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FREEMASONRY AT SWANSEA. The annual installation meeting of the Indefatigable (CenteSy) Lodge, No. 237, as a kind of pattern lodge in to Skw^Walw pt°-nnce took place on MoncUy lastS mem'rs street, m the presence of^ Marmftdnke and visitors, amongst whom Tennant. Deputy-Prov. Orrauu of Ceremonies of England; SnmM G Hall, P M., 1323, P P ft S W • -Rev Dr. Walters, P-M., 1573. Prov. P.P.(j.b.W., Ke gy. John Jones Jenkins, Gmnd Chaplain P.P.^W wu^n, W.M., 1323; P.K, 1323, PJP.J.W., gD R jj Barni 2M Sure*: John Rogers, P.M. P.M., 1323, r.r.w. 1 rrv, p \t iqoo p p T p w 1573, P.G.S.W.; George AU«, P i§73, P.P.G.J w' • P M>*237S,P P G. Supt. of Works James T.tMcKim, P.M.J237, G g c John w u Laws Perrms, P.M., lo'o. t vr,nrhes p \f 1K7Q P.M., 237, P.P.G.P.; J P.P.G. Standard Bearer; F. W P.P.G. Sword Bearer; • „ 1573 ppA T pv P.P.G.S w. T WbMOk. P*' E; H-Taylor p M<< 237, P.P.G. J.W. 1573, P.P.G. J.D.;H. Simons^ G S D j g P M fi7W F Ws P M.-671; W. R. Parker, W.M! ™ 1' 1 T"^i 1323; James Jones, 237, Mayor of Elect, Talbot Lodge, »•» Taylor, J.W. 1573. w H. Rosser, 1573, Prov. w pikej 237: T P K 21?'n ^S73- T Rithardfl, 1573; John Leg?', Martin, J-D-l573,' 1.73. G. R- PhUlips, 237; F. 237; M. J. Assistant Organist; Richard S-W a. s Fitt 237; T&iw.ke, 110i W- H- 237: ?•, Watt8^7^j Griffiths, 237; H. Beynon,' 237; J, John8on, 237 t oq7* D. C. Johns 9^7 • T 237; James H. Jenkins, T W GavdS ^7 Marler, 237; J. Finnemore, Wh 23?. Q W.E.Bradforf, 2^7; 237; R. T. Gibbsi 2i?fawaH.^ith; 2375 Davies' 237 i W. Ford, 2S7, Ac. t 3.30 by the Worshipful The Lodgewas^pened pp ? R Master, Bro. Dr. W. M |^ pr0VlOus meetings were his officers. Theminute iateresting ceremony of read and confirmed when t th mysW/ of mitiating a can^abB d by the w M Freemasonry was ably perto John Williams, Senior conclusion of which Bro. the "w.M. Elect was Warden Prov. Grand Stew ^nc.al (j d Maa^r presented by the Deputy Dr. w. Morgan, having Installation. TheiW.M.tions, proceeded with the addressed the nsua admom below cereniony iintil aU the br wh?n Installed Masters> were req t ample and very beautiful ritual. m ife Aft(jr return ofPthe hensive formwascomple^a WM> as officers for the ensumg ye • hoUg. j 'w > Bro;E G; Morgan; S.W., Bro W. G.sim0n8; P.M. Secretary, Protheroe, Treasurer, Bro. T H Morgan; J.D. Bro. Wm. Evans; ^D., g Bro H j. Thoma Sn' T Kh^pk. Onanist, T. W. Jones! D v yfsikias; Stewards, J. L. P.M. assistant organist, • Bullerwell. Smith and G.Jasper ;ryle ^eremony) the WM pre. At the conclusion jtli a handsome centenary sented Bro. Dr. W. Mo^anw pleasu^ jewel, and in doing aS the spontaneous offering to invest him with the^same a Indefatigable Lod of the officers a"d hre efficiency with which m recognition ot the abihtj the Lod durin he had managed the and the high esteem in wE™' held b, one th|"eDrgM0WM bS/.Bd feeling joW- SSt iSS pwmote the <* *> and the happiness of the brethren. Mor^nr, On his resuming his seat, Br • • warmly congratulated bvthe members and .vlsltors on JK^Kn? »nd iipre.«e manner m whwh he had nerformed the ceremony of instaiwtion. The Secretary then read letters of apology for non- attendance and congratulation from Bros, or ^ey, Lord Kensington, S. G. Homfray, D.P.G.M., Mon., ^Th^Lodge was then closed in due form, and the brethren adjourned to the Banquetting Hall at the Royal Hotel, where a magnificent spread was prepared with all the delicacies of the season by Host Bro. Kowe, which gave extreme satisfaction. The Worshipful Master Bro. Williams, presided, supported by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Bro^ Tennant, Sir John Jones Jenkins, Dr. James G. Hall, Rev. Dr. Walters, chaplain, James Jones (Mayor of Swansea), E°Tbh; me?uUrni&S follows^y -Julienne, tail.—Fish,—Salmon, cucumber, fillets of sole, white sauce.—Entrees.—Sweetbread, stewed kidneys, mutton ^+1*4 —Removes —Roast lamb, mint Bauce, roast beef Yorkshire pudding, boUed turkey, celery sauce, r^st ohfeken York ham, haunch of venison.-Game.— EwS'SJt hare, -M daeke.-S»«(«.-I).msen tarts, stewed pippins, custards, blancmange, jellies.- ^^The'us^aUoj^al and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured, a graceful allusion being made by the Worshipful Master to the death of the late Bro. Charles Bath, P.M., whose memory he said would never fade from among them. A capital string band led by Mr. Crews, played a choice selection of music during dinner, as follows:- Overture, "Crown Diamonds," (Auber); selection, Dorothy," (Cellier); gavotte, La Pateliueuse," (Constantin); polka march, Boulanger," (Desormes); selection, Mikado," (Sullivan); waltz. "Nesta," (Prout); march, Alicia,' (Warwick Williams); and several of the brethren contributed to the harmony of the evening with songs and recitations, as follows:— Song Bro. J- H. Taylor; quartette, Bros. Protheroe, Legg| W. Morgan and Simons; song, Bro. J. Moy Evans; recitation, Bro. H. Taylor; song, Bro. Fred. Watkins; trio, Bros. Legg, Protheroe and Simons; song, Bro. T. H. Morgans; recitation, Bro. T. P. Martin; song, Br°- T- "• Jonea; song, Bro. James Treharne accompanied with his usual brilliancy.


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