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l- HOMOCEAT HOMOCEA, HOMOCEA, HOMOCEA, TOUCHES THE SPOT. TOUCHES THE SPOT. TOUCHES THE SPOT. TOUCHES THE SPOT. HOMOCEAIN INFLUENZA. ld P' 1,1 our judgment Homiwc» "ndThen J„rSr°J»r^S*t7keTtamp 6r«t put a little «p th. oost'1". d'0„ bj throw. it back in th. throat and injurious—neither LAUDANUM, MENTHOL, MINERAL, o "arcotio. influenza »me .hould be put up the nostril, two or thr«« time. » day. K th, „Ao8„ "•« 1f *<% ™ ■tha fhrouch the mouth and nostrils, a flannel cloth beingJtnrowu THAT THIS TREATMENT WILL PROVE <rf medicine has a What Homocea is, millions of Englishmen now know Certainly it has not been ■preparation been offered to the public with anything 1J lt "n internally, cau^ n. to effectually tried in Influenza but the way it works on a chill, when ia* nrerailin?. NOTE.— believe that the result will be equally helpful in the epidemic that EXAIN0—THE STRONG Wherever there is any Rheumatic Affection, rub the part thorou„bly PREPARATION OF HOMOCEA. HOMOCEA CU RES COLDS, HOMOCEA CURES CHILBLAINS. TSEAD TESTIMONIALS. JJEAD TESTIMONIALS. CONVINCE YOURSELF. CONVINCE YOURSELF. TXOMOCEA CURES PILES. jshta. —* aasns o'C^EA'for'my°childre^^who'h#ve had very bad coughs, and an, happy to say ft ha. given great ^iSdadvise any on« suffering from Pile, to giveyour HOMOCEA » trial. w BENTLEY. I remain, yours tr"'y' ith order- but my means are limited, or I P.B.-I regret very much that I am unalMe ^nrdR^erew,th °rde would order a 10s. tin, I have such faith in HOMOCbA. TJOMOCEA CURES CHILBLAINS. 9. Aruodel-street, Strand, London, W.C. to use HOMOCEA for Chilblains, to which Dear Sir,-It mav interest you to know that Idi8appeared. though this severe weather is I am a martyr, and that after two applications the Chilblains a ye ETHEL COMYNS. still with us as I write.—Yours truly, To the Homocea Company. TXOMOCEA CURES ULCERATED ANKLE. Messrs. the Homocea Co. *• ^"[y'Xwndi^to you"conle' trombone \rho will' ever' feel Dear Sirs,-The few lines I now take the 'y j. g2 yearg 0f age, and for the past three thankful to you for the good your Ointn^ut »ia» m uied every reme<ly nearly, and have made years have suffered greatly from and have been under treatment by the best Sydenham myself poor buying first one thing and then°"nths i have attended Guy's Hospital; but at iast a doctor*, but they have done me no good, and three woMOOEA, and from the time I tir«t took to very kind gentleman made me a present of^eo healed up and if this little tribute .f using it up till now it has gone ,,n « J, untrtm> ,^ope you wiil m.ke™ of il' and* belteve meever'to remain^in^st gr^efutly yours, (««-) "TXOMOCEA IN THE ARMY. !romd » Bir,—Being in a Barrack-room. much united (ipinion that a testiti>on^a^f|'t chapped bandg, and ajter uaing yo«H a #evere tlle oue'box'he^a^h^ro^gb^ e»r^*ek ^^Q^re^^an, Pte. S°«^art/ha8^en^«itI^rh)^^TOm^M_wre coMjn a"d c"re luTace an,i bad great trouble in bie*Y"g'd In fact i COnld mention a dozen cases AIS^JAIAKYF'ASAI S-"»■ ->» — So"o8Sl.-W. -re. m»ec«ua,. 81,. H. JOLUm | PTE. JOHN DICK^ "TXOMOCEA AS A GENERAL Rl.MEDY. JEX Jan. 9, 1395. Gentlemeo,-1 cannot say too in praise of unMOPEA We have used It constantly for one year MPISTLWS sch Headache, Soria Ttirost, its effect Is simply marvellous. I recommend it to everyone; in- my friends ask what coinmission I have. Wtien anything happens in the family the cry is for HOMOCEA. I sent it to (lermany to a son there. My husb8nd says I had bette try It for the hair. We children are using it for chilblains. For address apply to the HO HOC HOiltIOCEA MAKES HAIR GROW. XX Coast Guard Station, Hoy lake. To the Homocea Co., Bifke'ihead. tn H M S. Berapis as stoker, I became Iquite bald, and was so Gentlemen —Some years ago while serving •0 uge gome months ago I commenced to use fof^rsT tried man'y so-called hair 0,3 doubting this car.cat.^n4« me, TXOMOCEA CURES ECZEMA. To the Homocea Company. HomowaCoin^ny u^der the'above date, siys HOMOCEA. has certainly done Lue some good in my case of Eczema of two years' standing. HOMOCEA IN THE HOUSE. 12 Charterii-road, Brondesbury. X.W., April 10. 1894. — ti.« nleasure of saying bow highly I value your preparation called Gentlemen,-Will n«n wh^re children are always meeting with accidents, great and HOMOCEA. In • household like my H'ovloct;A js without exception, the very best Ointment to use. W""TEL ""RIMBIRSR HOMOCEA, TXOMOCEA FOR CUTS, BURNS, SORES, ULCERS, &c. Sirs—We wish to add our tektimonv t° theTf?°^ Vcooliii2 and good. It relieves Inflammation and Jic-aids,alo for Open Wounds or mZhs^and we do not mean to be without it. I "Rh^umtitic Pains. We have ueed it ror n piles* in fact it does all that you say it does, and we SKSffi it very good in reUeving the got a box for a frlend^f mine for will answer any questions any _yonrs respectfully, 'fiheumatism, and she says it is good. mTTT^ PAIN IN THE FOOT. HOMOCEA CUREb A 3S, Whltefield-street. Yon Pentre, Pontypridd. ,m" "• I TTOMOCEA CURES SCIATICA. Messrs tb« Homocea Compsny. the way Tn which 1 UM It. —Yours to hand, and in answer meiiicai ,neii. I went to the Turkish bath?, and r.m'indl bad.Mb.t! t.lc a «, "niJ »»« 'boxes more. I am quiw w :,nd wounds. 88veral and give all your papers .outside. It is a 'P'^didrenely ^or j have recommended it to Beve^TmR You cau make wuaievei u»«= j away to people. Yours truly, r ml B Ann Xrn TTOMOCEA IN RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, &a Aarlocli Hotel, Ross-shire. Sept. 21, J894. Messrs. the Homocea f^have tound HOMOCEA a •P^endi^Veryb<^y ^honW Tave a box of ,OHN CB",8,I0lu' HOMOCEA. Trusting it will shortly oe K TTOMOCEA CURES CHILBLAINS. ■f1 «. sr„,S;srf,ili«?'d°A^iiw.S' «"i testify to the efficacy of HOM • njenit and especially last I Wtile to you I have had a painful time were in a dreadful state, .unlikely to be worse. orf^rrf^.d flielldTal8o.- Yours very gratefully, to recommend it to customers. audiwei.Qs a COLDS IN THE HEAD. INJFLUENzAi CHILBLAINS. CHAPPED HANDS, and other kindred terrors, it works like a. charm. The Proprietors of HOMOCEA would like to know of any case where it f'\i18 to act. The HOMOCEA COMPANY, 21, HAMILTON-SQUARE, BIRKFNHFAD; HOOPER, Cheniist, 43, KING. WILLIAM-STREET, S'Mtf f°; »ptt0,«CSA MS? <mo.e».e aid Eefi.) for HOMOCEA, 2ND LINE BEACH, MADRAS, F. M. BOWDEN, Agent. flOMOCEA SOAP. HOMOCEA SOAP. 11 AN EMOLLIENT SOAP. T RIOU TO ANY IN THE MARKET AS A CLEANSING SANITARY SOAP. SUPE PELICATELT SCENTED. INVALUABLE IN THE NURSERY. Is. 3D. and 9D. a CAKE, or 3s. and 2s. a BOX. EXAINO (HOMOCEA FORT) EXAINO (HOMOCEA FORT) RV-NRMTUS EXAINO IS THE STRONGEST FORM OF AS THE ABOVE IINDIC^<« TOUCHES THE SPOT" IN DEEP SEATED HOMOCEA THAT WE MAKE, F.^NTHERWJSE. WE FEEL FULLY ABLE TO PAINS, EITHER RHEUMATICI OK, U|I GUARANTEE THAT WE CAN MAKE IS, GUARANTEE THIS, AND 1 HE ONLY B BECEIVE RELIEF, AND THE BOX OF THAT IF THE PURCHASER Ik.LLS LO WILL IN EVERY CASE WHERE EXAINO IS PURCHASED COMPLAINT IS MADE RETURN THE MONEY. ^XVTIONS OF THTF TNTXRRRSS. IT IS RECOMMENDED VERY NECK IT HAS ONLY TO BE BUT ALSO IN HEADACHE AS WELL ASr ONE SIZE, 2s. 9D. PER BOX, OF USED TO BE APPRECIATED. S0^ JJJTHE HOMOCEA CO.'S OFFICES, 21, ALL CHEMISTS; BY POST, 3s., FROM THE .JIUMVV I, HAMILTON-SQUARE, BIRKENHEAD.

1 ciiess.

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