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THE TYPEWRITER. ■■ I kB a business man; I like baieme^* method* jftrtotiy obtfred, and no stntimenti in busi- J 3feea» OfttirB or t business places. JRiat k, thOboí:r were My sentiments. But 1 have batojne rewiatKiniseci—I doak knew what 1 an*—I have becouifc, but. that is—not another slory- feat the wil of this one, and scoria and wawpi shcuad newr be grasped tail ffid. in •g»te of the habits at novel reading young £ dies and unsophisticated childhood. The fact tif I advertised tor a young lady to do copying Ar me at the oiiice. I will not tiwiy that my partner advised me not to doso^sLroiis?lv advised ait against it, Mid in an experieuce-aiiuttea tone Mid, Nev r depend cm women." But I per- 4isted and advertised. Tow next naorniitti 'IJJOIl my arrival at the iafhee George, the af»r««aid partner, kept huri- 0ag maarka at nus from the doorway of the inner office about the ''visions of loveliness that would socn illumine tha dark apartment-, Fob it of its severe. business-like aspect" ^hen T winced), "and oven lend un air of beauty to his forlorn room," Ac. I gfwled to him to -that up. that titers «u to be no nonsense about this tiling. The girl was to be engaged for business writing, and there wasn't to be any sentiment in the matter. Hw* h« ^ave an ironical laugh, and asked me was I "dead auxw." In my inust I replied that 1 WM. Jiat then the 'visions of kjveUness'' began to apply for the situatvKl. and George and his moire tenipcrairuy disappeared, for whioh 1 wuh very thankful. Well. I Wad greeted by all shapes and sizes 0i visiona from one specimen with untidy hair JBod cfirty bare hands to aw. appalling "dream" in blonde braids and so much p>int that I was tempted to ahok in a pin to see how recent the application "as. I was disgusted. 1 -•losed the door on the last- cne. and sinking in a chair silently w ished I bad taken George's ^•dvice and not advertised. How did he come Xto know so much, anyhewr, about women, jbotUer him. „ George's voico was heaxti, afid George again .Appeared in the doorway. "What do you ivmnt, auvhow?" be asked. "What would suit you? Here are six separate <ji-rli| 'oQh." J. interrupted, fur I confess t was annoyed, "I tHnlerstcod they were Siamese sextuplfts!" He siaff £ er«l back :Wra the doorway clasp- ing his w«d in an extravagant- fashion, and I tteard him murmuring: "Poor fellow I One girt is too iltHch for a fe8bl. nian-bvit fix, six,, '¿X. <th!" with a proton ^ad sympathetic vooali- k»tion moift ilistre-Jsin" iu a business office. I Am about to inakc a Stmiy rejoinder when the .Aubw door or^ifed and in oame a, aettt little I (jjirl in biatsK, followed by a todyguani of ma" aaad "eldar siater," presumably. The ,iietld4r was trembling; and so was the body- guard. Consequently, I grew perfectly calm, placoo gfats for the thrw and invited eonveroar tion, dimly conscious that George was trying to see without being aeeft in order to be primed for further attr»ntioa?. I men found out th;1,i¡ the yvvengest lady \iÔe8i:red to write for IDi;, hear mother aesvuriag J.1.. of her dauphUir'st ability, superb penmaa- NhiCt, morai oharafter, and amiability. Anua- ."bxlity in a busitiess office! Then the older aister turned tip and said how Carol was so .'ifiiougiitxul and desirous of helping them along And so had insisted upon trying to g»t some- 4hiiis? to do, and by a luc-ky chance that ;d-ay her evw had rested on my advw- Amment; and bow they had all auid toprofcht-r in one breath (1 hare heard of ope handkerchief per family, but one breath!) that it was the verv place- And how they hud come in the Spruce and Wt/Oa laud-avenue car, arid it had token them nearly forty-five minutes. All this time my dear little Carol—f beg -y"r pardon, there i* that wrong end again- ) •nd all the time the little gifl 3at there just as as a mouse, which pleased me v«ry BlBOh. When they had finii«had ?h^ aflked me should BlBOh. When they had finii«had ?h^ aflked me should she WTite to show me her handwriting, and I ,said "Tos." So sh took her giove off and srwu to tb" de»k and wrote her nuine thUiJ- Caroline Welton—and then I told licr to write •mc-.p and she wrote "Richard A Yohe." artel yea hare no x!->a what an extremely unlri-ti- cxislike thouffht darted into my head when 1 m,w thale t#o name; together. I engaged her to come on Monday to begin work, and soiid a flood .11 recollections from ma fflf how her dear, dead hitshand "never expected I c^ar Carol would ever have to work," and •"how pleased he would have been that «h^ I alsould Iw et.ipl<»ye<I by so coiwiderate a sentle- •ui&n'—and a reck lew profusion of smiles and be *3 from eMer sister and a demure nod from the Ittfcla uee. I finally shut the door oo them «D«i waited far Gsiffgw w appear. I a&xond. 1 "You ar. a SyOtKM—tn spteurc of femamns i a say who ha« prete<uAwi jijto he iadiffprent to woman." Then >4 a -au- Er?«»r»Trtt>ken torse, "She will break vijiu- heart $wQd mm our otSoc comb." k Ar. l all the time that donkey stood there 'jinny ramark after rexnirk. I sat and wit and foit foolish. I don't know why. Piftally lie vresit iack to his work whistling "Lo"Ve Corner lJike » Suri>tnef's Sigh." The young ^ifiiot FortuiLitelv I had a bikHr>" <» engti«<e- Tnent !ûlft ma^ '^ed to get out. So the revo- A,tutiœ began. I Monday morning at eight o'clock Miss Wei- ton nppeared. demure and slightly nervous, jfio was I- George was -a the next room, in- JMtariljr t-ho<;kliu?. I am moniliy certain. ICjMier a deal of circtmilocution (I think that ;as a master word fof the operatian) I manai<td dto show her what she was to ropy- and how it to be done. Silence reigned for actually iwo houra. Then ioma man camo in to see Oocrmi and ine. He stored at the bloo'ie head lean in p over the desk and retreated into George's iiiSci followed by me. One aiter ai.ather of bvsmcsa acouaintances f^ropnad in. but time Wore on slowiy. I Cever knew ^ur;h a long morning until it wag ^weh*? o'clock. The winks, the strins. the ttly cLankles from some of thA eu>ler- and the awrgraratinj? abettina; rv^pon^fe!? of George, and JktBy constant alarm lest she fhotild overhear aearly gave me a nervous fover. But the worst WM K) ;\>me. Forttmotely no one was ir; the inner office but Geornce -i-id myself. f Twelve o'clock struck smd In walked eldqr ai^ter. I qua.ikd. und GeOrgf turned hi* *-k un me nrid shook with iauzhter. ''W4I. dearie." chirpcd eLdev sirtter, "has Jfr. seeznad like a lonar morning?" "Yes, somewhat, though I have in- Vjte^sted, too. How's ma?" "V??T lonely without yoj. She sent mo to 4jgo with yen to lunch, so that yon would not flhiok that we had forgotten y»u." 'fTlf. that will be nice," said Carol- ma said as it was vour first day we .? ijg a extflrragmt in our lun- • mlendH rn if T can 50 now." I I inana.(<ed Tt; gt t on nh" feet and blindly A-ot to the <-looT; feeing that I didn't care, ted that George cotdd ao to the d*uce. "You may go now Miss W"Iton, for your Jiinch. Please be back by one o'clock." Thank you. Yes, sir." So while she ,t 011 her ormt and hit .ldèr sisster ex- plained that she had run in to see how Carol I was srtfcting wlong. (UWi in. Sht- certainly •wasn't out of I)reatit.) And then they went. I Awaited C-w^e He began: WrAid, wli-1 will mm# to-morrow Ma? Wonder how m': .• relative she has got to run in? Pity, too. sjhe »ota< quiet enough. But iheae g^rl*, you never enn calculate what they are." I am snrfsri-ed that I did not. massacre George, but I have always felt that hia uu- pleassni manner ?'iould be viewed in the bruit ef Mt intl-ini. v. H 9. wpttt cu "Very bu*i ne*. like with Dee-ries* and "8\t"t"tie. and wha*: noL ?\i?c talk in a busi- oifice, rh, Dirk., To-morrow it will be I *'l>8r,inp Hi0 intonut>on of the tht word was pfr;;i. tivf»Ty distwriiny:. I went out for lunch and left hi;T. to take e»re of the offibe. It was my I only revet.ge. The dsys :-an, md 12!t as visitors will do. Our own iodivid'.iality is the only thing we «*n wasonably count upon in this world as 4wre to remain. For MX weeks my little copyist came r»-aru- hrfy ar-i did her work ,vitb neatness and des- patch. For six wet! her family caane almost 4Ri regularly at various times through tli» day. Ma wonld drop in 11.1\), nsf.d to drop in and «lder sister i-iiii ic;, and would say, "Well, '"peftie." Jt ?t. uck me the first time she said that. f«nd atterwarda, too, what a s-nguKrly jirntepriiite name, but extremely unbusiacss- hkt. I'lwn slsiar rrculd run in and "T I M* Is awMr;- pple piee. and '-an you ^et ) .->f! ;» i.uarte.: cf :tn hour earlier, dear>. and CPfns Ikwr to 1'intlioo'i ?" Alid Carol vould say: T wouldn't like to ask." The*> I rould speak up and say, ""Voq XPY go » little earlier to-c.\y- M'ss WsUoti." i1:nn another dsiy her little itrotlier Roh »<h.M stamp ,;1\ with a bag of cookies ma 'W made or a bit of a riWbon to be matchtd ■»(-, 0 -"Fs way hoTns. And omr an old tottenxl in and dekyr>d ru-.i one hslfho'^r while he k bh1t>à of bis dec*«wed brother Andrew 81d Andrew s family—th» same nmt upe.t my «fbe* for a. family room, I supper. And after some particularly aggravating chatter *i»i ir-terchanse >f fpniudne, unbinrucivlike cor'hwtrf I would •'O in try George, forj^ett.ng I!» my Texafcion h;.> vlenifii.iic chtrw.tcr. and I wouldn't stand it. Hien he woull get '|rp sod implore mc not to be h».rrf« and unkind *0 (lie idtlc thins', and f wi3cnsr.ijurtlf «s^<L "Who could be?" Aud 'hen he would _h' arxi chm-kle n-vl quote, "0 woman, jarojxYii' womaunf or repeat, "WeH,j feattie, bo*4? biz ?' or Daar?«, ssuiorkraut to- Say Ctane htame wSiJh iwe, or CaroL darl- Ife*, is tli« just winch oh you vrrsjt?" or like idiotic remark that he vrrsjt?" or like idiotic remark th&t he jlatd ooine<!I I')f own tnu>ecile brain. when ma cah» irk one day about eleven ^iriek i. the morning and sat for one mortal «; se *aw msb moLesj feminine idleness, I felt that I must speak. My office, a buaineaa place rented by nie for business purposes only, to be thus desecrated was too much. So that eveeing when the little daughter was ready to go homo I star cad Out with her. as I happened to do some few times before, and on wie wa.y to her home I told her straight up and down that tliia thing eovdd not con- tinue- We finally arranged that I should buy a lwnse in the north-western put of the city, and that in two months )-he would wear my wedding ring. It has beeta fully arianged. however, tfhat ma may drop in and the elder sister run in. but they are not to stay in as permanent inmate*. One strange part of it to me is how George could ever have surmised that I wat? in love with her. J always had made it a point to use the most businw- like manner in speaking to her in the office. He says any fool could have seen it. He ought to know i-t-t rWout. the s,,zht of fools. How- evt-r. he has bought us a tidy lot of silver, and ioJ iwniug to the wedding. Dear old boy, ;t's only his way. Carol says it is hij high spirits. Klder sister N.9 she felt in her intnoet soul wiiat would happen when she read my adver- ti^wnput. Jh wants t6 know what I will do for another .office girl. I certain IT shan't engage another dausht-er.—Josephine G*. Dolman ia "Pxiil*- delplita Press."







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