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\v,o ANTED immediately, a YOUNG MAN, ▼ who has a thorough-knowledge of the LINEN and v > )\ LEN DRAPERY BUSINESS. »i' ■ l V (if by letter post-paid to J. and E. Jones, Cam. II, louse, Neatli. .< < ■■moke from Steam, and other Boilers, °" °, Furnaces, fyc. tXLS MAJESTY'S LETTERS PATENT 1r,1 have been granted to Mr. GEORGE STRATTON, r iii* IMPROVEViENTS iu the PROCESS of CON- 'S' [VO SMOKE, effecting also a most important saving .> Fuel, and at the satile tiine (when applied to Sfeam iS iilt-rs) very greatly increasing the power of the Engine. applications or letters, postpaid, to be addressed to Mr. • ive, 13. Gray's-inivscjuare, Loudon. IFhit bread's London Porter, f ENTLEMEN, Private Families, Publicans, I and others, may now beSUPPl.IEQ with any wnan- t'oi\ofWHrrBRE,AO's PORTER and BllOWN STOUT, j j iiiitts, Barrels. Kilderkins, or in Bottle, at THOS RANKING Wine Cellars, Guinea-street. Irristol, March 20, 18i22. {PURSUANT to a Dfecree of the High Court a. of Chancery, made in two several Causes of Williams ;<'isus Rhys, and Evan versus Williams, the Creditors of '-iCHAftl) WILLIAMS, late of the parish of Cony, in Iii<: county of Glamorgan, Gentleman (who died on or ti;>• >iit the 29th ot January, 1811). are forthwith to come in i prove their Debts, before Francis Paul Stratford, Esq. c of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in N>hampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, London ■;—>or in «.iutt thereof, they will be excluded the Benefit of the Mid Decree. BERRINGTON & JENKINS, Solicitors. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S., CHtjltCll-UNION- SOCIETY. r I'M IE Society's SUBJECTS for PREMIUMS X for the year 1822, are as follow V Premium of FJJ*V P«lil,ds (by Benefaction) for the l-Pst Essay on the Limits, of Reason in judging of Subjects <' Reielatioh." Pr^mitiiW of Five Pounds for the best Sermon in Welsh, 'I;!i Holiness* without which no muitshall see the Lord. U..br. xii. 14. A Premium of Five Pounds for the best Sermon in Kaniisb, on Romans ii. 6,7; Who' will render to every ■fitiii dcCvrding to his deeds to them who, by patien t conti- ttYtitte in v)eil-doitig, seek for glory,and honour, and irnmor- i '-Hy* eternal lif e A Premium of Two Pounds for the best Welsh Transla- ') of asinall Tract, eiititied The Way to he Happy." Competitors for the last Premium may be supplied with !4Ve Tract, by applying to the Rev. W. Morgan, Vicarage, ,Vi)Srg\vill y. Thfe Sermons «nd Translations to be sent iii tjitheRcv. W. Morgaiu Vicarage, Abergwilly, on or before the hist •i:>v of June. The Essay* to be sent on or before the last day of July i^xt. Competitors for the several Premiums are desired to ,i iclose thfrit Namos iu a sealed cover, having the same Motto, on the outside as OH the Essay, &c. ahd to write tiieir Compositions in a pUip. legible hand, W. MORGAN. Secretaiy. Abergwilly. April t, 1822. NOW LOADING, Carpenter Smith's Wharf, Southwark, London, fjOS-' THE WILLIAM, Cfiis. T RKVVA VAS, Master j Swansea, Neaih, and Ports adjacent, And will sail in about 14 d'ays. For freight or Passage apply to the Ma-iter on Board or to Mr. \Vm. Christoe, at his Office on the Strand, Swansea. April 9, tM?. r-ai 'lit f !■; r ''iii U "i ■ »'|- I.I NOW LOADING, 'M&aJrptehttr Smith's W hart, Sauliavcrt, London, FOR f Cardiff, Merthyr, Newport, Cowbridge, Bridgend, Lantr'meut, 4 c. BRIG INOLJSTRIOUS, Wm. Petttgreiv, Master. PortoHfer calige is already engaged, and she will sail positively on Monday, the 2Sd April instant. GRAND Last Day of Drawing. eoooo") And 20 Other Capitals, ARE SURE TO. BE DRAWN On TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1. THAT BEING THE LAST and onlyDA Yof DRAWING. j. 4-. J. SWEfVRtGHT AVe*Sis'lling iheT^clets B id Shares., wajraiitect Undrawn, at livetrOld unil Fortunate London Offices, sr, COHNIJILT. I 38, HAYMAUKET, Corner it, llutBORK j of Coveiitty-streei; WHtlttifc THtY SOLD ALL THE PRIZES OF £ 20,000 In u recent Lottery, and intheit lail Conir. ci, 4Mt • • -a Prize of ^25,000! With numerous other Capitals. Tickets and Shares are selling by their Agents— T. JONES if SON, Si a tie tiers, Carr-sireet, Swansea If. P., CQHEJ^, Music-Seller, Ne«tli; IBVnJE,rANS. Draper, Duke street, Cardiff; JOHN EVANS. Cross. Carmarthen W. CfiU RCHEY, Brecon J. REES, Library, 53, Wine-street, Bristol; R. CRUTW ELL. Printer. Bath ) 6. A. WILLIAMS, Librarv, CUeltauham. 14 CARD. li^ESSRS. JOHNSON & BURGESS (late rVJL JON^EON and WILLIAMS), Proprietors of the AMERICAN SOOTHING SYRUP for Children cutting their Teeth, be,, to inform Mothers and Nurses that they ■have ni'luovED to No 28, YORK PLACE, City Ro:ui (trom Newman street, Oxford-street), where theBusiness' witl be .rricdonin future. The very high .estimation in which »!,i, inestimable Medicine is lieltl by all classes ot the COlli- limnit V. renders it unnecessary to make anycotntueuton i;, tirtnes. more thxn reconnneud Mothers and Nursesiie;vi'r .lip without the American Soothing Syriip m the Nur v lor if a child wakes in lire sight with pains in itsguim, i< valuable Me.iici-ne applied, will immediately open the i'-s, ho.ll ilie sjtmis. and thereby prevent fevers or con-■ iMo'p.s for should it come in competition with any other •.ordef.' it often destroys the mnt;,ers bri^fitest hopes. i'o be had of the Proprietors, Johrtsan and Burgess. ',?8, k place, City-road and, r uppoiniMieut, oi aH ,<) ,,rincipil Rl'edictive Vender iu fuwu and C uutry, fit !tj, t'i: r tft-U'lfe. Entirely New Establishment In LONDON, (WmCH COMMENCED IN NOVEMBER LAST) FOR THE SALE OF Genuine Wines and Spirits, I THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM, FOR READY MONEY ONLY. THE Public are respectfully informed, that the Proprietors of tjie LOTJDOX GENUINE TEA I COMPANY, 23, LUDGATE- BILL, in consequence of the high reputation. Aud <lecideff preference their TtJas have ohfi-tined throughout the Kingdom, have from numberless suggestions, to embark in the WINE and SPIRIT oil at) extensive s(-ale,.ati(I uti similar LIBERAL PKXSCIPLES under tlie (Jesignalion of the London Wine Compairy, i ll, I"LEET-STREET, LONDON, For the purpose fif Rtippiyitio Country Residents with Wines and Spirits pureanilunarlulterated; and the followingWill be warranteij of VERY SUPERIOR QUALITIES, at the Prices quoted: Per Dozen. Per Dozen. Pineo ports, oldin the-, Wood, „ ..Ms. Bttcettas 48s. Ditto, vintage t8i5 •' 46s. Lisbon and Caicavella „ 4.5s. Crusted old bottled Ports 5fs to 84s. Claret 72s —very fine 90s. Sherry .46s. to 5'>s. Ditto, Margahx, LaifKe, and Latour, j^'5 5s. to 15s. Superior old ditto .„ ..54s, to 63s. Hermitage ^'5$8. West India Madeira 60s. Sauierne and Bnrsac .75s. to 90s. Superior ditto .60s. to 72s Champagne 90s. to 7 Guineas. Last tadia ditto 7'ts. to in5s. Hock •• 84s, to 8 Guineas. TeneriJi'e. ..42s. to 46's. Moselle 60s. to 72s. T, Per Gallon. Per Gallon. Bi'andv, ias. Jamaica Rum, 18s, Hollands, 25s Geneva, 13s. .¡¡JIt This Company do not sell Cape Winqs, nor will they ever be admitledinto their Cellars, their qualities being invariably bad. AN A^ent will he appointed in every principal Town; but,HI the interim, all Orders, accompanied hy Remittances, will lie iiiiineliately fur-varded, FKEE op CARRIAGE, to any part of this Country.—No applicationfor Agency will be answered'unless post-paid. Mas ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON. Instituted 1803, and empowered by an Act of Parliament of the 51 Geo. Ill. The President and Directors hereby givenotice ta Per- sons assured with thi..Conll" ny from Loss by Fire, whose- Policies huve been in t'orce lor 5 years ending at Christmas last, that the riturn of surplus Premiums to the assured, (agreeably to the s\stein of this Company) is i'4 per cent. iipou the Premiurtis received in London; and 20 per cent. upon those received by the country Agents ill Great Britain and tliat the same will, on and after the V5ih instant,.be payable at the Office iu Cheapside on the London policies, and by the Agents in the Country, olllhc Policies effected in tlieir respective agencies. LIFE DF.I'AitTMENTT. PEflSONS 'assiired for the wliole term of Life PEflSONS 'assiired for the wliole term of Life will have an addition made to their Policies every seventti year, on the principle so beneficially practised till lately at' the Equitable Assurance Office • Or the amount thereof may he applied in reduction of the future payments of Premium. Policies may also be effected for the whole term of Life, on a plan peculi .r to this Orhce, whereby the p13 payable for a fixed number of years. HLNRY Di'.SBOROUGH, JUH. Secretary. Cheapside, London, 14th March, 18^2. AGENTS. Swansea Jones 4' Son Monmouth Vacant Neath. J. Rowland Abergavenny Ditto Cowbr'ulge J- Deere Lampeter Ditto blerthyr-Tydvil 'I'. Petrce Aberystwith ••• Ditto Brecon J. Peirce Cardigan Ditto Brecon J. Peirce Cardigan Ditto Carmarthen ..H.WiiHanM Tenby Diiio Llandovery J.Jones Llanidloes Ditto Chepstow J. Roberts Haverfordwest J Scowcrolt. Haverfordwest J Scowcrolt. Pembroke R. Chase j PELICAN OFFICE, For INSURANCE on LI VESandGP. A NTlNG ANNUITIES' ■nnillS Office was established in Lombard- a. street, London, in theyear 1797, by a numerons and respectable Proprietary and the Board oi Directors, with Ci n lid en ce, a rising fro nit he increased Prosperit) alld Per- soanenc3T of the Establishment ,as well as fromthe Experi- ence ofits use fatness and benefit lethe public .think, it due: to those who may still be unacquainted with the impor tanceand ad vantages oi Lite Insurance .briefly to suggest some of the leading and peculiar recommendations to Blraostevery degree and Ran k in Society Life f iuuranee is of manifest consequence to ailthose \yho hold Estates for Life, Situations and Offices,Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Professional to Officers in the Army and Na vy,&c. as, ii I i is by paymentof an Amnml Premiiini, (lie Party insured is ennbted tit provide for W ite .Child ren, or ot hers, whose Inturêweifare he may wislrin vain,by other means, to pro- mote. It affords apermanelll ultimate security to those whoadvance Money upon Ai.iiuttiesorofherwise. It ren- ders Leases,determinable on one or more lives,.nearly e jualin value to Freehold Estates,asa-ri Insurance to the amount of the fine, payable on the demise of a party no- minuted tn-iuch Leases, vyiij produce the Sum required for renewal. It is a cheering re fuge topart-iesengagediii ex- tansive and speculative umiertal; insrs:i t arrbrdu" Personi in Trade the certain means of indemnification against- a had or d ou btfit) deb t; i nshort ,LifeInsurance ,establisliec! in rnlicy, sanctioned by Government,and confirmed by the test otexpertence,isbecome.to almosieverysituation to iHKnnnlife, a measureequally important, useful .and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equita- ble Lenin, under a SpecialAct of Parliament .granted to this Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec. COMPANY'S AGENTS AT Gr.OCESTKR, E.G.WRIGHT. T.BWKES.B.UU.Y S.Jones. Woanr.sTEti Smithand Parker. SWANSEA L. and J. Michael. NEATH. HopkinRees. LF.OAitNSTEH Wm.Newman. Si-nouD W Edwardall. The Gravel and Stone, Lumbago, fyc. rrfCK MAN's PILLS are allowed to be the I J. most successful 'Preparation for effectually removing arid ^preventing' the future recurrence of those Disorders which arise from an imperfect action of the Urinary Organs, as FLRAVEI. ANP STONE. LUMBAGO, PAINS IN I HE BACK AND LOIIS, SUPPRESSION OF URINE, tic. composed of the most innocent this truly valuable Medicine relieves 'the suffering patient f;u.ii the ^xemtiating to.riures oflil,)se iliseises ,iiiioiit-v viiiieiiee or injury to tire con- stitution, and requires no cimthieuient or restraint of diet duriot; its'ise. It is one ot the oldest Public Medicines estaut: and its peculiar virtues and efficacy have uniformly I maintained the highest"reputation. Sold in hows, at 9s.-9d. and lis. by Butler's. Chemists, \To 4 Oii<ip>nle, London: '20,VValerioo-place, EdiuburKli; uid H kviile-street, Dublin; and bv the principal t VitJ.wUu Venders thioughout the United .Kingdiiui. MONMOUTHSHIRE. lo be Disposed of by Private Contract, ALL the COAL and MINERALS under Iifty-iour Acres of l and, situate at a place called KevEN cocH, in the parish of Monythusloyne, distant about one mire from C'ruuifin, n'.d the same from the Mon- mo-uthshire Cinial. The Coal is of the first quality, and from its situation may be immediately worked by level to the greatest advantage. l'or partICulars and to treat for the above apply personally (ot\by letter postage paid) to Messrs. M'Donneil & Moityn, Solicitors, Vst. ■ Equitable Assurance Policy, Neat ft, Monmouth, Wyrfay and Essingion, Portsmouth Canal, Thames and Med- way Caned Loan Notes, Croydon Railway, 4" Druty~ laac l heutre Shares. TO BE SOLD BV AUCTION, By Mr, SCOTT, On Friday, Aptit 19, 18'22, at twelve, at the Mart, London, unless previously sold, N EATHCA NAL-Six Shares; lastdividpod NEATH CA N AL—Six Shares, last dividend per Share per ami.;—MONMOU 1 H CANAL —Sixteen Shares, dividend l'h—WYIILEY & ESSING- TON-Ten Shares, dividend ^8 POUTSiVlOUTH and AH UN DELL -Twenty SharesTHAMES and MED- WAY CANAL Thirty OPTIONAL LOAN NOTES of 50 each, hearing interest at J 5 per cellt. per ann. CROYDON to MBKSHAM RAILWAY—Eight Shares, dIvideud ci'1 per Share pcir annum ;—EQLJIIABLE AS- StiRANGE, -Chatham plaee-a Poltcy of £IO(X), dated 1!3n8, on an eligible life 43. premium £ 26 13s. 6d. per aim. present claim W(;u!d be jf'14'M); the eminent superiority of this cxcelleiit concern is well understood ;—Four Shares of ^"100 each, in DRURY-LANE THEATRE. Particulars at tlie Office of this Paper; (he Royal Hotel, Birmingham the Mart, and the Office of Mr. Scott, New Bridge-street, London. Culm 7'0 BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEMJTEtr, BRONDINY CULM WORKS. THIS Work is completely opened by LE VEL, and capable of producing a large quantity of excel- lent Culm, and ot bein^ worked at a very low rate, possess- ing; the very great and singular advantage of requiring no Timber. The Work is distant about five miles from the public shipping place.at that excellent and flourishing harbour of LI a nelly, having a direct communication therewith by means oi the Carmarthenshire RaiUroad, the Toils bf which are low. The Level is so completely opened, and ready for immediate work, that the in-coming Tenant would re- quire but a small capital to carry on the concern to consi- derable advantage. A reputable Tenant will nieet with every encouragement, and a term, not exceeding twenty- one years, will be granted, if required. AUiO. A COTTAGE OliNEE. 70 BE LET, And entered upon immediately, and a term, not exceeding twenty-one years, wiii be granted, if required, of fdin Pole Cottage. This Cottiige contains two good sitting-rooms, kitchen, bact kitchen, and.brewing kitchen; excelitfut cellar,cliina closet, pantry, and live good bed-rooms in fact, atfordinn every convenience that a stu,ill genteel family can require, having a iarge walled garden, with a beautiful lawn iu front ot tlte house. This denirablc residence is situatf; within a mile of the, market-town of Llanelly, cotum-ifidiiig a most delightful view of the vale of Lleuddi and its picturesque neighbour- hood. The excellent market of Llanelly is considered the cheapest in the kingdom, abounding with poultry of every description. The best coals may also be iiad at about ;#s 6d. per ton weight. The in-coming tenant niav he accommodated with about ten acres of Land near tic house. Apply to Mr. Roberts, Jun. Llanelly if by letter post. paid. (One Concern ) ,I TOOTil-ACHE AND EAR-ACHE. P;ERRY's ESSEN1 Civ has received the sane- ti >n and support of the most distinguished personages in the kingdom, together with the united testimony of the first Physicians-in Europe, and numerous fnvouraule com- ments in highly respectable Medical. Journals,, where it has been declared to be the BEST THING EVER DISCOVERED FOR THE TOOTH-ACHE AND EAR-ACnE." It instantane- ollsly relieves Ihe most excruciating pain, preserves the Teeiti sound and firm, prevents further decay, effectually cures the Scurvy in the Gums, fastens loose teeth, and ren- ders them firm and serviceable to the latest period, and effectually prevents the Tooth-Ache. Sold in bottles, at Is. rjd. and ^ls. 9d. by Butler's, Che- nrists, No 4, Cheapside, London; 2", Waterloo-place, Edinburgh and 34. SackviUe-street. Dublin and bv the .principal Medicine Venders throughout the United lving- dons. TO BE LET, I AiJfD BNTKRED U.O. IMMEDIATE"L5f, OR THE fttEEHOLD AND INHERITANCE lO BE SOLD, IF PREFERRED, A Very neat DWELLING, delightfully situ- ■ate1' ou" an eminence, called NEWCASTLE COT- TAGE, close to the market-town of Bridgend, in the county of Glamorgan, in a sporting country of great celebrity, the -neighbourhood affording two packs of excellent hounds, .and coal and provisions of every description very moderate; consisting of a.,parlotir, drawing-room, and large pantry, kitchen, laundry, and five bed-rooms, with a spot of ground behind, and-a garden in front of the House, and within a couple of hundred yards ot the parish church, and not more than fotjr miles from the sea, and a quarter of a mile ot a capital tront stream. Further particuiars may be known by application to Mr. I-hos; Morgan^Solicitor, Neath or Mr. Griffiths, Solicitor, Bridgend; No letters attended to unless the postages ar« paid. TO BE LET, FOR A TERM OP TWO YEARS, AND ENTERED T'PON TIIE FIRST OF MAY NEXT, DUFIRYN HOUSE, situate in the mtveh- admired vale of Aberdare. in the county of Glamor- gan, four miles from Merthyr, wheire there is an excellent market twice a week a post passes the house every day coals are plenty at a very short distance, and very cheap. The house consists of two parlours, four best bed-rooms, four servants' bed-rooms, kitchen, with other offices coacll4 house and stables, all in good repair an excellent walled kitchen garden, which has been set with every thing re- quisite for a family. There is a large Manor attached to the premises, well stocked, with grouse; excellent cock shooting and trout fishing close to the house 20 acres of good pasture land may be had in front of the house. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Robert Thomas, Duffryn, Aberdare, near Cardiff, who will shew the pre. mises. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By S. LLEWELYN, On Tuesday, the 2Sd instant, THE STEAM-ENGINE, BOILER, PUMPS, -8- 1 HAM-PLATES, BOATS, with all the Implements and Materials belonging to TYR CENNOL COLLIERY, in the parish of Llangavefaeh, near Swausea. For further particularsenquire of Mr. Samuel Burdell, Birmingham-Mount, near Swansea. Catalogues to be had of the Auctioneer. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By S. LLEWELYN, On Monday, the 29th of April inst. at twelve o'clock at noon, at the dwelling house of Mr. John Bevan, at Frog- ■lane, in the parish of Lanmadock, the under-mentioned FREEHOLD PREMISES, Situate in and near the vi))ane of Lanmadock, in the county of Glamorgan, Lot 1. A DWELLING-HOUSE Sf GARDEN, in'he village of Lanmadock, late in the occu pation of Mr. I omlmson, togetlier with a small PIKCK of rich MEADOW LA NO adjoiniuu, containing about one Acre. Lot 2. About FOUR ACH ES of rich PASTURE and WOODLAND, called MANUEL, in the occupation of Mr. John Griffith. Lot IS. A DWELLING HOUSE and G ARDEN, in the village of Lanmadock, in the occupation of Samuel Jones. together wnh l-4th part of what is called the Free Clift. Lot4. A DWELLfNG HOUSE. GARDEN, & MEA- PPW neany adjoining, in the occupation of Mr. John Gammon, as Lessee thereof, for two iivescach, about forty years of age. J For other particulars apply to Messrs. Berrington and Jenkins, Solicitors, Swansea. GLAMORGANSIHRE. CAPITAL OAK TIMBER. TO BE SO LD BY AUCTIUN, At the Ship and Castle, Neath, on Tuesday, the :6th ds-y of April, 1822, subject to such conditions of sale as shail then be produced, and in one or more lots all may then be agreed upon, 497 0AK TIMI^KR TREES, of remark- 3hly fine growth, nnd many of them ofvery large dimensions; also Three ASH TREES; numbered with white paint nrogressively from I to d'O, and now grow- tng on Craig Boath Farm, near the village of Crynaut; dis- tant lroin the Swansea 'Canal about two and a half miles, trom the Neath River and Canal four miles, and from the town ot Neath, to which there i» a very good road, five and a half miles. [his l imber is particularly deserving <■< the attention of ftierchiints, Builders, and others, as the quality is very su- perior, and the means of conveyance to market ensy. tor particulars apply to Mr, R. P. Lcyson. Hit!, near Neath, who will direct a person to shew the Timber. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, For a term of years, and entered upon immediately, THE FOLLOW!KG .DESIRABLE PREMISES: AN excellent well-built modern HOUSE, called KtLVEY" MONT, with about 83 Acres of Amble, Pasture, and Meadow Land, within a riiia fence, situated in the parish of Lansamlet, and about two miles and t Ijalf from the town of Swansea. The House com- prises a: -dining-room 20 feet by by tot in heighlh, a breakfast-room or Jibrary adjoining, drawing-room 18 feet by I kitchen 20 teetby 13, brewing kitchen, laundry, and spacious-oHices. and conveniences un the ground floor- three bedrooms 17 feet by 'dressing-rooms attached, on the first floor; 4 bed rooms 18 tect bv 10, uuci stprerooru, on the second floor, with rOUnry cellaring, stables, and hani'ssrrooifts, coach-house, barn, outhouses, and garden adjoining. The Land is well situated on a gentle declivity, and is easily capable ot vei y ^vetit improvement. I Also, the COLLILRY, now working under the above Estate. lhe quality of the Coal is so well-known as to render it superfluous to say any thing in its praise the qnalltlly now raised finds a ready: market in Swansea, and the Coal Work may be opened on a larger scale, and worked above level, at a Uiiling expense, to great ad- vantage. It would be preferred to let the above as one conccrn, to the same person. Also. EAGLE'S BUSH COLLIERY, situate near the Town, Canal, and River of Neath, now working, and partly supplying Neath with Coals; ■ A Rail or Tram-road runs from the Pit's mouth to the Neath Canal,, and there is an excellent Wharf or Shipping pi ice at Briton-ferry, near the mouth of the river.—'Luis- Colliery al-o possesses the advantage tit being easilv worked above Level, at a compa- rativetrifling expense.—Any quantity of Land will be let with it. Also, Several eligible MESSUAGES, FARMS, and LANDS, for separate Tenements, called 7fr Seki", Cwm, Pandy, Y Cwm, Ceven y-Coed, and Cae'r Ithin, containing altogether about 150 Acres, situate in the parishes of Neath, Lantwit near Neath, and Briton-ferry. Also. Several HOUSESand a large COURT or PIECE of GROUND, eligibly situated for bnitding purposes, ill Neath, and at Melincrythan, an adjoining .village. No persons will be treased with whose characters, re- sponsibility and references are Ilut, iii the first instance, of undeniable respectability. For further particulars and to treat tor'any part of the Premises application mii.v be made, post-paid, to Mr. Herbert Edward Evans, Solicitor. Eagje-'s Rush and to Messrs. Berrington and Jenkins. Solicitor. Swansea; Messrs. Deere and Cook, Solicitors, Cowbridge and Robt. Price, Esq. Solicitor, 8, New Inn, London, at whose Offices .lla-pg of tlie -Esta-tei may 1>.e- The following Patent Medicines mav be had ot T. Jenkins, Printer uf this Paper. -11 WAINWA ST AFFOR DS HIRE CORDIAL, Awl Royal English Medicine for Hones, WHICH has been given with unprecedented success in the most dangerous stages of the sleep- ing or raging staggers, gripes; colds, coughs, fevers, and all disorder originating In colds, or irom gracing in marshy wet meadows, or after severe exercise in racing, huutiug, working Hi coaches, post-chaises, or waggons, hard ridiug, dec. and is universally acknowledge*! to be the greatest re' storative to exiiausted nature, and the Uiost valuable horM mediciue ever known. Mr. NEWMAN of the G reeft Man Tnn, Barnet, near Lon- don one of the principal Posting Hotu^s on the Great North ztoaa, has authorised the Proprietor to inform the. Public, that he has used the above Medicine far several years among lm own horses with such complete success, that lie feels him-, sdf warranted in recommending it <•> the notice of Post and Stage COllch Masters, Carriers, Horse Dialers, Farmers, and all others who employ a number of horses, as the niost valuable thing of the kind he evef met ieith. Soid at the Original Warehouse for Genuine Medicines, No. 10, Bow Church-yaTd, London and by all the princi- pal Goumry Booksellers and Druggists.—Price 2«. fid. I ha bottle. ALSO, Price Is. l £ d. a bottle, D?-. Radt-life's Elixir. FOR a general alterative Medicme, this valu- able Elixir stands unrivalled and the Public cannoi have recourse to a more efficacious renied- as a purified of the blood from all humours, whether contracted bv too free living, or-from jaundice, surfeits, scurvy, or huiiionrtf after the measles or small-pox, &c. For all obstructions in the intestines, and for the cure of worms in children or adults, it will be found equally serviceable. It ailsists di- gestion, strengthens the stomach, and has been found of, infinite service to those who take long voyages, as a pre- servative against the scurvy. > K?"* Observe that the words Diccy Co." are printed inthe stamp affixed to each bottle, as counterfeit sorts are offered for sale in almost every town. Price 2s. 6d. per box. DALBY'S GENUINE CARMINATIVE; after the experience of fifty y^ears, is acknowledged to be superior to all ctherremedies for convulsions, purgings^ wind in the stomach, and all those disorders of the bowels which prove so fatal to infants. This Carminative ulsai affords the most effectual relief to grown persons in cases of cholic, fluxes, and other violent complaints in the intestines. Various imitations of this invaluable medicine (by pre- tenders, total strangers to the true preparation) are circu- lated throughout the country. Purchasers are thereforei requested lo be very particular in asking for Gel Daily's Carminative," and carefully to observe the name of F. Newbery" is engraved in the stamp ou each bottle.- prJcels.6d. Parents, where the health of their children is at stake; will scrupulously attend to this necessary CAUYtON. Dr. SIBLY's Re-Animating Solar Tincture IS tuiiversally allowed to be the most plea" sant, safe, and efficacious remedy ever offered to the public. Its warm and renovating (jualities render it the be,t medicine for debility, consumption, nervous and rheu- matic complaints, yellow jaundice, spasms, indigestion, low* ne-s of spirits, and all those affections which haraitS the weak. seiieiitar.v. and delicate..It requires no argument to convince more than a trial; after whrch. those who valtte health will never choose to be without it. Also, Dr. SIBLY'S LUN An. TINCTURE, for complaints ncrdent to the Female Sex, in botties at 4s odjaud 10s. 6d. may be had of most venders iil the kingdom. N. B. Observe, none can be genuine unless signed by (the proprietor, J. R. Saffell, in his own band-writing, on the wrapper of every bottle. BARCLAY'S ASTHMATIC CANDY has for many Years been proved an effectual PicsetvativS from the ill elfects of FOGS and DAMP AIR, which, in the winter season, are so prevalent in this climate. It9 totfects are to expel wind, to preserve the stomach from the admission ot damps, and to relieve those who suffet from a difficulty of brcathing.-In boxes at is. ilid. aud 2s. 9d. each. HAYMAN's genuine original il,IAREbANT'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS have always held the high" est reputation inthe class of Antiscorbutics; insomuch tlia" they have, during half a century, been an article ot exten* sive commerce the Scorbutic Diseases of all climates yielding to their alterative virtues. This Medicine enters the circulation in a deliberate. and congenial manner- blending itself with the fluids without occasioning the least excitement injurious to the animai system. The Scurvy, Evil, Leprosy, Piles, Rheumatism,Contracted Joints.White Swellings, Hard Tumours, and C-rious Bones, give way to its influence. Its operation is so exceedingly easy, regular, and progressive, that the patient, attending to" the direc- (ions, can never be at a loss how to manage or proceed and from the examples given with each bottle, the afflicted may judge how far their diseases will yield to its issue. BABCLAV and SONS, Fieet market/London, having purs chased the original recipe and entire property in this valuable Medicine, do hereby give notice, that, as r. certain criterion of authenticity, a Label with .their name "and address, superadded to the Stamp wit^ the name of" J. I DAYMAN, Golden-square," willm future be affixed to each bottle. Price 4s 6d., lis., and l^2s. each, duty in. eluded j and sold, retail, by all respectable booksellers^ In bottles at is lid. and 2s. 9d. FOR' COLDS, COUGHS, ASTHMAS, &c. THE PECTORAL ELIXIR.—^Experience during a very long period has incontestably proved he superior efficacy of this medicine, in all cases of colds, coughs, snd asthmatic affections. By promoting gentle ex- pectoration it. very shortly retieves the patient of a slight or recent cold, and a few doses are generally sufficient to re- move those which neglect has rendered'more confirmed and obstinate, and which are accompanied with eoogh. spitting of blood, and other seriotis symptoijiK. Its peculiar bal- samic powers tend to heal soreness amd allay the irritation "e of the lung1-, in cases of cough «nd iM asthmatic affection* it assists and gives fre.ed.uiM to thii breath. flWM it is an ex- tensively valuable remedy in the of complaints in this country, during the winter season. [c5~ Purchasers are requested to ask for the Pectoral Elixir, and to observe the name and address of Butler, 4, Cheap- side," are engraved on the Stamp attached to each bottle, to distinguish it frem IMITATIONS under similar titles. Price Is. lld. per bottle, FOR THE HEAD AND EYES. THE CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF (the reputation of which has been established MORE THAN I1J» I.F A CENTURY) isa most grateful and effectual Remedy for ail Disorders in the Head especial ly the common Head- Ach. It removes Drowsiness and Giddiness; relieves Dim- ness of the Eyes; and is excellent in curing recent De&ttMSS. It is also a preservative against infectious air. The fotiowing unsolicited Testimony is a recent con- firmation of its efficacy :— "T wo years ago last winter, T was seized with a violent cold and cliill, accompanied with much pain in my head., I was attended by an eminent medical gentleman a con. siderable time; my head.was blistered for more than a month; I took various medicines, but without effect. At length I was recommended to trN, tile CFPHALIC S-QUFII I purchased a canister, and much to my surprise as well as comfort, I found considerable relief f.om its use. I have continued to take it very trequently to this day and lcaft truly say, that I have experienced more benefit from itsnse than from all the mediaiues recommended during rev illness. IT "ISAAC ADAMS. t- w Hanillev, DoTsot, May 16,1820."