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gESSWNS n:Vi> | CANAL WHAJVF EAST, I CARDIFF. AND S9CIS, GLOUCESTER, ) MANUFACTURERS OF BN'AMELLE# SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, I OIfiMNEY PIECES,. BATHS, URINALS, HALL TABLES MOULDINGS, &c. 'HZ* MKBAI, SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL Kxjiijmoy ii79, 6.1'08 raar ORDER OF MERIT MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1111. •lALBXf IN ALL KIITD8 OF KCHJtLSG MATS RIALS. XLLVSTSATBO PKICJSS OX APPLICATION. 7742c R^ILOSE 0 F "Y I s I T. BirfrirBNT PHYSICIANS HIGHLY RKCOMMEND THE 81\1 A G NET A I R E (Protected by Royal Letters Patent) POR THE PREVENTION, RELIEF, AND CURE OF DIOEASE. M R' LON S D ALE, M.E., lnvent,or and Patentee of the MAGNETAIRB,' IS NOW RE-VISITING CARDIFF, AMD MAY BE DAILY CONSULTED FREE OF CHARGE FOR ONE WEEK MORE, At his Private Consulting Rooms at Mil. J. LONG'S, PHOTOGRAPHER, 63, CROCK fIE RBTOW N, UNTIL SATURDAY, JANUARY 24. 18c5, rf he will give Advice as to the Application of ive Electricity, and Explain the Principles of his MI. Magnetaire" Appliances, of which he has a Assortment, suitable tor every part of the body. HOURS OF ATTENDANCE:— Ten to One, Two to Five, and Six to Eight. A 32-page Pamphlet containing Testimonials, Price List, and full particulars, Free on application. The following are selected from a mass of testimony in possession of the Patentee CARDIFF TESTIMONIALS ASTHMA. 67,Crockherbtown, Cardiff, Jan, 13, 1885, Dear Sir,—For a long time I suffered from periodi- cal at tacks of asthma, which occurred after every slight culd. I purchased your "Magnetaire" ap- pliances, and am ihaukful to say I am in receipt of very yreat bent-fit. I can, therefore, recommend your system of treatment. Yours sincerely, CRAS. GOOD, Fish and Fruit Salesman. Mr. R. Lonsdale. INDIGESTION, BILrOUS AND LIVER COMPLAINT. Cardiff Rope Works, Penarth-road, Gr*ngetown, CaiUiff, Jan. 8,18t(5. Dear Sir,—For this last 25 years I have been a great sufferer from the above-mentioned (JOMPIaints, anu I wish to express my greatest satisfaction, and to testiiy to the benefit that I have derived from your" Magnetaire appliance which J purchased from vou some weeks back, and I must say that since I have had the pleasure of wearing it I have not been troubled with my old and inconvenient complaints. I can eat and digest my food with com- fort, and, as regards my strength, it is about double. You are at liberty to make this statement public for the benefit of others similarly afflicted.—Kespectf uily yours, SAMUEL WAUtiH. Mr. R. Lonsdale. IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. BROISCHiTIS AND HKAKT DISEASE. 28, Windsor-road. Cardiff, Dec. 17th, 1834. Dear Sir,—For many years I have been suffering from bronchitis and heart disease, and although I have consulted with several physicians and tried mitny remediea I have received very little benerit from them. A few weeks ago I bought one of your" Magne- taire appliances, and am glad to tell you that I bav. derived much benefit, from it. I am, yours respectfulIr, JOHN EVANS. Mr. B. Lonsdale. WWTIMONIAL FROM THE REV. R. H. DIGNUM. Neville Cottage, Pearl-st,reet, Roath. Cardiff, Nov. 24, 1884. My dear Sir,-For the third time 1 nave great pleasure in bearing testimony to the continued benefit I receive from wearing your a-Imii-ably "Magnetaire Belt. To me its effects are simple oomfoninland delightful. I can eat and digestiuy food with comfort. That terrible nervous action with which I was troubled for years has been sub- dued. For months togei her I have been free from It. I also find tiie "Magnetaire" Soles a perfect luxury. The appliances are a blessing indeed to me for the last two years. I wish you success in your •(forts to benefit suffering humanity. I shall be glad to answer any questions which anyone may oesire to ask me upon the matter with gratitude for the good I have myself received.—With very kind regards, I remain, Dear Mr. Lonsdale, Yours most faithfully, ROBERT HAYDON DIGNUM. To Mr. Lonsdale. WEAK LEGS. NUMB FEET, SWOLLEN ANKLE, AND WEAKNESS OF THE VOICE. 214, Pearl-street, Reath, Nov, 17tli, 1884. Dear Sir,-Some years ago I had an attack of eholera, which left a thorough weakness in my legs, numbness in feet, and swollen ankle, causing pain and greatly Inconveniencing me in getting about. 1 am pleaaed to tell you that after wearing the Belt and Soles I purchased of you during your last visit a few hours I began to feel au improvement, and after a week's trial the change was wonderful; my legs were altogether stronger, the swelling of ankie had gone down, feet free from numbness, and the circulation restored through my body. I found a great improvement also in my voice, which was very weak; can now speak stronger, although it is ten years since my voice broke down. I am highly satisfied with what your Appliances have done. and that) always recommend them with confidence in any similar case.—Yours truly, JOHN TAYLOR, Builder. Mr. R. Lonsdale. CRAMP AND RHEUMATISM. 157, Bute-road, Cardiff, Nov. 1, 1884. Sir,—In answer to your inquiry about the Magnetaire" that I purchased of you during your last visit to Cardiff, I am glad to say it has done me great good, especially in removing Rheumatism and Cramp, and soothing the several complaints that come with age. I also have known several who have worn the Magnetaire," and in every case it has relieved or cured them. If a rich person or two were to club a few stray sovereigns together and purchase some of your appliances, and give them to the poor and needy, who cannot buy such earthly blessings, they could say hereafter, They were sick, and 1 visited them. If any person wishes to know more about the appliances they may call on me, and I can give them some practical experience. Respectfully yours, GEuRGE SADLER, Artist. Mr. R. Lonsdale. MR. LONSDALE HAS NO AGENTS. fKR APPLIANCES CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS IN CARDIFF, AND ARE STAMPED "MAGNitTAIXR." L ONSDALE AND CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 447, "WEST .STRAND, LONDON. 60627 L N G E R'S SEWING AC MINES j r). A irnitted, by the Verdict of the Public, to be UNEQUALLED I OB MCITY,DURABILITY, AND SUPERIORITY OF STITCH. FROM 24 4s.; 10 per Cent. Discount for Cash. ON HIRE, 2s. 6D. PER WEEK, WHll OPTION OF PUR CHASE. KCTION CORDIALLY INVITED. on Free. Price Lists Gratis. GOLD MEDAL (HIGHEST AWARD) INTERNATIONAL HEALTH EXHIBITION, 1884. MORE THAN 600,000 I RINGER'S gEWING jyjACIlINES SOLD ANNUALLY. CAOTIOf —To prevent deception buy no Machine un- as it (wars the Ooukpaay's ftuss Nams, bjJNGBR." T kiL, gING E ft jyj" ANUFACTURING QOMPANY. MA9iQ«uxtrr FOR GRBAT BRITAIN 39, FOSTER-LANE, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. B&.f.JfC][ ODICQ Itt THIN DISTRICT:- 1, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR. 8, CARDIFF-ROAD, ABERAMAN, ABERDARE. 7tL33c MESSRS. YOUNG and PERRY, tYJL DENTAL SURGEONS. 7, PARX-aT.,BtUsTOL Professional Atteii.i-inees—CARDIFF — 1st and 3rd If SDNSSDA Y in e month, from 11.30 to 6.30 a m A BBDWKLLlT Iwi.cUS, bb, CROCiHE RBTOWN Next Visits, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 7th and 21st. BXH>«UfD—1st THURSDAY in every month at 22. Oareiine-etreet, from 9 to 2.30 p.m. Next Visit, February 6th. OOffMBlXHtB—3rd THURSDAY in every raouth at Mr. J. TBOM.l.iI'liJ. Chemist, from 9.30 to2.3up.iu. Next rialt, Jauuary 15th. OUmOW- 1st and 3rd THURSDAY, 5 to 7 p.m.; Eld and 4th THURSDAY, 11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. in every ■Math, at 1. BEAUPOET-SQUARK. A Vacancy for a Pupil. TVANIEL OWEN & CO.'S A li C U RAILWAY TIMFt TABLES, the only one pllb- lished In Wales, price Id. 2a. per annum lied by post. J Aino ivnt, uariiifl. O CHWEITZER'S COCOATINA Anti-Dyspeptic Ctcta er Chocolate Powder. GCTARANTEEN PURE SOLUBLE ceCfH, ut the finest qnality, with the excess of fat extracted, The iaculEyproneunceit "the most nutritious, perfectly digestible beverage for Breakfast, Luncheon, or Supper, and invaluable for Invalids and Children." HIGHLY CeMMKNBNB BY THE KNTIKJC MUDLCAI. PRKSS. Being without sugar, spice, or other admixture, It suits all palates, keeps for years in all climates, and is four times the strength of COCOAS THICKENED yet WKAKENKP ■vith Arrowroot, Starch, Ac., and IN RTCALITIR CMJCAPEK than such Mixtures. Made instantaneously with bailing water, a teaspoonfui to a Breakfast Cup, easting less than a halfpenny. CEEOATIRRA ± LA ANIIXIE Is the most delicate,cliges- tible, cheapest Vanilla Chocolate, and may be taken when richer Cliocelate is prohibited. In Tins at Is. 6d., 3s., 5s. 6d., ic., by Chemists and Sroceis. 37224 JQINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, D INNEFOltD'S FLTJII) MAGNESIA. INNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAG- NES1A. J.J' NRSfA. DtlNNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, F»r acidity of the Stomach. For Heartburn and Headache. Far Gout and Indigestion. D" INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. Safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitutions. Ladies, Children, andlnfants. OF ALL CWKMI8TS. 7950? LEA In consequence of Imitations of Lea k Perrins' Sauce, which are calculated to deceive the Public, PERRINS' LEA and PERRINS 11 beg to drawattention to the fact that A.UCE, each bottle of the original and Genuine Worcestershire Sauce bears their Signature on the label, LEA WORCESTERSHIRE 4 SAUCE. PERRINS' Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London and Export Oilmen geiie- SAUCE. rally. Retail by Dealers throu^i'our J the World. 7878o CoLMAN'S M U S T A R D.






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