase the great worth afttbe institution, and thus to make it more acceptable to all dases-of our fellow-countrymen. Yet, though resolved to maintain, the integrity of the Establishment, I feel that it is not merely -a privilege to be conceded, but it is the right of every subject of this Realm, to enjoy the most com- plete religious freedom. V: Consistent with, these principles will, I think, be the en- tire abolition of Church RATES; the removal of every rkafraint upon the carper of Nonconformists at our public Universities, and the lay education of every child in the Kingdom, untrammelled by ^e teaching of sectarian prin- ciples. It will afford me pleasure to aid in devising the fitting ineans for the removal of all grievances affecting our Irish fellow-subjects, and thus to bring to their homes prosperity. conteEt, and happiness. I will support all necessary Legal Reform, so as to sim- plify- and improve the administration of justice. Largely interested in manufacturing operations, and in the application of Capital, I am pledged to sustain the in- tegrity of Property, but as all our manufactures are depend- tipt on the working man, I shall be ready to secure to Labour every fair and legitimate right. Thus, wlilst careful to retain the principles of the Consti- tution dnd all the good in it,: I "Would get rid of that which iSrpernicious, and introduce sucli improvements as will con- duce to the happiness of all. When-the piopet'time arrives, I will do myself the plea- sure of offering you sutjh further explanations as you may require upon tlre questions of the day. I hava the hoinour'to subscribe myself, i: u* 1 v XQlfT faithful and obedient servant, .lu ""j';<'J.' KICHARD fothergill. Abernant HouseVA^Vdorc, 27th June,67. 187[ C A R DIF F BAT H S, THE SWIMMING BATHS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. OWING to the unfavourable state of the weather, Prizes for Swimming will be deferred till nest year. 1st Classs. 2nd Class. Tickets, to 30th September next. 15s. Od. 10s. Od. „ 1st May, lb68 One Guinea. — „ Monthly 5s. Od. Single admissions Cd. & 4d. 3d. & 4d. HOT WATER BATHS AND TURKISH BATHS, As usual. 14(51 MIDLAND RAIL'VAY. THROUGH COMMUNICATION between the North Eastern Counties and Midland Districts and South Wales via Gloucester. JUNE, 1867. Up Trains. — Week DAYS. Glasgow via p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. Ingleton 4 0j 9 45 Edinbro'do. dep. 4 15, 10 0 Glasgow via Y'ork. 4 15j H 45 Edinboro' ditto 5 53 2 10 Berwick 8 35 ••• 4 30 Newcastle 11 5 5 20 v 15 8 30 8 30 7 8 South Shields 9 35 5 10 7 0 8 0 8 0 G 15 Sunderland 9 30 5 10 20| 8 30 8 30 (j 50 Durham 11 25 5 55 7.50 8 50 7 20 Darlington 12 30 7 16 9 20 10 5 10 5 8 1[> West Hartlepool 5 5-5 8 45: 8 45 8 45 5 25 Scarboro' 0 40 9 30 9 30 9 15 7 0 Hull — .» 9 25 10 40 10 40 8 50 Searboro 6 40 9 30 9 30 9 15 7 0 Hull. 9 25 10 40 10 40 8 50 York 2 10 9 40 11 45 9 38 Rochdale 9 ••• H 57 Blackburn s 4-5' 11 40 Burnley 9 10 12 0 Halifax 9 50 12 15 Huddersfield 9 40 11 45 Wakefield G 20 10 50 1 7 Bradford 5 10 9 45' 12 5 12 s 9 0 Leeds 2 40 5 SO 19 30, 1 10 12 50 12 50 10 5 Normanton 3 15 61711055 1 44 1 If* 1 1810 38 Sheffield(Wicker) 3 35 7 Oil 10 2 30 1 3(1 1 30 10 50 Liverpool. 830 jlO 20 10 2t 5 5 Manchester (f 50 10 40 3 P,0il2 45 12 45 6 20 Nottingham 6 5 7 45 H ^5 3 151 2 30 2 35 11 30 Derby dep. 7 0 -8 4^ 1 0 510 330 3301233 Yarmouth £ > 0 ] 50 Norwich 7 3| 4 0 Cambridge. -?8*.30 10r 3 10 5 5 40 Leicester .7 20 12 25 2 .56 55 10 0 Birminghm 7 0 9 10 9. 55 2 10 7 55 4 4a 5245 Wor'str arr, 10 1311 17 3 14 9 17 5 40 6 43 3 36 Gloucester. 9 58 11 512 35 4 22 10 3o 6 40 8 10 4 38 Newport 12 5612 So 22 2 18 8 Ah 9 45 8 30 Cardiff 1 25 1 25 2 49 .i- 2'43,10 10 10 10 9 2 Port Talbot 2 54■ a M a 40 .1. 3 44.11 17 11 17 10 39 Neath 3 13, 3.13 8 3 5741 29 11 29 lo 57 Swansea 3 40 3 40 4 25 4 30 11 50 11 50 11 H5 Llanelly 4 48 4 4(8. 4 48-; 4.46, ill 58 CarmthnJn 5 33 5 33 5 33 4 23, jl2 45 I& New Milfrd; 7 15 7 15 7. 15 6 50l | jj 24 DOWN Train's.—Week DAYs. a,m. am. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. NewMilford dep.1 8 50| 8 50|U 15 Carmarthen June. 10 34|10 34 1 0 Llanelly •• •> •• |H 10 H 10. 1 50 Swansea •• 7 30 11 25 11 25j 2 15 Neath 7 58,11 52 11 521 2 54 Port Talbot •• 8 15; 12 3 12 3t 3 14 Cardiff 5 45 9 45j 1 0 1 0| 4 43 Newport.. 6 10 -10 30, 1 30 1 40| 5 10 Gloucester 6 10| 8 5! 9 8|12 45| 3 35 4 34 8 17 Worcester 7 37, 9 27;10 18! 2 5j 4 52 0 34/ 9 18 Birmingham ar. 9 10 10 55|11 20^ 3 45, 6 20 6 35 10 8 Leicester 112 35| 7 01 8 50 8 50 3 0 Cambridge 4 50: 1 lo! Norwich 7 30' 2 35 Yarmouth 9 55! 3 30 Derby ar 11 30 12 45' fi 5( 8 10 8 10 12 38 0 Nottingham 12 30 1 40! 7 5 8 5<>, 8 50 3 39 Manchester 2 15 3 45! 8 5|10 45 10 45 Liverpool 4 30 7 2:3 9 21! Sheffield (Wicker; 1 15 2 45| 8 0!l0 5 10 5 2 10 Normanton 1 30 3 0} 8 55 10 18j 1018 2 33 Leeds 1 55 3 351 9 35,10 45 10 4-5 3 0 Bradford 2 2o; 4 5(J;I0 30 [1 45,11 45 3 55 Wakefield 3 10| 8 50 Mo 17 6 0 Huddersfield 4 20, (; 40 Halifax 4 7| 11 45 7 25 Burnley 4 40 8 20 Blackburn 5 15' 9 15 Rochdale 4 40! 12 32 8 20 York 2 20 4 I5[ U 50j 3 34 Hull 5 30; 12 30 4 32 Scarboro' 4 45; 6 25j 7 45 West Hartlepool 4 40 9 0 Darlington 3 27 6 0j 4 4i Durham 4 20 7 '22 0 21 Sunderland 4 37 7 47 0 8 South Shields 5 45 8 15 8 45 Newcastle 4 35 7 06 5 58 Berwick 6 55 8 28 Edinbro' via York 8 30i 10 48 Glasgow ditto |10 20 1 30 Edinbr' via lngltn. 9 10, 112 45 5 45 Glasgow ditto 9 :J,o! Il2 50, 6 O p.m. I a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Inight p.m THIRD CLASS I.'ASSl'NO liKS AKE CONVEYED AS FOLLOWS.— from principal Stations on the North Eastern. Railway to Stations on the South Wales Railway by Trains leaving New castle at 7.15 a.m., going forward from York at 11.45 a.m. From Cardiff and Newport to North Eastern Stations by 5.45 a.m. Train from Cardiff, going forward from Gloucester at 9.8 a.m.—From Swansea to York and Hull by 10.10 a.m. train.. JAMES ALLPORT, WS W ivSWfmW&K, J ftfl "rifi.) afun ic-il'ii | ,1. T1 .iT-i.iifq'irf "17— THE .NEW T EEDEG'AB UNIOX. ■' The Drawing takes place on TrESDAY, 20th :A;1td:1867 All Duplicates and Remittahc(jstp be senUnon orbefore the dfh August* For further particulars apply to Hly. Thomas,Corresponding Secretary, Hope Colliery, New"Tredegar or to the Secretaries, Messrs. Edwin Jackson, Dd. Phillips, H. T. Watkins, &eo. Hibbs, Ricliard Thompsen, and D. H. Williains, Post-office, New Tredegar,Newport, Men. ■" The winning numbers will be published in the. CARDIFF TIMES of August 24, and a list will be forwarded* by the Sec- retaries on the receipt of a stamped envelope. .«!! >« .-TICKETS; Cd. EACH; r OR A BOOK OF ELEVEN FOR 5s. AGENT IN CARDIFF Mr. D. DUNCAN, "CARDIFF TiMEs" OypiCE, 10, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1650 THREE GRAND PRIZES, YALUE £100. First Prize, £50 worth of Furniture for 61. SecondPrize, ,£30 worth of Furniture for 6d. Third Prize, £20 worth ofFurniturefor6d. M E R T H Y R f" ART UNION PRIZE DRAWING, IN AID OF MOUNT CARMEL CHAPEL BUILDING FUND. THE DRAWING will take place, at the DRILL HALL, JL Merthyr, on TUESDAY, Dkcejidek 31st, 1867, in the presence of W. Simons, Esq., High Constable; T. J. Evans, Esq., Brecon Old'Baiik^, the Edi(qra of thfy-Ma thyr Express and Merthyr Tclcjraph, and other gentlemen. ist Prize, value £ -30, J. 2nd Prize, value £30, Handsome Furniture for a j Handsome Furniture for a Drawing-room. | Bedroom. All complete. J All complete. 3rd Prize, value £ 10,]Furniture lot a Kitchen, including above Sixty Ayttdes necessary for Kitchen use. FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD PHIZES TO VALUE £100, Prize. Value. 4th-Gentleman's Watch £10 10 0 5th—Sewing Machine 10 0 0 6th-Plated Tea Service 7 10 0 7th-Eiolt-dav Clock. 7 10 0 8Ù1- Larly's Watch 5 0 0 9th—EngiisbRme. 500 10th—Paisley Shawl 4 0 0 11th—Marine Telescope, with day and night glasses, and leather case i 0 0 12th—Handsumeiy-boundBible. 4 0 0 13th-CI; iraTea Service 2 2 0 14th—Musical Box, large size, to play 4 tunes 2 15 0 15th-Two Plastiqnes 2 2 0 16th—Pair of Bracelets 1 10 0 17th—Silver Filagree Bracelet (Florence work) 15 0 18th—Dress Piece of French Merino I 5 0 19th—Silk Umbrella 110 20th-Meerschaum Pipe. 1 1 0 21st-Chess Board and Men 110 22nd-Gold Scarf Pin. 1 1 0 Z;hd-Lady's Gold Ring 1 1 0 24th-2t yards of Cloth for Trousers I 1 0 25th—Beautiful Album for 100 Portraits 1 1 0 26th—rair of Earrings, with droppers, silver 110 Filagree (Florence work) 1 1 u With upwards of a Thousand other Articles, useful and orna- mental, varying in value from £ 1 to Is. The Prizes will be drawn by disinterested persons on the plan of the Art Union, and the winning numbers will be published in the CARDIFF Times, Merthyr Express, Merthyr Teleyrapit, II eekly Register, I ablet, Westminster Gazette, Nation, and other papers. Treasurers—Messrs. Wilkins and Co., Brecon Old Bank. Hon. Sec.—J-1!- Tilley, Pontmorlais VY tb., Mtrthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire. TICKETS—SIXPENCE EACH. Or a Book containing Twaive for 5s. Supplied by Agents in every" town or village, or on application to the Secretary. Agents wanted everywhere. All communications to be addressed to the Secretary. Cc 1727 THE GLAMORGAN BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. PATRONS. Lieut.-Colv J; F; R Criehton Stuart, M.P. The Right Hon. H. A. RrUce, M,P*. Henry Hwssey Vtvif(nriEsq., M.P.' j- PRESIDENT. •• Charles Pearson, Esq. t .V^OB-rifTfiDMT^T l-l j IT E. jfenway, Esq/" 1 Tnrsrtffcs. •- Mr. James Ward, Roath Cas»14 Roftth; Cardiff, g^ntleAiah. Mr. John OweÐ, rrookhofbtovwn, pardiff, mer<5bafit. Dr. VVi.Uace, St. (Marj-street, Cardiff.. cc' DlRECTbR^ Mr. R. Cory, Senior. Mr. J. Hibbert. Mr. Rees Jones. .:Mr. E. Herne. Mr. W. Dowie. t 1 Mr. E. Cory, Junior. Mr. J. Cory. J Mr. B. Jenkins. :lr. F. P. Carrel.. Mr.' G'S. "STovve. Mr. J. Davies. t "Mi'. J. Tomlirison, Jonr. BANKERS. '1- TREASURER. Messrs, Wilkrns and Co. ) Mr. Moxey. SOLICITOR. j SURVEYOR; l\Ir. William H Cory. | Mn Daniel Jon~es. SECRfiTARY. •-Mr. John Sweet. "Mi: ,.fmilA e>o SHARES, £80 Eacs; •* n' Subscriptions before Advance-, Is. per fortnight. Subscriptions after AdvanM, 2s. 6d. per fortnight. THIS Society is established on the permanent principte,, -L and its objects are ti enable the public— 1.—To accumulate money at good interest by small periodical payments. 2,-To invest money in small or large sums, without liability, and withdrawable upon short notice. ■ 3.—To borrow money upon the. security, of .land,- cottages, dwelling-houses, basiuess. premisee, fasms, public' buildings, and.ground rents. 4.—To purchase or build cottages,dw.elling»houses or farm- houses, trad* premises, and public buildings. 5.—To purchase plots of freehold, copyhold, or leasehold land for building purposes c' 6.—To redeem mortgages. 7.—To provide for the payment of-fines, of renewable leases of buildings or land, and. for the repairs thereof and to .purchase, reversionary interests. 500 SHARES ALREADY TAKEN. The next Subscription Meeting^ "Will be held' at"Raper'a Hotel, Wood-street, Cardiff, orr Monday Evening, the 17th of June, frcrm Seven to Half-past Eight, and on every alternate Monday evening. Applications for Shares'and air particftlars to he made to the Secretary, either at his Office, Jahies-street, Bute Docks, or at his residence, Wordsworth-street, Roath; and at every subscription meeting new members may be enrolled. 1216 milE CASTLE HO.TE.E. OQM^Ato, I Incorporated under l^e Companie¡{ A.ct, 1862, which limits the liability of each.Member.to. the. amfluntnf his Shares. Capital, £45,Q0.0, in 4,5.O.Q.Shares of. £ 10 each. First Issue, JShates. PAYMENTS,—. £ 1 per Share. on application, And £ X per Share on allotment, and-8fterwards,. £ 2 every.three months until the entire ainount.is cSlled.up, leaving.naliability on the Members. In clI no. allotment the, .deposit.wtnti^y will be returned. h :( DlBBCxoaS. Chairman-W. H. Michael, Es>q. (Chairman of the Swansea Gas Light Company)Cholmeley Park, Highgate. C. Bath, Esq. J-P.) Fyjjone, Svcapsea. R. Eaton, Esq, J.P., Bryn-y-mor, Swansea, J. T. D. Llewellyn, Esq.; J.P., Ynisgerwu.~ (With power to add to their number). .Rakkehs. ■; Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, and Co., Lombard-street, London. Glamorganshire Banking Company, Swansea and Neath. SOLICITORS. Henry Fryer, Esq., 1 & 2, Gray's Inn-place, Gray's Inn. Messrs. Smith and Lewis, Swansea. BROKERS. Messrs. Oakshot and Son, Post-office Cbftnbers, Swansea. AUDITORS. E. J. Morris, Esq., for the Directors. (Another Auditor to be appointed by the Members.) SECRETARY. G. B. Haynes, Esq. OFFICES. 5, Fisher-street, Swansea. PROSPECTUS. This Company is formed for the purpose of Establishing a Superior Hotel at Swansea, the want of which has for a long period been greatly felt. The population has doubled itself within the past few years, and tj^J^ade so largely increased, that Swansea has become one of^tne main commercial centres of the kingdom. -The smelting of the ores of copper, silver, and other metals is very extensively carried on in the immediate neighbour- hood of the town, and the export and import trades are daily becoming more important. These trades bring large numbers of persons to the dis- trict, and it is of constant occurrence that private houses have to be put in requisition to afford that accommodation which the existing Hotel system is quite incompetent to supply. provisional contracts have been entered into for the pur- chase of the Castle Hotel, with an extended Lease of the same and the adjoining Shop and Premises, also for the pur- chase of other Freehold Properties, forming a large portion of the frontage of one side of Castle-square. The Hotel, in addition to the usual family and commercial portions, will have annexed to it a commodious Club House for Members, a large Hall for public meetings and dinners, private and public billiard rooms, also warm and cold salt water hatlis. At the end of the establishment in Caer-street, on the site of the Aberdare Inn (which it is proposed also to purchase), will be built Wine and Spirit Stores, with a long range of buildings to be let at cheap rates as sleeping apartments, of which at preseni 1he town is in urgent lIeed. "Chile the erection of the Kew Hutel IS in f>ro £ ress the business at the Castle Hotel will 1Jnt he interfered with. The THrectorn, having corwitdei ed the financial part of tbe undertaking, believe th..mselve.. jt:8Iifie<1 in calculating that the money. invented wi 1.1 give & .large per etsntage of ^profit. No promotion money wtll be pRIll or any other expt'tiflfes not fairly applying to the carrying O1Ü of the \.md"rtakiüg, awd the Shares being fully paid up, no fUlther liability wiU rc- main. Prospectuses and Forms of Application may he obtained from the Bankers, Solicitors, Brokers, and Secretary, p.nd at the Offices of the Company. The Articles of the Association can be inspected at the Offices of the Company's Solicitors. 1137 (Sfotttatiorc. MAUGHAN-PLACE, PENARTH, June 25th, 1867. THE Duties of MISS BATSON'S SCHOOL will be RESUMED July 16th, 1807. 1840 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, REDLANDS, BRISTOL. YOUTHS are carefully prepared for General Pursuits or JL specially for the Universities and Public Examinations. 1848 The Principal, S. GRIFFITH. LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 5, CLIFTON PLACE, STOW HILL, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. THE EDUCATION of the Young Ladies is conducted by MISS F'ANNY LEAN (trained by Mrs. Simmonnet) aided by competent governesses and masters. MRS. LEAN superintends the domestic cutnforts and health of the pupils. School will, D'.V., re-open on Monday, July 29th. An articled pupil can be received. 1805 PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, SINGING, AND THEORETICAL MUSIC. F. ATKINS, MUS. BAC., OXON., BEGS to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of the BUTE DOCKS that he devotes a day (Thursday) to TUITION in that neigftboui hood; and has a Vacancy for two Pupils n either of the above hrancln s. Particulars may be obtained of G. F. Atkins, Esq., Bute Docks, Cardiff. 1581 244, BUTE ROAD. f IiS. HUGOreceivesalimitednumberofDAILYPUPILS ItA for instruction in the usual branches of an English education. Also in Music. French and German Masters. A DANCING CLASS every SATURDAY, from Two p.m., till Four. 260 REV. E. A. GREEN'S CLASSICAL & COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, CHARLES STREET, CARDIFF PUPILS PREPARED FOR THE UNIVERSITIES OR COMMERCIAL LIFE. 129 EVENING CLASSES. JJOXTAUUE HOUSE, CIIARLES STREET, CARDIFF. 4/i WILLIAMES respectfully announces the RE £ .v.JL OPENING of the EVENING CLASSES for instruc- tion and improvement in Elocution, Writing, Arithmetic, Latin,FreRch,&c. Terms :—10s. 6d. per Quarter, or Is. per Week, payable in advance. 104 MR. RALPH J. HORNER, (Professor of Music, Graduate of Leipsic, Pupil of Moscheles, master of the great Mendelssohn, and of Reineke, Con- ductor of the Gewandhaus Concerts), VISITS Cardiff on Monday acd Thursday in each week T for the purpose of giving Instructions in the following Branches of Musical art:- Pianoforte, Harmonium, Singing, Harmony (thorough bass, part writing, counterpoint, canon, &c). Composition, Orchestration, &c., &c. Pupils waited upon at their own residences. In/ormation respecting terms, &c., may be obtained from Mr. D. J. Johnston, 5, Nelson-terrace, Cardiff. Lessons given at 2, Wellington-terrace, or at the Pupil's tesidence. coMrosmoNS BY RALPH J. horner. The Autumn Day, song, 2s Cd The Darling of my Dream, The Spanish Gipsy, song, 3s song 3s Ah! tell me not that other Fantasia Vittorina, pour eyes song 3s Piano 4s The above to be obtained of all the principal music sellers. 1347 TO RESPECTABLE TRADESMEN. THE Daughters of a Grocer, Linen Draper, Butcher, or Coal Merchant can be received on terms of mutual accommodation in a Ladies'Boarding School (long established) where the system combines order and comfort and the educa- tion comprises Music, Modern Languages, Drawing, &c., with thorough English, Writing, and Arithmetic. Address, D.D.N., Cardif fTimes Office, Cardiff. 1806 MONEY AT FIVE PER CENT. ON PERSONAL SECURITY, IN sums of £ 50 and upwards.—Apply to Mr. William H. Davies, 25, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1576 MONEY. ONE THOUSAND POUNDS to be Advanced at once, in one or two lots, on first-class freehold or leasehold propt rties.-Apply to Mr. J. D. Thomas, auctioneer, &c., 90, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1572 MONEY ADVANCED on Personal Security, and on Mortgage. Bills Discounted. Address to Mr. M. O Scott, Accountant, Dock-street, Newport, Mon. Office Hours, Ten to Four. 777 MONEY. SEVERAL SUMS READY to be LENT on PRIVATE MORTGAGE of ELIGIBLE FREEHOLDS orLEASE- HOLDS. Apply to Mr. Wir. Williams, 16, Dock-street, Newport, Mon. 585 MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, UNITED LOAN AND DISCOUNT ASSOCIATION. 19, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. MONEY Lent in sums to suit the convenience of borrow ers, repayable by easy instalments. 131 IMPORTANT. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY at a Cheap snd easy rate, go to Mr. W W/LLIAMS l6, Dock-street, Newport, Mon., and Insure your Life, md he will guarantee that, with approved personal Sr-urity, you can have any sum frem f50 to £ 2,060. fc one, two, thl-ee, (our, or five years, repayable b yfixeg U*lf-yearly or quarterly instalments. Loans 610:> ne^o- cialsd on Shipping.. 102 WEST OF ENGLAND LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE. SOLOMON BLAIBERG, PAWNBROKER, 2, BUTE-TERRACE, CARDIFF, (THE OLDEST established BUSINESS IN TOWN) BEGS to inform the public that he ADVANCES MONEY on PERSONAL SECURITY on the SHORTEST NOTICE! A great variety of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, consisting of Jewellery, Watches, Rings, Chains, Jkc., always on sale. 431 THE ROMAN LOAN. Agent for Great Brita.ir. dnd Ireland. 3IR HENRY WINSTON BARRON, BART., M.P. Agent for Wales, W. J. JACOB, MELROSE, ST. MELLONS, NEAR CARDIFF. SEVEN and a Half per Cent, guaranteed upon all Amounts invested. Granted in Shares of ^13 4s. each. Half-year's- interest paid on the 1st of October upon all amounts invested previous to that date. Loans granted, and Life and Property upon the best terms. MONEY ADVANCED on Freehold and Leasehold Security. AGENTS WANTED, in every Town and Village in South YVales.—None but respectable Householders need apply. All Insurance claims paid within fourteen days of proof of death Agent for Wales of the British Economical Manure. 433 MONEY. THE EQUITABLE BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. HEAD OFFICE, 5, HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. MANAGER, MR. THOMAS KITE. pi A nnn SUMS OF Jg30 and upwards, ready for -LU ,VJVJUj jmmediate ADVANCE, on approved House or Landed Property, at 5 per cent. interest, repayable by monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly instalments, extending over a period of about 13 years. Rules (Is. each), Forms of Application, and Prospectuses may be obtained of Mr. J. Hodkinson, House and Estate Agent, 77, St. Mary street, Cardiff; Mr. M. O. Scott, Great Dock-street, Newport; or of the Manager. Applications for Agencies will receive prompt attention. 1211 OMNIBUSES BETWEEN CARDIFF AND PENARTH. MESSRS. RICHARDS & PRICE beg to inform the Public that their OMNIBUSES runs between Cardiff and Penarth every week-day as follows From the Ship Hotel, From the Royal Oak Inn, St. Penarth, at— Mary-street, Cardiff, at— 9 a.m. 10 30 a.m. 12 noon. 2 0 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 30 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 0 p.m. And on SUNDAYS as follows;- 10 a.m. I 1 30 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 0 p.m. 7 p.m. I 8 30 p.m. Fares—6d. each. Parcels punctually delivered. 1541 THE" IMPERIAL" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL MOUNT STUART-SQUARE, DOCKS, CARDIFF. QUIET COMFORTABLE, RESPECTABLE, AND ECONOMICAL. PRIVATE SITTING AND COFFEE ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD ROOM JUST OPENED. FAMILIES SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES WITH THE VERY liEST WINES AND SPIRITS. 1145 THOMAS NIXON, PROPRIETOR. X IKUT. JAMES'S BLJSTEll."—Caut.iou.—The Pro- XJ prietors )J8ving Y"f"f\Soll to b'lieve thai, a Fopurieu8 imitation is aht.ut to bo uSered, the public are particularly requested to observe t"hat none is genuine except XjI1 £ ,U 1. JAMES'S BLISTER," and that each pot. has a label at the top signed by the Proprietors, R- S. James and J. James. Established upwards of 32 years. 1070 JAMES AND WILLIAMS, 2S1, Bate-street, and New Arcade, St. Mary-street. HORNIMAN'S PURE TEAS ARE EIGHTPENCE CHEAPER, the Duty being reduced. As a protection from Imitations, all Packets are signed Horniman & Co., Original Importers of Pure Ten. FONTYPRIDD. I < '1.1 MR. A. A. M c L U C A S, j A ceo UNT A NT, A U D I TOR, &e.\ BOOKS MADE UP.4—ESTIMATES. MADE. j ,j, i:. AGENT-SOR SOiiWICII ACCIDENTAL DEATH ASSOCIATION. -i ,v ii Lttii '■ 1722' 1 [A CARD.] ~J' £ /o A. D. T R 0 M A S, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, ESTATE, & COMMISSION AGENT, &-c. Tradesmen's Books punctually kept and balanced. Bankrupt' Insolvent, and Residuary Accounts prepared. RENTS & DEBTS COILECTED. And every Brahch of an Accountant's Business carefully and promptly executed. ? dFFICpS AT :\1R,. J. D. THOMAS'S; Auctioneer 44d Valuer, 90* St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1739 SCOTCH TEA COMPANY, Ljr. ROBERTSON & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, • 2-r,PHIf.0'i' LANE, LONDON, AND 47, UNION-TERRACE, MERTHYR TYDFIL. 1712 SU PPORTED BY THE ITS ADS OF THE NATION. ;> 1, -JAMES .-McMILLiNy PRACTICAL tT E P A R E r,, AND .ORNAMENTAU HAIR MANUFACTURER, 16, JAM E'S~-S TRE E f, D (j CK 3, CARD IE F, RECOMMENDED by Mr. Ewii.s, retired from business. The largest-Stock iu Wales of properly prepared hair for Chignons, t&c. Ditto may.e of ^ady'sown hair. Can be sent to,,an(i fro per peat., A^iiva^e flj^ir..Cutting Room. 1738 JAMES AND PRICE, CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF, AGENT' S F. OR- THE SALE O F D ANDERSON & SONS' ROOFING FELT BOILER FELT AND INODOROUS FELT. (For Damp "\Valls and Floors.) A Large Stoek always kept on hand, and the Trade sup- plied on Wholesale Terms. 1160 LA CARD.] MR. B. S. MARKS, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER, 15, GREAT PORTLAND-STREET, LONDON, W. CARDIFF STUDIO:—11, ST. MARY-STREET. Orders left fit the following Addresses—Mr. Lane, Crock herhtown; or Messrs. Lewis ar d Williams, Duke ■ street-will be promptly attended to. 1S08 4 & 21, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. ELLS & NEAL RESPECTFULLY call the attention of their Friends and R the Public generally, to their NEW STOCK OF FRENCH PRINTS I.. u CONSISTING OF i /1. i,: > PERK ALES, BRILLIANTES, AND PIQUE CLOTHS. ALSO, SPRING DRESSES, SKIRTINGS, &c., &c. 1337 JOHN DAVIES, CHEMIST AND STATIONER, PONTYPRIDD, BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public generally that he has recommenced making AERATED WATERS, Viz.:— SODA WATER, LEMONADE. & GINGERADE Of the best quality. AGENT FOR MANDERS'S DUBLIN STOUT, AM) ALLSOPP & SONS' BURTON ALES, In Cask and Bottle. 1815 "VISITORS^TO LONDON WILL FIND THE ROYAL OPERA HOTEL, BOW-STREET, COVENT GARDEN, THE Cheapest, most Central, and most Comfortable House in London. Within One Minute's Walk of all the principal Theatres. Breakfast, from Is. Dinner (joint, vegetables, and cheese), 2s.; Luncheons, Is.; Supper, Is.; Beds, 2s. Private Rooms for large and small parties also, a Ladies' Coffee Room. Public and private Billiard Rooms A good Smoking Room. Joints every day from 2.30; also on bundays. A Porter up all night. The Cab Fare does not exceed Is. bd. from any Station. 1713 W. NOAKES, Proprietor. GEORGE SULLY, SHIP BROKER & COMMISSION AGENT. Marine, House, and General Auctioneer & Vaxuer, RESPECTFULLY announces that he has OPENED his NEW and SPACIOUS R his NEW and SPACIOUS AUCTION ROOMS, situate at the west end of James-street, near the Canal, where he intends to hold AUCTIONS every TUESDAY Fortnight, for the Sale of Furniture, Goods, &c. Its central position offers every facility to persons wishing to sell por- tions of their Furniture to replace with new, &c. All Goods consigned to G. S. will be duly protected, and Sale Accounts made up and settled immediately. Residence— 2-5, Mount Stuart-square, Cabdii-f. 877 EVANS AND CO., TEA AND COFFEE SALESMEN, WINE MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL GROCERS, 6, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. AGENTS TO THE ONE WINE COMPANY, )15, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, E.C. THE ONE "WINE COMPANY have introduced a distinctive feature into the wine trade, by selecting ONE particular wine from each growing district of the Continent, which the most inexperienced may -purchase without any doubt or apprehension of the measure, price, or quality. These Wines the Company distinguish as their ONE Wines. The ONE Wine Company's ONE Wines are bottled in imperial pints, thereby ensuring just measure. They are charged ONE price, 2s. per bottle, or 24s. per dozen. They are of ONE uniform qualify, and the ONE Wine Company appoint ONE Agent in each district of London, and ONE Agent in every Provincial Town, thereby enabling the public to obtain these wines everywhere at ONE price. vV The ONE Wine Company also offer to the public, through their agents in London, and in every provincial town, or direct from their chief offices, 115, Cannon-street, E.C., their miscellaneous wines and spirits, bottled m the old reputed measure, at the following quotations, in each onse guaranteeing the best possible value for the prices charged: Sherry, 15s., 24s.,30s., 36s.48si Po t, 15s., 24s., 36s., 48s., 54s.; Madeira, 60s., ^6s,, Hock 18s^, 3bs 48s. Clnrpt 12d 18s 36s Champagne, 36s o4s.,6os Brandv 'iU «to. 18?- ( WW* 36, 42Z Gin 24s. to 368. In comparing the prices of the ONE Wine Company's wines with those of others, it should be borne in mind that no charge is made for bottles, which are allowed for if returned. Chief Offices, 115, Cannon-street. E.C. Circulars and nricelists forwarded on application. 1625 CARDIFF AUCTION MART. MESSRS. M. MARKS AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ACCOUNTANTS, ARBITRATORS, RENT AND DEBT COLLECTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS, AND FURNITURE DEALERS. MM. & SON have constantly on Sale all descriptions of • new and second-hand Furniture, Looking Glasses, Ironmongery, best and common Millpuff, iron Bedsteads, &c. Feathers constantly on Sale. M. M. & SON have for Sale a first-class Royal Seraphiue, by Greer.. T,rHlrlnn. M. J1. ot hold Sales every Thursday afternoon and Saturday evening, at their spacious Sale-room, when all goods consigned to them for Sale will lIe sold without reserve. Agents for the British Equitable Life Assurance Company, and London and Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Com- pany. ———— Please Notk thk Address :— M. MARKS & SON, 11. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, Nf. \rly opposite the Town -hvt.i.. 1538 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION OFFICE, WOLVERHAMPTON. ALL intending Emigratts to Canada requiring advice or information are requested to »px>ly, by letter (prepaid), for the Government Publications, containing t'ne conditions for the Government Publications, containing t'ne conditions on which the Crown lands are disposed of, and other valuable information. Carpenters. Masons, Bricklayers, Blacksmiths, Tailors, Shoemakers, Flax Dressers, &c., with Farm Laboureis, and, Female Servants can find immediate employment and hioh wages. NO FRF.E PASSAGES. WILLIAM DIXON, 1247 Canadian Government Agent. Insntm: 7 9J< h¡¡i.l11'J& \-ESTABLISHED 1852. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE OOMpiSf Fllii:—LIFE—ANNUITIES.. ¡Ø ,f v 1 an j-. Cotek Geficks;—High- stbset, Wrexham; io;! ,.49,. MpORffATE-STREET, LONDON; jl ;j:77, BufcHAXAN'-STREET, GLASGOW. .trustees: "4 The Right Hon. Lord Boston. «-<j| The Right Hon. Lord TredegAr. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart., :\I.P. j'r." Colonel Myddleton Biddulph, M.P. Townshend Mainwariijg, Esq., M.P. i*A Thomas Barnes, Esq,, M P. iii» The Very Revtrend the Dean of St. Asaph. Thomas Brassey, Esq., NVestmiiihter. ^$ Hugh Owen, Esq., H¡\¡,lIsbury, London. CHAIRMAN" 07 THE BOARD THOMAS BARNES, ESQ., M.P., Farnwortli, And the Quinta, Salop. c# I All the usual descriptions of Fire and Life I effected on the most moderate terms, and every att given to the business with which the Company favoured. e 'j at « ANTHONY DILLON', 'X, I Secretary to the Comp831* Applications for Agencics to the Secretary, or to 01 Prosser, 9, Park-terrace, Pontypool, Superintendent of I in South Wales, witt receive immediate attention. I) ¡ Annual Income upwards of £ i( Life Reserve Ea:.d upwards of £ i 14,00^J Total paid in Claims under Life and Fire ) /jooq 000^ Policies upwards of j ^jj REDUCTION OF FIRE INSURANCE | THE ROYAL INSURANCE COMPA>^ is now prepared to offer the following advantages Insurers:- .ii< 1st, Insurances effected from this date will be chargW'O :duced Duty. .a. 2nd, No charge made for Policy Stamps, however siu8^.L, Insurance. i-:fi 3rd, Moderate rates. 4th, Unquestionable security. -jW 5th, a continuance of the same promptitude and. u the settlement of losses which have ever characterise. 'Company. The great increase of Insurances which will now be gives most favourable opportunities for Gentlemen doubted position and influence to obiain Agencies Royal.—Applications should be made immediatelv Ili'1 B. 0. SA\1LLE, Uistrid Manager.. ■ Royal Insurance Buildings, Corn-street, Bristol. AGENTS IN CARFIIFF :— ■? J. WILLANS, 55, Mount Stuart-square. W. H. WILLIAMS and Co., St, Mary-street.. J. M. HAIME, 47, Loudoun-square. J. T. P,.kitii),, I)uke-street. F. 3IANN, Wharton-street. W. GRYLLS, West of England and South Wales Bank- 't H. GOODMAN, 35 and .36, Union-street. Vl, PMILLIPS and DAVIS, Accountants, Card;ff. J. R. NICHOLAS & Co., 100, Rotrsav-terrace, Cardiff J D. GOODMAN, Watchmaker, Pontypridd. 3a.Us irjj Ruction. FO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Angel Hotel, on SATURDAY, JUNE 2;>th, 1^65. at Twelve o'cb1^: BAY MARE, o years old, about 144 hands high. P J: X AR T H. ,,c$ SALE OF TWO LOTS OF WELL-BUILT BOU PROPERTY. m \f R. J. D. TtlOMAS will SELL by AUCTION, at "j, iVI Dock Hotel, Penarth, at Six o'clock on JULY l0:h, 1867, the following Lots of capital HOU-SliS; Lox 1.—All those Three HOUSES, Nos. 5, 6, and Ludlow-street, Penarth. Each house contains six l'°°$ besides offices and tit derground cellars, and has very been put in thorough repair. They are now occupie good tenants. ? jn LOT 2.—All those Three HOUSES, Nos. o, 6, and Windsor-road, Penarth, nearly opposite the "lcarage-house. 011, commanding an extensive view of the and Somersetshire coast. Each house contains nine l°?40 and other offices. They are handsomely finished, with iu front and good kitelion gardens at the back, and are suited for private family residences. de- The Auctioneer begs to call the attention of persons w sirous of purchasing-property in the fast improving Penarth to the aoove Lots, wb'.ch are well deserving of u° Auctioneer's Offices, 90, St. Maiy-street, Cardiff. June 27ih, 1867. SALE THIS DAY. r IMPORTANT TO MILLERS, BAKERS, &c. WAY FOR SALE by AUCTION, on account of whoto it; the concern, on Saturday next, June 20th, 5^ Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, at Half-past Two o'clock,* r-ro qs Culasses First Quality NANTES FRENCH V1 Jeune Florentine, from Nantes. » For samples, or inspection of the bulk, applV to t'ie tioneer, Mr. F. ROCHE, Post office Chamber. Uardiff^ ROM ILLY ROAD, CANTON, LLANDAf'F. FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND FOR SALE. J MR. ROCHE wiil SELL by AUCTION', at the Hotel, Cardiff, on Thursday, 18th July next, at o'clock precisely,the under-mentioned valuable FRt'E^, LAND, situate in Romilly-place, Canton, adjoining ^^aq., longing to Lewis Davis, Esq., and James Harvey Insole, a£3 viz. :—All that piece of LAND containing about one numbered 703 and 794 on the plan of the Freehold Land j, This property will be offered in Four Lots, each iot frontage nf 50 feet to Romilly-road aforesaid, with an avef^ depth of about 175 feet. The lots command a due aspect, and contain excellent building sites. The P1'0^6^, is sold subject to the conditions oftlu- Freehold Land SJcie^ as to buildings, &c., which are advantageous to a purch4s<i.vj At the same time will be Sold 50 SHARES in the i>r^ Baths Company, limited. For further particulars a >ply to the Auctioneer, or to Mr. WALDROX, Solicitor, car 1351 Dated Church-street, 24th June, 1867. EDWARD STREET, CARDIFF. 10 be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. ROCHE, fl JL Angel Hotel, Cardiff, on THURSDAY the 18th day blO July next, at 3 o'clock pieciseh, the undermentioned lots of LEASEHOLD HOUSES, situate in EdwarddU eiJ Cardiff, subject to the conditions of sale which will be and there produced. A Lot 1.—All those three Dwelling-houses situate in and bered 1, 2, and 3 in Edward-street. Cardiff, now i0 fl. respective occupations of Richard Walters, HcnO" (1allaud Lewis. j Tliis property is held under a lease from E. P. Ric^3' S Esq., for a term of 09 years from 29th September 185-5, ground rent of £ H 18s. Gd. -i Lot 2 All those two Houses situate also iu and 7 and S in Edward-street, Cardiff, aforesaid, now iQ » occupation of Charles Clarke and John Gwynne. A This property is held under a lease from E. P. Hie Esq., for a term of 99 years from the 29ih September, 1 at a ground rent of £ 5 8s. j Lot 3.—All those two Dwellivg houses also situate in. numbered 9 and Pi in Edward street aforesaid, ing the houses comprised in Lot 2, now in the occupol tion of Henry Lee and William Williams. This property is held also under a lease from Richards, Esq., for a term 0? 99 years from the 29th Sepu:1IM ber, 18.5-5, at a ground rent of £ 0 8s. i For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or to Mr. WALDRON, i Solicitor, Church-street. Cardift'^3 Dated 18th June, 1807. l8^; MONMOUTHSHIRE. MR. H- M. PARTRIDGE will SELL bv AUCTlO^ of the Three Salmons Hotel, Usk, on MONDAY, J 1, 1867, at Two o'clock precisely (subject to conditions S3 sale to be then and there produced), all that very desir^ and valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called "Tbe l*ejf House and Beberren, situate in the parish of DingGS^i within four miles of the town of Moo mouth, adjoining i old turnpike road leading from Raglan to that' town, within ten minutes walk of the Dingestow station, of Colefor<L Monmouth, Usk, and Pontypool Railway. J. .Tj!s consists of a Farm House, and the usual 0.. bjudrngs, and several closes or pieces of arable, pastuf* meadow, orchard, and wood Land, containing by adiueas11^ merit 17d acres, or thereabouts, the,whole now in the oc<^2 pfttion of Mr. Job Rose, as tenant thereof. 01; Y a Pr°P°rty timbered and watered, and well S11" th!. vvl^ &3me. Parochial rates and taxes are moderate -■ T he tenant will shew the premises, and for further P 1 ticulars apply to V MESSRS. WADDINGTON & GUSTA^' Solicitors, Usk, A At whose Office a map of the estate may be seen. Usk, 31st May, 1867. 17 MR. J. M. LEEDER will SELL by AUCTION, Saturday, the 20th day of Junk, 1807, at the M* worth Arms Hotel, Swansea, at Two for Three o'clock P* cisely (subject to such couditiors as will be then and tb? ± produced), all that CLOSE or PARCEL of LAXD Lewin's Hill," situate in the palish of Oystermouth, in county of Glamorgan, containing 2a. 3r. 15p or thereabou'Srt and also all those several t'LOSES or PARCELS of situate nearly adjyiuingto the above, containing 1G 3ji- 3" or thereabonis. f. The above property is copyhold, of the manor of Oys^i,: mouth, aful is about midway, and within ten minutes J of Oystermouth Church on the one side, and Langland 1W on tbe other; and is well adapted for building purposes c° manding.on the south, an admirable view of the Bristol (]he.t1, nel, and, on the north, Swansea Bay and it* beautiful sU rounding country. It is intended to offer the property, in the first instance,1 one lot, anil if not so sold, it will bo offered in such l°t9 9 may be determined at the time of sale. A plan can he seen at the otftces of Messrs. Strick an Bellingbam, solicitors, Swansea, of whom, and of the A^c tioneer, further particulars may be obtained. 17015 TWOT^TLARDTIIACI >N, ETC. j|,f R. G. SULLY will SELL by AUG TION, ou Mon'D^J -t-L July 1, 1Hi>7, at his Sale rooms, west end of -Tatii0s street, Sides of Bacon: Butter and Lard in Casks; a sundry lots of FURNITURE, consisting of Tables, EaS^ Chairs, Cane-seated Chairs, Bedsteads, Beds, &c Src. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p.m. precise' j," For particulars, apply to Mr. George Sully, Marine a11 General Auctioneer, 25, Me-u:it Stuart-square, Cardiff 1 1858 ROATH, CARDIFF. rO be SOLD by AUCTION, oyMr. F. W. ARMSTRONU,; at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on Tuesday the 'th cay of JULY next, at 3 o'clock in aften\ ^i>u preeisjVv^ ..It t),qAt val^nble MESSUAGE or DWELLING MOU^■ E, an-4,. Ou.buildings, situate at the corner of Clifron etree«»'aO<i^ opposite the Clifton Hotel, in the pm igh of Rr-Vf' i.: county of Glamoi^ao, now in the occupation of M u Bennett. "eitry The above premises are held for th ten s of QO „ the 29th day of September, is,59 at +].„ • r'iv- -i^ntp ";d19 1'01' further Inrt:clllars anply to the A' b'i o :1lc,"s, to 11Ct!o:¡eer at 1 117. P. P. 1,Ally and Solicitors, JOHN ,IloppIS Cardiff.