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■j. CARDIFF. bl B UTlAN CONSULATE.—The London Gazette Uesday states that the Queen has been pleased j0happro™ the appointment of Mr. William Baron Fry as Consul at Cardiff for the ^Public of Peru. CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION.— *bov«etln^ -°* tlia Executive Committee of the Cluh association was held at the Conservative Presi'rt on Saturday. Mr. Jonas Watson Tvl a there were also present Colonel p.P"' ^r' O. H. Jones (treasurer), Mr. J. Vye- buain er* and Mr- Jolm Evana (Crofta). The f, transacted was of the usual character. ^iaA^)T°N ^HUBCH BAZAAB.—The proceeds from 'which was recently held at the Lesser tb now amount to about £ 30 more the s"m stated in these columns last week. frsti ANBelistic SERVICES.—On Sunday evange- &ect" were commenced at Cardiff in con- • 0n with the Welsh Independents, when Miss Stu na av'es preached in tlie morning at Mount j^art,*square Chapel, and in the evening at *cdtle^er ^iaPel- T'la sacred edifices were crowded, |r Co"ections were made in aid of the Cardiff In- a,. These services will be continued during Week. ^NlVERSARY SERVICES.—Services in connection Ithe 13th anniversary of Star-street Gongrega- Chapel were held on Sunday, when the Rev. y Jones preached three sermons, in the morn- e*even> 'n the afternoon at three, and in the g^, lng at 6.30. Large congregations attended §„ of the services.—At Tredegarville Chapel bnday School anniversary services were held, the en the Rev. F. Tucker, of London, preached in and evening.—Special services in con- p„ with the seventh anniversary of the *lso J 8 settiement at Bethel Chapel, Docks, were ptjn on Sunday, when the Rev. Gethin Davies, cliJa' of Llangollen, delivered two eloquent in Welsh. —On Saturday Mr. E. B. Reece, borough Sta,.ner» held an inquiry at tha Koath Police of r°n 'n^° the circumstances attending the death Brooklands, aged one year and five 'trepf 80Q Edwin Biooklands, of 91, Pearl- s'. ^'le evidence went to show that on atr Ury morning the deceased was crossing the jQvvet 'o which he lived, when he was knocked of 7i a horse and cart driven by Henry Burns, Diamond-street. The left wheel of the '1st 6 passed over the child's head, killing him tet. y- A verdict of Accidental death was e^rned. tdlllOVIDENT DISPENSAIIT.—Number of members during the week ending Saturday, April 77! .total number of members to present date, H "Pispensary, 6, Guildford-street. J. R. Good- dispenser. of vv ^.1QH SHERIFF'S CARRIAGK.—Mr. Waterman, ^'king-street, Cardiff, deserves to be compli- upon the artistic manner in which he has jjj0 ^ted a carriage of the High Sheriff of Gla- tu Lieut.-Colonel Hill. The vehicle was *6(1 out the factory on Monday afternoon, iny ^as much admired for the great taste evinced ^Ocnt^01^" '-The body of the carriage is painted fcfW? te> and picked out with vennillion, the 6Xtr ^eing ricli in the extreme. The inside is clothtt>ely we^ Sot UP» being trimmed witii claret lacg JrJorocco leathers, and a very grand crimson to b The whole turn-out is a valuable testimony Wat e TJ»iitv of the work turned out by Mr. tieet^ARY MEETING.—On Monday evening a connection with the Wesleyan Home ^hio°na Was held at the Welsh Wesleyan Chapei, &qd OIl-street. Mr. Raper occupied the chair, and 5. V 9868 Were delivered by the Revs. J. B. Harry, (Pembroke), and J. Rees, Miss Davies tgp^erbert}, and Mr. Lewis Williams. The annual kCr p' ^hich was a satisfactory one, was read by aill. It stated that the total receipts for the year amounted to £ 27 17s. 6d. FCAG CKt TABOR CHAPEL.—Un Monday a concert tboireflVen at Mount Tabor Cijapel in aid of the fUnd. Mr. J. M. Haime presided, and there as 1\ large attendance. The programme, which thg a »°ng and varied one, was well sustained by tinllfl!apel choir and a number of friends who Save their assistance. j„ feST-—Mr. E. B. Reece, borough coroner, held st*n V>est at Roath Police Station into the circuin- 8 attending the death of Catherine Regan, 3^ 2^Ve months, daughter of Michael Regan, of Ui9 c, 't°Q-street. The evidence went to show that "d had been strong and healthy from il? t° bg the 13th inst., whe.n6lie did not appear i her usual health. Lu.b!>ut 4,pO !I..tn. oii the 4 ve ",st- she had a fit and died shortly afterwards.; lct of "Death frow natural causes'' was s-i■■ yiv.. -■ • < the Kution OF PRIZES.—On Friday afternoon attending theufcrrangetown National s> lumbering 400, W.ere given a tea by the sb^ ifer8 and friends. In the evening the rector, ^'t>bi Saulez, assisted by the Rev. R. ks tevP^a' Presented the pupils with valuable books ^or reSular attendance, and beautifully feceo nated certificates for successfully passing tha Was exa"t>ination. A large number of parents cKi^Sent' and between the distribution gave an impromptu entertainment, nS of part scng?. simultaneous recitations, 4l»dieW was highly appreciated by the teapi1106' The Rector congratulated the head ^rs- Willinott and Mr. Davies, upon the attained at the examination, and urged lion Ie parents the necessity for their co-opera- 4v the teachers. ^0WIKU CLUB.—The financial state- list this club for the year ending 31stof January the It¡ 11 JU1!t been printed a.nd circulated among fibers, who now number over 100. There e"Cit in the working expenses of £ 91 12s. 6d., ^isidering tliat tne club was not formed that ^le season had well advanced last year, and everytlnng had been bought new, its position (j. 't be regarded as satisfactory. There will, j.^tless, be a large increase of members this year, aitliough the course at Llandaff is none of the the club with its augmented strength should bern Out some crews worthy of the town. It has 1t en decided by the committee to hold club races pearly date. Llan PRIZK COMPETITION.—A prize of £ 5, of were published in Y Llan of We'Uj- 's offered for the best five articles in t)n On" The Claims of the Church in Wales t. the People in Wales." eeb.4.NGLICAL ALLIANCE.—On Tuesday evening a 4t in connection with this association was the lccture-rqom of t^te- Young Men's *"• Lan • •^•asoc'ation,t., Mary-street, -Cardiff. nin aWls Williams presided, and in his Hjck f marks regretted the sparse attendance, *ct th t6 "elieved could t^- ^ccou n t^jd. for by. the fliauo t^ie aim and principles of the Evangelical '6Ute 6 Were imperfectly understood in the town. Field, the secretary of the Yy U'en delivered an address on The History v- statpli achieved by the Evangelical Alliance." ?ethe. ^lat the primary object was to bring *&ri0ll r a^' Christian people, not to unite the encourage brotherly love ch f Christian believers. Wherever a a^(J bg 0 the alliance had taken root much good effected. At the present time there were g, ass°ciations in KngJaudand Wales. During ^'veu |} ^.w° years no less tlian 3,000 persons had 6ti ,le'r adhesion to the principles which he .kftet.,vyc,eavouring to propagate. The meeting was addressed by various ministers and tha 'andthe proceedings terminated after a vote iel^i had been passed to Lieutenant-General to Parker, a labourer, employed a dock now in course of construction by 0|1 tle'son and Company, met with a sad acci- pd 0f Tuesday morning. Whilst at work in the ^tUr. 6 dock a quantity of mud fell upon him, his arm in several places, and also Ns lnjuring hi9 right hip. The injured man to the Infirmary and detained.— th6 1 .orth, aSed 26, a labourer, was admitted „ ,^nfirmary on Tuesday evening suffering ^8 to °^en leg, caused by a fall whilst attempt- get over a gate near Barry. °RGANSHIRE AND MONMOUTHSHIRE iN- and DISPENSARY. — State of register 'Week ending April 14 r — Remaining admitted during the week, 21 Jl ^°ufe^ an re^eved» 28; died, 1; remaining in h 0. tjfe> 18; number of out-patients on the books, edical officers for the week—Physician, W. ards, M.D.; surgeon, C. T. Vachell, M.D. r^bg S? visitors for the week:—Messrs. T. W. ,*homas Reynolds, and J. H. Wilson.— k^rv fl Coleman, secretary. Books for the Wer8, old blankets, calico, and linen will T'o Filled valuable presents to the Institution. tW>j^RitERS and all those to whom it may con- i4g lavages of birds and insects may be prevented Sol OorapD." Sold in cans at 3s. 6a. and 7s. agents for South Wales, Perkin Bros, and ao"gers, 53, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. ei n04. NEWPORT.




























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Family Notices








