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SEE WINDOWS AT THE UPLE STREET STUDIO of the PRESENTATION PORTRAITS are J now on view. 4 J. H. GOLDIE, M.S.A., 5 Artist. -===- ==- B TI HALL, SWANSEA. *ol&* eELTm ° ° £ «1„ DAy, N"ovEMBER 25th, to the Family of the TTTNFR J 0 S EP H^R OBINSON SI:TU THE PAST twenty years took an ACTIVE part *N tne &ROFP«RIR>N ^AL WUELL-KNOWN Artistes have kindly given their -—will be duly announced. 6754 \Vansea Police Band Concert. HE ANNUAL CONCERT will take place in the ALBERT HALL on THURSDAY, DECEMBER I829. The proceeds to be devoted to clearing off XL3TING debt. URTher particulars in future announcements. [6808 ^°YAL Institution of South Wales. TBS! COURSE OF FREE LECTURES RP To be delivered in J-HE THEATRE OF THE INSTITUHON. 39 SESSION 1889 90. r. lIth Discussion on the Geological Curiosities of the Neighbourhood." PEREINS, V LOIR JJXR» B-' OCA NO LECTURE, • TH #'• GUCIJ A THING AS A SCIEN"« °P, M O POSSIBLE ?" ME. 9- C■ GAMWKLL. HA (A. BOTANICAL SUBJECT) O ME, 6*S N THEEN- 6TH Dartmoor Forest and JYJP. C. ±1. (JLASCODINE. C- L6TH Local Water WO»DE"" (with Lantern Illustrations) Mr. C. W. SLATER. 'IIE CHAIR will be TF»KEN each Evening at Eight VOT»CLOCK- Admission FRE,E" „ • The Lectures «?ARKED THUS will be GIVEN -C the auspices of THE Swansea Scientific Society. JTORT. HUXHAM, HOB. Sec. ^34KIEL'S Almanac, 1890 KREATBER AND GENERAL PREDICTIONS, SCOPES, Re-appearance of the Star of C( VSIN/ACo, 6' Helmet-court, LL- U ,V & 16579 M: ~-C3I?E, T>D — LADY has *°ST VAL!MBLE harmless IRFI. I ^PEIPT FOR Ladies; stamped envelope for *W^-HARRIS, ENN^MORE Lodge, ^TOWEL, WANTED. -T O P A E E N T S ^ELFOH FAMILY, residing at Bourgtheroulde, Kouen and Havre, offers Board and JQUIR CE to Two Young English Ladies wishing to FEFEP, ^HE French Language. Terms moderate. K-PPLV •BS RECIAIRECL- ierot-iv MONSIEUR LEPRII: HUISSIERt Bourg- L' Eure.) 6810 H J^ HEN, TIMEKEEPERS; RAILWAY MEN^ [ 'JLLCE SERGEANTS, CLERKS, and all men FRI PVN-' R'E among the working classes WANTED fehlv WHERE to form KENDAL AND DENT'S JVE: ^COESSFUL Clubs for Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, 6-RAMK Goods, Cutlery,^ Musical Instruments, JE. JJ11'ITERS, Over Mantels, Sewing Machines, etc., POO FIBERS' pay Is. per week. Splendid value. RCE»CLUH» IN successful co-operation. Wholesale TUUF ipply to KBNDAL AND DENT, Watch LC 'OR RTIL?ERP, 106, Cheapside, London. Great 1;I ENGLAND, Ireland, Scotland, and WALES.^ TO LET. H WISHED Apartments wanted immediately by a PI AF^'EMAN. Two front rooms, and Constitutional Id DA. F. irace-road preferred. Apply, stating terms F-^UIULARS, to Z, CAMBRIAN Office. _J6800 NLO- LLT,FOR "FARMING PURPOSES, I T0 T* IF Swansea, 45 acres of LAND Jiat>le tenant « M «» granted, iouse erected upon the land. Particulars, U LOWES and SON, Estate Agents. [""38 FC&YTF COTTAGK, PENMAEN, GO WEIL 1 LET, furnished, large dining-room, parlour, EOE» H sdrooius, and spare room. Good kitchen and IS i? w.c.'S, stable AND coach-house.—Apply to -^5 WILLIAMS, 56. Wind-street, Swansea. [6523 To Let on Lease. M~°S'R valuable siteTor works of any description FCCFI U undant supplies of water and coal. Direct RS to Swansea and Neath Docks. Considerable ^<1 sheds on the ground. Well situated for tin- COPPER, iron, or chemical works with immense T& ^5;. Smoke no nuisance. Low rent. WILLIAMS, Tenaant Canal and Estate YR^BERDULAI3' Neath, South Wales. [6489^ ,8UOT about 2I miles from P»BtyffYNon Station, ;r, the L. and N. W. and G.W. Railways. J 0 FEE LET, with '^?TSEA»»EN, the above KAS^^DEDT FAMILY RESIDENCE, WITH Coach- »°UV Stabling, and premises, JEPLEU with every |0 N °IEoce, Garden and Orchard, and if DEEIJ,^ ABOUT °f Land or more.. °»NSG oyet about 700 acres, including EXCEIIENT ? ITC1 more uan be had. >er particulars supplied on application TO MESSRS, fELL THOMAS and Co., Land Agents, LAR^ of Wales Hall, Singleton- street, Swansea. BGEST FLOOR SURFACE in Swansea by *V ^>350 feet. Full Dramatic License. *HV SUITABLE for Banquets, Balls, Concerts, Bazaar, or (T:F, UHIIO Eoteriainment. Minor Hall, 62ft. by 26ft., TT»Ual ofiBces. SUPPLY T0 w, L. PENNELL, 37, Wind-street. [6643 K FOR SALE. TO BB SOLD^ fftATHFIELD HOUSE, SWANSEA.-Apply to IU*- G. S RICH^R»80N» ESQ-' °FFICES. 14, Wind- [200-5 TEWELLERY, Watches, Watch Materials, Hard- C Toy«, Cutlery. wholesale list POST W«IOHT, at. LUFCE'G.ROAD, Birmingham. [5070 rO Capitalists. ^*OPRIETORS of Iron and Tin- plate WORKS and Others- RBE VERNON IKO^ AXD TJN-PLATE WORKS, BRITON FEKKIJ_^LAIVIOKOANSHIKE. FP° BE SOLD BY ?4VTEKSIRVRY' BY order of the -'TIN SWOISJ WELL-SITU. H P N ANO HELD OA LEASE T,PANT- 1 • X- XI. I, '• P worka, commumcatinsr WITV. +V, :5JR/.3'NS?'OF th '^T WEIERN Railway Co. and 6 IIRIT"N FERRJ I,OCKS' IN PROXLMITY TO the Tb th e whole property is exneedingly well placed for all ■EXL^^IREMEC- of lone trade, aid for ready and in- ^SIVE TRANSIT of goods both mvards and outwards. PARTICULARS aad to treat a/»ply to Messrs. SCALE *N] IF'E ^OLICITORS Neath or TO Messrs. TRIBE, CLAHKE ACCOUTITA^S 11 RN'WJPLE-street, Swansea. ^WEMHERZTH^SA. [6802 -== 5OV, ell'y CII?.RITY, LLA»D^FF School. IJJHYAGANCIBS for TWO Pay GOVERNJ013' R JAN^CBOOL ^TERMS commencing THE LO h THE 15th J-G BOARD September. 0FTTNI "harged 'Vashing, and ^IAIN "E to TU^A-' Pay BOATER T.O IT 3C"^ f her clothing. SHR4»0,1; OF INSTRUCTV°^TN'U' PRI^CIOLES of the Religion, R/I! !!R HISTORV^' Arithmetic, AT'D C G, ,Mmar, GEOGRAPBY- H\STO^, MUSIC, Drawing, AN £ TO CF^ES. The girls ARC «IAO DL K, T. THE UT out and make theIr °.WN c Day Scholars OF IR,SI AS AN FO LEE, and £ 2 a TERM F°J TTMER 12 vears N6LLT« J'4A- F?R G?ls AB°Y^' M[IFTRES^D AIRANGE- DAY be made with the HEA'L"^LUTRESS TO rsceive „ ILL AS Day Boarders. NIORL- j?1^ DAIJP!^TIONS MUST; be sent TOTHE^BEFORE TFAE NOV-' OR WIL1 NOT ,RF°FE the S R'U the 3rd day 0F DECEMBER NEXT. By Order of the Governors, 74, C. R. WALDRON, Clet-, • ^ARY-GTREET, CARDIFF, 1889. IT 166 SALE BY AUCTION. MESSRS. J. M. LEEDER & SON. Coachbuilder's Premises, at Swansea Nov. 12 Leasehold Property, at Swansea Nov. 12 MESSRS KNOYLE & ROBERTS. Leasehold Property, at Swansea Nov. 11 MR. ARTHUR S. T. LUCAS. Freehold Property, at Llandilo Dec. 4











I'Jl)£(t[ Intelligence.