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BIRD'S TABLE JELLIES. OF EXTREME VALUE TO INVALIDS OF DELICATE DIGESTION. ARE a valuable acquisition to all those responsible for Household Management, o he getting up of Dinners and Suppers, or Special Banquets. Among the advantages of these Jellies are their economy, and the ex^reme/fHcious,Jellies of rG use< Yet, most important of all, they are to be absolutely relied upon to produce delicious jemes, ot supreme delicacy of flavour and brilliancy of appearance.. Quarts. 7*d. Pints, 4Jd.; Half-pints, 2*d. Boxes containing '0rted flavours' ls- Each genuine packet bears the name ALFRED BIRD and SONS, BIRMINGHAM. T A Y LOR 8c COMPANY, T.TMXTED. FISHER STREET, CARRIAGS WORKS, SWANSEA. JOHN-JONES & CO, COACH AND VAN BUILDERS. Orders for NEW WORK, REPAIRS and PAINTING executed with despatch. FOR SAT.TC.—S^NND-HAND HANSOM. NEW CART with 3 springs. [4813 THOMAS, WATKLKTS & JENKINS, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BRUNSWICK STREET, SWANSEA. PAINTERS, DECORATORS, AND PAPER-HANGERS, 1 (ECCLESIASTICAL DECOR vTIOX & LEAD-LIGHT WORK A SPEOIALITK) PLUMBERS, ELECTRIC BELL-HANGERS, HOT AND COLD WATER AND SANITARY ENGINEERS. Estimates given for every description of Ready-made Joinery and Builders' Work. Experienced workmen sent to any part of the country. ESTABLISHED, 1856 -w-r "FRESH ROASTED COFFEE. THIS HOUSE IS NOTED FOR SELLING THE VERY BEST COFFEE nivwA IN THE PRINCIPALITY, AND THE QUALITY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. ISAAC G A L E (LATE B. GOODALL). FAMILY REL 18, HIG" STREET, bWANSEA. HARRY w. spring. PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER, CABINET MAKER, AND BEDDING MANUFACTURER, 50, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. E S T I Ts/L A. T E S FREE, 5164 GAS. GA-S. GAS. STOVES FITTINGS AND BURNERS OF EVERY KIND MAY BE HAP OP F. BONNETT & SvID N I rl»UMBERS, GAS, HOT WATER & SANITARY ENGINEERS, PAINTERS, DECORATORS, &c., | 32, PIfeH ER-3TREET, S^7" A.KT — E A- [ ESTABLISHED 1839. [4748 LOW LEVEL HAULAGE COMPANY.1 Chief OSice — 4, MOUNT STREET, SWANSEA. W. WESTLAKE. STEVEDORES, SHIPS' AGENTS, AND GENERAL HAULIERS BY ROAD, RAIL AND CANAL. CONTRACTORS TO THE HARBOUR BOARD AND THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAYS OF THE PORT. SHIPS LOADED AND DISCHARGED AT PER TON. LOCOMOTIVES, STEAM BARGES, AND LIGHTERS ON HIRE. STEAM WINCHES AND STEAM HOIST ON HIRE. [3184 The Bristol Channel Steam Packet Company INCREASED SAILINGS BETWEEN BRISTOL & SWANSEA Three times every week, as stated below. The Bristol Channel Steam Packet Company INCREASED SAILINGS BETWEEN BRISTOL & SWANSEA Three times every week, as stated below. nn H E "VELINDRA." "RIO FORMOSO" and 'COLLIER," sa^ as f°H°ws> if not prevented by any unforeseen occurrence, with liberty to tow vessels:- For the Month of JANUARY, 1889. eiWANSEA AND BRISTOL. From Swansea. jANriKI. JANUARY T01 V'Ve^y lllxo a-ni- 5 Saturday 3.30 p.m. in ThnWlav 1-° DIH' 8 Tuesday 10.30 p.m. 19 ^atiirdav • • 3-° ■'S' I" Thursday 12.0 night S Tuesday •• -Si « ■■ l?.0 nifht 1Q ITpi.lav P-n». I *r ~"esaay o.O p.m. II Monday •• »-J° «.0 P- 24 Thursday ll> pV 24 x^ay 9.30 £ £ 29 Tuesday 5.0 a.m. » T^/ 12. mght F.v.ucs:-Best Cabin, 5s_; Fore cabla P.m. SWANSEA AND ILF^0Cm°]**e From Swansea. T»VTTARY. a,co»nbe. JAHUARY. iq Saturday 16 Wednesday 4.0 p.m. \W <aturday P.m. 30 Wednesday 3-30 p.m. 4s. Return- P-tt. FARES:—HestCabin.6s.; ForeCa»lu' *est, Fore, 6s.: Available for one month.. Ilfracombe tr. Through tickets Issued from Swansea ■ South Weat^11 stations in Devonshire on the London anu estern ""Si™. PADSTOW on, From Swansea- Irom JANUARY. JANUARY. 5,30 a.m. 16 Wednesday 4.0 p.m. 19 Saturday 5 30 a.m. 30 Wednesday 3.30 p.m. Feb. 2 Saturday'- turn—Best JANUARY. JANUARY. 5,30 a.m. 16 Wednesday 4.0 p.m. 19 Saturday 5 30 a.m. 30 Wednesday 3.30 p.m. Feb. 2 Saturday'- turn—Best FABES: Best Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin, 5s. 12B.; Fore, Ss.: Availablefor 28 days. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM POCKETT General Manager, Entrance South direct team Communication between Liverpool and Swansea. JANUARY, 1889. „ ''PHE Liverpool and Bristol Channel 1 Steam Navigation Company's Steamers "Sunlight" & "Plantagenet" Are intended to sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, for Swansea, (Calling at MILFORD.) Unless prevented by any uuforseen occurrence,) as follow (with or w ithout Pilots, and liberty to tow vessels JAN. JAN.. 1 Tuesday 9.0 p.m. 22 Tuesday m8ht 8 Tuesday 3.0 p.m. 29 Tuesday 8.0 p.m. 15 Tuesday 9.0 p.m. AND FROM Swansea for Liverpool (Calling at MILFORP when sufficient cargo offers.) Jan. JAN. ,0 ^aturday 7.0 p.m. 19 Saturday 6.0 p.m. J— Saturday 1.0 p.m. Saturday 11.0 p.m. WAn Additional Weekly Steamer, between Swansea and Liverpool, if inducement offers. ,/ARES "T? an(i from Swansea, including cabin fee—Cabin, TS W8'' Children under 12 years, 7s.; Deck, 6s. Return Tickets—18s; children under 12 years, 12s. 6d. Swansea to Milford-Cahin 5s.; Deck 3s. Passengers are requested to take charge of their own jafetv^6 88 the St"P iS n°'; resP°nsi1),e in any way for its A'11.G/)0C^.S f.<?r ^lilfordand neighbouring Port? are landed t Iigwlrs,and Boats'6" 8nd 0onsi8nee6 a re»ar<ls H" AGENTS: John Bacon Chambers, 14, Water-street, Liverpool John Phillips °r S°Uth Side Trafa]Sar Dock- W1# Milford. W. L. JENKINS. Swansea. u [053 rpHE STOCK EXCHANGE 5TPMRPT?S OT? TTTT? n STOCK EXCHANGE are NOT ALLOWED to I ADVERTISE fopbMi»E™ Purposes or to issue circulars to persons other than their own principals. circula.rs Brokers or Agents who advertise are not in anv was Th> S «i" control of the Committee. Members of The Stock Exohan^e who act as & to" Brokers may be obtained on applica- FRANCIS LEVIEN, Secretary to The Committee of The Stock Exohanee Committee Room, The Stook Exchange, London E C L43 «, STEAM BETWEEN 4^^SWANSEA, BELFAST & GLASGOW. FIRST-CLASS POWERFUL STEAMERS Are intended to sail with ^oods and paasongers from No. 1 Shed, South Dock Basm, SWANSEA, *0 BELFAST AND GLASGOW Every WEDNESDAY Night. Goods for shipment to Belfast and Glasgow should be alongside Wednesday mornings Above route offers a favourable opportunity for making a pleasant trip to IRELAND OR SCOTLAND. Passengers will find the Cabin accommodation superior and during summer months, n addition to regular Stewards, a Stewardess is carried. FARES. Belfast, Cabin, 17s. 6d.; Steerage, 10s. Glasgow Cabin, 20s. Steerage, 12s. 6d.; Soldiers and Sailors 10s. Return Tickets, -Fare and a half, available for two months For rates of freight and further particulars, apply to M. JONES t BRO. Albion Chambers, Cambrian-place, Swansea. 52 R5Al. WAIL STEAMERS CANADA A. T-TO ( J of ol^.toba, th^ S,IOU8 ROUTE to all parts British Columbia, so to ttl West Territorv and Social Emigrant^T°«^strate^extern States of America. *uvean to Ocean, 'sw '011^ Trains daily from w»e Aliberal a w of Cars without extra r? vLants aCComPan a conn e" Western bound Emigrants w report and an c°nductor. Ff^p^ication to a» the latest'm an<J phlets free on app aLLAN BROTHET, 5343] ^CO^iverpool. \.1 CRYSTAL OIL 4910"kh., TRADE-ip L I O T THE BEST A ND SAFEST LAMP OIL EVER PRODUCED- A VOID ACCIDENTS by using the by J\_ Article, which nas been extensively VA the public for upwards of a aTMfLE QUARTER OF A A MISHAP. This justlv Celebrated Oil ii' almost free^ from aU unpleasant odour, absolutely White in coioui, perfectly SAFE TO BURN in ANY LAMP. As many inferior qualities of Oil are vended as "CRYSTAL," to ensure having the genuine .rticle see that your cans, &c.. are labelled with Trade Mark, an EYE as supplied to our authorised Agents. Authorized Agents for its Sale in this District are :— SWANSEA—A. PATON & Co. BRIDGEND-W. WILLIAMS, Ironmonger. HAVERFORDWEST-S. & F. GKEEN, Ironmongers. NEATH-S. EVANS, Ironmonger. PEMBROKE—E. BEDDOE. Ironmonger. Wholesale Only-So TUDOR AND SONS, White Lead Manufacturers, 17, College Hill, London S.C. 4918 SALES BY AUCTION. To Gentlemen. Gardeners, Nurserymen and Others. Messrs. JOHN M. LEEDER & SON Have been instructed by one of the leading firms of Nurserymen and Rosegrowers in England TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION On SATURDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1889, At the Swansea Auction Rooms, Goat-street, A VARIED and VALUABLE ASSORTMENT of named HYBRID, PERPETUAL, TEA and NOISETTE „ roses, RHODODENDRONS, AZALEAS (well set with bloom) HARDY CLIMBING PLANTS POT TREES DWARF PLUM and CHERRY TREES, CLEMATIS of various sorts, &c. Goods on view morning of Sale. 1 Sale to commence at 11.30 a.m. f Detailed catalogues may be had on application. For full particulars apply to the Auctioneers. [5394 VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENCE FOR SALE, SITUATE AT MOUNT PL K AS ANT, SWANSEA. Messrs. JOHN M. LEEDER and SON I. have been in structedl by the Executors of the late Edward Hammett, Esq., to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, I At the SWANSEA AUCTION RooMS, GOAT-STREET, > SWANSEA, On TUESDAY, the 19th day of February, 1889, ALL that WELL-BUILT FREEHOLD FAMILY RESIDENCE and PREMISES, known as <■ The Elms," Mount Pleasant, Swansea, low in the occDpatiou of Mr. L. M. Jones as yearly tenant. It contains two kitchens, cellar and pantry on the ground floor, large entrance hall, staircase and landing three reception, five bedrooms, bath and box roonis^ w.c., kitchen, servants staircase, scullery, ai'der, back entrance, large paved yard, wood and coal house, and outside w.c. A large sum has been expended on re-slating the roof, renewing the kitchen range, and inserting a hot and cold water apparatus to bath, &c. The front entrance is surrounded by a nower garden, ornamented with trees and shrubs. The above is Dleasantly and hea 1 y situated, has extensive views, and is within five mi lutes walk of church and railway station. fl The front of the house is a walled-in ower garden, a portion of which is held by lease for upwards of fo I a-half years, at a ground rent of 16s. ur-and- It has a tennis court, ornamental fish-pond and fountain, greenhouse and arbour. There will also be included a walled in plot of ground lying between the bouse and Moun easant a plan of which will be produced at the time o sa e. It j8 by lease for upwards of 4! years at a ground rent of lIs. Od. th ft Sale to commence at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. For full particulars and conditions of sale apply to Messrs. BEOR, FRY and PLANT, Solicitors Temple.street. or of the Auctioneers, at their offices, Goat-street. Swansea. [5393 Moriah Terrace, Penygraig road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea. Messrs. H. HILL d CO. Have been instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, In one or more Lots, and subject to conditions of Sale which will then be read, At the CAMERON ARMS HOTEL, High-street, Swansea, I On WEDNESDAY, January 30th, 1889, THE following LEASEHOLD COTTAGES, viz LOT I.-All that LEASEHOLD COTTAGE, contain- ing 5 rooms, with back and front garden, situate tltId being No. 2, MORIAH-TERRACE, Penygra1g*'ro»«, Mount Pleasant, now let to a respectable tenant at 4s. 63 per week, and held on lease for a term of 75 years from March 25tb, 1877, at an apportioned ground rent t2 4s. per annum. T LOT 2.-All those TWO LEASEHOLD COTTAGES adjoining the foregoing, being Nos. 3 and 4, MORIA.h. TERRACE, held for a term of 75 years from March 25th, 1878, at an annual ground rent of 24 811. The Cottages are in capital repair and well tenanted, and are well worthy the attention of smRII capitalists. Sale to commence at three o'clock in the afternoon. For further particulars apply to J. AERON THOMAS, ESQ., Solicitor, York-street, Swansea or to the Auc- tioneers, at their Offices, 10, Castle-street, Swansea. 5371 BY ORDER THE TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY. TOWN OF SWANSEA. Sale of Va uable Leasehold Business Premises and Cottages, Mr. RICHARD E. HUGHES Has been instructed to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. At the ROYAL HOTEL, HIGH-STREET. SWANSEA On TUESDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1889, At three o'clock in the Afternoon (Subj ect to such conditions as shall then and there be produced), THE following PROPERTIES, viz. :— LOT I.-All that extensive SHOP (formerly two shops) and known as Nos. 126 and 127, High-street, Swansea. LOT 2,—All that extensivs WORKSHOP and PREM- ISES situate in Greyhound-street, Swansea. LOT 3.—All those TWO MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, situate and being Nos. 28 and 29, Greyhound. street, Swansea, now let to Patrick Sheen and James Kerwin, at the weekly rent of 4s. 6d. aud 2s. respectively. The above lots are held under a lease dated the 19th day of August, 1844, for the residue of the term of 99 years, from the 29th September, 1840, subject to an annual ground rent of jEo 14s. The vendor reserves the right of selling the above in one Jot or otherwise; if separately, then the ground rent will be apportioned. LOT 4.-All those TWO COTTAGES, situate and being Nos. 158 and 159, Llangyfelach-road, Swansea, let to weekly tenants at 3*. 6,i. each. Held under a lease dated 23rd August, 1870 for a term of 99 years, from 25th March, 1870, at a ground rent of £2 10s. The mines and minerals under all the lots are reserved. Further particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained of Messrs. COLLINS and WOODS, Solicitors, Swansea or from the Auctioneer, at his Offices, 4, Wind- street, Swansea. [5340 Sale of VerY Valuable Leasehold Property at sketty. MR. C'HAS. HUGHES has received instructions to SELL BY AUCTION (subject to such conditions as shall then and there be produced). at the CROS- INN, Sketty, near Swan- sea, on THURSDAY, Januarv 31st, 1889, THE following VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, viz:- LOT 1.—All that Leasehold PIECE OF LAND, containing lr. 4p. or thereabouts, together with the MESSUAG-E or PUBLIC- HOUSE called the Cross Inn. Sketty. and Premises with the Two Coltages and Sh p adjoining, held under an underlease, dated 17th October, 18>1, granted by the Rev. John Pugh, for the term of 5u years, to be compute from the 29th September, 1853, if Mary Jones, aged 6 years on 25th March, 1829, Rachel Jones, aged 4 years on 25th March, 1829, ind Thomas Jones, aged 2 years on 2Hh March, 182LI (all of whom are now believed to be living), or either of them should so long live, at the annual rent of jE17 12s. The Public-House is fully licensed and free. The Public- Huuse is let to Mr. William Evans, on a yearly tenancy at the rent of jEoO per annum. The Two Cottages are respectively :et to Mr. William Edwards and Mr. Clark, as yearly tenants at the annual rent of j:7 for each house. The shop is let to Messrs. Taylor Bros., shoemakers, on a yearly tenancy, at the rent of 25 Per annum. Hn?ir 2-~AU that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- of lJr E* situate in Llewelyn-street, Skcttv, in the occupation This 'i' ,I*.eck' as yearly tenant, at a rental of £ 15 per annum, the >stt '?i helti nn(ier a lease for a term of 99 years from £ 1 log <ia- °f March, 1875, at the yearly ground rent of HOUSE-1 thatLEASEHOLD MESSUAGE orDWELLING- terraee, 8kettatei in otherwise called Cory- dener. »n the occupation of Mr. John Lodge, gar- LOT 4. -All fi, HOUSE, s tu^to .LEASEHOLD MESSUAG E or DWELL1NG- terrace, Skettv in i? ^'Hwyn-teirace, otherwise called Cory- as yearly tenant nt le occl,pation of Mrs. Gunningham, widow. Lots 3 and 4 (.'f *14 per annum. lease tor a term of 99 J ^Y^'1 the adjoining house under one the yearly ground rent ofV-1 the 2*th day of June, 187:- at bear I"8- 1«W. °' Ls. 6d., of which each lot shall LoT 5, All that LEASE FTR»T TV HOL'SB, Situate in Diu„7 ASSUAGE or DWELLING- terrace, Sketty, lately in (jje otherwise called Cory- tenant, at £ 1^ Per i»»"nm, but now ,?11 of No°t.as yearly T<vr 6 -All that LEA8EHOI t? oocuPle< rrnl'SE. situate at the corner <^ TV^A&E or DWELLING- lLi Cory-tew^06) and Coi-y-street ''Iwyn-terrace (otherwise called Wiy as weekly in the occupation 0 T u n and 0 are held under one lease'fol5s" P«r week- ,nuted from the 2^tli day of 8eptem £ rr ^"n of 99 years, C Pof £ 1 per annum; "hich each lot shall belrfo a gr0Dnd rent ot l* nce at seven o clock in the events Sale to com tjcuiars apply to Ma. JOHN ET!W For further part .IDI|GSJ WIND.STREET> 8™^BD STEVEKS, Solicitor, Cas nll(Jerleases and leases may be i above-mentione ^ove cestius que vie obtained aTam't" I OSS&&1 S" tb« Auctioneer, SALES BY AUCTION. SOUTH WALES. LANDORE, NEAR SWANSEA. To Steel Manufacturers, Ironmasters, and Colliery Praetors. Important Sale of the Extensive and Valuable Works and Properties of the Landore bxemeiis steel Company (limited), ^d'Zke' oSE B8aS Railivays, and Railway Sidings connected therewith. Also the Vendors Interest in *he Worcester and Weighfach Collieries, the Cw.fh\a4F^xeSSnTnd FoxhallColliery, together Plant, Machinery, Rolling Stock, ^.Matenab, and- Appliances belonging to such Works and Collieries respectively..«« nf wWni, ■ The Stoel and Iron Works (the JwhunpwMdH of 95 acres) have been erected at a very large cost within the last twenty years, the Machmery is of the best description, and several thousand pounds have recently been expended by the Ironworks and Blast Furnaces in placmg them in thorough working order The New Steelworks are capable of producing about in finished steel per annum, which has an P eputation, and has been extensively spPP ri- f Q? .1s £ Foreign Governments and Private Firms for Shipbuild- ing and General Purposes. p The Ironworks comprises Two Furnaces in Blast, capable of producing yearly about 60,000 tons of pig iron> They are now sub-leased on advantageous terms. Mr. CHARLES P. WHITELEY Will Sell the above PROPERTY BY AUCTION, In one or more Lots, At the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, On WEDNESDAY, 13th FEBRUARY, 1889, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, DETAILED Particulars and Conditions of Sale, with Plans, may be obtained of Mr. W. w. Storr, at the Steelworks, Landore; of Mr. R G. Cawker, Chartered Accountant, Swansea, of Mr. W. J. Rees, Estate Agent, Swansea; of Messrs J o. Chadwick and Son, Chartered Accountants, 95, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.: of Messrs. Phelps, Woodforde, and Co., Solicitors, 14, Red Lion-square, London, W C.; of Messrs. Johnson Budd and Johnson, Solicitors, 24, Austin Friars, London, E.C. of Mr. Chambers, Solicitor to the Vendors, 81, Chancery- lane, London, W.C.; or at the Auctioneer s Offices, 82, Queen-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. 5349 Preliminary Announcement. DISMANTLING. DISMANTLING. Mr. CRAS WILLMAN, C.E., M.E., Auctioneer. THE WHOLE of the FIXED and LOOSE PLANT at BOOSEBECH MINES, near GAINSBOROUGH, N.R., YORKS. Three days' Sale, second week in February. Catalogues of Auctioneer, or JOHN STEVENSON and COWPER, MXDDLESBRO'. EDUCATIONAL. YIOLIN taught (Italian style) by S. KNIGHT, rmnil of Herr Schlopfavski, great Hungarian Violinist, pupil Signor Paganini, 15, DILLWYN-STBEET. [5281 TTTRKHOUSE'S SCHOOL will re-commence dutiSonthe 29th JANUARY, 1889. T5296 Girls* Boarding and Day School, ST HELEN'S LODGE, BRYN-Y-MOR ROAD, SWANSEA*. PRINCIPAL. — MISS GARLICK, A.C.P. Assisted by certificated resident and visiting Teachers PUPILS PREPARED FOR ALL PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The House is well situated, five minutes walk from Beach and Parks. "VTEXT Term will commence TUESDAY, Jan. 15,1889. 3412 High-Class Boarding and Day School for Girls. RESIDENT Foreign and English Governesses. Professors for Art, Piano, Harp Violin, Singing, Gymnastics, Calisthenics and Mathematics Numerous Certificates have been obtained in Compe- °° MISS RIDDELL, RUSSELL HOUSE. MUMBLES. The ensuing Term will commence on MONDAY 21st inst., at 3 o'clock P.m. [25 Vue, Mount Pleasant, Belle vu SWANSEA. ri IRLS- BOAmIN«p»nd BAY Pu!>ila prepared for ^°^c0 J^dation, situation, and recrea- Belle Vue, i special advantages for healthfu. study,'comfo'rt, and pleasure^ Te™s and references on application to the P1^1 P r,, q7 Term commences jANUARY l/tn. [1197 Mr. OSWAL") KORTH. PUBLIC TRANSLATOR, TEACHER OF LANGUAGES, 15 KENSINGTON TERRACE, SWANSEA, JnprVFS PuDils for FRENCH, GERMAN, LATIN, RECSPACTsl!P BOOK-KEEPING, and SHORT- HAND. rj-rt-.q Terms en application. [5013 MISS LANGDON J Mn AamsTANT OF THE LATE (PUPIL AND ASS1& BEDFORD)) that her CIssses in Dancing, BEGS to announce p .:g^eaics, will be resumed at Deportment, ana v rptjggDAY, JANUARY. 15th, the ALBERT HALL, on nesDAY) the 16th, at 2.30 1889, at 7.18 Neath on MONDAY, D.m.; Ht the ASSBMBL-\ and 7-30 p>ra. JANUARY 21st, 1889, at I V Pashionable Dances. Private Lessons gi.ven *fISS DAMP. Heathfield-street, Burrows Swansea. COMMERCIAL, MATHEMATICAL, & CLASSICAL. M-D CTFVENS begs to announce that SCHOOL nTTTIES will be resumed on THURSDAY, Jan. 17th, 50, St. Ceorge terrace. [5304 Ealing Ladies' College, -ANDKINGHAM GARDENS, LONDON, W. TTTf H CLASS EDUCATION FOR GIRLS. Large H ctaff °f highly-qualified University Masters and jT~ profe?s°rs. Preparation for all exams. Excep- 7* fi u,lvaiitage? for art subjects. Thoroughly comfort- 1°.rlJ 1 refine' borne liberal table. Welsh connection, R 1 fees from 30 guineas.—Address PRINCIPAL. Inc,usive [5094 W estbourne School, Westbournc-road, Penarth. PRINCIPAL-MR. SYDNEY GIBSON. MJJ S. GIBSON, assisted by efficient masters, receives pupils to prepare for the usual examina. tioRS and for the Pnhlic Schools. IvItistei-s attpnd for the following subjects Mathema- tics French, Drawing, Shorthamd, Drilling, &c. Prospectus on application to the Principal. [5268 Byron House School, The Park, Ealing, London, W. r,,TTTg cone of the best conducted Schools around London), I offers everv facility for a commercial or a professional ncation, at most reasonable terms, under a large staff ot fixcentionally qualified Masters, not only chosen for their University qualifications, but for their acknowledged ability teach Over 90 certificates and honours have been obtained^ Cambridge, Oxford, College of Preceptors, and South Kensing ton A good Welsh connection for both boys and girls. LIST OF MASTERS. English Masters: J. Fowler, A.C.P., J. A. Mackintosh. A.C. E. W. Dennehy. W. C. Ward (Government certificated a PrjUKIOEI)EPARTMENT, for Pupils from six toning y<»rs nf a«T Mr. A. Moir, a qualified and experienced■ Qn Classfcs, Mathematics, and Science, for London Matn J'Gerirmn Md French Dr. W. Mussler. Drawing j Geometrical, Persp^tiTeJ Water^olour^ Oi 81a§e Mr. Fairs (fully certifirated from University v School). Phonogmphy.by athoroughlyq'MOI i^^ry)Miss master. Music—Piano, Organ (Practice Compton B. L. Holland (certificated). -J}.011" = ci^' and Calisthenics: (Medallist, Royal Academy). Drill, Fencing, anu Lieutenant J. B. Sleigh. exDerience, and is The Head Master has had over 20 years expe r492 constantly teaching and co-operating with the Mas EDUCATIONAL. Government School of Science and Art, ALEXANDRA ROAD, SWANSEA. In connection with the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Chairman: THE MAYOR OF SWANSEA. Hon. Secretary: E. W. JENNINGS, Worcester-place. Head Master: F. F. HOSFOBD. ART CLASSES: Freehand Drawing in all its branches. Practical Geometry and Perspective. Architectural and Mechanical Drawing. Painting in Oil, Tempera, and Water Colours. The Figure from the Antique and the Life. HOURS OF STUDY-DAY CLASSES: TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Morning Class from 11 to 1. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Afternoon „ from 2 to 4. WEDNESDAY, „ „ from 2 to 4. SATURDAY, „ „ from 2 to 4. EVENING CLASSES: TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, from 7.15 to 9.15. FEES: All Fees are payable in Advance. MORNING CLASSES, Tuesdays and Fridays, 20s. per term of ten weeks 5s. Entrance Fee. AFTERNOON CLASSES, same days and Fees. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLASS, intended for Male and Female Students from Private Schools, 15s. per School term. SATURDAY AFTERNOON CLASS, for Teachers and Pupil Teachers of Elementary Schools, 5s.; to all others, 10s. per Session. Open from September to May examination. EVENING CLASSES, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 7.15 to 9.15. Fees, 2a. per month. 2s. Entrance Fee. CLASSES will re-commence on TUESDAY, JAN. 8th, 1889. [5255 UPLANDS SCHOOL, 9 & 10, Glanmor-Terrace, Swansea Principal—Rev. J. E. MANNING, M.A. Terms on application. THE next Term commences on THURSDAY, JAN. 17 J_ 1889. f024 Pontardawe Collegiate School. SPECIAL attention to backward boys. Healthy and comfortable home. Duties resumed JANUABY 28th, 1889. [5310 MR. C. M. BILL, FELLOW OF THE COLLEGE OF ORGANISTS, LONDON, FELLOW OF THE GUILD OF ORGANISTS, London* EXAMINER FOR THE LONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC, ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER OF HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Formerly Professional Pupil of H. BKOOKSBANK, Esq., Mus. Bac. (Oxon), F.C.O. (Llandaff Cathedral), PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, 58, MAJNSEL TERRACE, SWANSEA. PONTARDAWE and DISTRICT visited weekly. [5265 Miss M. QUIRE, TEACHER OF VIOLONCELLO, 26, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. TERMS on application. [3565 Tremont House, eH^Wralter Road, Swansea- BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for GIRLS, conducted by MKS. CHUNK, (widow of H. C. CHUNE, Surgeon,) and the MISSES CHUNK, (certificated,) assisted by resident and visiting Governesses, (certificated), and visiting masters. Foreigner for languages. NEXT TERM will Commence TUESDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1889. [029 Academy of Music, 35, Vttlter-road, Swansea- 'jnT MRS. AND MISS M.* TRICKER RESUME LESSONS MONDAY, the 19th of JANUARY. Subjects include Piano, Harp, Violin, Singing. 5321 Swansea High School for Girls. MRS. WARDHAUGH is prepared to receive a limited number of Boarders attending the above School. References and testimonials on application to 38, Walter-road. [5357 12, CALVERT TERRACE, SWANSEA THE MISSES JONES'S SCHOOL will be RE- OPENED (D.V.) on TUESDAY, the 22nd JANUARY. [5360 Neath Proprietary School. HEAD MASTER: REV. J. ALLAN PRIDE, B.A., AND ASSISTANT MASTERS. Apply for Prospectuses to the Head Master; or to the Chairman, The Ven. Archdeacon of Llandaff, The Rectory, Neath. [2399 Art Classes. THE CLASSES, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mrs. J. C. VYE-PARMINTER, ^yiLL RE-COMMENCE TUESDAY, JAN. 15, 1889. Oil and Water-Colour Painting, including Painting from the Costume Model, Miniature, Tapestry, Art Pottery, Screen and Fan Painting, &c. Also Classes for Drawing. Students may enter at any time. Broadway Villa, Walter-road, Swansea. [026 12, Castleton, Mumbles. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL ^OR GIRLS. AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR LITT^ Conducted by the ^,SSJ^a?P L j .x, (^aag(^r0rness -ISighest References. Resxdent Fo^g^^ggSTpplication. [3663 MR. ARTHUR HEY, F.C.O., (Organist and Choirmaster of St. James's Church, PBOFESSOR OF MUSIC, 8, PAGE-STREET, SWANSEA. TERMS for tuition on application. [5306 T T iIT-,rS^-a £ £ ea High School for Girls, LLWYN-Y-BRYN, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA. Head Mistress—MISS VINTER. THE SPRING TERM will begin on TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1889. Prospectuses and forms of application for admission may be obtained at the School, or from the Secretary of the Girls' Public Day School Company, Limited, 21, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W. I5lw | LESLIE SCHOOL OF ART, I 1, KENSINGTON TERRACE, SWANSEA OIL AND WATER COLOUR. TAPESTRY, CHINA AND PASTEL PAINTING. CLASSES RE-COMMENCE JANUABY 2nd, 1889. 7TT 'T.T. 7- TOMKI lNJ 55' ?TK21 PRINCIPAL. PUPILS MAY KNTER AT ANY TIME. EDINBURGi HOUSE,eWAlteR ROAD, j Rrtardinir Establishment for Youutr CONDUCTED ifioated Teachers.3 A U G H EnTNBURGH HOUSE is pleasantly situated in one nf the most healthy suburbs 0f the town, and is w-n adapted for Educational purposes. The rooms nWjr ,*r*e, lofty, airy, well-lighted, and thoroughly nn+ilated. The health and domestic comforts of the 5=Sf are carefullv attended to. Special Class for T ittle Boys- Pupils prepared for all Examinations. ■for"L_90mmences January 14th, 1889. [4921 The Colston School, tapleton, near Bristol. FOUNDED, A.D. 1708. f"|lHE Governors admit a limited number of Boys from JL 10,to 15 years of age to this Endowed School, on payment of £ 31 per annum, for Tuition, Books, Board, and clothing. No extras. The course is designed to impart a sound aud useful Education, and includes Latin, French, and Mathematics. There will be a few Vacancies to fill up at the beginning of next Term. Apply to GEORGE H. POPE, Treasurer of the Society of Merchant Venturers, Bristol. 5250 EDUCATION.—DEVON.—An ARTICLK PUPII. not under 14 is required in a Finishing Establishment of good standing- The School occupies a splendid position, facing the sea, ana offers great advantage to parents wishing to place a daugncer for a few years, on moderate terms, where she will reoeiv superior English and accomplished Education 5 professors, combined with the comforts uppessaw^for y K girl first leaving heme.—Address, Seaside, Mrs. By « Bidford, Sidmouth, HENRY A. CHAPMAN, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, WINNER OF SEVERAL MEDALS AND FIRST PRIZBS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS AND OIL PAINTINGS. THE BEST STUDIO IN THE PRINCIPALITY FOR BEST WORK AND MODERATE PRICES. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS LVII ADDITIONS. PRICES: 3 for 2s. 6 for 3s. 12 for 5s. 6d. 235, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. [4134 TWELVE CARTES DE VISITE, 2s. ad. I X 1N ?T'D I „ Cabiaets, 2s. 6d. Si* 5s. One lO-in^h Panel, 5s.; two, 7s. Copied or enlarged from any portrait, however faded. Sent with postal order or stamps to Mr. F, s. D. PHILLIPS. Perfect copies and original returned free LONDO» PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, 304, Regent-street, Londcm W. [35? King Arthur Hotel, Reynoldstone, Gtower. PROPRIETOR J. BEVAN. MRS. J. BEVAN (late Mrs. Williams) BEGS ANNOUNCE that the aboTO Hotel is stil carried on under her personal supervision, and Visitors may rely upon finding every accommodation as hereto- fore. Conveyances kept for those who wish to see the charming places in Gower. [2190 FOR HEALTH PROMOTING & COMFORT IN WALKING WEAR RANDLE'S HAND-MADE BOOTS ANB SHOES. UNSURPASSED BY ANY MAKE OR MAKER. ADDRESS: 15, CASTLE STREET SWANSEA, [4844 W. F. BULL & Co., 10, UNION-STREET, SWANSEA, Have a well-assorted Stock of WINES, SPIRITS, BEERS, CIGARS, TEAS, &c., Suitable for the Season, of guaranteed good qualities AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. N.B.—Single Bottles of all sizes supplied. [5197 High-street Brewery, Swansea. THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED BREWERY IN SWANSEA THB PBOPHIETOB, MB. THOMAS JONBS, begs to tWfc his numerous patrons for their past favours, and to inform them that his Alas, Stouts, Ac., bear a standard equal to any manufacturer in Swansea and neighbourhood. The hands employed by him are thoroughly skilled and experienced, and the process of manufacturing ia conducted upon the most approved principles. Great care is taken to ensure that only the tinest Malt and Hops are used, and as regards purity, strength, and delicate flavour, these Ales cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. The Premises occupied are large and com- modious, covering an extensive area of ground. The Buildings comprise Stores, Brewery, and Malthouses, The latter are arranged on the most advanced scientific lines. The machinery and appliances in use are of the latest modern design The Stores are heavily stocked, and taking into account this fact, together with the knowledge of the excellent system of organisation that prevails throughout, the most urgent orders can be executed at the shortest possible notice. Concerning Mr. Jones's statues it is sufficient to say that he ranks among tàe leading and most popular and respected business men in Swansea. 5338 THOMAS FORD AND CO., PIER STREET, SWANSEA. BAR FITTERS, PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS, &C. GAS FITTINGS, BEER ENGINES, AND EVERY REQUISITE KEPT IN STOCK. A CALL IN TO INSPECT SA ME RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. SOLE AGENTS for MB. SAMUEL MASON, Prise Medal Bar Fitter, Birmingham. f5052 UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE. FOR DRESS, BALL, AND OTHER BOUQUETS, FOR LADIES' SPRAYS AND GENTS' BUTTONHOLES, GO TO TOM BARRON, THE ROYAL FLORIST, lOOa, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. PLANTS, CUT FLOWERS, &e. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. j. C HOWELL, ELECTRIC LIGHT ENGINEER, LLANELLY. Contractor or the Supply and Fitting up of ELECTRIC LIGHT APPARATUS Of every description. INCANDESCENT and ARC LIGHT INSTALLATIONS For Collieries, Factories, Ships, Houses, &c. Estimates on Application. A few examples of work carried out and goods supplied locally:- Dowlais Iron Co., Dowlais 4 Arcs. 60 Incandescents Glamorgan Coal Co., Llwynypia 300 Incandescents Mortgagees Plymouth Works, Merthyr 500 Incandescents National Steam Coal Co., Wattstown 89 Incandescent# Ocean Coal Co., Treorky 50 Incandescents Cardiff Castle, Cardiff 2,200 Light Dynamoe Boath Docks 25 Arcs. E. Morewood and Co., Llanelly 10 Arcs. 250 Incandescents J. Mackay, Esq., Treforest 4 Arcs. Swansea fan plate Co. (temporary lighting) 30 Inwnaesoen B. Howell and Son, Saw Mills, Llanelly, 1 Arc- Western Tin-plate Co., Llanelly 4 Ares. 130 In^ndescents Grovesend Tin-plate Co., Gorseinon 4 Arcs. 120 Lcan(jescent, Vivian & Sons, Swansea 60 FOR COPPER DEPOSITION"; WILLIAMS, FOSTER, and CO., SWANSEA. VIVIAN and SONS, SWANSEA. Contracts undertaken for Transmission of Power to a Distance. Fmther information can be obtained from MR. JOHN LEGG, NELSON STREET, SWANSEA. 3742 Blue Lias Lime, White Lime, Limestone and Silicious Fire Cement. B DANIEL JONJiio and Co. are prepared to # Supply the above-named article at all Railway S'stormy Works, Pyle. near Bridgend. 123 BIRD'S CUSTARD pOWDER. A GREAT LUXURYI „„ CHOICE, DELICIOUS No tpG&s T?,EWIRED. CUSTARD, Jit XM WITHOUT BSGB •' L „ „„ prodaced by N° E Rewired- POWDER JJGGB J^EQUIBBD. AT HALT THI COST HALF THE TBOUELE, NJO Luncheon, Dinner, Supper, or Feast complete without a dish of this favourite Custard. Bold Everywhere in 6d. and Is. Boxes, and 2d. Packets. gIBD'S CUSTARD pOWDER. lee that each Packet bears the name of the Inventors and Sole Manufacturers, ALFRED BIRD SOITS, Devonshire Works. MiMpfbaa,