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CARDIFF. j MARQIJESS OF BUTE, after an enjoyable tour and the East, since he left Bute a few ^waago, is now on his return journey to Eng- Sermon AT FEE-DERICK-STRKET CHATFX. everting, at Frederick-street Chapel, ^«ev.Cynddylan Jones preached a very eloquent fcfttw.Passive sermon, having special reference recent death of Mr. G. A. Richards, who ti^,4 highly respected member of the congre- .—An inquest was held at the Town- I Tuesday respecting the death of El ion aged 14, who died suddenly in Stanlev- liktnLi011 Monday. A verdict of "Death from *lso>^ causes" was returned. An inquest was aeld on the body of an Italian searosr named Pranciesio, who was killed by falling from »ifi?S £ ing of tho barque Feliebozzo on Monday. A "Mctof "Accidental death" was returned. Workhousk REFUGE.—In pursuance of an jjj ftffenjent made by the guardians at their meet- ^gon Saturday, the visiting committee has met l^r^^rkhouse and considered certain alterations JPosed to be made in the refuge on sanitary teta T?8' sub-committee, consisting of thechair- > Dr. Paine, Mr. Ramsdale, and Dr. Frank!en appointed to prepare a report on the ACCIDENT.—Mr. Gill, the chief officer <,f the ^tearaer Knight of St. Patrick, fell into fc-J^d of the vessel at sea while on the passage Hall to Cardiff. OQ the arrival of the about eleven o'clock on Friday night, a Catcher was procured, and the sufferer was taken Hamadryad Hospital Ship, where his in- ^hich are of a very serious nature, were glided to. iav°CIDENT 011 THE NEWPOTIT-EOAD.—On Satur- Wavi* serious accident befell a party of Mr. ihia -s Workmen, on the main road, two miles v. of Newport. It appears that the men J*ji been holding their annual outing at Cwmbran, •ihe Wer? returning to Cardiff in breaks. When ? arrived at the point referred to, a donkey and jjJrWas observed in frontof a break. The donkey- Pulled the wrong way and upset the break, occuPant3 into the road. Four men lnjured, and were subsequently conveyed to Infirmary at Cardiff. Three of them having attended to were allowed to go home. The BO seriously injured that he had to be SALVATIONISTS and THE STOABT-KAIX.—We "I^erstand that the leaders of the Cardiff Branch ^6 Salvation Army have entered into negotia- 0^?a with the owners of the Stuart-hall with the tou ac(luiring a lease of that building for a Pa r years* The documents have been pre- and at the usual service on Sunday evening Members of the army were congratulated on l^Prospeet of possessing permanent barracks." 'Db ENLNO OF A NEW ORGAN AT WOOD-STREET —On Sunday the new organ which has J^atly been erected at Wood-street Congrega- Chapel was first used for the purposes of Service, the Rev. W. Watkiss, pastor, preach- er? •t*le morn'n& and evening services. The con- |^fation was very large in the evening, and the °lrsang special music. The new instrument was I by Messrs. J. Cool and Sons, Cardiff Bristol, at a cost of £ 221, and comprises two r^^als, a swell, and eighteen stops. In order to the necessary space for it, the organ r^ery has been considerably altered, and the total peases will be about £ 260, which amount, it is jfP^cted, will be realised at a series of special Juices which are to be held in the chapel. u/^nijiFORD-STHEET CHAPEL.—A comparatively congregation attended the United Methodist Church, Guildford-street, on Sunday evening, to "ear a special sermon by the Rev. George tJjFgreaves on The Plagues of Modern Egypt." gentleman, whose abilities as a preacher have his efforts in his previous spheres of k.°°Ur eminently successful, and have created for a name which, in itself, was sufficient to draw Jf^ded congregations, was recently appointed &tt Guildford-street Chapel, where he has large audiences, and greatly increased Dumber of members. On Sunday evening he oj** for his text the 16th verse of the 32nd chapter ^jfkekiel. After alluding to the immense natural y^aotages of the country, and its position at one as a great seat of learning, he traced the an?eroua revo'utions and changes which it had notwithstanding which the masses se people were the same now as they were (frfotfiea ago. She had, from time immemorial, h Unfortunate in her rulers, and at the present she was cursed with plagues as great as any 'Were visited upon her in former times. He .Spared her rulers to spendthrift young profit- pates who were always ready to borrow money tc "Uander on their own folly, and who always had ^.f^d supply from money lenders, who were to risk everything for a little And then, when the debts and the remained unpaid, the receivers were put an(* P^Pl0 were ground to the po °y taxation to meet these liabilities. The tyranny and oppression had instilled a P of fatalism into the natives. They had :COme absolutely reckless in their conduct, they linn a° ^P^'ations to a higher life, and they looked Am n eVei'ything that befell them as their destiny. aeao11^ their modern plagues were the licentious- extravagance, and the concomitant intriguing fciM-ii a ▼oluptuous Court, which was tttexfw? 1 ^expense of th0 toiling subject; w;fK *u10n to their Asiatic vices, been plSed with m-??86 °f They were Oamltva military adventurers, under whose fcomi i?.e/ Were al waysready to rise and strike for fied "bertyand justice. People had been horri- massacres in Alexandria, but they toon,. nsider that treachery had been one of the prominent lessons which they had Zearnt their masters. Their crowning misfortune their religion, which was to them simply a fatter of forms and ceremonies, and was power- ™8s to renovate the human heart. He thought the »e^edy for these modern plagues was not to be otJad in the thundering of the British Fleet, but bespread of the true religion of Christ. J.HE Sociable TRICYCLES.—Cycling, especially ^Cycling, is becoming a favourite pastime. There aat a tricycle race at the Sophia Gardens Field on lurday, and quite a number of these vehicles *8 to be seen on roads in the district. Asa ans of locomotion the tricycle is, no doubt, a 0r .^t advantage to those who have not the means EQu' conven'ence f°r keeping the more elaborate ^Wipage of a horse and trap, and also to those jjj^086 nerves or years are a deterrent from the tb ore exciting and withal dangerous pleasure of § bicycle. A splendid new Cheylesnsore ^^ble" for two now on view at Mr. W. wjkins', Westgate-street, is really the most ele- an effective machine that has yet been ggj^ght out. Mr. Jenkins has also a very woll- e°ted stock of ordinary tricycles and bicycles to from. ».o*mTAKT STATE OF CARDIFF.—Week ending if,y 22, 1882.—Births registered, 67; 39 2 per I>ea ^eaths from all causes, 32 18 7 per 1.000. from seven chief zymotic diseases, 4; th ^er Mean barometer, 2S 770; mean l'l?tn°IriP^eri 61'4-; prevailing wind, S.W.; rainfall, tort' ^emar' £ S: Sanitary condition of town satist'ac- fEstimated population of town, 88,803. estimate is based on the census return of 'He w'th the addition of the mean daily yg^flaent obtained during the preceding ten JWs CHARITY.—On Monday an adjourned 'Ch» • the governors of Craddock Wells's j,ity was called for twelve o'clock at the grand *tt*00m the Town-hall. The members in jJj^danc0 were the Mayor, Dr. Edwards, Mr. Itio 8 ^^ams> and Alderman D. Lewis. As a ^^ormn was not formed the proceedings were •Of*111 ad3°«med. The object for which the meet- A yas called was to consider the question of Ppomting a surveyor to the charity. tt>oAXLANT RESCUE FROM DROWNING.—A lad, of j,7~ut twelve or fourteen years, fell into the feeder, J site of the Old Theatre, Crockherblown, ^turday, and was carried off by the strong rrent. Although several people witnessed the ■jj^adent, no attempt was made to rescue him until ■Wa^a ^fted upwards af a hundred yards. He j*/8. then observed by Mr. William Middleton Of who was standing on the door I his_ residence in Edwards-terrace, and who sprang over the rails and dived the rescue. This was by no means an easy task, ??theboy had just then sunk to the bottom of stream—a depth of about seven feet. After a effort, during which they were both carried ^Considerable distance, the boy was brought to He in a very exhausted condition, but w>vas soon revived, and seemed to be in a fair (^towards recovery. ACCIDENT AT PENAETH DOCK.—An inquest Bpp ^eld at the Cardiff Infirmary on Monday re- death of John Davies, who met with accident at Penarth Dock on Thursday, the evidence it appeared that four cranes' Worfeing side by side, and one [having run of water the driver signalled the others to to- ft a little so that he could get »W^e watex Pipe* .The man next to him fitRf his crane, but did not go far enough. The one moved up and slightly struck the second, to jjjpke concussion caused the foot of the driver ^siip oft the ieVer which regulated the bucket. Strii ?^ai,a consequently ran out, and the bucket Vaa i deceased, who was in the hold of the According to the regulations the cranes if tK- been jibbed round before shifting, and jJJflis had been done the accident would not have i' ¡>Pened. The Coroner considered that the cranes safely worked when the rules were adhered and that every necessary precaution was Ijai^K those m authority. If the rules jjTr observed the accident would not have i^jj^P^ed; but the accident was a, duplicate one too.*0? remote to be brought home to any parti- V°dividual. It seemed to have occurred >jjr<gh a misunderstanding of the drivers. The returned a verdict of Accidental death," but t^I^ed the second driver, Jones, for neglecting round, and for not taking the precaution signalling the other to move up to see that Sufficient room. They also recommended |Q 6*eat pressure should be placed upon the men ^27 or^ers more stringently. FOB DEAF AND DUMB, LLANDAFF.—Mr. begs to acknowledge with many thanks W^pt of 6s. 9§d^ being the contents of a box from Mrs. Pedler'sServants' Registry Charles-street; and 14-s. 6d. from the of Cardiff, per Mr. T. A. Davies, Scott- RA MILLTCENT-STREET.—On Wednesday, at half -past one o'clock, a fire broke out in the at the rear of Mr. Corduri's brush ^^Jlfactory, 68, Millicent-8treet, in consequence /amp having been accidentally upset on some that was being heated. The reel was sub- U^tly taken to the spot by the firemen, and was extinguished in a comparatively short But the whole of the building that was t^acned from the front premises was gutted, and ^>bs°k destroyed. Mr. Corduri was burnt in save some of his stock, which was un- ^>ttwJUESTS'—On Wednesday Mr. E. B. Roece, held an inquest upon the body of Fran- m an Italian seaman, who fell from ■ of an Italian vessel in the East Bute was irftertSKtcto picked up lifeless. The jury returned a. verdict of Accidental death.' 1 On the same day, James Crowley, 14. who died | suddenly at 9, Stanley-street, was also the subject of an inquest. The jury returned a verdict of Death from natural causes." THE HAVANNAH SCHOOL SHTP.—The 27th annual report of the Industrial and Ragged Schools, held on board her Majesty's ship Havannah, Grange- road, has just been issued. The number of boys on board is now 78. and we are informed that" of the 41 boys who were discharged in the three years 1878,1879, and 1880, one only had since been convicted of crime, one was reported as of doubt- ful character, four could not, be traced, the other 35 are known to be doing well." Referring to the report of the superintendent (Mr. Coleman), we find among other things that the conduct of the boys has been good. The drum and tife i:«ind, which numbers twenty, is in a creliuble condition; the nautical classes are slightly improved. During 1881 £35 11s. Id. were added to the credit of the boys' account at the bank. During the year £14 10s. 5d. was withdrawn, and the balance due on December 31 was £78 9s. 4d. The sub- scriptions towards the funds of the institution amounted to £60 16s. 6d. Lieut.-Colonel Inglis, her Maji xtv's Inspector of Industrial and Re- formatory School* ¡nade an official inspection on August 13. and reported very favourably on the state of the shi p and the conduct of the boys, who, however, he thinks look somewhat paler than they should, "living so much as they must do in the open air." ORF.AMOROANSHIRE AND MONMOUTHSHIRE LN- FJBMAKT AND DISPENSARY.—State of register for the week ending July 24 :— Remain- ing by last week, 50 admitted since, 12; discharged, 11; died, 1 remaining in the house, 50 number of out-patients on the books, 837 patients visited at their homes, 39. Medi- cal officers for the week commencing July 25 :— Physician, Dr. Edwards; surgeon, Dr. Vachell. House-surgeon, C. J. Watkins, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Gentlemen visitors for the week :—Messrs. Robert Bird, John Cory, J. S. Dowson, Rees Jones, and the Rev. A. Tilly.—George T. Coleman, Secretary.