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eA VED FROM THE WRECK: L A SUKVlVOKri STOKY. lie wretk ur tao Birktnhead, the story of *hkii was toid last w*ek, suggests the tale of the 1069 oi tho W w" iuuiaji itia.il stvam pocket Tweed, which was > %reoked on a reef ou the ooaat of ~Vucaia.n. T'ie -vessel and cargo v/tre destroyed ■jiviosI u'#taDiatt<BOU9ly, a»<i seventy-wo of the •5 cresv and pe singer* perished tine or the j*<«fcnger3 published u narrative o: The suffer- a of the survivor <• and their ultimate rescue, i. fording one of the moat impressive histories in the annals of maritime disaster. V roru this ^am-tive the following is greatly abriagwi •pha T« i;«i W;c. a vesael ot 1,300 tou« burden I iL and 500 horse-pow er. >2a* left Havannah early ÐU the 3th of February for .Yfoieo, havwwf on board sixty-two pa-angers, including two .ladies arid a female servant, a new, including engin^-er*, and stewzur^eas, to the number of eighty-tiiiEe—in all 151 ulj. ine- com- jnaoder Mr Parsons. The cargo fcom- L nriset! the mailrf from England. 1,115 bottles f of quicksilver (vani'-d at £ 18,000), other t Badcagyfc, und a lajv*. (quantity of ooul& & F Oncer'* steamer at Vera Cruz The ship was t j{,p mi the water. For two days they had flStpsrienced a. tremcTnioua norther, and on Thursday the weather wan dark and rough; no > aolar observations t-ould be taken. Auouthalf- k. eai>: three on the moremg of Friday, the 12t.i, while the oommarider was pacing die deck, and the Mtp was under full steam, with sails set, one of the look-out men -xdaiu:ed, Breekera s abend The engine* were put back. and the 1 lielm wito turned hard a starboard, but the r. ship went on ahead ;'iid grounded. The writer of I the narrirtive jumped out of bed. snatched some clothes. and ran en deck, and through the I mLoani he the line ot wh:t<- breakers ahead, £ away right ami left, Mr. Parsers was a-sked. "W}I;1i danger, captain? He re- '■' alted, "Never fear, #h*'a going actern. lie •lust ha- -< meant the engtHeb, for the sh*p hor- > self never did us ill a few seconds more she f w«nS ciash on -U reef. She went over a little I to leeward on first *trikm«. theu upnsfht, and, b^ntr raised bv the. swell, the wav f aroely ott SW v°t she svain ora^hr-! on the rocks with all Iter weight This fairly to da*hher whale bottom in, sending the machinery, boilers, and funnel up with a ierk some inches. I he engines stepped, tho steam ssc-apmg m clouds. The pa*sentfers and orevv now crowded on dectv, some almost naked. oid but few dressed. On jrtrikitiK the second time the ship swung broad "*i (port) side on Uie reef, and then fell ov-r to windward. The sea then -truck her, carrying +wmx Id a moment, a.; ;f Jh-.y were feathers, the 1 cnt^er mall boat, and ui.izy asfcrn. The scene *t tl us moment wa'1 tnilv 1wfn! The night was i vesy dark, and -piewng mid. Everywhere mixht be seen iadrndtw-ls -Imging with alt their •"«*W«gth, ?otne to mas' others to the sides, skyh^ite, se-ats, boat, and riisgjnjr, the sea ssshkiuflf a L-r^€u>h over Jl. At this time T. wad •v. th& captain, 3ud .-aid, "\Miat is to be l* A>ne' He .-aid caln.h, "Hold on till day- I* liffM, if possible, as I hope she will keep to- il ttethei till then.'0 The funnel fell over to I Tjpindward. The leasts were ^e^ to shake like ■willows, and Mr. Par- ')! •• cal'cl for "a knife" to cg4 them away. No'iody had one until at i laat yotn<»thtii? like penknife was found. The iinyarda were out, and the mast* went over. Tfca two remaining boats on the v k( «rde, already filled with people, weld not be iscTcd, and could not luve lived. No on. knew urhers? ttie ?!up v as, but supq[x*ied r jt tu be off the coast of v ueatan. The vessel was breaking awav uni:■.•;• the feet; no land in 8gbt. M\d some riughi i*< heard uferintr short f prayer Half an hour ai; er the first alarm The Ship Broke to Pieces. 1\* bosits were lower,• and drifted astem, but they were without oars, and had 1._0 much danaaijed when swinging at the ship's side, full of aen..One Tt,<«re sea s*'nt. all the after-part of xhf "hip. boats auu ail. Hying iii a thoneand ^k-ees, ana all that had remained out were tfOBtterei in the sea. The writer recollects being Jdted. with the capWm ai'd a few others, on a part of the ship's aide, to which the netting was attached, with tha water up to our breasts. A fearful cry was hstrd, ajid the mptain said, "011, thoee poor men in the teats; they are 0me I God have mercy on them All waa •till. In a moment morr it seemed as if tons of br*tken wocxl were hurled on the top of us, and We Wert scattered and Juried beneath the wavee. Then came a fearful etioking stru^gie with oUath-he prayer to God, thoughts of home, fnd irtruggles for life, ail at the saute moment! People ."lung to pieces of the wreck, and were Ifaro'.v n about ..t "^ndom in tlie bouing1 waves, nfcil gume, hke ih-j writei of the narrative, fçt;1'! tfceu'sifjlYei in rathe- smoother wafer. SMftebod". eMP. out thAt he could fee! the JKottom. It was joyful news to hsar hiin say mtr manv people ;-rattei«l about, standing ihe vi1* which htui pfrounded inside th<* v*urf It was then about .i.3j) o.M. A few of ,1S cr.iw!«d off the piece of wreck which had 'ved 'U8; but the injured ctlung t;- it till r. little daylight .jjgjjdKigped, whfu they aiso erep* on IfSfccre—-ttr\ not on »hore, but on the reef, among i wa-tesr, and stones. When daylight fairly fllQ. what a f-^arjul pieture was presented to I IHpr ey«e! For at lea-n, a mile aJomr tlie edge the reef, inside the breakers, nothing was to seen but wreck, niied up several feet in awful eaftfreino—timbtrs, j.-lanke, dooj;- crushed boats, (jfed», trunks, bajytcagei. barrels, seamen'# cheats, | Aft, ?«T:d all thai remained i;i the surf oi the ORce proud Tweed \4 the poi-t side from «jx»ri.«OT! to tL-e ttjrefrehead, over which ",till stood ihe bowsprit ami jibboom, btriding aa each sea ^»ver«d tt. liko a rr-ed. Tb" whf-el was still jfctaohed to the sixmson, jaid the paddle-box all held toirether '>y the machinery and the fh«t. T" tii i8 portion of the ship there still about 40 individuals, to whom we could ISBHJop not. the Blightest a.lst&nroe." They now MRo«Dturn;t, snd rightly, that uhey were on the a re^-f fifteen miles lonaf by twelve with de^T> water in the mid»t, and dis- t jtt ohoertr 60 miles from the tiiain land of i ■ The n-vi is entirely under water. yew at the loTest tide. At daylight on the SSfr. the people crept towther to consult. It jp» bitterly cold, few ha-1 nr.v clothing;, and the Bp't thing was to find socne from rlie wreck. ffexij they began to look after the remaining ■pile; there were three, but they were consi- iBRii uoserviceable. At ien o'clock the tide tc be rising.' They agtin looked to boc*:=, nod bravely resolved on exertion. Sltey determined to r«pai'- ths mail-boat, as the **mago.I tuonjjk th«-t had ?tf« entire stem ■NEK ewav. Tint hswl k»*. the c»rc»jnter; they »•> bammer. but. used 1 copper bolt torn out. I? the timbssre: their nails were plucked af (vps of the wreck; aprs and sai!^ were picked up; oftl'niS" trf whom, H»o?t fortunately, a. Hfge projorbon ha<i b ^en spared resumed the t&entrr&nd, and ^;c.ve direction to the lalnur. ut thif) *i>ne «fKueone picked up a compass "tndt had been try"u by the ^at^r from the i§taac.Ic, ivt.; throwrn on to the reef. and lay, 1 |^y.tur«ri, tuntfittc the mass 0: wre'A and gtonec. I llot vvers ti.a glass broken, § £ The Boat Was Equipped, j R>uu*h sort, ot bv'.lkhead was iandc in the Spit about 3ft. from the bow, the »{>ace before mtj full c" anything whioh could be hold of, gucK ,t-. otH blankets, pillowoases, ftirts, k A piece <sf sail wa« then covered v tb broken ix»ws and the fore part -of the axt«ndin^ uader the bottom some 5ft. or ♦t., aua there nailed on and fastened as well a,¡.\ yifi.'e. 'J'tor other defecix in the frail boat jtjpSl ftinl-Ored up as much as possible, so that p.m. -the was thought tit to swim. Her md ?ai! were found and put on board, with •; i a dozen omi- a rwttles of wine, a ham. to t>.» cf < Jiesje, arid a. little oatmeal and Hour, jDe* which tie chief otftoer was appointed to tafeaehsrsje f her, with six 'nen «nd three other A» she moved ?vay from u< manj m airiking at the heart: h> chatsce of being i't¡,t er 100 miles was very doubtful, i Ler tlepe'ided all our hopes. Those ~i>-uiiinp now cot iced tkat the tide had rigen aghteen inches It lx»c*nK'. ae;essary to ccui :trt;r4 ww sor+ of iabii<c whereon to take Jitter As the piee, -• drifted Tiear we secured hem, jni! pj^oed then; one .bave another any- kow, without any sort of order or aimtinor knsi Jt first wh»t we coull or shou;<! do. At last, ft siany -vert piled up that sve got on the top, t-avc the water, and !aTi to arraeige s in ?<MnetI:i?ig like order. It was squared ae as pomnt-h-, an 1 LnB flat boards laid along he cnp. i he size might lie fen feet squaxe. tiere were no laahingH to any part of .it, as we g £ t "U3 rope. Tlte few bottles of wine acd odd t&zmunn, <kc., which we had gatiie;ed during y-- vfay, were piaoKl on the top, by wh'ch time ^wiwi to come on dark, bot still the tide 4fi fewlu^. That day the refreshment wm a tl Vine ;ind f^afimcal. A prayer-book was d, and a paseer.ger read prayers. On tine th«y remained for fivo days juk! five nighte. <0&k day they laboured »>:avely at the task of '^•■pUBserfatioc, adding ipars and atones to jjfrtzft, picking up provwiens and a few fish, 1 tt ttsiM; ti^'ir IIœ.nty but luoky stock of pro- r sfons and swmnlantj? with wine economy. p. -rfecle of vheir diet was a kind of bill ,V. of flour ssub w»;ei% wice, and a little j t mvie. Tinf they called "Aiacr&nts oake. I^pec.ple left on the vrreek tried to join those raft, but the greater nunt>er perished in aitetiipt. TTlfcimatf^y there were collected ? tfee p&ft 69 pernons, besides two live piga and 1 ;nd dead rheep. provisions, and a indies. On the Sunday <>-<'urred a •uU iEc>iden-b. A writin :»-desk W:H Uivi, aad in one rara-r was ;»little box of about waat iucifer matches, but they were wet j&iwewM Dot Wr stuck thvm in the! Mt \u di.r, but very nearly lost thetf*. One of ij&l§{>4nv1f having wen the box £ W J&e tibsQwimt *w matciMB. When this was discovwrad, a hue-and ory Was raised about the matches, on which our ei.istenofc almost depended- The respectable portion of the Spaniards (some of them meet worthy and kind gentlemen) assisted in the search 'at once. and at last we made the delinquet turn out the box, also a jaar of pre*erves he had pocketed for his own use! He confessed having thrown the matches out, and on searching we found them scattered m some haleø of the raft. A few of them were picked up and dried, and at last we struck a light! Oh, joyful news it was to all. We gave three cheers! A caudle was lighted ami placed in an empty barrel, and a watch placed over It. with orders never to let It out by night or day. A piece of board lined witii iron was found, and on this we soon had a. fire fclaaing, having plenty af stioks at hajirt. The doctor aiui purser then got tlie dead s-heep. skinned it in a most skilful manner with an old razor, and we soon had a portion of it cooked^-j A piece was .served out *to e&oh man, and all declared they never tasted such excellent mutton. One "tottie" of wine followed round to each. At noon we offered up our thanks, to God for His goodness. The engineers began a. series of attempts to construct a st ll in order to condense the sait water and render it it for drinking. They first tried earthen jars, but they broke. With some wjppar vessel and some lead pipee they succeeded, and next day they obtained a sort of distilled water. About eleven o'clock on fhe 15th someone cried '"A sail." It was a vessel. A brig was approaching the reef; it stopped outaide the breakers, four miles on'. Mtd a canoe with eight man came to the raft. The patched- up mail boat had reached the land after en- countering great dangers and diffioultiea. Ths Spanish brig Emiiio. commanded bv Sen. Bernardino OaroP. without an insta.nt'if delay, despising cargo, passengers, and all selfish in- terests, instantly sailed to the rescue, and some idea may be formed of the dangerous nature of the reefs when it. is tftated that- two daye were occupied in getting the people off the rooks. Finally, however, they wero got safely to Havannah, having been five days and nights on the reef. This interesting narrative ex.- hibits an (instructive picture of the conse- quences of the patience, resignation, discipline, and energy of the shipwrecked men. and affords a strong contrast to the many horrifying scenes that have occurred in similar disastrous situa- tions. Nor should the noble conduct of Senor Camp and his mate, Villaverde, be overlooked. A very handsome subscription was got up in their favour, find the British Government voted them a sum of money in acknowledgment of their services.




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-.--------TITHE WAP- IN WEST…



