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" aitti Courotrarlo Dooto.


aitti Courotrarlo Dooto. LONDON, AUGUST 2. rPHR French Chamber of Deputies, after three X days' discussion, passed the Regency Bill on Sa- turdav evening bv a majority of 216, there being for the Hill :HO votes, and agnittsr it 94. This Bit!. differ- ing materially from the Rejencv Bills passed bv the British P ■irliampiit, makes the right to the Regency, I like that fc the Throne, hereditary, and enac's that the Prince nearest to the Throne, in the male line of the House of.Orleans, being 21 years of age, shall be Regent of the French. The Duke of Nemours o.' course will, by the passing of this Bill, berime the Recent apparent, and in case of his death the right wili descend to his next brother, and so on in regular succession without any legislative enactment. The Madrid papers to the 13:h inclusive contain no news. The Portuguese banditti having arrested a Senator tn'tied Saens. from whom they required a ransom of 30,000 piastres, the Spanish Government addressed a very energetic Note 'o the Cabinet of Lisbon, thrpatening to inarch troops into Portugal in purstiit of the robbers if similar outrages occurred. The replv of the Portuguese Government was satis- factory It authorised the Spanish troops to enter i's territory should such acts again come to pass, and for- warded orders to that effecI to the Frontier Authorities. The British Queen steamer, now the property of the Belgiin Government, arrived at Cowes lasl night from New York. and has brought papers up to the 7th inst. She made he passage in about fiteen days, and brings intelligence eig-ht days later than that furnished by the Acftdia steamer, which arrived on the 13th. The in- telligence from the United States is highly satis- factory. The North Eastern Boundary Question is already arranged to the satisfaction of all parties. The Creole case is settled, and that of the Caroline is in the course of adjustment. It is also sta'ed that the Right of Search Question Iras been amicably dis- posed of. The whole of these important questions we learn, wiii be first arranged, and then submitted to the Senate simultaneously and it is generally believed tliat they will not meet with any opposition, as the majority of that body are desirous of terminating these affairs in an amicable way. Nothing official hadjra.is- pired resne"!ing the negotiations between Lord ""Ash burton and Nir. Webster, but as they both have f ill power to settle every point, and have been instructed by their respective Governments to bring the matter to a peaceful conclusion, there is now no reason to doubt that they have been completely successful. We congratulnte our own countrymen as well as the people of the United States on this happy result, so creditable, and a: the same time so beneficial, to two great nations. The Senate oassed the Tariff Bill on the 51h instant, by a vote of 2.5 to 23; but it it was anticipated that the President would veto it in a few days. The cotton and corn crops," says the New York Herald, are abundant, and Heaven is smiling oil the industrious and deserving."

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. BANKRUPTS from Tuesday's…
