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ANNUAL DINNER OF THE EMPLOYES OF ANDERSON, COX AND COMPANY LIMITED. The first dinner, which it is intecded to repeat annually, of the employes of the above company. which has shops in Castie-straat and Wicd-street, Swansea^and a rapidly-developing business throughout the Priaci. pality, was held on Tuesday evening, at the Glamorgan Hotel. About 40 sat down, with several invited friends. The dinner w"s laid in the spacious billiard room, which is well adapted for the purpose to which it was put, and the tasteful way in which the tables and the walls were deeoratjed gave to the room a. very pleasing appearance.. The dinner, and the whole of'the awangements, reflected tn" highest credit upon Mr, Fry, the genial host, and Mn. Pry, Mr. C. Arthur <36x (ma*agin^ director of tle company) presided, supported by Mr. W. Taylor (secretary), and Mr. J. Leaa, manager of the Wind-street branch. The excellent dinner having been partaken or, the Menal toast3 were proposed, The toagf of the evening was that of The Company," proposed by Mr. No-risb, who dwelt upon the effort& of Messrs. C. A. Cox and Mi-. W, Taylor, Those gentlemen had worked hard to make the business so successful, and h& anticipated that th* position of the company -vould he atill more success- ful in the future. With a united effort,, he was sure they would have not two shops only, but 22 (Cheers) The toast vrao received with much enthusiasm, and aaMes.v. Taylor and Cox rose to respond, the company sang right las^ilv, "For they a*e jolly good fello.viC' Mr. W. Taylor, who ficst responded, said Mr. Morrish had not drawn upon his imagination, when he inferred that in a short time the company of Anderson, Cox, and Co. would be established in many places out- side Swansea.. The business, as they were all aware, was formerly that of Messrs. Anderson, Anderson, and Anderson; and when Mr Ccs. approached him (the speaker) with a. view of a transfer, both Mr. Cox and Mr. Anderson supplied him with a8 full particulers as any accountant could possibly require, under such circumstances. He found, after making every investigation,, that a profitable "business had beendone. and that there was the basis of a still larger and more extended business if a company, were formed, and out- siders and capital introduced. His expectations, he was glad to say, had been mere than realized. The business wae growing week by week. Its present success was greater than was liuticipated at the time when the compa<ny was formed, and there was no reason why that success should not continue.. The company they knew, were satisfied with small profits and quick returns. So long as they did the turnover they were satisfied with small profits. The public were aware uf that, and consequently they received the support of ■^he public They were threatened with competition. Well, they were prepared, and always would be prepared, to meet it. (Hear,, hear.) If those vho entered into competition with them, did the turnover "Aat their company was doing, it wasj).1St possible that they might manage to make a living out of any concern they migh nembark in, but unless they had a. large return the company's prices would certainly cut them absolutely out of the market, as the. public of Swansea very well knew. The many branches of Taylor ajid. Company, manag-ed entirely from Swansea, as- the centre, he mentiosed as. an instance of Ilow a business might be successfully and extensively Earrif-d on, 343d observed that ilhere was no reason what- ever why Anderson, Cox, and Co, should; Not in a sim.;)ar w"y have branches spread throughout the country. There were plenty of openings, and, with extended buying powers, they would do better for the public thun taey were at preseBt doing. The sl&iehol&ers had every reason to be satis fled with the investment they had made in the company. There was a psospect of exceedingly g00d dividends^ such dividends aa were not made in kwins^iin the pa^.bur; now, when the trade of the country btad unquestionably improved ta a considerable extent, the ti ade of Swansea must also improve, and if the town vas beneSttad, he was sure that their company would also derive a very great beneSi. indeed. (Applause).—jjr. Cox was als& well received on rising to reply. lie eXl. pressed the hope that by chat- time next year, the expec- tations they had formed,.and which Mr. Taylor had held forth, would have been realized. The employe bad always helped them most loyally in pushing the affaiisof the company, and he believed they would continue to do so,, for his sake, their own,, and the company's (Applause.) He apoke at some length. upou the happy relations that existed between emplflyi-rs and employed, and upon the encouraging prospects- of the company. The health of the directors was enthusiastically drunk, coupled with the na?>vt °' ^r" Edwards (chairman of the company)' ana Mr. W. F. Richards, one of the director?, both of whom uegretted their inability to be present at the gathering, aad expressed theii best wishes for its success. Tha re- ra&ining^toasts( were,. "The Press," "T2le Host and Hostess, and The Ladies," humourously proposed by Mr Lean, and responded to by Mr. FursVand. During the intervals between th^ speeches, s<ings were contributed by Miss Lydia Bailay, and Messrs. [ A. Fursland, Charles Hopkins, Morrisb, jun., Sloaombe, D. Hench, and Mr. W. Taylor, who accompanied. Pee ta- nous were given uy air. A. navies, ano ivir. Jones. The harmony introduced enlivened and diversified the pro- ceedings, and increased the pleasure of the company, who I passed a hearty vote of thanks to the lady and the gentle- men meuftioued, a mark of approbation which Mr. Taylor suitably acknowledged. Subsequently vajions gatnes were indulged in, in which the wblole of the party were able to pa, ticivate. The evening was a most enjoyable one to all present, and the hope was entertained by all, and expressed by not a few, that as happy a time would be sPent on a similar occasion next year.



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