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Family Notices




THE to. ,SiVANSEA, FRIDA; {::Fcb.3.' SILII' NE WS.-■' A The Expedition, Hawkins, ftom Bristol, witln siuwliies; Express,Luke; 'Spnghtty, NidiotLs;, P<j:t[:<DHv; Httfj Di- l¡gul1cc, Pinker wood, 'Irol11, Appledofe; PfUKahce, Creor<i<>, from Fowey Friends, 1 ucker; Lattierine, 1 topper: and lienrv, Oluish, trom Aber- avon; Charnune; Betsy, Griffiths, from Neath;-Tnie Briton, Stevens," from St. Ives; Nightingale, Parsons, Bide-, ford Grace, Phillips, from Scillv; Penguin, Dempsey, from Dublin; anrl John and Mary, Marslia'lV from Coinbe, all in ballast; Grace, Green, from Barnstaple, with oats; John arid Betsy, Lloyd, from dtttc, with cartlieti)"witr-(! Davis, from Truro; Nancy, Waters; Wilson, Davidson; and Betsy/ Hodges, from St. Ives,- with eopper- o«ej Friends, Sully, from Bridgewater and Union, Bent,, from Pad-stow; with sundries.. Cleared out, The Cardiff Castle,*Jenkins; William and Catherine, Phillips; and Expedition, Hawkills; for Bristol, with sundries; Union, Roberts: Stag,Thojupsoin Integrity, Sanders; Sally and William,,Sanders; Eagle, Trtimethick; Fanny, pourdm; True Briton, Stevens; Happy Couple, Hughes, and Union, Trick, for St. Ives; Harford, Walter; Aurora, Walters; and Catherine, Ifussell, foiTilracombe; Union, Rees, for Truro; Richard, Hàyd, for Padstow; Charming Betty. Gri/liths, far Minelieati; Difigetlcei-Pirt- kerwood; and Friends, Tucker, for Barnstaple; Sociable Friends, Griffiths, for Watchet and Onesipliorus, Harvey, for Penzance, all with coals; Expre.s.vLiii<e; and' Nightin- gale, ParSons, for. Bidetbrd; and Sprightly, Nicholisi for, Barnstaple, with culm. ■ The Ann West-^Indiaman, ElUan" from Jamaica to T>6n-. doQ., pat into the Mumbles on TuesjJay,- danced,, having separated from the convoy in the* fyte gales.—Tlie Shark privateer, of "arrived there on Saturday, aiid- xailed vu Wedliejday en a vruise. ,T^e John, Hope, Hebe, Brothers, Williarr and Jane, providence, Endeavour, Yillets^- Renown, Abi^vjey, Bi- Niefqrd; Martiti, D.iek, George A^n> Swan, Mary Ann, D .'siglu Marun, Fleece, Betsy, Stag, Penrose, feari. of UNhridg^ and Heathen, frotfi Swansea; Hope, from Bristol Union-and Nancy, -froiil, Cardiif; Friends, Mai y 1_ Ann, Good Intent; Blessing, Friendship, and Susanna, from -Neath'Ranter, l'roni Ness Point and Augusta, from' Ilosser, were- nil at the Mumbles last night. t;1 Cardiff.—Arrived; the Recovery, Pawson, of Falmouth, fro in Bristol;, I¡rltdast; Charming Peggy, Iiichards, from Hri-t-I, with sundries; Mary, Hill, from P.^rkeley and Pfggy, Hobis, from Bristol, in ballast. Cleared out, the. Betsy, Keen, for Barnstaple, with bar- iron'and coals; Consolo; Cochran, for London, with bar iron; Unity', Cockford, for S'linehead, with coals and bar iron; Horatio, of Montrose, Robertson; and Three Bro- thers, Page, for London, with bar iron; Elizabeth and Grace, Githn-d, for ditto, with bar iron and bolt iron: Eliza, Bah fall, lor Falmouth, with Coals; St. Pierre, Davies, for Bristol, with oats, bar iron, tinned plates, &e. Hnd Channins Peggy, Richards, for Bristol, with wheat; barley, bar iroji, tinned plates, butter, soap, skins, ike. „, Landhj.—Arrived, the Anna-Maria; Williams, from Swan- sea, with deals, iron, and cordage. TCllby.-Arnved, the Betsy, Lloyd; from Bristol,, with Sundrie°. Mff/i rrf.—Put in here, the Defiance, Nicholls; from Opoi- to; and the Eliza, Shepherd, from Hondu ras. Ciodigun.—ArviveVt, the Ann, Howell, from Bristol. Entered out, the Culloden, John; Adeona, LhiVd, for Dublin; Two Sisters, for Liverpool; Welcome Messenger/ Nicholas; and Elinor Maria, Thomas, for Bristol. Pad<itow:Artived, the Norman; and Indus- try, French, from Swansea; and Boscastie, Atwil), from Neath. Jiristol.Arrived, the Trial, Symons, from Neath; and the Phmnix, Diamond, from Swansea. Entered o-iit, the Polly and Betsy, Llewellyn, for Car- marthen; the Fair Briton, Phelpin, for Haverford west the Trial, Symons,- ibr Neath; and the Phoenix, Diamond, for Swansea. ■ Livcrnool.-r^Arrived, the Fame, Williams, from Cardigan Britannia, Woolly and Friendship, Threlford, from Con- way Happy Return, Williams; Olive; Hughes; James, Williams; Polly, Francis; True Blue, Atherton; Molly, Hughes; Lydia, Roberts; and Intrepid, Lewis, froin Beaumaris; Aurora, Owen, from Holyhead; Polly, Thomas; and Maria, Griffiths, from Bristol. The Minerva, Crocker, from Guernsey to Swansea, is arrived at Torbuy. The brig Racehorse, of Carmarthen, which went on shore at Penzance, in the gale of the 20th ult. is gone to pieces. I'Jie Aurora, of Carmarthen, homeward-bound from. Lon- don, has been obliged to put into Ramsgate, having lost her bowsprit and received other damage. ..Tlie Samuel -cutter, Capt. Jenkins; arrived at Waterford from Milford Haven, on Thursday; from whence she pro- ceeds to Bristol. The brig Williams of Padstow, Capt. Adams; was wrecked on Anhoh, on her voyage from Dantzic to Ply- iiiout-ii-crew saved. A brig, which sailed oh.Thursday sc'nniEht from Ply- mouth for Bristol, with sundries, was wrecked near the Ram-hcad the crew all perished, with a woman passenger, whose box and scarlet cloak were found among the rocks.— The master has left a wife and five small children to lament his loss. A large ship from Tortola (supposed to be the Cfires; of London) was driven into Bally cotton-bay,. (Ireland) by a tempestuous gale, last week and lamentable to relate, out of a crew of 28 persons, 6 only have escaped, 22. having unfortunately perished, with ship and cargo. < > ■ ■. ■ Arrived at Tenby, Mr. and Mrs. Powell and family, Coun- sellor and Mrs. Saunders. Monday last the remains of the late much-la- mented John Vaughan, Esq. of Golden' Grove, Carmarthenshire, were conveyed in great funeral pomp to the church of Llanrihangal-Aberbythick, and interred in the iamily va.ult. The procession moved from Golden Grove about two o'clock, in the following orderr Coffin-maker and Parish Clerk. Four Clergymen mcurriages. Attending Physician and Surgeoa. Sixteen Gentlemen, triends of the Deceased, in carriages. Eight Noblemen and Gentlemen, supporters of the Pall, .iii .carriages, viz. C.apt.Starke, J.Hughes.E.sq. E. W. R. Mansel, Esq. J. Adams, Esq. Col. Maclarey, J. Ci. Phillips, Esq. ■ s Lord R. Seymour, Lord Dvucvor The Body, ixi a ifeafse ^r^wn.by four Horses, attended four Muies ind-six Porters. „ The U ndertaker and Assistant. Chief Mourflers—I^ord Cawilor aad tlie-Rev.: T. Watkins, T inviarHages. Steward of the Househujd—-Steward of the Estate, The Family 'Carriage, enipty.. About eighty' Tehtrrirs, two and two. The Euneral Service was reid by the Rev. Mr, Beynon. The remains of the Hon. Mrs. Ack-laad were in- terred in Tenby church on Thursday, We havè this week,had some tempestuous squalls of wind; hut, except trifling injury to the roofs of buildings, little damage ba.5 been sustained. The subscription to provide tour brass guns for the defence of this harbour and coast, boasts an ad- ditional number Of/contributors this week.-(Sce The measure is of such impor- tance to our security, that we hope a sufficient sum will be speedily raised to carry it into execution. A few days since the extensive veins of stone coal and culm, under the Brondiny estate, about five miles from LlaneHy.'we.re let to a respectable com- pany of"gentlemen, who -will be enabled to bring to market, by virtue of the Carmarthenshire rail road, an immense quantity of that valuable article, which otherwise would have remained of little or no use to the community. Tuesday morning, Mr. J—r- and Mr. M ■, both olNeath, met to decide a dispute which had arisen between them at a public inn, on the pre- ceding evening,. By the prudent interference of the seconds, however, the parties were reconciled, and quitted the ground friends. Wednesday morning, the body of Robert Dangor, servant to Mr. Arthur, of-Highway, was found on the seashore, near Black Pill, tie had left this town on the preceding evening, and being in a state ol inebriety, it iscoTijecturedTie laid down to sleep, and was drowned by the flowing in of the tide, As Mr. Jt Lucas, jun. of Stouthall, was returning home from hence/one evening this week, he disco- vered a man immersed in the water at Kilway Bridge; who, it appears, fen; in while attempting to drink, and was fourld with his head downwards; Had not Mr. L. fortunately observed him, and taken him out, he must. inevitably have perished; as he was to all appearance dead, and nearly three quar- ters of an hour elapsed before animation could be restored. The lamentable accident which happened to the servant ot Mr. 11. Hopkins, of-Sully, (related in our last) has oc<*asioned his death,—-Iiopes were at first entertained, that he would survive his wound, but they unfortunately, proved too sanguine. Colonel yV ard" Inspecting Jrielci Officer of part of the Severn district, was busily engaged last week, in inspecting tne several volunteer corps in Mon- mouthshire. On Sunday the Colonel inspected the Newport and Carleon infantry, forming "together a battalion of 600 men; on Tuesday the Chepstow -infantry and cavalry; on Wednesday, the Mon- mouth volunteers and Monmouthshire cavalry; and on Thursday, the ioyal Abergavenny infantry. The military appearance and discipline of all the corps, entitle them to the highest praise, and O.b- rained the Colonel's warmest approbation. The Forest volunteers, commanded by Major Lockwoad, will be inspected by Colonel Woarde, 0)1 Sunday next. Sunday last the Llanelly volunteers, under the command ol Capt. John-Rees, of Killymaenllewydd, appeared for the first time in full uniform, and went through their several manceuvres in a superior style from what miffht .have been expected, considering the lew drill days, allotted for-their practice: the unremitted attention of their officers, and theemu- laiion of the men,-will, it is presumed, whenever a review takes place, occasion a distinguished mark of approbation, to be passed on that corps, H iliust | be observed,,tU £ t company has tlie singular advan- tage of a volunteer band of seven perlbr'niers, which strengthens the.-spiritof aiilitafvdiscipline. The 1st battalion of loyal nreton;hire volunteers are iil expectation of being presented (very shortly; with a pair.of colours by the Lidies 01 Hrecon, as II mark of gratitude lor the zeal and alacrity with which they so handsomely stepped'forward ill their defence; and the liberties .of their nÚtîve land; Sunday morning last, the Ludlow and Bishop's Castle troops of yeonl-.mry cavalry, comnianded by Major Walcot, ,,(i oAr volunteer iijfan- try, comnianded by Major ijia-lway, were inspected o;i the (ild that. by Lieutenant Col. Chayter, Inspecting J-'ield Officer for the north- west district who was pleased to signlty his en tire approbation of the vevy forward state of discipline and soldier-like appearance of -tiie whole. A very brilliant and elegant standard is now fi- nished, and will be shortly presented to' the Roval Bristol light-horso,. by the lady of Phillip John Miles, Esq.. The volunteer corps of Scotland have got their routes to march immediately in case of invasion, or upon seeing, the signal for an enemy having landed. A circular fetter has been sent from the "War-- ofllceto. the Lord Lieutenants of the different coun- ties, informingthcin that volunteers, upon being placed on permanent pay and duty, or ordered out on actual service, are to be subject "to rriilitary discipline, and to all the provisions contained in any act of Parliament, for the punishment of mu- tiny and desertion.- Wednesday au inquest was taken on the body of the wife of John Weaver, shoemaker, of Lam- bridge-place, Walcot, Bath, It appeared that she went to bed intoxicated; and afterwards rose and endeavoured to reach another room for her snuff-box, but-fell down stairs, where she was found by her hushand the next morning quite dead, her skull having been fractured by the tall. On the -)&tli inst. a milk white woodcock was shot by the gamekeeper of A. Ludlow, Esq. in the woods adjacent to Hey wOod-IIouse, near Wes tbury; which is preserved as a great curiosity. Receipt Tax.—-Saturday last a per.son was con- victed at the New Bailey" Court-house, Manchester, and paid the penalty of ten pounds and costs, for refusing to pay the duty, when demanded by the cipt. person requiring the receipt. The season for killing partridges, according to the last act of Parliament, ended on the 1st of Fe- bruary. A few days since, two men at Wells, for a sum of money, undertook to .eat a cabbage of 12lb. 6oz. in weight well buttered, and each to drink two quarts of beer and a glass of brandy—which they perform- ed with ease. Xvlond, 'ielanigh 't Messrs. Racey and Co. invi- ted a party of friends to dine at their new brewery, Jacob's Weils, Clifton.—A table was spread in a large Wrought-iron boiler, and the company, twen- ty m number, partook of a comfortable' dinner, after which many patriotic sentiments were drank. The workmen, exceeding fifty, also dined in their large niash titb. Copper Ore sold at Truro on Thursday the 26th of January. Mines. Ions. Purchasers. at per Ten. Wh. Towan 102 Rose Co. 1:3 14 o ditto 101 Rose and M. Royal Co. 12186 ditto 90 Rose Co. 10 17 6 ditto 89 Freeman Co. 11 3 0 ditto 8:5 ditto itf 10 6 ditto" 56. Loncton Co. 4i0 United Mmes91 Brass Wire Co. 7 6 0, ditto .57, ditto 8. g o ditto 32 English Co. • 4 2 6 Poldory 83 ditto S 8 6. Wh. Prosper 109 Brass Wire Co. 11 6 Wh. Squire 57 English Co. l.V 30 ditto.. So London Cq. 6 15 6 Toils 9*3—^Standard 126 to 129. r The quarter't tin-coinage at-Truro, ended on Satnrdav last; the whole number ot blocks amounted to Xtll3', Hric'e (Jl. Tia-btDs, at the Smelting-hpuses 41. ,1.5. at the IjJow- ing-housus 41. 19s. USEFUL NOTICE. Strengthening of Ships.—A patent has been recently granted for the invention of a method to strengthen ships, Or -other iiie of this invention I", to preserve life and property, by mulune a ship much .strong- er than on the common construction so that should she, by stress of weather, be driven on shove, she will keep up- right, and be belter able to resist danger • which is effected by laying a kee! CH'pach side the middle line, distant from c it, including the thickness thereof, one-sixth of the average breadth at loading drait of witter, or a "little more or less, according to the"fullness or sharpness of the ship.—The patentee observes, that a ship thus secured from straining, is moreltkely IwttO work her plank loose, which often oc- casions foundering and if, by stress of weather, she is un- avoidably driven on shore, she has the advantage of ships all the common construction, as they, lying on their edge, easily roll by the agitat ion of the sea, and strike against The ground, and when left by the tide, are often bulged by the over-hanging weight but ships on this construction,'hav- ing one-third of tlueir breadth to stand on, will neither roll, nor be likely to bulge and if, from the declivity of the ground, anotlier ship should overset, this will hot,- having two thirds of the weight to counteract it: therefore, as the preservation of and property at sea is of great im- portance, the above invention is ccrtainly entitled to no- tice. The patentee retires only a sniall compensation per ton to allow any ghip-builder the benefit of it. FEMALE DRESSES FOPv FEBRUARY. Morning Dresses-^OH phitn India muslin are likely to supersede entirely the cambrics, in consequence of the former being patronised by the Duchess of St. Albans, and Lady Charlotte Lennox, &c. These dresses are made quite ih the Parisian style, short in the waist,, close up to the neck, with a double row of lace, and long sleeves, with a lace ruffle. A cord ahd tassel to fasten the waist. Evening IXresscs.Figured short sarsenets are quite new, and extremely genteel; made very long in tlie train, low behind, and white lace sleeves, very shoirt above the elbow. The back and shoulders'iinL-sli-od ivitli white silk ornaments. Dress haadkevchiefVace m-ueh worn. They are chietiy composed either of itiuslin and lace, or entirely of lace. The newest fornix buttons oh each shoulder, with a row of lace rounA t!<e neck. •. The full-dress turbans are universally worn a la Mameiuhe, and will be the reigning fashion lor the Mason. Six vards d, of ell-wide maslin, is the quantity usual for one of them. Necklaycs bf Egyptian pebl>fcs> with .gold clasps, are won- derfully pretty, and are miiclt.wofn in. the circles of haut ton, where they were introduced by the lovely-lady A. M. Stan- .hope. Ear-rings ibr ujtdress are'co'fx'scd of.ditierent stones: viz. CornfU<ta, Egvptlan, and Agates. Topees are quite out. Dress ^it-rings, diamonds", and pearls. The newest shape, a large «vai hoop set round" with dia- monds and iti the cfcijtxe' a drop, composed of a single brilliant. This ornament was first introduced at Court on the birth-<layi Large Parisienne sfewj!* bf -silk, richly figured, have made their apnearancc- at thf Opera. Tlie^e shawls are from a yard ana a half to twi> yards square.- They are very, elegant.