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TTo PARENTS and GUARDIAN.& EVANS, Chemist and DruggisJ. Higlj-a r • Swansea, is in want of an intelligent ac family, an APPRENTICE. He will be treated as one of J Premium moderate. -6-' VV A,XT{:D'f a sinfle -nn^e l,iSVf«i useful! T Jo vears of a^e, who will make ind soine- but chiellv in the house, and who nuderstan tiling about horses. „ „ „„„„„ Apply at the Cambrian Olfice, Swansea. TO 'DRA PERS' ASSISTANTS', ari WANTED in a Country Shop 21 TTLSO he^iiledI„\T GENERAL GROCERY BUS!- NESS. A knowledge of the Welsh language would be ^Letters, pre-paid, with references as to chiira-»^nalifi' cations, to be addressed to Al., Camorinn Swansea Canal navigation. r*pFT E -VN NU V. L C EN ER A L ASSEMBLjV of AI>I .1 C. V <vrriT)()>J wi be held at 0 PROPRIETORS of this Trrs^Vv the 7th the Bt'sii ISN, in the town ot SWANSt.A, on > day of J i: LY next, at twelve o'clock. rf GRQVE. Navigation Olfice, 15th June, 1^'l)- KAGAME /7||. — T'-H" M P>r HS of tl'.e INDEFATIGABLE and W\T<FOltT LODGE, No.288, intend DINING together lit,ti' i on WKHNISDAY, the 24th inst., 2 CKLE^P^lie FES'? VAL of ST. JOHN -he BAPTIST. The Lod t|i>* U> be opened at two o'clock P.M., and D.nner on £ "o°U,li»S. W.Uofwi.) 10s. fid. eucli, to be I,ad at the Lodge Honse, the Cameron Arms. Swansea, JUlie 17, 1S-10. ■ HART, Surgeon-Dentist, of Bristol, NOW -T-'JL A^, SWANSKA, begs to intimate that his further sojournment is now limited to merely Two or THREE VS EEKS. »;/■„„ Mr. II. has an IMPBOVKD SUCCEDANK -a beaulfnltjl prepared SOFT FINE GOLD, as also the. several K tCF.NT CW s for filling Dental Caries:-he has every bnd of approved <*>y< «[ Teeth in vogue: he is familiar with the latest and his every materiel used in Dental Mechanism isoj the fist quality from the jirst London Depositories. _n_L THE MORBID AFFECTIONS OF THE TLETH AND CUIIS are treated bv i\?r. H with due consideration as to their con- nexion wiih the system general v-t he anatomical conformation, of the systemic or-jans—their functional action and reciprocal bear- ing having had an ample share ol his close study. CHILDREN S TEETH -their ossification or formation-their mode of 'cut'inff, of • shedding together with the order, time, and mode of appearing of the Second Dentition being matters oi familiar knowledge witli -M. H. he confidently offers his service in guiding and assis ing doriii"' the progress'of these natural, interesting, and important operations, with the view to the obtaining symmetrical arrange- ment— as much may be effected by dul y observing, &c. The process of shedding usually commences about me sixth or seventh tear of age. uKn,,t The TARTAR, an extraneous concretion accumulating aooui the teeth and "Ull],S, is not only di.,siglitli, but highly injurious; it is an active cause of Caries in teeth, and ol absorption or waste of the gums and of other morbid effects occasioning pain and premature loss of the organs alluded to-this larlar Air. It. re- rnoves at once with perfect ease and safety, &c. No. 1, MOUNT-STREET, BUBAOWS, Mr. H.'s home engagements wiU oblige him to leave aiou le time as above, intimated. Swansea, June 19lh. To LEWIS WESTON, DILLWYN, Esq. MAYOR of SWANSEA. WE, the undersigned, request that you will be pleased to CONVENE a PUBLIC MEM «T «he INHABITANTS of this TOWN and NEIGHI bOL RHO^D, to exnress to her Most Gracious Majesty Queen it>1ona an Iioy-il Consort, our horror and detestation at the la e a^ ro and treasonable attempt made on their Lives, and our congratulations on their providential escape from tbe Irailorous attack of the Assassin. Win. II EETSOH, D.D. W. Ft. Grove, Thomas Walters, jun., J. W. G. Gulch, John Francis, George G. Frllllcis, George Gape, William Be van, S. Padtey, William Clark, W. Betan, Hugh Mahony, Evan .James, J oltn Jenkins, Eli Janus, J. Williams, C. B. Mansfield, Michael Williams, Edward Budd, Roger Walker, David Jones, S- Da we, Williim Stride, ThomrlS Gardon, Joseph GWlfnn, George Gibbs, George Beynon, Griffith GriffitHS, Gcorgs Bydder, Davia Morgan, Cha-ks Collins, D. Rhys Stephen, Michael John Michael, L. 1.1. Dillwyn, David Walters, W C. Murray, J. Davies, Thomas Walters, J nines Walters, David Rees, Winstone Simmonds, William Evans, Thomas Sliepperd, Thomas Bullin, George Howell, Charles Thomas Wilson, Samuel Morgan, David Daries, Edward Hughes, Edward Beavan, H. Lloyd, U. Hopkins, J. W. Clark, Martin Retail. In compliance with the above Requisition, I hereby appoint a PUBLIC iVl EETING. to be held at the Tow N'-HALL, S\VANSEA, on MONDAY next, the 22d instant, at twehe o'clock at noon. June IS 1 MO. L W. DILLWYN, Mayor. TO THE HIGH SHERIFF oj GLAMORGAN. Wp tlie undersigned, request you will CALL a MEETING of this COUNTY, lo express to our Gracious Sovereign our heartfelt satisfaction in the providential escape of her Majesty and her Koval Consort from the late atroc.ous attack WaVe upon Hiem, and our deep abhorrence at the traitorous and most atrocious attempt upon their lives. Jane 13, 1840. Bute, J. Bruce Pryce, Tknmas W. Booker Wm. Bruce Knight, George Thomas, John Homfray, John M. Tritherne, Richard Prichard, R. T. Tyler, William Bruce, E. P. Richards, Henry Morgan, John M. Richards, R. Reece, Jame< Lewis, Henry T. Rees, T. Stacey, Edward H. Lee, D. Evans, James Evans, Llewellyn Traherne, George Traherne, Daniel Jones, .1, Salltuel, Chades C. Williams, J. Rowland, Robert Knight, George Fiaivlinson, fVm. Malius, Rd. Turbervill Turbervill C. n. Knight, P. C. Sheppard, nr. Lewellin, D. Thomas, Alex. Cuthbertson, Alex. Cuthbertson, William Bevan, H. H. Knight, F. Fredricks, 11. S. Coke, L. W. Dilliryn, TV. R. Grove, fVm. Hewson, D.D. J. Williams, John Francis, George Gape, Thomas Gordon, George Gibbs, George Beynon, Griffith Griffiths. George Bydder, David Morgan, Charles Collins, Sampson Dawe, Samuel Fvan. John Glasbrosk, W. C. Murray, S. Padley, Evan James, Illic. John illichael, David Rees, John Jenkins, E. El. Dillwyn, Samuel Phillips, J. W. Clark, Martin Bevan. Incompliance with the above Requisition IjjereiJ-v ^'Tp,!FSD Y' that a COUNTY MEETING will be held at PYLE, on 1 tiEsDA Y Hext, the 23d instant, at twelve o'clock at noon. MICHAEL WILLIAMS, high Sherifl. Swansea, 17th Jnne, 1t>40. 4STE7JN~CXMST OF CENTRAL VMERICA COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL COMPANY. Capilal £ 200.000, in Debentures of £ 20 e tch. The First Series of 5,000 issued, bearing interest at Four per Cent. per annum, payable Hall-Yearly. DIRECTORS. P. H. Abbott, Esq. Captain V*. D. Bingham, R.N. Charles Bonrjot, Esq. John Datvson. Esq. William Hood, Esq. Ad a in Mnrrf Esq. Da» id Pollock, lisq.. Q.C. John Sptirgin, Esq., M.D. Da» id Pollock, lisq.. Q.C. I John Sptirgin, Esq., M.D. With power to add to their nunioer. SECRETARY —Philip D. Soaper, Esq. CASHIER AND ACCOUNTANT-L. S. Cose. I-SQ. SUPERINTENDENT IN CENTRA?. AMERICA YO g- son, Esq. BANKERS—Messrs. Glyn. Halifax, Mills a"'t|,em_ Emigrants to Centra! America, desirous of ava il. selves of the September Ships, are requested to si^. y their intention, and also to complete their ]>uro iits- on or to make their deposits lor the same, at £ 5 per seem before the 15th of J'^lv next in order t..at the uecessar.V foj_ibeir nients may be made for their comfort on the voyage, a reception at the settlement. „„„ ^T, nissAfiE, PRICE OF LANDS AND RATES OJ ASS The Land will be divided into sections of 40 acres ea or per acre), in square blocks, with one-third frontag » F« THIRTEEN The first Agricultural Settlement will be a r, |atter WATERS," about sixteen miles from Abbotsv.lle, at wh c Place Settlers will be received until they take up Uie»r a No reservation whatever is made by the Comp } Lands they sell. rfocqtion. Priority" of Purchase secures Priority ofChoice of L Land Orders transferrable. RATES OF PASSAGE. and t0 £ 20 entitles a man and his wife lo a steerage passag 0r)e section, or 40 acres of Land. Children from 2 to 6 years of age, %& eacu. G to 10 3 •• 10 to 14 4 Above 14 .10 Çaùin passages extra. Servants, £ 8 each.. ^Vmrcres. Pro visions on the voyage included in tbe above FREIGHT. allowed for Haifa Ion weight, or twenty measured cubic tee section of Land purchased. Company's Settlers will be received on their arrival by reasonable Superintendent, who will assign them a cottage a reasonabIe rental, and supply their immediate wants at a fair a desti- I""ice. He will assist tbem in reaching the place o anj "ation, and will give them the benefit of Ins local experience in the country. u„ri-alion, bat Settlers must find their way to the port of emba^al d t0 they will be received on board on the day they are snromo embark, and will be put to no further expence. onnip to the For detailed accounts of the country, maps, ^c., P oWjng Secretary, No. 60, Moorgate-street, Bank, or to tbe louo Agents of the Company, viz w„„ta„,nPAffice. Swansea—Mr. John Williams, Catnbnan i^nal Office. Carmarthen—Mr. William Evans, CamarthenJonrna Carmarthenshire—Duffrvn, Llandebie, ne Wm. Pugb. Cardif-Mr. Robert Thomas, c. WOODMAN BEGS to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants gene- rally of Swansea and its vicinity, that he has succeeded to the old-established Business (carried on by the late Mr. THOMAS) of PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING; and trusts, by unremitting attention to orders and moderate charges, to merit a share of their patronage and supporti Wind-street, June 4th, 1840. — II—IL 'I II 11IUM—«IMrgT|l™ »


[No title]



I-=--'-'-CTo the EDITOR of…

----------------To the EDITOR…



j To the EDITOR of The CAMBRIAN.

Family Notices