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'U !u J.j SWANSEA, FRIDAY, MARCH 27. 4-4 £ 3" Cantab's Address to the Editor, congratulation him on the late debate relative to Wales in the House of Commons, in our next. The Lord Bishop of Liandaff has instituted the Rev. J. G. Storie, M.A., to the Vicarage of Monmonth, void hy the resignation ot the Rev. G. Roberts. Pation, the Duke ot Beaufort. We are glad to state, that the Committee of the House ol Commons have declared the Standing Orders to have been complied with in the case of Cameron's Coal- hiook Steam Coal and Swansea and Louglior Railway Company, and also of the Neath Vale Railway Company. SWANSEA SUNDAY-SCHOOL l"NIOS.- The Annual Meeting of this Institution was held on Monday evening last at Castle-street Chapel, the Rev. Win. Jones, Minister of the place, presiding. The meeting having been com- menced by singing a liymn and prayer, after a brief intro- ductoiy address from the Chairman, Mr. Win. Datief, the Secretary, was called upon to read the report for the past year, which treated of the beneficial results arising from the union and co-operation of Churches and Ministers of various denominations for the pnrpose of mutual encourage- mettt in promoting the advancement of education, by pro* curing books for the use of Sunday-schools at reduced rates, &c. The teachers and parents present, as well as the audience generally, were then addressed, in the English and Welsh languages alternaiely, by the Rev. Messrs. Howell, Hughes, Parry, Davies, and Dodd, in speeches characterized by nmch zeat and attachment to Sunday-schools, and illus- trative of the best manner in which they should be conducted. The remarks made by the various speakeis were certainly of the most important character and deserving the attention of all parties desirous of witnessing an improvement in point of order, constancy, zeal, &c., in the manner of conducting Sunday-schools. After a few remarks from Mr. Lewis and the Chaiiman, the meeting separated, the audience appear- ing to be highly gratified and instructed by the observations falling from the different gentlemen who addressed them. SWAKSKA SOCIETY FOR ACQUIRING USEFUL KNOW- LEDGE.—On Tuesday the 17tli, a very interesting discussion took place on "The Analogy between Reason and Instinct," introduced by W. H. Michael, Esq., in an eloquent and perspicuous manner, illustrating as well as supporting the arguments he advanced with some pleasing anecdotes, tend- ing in a great measure to prove the evidence of reason in some of the lower animals. At the close of the introductory remarks, a general discussion ensued among the members. The proceedings of the last meeting shall be noticed in our npvl niimkpr A REBECCA INFORMER -John Jones, who rendered himself so notorious during the Rebecca disturbances, by informing against several respectable parties, who were committed upon hit evidence, after which the Attorney- General entered a nolle prosequi, is now in the custody of the police of this town on a charge of felony. He was taken before the Magistrates, and remanded to a fntnre day. ADROIT Sw)<" DUNG.—There appeared in our last week's paper, under the above heading, a paragraph copied from a Gloucester paper, giving an account of the manner in which an individual managed fraudulently to get posses- sion of several tons of guano, which he -hipped on boa'd the steamer Henry Southan, for Cardiff, and that at the latter place he employed an auctioneer to dispose of it. Having found a purchaser, lie got the money, and decamped without paying either freight, auctioneer, ciier, in addition to having diddled the merchant, porters, and dockmen, at Gloucester. We have since been informed, strange to say, that the scene of this ingenious, but discreditable perform- ance lay much nearer home than Cardiff, the fellow having actually shipped the gnano for Swan" and disposed of it to a merchant resident in the town. MERTHYR. Mr E. T. Hicks, who is about to visit Swansea, has, during the last week, been winning golden opinions from the inhabitants of Merthyr, to whom he has delivered a seiies of lectnres upon Phrenology and Mesme- rism. From the shoitness of the notice given, the first lec- ture on mesmerism was not so well attended as it otheiwise would have been The audience, however, was composed of such of the Merthyr folks as are reputed for intelligence and talent. He gave a brief historical sketch of mesmerism -combat ted thecredibility and importancesomeiimeaclaimed by the oponents of inesmeiism for the report of the Paris Commission deputed to examine into its ti-iiih-entered into a very lucid physiological derail-and propounded a very plausible, if not entirely correct, theory of the mode of action of magnetism or electricity npon the human economy. Several experiments were tried-tipon both inhabitants of the town and upon a boy whom he has with him—some of them entirely new and all highly satisfactory. Some medi- cal gentlenit-n who were present were convinced that there was no deception practised, and the whole andienre de- parted very much pleased. On Monday and Tuesday even- ings he lectured on phrenology, to numerous audiences He is undoubtedly master of the science—has studied it profolludly-and treated it on this occasion in so able a manner, that he repeatedly elicited unanimous bursts of applause. In addition to possessing a perfect acquaintance with his subject, lie possesses a rich and very melodious voice, and occasionally attains a pitch of real eloquence which hnrrv the speaker along at a rapid rate, and lead into pleasing captivity the minds and senses of his gratified audi- tory. His lectures may wpt) be said to be a new serieg of common-p'a('es refreshed;" for to s'o good an account doe* he turn the matter presented to him — being here comic there sublime —instructive on this organ and witty pn a„0' tlier, and blending with the whole sentiments of the soundest philosophy-tlult we have never seen the utile and the dulce so well combined. We wete not present at the mesmeric lecture on Wednesday, though we have been told it wH8 equally as satisfactory as, arfd much better attended than the first.-From a Corresoondent. MERTHYR NFW CHURCH.—The foundation-stone of a new Church was laid in High-street, Merthyr, on I'n«»sciav last, by Lord James Stuart. In number the persons assem ble'l on the field were about two thousand, though very few of ibem joined in the procession either to or from the Church At Church, Archdeacon Williams preached, from Exodus 2s' v. 8; and Mr. Lr-igit Morgan in Welsh at six P.M. The collection in the Church amounted to about 401. MONUMENT TO Sill CHARLKS MORGAN, BART Her Majesty, the Queen Dowager, has been gracioiislv pleased to command her name to be placed, with a contri- bution of twenty-five pounds to Ihe fund for the testimonial to the venerable Sir Charles Morgan, Bart., to be placed on a height in Tredegar Park. It may be remembered that his late Majesty, William IV., honoured Sir Charles Morgan with his especial notice, always called him "the Prince of Sonth Wales." Sir Chmrles also had the honour of present- ing his Majesty with a bull, which King William receive^ in person. The above mark of the Queen Dowager's favour will therefore be doubly felt by the venerable baronet. In consequence of the general interest evinced on the subject of the testimonial to Sir Charles Morgan, the committee have published a list of the subscriptions, which appears in another column. The list is not closed, as additional names are being received daily. We learn. from the London papers, that H. Sockett Esq.. of liaby-place, in this city, is to succeed Mr. Trail, as Stipendiary Magistrate at the Sonthwaik Police Court. Mr. Sockett is a Barrister on the Chester Circuit. He was called to the Bar of Gray's-Inn, Nov. 22, 1797.-Bath Chronicle. VVEI.SH MIDLAND RAILWAY.—On Friday morning-, the Committee decided in the case of this railway, that the standing orders onght not to be dispensed with, and that the party should not be allowed to proceed with their bill. ENGLISH AMD BRISTOL CHANNELS DIRECT JUNCTION RAILWAY.—In consequence of the failure of the great mil- joriiv of the allottees of sharell in this Company to pay their deposits, a circular has been atldiessed to the members of the Provisional Committee, calling on them to pay 65/. each, as their share of the expenses to which this Company is liable, CHEPSTOW HORTICULTUKAT SnCIETY.-The schedule of prizes to be awarded at the exhibition of this Society, in the ruins of the Castle, in June and September, has just been issued, and promises a rich treat to the visitors. The premiums are very numerous, and are offered for almost every floral variety; and in addition to those comprised in the usual programme, a handsome silver cup will be awarded as an extra prize for the best stand of twenty-four dahlias of different varieties. The Hon. Colonel Spencer, and the officers of the 37th Regt., have very liberally promised the attendance ol their band. Attached to the schedule is an acciiiate and pleasing view of Chepstow Castle. This em- bellishment is in tinted lithography, and is so very credit- aide as a work of art as to demand a notice. The approaching Birmingham Triennial Musical Festival, which is fixed to 'ake place iu the last week of August next, is already beginning to excite the attention of the musical public, as one of the most prominent points of interest ot the present year. Her most gracious Majesty has been pleat;eti to place herself at the head of the list of patrons, which is also honoured with the names of his Royal Highness Piince Albert and her Majesty the Queen Dowager. We understand that the committee are inde- fatigable iu making engagements and arrangements worthy of the occasion, and, amongst other*, that the; have confided the performances to the immediate directorship of Dr. F. Mendelsshon Bartholdy and M. Moscheles—musicians, whose learning and rare tact as conductors are good earnest that the determination to have the best music performed in the best possible manner, will be firmly carried out. On Saturday night last, a man named Bowen, while in a state of inebriety, fell into a quarry at Cadoxtoi). Se. veral of his ribs were fractuied. # •' I CARMARTHENSHIRE ASSIZES.—Thonuu Y. Jones and Williams.—This case was not concluded when onr last week's report left Carmarthen. It WaS an action on an attorney's bill, In which Mr. Jas. Thomas, Llandilo, was plaintiff, and Mr. Geo. Williams defendant, proceedings against the other defendant having been withdrawn. Verdict in favour of plaintiff for 2$1. odd. The remainder of the Nisi Prius cases, including that for a breach of promise of nurriage, will he found reported in the fourth page of this day's paper. BRECONSHIRE ASSIZES. — Mr. Justice Wightman, es co-leii by he High-Sheriff, Morgan Morgan, Esq., of Bodwigiad, and a numerous and highly-respectable party of the Sheriff's friends, at rived at Brecon on Saturday evening at five o'clock, when the Commission was opened, and the Court was adjourned iiniil 'en o'clock on M«>nd y. Oil Sunday his Lordship attended Divine Service at S-iint Maiy's Church, when a most appropiiate and excellent sermon was preached by the Sheiiff's Chaplain, the R -v. David Hanmer Griffith, M.A.. Rector of Cadoxton.—The business of the Assizes commenced S!>on .t.er ten o'clock on Monday morning, and terminated a few minutes past one on the same day. There were f" nir pi isoners for trial named in the calendar; against one the- was no prosecution —the remaining three pleaded guilty. — Samuel Bridges, an ^scaped convict, was sentenced to two days' imprisonment, and aflerwardli tians|.o tation for life. Joseph Adams, for burglary, had twelve calendar OIonlhs' imprisonm"lIt with, haid labour; and Thomas Hall, for housebreaking, four! months' imprisonment with bard labour.—At the Nisi P-ius Bar, there were three causes onlv entered for tr a), all by common juries, and neither of the least public interest; they wete disposed of as follows: —Ann Daniel v. Rachael Price. To recover the value of certain furniture alleged to have been wrongfully distrained npon. Verdict for plain- tiff; damages 10/.—Doe demise Williams and Evans v. Thomas. Verdict for plaintiffs by consent damages !< and stay of execution until Michaelmas.—Jones v. Harris. Debt; an undefended action. Veidict for plaintiff; damages 551. 4s., the whole sum claimt"rl.-The whole of the bll,int'ss did nor occupy more than three honr«! SHIPWRECKS.—Thesmack Seven Brothers, of Milford, Monaghan, master, sailed from Llanelly on the 19!h inst.,coal laden, for Wexford, and put into Milford Haven, at 11 A.M. on the 21st. At 8 P.M., same day, got under weigh, with wind from S. E. light, and proceeded as far as ten miles to the westward of the Smalls. when at 4 P.M. the following day, it came on to blow a heavy gale from the same quarter, and she bore up. In passing Grasholm Island, the mainsail and fore- sail blew out of the bolt ropes, and a sea at the same time broke on board, and washed away the skylight, binnacle, companion, and lee gangway. Notwithstanding her loss of sails, and having taken on board a good deal of water, tliey managed to steer her, having the jih set, between Scokum and Seomar, and brought her to an anchor under the lee of the former island, hoping to be able to pump her out, but the WWI increasing, and the sea running higher, she drove out into the middle of the sound, the sea breaking right on board. As the vessel wa* fast yielding to the power of the contending elements, as a last resort the anchor was slipped, and the vessel ran on shore upon some broken rocky ground which skirts the Island of Skomar. The first sea fit it broke on boanl after she struck, washed away her starboard side, and smashed the boat to atoms thus cutting off their means of escape. In ahout an hour, the captain (he was a single man, and a native of Wex- lord), was carried away by the sea, but the rest of the crew, namely, Frederick Frank, mate, and Charles Conran, seaman, were enuhted to retain their holot, and swam on shore in the course of another hour, and saveti their lives, the tide having partially left the vessel, and the surf in consequence become less dangerous. The body of the captain was picked up in the course of the day.—The smack Dove, of Ross, S afford, from Waterford to Llanelly, was lost on the same day. having foundered in Carmarthen Bay. Crew saved, and landed at Laugharne. WEST op ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES LAND-DRAIN- ING COMPANY.—This Company held its first half-yearly meeting at Exeter, a few days ago, and declared a dividend at the rate of four per cent, per aiiiuun on the paid-up capital, The object of ihe society is to promote the efficient draining of lands, by undertaking the whole of the surveys, supplying al,.1 ..1- _1.1 a! inyiug nown tlie pipes, anil completing ine opeianon fit the intervention of other patties, and receives payment direct or by instalments, at the convenience of the landowners. Sir Thomas Tancred and many oilier eentlemen and agriculturists addressed the meeting on the im:<oiiance and great value of scientific and deep draining, and much into esting discussion took place. MELANCHOLY \CCIDEN r. — On Tuesday se'nnight, as Justly Pearson, Esq., of Colel'oid, in company with a brother and sister, w is retnniiiv.' from Chepstow over the Chase, the horse--a spirited animal—took fright, and dashed off with tremendous speed. Miss Pearson, unfortunately, jumped from 1he vehicle, and falling upon hei head, was killed instantly. We understand that the deceased, who was a most amiabtf young lady, had but recently arrived at her bi other's house on a vi-it. The solemn shock which the melancholy bereavement has caused m itie family and fiiends of the deceased, may easily be conceived. SUICIDE AT PWI.LDU, NEAR BLAEVAVON. —On Fri- day, Mr. Benjamin Jacob, aged 51 veais, nvmsger of the Pwildu shop, committed suicide at the Lalub Inn, Pwlldu, by taking a quantity of oxalic acid. The dece.sed went to the Lamb about twelve o'clock in the forenoon, and asked for a glass of ale", hieh he drank, and then left. In a short time afterwards he returned, far the purpose of bo) rowing the sum of 10s., which was supplied him by the landlady, Mrs. Ree*. He 'hen requested another glass of ale, which lie drank; and informed Mrs. Rees, that he purposed going to Blaenavon for all amount of cash, when, on his return, he wo") t refund the same but previous to his going, he would have a glass of sin and water warm, and lav himself dnwn to a shoit time to sleep, for which purpose lie would go into the small pit lour. The glass of g;n and water vas supplied him, which lie partook, put,ing in it the deaiily draught which terminated his existence in half an hour. The family, who were at dinner in the adjoining room, hpllnta noise and groaning, when Mrs. Rees proceeded to the patlour, and there saw that decease)) had fallen down, and seemed to he in ereat agony. She immediately called for assistance, and he w is raised up. James C. Hill, Esq., was sent for, who immediately came, and dispatched a mes- ftencer ,0 Blaenavon, for Richard Steel. Esq., surgeon. When he ai lived, he found that the vital spa k had fled; and pi-rceiviug something very peculiar about his month, surmised he had taken poison. He inquired what he had taken of; and when informed, on examining the glass, found a portion of some ingredient in it. which convinced him that his suspicions were too well founded. O.i s- aicb- j a packet of oxalic acid was found in his pocket, Js An inqnest was lield upon the body on Salur- d"( before William F. BaM. Esq., coroner, who ordered a post mortem, examination, and adjourned the inquest to Fri- day 'he 27th instant. SIMGULIR \DVENVURE OF A CHEQUE.—On Saturday I Sf the Mess<s, Badger, corn factors, of Dudley, called at T 'office of Mr. Needlmm, carrier. &c. Lowesmoor, for the 1 "roSp of discharging an account. One of them having d" wil a cheque (or the amount —33/ lie laid ir on the table, hen suddenly the door was opened, and a violent gust of wind blew the valuable document up the chimney Search was immediitelv nude in the flue, hut to no purpose, and it I e,n* evident that the cheque was nol consumed by the fire, a'^lili^ent seaich was made in every nook and crevice of the i • a. well as on the root and around the adjoining nremises'; but no cheque was to be found, and all hopes of iecov'-ring it wire abandoned. The nsnal precaution in 1 tch cases was resorted to. payment stopped, and another chcfliie was drawn by ihe Messrs. Badger. But the strangest i art "f the story remains tint Id a labouring man in the employ ot F. Hooper, Esq.. of R .inbow-hill. was j-etnrning home,Hid, about a quarter of a inile fiom Mr. Needham's office' something in the air performing a variety of evolutions at some distance from him. HP immediately gave chase and after some trouble e "mht it, and discovered it to he the toal cheque, uninjured, it having cmssed the canal and cleared several houses and trees. He handed it over to his master, Mr. Hooper, who letunied it to Mr. Needham.— Worcester Journal. Worcester Journal.

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Family Notices

SHIP nsvs.