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I ^ERVants WANTING PLACES, of any description,and thj noteholders requiring Servants, should advertise in Times. Price Is. for 24 words, prepaid. ANTED, to purchase about 20 tons of Wheat Straw. Y^^Apply at the Cardiff Times Office. 1446 Vy A^'i'ED, a steady man as Groom and Coachman- Offi„ Apply, by letter, to Mr. C. J., at the Cardiff Times 1849 -FlERS WANTED.—A few good Fitters can have con- Kant employment by applying at the Uskside Iron ■tO^Newport, Mon. Good character indispensihle. 1847 Yy'AKTED to purchase, a Pony, about 11J hands, war- So0t, ranted. Apply to J. Thompson, greengrocer, 3, illiam-srteet, Docks, Cardiff. 1854 i^j ^SE.—Wanted, a Situation as Nurse, by a respectable M I. Person, 17 years of age. Good character. Apply to ~>rdT^TlrrrmrO{S.oe. 18ft-5 CHEMIST AND DRUGGISTS' ASSISTANTS. W^'TED, a Junior Assistant or Improver. Apply to I). Jones. Chemist, Ike, Porthcawl. 1833 yy ANTED, :a House or Cottage residence in the country ftifj. nea.r Caidiff, or on a line of railway, furnis hed or un- ^lilL Address, Mr. A. R. Thomas, Cardiff Steam Saw It 88 yy ANTED a Situation r.s Daily Governess, to instruct in English, French, Drawing, and Music. Also the of German and Latin. Address Iota, Post-offiee, 1851 VyANTED, a Situation as Housekeeper, where a boy or Wi another Servant is kept. First class references.— ^"Niff ^ervants' Registry Office, 1, Patrick-street, Docks, 1870 { 0 SADDLERS. — Want^d7 an experienced Journeyman Saddler, who thoroughly understands collar making work. N-one brtt thoroughly proficient hands ■t^»Pply. Apply to Mr. T. Dyke, 39, St. Mary-street, f\ 18-27 ANTED Furnished Apartments, with attendance. A *Q(j r> single gentleman is in want of a good Sitting-room e(koom in Cardiff, for a few months. Good references W,* tlrockherbtown or Roath preferred. Address, stating A., Post-office, Cardiff. 1842 ^o jbe jtet or |^°t>GlNQS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or~to^be la, f0 ^T, should be advertised ia the Cardiff Times'. Price t words, prepaid. I LET, Eason Villa, Roath-road. Apply to Mi. A. R. — "1587 •C^NlSHED APARTMENTS to be Let. Apply at 64, Mary-street, Cardiff 1521 bs LET, a Stable and Coach-house.—Apply to Mr. —^Walker. Trinity-street, Cardiff. 1777 OFFICE to be LET, at 5, Bute-crescent. A front on the first floor. 1780 178U Apartments at No. 8, Windsor Place, Crock- •herbtown. Terms moderate. 1876 'J^WIJET, the Rhynmey Hotel,"CardiffanrVSpirit'Vanlts. p.1 or particulars apply to S. Dimond, Proprietor. 1872 J. LET, on 1st November next, the Red Lion Inn, at Wj ^landaff. Earlier possession can be had if desired. C- H. Evans. 66, Crockherbtown.. 1855 4^, LET, Ueachwood Villa, Oakfield-road, Roath. ^{Jply to Mr. G. E. Chittenden, Surveyor, St. Marv- Cardiff 182;V_ « Suigle Gentleman can be accommodated with a well- Mil rnished front Parlour and Bedroom, at H. Green's, 0 No, 29, Working-street. 1747 L-l'(} be LET, UNFUitXISHED APARTMENTS, suit 1ll¡t able for offioes.-Apply to Mr. Howell, Chemist. 255, f^^reet, Cardiff. •_ 1869 1;'õ be.LET, STUkP,'f HALL, (;APDIFP', capable of seat'nf? 1,300 persons, for Lectures, Concerts, &c. Bailev, on the premises. J 27 IED APAI',TAIENTS.-One or two single can be accommodated with a parlour, and one pQ-^poms. Enquire at 32, Frederick-street:. 1429 c ^ET, a comfortable. Sitting aixl Bed-room, in a e N. position in the, town, whore the comforts of Y), y e secured. Aprjiy to J. W. G., Cardiff and JlIer- Office 1863 ,0 r< It'6 with immediatje possession, the Public-house *^iff^°Wn fts *he Engineer's Aral's, situate in Sophia-street, Coming in moderate. Apply to Mr. T. L. Glaves, ^VCross Brewery, Canton, near Cardiff. •ij^H.OUSE.—r|0 LE'i'j the Elephant and Castle 1 ?«0(iec,^0use' si'nated in Bute-terrace, Cardiff, and doing Jtfr Woney trade. Immediate possession.—Inquire Yv">: l^idd, 2, Bridge,street. 1831 OTEL, LLANTIIISSANT STATION, ^0f fuctv, -LET, by valuation, with immediate possession. 5°Heer e?" Particulars apply to Mr. J. D. Thomas, Auc- Valuer, 90, St,'Mary-street, Cardiff. 1512 -LET, and entered upon immediately, 21 acres of j^i ^tuate in the parishes of St. Mellons and It urn- S,' to vUmouthshire, adjoining the turnpike-road from Car- W^0rt' an<* known by the name of the Whitta." .^ars apply to Messrs. Mathias and Kinnersley, ^frent;K' •*» Upper Station Terrace, Cardiff. 1678 JT AKi'H BEACH.4- L'o be Let, .with, immediate pos- Wn^B'on> a Cottage, pleasantly situated on tlio Beach, at containing parlour, dining-hall, kitdhen, five bed- aad large attic, with coach-house and stahlo complete. to Messrs. Mathias and Kinnersley, 4, Upper Sta- e, Cardiff. 1706 A f-<E i', and entered upon immediately, a comfortable NiJ^hi'mcxl Dwelling-house, on Llandafl Green, in- stable, harness-room and coach-house; also pleasure et i.a small.green-house. Usc contains a drawing-rqom, dining-room, two v ^Cellars, and other suitable offices; also five bed- OH+ a dressing-room. Apply to Messrs. David, Radyr ^^i^^rdiff. 1553 Fountain ASH, NEAR ABERDARE: pQ. T° DRUGGISTS AND OTHERS. .A-1 LET, with immediate possession, a well-situated .?filaf ^HOP in the above improving town, occupied by s ^6 Charles, Clremist and Druggist- The iru.P is in the best situation in the place, and a" large n eI( ov'nK business was donft in it by the late tenant. ig commodious, and has ample ro0nvfor the re- xJ'Uar tits of a family. The Stock and fixtures to be taken by iirlt. ent moderate -Apply to Mr. E. E: Williams, v' J^sh Inn, near Abei'dare; or to Messrs. C. H. and ^CBj-golicitors, Merthyr Tydfil. 1828^ PLAN J> A I-R—O^*E_.AXD AHALI1 aLLLEi- £ ii^i~. rO-Ufr CARDIFF. i ir t; for a term of years, with immediate posses- I?11' No. 3, Llandaff Place, now in the occupation of U^fas 0r(^OB- The house contains- drawing, dining, ~*t. t*rooms) nine bedrooms, a IxUh-room, china closet, j "1 e^c"» 'woi kitchens,. with- larder and scullery, dairy collars. Gas and watetf laid oa. A fruit with, coach house, loft, and-two -rooms for rS0- 'f rcq'iiredi n field adjoining, with pigstye and K ree cows. Rent rtioderate. For partiotiliis apply ^>~?5^se, or to Major Gordon. 1843 ^0 > GOOD INTVliSTMEXt.' Ijw. Private Contract. J'our good Leasehold ^"ng-houses, fejtuate and being Nos. 2, 3. 4, and 5, d Feet; Cardiff. Will be sold to pay a good per ""x; APP]y t° Mr. R-ocfe, .Post-office Chambers, Car- f%r- •• 1621 dr Devon Villa, Roath, Cardiff, containing £ '> kiJiUvin^ room and twq sitting- rooms, five bedrooms,. two pantries, cellar aiid coal house, stables and fit?^se- The premises are in excellent repair, and, are tiirQiighciut. Apply to Mr. W. H. Cory, solicitor, Q street, or to Mr. T. Webber, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1782 A e liET or SOLD, Yew Villa, Partriage-road, iioath, | Ni^lntaioing eight rooms, with china pantry, larder, In Sas, anrl eiery convenience required in-a' good. an^lJence- There are front and back gardens, 100 feet t>ack entrance. Apply to Mr. Jones, 50, Elm-street, ,1845 Vi or JLD, a semi-det'9htd ilia, between the St(!W Cemetery and Roath road, containing two parlours, (h^Uv ')ack ditto, and. seven bedrooms, most oonve- UP- Half the purchase money may be left on- x'felT' Apply tn Mr.-W. Lewis, commission agent, 17, ."8tl'tet, Cardiff. 1801 it ..e or LET, by Private Treaty, a semi detached 111 lioath-toad, containing a sitting- room, draw- and breakfast-room, fivte .bodropms, kitchen, and n lawn, and large garden, good double-stall C fcat-r coach house. With immediate possession.—-For jSculars apply to .&lf. William Lewis, connniyriion jp^^ Churcli-si ref't, Cardiff. 1810 O by Private Contract, Two semi-detached a' -a1 -1: each being in every way oomplete, an^ for a large family. Good lawn and back garden. CbW10ath'road- F°r the convenience of putchasers they ^cparately.^—For full particulars apply to Mr. V> m- ^j^nission agent, 17, Church-street, Cardiff. 1811 ry, Marble AND SLATE WORKS," juhn" I'O } STREET, CARDIFF. tlll! w,;io^e of the Plant and Business of the °ff ^or^s- The reason for disposing of it is tile John Jiiuds, the lata-^BiajjA^ing, partner. This lhnsiti0oa opportunity to any party having a knowledge of ])rai.ticu'ar9 to Mr. Joseph Elliott. PoweliVplaee, Cardiff. 181,a Vv CAD0XT6N-JUX'PA^B-A-Rrtt^r -N-&AH. FQj} C. QAJ<1>I K1'. M 3 -oALE^-bv ^Private Contract, all that desimble ami O^I^Pact FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Bu- Containing about Thirty Acres, situate in the parish yVxton-iuxta- Barry, nine miles from Cardiff. P^erty is situate immediately opposite to 15firry Vii?%ka.n<i rotnn,ands extensive views of fhe Bristol Channel, b?ia«!S Poast' &c- The proposed Railway to Barry s n(:ar it. The house is unfinished. Par^icu'nrs a,|!l conditions of sale can be obtained Messrs. Symes, Sandilands, and Humphry, ^]fcv Church-street, London, or to Messrs. Luard and '» Cardiff. 1666 C0 bt Jd or Soltr. TO LET, Furnished Apartments in Roath, where there are no children. Respectable references can be given, and will be required.—Address, X, Office of this paper. 1862 WAREHOUSE TO BE LET. TO be LET, a large Warehouse, adjoining the Glamorgan- shire Canal, and within a short distance of the West Bute Dock. Apply to Mr. William Vachell, Cardiff. 1692 JOHN-STREET. AND ELLEN,STREET, GREEN. LANE, ROATH.— TO be LET, Blocks of Unfinished HOUSES and LAND for 09 Years. Apply to Mathias and Kinnersley, Upper Station-terrace, Cardiff^ 147 PO be"LET,~the~Unbuilt Land adjoining Devonshire place, L Ely-road, on building lease, for eleven similar cottages, 99 years' lease depth 200 feet. Apply to Mathias and Kinnersley, house-agents, 4, Upper Station-terrace, Crock- "herbtown, Cardiff. 122 i'O be LEI, that elegant and commodious semi-detached Villa Residence, called Clyde Villa," on the Newport- road, ROith. For particulars apply next door, or to Mr. Walter Nell, Eagle Brewery, Cardiff. 1600 CANTON, NEAR CARDIFF. TO be LET or SOLD with immediate possession, the Canton Steam Flour Mills and Premises, with Dwell- ing-house and Offices attached. Apply to Mr. Roche, Auctioneer, &c., Post Office Chambers, Cardiff. 1480 To iJe-SOLD by Private Contract, Long Cross House and T Tweed Lodge, Roath. Apply to Mr. Thomas Shelper, builder, Ivy Cottage, Castle-road, Roath. 1418 FOR SALE, a crank patent a^le Cart (new), fit for grocers, brewers, &c. Two spring carts, suitable for butchers, greengrocers, &c. May be seen at Mr. Gover's Yard, St. Mary-street. 839 i^O be SOLD, by Private Contract, four Cottages, in Oxford- street, Roath. For particulars apply to Mr. Thonus Shelper, Ivy Cottage, Castle-road, Roath. 1177 FOR SALE, a neat Adult Perambulator, almost new, and built very strong. May be seen at Mrs. Mary Llewel- lyn's, Bullring, Llantrissant. 1759 FOR SALE, a beautiful Tent, loO feetin diameter, nearly new, lately used by B. Boorn, a bankrupt.—Apply to J. D. Thomas, Auctioneer's Offices, 90, St. Mary-street, Cardiff-. FOR SALE by Private Contract, Two substantial well- built Dwelling-houses, six rooms in each, in Shake- speare-street, Roath. For further particulars apply at No. 13, Loudon-square, Cardiff 1750 'FlO be SOLD by Private Contract l'WO HOUSES, in -L Comet-street, Splotlands one is a shop with a bake- house attached. Apply to Mr. Griffith Griffiths, grocer, Millicent-street. 1841 rO be SOLD, about twenty tons of the best English Hay to be. had. in Cardiff. Apply at the Red Cow, Womanly- street, Cardiff; or large orders may be sent to Mr. W. Gaunt, Llandaff Cottage, Llandafl. 1741 ILK WALK and COWS for SALE. To be Sold, Two old established Milk Walks, in Roath, doing a large trade, with Six good milking Cows Apply at the Cardiff I'lnies Office. 1814 TO FARMERS, THATCHERS, AND SPAR MAKERS. FOR SALE, a quantity of good and strong SPAR WOOD, at James Phillips's, Dinos Povvis, near Cardiff. Aircut in good season, before sap got into them. 1773 IpoR SALE by Private Contract, a Berlin Wool and Jewellery business, in one of the busiest parts of Cardiff, Immediate possession maj he bad. Apply to MissM. Taylor. 3, Stuart-hall, Hayea, Cardiff. 1868 TO OOLL1ERY PROPRIETORS AND Of HERS. lObe SOLD, an egg-end Boiler and mountings, 30 feet long, 4 feet 6 inches diameter. Apply,-at the Steam Saw Mills, where the boiler may be seen at work. 15S3 10 be SOLU, theowne.. having no further use for them, a z JL Horse, Phaeton, and Harness. Horse, Hi hands high, quht to ride or drive, six years old, sound, and very fast. The Phaeton has a moveable head, in good condition. Apply to S Dimond, Rhyrnney Hotel, Caidilf. 1-73 PIANOFORTES FOR SALE. ONE Oblique Grand, price 50 guineas; one Pianette, by Bord, of Paris, price £ 2j one Pianette, in pine ease. AH)- All these instruments are new. Also, a fine-tomed Semi-Grand, by Broadwood, No objection to an exchange. Instruments to be seen at F. Atkins's, Fernley Hou«e, Severn. road, Canton, Cardiff. 1580 BRYNMAWR; TO bo DISPOSED OF, by Private Conttaet, all that Piece of Land, containing 22 perches, together with Dwelling-house, Stable, and Coach-house erected thereon, fronting Somerset-street North, in "the town of Brymnawr, Breconshire, held under lease from the Duke of Beaufort, and now in the occupation of Mr. Wier, draper.-For fur- ther particulars apply to Messrs. W. H. Williams and Co., Auctioneers, 81, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, and Exchange, Bristol. 1^^ Carriage's, CARTS, &c., FOR SALE. WAGGONETTE, carry four inside, painted brown, picked out blue and red, with lamps complete. Very handsome Pony PHAETON, painted green,, picked out in relief. Turn-over seat PHAETON to be Sold,; a Bargain. For particulars of the above apply to- r Mr. JOHN HOLOWAV COACH BUILDER, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF- I ■ 1.,54:2 HoUSE PROPERTY FOR; SALE TO be SOLD by Private Contract, Nos.. 13 and 14, Planet- street, Splotland. Nos. 84 and fe, Yictoria-stijeet, Adam-street. '■>■>'< No. 30,1 Sophia-street. — in .i: Two Houses in Union-street, Canfspn. 1 Nos. 14 end Thomas-street, Nawtoin. Apply to MATHIAS ttnd KINNERSliEY^.Hpvise Agents, 4 Upper Station-terrace, Cardiff. ■ I." 81)8 pTa R T S, & c., B. !s a L i: One New Patent CRANK-AXLE^CAR'f. t Tw.i New Farmers' or Hauliers CARib. One Second-hand CRANK AXLE COBURG. ¥wo New SPRING CARTS, fit for butchers or greengrocers. Two. New TRUCKS. iTua^tUy^fSb -ma^WHEELS, of different heights. A IOLGOAYVX IUlUiQWS, ;—— T. MARLEY, WHEELWRIGHT, Entrance of Penartb Road, Cardiff- RQPERY FOR SALE. TO be SOLD by Private Contract, with immediate pos- session, a valuable ROPE MANUFACTORY,, with steam engine, machinery, and plant; stable, loft, sheds, and .two dwelling-houses attached* Situated abotit midday be- tween the Bute Docks and the Penartli Docks, Cardiff, and. cldse to the Penarth Railway; # i Ihe above premises, could he easily made available for any [nMufacttu'ing purpose, and are most eligibly situaiea for business.. '• For further particulars apply to Mr, BENJAMIN MATTHEWS, 1504 i Solicitor, Cardiff. • • HOUSE PROPERTY FOR'SAI.K; • • "j. To be SOLD, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, We^l HOUSES at the Bute Docks, Splotlartd, Roath, NeW- fr,tvn Temperance town, and Canton, both freehold iihd a J, 1,5. ond one verv j^ood'single-licensed P-ublio House AboFreehold.Larid add Freehold Bonder in Canton three separate Villas at Roitli, nearly .new ^various Ca ijon, three sepa blockg viHas no„,tKe T lllC;^TcHntm for ale; two Stables to let in Have- iumpika gaW, Canton, "j .gfa puWic Ho^ ^SSe/to lT? Apply Mr ThomasD^vies, 10, Ha^ :street, Ely-roadj Canton. ——. .—. 1' IVl'V IlkM I 1.' no Vt E°SSRESRRARN^RD..i»0MAS-& 'ftp-Wfh'e Trustee under a Deed of Assignment, to SELL by TENDER, in one ° but well-selected STOCK-IN-TRADE, with the^FIT- TINGS.&c.ofMr.Brukewich, Hairdresser and Perfumer, -No. 40, Bute-street,, Cardiff.. i r>t! o_, 'C' The'STOCK comprises perfumery, cutlery, brushes and conibs, concertinas and accordions., fancy _SOAP, P > leather goods, looking glasses, cigars.,and pipes, P 9 pofuehes, &q. J 'The I'lTTi^O.s consist of glass show'-caaefi, shampooing apiparatus, pier class, time-piece, scalcs, chairs, &C., xerms Of payment, cash. On view July 4th, and. up to 12 o'clock,on Friday> JuIy 5th, at which hour the Tdnders will be opened at the offices of the Brokers, and the purchaser declared. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. IngledfiW and Ince, solicitors, Cardiff, or to the Brokers. Dated, -4, Crockhei-btown, Cardiff, June 27fh, 18i37. 1866 VALUABLE PjP^NTiNG', OFFICE^t'ANT AND, MATE- RIALS FOli SALE BY PRIVATE' CONTRACT. THE Executors of the' late Mr:Thomas Thomas be" to announce-for SAEE by PRIVATE CONTRACT "lie whole of the valuable; I RINTIN"G MATERIALS, PLANT and APPLIANCES of the pffice, at Charlesvillr-plfic'e Neath; cotn' rising an escellent Belle Sauvage double royal machine, svith Breruner's latest improvemetits fit to work bv l.am'i or si earn) with the steam apparatus; very superior ruling, cutting, and numbering machined, "by Ollis, Dawson, and Wood; hydraulic press, by Tangje; royal and post folio Al- bion printing presses, in exceHent prtler, by Hoplanson tyo cylinder inking tables, by Harold and Bevan: 6v fopnts-pf firtt-class wood letter, including seven founts of highly orna- mental new American rock m?ple, Cequal to bexwood) type to work in two and three colours,; i3f-/ounts of well-selected matal tvue, ranging in size from_ pparl to I2f-line, including a great variety of ornamental founts from the best ^"Jndel s j numerous electro and stereotyped Ornaments, adapted foi all -dacges of .business; about t-.vo cwt.jof leads'; two largQ cases of brass rule; about, one cwt. of i>te"lent metal fi\t;rtvture large quantity of quotations, tjnaflrfcts, regMs, wood-rule, and furniture, imposing stones, ch.Res, millboards, binding leathers, and cl Ahs, sundry binding tools, &c., &c.' TLc oihee has been specially built f)r its present use, and ishighiy commodious and suitable for the purpose. The Executors will be prepared to treat for the same at a moderate rental, anc the purchaser may al-o have the option of renting the dwelling-house lately ocwpieuby Mr. Thomas, as Auctioneer, &c. For further particulars and to treat apply to Mr. C. ,M. Thomas, Neath,{Solicitor !o the Estate, of. whom carJs to vww may be obtained. 1797 pastes ptoses. TRADESMEN'S BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS are I- inserted in the CARDIFF TIMEs-the leading and most widely circulated paper in Wales—at One Shilling per inch per week, if ordered for not less than three months. 30, ST. MARY-STREET. WILLIAM POWELL, TEA DEALER, GROCER, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, 3 C, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. (Opposite the Royal Hotel). 1852 BRISTOL WAGON WORKS COMPANY (LIMITED). BROAD and NARROW GUAGE WAGONS, of every description, for SALE, HIRE, or REDEMPTION HIRE. WORKS LAWRENCE-HILL, BRISTOL. Agent, W. E. NETHERSOT E. 60, Adam-street, Cardiff. 1278 TIMBER TRADE. J GRANT and Co Timber Merchants and Timber « Brokers, beg respectfully to announce that they have for SALE, at a very low price, 20,000 Red Fir half-round Baltic Railway SLEEPERS, 8 11-12th feet long, by 10 feet 5 inches, all well creosoted, and of excellent quality. Also, 789 Loads of large Pitch Pine TIMBER, of 80 cubic feet average ptr stick, sound and quite fresh, and of splendid quality, from Pensacola, and only landed last fortnight. Application to be made to J. Grant & Co., at their Office, 23, Crichton-street, Cardiff. 1754 THE CAMBRIAN VINEGAR COMPANY, PONTYPRIDD, BEG to inform the public and the Trade generally that they have taken the premises called the OLD STEAM MILLS, CARDIFF, For the purpose of Brewing, Storing, and Selling their well- known Pure HOUSEHOLD AND PICKLING VINEGAR. Price Lists, &c., can be had at the Office from I 459 Mr. G. H. DIME NT. CROSS BROTHERS, IRONMONGERS, CARDIFF, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MESSRS. CROGAN & Co.'s ROOFING FELT, BOILER FELT AND INODOROUS FELT FOR DAMP WALLS, &c., &c. A stock in hand ready for immediate delivery. Special terms for wholesale buyers. 1795 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PICTURE FRAMING. I). JE BEGS to inform the public that he has commenced busi- ness in the above line, and be solicits their patronage. A large and well selected assortnient of GILT AND FANCY WOOD MOULDINGS Always in stock, which enables G. D. J, to compete favourably with any other house in town. Every description of PICTURE FRAMING executed in first-class style, with dispatch and at reasonable prices. Observe the address ^20, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. Dealer in all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS and STATIONERY. 1793 CABS, CARRIAGES, HORSES, &c. S. ANDREWS, CAB PROPRIETOR.' ROATH MEWS, WEST GATE MEWS, DOCK MEWS, Plucca-lane, Cathedral-road, Dudley-street, Cardiff, Canton, Bute Docks, BEGS to inform the pnblic that all kinds of Carriages, Breaks, Phaetons, Dog-cartts, and Post and Saddle -Horses are always ready at the above addresses. GREYS FOR WEDDING AND PLEASURE PARTIES. MOLRNING COACH AND HORSES FOR FUNERALS. Orders by Post, or otherwise, punctually attended to, and may be left at either ot the above places, or at g. ANDREWS'S, CONFECTIONER, 51', JAMES-STREET, DOCKS', CARDIFF. 4S0 PERRY and Cos PATENT ES$ENCE of INK. The CHEAPEST INK; us; The-BEST. INK. iu;i f: vi, ..The PERMAXEKT INK. ;•"> VTIO ,J equal to :0d.' Bottle^7. !<" 1 1 x The" Is. Battle makes Tv^o Cjaart;s. PERRY AMI Co.'s PATENT ESSENCE of INK. J- r. This pteparation pt'oduees BxtemporaReoua Ink of the finest quality in one minuts with cold Water, and instantly with hot water, by sinujle. solution as salt or sugar. Sold in packets N., each and i-n glrtss bottles Is; each. Sample free, per post, for two stamps.—Sold by all Stationers. Wholesale, 87, Red Lion-square, and 3. Cheapaide, London. PERRY and Co.'s PATENT BOSTONITE r PLAYING CARDS,. Ss. 6d. per pack. BOSTONITE TABLETS AND SLATES, From 6d. each. Sold by all Stationers. PERRY and co.'s PATENT ESSENCE of INK. The CHEAPEST INK. 5 1 The BEST INK. The PERMANENT INK., The let. Packet equal to.a (3d..Bottle.s-ro -The Is; Bottle makes Two Quarts. vi'it'n P~ ERRYand Co.'s PATENT ESSENCE of INK. Thi& preparation pmdtjces Extemporaneous Ink of tihe finest quality in one minute withqold water, and instantly, with hpt water, by simple solution ag salt OJ. sugar., Sold in packets at Id. each, and in glass bottles la.-eacli. Sample free per post, for two stamps.-Sold by all Stationers. Whole- sale, 37, Red Lion-square, and 3, Cheapside, London. PERRY and Co.'s PATENT BOSTONITE PLAYING CARDS, i'r i 2s." 6d. per pack. BOSTONITE TABLETS, AND SLATES, y r ■ From Od. «achi, Sold by all Stationers. 1288 13ERRY and CO.'9 PATENT BOSTONITE ^ABLETS' I 3J. SLATER. 6d. TABLETS. 6d SLATES. n JA,BLETS- i ESSENCE,of INK. -I). DUNCAN, Statlonerv&c 10, StTM^ar'y-street, Cardiff. BILL-POSTING IN ABERDARE ,1/, ^WHBOUR.HOOD. ?: J A M s. 15 q x, T^IDL-POSTER, II, CojiirEBCiAr.sritEET, AIJERDAEI^, begs P t0 uifcrm the-At(6tr.6nie!ers and;tb«A<drettisitig Trade's- men of South Wales, that he undertakes Bill-posting and Distributing in the above places. • AU orders punctually attended to. Moderate 'ehargea; BILL-POSTING IN NEWPORT. IJ- ii OARII & (;o. CHAMPION BILL-POSTERS and DELIVERERS, beg to inform Auettonecrs and others in Glamorganshire, requiring Bills posted or delivered in Newport or neighbour- hood, that they execute all orders with promptness, and at reasonable charged. Tbey are proprietors of a large-number wf private Posiiog Stations and Boards. Orders received at Mr. Coiner's, Axictioneer, 42, Commer- cial-street, Newport. i j Y GWLADGARWl?. (A'Wel'sh Weekly Newspaper.—Established i658:), TO ADVERTISERS. above Newspaper has the largest circulation of any ia" lj South Wales—the present number being 7JOOO weekly. Owiinc' to the general chaiaet^n of the paper (not confining ,>aaif°<5trictlv fo lofcal interests),'theii; is hrt-Jly a,towa or vtlfege ip Soutli Wales in whi^li.the." C3wjadgarwr is not cir- CUThedpublisher confirlently asserts that jt is the best tkediuin f6r Advertising in the Principality. Terms may be had on application to the Publisher, Mr. Walter Ho^d, u Gwladgavwr Office, Aberdare. EDWARDS AND SONS, 1 COACH BUILDERS, | PARK ROAD, CARDIFF, "J to thank their friends and customers for the support Jj received from them;, and beg to annpunce that they .always keep a LARGE and CHOICE} .STOCKpi bent and and other kinds, of English and Foreign seasoned Timber, Cotoh Ironmongery, Carriage Furniture (plain ,-and in silver) Latnps in great variety, Carriage,.Trimmings, including mo- rodeps, plushes, woollen cloths, lac¡¡&. &c., &c.. Every other article used in the trade kept in stock, M. E. & SONS devote their particular and most careful attention to all orders entrusted to them, employing none but first-class workmen, from the leading carriage factories in London and Bath, and so can guarrantee every artick turned out by them to be done in the best style, both ie workmanship and quality of materials. The greatest care is paid to the REPAIRING- Branch 01 the Trade, which is done in the most expeditious and'ecouo- tpical manner possible.. Every new Carriage built for private use wlwratlied i#t twe years; all Carriages built for public nse, warrfef^ed for ont year. N.B.—THE TRADE: SrppHED. 226 I gusmss JlftbriSSlS, SUMMER CLOTHING! DANIEL JOTHAM, WOOLLEN DRAPER, OUTFITTER, FAMILY TAILOR, HATTER, HOSIER, &c., &c., 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF; BEGS respectfully to inform his Patrons, that bis extensive -D Stock is now replete with all the NEWEST DESIGNS for the ensuing Season, viz. MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' COATS. MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' TROUSERS. MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' VESTS. MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' TROUSERS AND VESTS TO MATCH. MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' SUITS. MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' HATS AND CAPS. HOSIERY, SHIRTS, TIES, SCARVES, BRACES, UMBRELLAS, &c., &c. THE BESPOKE DEPARTMENT Is also replete with all the NEWEST STYLES in CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTINGS, &c., &0. MOURNING ORDERS EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE. I LORD'S EUpJEKA SHIRTS. 1189 CORNER HOUSE, No. 1, S^M. JOHS-STEEET, ,tfUEiat-ST8EBT. ;v;' •••- HEMty THOMAS T>egs to infill his/^rieiatU.ftai..tl}e .P^ilio, thiatan tfon. sequence'8f the (f^genial-^ring-snd-Sti^i^e^/lib :"h«8 purchased, at very reduced Pric^sTaTquantity of .7/ '■ ■■■• OifJ foviu.. -OI'M. .LIGHT FABRICS., FAST COLOUR l^NCEt 3d!ttHLlNS,'att)|cl. Original ixao jAiMojoo o;ia y\AJQO;;¡. AL>rn-iu ^inr >a tsT/fayA -&i ENGLISH MUSLINS, very cheap, all wiRBAJSTKn FAST COLOURS. LIDDIARD'S TOWN PRINTS, 8id. Original Price, 12id. PRINI^D.A^AINES3vfto«'«M<'nfi.' r -,7 fMhl "ic slx-l M^ftAIR GRENADINES, from a' v>i;qn PRINTErb- GLACE MOftAIR^|(&I!y#d.b9Ii'IQI'i' £ CH^AT"SKIRTS AND'SKIRTINGS. ANL) CALICOES and LONGCLOT H S, at the latest reductions. It J A LARGE ASSOBTMEIiT OF LACE SHAWLS & SILK JACKETS, Of'Newest Styles, at moderate Prices. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY Made to Order. STRAW AND CRINOLINE BONNETS AND HATS. BABTL^TT'S SEWING MACHINES, From ±'2 15s. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, j •" From £ S. V.■ • ;n;' ■' •' •• A VACANOY FOR A YOUNG MAN. 611 'V '1 yCardtjffyMay, 1867. MADAM, S r, qWe respectfully invite your attention to our SUMMEli SHOW llOOM, which is now Re-opened, replete with Novelties from Paris and London. Obediently yours, u ,s ,■■ 1. -V' '<a -ELLS & NEAL. .r! s' ■'noi W. PEICE AND SONS, EASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS HATTERS, ^OSIEJHSij (AND- in;, i > o UT F I T T E R S | <;ARDIFK HOUSK, C p E N E E OF C A K O LIN E S T B E E T, S T. M A R Y S F R E E T, :1:-11:: ,¡ i OK MvI air (-f TEJVilS: • 1 ONE PRICE, AND NO ABATEMENT. ■■■■ -v I FOR READY MONEY ONLY. .i.: ivi | CROisS BROTHERS, FURNISHING- AND GENBRAL IRONMONGEES, I:I ;~V VJ .CARDIFF,. ■INVITE ATTJiXTio^- ;T'o [ IR ENLARGED SHOW RO^^IS FOi^! j < ■ IRON BEDSTEADS, COTS, &cl, DRAWING & DINING-ROOM GRATES, PATENT KITCHEN, RANGER • T/y.' i ,Stock Sizrep WP 3 to «'fti r;'i\T7 fr ;T-f rV PATENT NoisELEss LAWN MOWERS, IMPROVED GARDEN ROLLERS. Qar^J^n Seat?, Garden Chairs, &C.. i r (garden Spades and all othier Horticultural Itpplemenis. (; i .4t, i: I I e and Fencing purposes. iloi ¡', '¡ }'t' J". i .160't': r." ——-— -i ir r* V ii ii- • 11 FLLESII DEVOXSIIIIIE BUTTER ¡, ..IT( 'H!: s>aI: ;rmiu -J -.flirtr; !■• •> .I ::<r>A f M :|PI 'r; ,T. AT. WILLIAM HOULT'S, FAMILY G R 0 C E E, \C HU RC.H-ST RE Evl, G.A R:DI F:F,\ | III (Next door to the Post Office.) _j jnsimsg gausses. MILLINERY, DRESS, & MANTLE ESTABLISHMENT, 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. MISS ALEXANDER BEGS to inform the Ladies of Cardiff and its vicinity that her SHOW ROOM is now open with a choice ass"rt- meot of MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS suitable for the SUMMER SEASON. INDOOU APPRENTICES WANTED. 1532 WARE AND PHIPPS, (Late SAMUEL WARE and Soxs,) TAILORS, ROBE MAKERS, AND MILITARY OUTFITTERS. BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. SOUTH WALES ESTABLISHMENT, 5. DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 903 •2, DUKE STREET J. W. BANNING, TOY, STATIONERY, AND BERLIN WOOL REPOSITORY. Croquet, Archery, Cricket, Bats, Wickets, Balls, &c. Toys all d Fitnev Goods in great vnrietv REGISTER OFFICE FOR SERVANTS. Note the Aildress—2 DUKE-STREET. 1622 THE BRISTOL HAT AND CAP DEPOT. G. JONE S) Begs to call the attention of the Public to m his new Stock of K HATS. O which, for cheapness, durability, and style 5° are unsurpassed. 17, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 1682 WEIGHEET'S HAT MANUFACTORY, 39, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. THE" FIRST-CLASS QUALITY and FINISHED AP- PEARANCE of all GOODS manufactured at the above Address are too well known to require special notice; but S. ,WEICHERT, in taking this opportunity of thanking his friends forjthcir liberal support aud commendation, begs to direct particular attention to ALLIE AI:>E'S PATENT CONFORMATEUR, Which he has in his possession. By this instrument he is «nabled to tailte the EXACT SIZE AND SHAPE of the head, and thereby to manufacture HATS HE THE MOST ACCURATE FIT, however peculiar .the phrenological .development may lie. l S. WEI CHERT, HAT MANUFACTURER, 36, TtUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. 940 [ (¡ JAS. T. BARRY, 7 6, D tTE: E S T R E E T, CARD IFF, HAVtNG engaged to clear out the whole ot his Shop Fixtures by the 1st of August, to make room for others of a very superior character, now in course of construction hy an.eminent LONDON JEWELLER'S SHOP Fitter, will, from this date to the end of July, offer the whole of his large and valuable Stock of JEWELRY, GOLD &. SILVER, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, DRESSING CASES, DESKS, WORK BOXES, LEATHER BAGS, FANCY NEEDLEWORK, &c., &c., AT k RED U C TION From the plainly ma.Iced Prices of from TEN TO THIRTY PEB CeNT. to all Purchasers for cash. Several Glass Cases, Counters, &c., to be sold Cheap. ( Pune 29th, 1867. 1867 2 4, D U K E S T R E E T, C Ä R D IFF. l ■■ -f/ ( W. SPIRIDION'S 9 E-i Z H b=3 S g i £ 3 17s. 6d. ? a d 63 h EZ s a w I- W A T C H, ) Warranted of excellent workmanship and superior finish, capped and-jewelled with maintaining power, enamelled dial, MInk seconds, and all the latest improvements. The above watches are warranted for one year, or exchanged if not approved of, for same -value. Jewellery af every, description at Moderate prices. 1681 T. DYKE, SADDLER AND'IIARNESS 'MAKER, 39, ST: MARY- STREET, CARDIFF, BfiWE AT ¥»• D«W,KXOX'^ AXGEL-STITEET,) EG»S '4o Shan't the Gentry and Public of Cardiff and neighbourhood for their liberal patronage during the last four ve^rsj.a, CQnlinuance ofwhicj^he respectfully splices. All ordfe bes'towed upon him -will be executed in the'best style of workmanship, 'which, combined with moderate charges, he feels assured will secure a continuance of favours once bestowed upon him. ,159-3;. .-l' I. BY HER ^USyiL ROYAL LETTERS MAJESTY'S 5 PATENT. j OE0RGE LATE OF 36, ST.. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF,; BEGS to return his sincere thanks to his Friends and the public for^he liberal suppoit tie has hitherto received, and while announcing his i' KKMOVAl, H TO MOKE COMMODIOUS PREMISES, AT 74, T rMARY -S>TKEE,T,; Assures his numerous Customers that nothing on his part shall be left undone to deserve a continuance of their support.. -< ¡ {, .I, I ¡ PATENTEE OF THE LACING BOOT WITH THE TONGUE; pU^SIDE. t 152 BOOTS BOOTS! BOOTS if FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON. -+- T$E GREATEST VARIETY & LARGEST STOCK,' SelectedfroIil the most substantial and best Manu- facture, are;t<Q be hid at BOYLE- CO/8, rj CHURCH STREET, CARDIFF. ¡. l.. "V STAB LTSEL UB ¡: j -■ Ygg. • BUTE-ROAD. Ladies' Elastic Sides, military heels 3s lId Ditto ,I'} ditto st''Q!"g •' 6d < Ditto ditto Kid, silk, elastic 4s lid r Ditto ditto single soles ós Gel Ditto !ditto," 6s 6d; to 10s 0d All the latest Noveltiea of the Season. i Elastic Sides ■ (5S 6<1 Ditto .dmo very serviceable 7, lid j Ditto ditto recommended 8s 6d yDittPr ,) ditto warranted 10s 9d 1 J "Ditto ? ditto stylish 12s Gd A First-class Stock of Gent's Home-made Dress and Walking Besots. PATENT, PLAIN, AND CASHMERE SLIPPERS i ¡ 'i IXG REA; T V A K I B ,T V >; ALL KINDS OR LADIES' HOU^E BOOTS. Rdpaird neatly executed with Gatta Percha. and Leather at extl-emely low Trice- 1252 l!> R 0 IN, AND P O L S O N S Ji-> COBX PLOTIR, NR' f' I' CHILDREN'S DIET. I>ROWN "AND P OL S-0,N.' S: J CORN FLOUR, i; j.SOR- I, 7/ y-i'Jl i- ■: 4-7 custards. • ;TT _:itT ROW N AND P OL SON' S C0UK, FLOUR, .ii FOR r>« i«r:«I .noi BLANCMANGE. "— "B~R0\V'N AND P 0 L S 0 N ~S JL) CORN FLOUR, The best quality, at 8d., is supplied by most respectable Grocers. To obtain extra profit by the sale, counterfeit "cheap-kinds are sometimes substituted instead of BROWN AND POLSON'S. I •' ni I business TO RAILWAY CONTRACTORS AND COLLIERY PROPRIETORS. J. P. LEWIS & Co., MOUNT STUART-SQUARE, Bute DOCKS, Car- tj & • difif, have FOR SALE, a quantity of second hand T-HEADED RAILS, 38 lbs. AND 65 lbs. PER YARD, FIT FOR RELAYING. Also, a large number of BROAD AND NARROW GAUGE ENGLISH LARCH AND BALTIC SLEEPERS, And several Tons of RAILWAY FANG'D BOLTS and DOG-HEADED SPIKES, of various Sizes. 1090 OLD S T E A*M MILL SMITHY." JAMES STEPHENS, MILL AND ENGINE SMITH. SHIP SMITH, ■ HOUSE SMITH, AND SHOEING SMITH, BEGS to inform the public that, he has A STAFF OF WELL QUALIFIED WORKMEN, thoroughly com- petent to undertake every branch of the Smith's business. NOTE THE ADDRESS :— JAMES STEPHENS, GENERAL SMITH, OLD STEAM MILL SMITHY, WEST CANAL WHARF, CARDIFF. 1086 POTATOES! POTATOES! POTATOES! THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR POTATOES FOR CULINARY PURPOSES, OR t'OB SEED, IS F. CASE'S, 23, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. FCASE begs to announce that he has Just Received a • Large Qnantity of fine Fluke Kidneys, Warminster Blues, Flour Balls, York Regents, White Rocks, &c., suitable for culinary purposes; also, for seed, a prime lot of Ashleaf Kidneys, Alma Bidnejs, Gloucester Kidneys, Creeper Kid- neys, Fluke Kidneys, Early Forty-folds, York Regents, Sherry Blues, Flour Balls, White Rocks, Belfast Whites, &c.; all of which are in first-rate condition, and which hecanconiidently repommend, at prices challenging competition. All Orders punctually and promptly attended to, and deli- vered free of charge (over one cwt.) to any part of the town. P.S.—-This is the ONLY HocsE in CARDIFF where a Stock of English Potatoes is kept. tH6 GE NEKAL CARRYING. r, f:f 1: W. HERN, GENERAL CARRIER, &c., 7, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF, BEGS to inform Gentlemen, Merchants, Tradesmen, and the Public generally, that he continues the CARRYING BUSINESS formerly conducted-by the late J. Bennet. Spring Vans for the REMOVAL OFFURNITURE To any part ón the shortest notice. 1652 E. HILLYARD, Agent for Wheeler & Wilson's Lock Stitch SEWING MACHINES. Instruction gratis to all purchasers. HILLYARD'S, for Ladies' Outfitting and Baby Linen. £ HILLYARD'S, for Kid and other Gloves. HILLYARD'S, for H Good Plain and Fancy Hosiery. HILLYARD'S, for at Stays and Corsets. HILLYARD'S, for Best Haberdashery. HILLYARD'S, for H Scotch Yarns, Fleeces, Berlin Wool, and Fancy Goods. 2, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF, Opposite the General Post-office. 124 ■ TATENT SEWING MACHINES. GROVER AND BAKER'S PRIZE MEDAL ELASTIC OR DOUBLE LOCK-STITCH iSEWING MACHINES ARE now acknowledged to be INCOMPARABLY SUPE- RIOR TO ALL OTHERS for strength and beauty of stitch, sitnpHcity, durability, ease of management, and wide range of work, from the very finest to the heaviest. The only Machines whioh both SEW PERFECTLY & EMBROIDER PERFECTLY. These Machines and the work done upon them have never failed to gain the highest premium whenever exhibited. Over 180,000 of these Machines now in use in all parts of the world. Illustrated Prospectus and Samples of work grattu and post free. ———— SOLE AGENT FOR CARDIFF AND VICINITY:— L. N. LODWICK, DRAPER, CAROLINE STREET, CARDIFF. "J R 1308 cY j DUTt beiag REDUCED HO 8 N I M A N S PURE TEAS ¡ ARE EIGHtPENCE CHEAPER. BLACK, GREEN, AND MIXED. Tea fbfineriy 8s. Id., R D IP C E'D to 2s. 8d. f Tea formerly 3s. 8d., REDUCED to 3s. Od. Tea 'ormerly 4s. Od., REDUCED to 3s. 4d. Tea formerly 49. 4d;, REDUCED to 8s. 8d. IT QUART&R, HALT", AND rorND PACKETS. { As a, protection from Imitations ail Packets Are signeci HORNIMAN & Co., LONDON, Original Imjpdrters of piq p-ure^ Ted. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT Aberavori'—Sims, Chemist- r CARDU-FA-WatoeJord, 255,' Aberavon—Evan Evans, Stamp- street ? office Joy, 17, Duke-street Aberdare—Thomas; Jones, I „ Treherne, Chemist Chemist Ciaton-Thos. forath, Chemist Abereyclian—Wood, Chemist Chepstow-Taylor, Beaufort-sq. Bristol—Ferris, Union-street Dowlais—Hancock, Chemist Bridgend — Leyshon, Stamp- Hirwain—Sims, Chemist office r i t r r Merthyr-r-Stephens, High-street Co^vbridge—Thomas,. High-st. Neath—Jlutchins, Wiua-street CARDIFF—Kernick, Dake-street Newport—Jones, 5, High-street Prust & Johns, 100, Pontypoal—Wood, Stamp-office Bute-street Potitvpridd—James, Chemist »i Japies & William?, ?81, .Rhymney—Prosser Jute-ttreet, Cardiff Ust—Bdwarda, Chetaist I 1^1 V. R. 7 AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR H I^I 4 J,AKA PXJ.R £ T-E,A# (?5VEI;KMEKT ktts (•&■;€TIOK Standard, 2s. ^fedpferioi- to Hig-h Standard China Tea at 3a. 8d. CARDliT—Corleman, Ch'binist, Iligh-stoeet- Davies, 25, St. Mary- etrdetj Rufiii«r, Aiigel-street. ehardsv'809, iCar- 'Powlais—Harrison, Chemist Merthyr—Amith, Qhemi^t. -sAbersj chan —- Wood, Stamp- "Neafh—Haj-man, Chemist iA/>~5e" TTT New-port—Clements, Chemist Abergavenny—Wyke, Chemist. Jones, Chemist, B&wman, Bnstol^Fardon and Hatch, ..Baker, 4c. Kedlaita; Field, Southamp- Pont\-pool—Roderick, Chemist, ^dlaiid. Rhyamov—Disoa, Chemiat. Cb6p9o%Iai>ris:'SilfeT r<] > fJak-^TfaMiiiiia, ChBfifift.: f < Pontypridd-^Sniith, Qiemist. Treorki—Rowlands,^rteer For Agency TilT IT ONC-E AND you Wlt.1. BE SURE TO USE IT. BRISTOL PACKET TEA. ONLY TWO QUALITIES. Fine, 2s. 8d. Choicest Imported, 4i. per lb. In 2oz. i and 1 lb Packets. The Trade-Mbrk OfLtbd ttboVe tea shall be as good a guar- antee for quality «jpd-«?puinenessas the best known Brand j of any first-cks* wine or other bonte extant. Each qqulityf presents strength without coarseness, and possesses a splendid natural aroma without the introduction of any scected teas. Higher class than that sol d as. 4s. cannot possibly be ob- tained in any manner, or tt any price. Sold by Agents in every town. j a Cardiff—J^Rusher, 22, Angel-st Monmouth-E. L. Williams, -rxr tt -n • 'n Bute-s^ chemist, Mouuow-st. T'?'pAnieS'ooA:siMa,T-st Coleford—fl. Watts, Stamp „ J. L. Peake, 229, Bute-rd Office Newport—C. Gay 6, Church-st, Aberdare—J. T. Jones & Son, Pnlgwenlly Station era „ i'-l'ixon, stationer, Banes- .Blaenavon—j.Rees,Post-office well | WHOLESALE— J. BRYANT, 137, Redcliffe-street, Bristol. 1293 STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES, GLENFIELD STARCH,' USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. THE LADIES are respectfully informed that this Starch is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL LAUN- DRY, and Her Majesty's Laundress says, that although she has tried Wheaten, Rice, and other Powder Starches, she has found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD which is THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. When vou ask for GLENFIELT* PATENT STARCH See that yon get it, as inferior kinds are often substituted. WOTBERSPOON & Co., GLASGOW AND LONDON. i" I 100 ft".?. fjtsintss SPbrcssts. .ARMS, CRESTS, &C. A. ■ ■ j ANT TO EVEj>YAvt? j. eanT Oa°f C'e6t* <fec- tered 'and Impaled. Plai°n Sketch, sf.6% CiesU and Motto, beautifully painted 12s. Arms, Crests Engraved on Seals, Rings, <Src„ m 7s 6d. Arms, Crests, and Monograms on &c. in first-claw style.; s K Yt°iWvCcS primed A^ame P^te Engraved, and 100 ONSSptof is.6d. d &nd 6eot P°"frt& W ridresj ,N-ot,e p4per and Fnvelopes, &c.'Stamped in Coloun, fr- T. G. GLASS'S ENGRAVER, PRATER. and STATIONER, yy <su- bt- Mary-street, Cardiff. 118 BREWED SPECIALLY FOR FAMILY USE. warranted TO KEEP SOUND IN DRAUGHT SIX MONTHS. Q-ARTO N'S GOLDEN ALE, C Is. 2d. PER GALLON. SUPPLIED IN P, 18, 36, AND 64 GALLON CASKS. Agreeable, .Delicate in Flavour, and of Matchless Pumty- U J t- THE BEEWEET L^W^R E N C E H I L L, BRISTOL. vsn' ■ î.. Y;.FAMILY AGENT FOB CABDIFF :WIL LI A M H. DA VI E S, !Ill.> ST. MART STREET, f Who jsiB bts liappy to forward Price Lists of Superior Ales oa ^JplicaticHi. r k 975 ~^7^l £ /e:ry PROPRIETORS^ CONTRACTORS, UK., JA51E S CLARKE, 1U -;±:: SHIP HOTEL J A STREET, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF A. u HAS FOR SALE 120-^0^8 OF T-HBAD RAILS, £ From 35 to 65 lbs. per yard, Price Xt 5s. per Ton. 947 TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, CONTRACTORS, &c.- M B. JAMES LODGE a 0. 7 ,7'CX^RGE-STRKET, CARnril^ JEJ^ Always °^s|^E a QuMlti^ of Selected pOIJBLE AND_SINGL', T, COLLIERY AND c BRIDGE RAILS, I TT TO RELAY* klso,^ Q^ANTltT Of COLLIERY and other SLEEPERS, | is E SEEDS! SEEDS! < 3' cheapest *n& OIJ TR I | 5311111 STllE ET, CA i^px'prru rp For Fine White Seed Oat,, weighing froal « to 52tbs p* 1 bushel go, p., JOSEPH WALKRR vf S iFor Tartarisu, Welsh Black Oats, Rod-sded.B ri fM *•«m«r IM.W, Fort,fold,- iA VJS T. "otatoes, BD to JQSEpa w alker. 'r:Z Joseph Walker has aWys 'iu' i Potatoes for culinary purposes, <*hieh -he deliverTto part of 1 he Town' Pree. 12lS .,) Á _0. J ESTABLISHED 1842. "UL — -)- ■' • nv.t J. AN D tT. R 0 B I ^6wi COKXIKDB To M ANUP AST CRE BONE MANURE, for G,«sa oiore,. • » BONE MANURE, for Grain Craps. f, BONE MANURE, for Roota I ( a BONE MANURE, for Potatoes tatoes. BONE SUPERPliOSPliATE. These Manures have been won j" J' ience, and theii! supotriority ig shoM-rf^i Practlca| exEe_r" over more than twenty English an 1 e niiw They also iiifanuftctnre LINaFim eouhties. (SAKE, from good seed only as imDofln^ COTTOK ^EED mixture. Ported, and free -tram ad- PERUVIAN GUANO and. NITKati,- t ported.. ATE OF SODA, ApplytoJ. and T. ROBINSON fi • St. Phillip's .Mrarsh, Bristol; a ito their Age^. D°cks' ,.1Mj ESTABLISHED 1812. INS^S?-AKOW. ii T1JRNIP, MANGorn »x-r, M INCRIiS POTATO-: Hava produced results th« most lf' '■$ tive character on ererv ory and remnnariii- • • L e8('riPtion of tillage land. i WireAT; OAT, & BA??r t?\r Strengthen the Straw, increase th MANURES xjnality of the Grain in « <lu-an^y. inrprivre the i-g degree BONE; SUPKR-PHdip^ Has beett:proved to be the m0gt OP LI^E -phates for the growth of luxurian^C°nofnical source of pllos- '— foot and corn cropa. } Cr R A S S ]\I A w Are very eB&tivie in impiovino tj. sj o 7 > •lion of Grass Manure is re"guTa'te*f ^base. The prepaid required to fee moi-e-orlesrs 'p>rman„c.or,liI1g »sy may be th6 —' *n their character. BB^T^ V,-WA^7^ CHESTER. AND "V • ait' '1 gjg. < 'i | SEASON • t J* THESE #XSutes; which Mr JLases fa? ft period of Qbeen Wftrtti^ctoled by have -Wy extensive s»i TMeatv-fiveyeaqi, Ireland, and Scotland., They arg Bl?. throughout ,Etiglii3, can be obtained «f any t)f the tor deliver, and ■: IAWES- TURNip The 8bove is of the same hiRjr MANURE. position as in years • flnd valuable com- SECURE A CROP OF TUR^'p^ ih the best Manure to LAWES- SUPERPHOSPHAa^Dbeused* 4 This contains 20 or 25 per Ce ^ATE OF LIME. 1 soluble phosphate. The fbrmer l: soluble, and 19 to 12 in- manu^e. I* 1S sold at a low pr;_ l«e valuable part of thw where a higher-priced Manure is tv'will gK'e satisfaction LAWES'WHEAT, BART I? < MAN60LD & ^RASS, AND Are OTpec^yipw^J f0f t^NURES, highly satisfactory results, -JM an<I hare girg» greatly to impfov? t"e 1,uaHly a parley ^laaure is totuid Mr. Lawes begs to give no^ yield. J. leaveliis faetoiiM, are1 aU stamrJj 1^488i when they cripdon of Maiiure in ifefge with his name and des- T/^rrvr y lis* J° LVWES, 1, Adelaide-place, Market Ry. PURLIN London Briu^e. ^Eden-^aij. These 'Manures can only .1 r ABEROAVENNY: Messrs. Ti, accredited AgenkX. Corn Merchants. c«er Bros., Millers, Seed and CARDIFF: Mr. ? Hall, NEWPORT andPONTYPoO]^. if ROSS: Mr. Richard ScudaiQo' ^essrs.-N. and WOjoiot.' SKENFRITH: Mr. John Phin n?edlly- RAGiAN and U$K Mr. Thorna Skenfri+h Mills. 3RICKHOWELL: Mr. Hent- T Xtm Jiroakg. HEREFORD Mr.-Joseph Maftster, 1 BRECON; South Wales Manftger. Mr. A. Jebb. t-ouif r«wj f IjiiaJtAaiu. SWANSEA Mr. Robert HI taaacW' termouth. 0X6> fotn Cv»Ua«e OT» TENBY Mr. Thomas V,„ w PEMBROKE; M ,srS Main-street. §»' mif, LAMPETES Mr. W. :• uI~ LLANELLy.: -Mr. W. J ,'J^ r CARDI&AN: Mefesrs. D&^i s 411.: L^Bxidae HAVERFORDWEST Mt Thomas Jfllxe?- PENCADER: Mr. J. Jones Einin, C.rAbjehan Farm NEATH Mr. P-David. 5 '^nr (V'ELCHPOOL North and South Wales Coal Co fLimitedi -Manager, Mr. E. R. Morris. 1153' I