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EPITOME 'F NEWð. , -----'-'------.'--,..,--..-----I


EPITOME 'F Terrifrc weatrer *.3 r r--wd bv i realiels I a tea. a* r ->p iu^t 157 head of catcle oct 73. The Duke of qh ai.:>d at "i,J.C5 Cross from Paris by Jo^tiaaut U mail train pa Monday mcrni: g. The Princess Louise >a to embark from Live/pool, on her retard to Canada, oa Tnacaday week next. A fire occurred cn 3atar'v in the hemp stores of Greeton and Co.. Brirllletown, Glasgow. Damage is estimated at teverai thousand pounds. The Duke of Cambridge has remitted 15 per cent, on the whole of the last year's rents of the tenants on his Coombe estates. Kr, William Wilson, pablio registrar for Dun- fermline, was burnt to death on Monday, through his dothex igniting whilo sitting before the fire. By a boiler explosion' at Ormekirk a man tos killed and several wound-d. The man #aa hurled 100 feet and over an adjoining corn mill 50 feet high. The building was wrecked. A Liverpool jury, on Monday, returned a verdict against a weekly teetotal paper for noa completion of an agreement to ir q, ct a series of advertise- ment* for a Liverpool wile merchant. In consequence of indisposition Vioe-Chancellor Hall was nnable to take 1:18 seat on the bench on Monday morning. His k rdship is suffering from sciatica. Hospital collections we-e made in the Liverpool churches on danday. Some of the amounts were exceedingly large. rhe Unitairan Chapel, rtenaha* street, heads the list with .£486. Sir Robert and Lady t bercromby have made a present of pheasants, har^s, fowls, duck*, a bam, tongue, jelly, &j., for the patients of tne Oanoer Hospital, Brompton. Tlle Address to the Oovn in an 4 wer to the Speech from the Throce will be oioved in the House of Lords by th E»rl of Otolo-v, and Seconded by tha ElAorl of rcosao. Lord Tenterden, K.C B, permanent Under Secretary of State for F, elgn ",ft .lr. 4"4 mar- riedtoMrs. Rowoiifi'e, &"• "> d. danover square, on Tuesday ..i The Lord. Mayor of Y->?k aunmu.).^ -iat, in consequence cf eewss ul'->s». c« >-< ooli^ed to postpone the barqu?t at wo-t,,h tlon. James Lowther "tte to ha e a_> ke The Shotton Col:: ;ry, T'e,> S.ldl ovnadby the Haawell Shottou a d -E Ooal ani Coke Company* wteioh b een "lo,e I for nre than two yeare, will be is (I,l, vok » 'ev days, emploJ:nll,<>Cu m ju a;.d bo.y.». A French official loxers redneed tli- --lr?ej .id ,f U8t year to 25,769 552 hectolitres. So pc-r iVeld ha3 not been known since 1,5 wheo oidium prevailed extensively among t:- e Fr« ch vi L e, The "Central NHWB cnat the steam ar Arrogon, of tie Bristol 3 N-w Y r« L u., about whioh an unfounded ruir <ar »*■ -I v smarted of her havicg feundered a ee* ar.tv d s»fely ia New York at 10 o'clock a Mon aj W,-Ui The master coctoa inLe, i, ,t i-s lr,o i aiet on Monday, ard resclved tl it. ica-fiiuoi s tne r41 of reducticnsii; thedistri t hid o •• ;A ici m)unt and the deprt aii. u oi hi haa Uewaere, the applics-ic, of thi op r.ttiv ti tot a 10 pr cent. advance be refused. At a oeerisg held a* Lo« d resi- dence, i.oncon, of Thost- iaterented ir.r jaotiug the well being of WOa'f'£ lesoiat-ions T-ira adopted estabHshirg a ecciety so pwmow "emigra- tion of women. A p" jyi»i > £ ji-> i.mittee ivad appointed. His Royal Highnaea "-e Pri ce of VValaa hag appointed LieutensSt-C lwelSa-id veli a. Clarke to the poat of Grand Si of tho. Freemasons, vacant by the rei<igr:a.ti"il d Yir. J hn Bervey, in consequence oi eer.ous and lorg,c-)ntinuel illness. The women on strike "t Bradford h.ld a denoi- stration on Mcncay n, jrrirg ia o ;n-c j'lenoe jf the employers refu^icsr to grnt an iuor^ase in their w?ges. Fiae of he yri^-ip.; uidia have been compelled to at ?p iu cou^vqi^'ica of the strike. Messrs. Samuel Sate 'ifaand Sen- milli, Valle, road. Bladfor( Tare oomoi znly destroyed by tire on Monday m, rning. One workman was killed in jumping from me of the appr windows, and another was se^io- -sly injured. rho damage is estimated at £ 50,(X j. A correspondent of she Ne¡¡,: York Herald writes to say that one of ci a sors of the late Charges Dickens, Francis J. )ickens, ia an inspector in the Canadian Nor h-West Mounted Police, and is now stationed at Fe Walsh, wriere he has been for the paat four ye ..v. A destructive five cccarred early "n Tuesday morning at the ez^neive drapery and houstj furnishing premia". f Messrs Mansergiaad Son, Mackey place, Lan '<ter. Damage was done to the steck to the -rount of several thoasand poin ds, acd the bu :i:¡g was much injured. The funeral of ;\57, E W. Cooke, R.A., F.R,3., .took place rn Sftt v i-iy at G» com bridge Church, near Tunbridge We, 1. A par:y of fri-nds of the deceased left Londui in special carriages attached to the 12 o'clock tzain from Charing Cross to attend the oeremor.y. AD alarming explosion occurred or Sunday in Xvbel's Explosive Works, Redding, near Faifcirk, by which the roof of a large porr, ja of the worka was blown into the air. The report was heard for miles. Fortunately no one was injured. Several explosions have previously occurred at the woika. The Queen received on Sunday wita very grea^ regret the anEoaiiCeirent of the death of the War* of Roden. one cf tltJ. iords in waitii g, and son ani sole surviving chili cf the Viscountess Jocelyn, for xrany years ore of the iadies of the bed- chamber, who euj';cj'<>J th" Queen's coafidjnce and fiieiidship. The Rrverue E-»tirrES from the 1 t of April to th.. 1mh itsst. amrcntiiiO to J&50 601,3\)0 a.3 agiicst ^657 28-1 710 in tS <■; cc -rsspoaduj^ pcr:od of last fear. Customs. *15 £ 5)0,000 aga n-t j3io, T23.00O; excipp, ^gsinst ^10,85-9 000; »t»aipsf £ 7,494.000, seaicEt Jt8 160 000 j-coperty and in- come Ux, i3,04 oi against 278, Kt). The half-yearly tr• g if h., haretoldets of the Imperial Bank ■was held London on Tuesday after noon, Sir Acdry w Lnsk, MP, presiding. T he net pro fit for appropriation ias about X2 out of which a divioecd at the rata of 6 per cent. per atinum was declared, and a balance of £ 5,76? carried forward. The repcrt waR adopted. The Pritce of Walashas jest commaaicated to the ehairman of the directors of tie Dtóvon County School, West Buckland, bis congra'uiatioaa on the fact that the head Junior scholarship, recently offered for competition by the Royal Agricultural Society, has been won by a pupil of that school. The Queen has sent by the Hon. Alexander Yoike her portrait and autograph to Mrs. Webo, of Ledbury, who recently celebrated hir li.ildt birthday- The Queen expressed her desire to receive a photog aph of Mrs. Webb in return. Mrs. Webb is the widow of the late Mr. Thomas Webb, banker, of I "dbury, and sister to .he late Sir Joaeph Thackwell. Cn Saturday morning the men in a chalk pit at Milton, near Si t^ngbourne, were getting the material out of the bottom of the cutting when a large slip suddenly occarred from the top of the pit, burying two young men, named Whitehead and Mudge. The former was dead when extri. cated, and Mndge was so seriously hurt that hu recovery ia thought impossible. Mr. Baxter Scowcroft, of the firm of Scowcroft and Sons, Kearley, at whose pit the seven m a were killed by an explosion on Christmas Eve, was charged at Bolton on Monday with neglecting to withdraw men from a dangerons part of the pit. The prosecution was ordered by the Home Secre- tary. The Bench dismissed the case on tie ground of insufficient evidence of neglect. fhe Queen's berch on Tuesday decided, in the case of the 8cuth Eastern Railway against tue Bailway Commissioners and the Hastings Corpo- ration, that the Kailway Commissioners hive no power to order the construction of nvw structural works. The Lord Chief Justice and Jus tice Manisty corcnrrecbin this judgment, bat Justice Lush took the opposite view. The annual meeting of the British Orphan Aejium was held in Lond n on Tuesday, I-r. Sherift Woollaton pre¿j¿; g The report stated that the Queen bad tele Co tuat institution as the first one ot which the i .r ce. a Beatrice would be benefactress, and had forwarded £350 to entire her Royal Highnesa to always have one child n the school. The JimpressEogecie ha intimated to the Union Stefi,m8hip Cote par. y her i: entign to embark ii their mail steamer lioraan a the 26th ot Haroh next, accompanied by several ladiei and -atl^m -a <1 a retinue of servants, fcr the p irpose of yiaic- g Zululand and the st)oi; where her son wj.3 j™ed- In order to allow her Majesty to reacH her tination by June 1, the vessel, after calling at Cap&tTcwn, will proceed direct to Natal. The Prince of Wales left Hughenden Manor on lu esc ay afternoon, and proceedlUfoI to Wyoombe Station, left by the ordinary 4 7 train f jr Padding, ton. Mr. Montague Corry attended hia iioy U Highness to the Btation. Notwithstanding a heavy snowfall there wae a large concourse of persons present to witness the departure of the Prince, who was warmly cheered as he drove through the station yard. Great excitement prevailed at Bradford on Saturday, owing ro tae atrike of mill hands. Nearly 2,0(0 Jeq, pmcipaUy young people, and representing ieadimg firms, paraded the streets, eitgmg We have no work to do." Stoie-throwing ciffi^-DCed, and the mills and Warehouses were strongly gaardeaby the borough constabulary. The empluyea aak for an of wages, which has been refused by the masters. The liquidators of the C'ty of Glasgow Bank have arranged tb" actions oetween the creditors of the bank and Mr. Potter one of the direotors, who is at present in prison. This arrangement gives up to the liquidators the whole of Mr. Potter's private estate and Mrs. potter s a coun- ties, amounting to upwards of £ 180.000, exceP^I°5' however, ^630,000, of 'which a little over ^b,000 goes to Mrs. Potter, and the balance to the creditors of Messrs. Potter, Wilson, and Co. The scrutineers recently appointed by the con- tributors to the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh to **amine the voting papers given for the gentlemen and lady candidates to fill the vacanoies in the ust of managers met on Monday. The result of their investigation at owed that the two lady candi- !w!*l ,M!t and Miss Wigham, were « h»viog40 and 44 votes reaoectively men < £ & £ ? £ ot the aix BUCCeBtifui +awr>^8P°BdeSt ?f the Standard at Pasth, telegraphicg oa Sunday ni«ht savs 4 w fo»i?ht yesterday between Baron M^ythenyi and P^liameat and eS of a Hungarian political daily pap9r. The latter mortally wourded a pia6oi 8hot> Xhe event has caused a great sensation, and is severely commented ot by c a« whola of the prsss. M. V i rhovay, wV » paths bed some 'articles repp^cting the c.>u of a r^l^tive of hia sdver. anry in certain j,o</nc matters of bauaesa "Flis gr ',ie«»lv prcvf'l f-.i v :>/e .a'?.- <• « vfJi-siiotva fii-fjc- sfcot *1 v i* ? i-i PmT>i papers have s>„ "fd s t I ..jon t this n. uuu 01 te- Mr. Horace Covcland, o! Hayle, has died fz7oz the eff.eta cf a singular accident While siog tte degs tuimd out a t x, and ch-.=ed it in:j a pit. A £ erc« tight ear. ted, and Mr. Copal sad jumped ipno tbe pit, at d, clubbing hta gun; aimed a DJOW at the fox, waic-li he misled. T.VI stock (I the gui etruvk the gro?.sd, )ro¡n off, and b« tn barrels exploded, striking Mr. Copeland fcetwe* n the ribi? acd hip. Two cases of breaking intohonees haveoeourred rectntiy at Blackwood. The first plaoe broken into wae the shop of Mr. H. Wolfe, ciothier and outfitter, which was entered by the back door, an entrance beicg effected by breaking a pace of glass and uncoicg the bolt. A quantity of wearing appaiel sad taken away. The other house was that of Miss Rebecca Bees, Penllyn Bach Cottage, which entered while she was in the village collecting rents. The Registrar General's return for the week endirg Saturday last shows the average rate of mortality to have baen 24 per 1,000, Oldham, 16 Norwich and Leicester, IS Leeds, Brighton, Bradford, and Portsmouth, 20; Sheffield, Sunder- land, and Newcastle-on-Tyne, 21; Edinburgh and Salford, 22 Nottingham, Birmingham, Wolver- hamptcn, and Glasgow, 23; London, Manchester, and Hull. 25 Bristol, 26 Liverpool, 28 Ply- mouth, 35; Dublin, 41. Hugh Martin, formerly a farmer, was ordered by the Chepetow magistrates to pay 57s, or in default of distress one month's hard labour, for Lbe illegal poseessiou of nearly 2,000 holly treeø. which it appeared were intended for whip stocks. A fortnight ago a man named Stidder was fined for the unlawful possession of over 600 suoh trees. The magistrates said that the destruction whioh the acts of the defendant represented was villainous. At the inquiry into the death of Thomas Sibley, whose body was found in the river Brent on Satur- day last, Dr. Andrews stated that the deceased died partly from the loss of blood consequent upon the mutilation, and partly from drowning. He would leave the jury to say whether the wounds were self-inlficted or not. Dr. Bond inclined to the belief that the mutilation was self-inflicted. The Coroner thought they coald not carry the case further, and after a very lengthy discussion, the jury returned a verdict of suicide. The Aylesbury Dairy Company have issued a notice to the effect that their process for pre- serving butter is still only known to themaelve*, and wid remain so until the results ot certain ex- haustive experiments are ascertained. Thi-I caution they state has been rendered necessary oa account of certain vendors of food-preserving compounds h&virg spread reports that the com- pany's new method of preserving butter ia by thv) use of gliciaiiiie. boracic aoid, aud salicylic acid, which reports they declare are entirely withou; foundation. The grand jury at the Central Criminal Court, Lor den, on Tuesday returned a true bill against James Lewia Paiiie and Fanny Matthews for the wiiiul murder of the udy named Annie, nee Fanny M teau, by the administration of raw alcoholic spirit*. Shortly afterwards an application was made cn behalf of the prisoners by Mr. Robert SVuiidirs and Mr. Brooks f,)r a poBtponament of the trial u l next sessions, in order to allow time for preparation of the defence. Mr. E. Noland, on teiialt of the Crown, offered no objection, and the cafce was ordered to stand over as desired. An accident occurred on Tuesday night at the New tmHlt Railway Station, as the 4.15 p.m. traia from Liverpool came into the station. The driver did not sufficiently slacken speed, and the oou. sequtcce sas that an engine which wia standing nearly at the end of the London departure plat- form qaa struck, but fortunately not with mac i violence. By the collision this engine was driven agc- ist fome empty carriages, one of wnich was greatly damaged. Three passengers in the Liver- peel treiia were injured, but none of them seriously. Our West Bromwioh correspondent telegraphs "Tbe ucirement aroused last week by tna re- ported disappearance of a young woman from the Black Ccnntry has increased sitoe it has been ascertained that another girl, named Elizabeth Pace who resided with her mother-in-law at Greet'a Green, West Bromwich, ia missing. She left tbe house on the 5th inaiant, intimating that she was going to Birmingham to seek a situation, and that she would return the same night. Her frier-de naturally expected that she would do so, but rothin,. has been seen or heard of her sinoe her departure. Notwithstanding the measures for the institu- tion of new proceedings, with a view of depriving the Rev, Mr. Mackonochie, of St. Alban's, of his ecclesiastical "faculties," the services on Sunday were conducted with the usual cere- monial." Mr. Mackonochie, robed in white chasuble, officiated lighted candles were placed on the altar, and the celebrant was atten- ded by acolytes clad in Boutanes and surplices. The Rev. Mr. Stanton preached, bat no allusion wbatever waa made to the new proceedings, of which no official notification has been received by Mr. Mackonochie. The congregation was an exceedingly large one. In the Probate Court, on Tuesday, a case Clome before Sir James Hannen involving the q 116Stion. of the right of the Prince of Wales to the pro- perty of persons dying intestate in the Duchy of Cornwall which has hitherto been taken by the Crcwn. Mr, Charles Hall, Attorney-General for the Ducby of Cornwall, applied for letters of administration of Mr. Thomaa Canning, of Penrhyn, widower, who died intestate in January, 1877. An affidavit relating to correspondence with the Treasury on the subject was handed iu, and Sir James Hannen, considering the evidence sufficient to establish the Prince's right, granted the application. The Economist, under the heading The ba- gir-nirg of the end," has the foilowiag:—\ circular bas been forwarded from 11 experienced clerks of the late West of Eaglaad Bank whi h&ve been employed since the failure of that concern by the official liquidatori, whose tempo- rary engagements with them will shortly termi. nate, and who, in consequence, seek other empicym-ent as clerks. We can rarely notka matters of this description, tut as in this caaa the applicants have lost iheir situations uadar vorj peculiar circumstances we treat it exceptionally. The circular is dated from the West of England Bank, Bristol. I The unusual circumstanoe of a college fira occurred at Balliol on Monday afternoon, which caused considerable excitement, although only of momentary character. It appears that soma j bedding and clothing that had been placed by tha college scout before a fire in the top front room of No. 6 back quad, fronting the Martyrs' Memorial, fell into the fire and caused a dense body of smoke to issue from the window into the street. The servants of the college managed to get the fit a nncer without the aid of the engines. The damage was only trifling, the building being firaproof, a4 are most of the new buildings at Oxford. Ail instance of a whole college being burnt down exiiti in the record of the university, namely, Hertford, some 50 years since. The King of Italy haa conferred upon He. Samuel Smiles the rank of Chevalier of Sainti Maurice and Lazare as a token of his Majesty's appreciation of your very valuable works and the insignia of the Order have been forwarded to Mr. Smiles, alocg with a complimentary lettor from Count Yiaone, Minister of the Household. The well-known worka of Mr. Smiles have been translated into Italian, and have proved of muca service by Betting before the Italian youth I examples of Belf-help, industry, and thrift. Oc the book called "Self Help," 50,000 copies have been eold, in its complete form, in Italy, and it has also been condensed into a little volame-doli at the book. stalls along the streets for 15 centeeimi- under the title of "Ajutati cha Dio t'ajuta." The master of the Horsham Workhouse made a complaint to the last meeting of the board of guardians against the chaplain, the Rev. J. F, Coles. The master stated that on questioning a female inmate as to the cause of a large hole in her apron, she said that the chaplain had recently administered the sacrament to her, and in doing eo had Bpilt some of the wine on her apron. Ia consequence of this the chaplain Baid the part of the apron where the atain was had become consecrated," and he must cut it out asd deposit it in a box at Roffey Church. The guar. dians expressed strong disapproval of the chaplain's conduct, and gave directions that he should be informed that they considered he had no excuse whatever for mutilating workhouse pro- perty in such a manner. The general committee of the Land Law Reform Convention, to be held on February 10 at St. James's Ball, London, have issued a circular stating that the immediate object of the conven. tion is to agree upon a platform and the establishment of a land law reform league. Already several large organisations, including the Durham miners, the Kent and Sussex agricultural labourers, the Labour Protection League, the Lincolnshire Agricultural Labourers' Associa- tion, various branches of many trade societies, &cd a large number of Metropolitan political associations have ftiven in their adhesion to the movement. The National Reform Union cf Manchester have decided to send delegates to represent that important organisation, and it is hoped many of the affiliated bodies will also co. operate. Legislative action respecting the land la <s being shortly inevitable, the importance of t,L e movement is strongly urged,








































