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ALL BIGHTS RESERVED.] THE HEIRESS OP ATHEESTONE GRANGE, BY THE AUTHOR OF 9 Allan Thornton" Effie Baird," "Almost Criminal? Leonora's Legacy," #c. CHAPTER XIX. READY FOR HER GRAVE., Cross her hands humbly, As if praying dumbly, Over her breast.—HOOD. NIGHT fell over the good ship Psyche, and her living freight settled down into something like calmness after the painful excitement of the day. Beryl Atherstone lay in her berth, the stewardess, at her earnest request, occupying the one made vacant by poor Ursula's death. Her terror at being left alone in that tiny place was quite unnatural; though only a thin planking separated her from the ladies in the next berth, she seemed to be all by herself, and begged the woman to stay with her. She was terribly prostrated, and the captain was really alarmed about her condition. Dr. Twist, however, was of a different opinion. She'll be all right in a day or two," he said. She's only a bit shaken. A girl who is going home to inherit £20,000 a year won't let a little frighten her out of the world. Miss Beryl Atherstone is tolerably Strong-minded, or I'm very much mistaken." I don't believe you like the poor thing, Twist," said the captain, looking curiously at his friend. "To tell the truth, Bolton, I don't." « Why ?" "Ah, there you puzzle me. You know what Shakespeare says: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' And I always take unaccountable dislikes to those Who belong to that category. I do not like this girl, and I shall find out why before the voyage is over. "The feeling came upon me when she came screaming up to say her fiiend was dead, and I can't get rid of it." "You are an odd fish, Twist." I've seen a lot of life, my boy, and learned to distrust most of my fellow-men, that's all. What a glorious moou Yes so far this young geld mine seems to have brought us lucky weather. Is her fortune really £20,000 (" Is More or less per annum. Perhaps I drew the bow a little, but it's big enough to make one's mouth water. There's a splendid estate and a fine house, and heaps of back rents and funded money, all coming to this slip of a girl. And if she don't play the deuce with it," added the doctor to himself, I never j ¡read a face aright in my life." He stayed on deck late, as the night was so fine, Smoking and looking dreamily out over the sea. Presently he caught himself nodding, and rousod him- self with a shrug and a laugh, to see cne of the sailors standing opposite him. The man touched his cap respectfully. Beg pardon, sir/' he began. Ah, I was asleep, I think," said the doctor, snaking himself, with a laugh. Want me, my man?" If you please, sir." Someone ill in the fore cabin, eh ?" "No, sir; it's the boy- him as was stowed away.' Ob, that young rascal. What has he been doing ? Climbing about and damaging himself, I suppose." "No sir; he ain't mischievous. He's quiet enough, though the cheekiest young urchin as ever I see with his tongue. I think he won't talk no more. Ho't¡ took." "He's wliat 44 Took, sir, for death." What ails him ?" Fits, sii, that hard that there's no holding him When his eyes turns up, and his fists clutches, and there's no sense to be got out of him. We've done all that we could, and if you'd come and see what ails him, we'd be very glad." I'll come. What have you done ?" Well, sir, we tried to give him a drop of rum, bi Bone on it went into his mouth; and then we shook him, and we've poured pretty nigh two buckets of water over him. It don't seem any use." Well, perhaps it's hardly the treatment for the complaint," said Doctor Twist. I'll see what I can do." He went to the stifling little den vhere the crew had their berths, and there he found Jack Blogg in about as deplorable a state as could well be. He had "come to," as the men expressed it, to a certain extent—that is, he had left off kicking and clutching his hands and teeth, and was lying on the floor, moaning and shivering violently. It was no case of shamming, as had been charitably suggested by one or two of the more callous of the men. Jack Blogg was really very ill, and Dr. Twist saw in a moment that he was so. "Get him into a dry shirt, some of you," he said, and put him into his berth. It's as much as his life's worth to let him lie in that state. Go aft for a flram of brandy, someone, and get a little hot water from the cook's galley." While his orders were being executed he questioned the men; but could get at nothing tending to explain the cause of Jack Blogg's illness. He had proved him- self a very useful boy, and the men were well disposed towards him, his only fault appearing to be his 44 cheek," as they told the doctor. His sharp wits and untiring tongue were always ready with a retort, no Qiatter what was said to him. 11 Had anyone been thrashing him ?" the doctor asked. Ropes' ends don't agree with every boy, and too much beating might easily bring on a fit." But he was assured that the lad had not been touched. There was never any call to beat him," the men declared. He worked well and willingly, and it was quite certain that he was not starved. The rations on board the Psyche were good and decently served out, and no one had any cause of complaint in that way. All that Dr. Twist could gather was, that the boy bad been missed from his berth by the man next to him, and almost before any remark had been made he had come tumbling down the steps, screeching like a young tiger cat," and had fallen on the floor in Strong convulsions. Furthermore, it had been stated that he had been seen prowling round that part of the ship where it'' lay (the men could not bring them- selves to speak in any other fashion of poor Ursula Rhodes), and that he seemed to want to see the corpse, though for what reason no one could divine. It would not have been very difficult. The corpse lay, rever- ently disposed and covered with white sheets and soft blankets, on the grating from which, in the morning, it would be shot into the blue water. The whole was covered with tarpaulin, and secured, in case of any extra rolling of the ship; but it would have been easy for a boy like Jack Blogg to get a sight of the face of the body if he had been so disposed. The sail- Qiaker's part of the business had been left till the day- light of the morrow-the afternoon was too far advanced at the time of the poor girl's death for it to be done that day. Perhaps if it had, Jack Blogg Might have been saved from his fits for that night at least. He was very ill now, and it took some little time, eVen with the assistance of hot brandy and water and dry clothes, to bring him back to his senses; and even when they did return he was terribly frightened. Visions of condign punishment for the trouble he had given flitted before his eyes, and his terror was ridiculous in the extreme. I didn't mean to be took, sir," he said, with chat- tering teeth. It was all along of-" 51 Of what ?" But Master Blogg seemed as though he had said too Oluch, and stopped, and it was with great dif- ficulty that the doctor extracted any more from him. Along of seeing it, sir," he said. I wanted to see it, and I did; and I never saw a body as frightened tfce so in all my life before." This was enigmatical, to say the least of it, for Dr. Jwist had remarked on the extreme placidity of the features of poor Ursula Rhodes. The boy must have the natural horror of death inherent in some people. "Did you ever see a corpse before, my lad?" he asked. Scores, sir." Ever touched one ?" Lots of times—drowned people and such, on the °^ch at Melbourne." And were you not afraid of them V "Not a bit." But you were of her 1" Yes." Cf WhV?" But Jack could not be brought to tell why. Because I knowed Miss Rhodes by sight when she s alive, I suppose," was all he could say, and Dr. Wist went back to his own dominions thinking deeply, gave Jack Blogg enough brandy-and-water to re his having a night's rest, and laid a strict in- Junction on the men that he was to be allowed to sleep in peace. "What has frightened the boy like this?",he thought to himself, for it is fright, there's no mis- take about that. I'll take a look at Miss Rhodes myself." Be called one of the wateh to bring him a lantern, and, with the man in most unwilling attendance, walked to the place where the dead girl lay. He re- moved the covering from the placid face, now rigid in the icy coldness of death, and looked long and earnestly at the placid face. Then he pushed aside the long, rippling hair, that had been neatly arranged over the temples in rather a prim style by the woman who had straightened the corpse, and finally cut off a little bit and put it in his pocket-book. To send to her friends," he said to the man, who looked rather surprised at his proceedings. I don't think anyone else has thought of it. See that no one disturbs this place any more. I find that lad Blogg has been poking about here. Keep him off if he comes again." I don't know where he don't poke and spy where he has no business," said the man gruffly. I'll take care he don't come here no more, your honour." Jack Blogg was better the next morning, and before the hour fixed for the funeral was summoned to the doctor's cabin, where that gentleman talked to him very earnestly. When he dismissed him, Dr. Twist's face wore a curious, puzzled look, and, with his hand on the door, he detained the lad for another minute. I can't believe you," he said. 10 rm afraid you have been telling me a lie." "Wish I may die, if I have, sir," said the boy, blub- bering. "It's Gospel truth. You'll find it out some- time." "Well, get away; and if I hear of your saying a word to anyone, mind, I'll have you given to the police the minute we get to England. The laws are severe there, and there is no knowing what they may do to you. Don't you know that every meal you eat on board this ship you are defrauding her owners ? You will be punished as a thief." Jack Blogg had never been out of Melbourno in his life, and had a very vague idea of what England and English laws might be like, and he was terribly frightened. 11 Will they hang me, sir P" he asked, piteously. I don't know," replied the doctor, gravely. They might." And with the fear of the gallows before his eyes, Jack promised abjectly to be discreet, and kept his word. The fright and the illness it had produced had a good effect upon his tongue and his manners, and he was particularly docile and obedient ever after- wards. There was not a great deal to be done in preparation for the funeral of the next day after the death. The doctor duly certified the cause, and the corpse was promptly prepared for its ocean grave. Beryl's grief was pitiable. Everyone did their best to cheer and soothe her, but she could not be comforted. Ursula was tho only friend I had in the world," she said, sobbing bitterly. And now I'm all alone. I wish I had died instead of her. They tried as much as they could to keep all sight or knowledge of the preparations for the burial from her, but it was impossible to do so entirely; and when she learned that the funeral was fixed for noon that day, her fright and agitation was quite uncon- trollable. Oh, not in the sea!" she begged. Not in the cold pitiless sea! Oh, Ursula! Ursula What shall I do ? You shall not bury her so I" Captain Bolton sat down by the sobbing girl, and drew her close to his side, as though she had been a daughter of his own. It must be done, my dear," he said. What else could we do ?'' What else ? Take her to England, and let her lie in consecrated ground. Oh, what can I say to the poor old woman, who gave her darling to me, when she asks me where she lies ? Let me take her home, ) Captain Bolton-let me take her home!" She burst into a paroxysm of sobs and cries, and the captain felt his own eyes wet. Dr. Twist came up at that moment and beckoned him away. Leave her to me," he said, quietly. •• I'll brina her to reason." But you are so hard, Twist." It is necessary to be so sometimes. Miss Ather- stone, will you not try to listen to me ?" Beryl was moaning out that they should not bury Ursula in the sea in a wild, incoherent sort of way, but she stopped at the sound of the firm, resolute voice. We are all very sorry for your forlorn position," he said, but without a trace of the captain's tender- ness, and we want to do all we can to make your burden lighter; but what you wish is utterly im- possible. Are you honouring me with your atten- tion ?" Yes, oh yes." The sobs had ceased now, and Beryl sat very still,, though with her face hidden in her hands. Why is it impossible ?" she asked, after a pause. People are taken home to be buried sometimes." In very exceptional cases. This is hardly one. If we were within a day's sail of England no objection would be made by anyone; but we are at the begin- ning of a long voyage, and for the sake of every one in the ship it is necessary that that funeral should take place at once. As medical officer here I insist upon it." But Mrs. Dalton, Ursula's grandmother-" Will accept your statement and mine, I have no doubt. She will be as well satisfied to hear that yonder poor girl is committed to the blue water, as that Captain Bolton risked a mutiny on board by carrying the corpse to England." Beryl lifted her head and looked at him. Their eyes met in earnest, eager scrutiny. All the grief was gone out of the young heiress's face now, driven away by tile stern, hard manner of Dr. Twist. Have it as you will," she said. "I suppose you mean kindly, but your tone and manner are hard. I have to ask everyone's pardon for the trouble I have caused. I will give way no more. Let me know, please, when all is ready. I wish to be present." Better not, my dear, better not," said the captain. It might be too much for yoU.'1 It was not too much for me to find her dead," said Beryl, bitterly. "I had rather be there, please." As you will, my dear. It is fixed for twelve o'clock," Thank you, Captain Bolton; you are very kind." And Beryl rose and walked across the room to her berth with a firm step and a face from which all traces of her late passionate emotion had departed. She was very pale, but there was a fixed, set expression about her pretty mouth that told of some secret determina- tion. No more tears," she said, as she looked through the windows of her little cabin over the sparkling sea. There's small sympathy with grief in this world. I must bury my sorrow with her in the sea—with Ursula, the only link between my old life and my new one." She shivered slightly, and a dark look came into her eyes. Very like her dead grandfather she looked as she stood there communing with herself. All the Atherstone pride and bitterness were in her face just then. Leonard Atherstone had seldom looked so—he had inherited his mother's gentleness; but some of the family qualities had evidently passed over him to descend to his daughter. There had been little in Beryl's placid life with her mother to call forth anger or resentment, but,they were thoroughly roused now. "He is a cruel dan," she muttered, thinking of the doctor's manner to her—" a hard, cruel man. Well, well; perhaps it was best he should be so—he has driven away my tears, and brought back my senses. I shall neither be sorrowful nor frightened any more." And just at the moment she felt sure she should not; but the fortitude she intended proved beyond her power when she came to stand by the corpse of her friend once more. All's ready, miss." It was the stewardess who spoke, and who was much surprised to see her charge so calm and quiet. I'm glad to see you so much better, miss," she added, coming forward to adjust Beryl's hat and dress. I am much better, thank you. Where is it to be ?" "Dr. Twist's waiting for you, miss. He'll taka you." The doctor is very kind." Beryl pulled down her crape veil, and took the arm of the doctor, who was waiting for her outside. He could not see her face, but he could feel dat she walked firmly and did not tremble. (To be continzwl.)

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