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J. SESSIONS AND SONS, I CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF. AND DOCKS, Ù LOU C EST E R, MANUFACTURERS OF ENAMELLED SL-TE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, SATH3, URINALS, HALL TABLES MOULDINGS, &c. RIZE MEDAL SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL! EXHIBITION 1873, AND FIRST ORDER OF MERIT MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1881. DBAUBBS O- ALL KIDIIJ OP BUILDING MATERIALS. ILLDSTEATBU PRiCES ON APPLICATION". 41723 ESSRS. YOUNG and PERRY, i DENTAL SCKGEO;?. 7. P.1Ub:-8T., BKISTOL, Piufessiuiial and 3rd j p; El> E::IV A Y in every mui.tli, from II 30 to 7 p.m., at B-KDVVKLLTV HOUSJK, U. 00, CKOOMI fcHfiluvy N | Corner o! <Jlutrlea-stre«rc). Next Viain, I £ D.Mi;i.DAY, <Ull «:id 18th Hi<IDGi £ .D—lstaml3rrl THURSDAY in every month p.m. Nut i Visits, THl/'HSDAY, April 5tli and 19t.h. CHKPSTOVv —2nd HUU 4LI. WKDNUSDAY in every aio.thai 1, UKAtiOKX-SyUAKii, t'icia il to 1.3. Next Visits, Wediic-s<Ja v, Mar 23 and April 11. (X WILY M V A N S'S QUININE j J I T T E R S | This preparation is now expensively taken throughout tht: COUIII ry uy patient suiTeviuj^ troni debility, ne> Von»- bfcdj, and general "xUutisrioii, an<l. it' any value be at- tached to lm >.an tesiini"i'y, the eliicacy of this medi- ti'el^fts t»eei\ s'arcesaiuUy e3i.al>lished. It3 claims liavifl befn tested and proved by the medical prof **siou and Ctiiers, anil corroborHted by the written teatiiotaiiala of eminent men. The Quinine Witters contain olllya suitable quantity ot Quiniue in e;«;h dose, hut the active principles of the following well-known herbs—saraaiia- ritla, saffron, gentian, lavender, and dandelion root. The u» o! Quin.ite is well known, but it has never been intUfactorilv combined with tlseje preparations, until, liter ov"c'¡l1Ii:¡g c,d.-ndll. d J i!ÏcIIH ie", h projJrjelor was able Wswu.i a periectly uniform p eparatiou, com- bining -ill tiie .>!¡; jiLll,rllverti of he above plants in their greatest puri;y and con.rt ilration. It now establi.lu-i .»s a taniify ui' diein^, a ui is iuereadiiig in popular iii>-Jul- rlJ '1]1.,n:" it, is know.; and tested. G .ilym Kvans's Qniniiie Bitters is a tonic Piuk-uie-up," scien- tiiicaJly mixed ill ba^py Vro¡HlrtÎ<ms. HECO-HMBNDED BY DOCTOKS. ANALYSTS. (JHKMISTS, *c., i'Utt AFFECTIONS OF TllK lSlHGHSTlOS. X K K VOUSNESS. DEBILITY U ITS WOKST KOiiM:i.. DEPHK.sSIoV Otf SPIKIT6 AM1J MBLANCHOLY. j iuitabie font!1 a:kH'3- AUTUMN, and WINTER, Sold bv ILlI Chemist}, in 2, 9d, ,t.14$.6.1, Bottles,and >»3e3 containing t uree 4s. 6J. Bottles 12s. 0i, per 3a$e. *QltBlGV AGKNTS IJI AMKHICA, AUSTRALIA, V IT, CYPItU 3, Ac. PRINTliD LIST OF TKSTIMOXIALS ON AJ-PLICATIUX. If B-— Soow should 3ulter without trving GWILYM EVANS' QUIM.N K KIT! K \v>. TI.i:t Vreparatior. is f'lulIli superior to any oth6r tonfc. Avokl iiuitat ions, .<1 liirefuily UX;\II1¡ne label. 43T14 £ 25Q GIVEN AWAY |N PRIZES. The Proprietors of the LONDON MAGPIK, the most an.ising Penny Papei- 1:0 ih-j World, be;.( to announce that In-y will disMibute this year FKKE GIFTS and M05RY PKIZK8to the vahuof as follows:— 1. A nirtgn ticent GUAJNJJ PIANOt-OUTE, value one l'd twenty p;IÙnt:IL3, trom th maIJufactory of "<rf rated London linn. 2. A Gentleman's GOLD WATCIf, value twenty &uinells. 3. A Lady's GOLD WATCH. value ten guineas. These t lnee Gifts will be diawn by a committee of sub- scribers designated by the readers of the Magpie," and Nill positively 1Je: delivered GHA T'S to the holders of the ¡1Jree lortunate 1I\IIIIOOI"S. Every copy tlf the" !)ie" jontains a GHT COUPON, to lie cut uut alld ker)t;lItil ;lve drawing is announced to take place, when holders wili IJe entitled to change thdr Coupou- for separate ouinbeied cheques to panid,,¡lte ill tiH <.Ira,illg. In addition to these free gi'is, Tin- Kdiior of the Mag- pie offers, every week, two CASH PHIZES of One Pound each, O,ell w public competition, for the best OJi'GttfAL or S'KLKCTfiO Contributiong. The LUNDON MAGPIE is a weekly literary, critical, mJ satirical journal, eultducteù hy JIIIHe9 M<>rtimer. Each i:iuecolltaj;¡:; it vast amount or entertaining read- ing iVI" all classes, ÎlIcluJiDjt a careful seledion of Ameii- jan humour, London inmical an Idnmntic ossip. finan- »?al news, Ac. Sixteell p,)el. Price One Penny. May :)e obtained at all lUilway Booksiulis, and froua Newj- /end rs, iliroughout the UniteiJ Kingdom. "The Magpie, One Penny. Office, 10, Bolt- .:ourt, Fleet-street, London, E.G. 7039e JJINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, J^INNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. j INNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAG- NRSU. INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, For acidity of the Stomach. For Heartburn and Headache. For (hut and lndÎest¡ol1. INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. 8uft st. and most genti'e aperient fOI delicate cUlIstitutioU5, Ladies, Children, and ¡lIflIti. OF ALL CHKMiSTd. 6997c AN1TOBA AND THE CANADIAN NORTH-WKST, IHKlliaH WUICH RDW8 THE PACiFIO 11AILWAT. Farming and Grazing Lands fur Sale. B-vsy Terms lo ^«tual H» tiers. —If you des re to receive, ine of charge, the Iilway Conn,any's New Kegulitions for the Sale of Lands in the Canadian North-West, and also the latest Maps, Pamphlets, &c.,containing the latest information JlKiut the uounuy, address ALEXANDKR BEGG, Caaùiall Pacitic Hailwav Offices, 6949o 101, Cannon-sirtet, Loud n. O CH W E ITZER^S COCO AT IN A AnU-Dyspeptis Ctcea or Chocolute Pmcder. GUARANTEiS* PtJKIi SOLI BLJ? COCOA, (Mthe tineit quality, with the excess of fat extraeted. The faculty pronounce it "the most nutritious, perfectly digestible leverage for B.eukfast, Luncheon, or Supper, and .lIvaltulIJIe for luvulidsand Children." Ill" THK KUTIRS PilUS, tieing W!t.lwut sugar, sptce, or other a nu}CtUlt. It Sluts ,11 palates, keeps better in all climates, a' U is feur times the strengthof COCOAS TUK KSNSB yet WBAKKNUD vith Starch, Ac., and IN RK.AI.ITV CHKAPBR than such Mixtures. 4ade instantaneously with boiling water, a teaspoonful to" Urexkfast Cup, c<"tinlle811 than a halfpenny. D0\.6ATlNA A LA A:'III.1.K Is the m'f3t delit-lI.te,dir;e&- ible, cheapest Vanilla Chocolate, and may be taken when richer Chocolate is Vl'ohibited. In Tlns at Is. 6d., 38., 5s. 6<1., Itc.. by Chemists and Grocers. 37224 J^EYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. j^E Y N OLDS' ^OUT gPECIFIC REYNOLDS' ^TOUT gPECIFIC. THIS WONDERFUL MEDICINE Is known throughout the World as rCS OLDEST, SAFiiST. ANJj EFFECTUAL HBUKDY FOH 90UT, SHEU3IATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, xsa ALL JTECTSALGIO COMPLAINTS. ESTABLISHED 70 YEABS. BaVd In Bottles, 2s. 9ft. and 4s. 61". by Messn. Barclay Hid Sons, S6, R C. and by most !e8)IeCW"le Cheiriiats t.hrolJhout tile United Kingdom. Dr. BHRWSTETt (for many years one of ths fhyslclans in Parii) writes:—" I have prescribed RKYNrtfjlGOUT RPEOIFiC' in ALL cases of fheimiat io Affections, and tiiul it an INFALLlKLK JKM UlJt. 11111\41 always had j(re.tt pleasure ill recoiu- tendi g it, and consider it A safe and IVALUABLE Ceuiciue." D E A F N E S S rwio CUhE. — REV. E J. Consult ing Rooms open for the benefit of persons #ufF«*iing from ijvafitess, PTo?iu the HeHd aiui rinrSt Offensive from Uie Kar Affections of the Eyes, (Spectacle* to all 81,1&t4 r8qKlrtKl;. X>elicat« Lung*, and General Weakness. Any atflici ed person may be seen free of charge. Mr. 8ilverton anil his Physician, after carofnl examination, advise the Patient wl.t medicine, alld give "II neoes-ary in.Uruc- \ioIlS., tu llld. 8u much good 1. \>t,inl( doue that 110 ¡.r3\JJt should despair. Vile visit is sufficient. The Jtooins are open each day front Steven to Two (Saturllays txcepted). Mr. Jesse J. Silverton will answer any in- ?utries at other hours, and on Saturdays till One o'clock, i' distance renders an interview impossible, write for If distance renders an interview impossible, write for Rev E, J. Silverton's Treatise on Diseases of the Bars aid Eves, which contains a list of questionl for the guidance of the patient and numerous testlnnonialsfrom persons cured, price Is., but to the readers of this paper wo penny stamps. Note the address 17, St. Brida- Ireet, L.ideate Circus, London. CONSUMPTION. DECLINE HCW TO LURE CONSUMPTION, Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Night gvvrats. Spitting of Blood, Winter Coughs, and failing Bealth generally. If an interview is impossible write Vr Re.V. E. J. bi'vertou's New Bo k of Health (275tli \ilouSlLlld) Valuable to all. P'>IIt free, thre" p*nny itlullp,17. bt. Bride-street, Ludgate Circus, London. L-EA In consequence of Imitatioiw of Lea & Perrii^' Sauce, which are c Iculated to deceive the Public, PERRINS' LEA and PERRINS beg to drawtt.enti:)I\ to the fact th" -lATrCIi' eacli bottle of the original and Genuine Worcestershire Sauce bears their higuature on the label. FA WORCESTERSHIRE JJT" SAUCE. PTrPPTNS' Sold Wholesale by the Propriert^rs, iiKlvlliO V,*#rcester; Crosse and Blackwell, JL X»ndon and Expert Oilmen gene- SATTIJR rally- Retail by Dealers throughout ADUJ- tho W lli IIop BITTERST I-lop BlnERS" Y_|"op BirrERS. J_ £ UP BITTERS. OP BITTERS. j-10P BITrERS. 0 P BITTERS. IlOP BITTERS. |_ £ OP BirrERS. I-JOP BITTERS, op BirrERS. OP BirrERS. up BITTERS. FlOP BITTERS. OP BirrERS. OP BITTERS. 1-10P BITTERS. If or BrrrEHS. OP BITTERS. I-lop BITTERS. OP BITTERS. J_ £ OP BITTERS. |_ £ OP BITTERS. lIop BiirERS. ttror nn TERS. lior BITTERS. 1X°P BirrERS' j-IOP BITTERS. OP BITTEIiS. tDOP BITTERS. J^OP BITTERS. UP BITTERS. if vP BITTERS. if- OP BITTERS. 1-1°P Bll-ERS. |_| OP BITTERS. |_ £ (JP BITTERS. lI OP BITTERS. 1-101> BirfERS. IIop BITTERS. J_JTOP BI1TERS. liop BITTERS. |_|-OP BITrEP.S. ttrop BITTERS. 1-11 OP BITTERS. 1-1or BITTERS. I jrop BITTERS. Yi OP BITTERS. lior BITTERS. Ifor BirrERS. J^_ £ OP BITTERS. or BITTERS. OP BirrERS. I-lop BITTERS. up BITTERS. OP BITTERS. OP BITTERS. | | <jp BirrERS. a if C) P BITTERS. OP BITTERS. |_ £ OP BITTERS. |,| OP BITTERS. lIor BITTERS. J|_ £ OP BITTERS, OP BirrERS. trop BITTERS. NfOP BITTERS. JIor BITTERS. PUREST, BEST. and OHEAPE^T MEDICINE EVEP, MADE. NO DISEASE or ILL- HEALTH can possibly exist wliere HOP BI TTERS are used, so varied and per- fect are their operations. If you have nausea, want of appetite, flatulency, dizziness, and feverish symptoms you are suffering from COSTLVE-NESS, and HOP JUlTii US is thy surest Cure. If your vital forces are de- pressed, if you have a feeling of gene-rat lasittude and weakness, are easily fatigued, perspirs freely on going to ::leep. are short of breath on every slight effort, and havea general feeling of melancii l.V aad depn::i3:oD, you nre suffering from GENERAL HKBILITY. and HOP iilTTEKS removes it ail. If you havtt a sousi; of weigiit or fulness in the stomach a changeable 1tpp!it.e, sometimes voracious, but generally feeble a morbid ertviig; low spirits after a fnil meal, with severe pain tor some time !\ft.cr mating wind rising on the stomach sour s. vumiting and thlttedllg at tlio pit of the stomach, and a soreness over it; nausea, headache, or some of ¡ these symptoms, you are suffer- ing from DYSPEPSIA. and HOP BITTERS will perma- nently cure you. If you liatfe a dry, har.sh, and yellow skin, a dull pain in the ¡I right side, extending to the shoulder blade and pit of the stomach a tenderness over the region of the liver, and some- rimes an enlargement of this organ a souse of tightness awl uneasiness in the neigh- boudlOod of the stomaoh and liver; yellowistiness of tin. eyes bowels irregular, gene- rally disposed to ¡"os.,ues3; a hacking or dry cuitpli; irregu- lar app«lite shortness 01 breathing feet and hands gene rally cold; tongue coated white a disagreeable taste i ■ the mouth low spirits; blotches on the face and neck palpita- tion of the heart; disturbed 5!.ep; fieaetburii disincline I lion to exertioll-ÎÎ you have any of these 3ymptoni3 you a. suffering from I LIVER COMPLAINTS, and nop BITTERN will cuie yon. CLEANSE, PURIFY, AND E5 RICH rOlllt BLOOD WITH HOP INT riiKs, AND IOU Wli-L HAVE ,0 SICIC E.s,s, Oil SU""IBHíSG. 0 It DOCTOR'S BIL LS IO PA Y To be obtained of all Chemist and Druggists. READ WHAT THE PEOPLE I SAY. I Oct. 30.1832. From He*. J. C. BOYcE, .i.Á.. Domestic Vliap!«\ II V) t'l, Right Hoi. Lord Borthwick, 1ù\vellilone. hithoui, .13 TO THE HUP BiTTKUa CO. Dear Sirs,— t have la.t'1 Jinishtd my iirst bottie of "Ho, Bitters." Ai'ter having for uuir, years snft'sra.i acutely from rhf u matic gout (inherited and slil. III my system), I fed so mucl. belter, and can walk so -auct, more lively, should like to con- tinue the use of it. I writni ti ask how many bottles you wih let me }¡.¡,vt\ lor .£4, so tl,iil maY always have iDnw in stock 27, B*r-strect, Norwich, June 20. 1332. TO THE HOP BITTERS CO. Gcntl"HIJ,- Ha.v¡n tuffo-ed for many years from biliousness, nccompatiied with si(klle.s5 "rm dieadful headaches tillg greal ly fatigued with overwork all long hours at business), I lost ah energy, strength, and appetite I was advised by a friend i whom I had seen such 1J11¡tci¡.: effects to try Hop Bitt.ers,IU'1 OJ few bottles have quite altered and restored me to betterheairf. than eye, I have also recotn men led it toother friends, ajm am pieased to add witn the Ilk, 1"(I¡jt. Every claim voti inak. for it I can fully endorse, am- recommend it as an inoom^ar I able tonic. I am, gentlf men. Yours fait/if (ill v. S. W." FITT. Charles-terrace, Versen ro* Colchester, Aug. 18: li, 1352 TO THE HOP B ITT HIM 01..1. Gentlemen,—1 was trow" with a very bad funn of iud'g»s tion for a lon^ time, Rii>t ivieo many tilings m vain until I go soma Hop Bitlers," ,.lId o. taking was quite cmed, an remain so till this time. It i now three months ago since i was brvl. Your* respectfully, I F, BELL.




IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. ..........-.../"









[No title]




