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%kmi THE


%kmi THE A Cnil; Ikbcl," whose lettcr .ppears in the Days Fens, writes to urge the great desirability of satisfying the Irish demand for self-government. He says— It is the worst and most fatal'dsfcision to imagine that any lar^e body of Irishmen are at the present moment loyal at their beans to England. Again I appeal-to Englishmen not to wil- fully shut their eyes" to the all-pervading conviction among Ir's'imen. It is needless to mince the question—the Irish nation is at this moment in the balance for independent unioa with England, or an independent Republic without it. Heaven only knows on what little provocation the weight might incline to the more desperate side. It will not he necessary for me, sir, I apprehend, to pile up evidence of this fact to satisfy anybody acquainted with genuine Irish feeling. Such evidence must lie in abundance at the hands of the officers of the Crown in this tcountry. It will be no news to the authorities in Dublin Castle to learn that the active semblance of -disloyalty is in full activity, and that step by step the entire middle class, as well as the lower and farmer classes, have notoriously thrown themselves in with the popular cauie- tliit, in fact. disloyalty in one shape or has become the creed of nine-tenths of the popul- ation. The writer poins out the advantage to England of having Ireland loyal, and says he is persuaded that a conference of a few of the leading men of both nations would result in such a comprcraise as would for ever cement the con- nection of those countries, and re-establish them in the position of a European great Power. A number of Roman Catholic peers and gentlemen, in- eln ling Lord Denbigh, have issued a formal protest against the invasion of Rome. In the protest they say- As subjects of tte British throne we contemplate this event with sorrow and dismay. We fear the a-. enging hand of Provi- dence. Our country is not without ifs dteaffections; our legis- lation and history have not been such as utterly to deprive conspiracy and revOit of all palliation. When we shall be in difficulties, domestic treason may assume, by foreign instigation, dimensions far beyond any ever attained in the Rome of our days and there may be those found too and too willing to plav the fictitious part of liberators, with motives and means such as those that h-.i\ e now prospered against Rome. Thirdly, as Catholics, rejoieit s in the faith and Church of Christ, we (Vt-ply feel the peculiar aggravation which attends this crime. it is a sacrilege of deepest "dye, ami of widest consequences of evil. It is an open blow struck at the cai seof God and His Christ in the person of the servant of His servants. It is a blow struck at the centre whence now, the very life-blood of the Church. The work of evangelizing the world is impeded, and is meant to be permanently arrested at the main source of its action. This is, indeed; outwardly the work of an ambitious and aggressive state, but behind it are the associated enemies of the ntIne and the very thought of God. A daily contemporary makes merry over the Hock in the following style :— We are sorry to perceivc that our contemporaiy the Bock has in one instance fallen away from that strict path d virtue which we had expected it to follow. It may be the Christmas season which is responsible for a display of levity, and a desire of carnal indulgence, not pleasant to observe in a journal of exalted principles. Its latest nuiK'ter presents us with & poem—ap- parently appropriate to the time of the year—which is called, How old art thou ?" A -question of this kind, however awkward, not to say impertinent, is generally accompanied by sound advice but in the present case our reckless contemporary exclaims, Carouse thee and live." We hope that this advice will not be accepted as seriOlis by the gentle curates who are accustomed to look to the for instruction. The result might be disastrous, not only to their constitutions, but to their household affairs. The admonition to carouse may he more or less suited to Christmas-time; tut why hint that indulgence tends to give one length of days The Wellington (Xew Zealand) correspondent of the Time* publishes a letter from one of the chiefs, which does that "stvagn's" head and heart credit. He says there has been a great native gathering in the Taupo country, result- ing in an openly-expressed determination to encourage-the settlement of Europeans and the formation of roads. The following letter, sent to the native minister by one of the most influential chiefs at that meeting, may be taken, he says, as expressing the feeling which obtains very generally among the inland tribes :— -Mahia, October 10. Friend, salutation* to you. I have received your circular giving a report of the proceedings of the Parliament. You say truly that it is because there are so few Europeans in Xew Zealand that there is neither work nor money. I have one word to say to you. Let Kuropeans be sent here to cover the ground. This is another word of vours to ui--voll say feat certain natives have requested that spirituous liquors may not be allowed to be sent to their districts, and that you, the .\s,<mlJly, consented thereto. I fill], consent that drink should not be brought into cur districts. That is all.—From your loving friend, To .Mr M'Lean. I A French lady writing to the Times, says— Deeply and fearfully impressed by what my own country has incurred and is suffering, I cannot help feeling sorrowful when I see in England signs of our begetting sins appearing also. Paint and chignons, slang and vaudevilles, knowing Anocymas' by name, and reading doubtfully moral novels, are in themselves small offences, although not many years ago they wotid have appeared very heinous ones, yet they are quick and tempting conveyances on a very dangerous high road. I would that all Englishwomen kiv.w how they are looked up to from abroad— ■wh.it a high opinion, what honour and reverence we foreigners have for their principles, their truthfulness, the fresh and pure innocence of their daughters, the healthy yuiithfulness of their lovely children. May I illustrate this by a short example which happened very nevir meDuring the days of the emcutes of 1848 all the houses in Paris were being searched for fire-arms by the mob. The one I was living in contained none, as the master of the home repeatedly assured the furious and incredulous Re- publicans. They were going to lay violent hands on him, when his wife, an English lady, hearing the loud discussion, came bravely forward and assured them that no arms were concealed. Vous etes Anglaise, nous vous croyons les Anglaises disent toujonrs la verite," was the immediate answer, and the rioters quickly left. A lady named Crawford attended before the Guardians of the North Dublin Union, last week, to claim a singular legacy. She asked that a little girl named Murphy, eight years of age, might be delivered up to her, stating that the ehild s mother, before entering the workhouse, where she died, made a will leaving her guardian of the child. Mrs Crawford is a Protestant, and avows her intention to bring the child up in that faith, though the mother was a Iloman Catholic. The guardians resolved that, on Mr Crawford taking out administration to the deceased womjn, they would not resist her legal claim. It is highly probable that Catholics will dispute the claim. Here is a tic-bit from the Church Herald for our readers to laugh or cry over, as they feel inclined- As long as Mr Gladstone and his Popish and Infidel allies are in office, so long will he play into the hands of either, to the detri- ment and damage of the ancient National Church. The rapscallions of the Reform League, as well as the cantm" hypocrites of the Liberation Society, must be appeased anil satisfied. They must have s >ps and good things thrown to stop their noise and employ their time. And as often as the exigen- cies of the Great liberal party" need, the church must be robbed and insulted by Mr Gladstone and his followers. We don't wonder at this. It is part of the "liberal" programme. Witness the proceedings of Victor Emmanuel at Rome,"of Gari- ba'di in France, and of Gladstone in Ireland. Men in England, who have the wits of a Hat-fish, ought to be able to see what further libera} blessings are in otoro for the Chinch of England if the unprincipled crew now in office remain thm, The SUI, Francisco Bulletin contains the following :— A late number of the Commercial Advertiser of Honolulu re- lates the fact that one of the whale ships in that harbour recently captured a whale in the Arctic seas which had in its carcase a harpoon. This harpoon was known to belong to a ship which wa.s at that time cruising in the northern seas on the other side of the continent. The whale had evidently passed from one open sea to the other by way of the Pole. He must have found open water, for even a whale must come up at sh0rt intervals to blow. It is certain that the Polar Sea is navigable for whales from one side of the continent to the other. But while it does not follow that ships could pursue the same track, the fact cited is one of considerable inte:t. Shipmasters may be able to ravigate the Polar Sea when they know a.s much about naviga- tion in hio;<;h latitudes as this whale with a l-arpoon sticking in his The late Earl of Aberdeen seems to have passed an eventful life. He left England for America in 18GG, and became a sailor, Subsequently he settled at Pensacola. He remained at Pensacola several months, and acted as a clerk in a lumber establishment, and became a great favourite with his employers. But his health becoming impaired lie again wen t to sea,f and passed an examination before the Marine Board in Xew York, from whom he received a certificate of competency as chief mate. With this certificate he came to Boston, and, after knocking about several weeks, took a fancy to the three- masted schooner Hera, then on the berth loading for Melbourne, in Messrs Henry W. Peabody and Co.'s line of packets. He told the shipping master and the captain that wages were not an object he liked the vessel and the voyage, and accordingly was shipped at forty dollars per month. lie joined the vessel several days before she sailed, and worked as hard as any longshore- man oil board. His friends in Great Britain, very anxious to have him return, sent commissioners to this country to find h;m, and after a great amount of searching traced him to the Hera, and soon afterwards learned that he had been lost over- board. The Daily News thus comments on the death of Prim — The assassination avl death of General Prim, just as he had necoinphshed his a-Kiieation of power, and at the very moment fchut tuo Kixisr Il ia chosen w:is (lniwmnf ne.ir to nf Spain, is one of the most startling and striking incidents n the history of p.. itusJ murders. Here was a"man wlm had i un u;e g.iuntle. of ah sorts of dangers during an adventurous and busy l:ie a man whose existence had been passed amid plots, intrigues, and m urrections of every form and colour and T. sooner has he reached the goal of his career—no sooner has he declared his intention of retiring into private life and binding over to another the authority be v>i,i with firmness and prud -ence-tllin he is shot down bv his own countrymen in the streets of the capital over which he had ruled. He did not evcP- live to see King Amadeus arrive Admiral Topete, once a Montpensierist, and now Presi- dent of the Council, set out for Carthagena and has welcomed ashore the Prince whom Prim had selected for the crown. Not- withstanding the number and severity of his wounds it was con- fidently expected that he would recover and, indeed, the latest news we we're enabled to publish on Saturdav was an announce- ment from Madrid that upe Marshal was better his wounds show- ing no serious symptoms. °Vlr Gladstone, we are afraid, has made a mistake in the reconstruction of the Cabinet. Mr Stansfeld is left out, when both he and the party he represents had a claim to a seat foi him in the Cabinet. The Daily Xews says Mr Gladstone's Xew Year announcement is not, we fe-ir' of a character which will oe very satisfactory, either to the Liberal party or to the c umtry-. He has oil meeting the P-iriia- ment of 1*71, th" unexampled difficulties in foreign noKt'es which challenge the wisdom oi the < .'overnmcnt, and the serio,i problems in ))o,.ic legislation await it with a Ministrv weaker than that which confronted the ta-ks of the two prl. vious sessions. Mr Bright retires and if Mr Bright had been Mr Otway ov .Mr Trevelyan his withdrawal could not have had less effect on the r> construction of the Ministry. It is as it was less effect on the r> construction of the Ministry. It is as it was before. miiiits Mr Brignt. But thi-; minus is a large negative quantity, and represents the substruction of a vast amount of the confidence f. il. in the administration out of doors, and by that part of the House of Commons which sits below the gang- way. The refusal of the Government to introduce any new element into the Cabinet is apparently felt to need apologv, for in the olii.-ial announcement which we are authorised to publish to-dav, it is said that the Cabinet i.s now reduced to the number beyond which it was temporarily enlarged during the illness of Mr Bright. It is difficult to interpret this assertion. An obliging spiritualist (says a, contemporary) has sent br the first number of the Christian Spiritualist, a periodi- cal which is evidently intenr1.d to "supply a want long felt." It is edited by the Rev. F. R. Young, who contri- b'ltes the m.vsterioiis account of the withdrawal of the i ft of healing power On Saturday afternoon, October 1st, 1870, I was sitting with my hand upon the indicator, together with the hand of Miss Sarah Ridout Wreford, when a message, purporting to come from a verv dear departed friend of both of us, was spelt out. The following is the latter part of the message, which I "lye verbatim et literatiui leaving my readers to judge it as they please :— "And now for a real surprise. This is the first of October. From this date your healing power will leave you for ever. It Was oranted to you, tJ:rouh Dr Newton, as a reward for him; but especially as a trial of your own faith. The ends contem- plated have been fully answered, aud the power ceases. It only "tm,:ÙI' '"nr will to say, Behold Ok, -wmaai- 3f the Lord, ne it accruing to Thy word.' Publish th-h; part oi the message in your wr.v periodical. It will be sneered at: .b1:t nevermind: tor greater is He that is in you than he "chat -is in the world.' Celestials always pity all sneerers. Enough for this time. I must go." When I first became conscious, by-actual experiment, of the possession of healing power, I made it a matter of very earnest and definite prayer to God that I might not be lifted up by its possession, nor depressed should he be pleased to with- draw it from me, and that in my every use of it my eye might be kept" ringle," and my heart have no anxieties about couse- (oiences- That prayer was answered to the full, and I now resign the power delegated to me for the past two years without a solitary regret, and with a quiet consciousness that while I "had it 1 a sed it righteously.

(Ecclesiastical j

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