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f EXTENSION OF VISIT, I THE" MAGNETAIRE AND HEALTH. Mr. RICHARD LONSDALE, M.E., INVENTOR AND PATENTEE OF THE rç 1\1 ..0\ Q N E T A I It E," 91\ It1S QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVES. May (till fee consulted daily at his Private Consulting Rooms, ItJB. JOHN LONG'S, PHOTOGRAPHER, 56, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, AGRICULTURAL RiLL, ST. HELEN'S-ROAD SW A'SSEA, AND AT ALBERT HALL, STOW-H1LL, NEWPORT, MON UNTIL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1882. CONSULTATION FREE. lleu1tS OF ATTE.NEANCK :—Morning, TEX TO ONE AFTHKNOON, Tw.) TO FIVK EvsMxt, Six TO Eight The" .M.4GNKT.URE i3 the most powerful appliance invented, combining the greatest curative properties with durability it is also the chca^trat, most con- venient, and agreeable form in v.-ljiL-h may,iii:tism can bt applied. The applianc: >■ >io attention whatever, eccasi811 no shocks 01' unpleasant p!<ellOIDelJa. KEOENT LOCAL TESTIMONIALS: PALPITATION OF HEART, INDIGESTION, AND SHORTNESS uF BKEATH. 71, Great Fre ¡"rick-street, Crockh-vbtown, Cardiff, Dec. 22, 1382. Dear Sir,-Auout. three weeks ajj^i 1 purchased Ode of your M&gnetaire Bdts. I was suffering from palpitating* of heart, indigestion, and shortness of breath. I am l1appy to 3ay 1 Lave feit. a great, benelit in my health generally, the dijpst ive organs aw strong, anJ the pal- pitation is not iii-ar SO bml. I tsui safely recjunneitd your Alagiietaive," k[10wi!J;,t; i1 s i'il value, Voiirs truly, Mr. R. Lonsdale. if. A, PULLEX. VIOLENT COUGH. 21, Tin-street, Splntlands, Cardiff, Dec. 15.1832. T)?ar Sir,-W]:211 J cotiue to you 1. had been fur sunt* tiH1C suffering from a violent cough, which was very dis- tressiiig ill liB getting out uf lied. 1 am pleased w tell you how nduatJk the Lung luvijjoiator [ purchased (Ii Yvu has proved, 1 (O,¡ a great difference since wearing same, the cough is I apidly decreasing, can rise early. and it troubles tile but. little. 31y voice hlS also greatly improved, which was very weak and ii.wse. 1 feel stronger in general. ï ours faithiuilv. DAV! I) I'v r i ES, Mr. ii. Lousdal. Coal Trimmer, GREAT WEAKNESS AND LAMENESS. -'3, Sopiiia-sUeet, Docks, U¡,f,r¡J¡ff, 8rh Dec., 183: Dear Sir,—F:m child I have suffered from great weakness and lameness. I W:13 aJviseù to try one of your jfcgnetaire Belts. I am happy tll say ;t has IK?ted very heneficiallv 011 me. Before wearing the !-• 1 fc 1 had been unable to work for three months. I have jlnce been back t,() my work, aud am now much stronger "lid better, and feel quite satisfied wU h the piogress. Yours truly, Mr. R. Lonsdale. JA)fC:-i :i lLJfOX. LIVER eO)IPLAIXT, INDIGESTION, DIZZI- NESS, IMPAIRED \ïSIOX. &oL, 16, liuoie-street, Grà!\6eLoWII, Cardiff, 1st Dec" 1832. Dear Sir,-F01' iivc years 111<\ve been very ill indeed, suffering from the liver, causing indigestion, diz/.iness, impaired vision, and distressing headaches. I had tried ali means for relief but 111 vain. Noticing testi- monials testifying to numerous cures effected i>y cue use of your Magnetaire" Appliances, I decided ;0 try them. I am very thankful I cliù. I bave now worn she belt a short time. and have experienced great relief; .n eat my food without feeling ill, the dizziness has ;ft me, am more cheerful, and my general health is !together better. I can scarcely express my thankful- egg for the benefit receinod.-Yours very faithfully, Mr. R. Lonsdale. JOHN" MILL (C :ii Trimmer). SCIATICA AND RHEUMATISM. 22, Ludlow-street. Lower GriL!J¡xctown, Cardiff. 1st December, 18K2. Dear Hir,-I wish to express my great satisfaction, and ,0 testify to the 1Jeneth I have derived Ïrom the Alag- letaire" Appliances I pvirehased of you a fortnight ,ince, After a day's trial I felt a glow throughont my Nhole system, and commenced to I05c the pah in IUY lip and knee, from wliich I had suffered acutely îür ;hree years, and had tried all sort.1I of l'ernedk3, and spent manvpounds without receiving the least benefit but I can safely say, after wearing the" Magnetaire a few days, I have since teen entirely tree from pain. I thall spare no trouble in recommending your Appliances m anyone 1 may know suffering. I remain, yours I'f!r.r truly. Mr. R. Lonsdaie. DAVID WILLIAMS. RHEUMATISM. 26. Bradlord-s!reef, Srangetown, Cardiff, ■November 30, 1 tlu2. Dear Sir,—Y >u wiil he gi.id to hear t1.i1:, [ liave Sreatly improved from the use of your "Magnc-taiie elt, as 1 have suffered for some time irom rheumatic pains in my back; hut since wearing the llelt the p"ias haw ceased. I feel certain that youv Mrfgnetuire has proved very valuable to me, and I have recom- mended several to give it a trial. Yours faithfully. Mr. R, I.onsd-k\ oK?>U<K HEN D1>.0. — WEAK ANKLE. 5, Ali(!i"-Hre¡>t, Docks, Cardiff, 17th No 183-1. Dear Sir,—It- is now about two months since I tried your Magnetaire, and am pleased to tell you that 1 have füund great benefit from its lise, I had suffered I ",1m weakness of auld", the r"3ult (1f a severe sprain, which caused much pain at time9 conki scarcely get !<h(lut to ittend to my business. After wearing the Applii'nca ;hree days I felt a great change, and could get :JiMut much easier from that time. The ankle daily g.iined strength and pain ceased, enabling me to walk and io bu ,ineS3 with comfort. After wearing thc Appliance five weeks! lent it to a friend who was slIfferirÎg frum weakness 111 knee, the sinews being contracted, and t'rom a short, r-r:.t! or. kne- i-i considerably improved. I can ful1y t <• U';t t.i ve powers of your Hague taire, and f -el »»:>: d" need hesitate giving it.. r.al. i'ours vevv t-ruir. Mr, g, L07isd»!e. GIum'f t £ MORTO> CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. G, :4airiott-pUce, Near National Schools, Maindee. October 25, 18ó2, Dear S;1 have suffernd for twelve months L'om Chronic 1$runchit,J3, and duiing that time was unable tu [ollow HiY employment., t have tried several mediciil men, and have al30 by their advice tried change of :¡Ï", btit never received any permanent bellefit until I got your M.Jgnetair.. LunsrTnvigorafor, which I have now worn about two mont 11,. :llid though the weather has iJeen so bad for my compUdut,, and 1 anl I"xpo3ed to all weathers, 1 have not. lost one day's wor;, from illness ,ince.U8Í1;% the Appliance. I ?hall be pleasell to answer illy inquiries.—I am, yours truly, Tr. R. Lonsdale. THOMAS HUGHES, WEAK LEfTS, NUMiJ f?:KT, SWOLLEN ANCLE, AND WEAKNESS 01" VOICE. *1 i Urnadwav, fic.itll, O'rdiff. 26th Ocfol.ier, 1382. Dear sir,—.fo.i.f i *c ajj-> had an attack ot cholera, whieh left, i1 thorod6i' «.veakiiC".i in my legs, IIHlIllmess in feet, aud swulien ancle, causing pain and greatly in- conveniencing me jll getting ahout, I am pleased !;() tell yon that after wearing the beit, ,\1H\ soles [ purchased of you a few hours I began to feel an improvement, and ■iter a week's trial the ell.UI)! i" wonderful; my legs trealtogether stronger, tile swelling of ancle ii gone lown, feet free from numbness, and the circulation teems restor-d through my body. I liud a great jni movement also la my oii-e, wliich \v;is very weak-cad low speak much stronger, aithough it i3 ten years sinee ny voice broke ùown. f am highly satisfied ",it,h what (Ollr Appliances have done, aBll s'.nil always reommend hem with confidence in KIIV simi-ar case. —Yours trnlv, Mr, It LonsvUle. JOFiN TAYLOR." RUPTURE 01" FORTY STAXMNC. 23. Lower Oxford-street, Swansea, 3»th Oclober, Dear Sir,-[ feel v0l'Y pleaded il l.eing able 10 give uiy ;est,lffiQIIY to the ùeudit that ,11 be from your Magnetaire." I have been ruptured for over 40yenvi, alld have tried ilH kinds of remedies for It. hut. uniit wearing your Belt, coidd obtain no relief. Xow lhe rupture is -reùucetl. which, from the short Lime f Ílave had the Appliance, is, indeed, marvellous; 31:10. my health ill general is very much improved. I shall always show IHY t baukfulness for the benefit I have obtained bv recommending 1iIV neighbours arid friends to C');1I(, to you fur relief. I nn" dear sir, _\jius laH hfui; Mr, R. Lonsdale. JOliX au (OÜSG"¡ fHY. EPILEPTIC FITS. Caiiands Terrace-street, Phs ;\[..1'1, near SW,}]H('[1, .i9t" October, 18cf3. Dear 3ir,—From <,hiirl!wod I have suffered from ISpilspiic ?it-s, these h'lvillg increased to as many ns nine in the day and night, until OJ. month ago, when, by the adviee of m'r friends (some of whom had obtained so much benefit from mur [pureh:uet:1 one of your Magnetaire' Kelts and Soles, and I am extremely iieltghtevt to say that, since t'ue day alter putting them )II, I have not h:\{J the slight est symptom of a tit. arlli ti.v general health ha" :;0 very greatly improved that I 'eol altfgether like tt different person. I shall_ always "eel it J1 great ple*ism eto rewjmmefid your ,4.ppJiållce$. 1 rem*in, voms very trnh., To Me Lon;¡da:e, JAy E THOMAS. Lt;MnAGO, PAiNS IN CfTTXr. AND GENERAL W K:\KXKSS. cjJt, CtMi ^e-slivet., Docks, Cardiff, !l October, 18ö2. Wear S,r,-1 have suffered greatly fro1ll the above Complaints for some years, during which time I have tried various kinds ol treatment ilad 91,cl,t; a great many Joun.19 for patent medicines without any satisfactury •esults, and it wag not until 1 tiled your "Magnetaire" Belt tklt I could obtain relief. You will be ¡¡;li1.d to learn hut I inn free from pain in back and chest, also rid of t hat, prostrate "lIli jiek te-ilng. Jiy strength and vigour Cave so greatly returned i nut, I can walk ,1' distance ô4J1Ù 010 not. feel fatigued, as [ h ive done previously It. is several wæks since [ experienced beneiif, tllel1:fore ean farty !\8 to till: power of your" Magnetaire," and callfi,.t f<*>l too grateini for the benefit derived. Am re- commending your appliances tQ all t know suffering. Yours truly, Mr. R, Lonsdale. JOHN VINCE.NT. ▲ thirty-two page Pamphlet, containing full particulars may 1)10 had ,)t\ appllcatlolL LONSDALE AND CO., 447, STRAND, LONDON, W.C., L,101 MANUFACTURERS. J ^ESSIONS AND CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF. AND DOCKS, GLOUCESTER, MANUFACTURERS OF ENAMELLED SL VTE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, 15ATHS, URINALS, HALL TABLES MOULDINGS, &c. L'UI/.E MEDAL SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1879, AND FIRST ORDER OF MERIT MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1831. DEALEKS IN ALL KISD8 OF BCTLDING .MATERIALS. ILLUSTRATED PRiCHd ON APPLICATION. 41723 'a"MNN EFORD'S MAGNESIA JQINNEEOIID'S MAGNESIA JJIXNEEOIID'S FLUID MAGNESIA. Dl \NEI''()Ill)".S PURE FLUID MAG- N HSIA. DLNNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, For acidity of the Stomach, i or Heartburn ami Headache. For Gout and Indigestion. L^EFORD'S MAGNESIA. Wafest and mosr gentle aperient for delicate consMtutions, LaJie3, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CUR-MISTS. 6415c c !I Vv' Elf ZER'S COCOATINA A >• i t-1)ijspe/>'■ ic Coc«a or Chocolate Powder. GUABANXKBJD PUKE SOLUBLE COCOA, Of the tinest quality, with the excess of fat extracted. rhe faculty pronounce jt, "the most nutritious, perfectly digestible beverage for Breakfast, Luncheon, or Supper, and invaluable for Invalids and Children." HIGHIA- BY THli: KSTIRK MEDICAL PKE^S. Being without sugar, sOlee, or other admixture, It suits all palates, keeps better in all climates, and is l'oar tif ies the strength of COCOAS THICKKNIS* yet v/ekkksev wit !i Starch, &c., and IN REALITY CHKAPER than such Alixtures. Made i n.-ianianeously with boiling water, a teasjieonful to a Breakfast Cup, costing less than a halfpenny. COCOATIVA A LA Ariii.i.E is the most delicate, diges- tible, cheapest Vanilla Clloeclatc, and may be taken w hen richer Chocolate is prohibited. in Tin. ;s: is. 6d., as., 5s. Sd., See., by Chemists and Grocers. 37224 j^EYNOLDS' ^OCT j^PECIFIC. j^lTvN 6 l7iJS' ^j.0 UT ^PECIFIC j^loYNOLDS' ^J.OUT i^PECIFIC. JT^EYNOEUS' (jJ-0IJT g^ECIFIC. THIS WONDERFUL MEDIC INK 13 known throughout the World as THE OLDEST, SAFEST. AND MOST EFFECTUAL I;km::DY l-UR GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, A.ND ALL NEURALGIC COMPLAINTS. ESTAHUSUEV 70 YEARS. Sold in Bottles, ?s. 9d. and 4s. Gd., by MMSH. Barclay u;d Sons, y5, Fairingdon-street, K.C. and by most respectable Chemists throughout the United Kingdom. Dr. BUKWSTtB (for many years one of the loading Piiysicians iu Paris) write-i:—"I have prescribed • REYNOLD*' GOUT SPECIFIC iu ALL cases of Uiteumatie Affections, and liud it an INFALLIBLE PEMECX. I iia\o always had great pleasure in recom- mend! g it,and consider it a safe and INVALUABLE Medicine." BRISTOL gTEAM 0ABf.NET ^^ORKS,. ESTAnnSHHO NiiAltLY 50 YEAIlS AS EXTENSIVE M AN U F ACT U 11 E R S OF Q U PERIOR | URN IT LIRE, kj JL ARTISTIC, USEFUL AND INEXPiiXSIYB. U-SPRE, CCDiiNijiiDLY LOW IN PhlOE. A VERT ON AND ^O.'S 1LLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, CONTAINING OVKIl 1,003 FXG RAVING 3, Gratis and Post Fiee. COMPLETE | J E D R O 0 M U jt T E S BEST MANUFACTURE, From Solid Ash or Pitch Pine, at 11 Guineas. HUNDREDS OF BEDROOM, DINING AND DRAWING ROO.V! SUITES, Unparalleled in Price and Q.niily, for Selecl ion from. ADD H B S a;- ii A V E Fk 1 0 N A N D 0 •! UPHOLSTERERS, it A & Y-LE-PO BT-STR EJbJT AN D BlilDGE-STREET, GNTSTOL. Cdiri«ge Paul ,0 any P:d[I\y guitiou in SotiMi Wale?. 4 W I L Y M :l ,^T v ~T N S S \:k .Li U I N I N E !) 1 T T J; R S quixin1_Bitti;ks- SPECIMEN OF TESTIMONIALS. From Mr. Owen Jones, A.P.S., L.D.A.S., Surgeon Vent-1st, Bangor, 1Surèh Wales. Your Quinine Bitters I¡.ve done an immellse 160°'1 in this neighbourhood. Patients who had been Îor years in a low and desponding state, whose tales of woe were long and numerous, are now bright and cheerful, and seldom lose au opportunity of reminding me of the immense benefit they derive from your [.reparation, and ot inducing tile to introduce it to all who suffcr in a. similar nmuller. There i, 1II),h'lh¡io uiv mind as to its efficacy. From Mtssrs. It"wla,¡ù5 aml Jones, Lumpeter and Tre- guon, Agricultural alld 1>ispcJJsi"ó Cuemists. [Mstract of Letter.] Dear Sir,—Several of our customers declare that the g,t results produced in them by taking your Quinine Bifti rs'' have been luarwllons. Th .r.ile is large and still incieasi.'ii. We lind the b tt-.relays of pcopic b:iy themcliieflv. From Mr. W. S. Penney. [.Extract.] The Dispensery, Llariiluihio, Aug. 31st, 1389. Scali another suppiy as before 01' your Quinine Bitters." It IS a3tollhhin;; what an 8xtuonlinarv quantity we sell here. It :ieeil]3 to me tu be the 0111)' medicine used once it has berti tried. The ?ale at my branch a1; Blaciian, Ffestiniog, is greater than anything I øave yet, known. From Mr. \V. if. Uvea, Chemist, 14, High-street, Jlaverfordwt-s:. I have kept" Glvilym Evans's Quinine Bitters" for years, and Hud that. the sale is courinurdly on the in- crease, and that the preparation gives very great satis- faction in the neighbourhood. 1 coniideutly and strongly recommend it as a first-class remedy, ami consider Lhe manner lL has LJecll prepared a scientific, success. Sold in ?s. 9d. and 4s. Sd. bottles, of all Chemists, or from I he Proprietor, MJt. GWILYM MVANS. LLANELLY. 2 I) i: A r N E S S Il0Vv" rp_cURE- REV. 1: J. SI LVERTON'S ConsiilHng jfooms open daily for the benefit of parsons suffering from Dcatuess, Noises in the Head and Ears, OtIcII3ivc Discharge from the Ears, Atfectiolls of the Eyes, Delicate. Lunes, and General Weakness. Any Kiiiicted person may he seen free of charge. )[r. !'iilvenol1 alld hi3 Physician, IÜter careful examination, advise the Patient wliat medicine, and give all neees-ary instruc- tions as to diet. 8" much good i3 being done that nO person shonl,! despair. One visit is sufficient. The Homus are open each day L'OIH Eleven to fwv (Saturdays excepted). Mr. Jesse J yilverton will answer aHY in- quiries at other hour", aud 011 Saturdays till üue o'èlod<. If distance renders an interview impossible, write for Rev. E. J. Silvcrton's Treatise on lJiseases of the Ears and iiyes, whidl contains a list oî questions for tile guidance of the patient and HlJlnerOUS testimonials íroUl persons cured, price Is., but to the readers of this paper wo penny stamps. Note the address -17, St. Bride- treet, Lndgatc Circus, London. treet, Lndgatc Circus, LOildon. _0. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION, Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Night Sweats, Spitting of Biood, Winter Coughs, and failing health generally. 1r lOll interview impossible write forUev/E. J. Silverton's New Bo k of Health (250th thousand;. Valuable to all. Post free, three penny stamps. —17, St. Brid"-street, Ludgate Circus, Loudon. REMOVED TO BEDWELLTY HOUSE. 3To,i;&, CKOCiL- HBRBTOWN (Corner of Charles-street). \/fESSRS. YOUNG and PERRY, if JL DENTAL SURGEONS, 7, PAHK-ST., BRISTOL, Professional Attendance CARDI 1<T — 1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY iu every month, from 11.30 to 7 p.m. Next Visits, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 3rd and 17th. BRIDGEND—lstand 3rd TIIUR3DAY in every month at 22. Caroline-street, from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 D.ru. Next. Visits, THURSDAY, Deo. 21st and Jan. 4th. CHEPSTOW—2nd and 4th WEDNESDAY in every month at 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11 a.m. to 4.30 D.ID Next Visits, Friday,i)ec. 29th and Jan. 10th, Manitoba and the Canadian NORTH-WEST, THROUGH WHICH RUNS THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Farming and Grazing Lands for Sale on Easy Terms. Ail carefully answered by letter, and the latest and best Maps, Pamphlets. Ac., descriptive of the country, sent free of charge by addressing ALEXANDER BEGG, Canadian Pacific Railway Offices, 6949c 101, Cannon-street, London. |) OWLANDS" ODONTO is the beat, purest^ Jl4> ;<r:. most fragrant preparation for the teeth. Health depends in a great measure upon the soundness of the teeth and their ircadom from decay, and all dentists allow that neither washes nor pastes can possibly be as efficacious for polishing the teeth and keeping them sound and white as a pure and non-gritty tooth powder; such Rowlands'Odonto has always proved itself to be. ROWLANDS' MACASS AROIL preserves, strengthens, and beautilies the hair; it contains no lead or mineral ingredients, and_ can now be also had in a golden colour, which is especially suited for fair or golden-hairedchiIdren and per- sons. Sizes, os. till., 7s.; 10s. tid.. equal to tour small. I-) ONNLKNI)S' KAI.YDOR is a most cool- ing, healing, and refreshing wash for the face, hands, ami arms, and is perfectly free lrom any- mineral or metallic admixtures it disperses freckles, tan, redness.pimples, &c. ROWLANDS' EUPLYSIA is a botanical wash for cleansing the hair and skin of the head from all impurities, scurf, or dandruff the ap- plication of the Euplysiii (which is perfectly in- nocent it, its nature) should be made 011 retiring to rest at night, a practice that will rentier the morning use of Rowlands' Macassar Oil increa- singly elfcctive boi/h as to health and beallly of the hair. 2s. dd. per bottle. ROWLANDS' EUKONIA is a beautifully pure, delicate, and ti.igrant toilet powder, and has lately been much improved. Each box inside the lid a certificate of purity from Dr. Redwood. Ph. D. F.C.S.. 4C. Sold in three tints; white, rose, and ercani,2-. lxi. per t>ox double that size with puff, 4s. Ask any Chemist, or Hairdresser fur HowJant1s' articles, of 20, Hattou Garden, LOlldull,alld avoid spurious worth- less imitations IInder the same or similar names. 49462 LEA. In oonsequence or ImthltloliS t of Lea. & Pcrrins' Sauce, which 1 are calculated to deceive the Public, F2RRINS' LEA and PERRINS beg to drawatteni ion to the fact tha IJAUCE. each hot tie of the original and Genuine Worcestershire Banco bears their Signature on the label, Lea w o r o e s t e r s h i r e & SAl'UE. E P,, I't I I)y PE RUINS' Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Crosse ami Biackwell, London; and Expert; Oilmen £ 'ue- SAL LTJ. rally. KeLail by .Dealers tlircwgUout 1 lie \V;»rUl. 1 lie \V;»rUl. WEEKLY MAIL A L M A N A (J 1 8 8$. A Large and Beautifully Illustrated Sheet, ALMANAC for 1833, printed ¡,t colours, is given v;ith the WI-;r.KI.Y MAIL of TO-DAY, Dec. 2'2. The contents of this AJuiutiac is exceptionally useful and varied, ttwludtny, auwnyst other matters, A CALENDAR FOR 1383. Postal Information. J Stamps and Taxes, University Terms. Legal Inionuat ion. Fast3 and"Feasts for 13S7. 1 J'eiinsesof the Year. Dioceses of Llandaff and Rates of income 'lax sines St. David's. IS'2. THE ROYAL FAMILY. Her Majesty's Chief Oilicers Sovereigns of Europe. of State. Public Holidays. Judges of the Law Courts. TOWX COUNCILS, LOCAL AUTHORITIES, AND SCHOOL BOARDS. The British Currency and Populations of Welsh Foreign Mori<-y. Towns and County Sta- Tlie Four Quarters. tistics. Areas of Count ies. BUSINESS AND PLEASURE FAIRS. List of Prime Ministers fori The Kings and Queens of the last, 150 years. England from the Cou- Table of Important Epochs, | quest. With other interesting information. Pi-ice of the WEEKLY MATL, with Almanac, 2d,: post free, 2 id. Agent* are rsuuested to forward their orders as early as possible, in order to avoid disappointment.


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