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%kmi THE

(Ecclesiastical j

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GKTTENTL Lord Fred-erick Paulet died at his chambers in the Albany, London, on Ssnday, in his sixty-first year. A barber at Bolton lias been fined 5s. and costs for shaving on Sunday. A case was granted to defendant. It is said that nearly 106 British subjects die every twenty- four hours in India, from s^ake-bites! A woman in London, who had been suffering from intense pain, shot herself, the other dry, with a revolver. The day before Christmas-day seems to have been the coldest of the winter thus far The price of the stamp on which the inventory of the late Mr George Baiwfs property of Statchell is written is £ 13,400. It is stated that General Schenck, the new American Minister at the Court of St. James's, will leave for this country on the 18th of Jaiit-ary. Of fifteen -coroners' inqaests held in London on the 28th nit., as many as thirteen related to cases of persons who had expired suddenly In consequence of the excessive cold. A man named M'Aree, while under the influence of delirium tremens, amssed himself the other night, by running about the streets of Paisley (x.r.j without a stitch of clothes on. It has been discovered that large quantities cf poisoned sweetmeats have been sold to children at Dublin. The poison was used to make the sweets look tempting. A few day ago Madame Hamelin, whose husband ws amhas- sador at Constantinople under Louis Phillipe, was 10und dead in a garret in Belleville, Paris. Notwithstanding the severity of the weather, from tea to fifteen persone; have been bathing every morning in the Serpen- tine, Hyde Park, Lon,lcn, a piece of water being kept clear from tee for their accommodation. Sir -J. Kay-Shuttleworth writes to the Standard, to urge the importance of at once increasing the supply of schoolmasters, an I suggests that scholarships should be formed, to be competed for by pupil teachers. Karl Bective (formerly Lord Kenlis), eldest son of the late member (who has been raised to the Peerage, through the death of his father, the Marquis of Headfort), has issued his address to the electors of Westmoreland in the conservative interest. St. Luke's Vestry, London, has decided to employ patent salt to lay the dust in summer. The cost is said to be less than that of horse and cart, and the sanitary advantages of using salt are also alleged in favour of the&ew system. The inquest on the victims of the Hatfield railway accident resulted, last week, in a verdict that the accident arose through the breaking of the tire of a wheel, but the jury de- clined to express any opinion as to the cause of the breakage. Charlotte Elliott, the young woman who was sentenced to death at the late Liverpool ¡1.sizes for murdering her Illegiti- mate child, in that town, has been respited. The woman had been seduced and deserted, and. in a fit of desperation had de" stroyed her babe's life. The Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol has replied approvingly t,) a memorial censuring the recent proceedings of the Gloucester Branch of the English Church .Union, expressing dissent from the views of the Archbishop of Canterbury, that the Church of England does not recognize prayers for the dead. It is stated that Hoivrood House Palace, Edinburgh, is to be renovated, and made suitable for the reception of her Majesty the Queen, who, on her journeys to and from Balmoral, will spend a few days in the Scotch cal) The Manchester Chamber of Commerce has memorialized the Government to take steps to secure railway travellers against a reCHrrence of such preventable accidents as have of late been so frequent. It is understood that the subject is under the con- sideration of the Board of Trade. It cannot be too generally known that during severe weather, such as is now being experienced, the eha-nces of accident, and even loss of life, from escapes of gas are much greater than trader ordinary circumstances. We believe we are correctly informed when we state that, since her election to the London School Board, Miss Garrett has accepted an offer to preside at another and more domestic board. Her future husband took great interest in the candi- dature of the lady representative of )Iarylebone. -Court Journal. On Sunday morning, the guard of a goods train on the Mid- land R,ti1 way, named Isaac Bosworth, was found dead at Knighton .r llucti'!1l, near Leicester, in his van. The remains of a small charcoal tire were found in the van, but it is supposed he died from the severity of the we:Ltiwr. The revenue returns show that the gross receipts during the quarter eeditig December 31st, amounted to £1:>)!).182, and for the year to £71,GS,95,5. Compared with the corresponding periods of tho preceding year, there was a net decrease on the of tf502,920, but on the twelve months the net increase was £ 553, .031. Mr George Wilson, who will be remembered as the chairman of the Anti-Corn lAw I..eagu(" and more recently as the presi- dent of the National Reform Union, died suddenly last week, while traveling upon the railway between Manchester and Liverpool. The deceased was the chairman of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. In a case heard at :llancI1e',ter County Court last week, 220 per cent. interest had been charged As the defendants had agreed to pay it, the judge had to decide aaiust them, but he would not suffer execution to take place without leave and he intimated that he would not allow that court, either by im- prisonment or by ordering a person to be sold up, to be made use of to enforce such exorbitant interest. A young man named Thomas Waters, a proccss server, said to have been for some time a marked man, was shot dead last week near Mutlingar workhouse, about half a mile outside the town. The police first found his hat and coat, which they recognized, as they were in the habit of escorting him. The gunshot wound was in the breast, and the body was still warm. Three men have been arrested on suspicion. Deceased was a Protestant. A hen, during incubation, some two or three months since, was frightened from her nest by the passing of a traction engine which was being driven by a humpbacked man and, strange to say, that six out of the batch of eggs produced humpbacked chickens, and these may be seen alive at the farmhouse of Mr Barrett, of Saddlebow, Lynn, \v110 vouches for the truth of the above statement An underlooker at Messrs Hargreaves and Co.'s pit, Baxenden, was, last week, fined .< by the Accrington magistrates for having employed a boy named Baines, who was only eight years of age, and was killed at the pit on the 9th of November by being run over by a waggon. Defendant said he had employed the boy out of pity for his father, who had been hurt, and who had six small children, and was in great distress. A Manchester hop merchant, Mr Henry Turner, has been fined £ 10 and costs, at the Dudley police court, for having sold two pockets of hops without having the proper name of the grower and the place and year of growth attached to each pocket as required by the Hops (Prevention of Frauds) Act, ls06. There were six other charges against the same person, but these were dismissed on his undertaking to pay the costs in each case, and to give to the local dispensary the sum of £ 25. The Prefect of Savoy is not a very great man, but the comple- tion of the perforation of the Mont Cenis tunnel has brought him to the front in the double capacity of patriot and prophet. The finishing of the colossal work was celebrated by a banquet at which the Prefect was present and proposed a toast which may become famons-" Rome which you have conquered, and Paris which we shall not lose." An extraordinary accident happened the other morning to two young Scotchwomen at Castle Douglas, who slept together. A suffocating smoke having awakened the master of the house he arose an(I foitiitl that it came from his .laughters' bedroom, and, on going there, he found the bed on fire and the two girls dead from suffocation. To warm their feet they had taken to bed with them a hot brick, which being overheated ignited the feathers. A fatal accident occurred on the 30tli ult. near Ferry Hill Junction, on the North-Eastern Railway. A mineral train was proceeding down the Hartlepool and Fe.ry Hill line, when the brake became clogged with snow, and not acting, the brake van was overturned and pushed along for some distance. It then crushed against a locomotive which was standing in a siding, and two brakesmen were killed, and a guard was mortally in- jured. The detached engine, striking against a bridge, was thrown into a field beneath and was destroyed. In the West Midland counties the frost appears to have ben very severe. Correspondents writing from Worcester and Gloucester stated that the River Severn was blocked up with i ;e at different points between Stourport and Gloucester, in- clnding the whole of the navigation, and that people were dis- porting themselves on the ice in several places. The canals also, including the Gloucester and Berkeley Ship Canal, which con- nects Gloucester with the Bristol Channel were choked with ice, and navigation was stopped. It would appear that we are fated to have every possible variety of accident which can occur on railways. A locomotive engine, standing at the down platform of the Northallerton Station, suddenly exploded. Fragments of iron were driven with terrific force in every direction, and much damage was done to property. The escape of the drfver and stoker was marvelous. They were standing in their usual place on the front of the engine, and sustained no inju-y except a severe shaking and a slight cut on the head of one of them. A telegraph clerk who was close by, and talking to the driver, had his leg broken by a piece of iron being driven against him. L-iml and Water says the frost has upset the prediction of many a prophet regarding the condition of Cheapside asphalte, proving it to bo a great success, and making Clicapside the best street in London, notwithstanding the gradient at the east end. There are ten boys employed to keep this clean; their wages, at 14d. each a day, amount to lls. 8d., to this add Ss. 4(1. for man, horse, and cart to remove two tons of di!2)g, dropped by highly- fed horses in twenty-four hours, and the whole cost of cleansing C >mes to 20s., realizing a profit of 10s.—f-.r we are informed this manure fetches 15s. a ton—no bad result for the employment of street orderlies. Her Majesty's nsw year's gifts to the poor of the parishes of St. John, New Windsor, Holy Trinity, and Clewer, we;e last wejk, for the first time since the death of the Prince C publicly distributed in the riding school of the Royal Mews at Windsor Castle. The gifts consist of meat and coals. The ioint-s of beef vary from 31b. to 71b. in weight. The coal, in quantities of from 1 CIVt. to 3 cwt., is conveyed to the homes of the recipients. The value of the beef and coals thus annually given by her Majesty the Queen generally amounts to nearly £ 200, making, with the £ 100 presented to the Royal Clothing Chib', a sum'of about £ 300, bestowed upon the Windsor poor at this inclement season. An accident befel the Liverpool and Manchester portion of th North auxiliary mail, early on the morning of the 30th ult. When near to Burton-and-Holmc, in Westmoreland, and while the train was running at express speed, the tyre of one of the wheels broke, and the couplings snapped. After ploughing up the road for some distance, these carriages left the line and plunged down an embankment into a field. It seems almost plunged down an embankment into a field. It seems almost incredible that the carriages should have kept their equilibrium, bat so it was, and none of the passengers sustained any worse i ijury than a violent shaking. Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice, the liberal member for Calne, is far more decided in his utterances than most members of the aristocracy. Addressing his constituents, the noble lord promised, in the next session, to give his vote and his earnest aid to the Tests Abolition Bill, the Trades Union Bill, the Par- li mcntary Elections Bill, and the Licensing Bill. His lordship further said that he should vote for Mr Miall's motion for the disestablishing of the English Church. He believed the days of Church Establishments were numbered the English clergy, however, deserved all praise, and ho hoped Mr Miall would bring forward the question in ati unsectarian spirit. As to again opening the Education question, although he was a mem- ber of the Education League, he should oppose opening the question until llie present measure had had a fair trial. her of the Education League, he should oppose opening the question until the present measure had had a fair trial. People who think of emigrating to the United States had better revise their conclusions, or, if they must go, they should take care to avoid New York. The papers of that city speak almost with despair of the overcrowded labour market. The Xew York Times, one of the most careful and best informed American journals, says "the number of unemployed in this city was probably never much greater than it is at present. Every business man could tell us that his office. is besiegQrl by clerks, book-keepers, and others, anxious to find some sort of occupation. People who fill prominent positions are almost weary of replying to these distressing applications. An adver- tisement for "an assistant, in almost any branch of business, will bring hundreds of .answers." The most terrible destitution, the writer adds, prevails among the classes which depend for tlkir daily bread upon daily labour, and, as the winter sets in, the melancholy ranks of the unemployed will inevitably re- ceive many additions." Clearly, New York is no place for the emigrant. A melancholy event lias just occurred at Winchmore-hill. On Monday week a Mrs Gardiner drove over from Edmonton for the purpose of visiting her sister, Mrs Eaton, the wife of a market gardener residing at the former place. Mrs Gardiner was invited to partake of a glass of rum, and a bottle of the supposed liquid was placed on the table, and a wineglass full handed her. After sipping a small quantity, she complained of the taste, observing that it was very hot. whereupon Mrs Paton had a, little diluted with water. Immediately after drinking both of the females were taken seriously ill, and it was then discovered that, in- stead of rum, they had drunk some disinfecting fluid which had been kept in the house, as some of the family were suffering from smallpox. Mrs Gardiner only survived a few hours. She leaves a-family of six young children but hopes are entertained of the ultimate recovery of her sister, though she still lies m a very precarious state. To add to the melancholy nature of the event, Mrs Eaton's eldest son died from smallpox on the Tuesday evening previous, and her husband, who was thrown from his cart- and severely inured about a week ago, lies ic a very critical CI,mÎ,iQll The, ssacertent is revived that the next army estimates will provide for a considerable augmentation of all the depart- ments, several thousand men being added to the service. According to the Echo, the proceedings against Mr Frank Noel for supposed implication in the Marathon massacre have been stopped. Although the name of Robinson has disappeared from the House through the unseating of the late member for Bristol, there are seven Smiths, two Browns, one Jones, two Whites and one Greene. The liberal gains during 1870 have been at Bridgnorth, Dublin Nottingham, and Norsvieh. The conservatives have won seats in Brecon, Colchester, Isle of Wight, Shrewsbury, Southwark and West Surrey. As was anticipated at the time, the American papers are mak- ing merry over the statements recently published by the Inde- pendence Beige, to the effect that President Grant had offered to the Czar the services of an American fleet in the event of war The contest for the representation of Newry is not to be one between young Lord Newry and Mr Benjamin Whit worth. A nationalist" candidate is in the field, namely, Mr Campbell wh) is said to be an attorney. Really the rejection of treaties is becoming so common that the announcement that the Roumanian Government has declared its independence and repudiates the treaty of 1856 will hardly cause any surprise. Prussia is supposed to be acting with Russia in the matter. I- On Saturday afternoon, the body of a child, which appeared to have died in a convulsive fit, was about to be interred in Salford Cemetery, with the body of its father. A cry was heard to proceed from the coffin at the grave it was opened and the child was found to be alive. It has since died. The good work wrought by the National Lifeboat Institution in the year which has just passed away may be briefly summed up thus: Lives saved, 503; vessels saved, 21. All this was accomplished through the direct instrumentality of the institu- tion. Indirectly, it contributed to a still larger preservation of life and property. Mrs Goss, of Orland, Me., has just died at the age of 107 years. All that we know about her is that during her whole life she was greatly addicted to tobacco. The Xe/e York Tribune thinks that if it is to be one of the results of tobacco that its votaries may live to the age of 107 years, every sensible man will at once refuse to run the risk of becoming a nuisance to himself and his fellow creatures. The re-arrangement of the Cabinet rendered necessary by the retirement of Mr Bright is announced by a London coiitem- porary. ft is settled that Mr Chichester Fortescue will take Mr Bright's plac and that the Marquis of Hartington will have the offer of the Irish Secretaryship. This will 'eave the have the offer of the Irish Secretaryship. This willleave the office of Postmaster-General vacant, and it is thought likely that Mr Stansfeld will take it. The Ormskirk Guardians have just granted the workhouse porter, Luke Hemer, a week's holiday. The fact is that Mr Hemer, notwithstanding his humble position, is going to spend a few hours at Hawarden with no less a personage than the Pre- mier. Luke and .Mr Gladstone were schoolfellows together and, although they now stand so far apart in the social scale, Luke every year pays a short visit to the right honourable gentleman. Two railway collisions occurred in the neighbourhood of Man- chester on Saturday. The first was between a passenger train from Buxton to Manchester and a pilot engine. Five persons were severely hurt, and others much shaken. The second collision happened on the Lancashire and Yorkshire line, between Salford and Oldtiehl-road stations, but no serious damage was done. Two collisions also happened on Saturday night tt f)ews- bury. A Leeds and Htvddersfield passenger train ran into a goods train, the occupants of the carriages getting off with a good shaking. The other collision was between two ijooils trains. This disaster resulted in a serious destruction of rolling stock and interruption of traffic. This formidable list of acci- dents is supplemented by two other collisions on the Midland Railway, on Saturday night, near Barrow-on-Soar. Four passengers were seriously injured in one of the crashes.

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