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WHAT IS TRUTH? J RUTH is a solid "FACT, more solid than the w granite rock; it is the richest coin of the purest etJ^ .ee ^rom alloy of every description. The shaft of JUJ? will not face it, neither will the shots of pre- th01Ce enter it. It is surrounded on all sides by a ti 01lsand foes; but each and all, without excep- 011, are mute beneath its piercing glance. XT IS A FACT, AS SOLID AS THE ABOVE, THAT te. BEECHAM'S PILLS, hav kave been before the Public for thirty years, ftttt!110w become one of the leading Patent Medicines Ea f Presen^ day- From North to South, and from the8 t10 West, they are to be found in the homes of the riC^ and the poor. All classes of society use eta» and they are by thousands declared to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ?°r females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as leW doses of them carry off all gross humours, and Pen an obstructions, and bring about all that is Pen. all obstructions, and bring about all that is sluired. No female should be without them. There prJ1? medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S of f°r removing any obstruction or irregularity giv 8?stem> taken according to the directions of u ea°h box, they will soon restore females aU ages to sound and robust health. j. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all tod°r(lers -kiver> they act like MAGIC," 51 a,few doses will be found to work wonders on the Str *mP°rtant organs in the human machine. They 10 engthen the whole muscular system, restore the Jg-loat complexion, bring back the keen edge of 0petite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD ealth, the whole physical energy of the human Go?16' These are FACTS admitted by thousands, "racing all classes of society; and one of the best fjTv.^fttees to the' Nervous and Debilitated is, ^CHAM'S PILLS have the LARGEST SALE of » latent Medicine in the World. A BEECH A~M~' S PILLS admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea v^pox, for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, anH riDess' Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness of A 0ws*ness' Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss „ V-Ppetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy j. u Blotches of the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful 'eams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, .•» &c. The first does will give relief ni twenty >utes. 0-A«i8 is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands obf C-ases- The Proprietor of these Pills having "^ed (at great expense) a Patent for them, he 8o i ^es whole world to produce a medicine to them for removing the above-named complaints, restoring the patient to sound and lasting health, th 6r^ sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of ese Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. J. CAUTION.—The Public are requested to notice that ge Words Beecham's Pills, St. Helens," are on the ^vernment Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills; if 1%'t On, they are a Forgery. th Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by t a Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, j,aQcashire, in Boxes, Is. ltd. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent 2 ost Free for 15 or 36 Stamps. sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers United Kingdom. If.B.-Full directions are given with each box. (106) 4 CERTAIN CURE FOR THE NERVOUS CERTAIN CURE F,oR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing sufferers how they may be cured and recover j^^lth and vitality without the aid of Quacks, with 3pes for purifying the blood and removing skin ■fractionsj also chapters on Happy Marriages; Jf&en and Whom to Marry; The Temperaments; yammering; Vital Force; How Wasted and How ^served; Galvanic Appliances; and the Wonders J the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. °?t free for Two Stamps. Address, Secretary of Anatomy, Birmingham. TY BROCADED SILK p UANDKERCHIEFO DIRECT FROM THE LOOMS. UV from the Manufacturers and save two profits, 500,000 sold j, in 18SS, and 50,000 Testimonials received. to'THOMPSON & CO. beg to thank the readers of this paper their support, ami to announce that .since they first com- tho offer their beautiful Handkerchiefs to the public, to vo supplied them to the Queen's Pal ace at Windsor down SUo humblest cottage in the land. Not content with this XJT?N-SSS, we shall not be satisfied until every person in the chi Kinprdora has purchased one of our beautiful Handker- s- They are richly brocaded in designs of birds, flowers, the 1' an,l may be had in thirty different colours, including tlw i est- They are a choice present for a lady or gentleman, *of? f°r the neck or pocket, size 28 inches square, while the tn eletrance, and delicacy of them make them preferable ba« ? finest cambric, and for durability they cannot be sur- *f>(w -A- list of Testimonials forwarded to any address ott ^Pt of one stamp. COUPON. Name Address /We guarantee to send one handkerchief as advertised above on receipt of P.O.O. for Is.. or 13 stamps 2 for 2s., °5 2i stamps; 6 for 5s., or 60 stamps; 12 for 9s., or 108 Btamps. Money to be returned if goods fail to meet ap- USov.il. Signed THOMPSON & CO. "t- (k P.O.O. TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO THOMPSOKT & CO., *-•>—.Commercial Buildings. Stockport. UPWARDS OF 10.000 TESTIMONIALS. BOEHLEN'S BRILLIANT, tOR, LIQUID METAL POLISH. Once used always used. Brilliancy; no smell; no scratching; less labour; more lasting; no mess. Used in the Boyal Mews. Contractors to the P. and O. Steamship Company, the North London and the Tilbury and Southend Railway Companies.. The BEST BRIGHTENER KNOWN of Gold, Silver. Plated, Brass, Copper, Plate Glass, Gilt Mouldings and Oil Paintings, and all other classes of metal goods, from the most costly and fragile to those in ^mmoneat use; producing the most beautiful polish cheaply a(l With the least possible labour. Sole Manufacturers :—J. BOEIILEN & COMPANY, 20, BUCKLERSBURY, LONDON, E.C. "Old by Chemists, Druggists. Oilmen. Grocers & Ironmongers. A Sample sent free for 6 stamps. TliE LONDON AND WESTMINSTER "*• SUPPLY ASSSOCIATION, 4A, DEANE-STEEET, LIVERPOOL, Beg to call attention to the Q.REAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF PROVISIONS. Owing to the downward tendency of the markets, they have been enabled to make considerable reductions in every depart- ■w. ment. WINE DEPARTMENT. TT Special consignment of the CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNE "VIN DU SALON," At 30s. per Dozen Quarts. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST X ON APPLICATION. (CARRIAGE PAID „R^MA ON ORDER OF £ 2 AND UPWANDS. T liE LONDON AND WESTMINSTER SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, 4A, DEANE.STREET, LIVERPOOL, Near St. John's Market. (1371) b IDMINION Line.—Reduced Fares. From •b"' Liverpool, on Thursdays. This Line oo s jassengers through to all parts of America at p Rates. Saloon, £ 10 10s.; Intermediate, ^7 Ja-> ^erage, £ 4 4s. Assisted Passages are granted to ^anitoba, the North-West Territory, and to all pares UI Canada. 'Assisted ocean rates for Agricultural La ourers, ^families, and Female Domestic Servant8,^ ac^u^t; Mechanics, Navvies, General La > their families, M Children under 12 years, •aw ? under one year, 10s. For Passage jWly;to FLINN, MAIN, and MONTGOMERY, 24, Liverpool; or to their Local Agen • DAVIESJ IconmoDger, LlangoUen. (x W I L Y M E VA NS, F/C. S., MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. GWILYM EVANS'S QUININE BITTERS. THIS preparation is now extensively taken throughout the country by patients suffering from JL debility, nervousness, and general exhaustion, and if any value be attached to human testimony, the efficacy of this medicine has been successfully established. Its claims have been tested and proved by the medical profession and others, and corroborated by the written testimonials of eminent men. The Quinine Bitters contain not only a suitable quantity of Quinine in each dose, but the active principles of the following well-known herbs—sarsaparilla, saffron, gentian, lavender, and dandelion root. The use of Quinine is well- known, but it has never been satisfactorily combined with these preparations, until, after overcoming considerable difficulties, the proprietor was able to secure a perfectly uniform preparation, combining all the essential properties of the above plants in their greatest purity and concentration. It is now established as a family medicine, and is increasing in popular favour the more it is known and tested. Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitters is a tonic Pick-me-up," scientifically mixed in happy proportions. ADVANTAGES CLAIMED. 1. Entirely vegetable, therefore containing neither iron nor mercury. 2. A happy combination of medicines, hitherto not successfully dispensed. 3. Enjoys the confidence of the leading medical men in all districts in which it has had a fair and continued trial. 4. Quinine Bitters are superior to any other kind of Bitters prepared. 5. Patients who have suffered long and suffered severely have received lasting and permanent benefit from their use. Lastly, the numerous important testimonials received clearly demonstrate their value. MEDICAL USES. THE GREAT WELSH REMEDY. GWILYM EVANS'S QUININE BITTERS contain Quinine, and also the active principles of Dandelion and Gentian, Lavender and Saffron. Without exception, the best remedy for Depression of Spirits and Melancholy. GWILYM EVANS'S QUININE BITTERS, being a vegetable Pick-me-up," is strongly recommended for nervous diseases, such as undue anxiety, despondency, fainting fits, neuralgia, and nerve pains generally. Has been taken with great permanent results for INDIGESTION in its INDIFFERENT FORMS, such as sick headache, heartburn, cramp, flatulency, sense of fulness and oppression after eating, drowsiness, and pains in the region of the heart. Has successfully treated (after all known preparations had failed) severe cases of affections of the chest, such as common colds, bronchitis, asthmatic colds, shortness of breath, spitting of blood, &c. TESTIMONIALS. From the Rev. J. H. WILLIAMS (Brynfardd) Head-master of Dowlais Grammar School. The wonderful efficacy of your Quinine Bitters to restore health and vigour, after lingering illness and debility, has been recently and sufficiently proved by my family, and elicits this voluntary and conscientious testimony from me for the benefit of others. From J. ELLIS EDWARDS, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., &c., St. Clears, Carmarthenshire. Having been so frequently asked by my patients as to the desirability of taking your Quinine Bitters," I have, for the last two years, given it a fair trial, and find it, without exception, the most pleasant and effectual means of administering that remedy. THE TREATMENT IS SIMPLE. GWILYM EVANS'S QUININE BITTERS remove disease by strengthening the system generally. They correct the stomach and purify the blood, and thereby remove the first cause. N.B.—Mr. GWILYM EVANS can supply, by post, the names of patients in almost every district in Wales and the West of England who have tried his Quinine Bitters, and who are glad at any time to give full particulars of the benefits they have themselves received. Be not persuaded to try any other preparations, as there are numerous imitator- of all genuine nd successful medicines. The names given here are well known, and can be consulted as to the merits of this preparation at any timé. Sold in Bottles, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d.; and cases containing three 4s. 6d. Bottles at 12s. 6d. each; by all Chemists, or Direct from the Proprietor. NOTE.-The name GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., M.P.S., on Stamp and Label. Pears' Soap Fair white hands.1- Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin/ ta SAVE"! FOR LADIES' DRESS MATERIALS T0 WRITE TO THE (BfllKiDPOiS IM MANUFACTURING A Collection of Patterns will be (fTk /A r sent POST FREE to any address. | M ill BLFB W /il RLL \W lr wBral Being most wonderful assortment of ii"li W ™ llllt/VjB jgES'ggt<PFOBP ■Sir ssgijijjjifc vellous Combination of Beautiful Designs and Colourings in & Variety All INTERMEDIATE PROFITS GIVEN of SOFT WOOL & other Materials. The ZEPHYR CLOTHS, PRINTED in-ruc DimrUAQFRII! SATTEENS, and other PLAIN and FANCY COTTON MATERIALS, TO THE rUnuHAotK! surpass all previous productions. The CENTURY TWEEDS, SERGES, and CLOTHS for LADIES\ BOYS', and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR are the BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD. ANY LENGTH CUT AT MILL PRICES. All parcels over £ 1 Carriage Paid. NOTE ADDRESS* ™ .— ( Mention this paper when writing. ) ■* THE NEWEST AND BEST SMOKING MIXTURE, Mild-Fragrant. THE "SULTAN." A MIXTURE of the Finest Turkish and Virginian TOBACCOS. Fourpence an Ounce. Also, THE "SULTAN" CIGARETTE, In Cases containing Twelve Cigarettes, for Threepence. Prepared and Sold by W. SNAPE & CO., 27, HENBLAS STREET, WREXHAM. (1362) "GREHTN LODGE, LLANGOLLEN™^ TO BE LET, GREEN LODGE, LLANGOLLEN. The house is in good order, with a capital large garden. Rent, £ 35 per annum. For further particu- lars, apply to Messrs. CHARLES RICHARDS & SONS, Solicitors, Llangollen. NOW READY (PATRONIZED BY LADY WILLIAMS WYNN AND MISS W. WYNN), A NEW NOTATION OF MUSIC, so that J\. he who reads may sing. The most simple, natural, ea-y, and true ever published. The Lesson Book, price 6td., post free, may be had at the "Adnxtiaex" Office, and of all Booksellers, (1285) NERVOUS DEBILITY. 1 6 DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE & BRAIN TREAT. MENT, a Guaranteed Cure for all Diseases of the Nervous System, such as Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, i its, ^eu. ralgia, Headache, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Prematuro Old Age, caused by Excesses, Over-Exertion of the Bram, or Over-Indulgence (resulting in Insanity, and leading to Misery, Decay, and Death The Kemedy is from the Prescription of an Eminent Physician, & has been tested & used with great success for years; therefore the Proprietors have no hesitation wnatever in issuing a Written Guarantee of Cure, or Monevretoided to every Purchaser of Six Boxes. Each Box contains One Jlonth 8 Treatment, 4/6 a Box, or 6 Boxes ,(^th Guarantise) for 25/ To be had of all Chemists and Druggists.—BARLI1A1 aUJNo, London Agents. 95. Farringdon Street, London. BIRKKECK BANK.—Established 1851. Southampton Buildings J) Chancery Lane, W. Deposits received at i per cent. interest repayable or. demand. On current accounts, interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances,when not drawn below £ -0. No charse forkecpinxaccounts. The Bank undertakes the custody ofseellritics of customers, and the collections of bills of exchange, dnidend and coupons. Htoc-ks and shares purchased and sold, and ad\ anees made. Offi<e hours 10 till 4, on Saturdays 10 til 12. A particulars on application. FRANCIS IlAVl.IshCH.01T, Mana„er. CARDS. DAVID ROBERTS & SON, ^UCTIONEERS AND ^JPPRAISERS, ACCOUNTANTS, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, TEMPLE BUILDINGS, CORWEN. (587) MESSRS. ELLIS AND WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEERS AND ^PPRAISERS, 23, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. (471) MR. LEWIS WILLIAMS, ^UCTIONEER AND ^PPRAISER, DOLGELLEY AND BALA. (472) EVAN EVANS, BILL T) 0 S T E R, PENGWERN SQUARE, LLANGOLLEN. (473) MESSRS. WILLIAMS & CO., AUCTIONEERS, QOMMISSION & JGSTATE A GENTS, TREMANT EUABON. (4174) RIFFIN&ILLES PATENT JNfc WARMING STOVES. lll'BlH THE ONLY PERFECT OIL STOVES: EhLINI Til!IB 1181 t° burn absolutely without Smoke or Smell, Trouble or Dirt. If! lli lljflfH Greenhouses, Vineries, Shops, Bedrooms, Halls, Offices, Damp Booms, &c. f'1 J F#1! Perfectly safe require no pipes or fittings will burn from twelve If V !i|f i; Vl 'iiiflij to twenty hours without attention; give off no injurious vapour, |V if ''I i Hi and are the best Stoves ever invented to save plants from frost, keep out damp, im 3 ||iif| H PRICE FROM 4s. 6d. Write for Illustrated List of Warming Stoves to THE HOLBORN LAMP AND STOVE CO., S ||i7 18 HOLBORN LONDON, E.C. And say where you saw this advertisement. If. A DRIED PORTER GRAINS. i- Price S5 75s. per Ton, Delivered at Railway Stations in Dublin. THE CHEAPEST FEEDING STUFF. I Especially suited for use with Pulped Turnips. r .— 1 Circulars, names of Local Agents, and References to gentlemen in the locality using this Food will be sent post free on application. THE DUBLIN GRAINS COMPANY, LTD., -g| 40, RAINSFORD STREET, DUBLIN. 'These Grains constitute a variety of food to which cattle are generally partial. They are nutritious in a high degree; when properly dried they will keep unchanged for any length of time, and are in particular dis- 'IIP- tinguished by the relative low cost at which they may be purchased." -Apjohn. 'Jr "Dried Grains keep in a good condition for almost any length of time, vv and will be found a good and wholesome food for every description of stock, and particularly useful for horses and cattle. Voelcker. Sacks holding one cwt. charged 8d. each extra, if not not returned immediately. (1352 Nimbi 1 E-M -M L- •EUwvJJM J.VJL X Buyinp: HoT.p.nooK & Oo.'s Brand. Sold by Grocer*, Oilmen, &c., everywhere. IL PRICE) FBRYAHT i MiTO I MATCHES SHORTER HOURS OF LABOUR r cSiw* !iS MAKES CLOTHES DELIGHTFULLY CLEAN & SWEET. PRICES FROM 55/- CARRIAGE PAID RAILWA/STATION ENGLAND. THE "ACORN" Hand Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine. Warranted for Two Years. Price 35/- Sent securely packed in neat wood box on receipt of P.O.O. MONEY RETURNED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE AND CIRCULARS POST FREE. Write at once, and address to PEARSON & Co., 10, Finsbury Pavement, and 9, Acorn St., Bishopsgate, London, E.C. vw '"hen yon mm as r See that you get it! 1^^ A 8 qualities are often substituted. Illllll The Genuine is used by the Laundresses of THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. N the soft and equable climate of sotlthers C ifornia the mountain slopes, as they dw lou.,d "Your Honey the Pacific ocean, are often found the iost won- is p delicious." to be one per of Horehomd Flows= hav y ee Yours truly, from Spring until Autumn. This plant blooms for t,le cu e of ftfir early everything else It stands ELLEN TERRY. droughts, and yields a profusion of cough,. in the vegetable kinr. dom, which are reserVOIrS that Yield this most wonderful remedy. These miniature I stamp with faultless certainty this Horehonn4 Honey with a colour and flavour peculiar to itself, as easily distinguished as Heather Honey from Clover. It is tonie, stimulant, and affording speedyrelief for Coughs,Colds, tion, etc. Hoge's Horehound Honey is an nneom- pounded product of nature secreted in the petal8 B It I G li T Rev. C. D of Horehound blossom, and by the ,,YB KINGDON honey bee. Cannot be honestly imitated. I it says:- Put up in Is. lid. Bottles.If you have any cured h difficulty in obtaining it in yonr neighbourhoo4. f.th.,r the it y W. M. HOGE and CO., LONDON, N, JolmVrirtit.of the^hroat.8' "will post a bottle to any address'upon receipt ct bad co prke. LLANDUDNJO ABERCONWY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, HIGH STREET, CONWAY. JANE ANNE JONES, PROPRIETRESS. YISITORS to Conway will meet with every attention, combined with very moderate charges,at thibwell- r known Hotel. BRITISH WINES AND CONFECTIONERY OF THE CHOICEST DESCRIPTION. Teat and (JQjee provided at the shortest notice, ST. THOMAS' COLLEGE, RHYL, NORTH WALES. The expense of a Boy at this School is strictly Umited to the sum named below, and a Reduction is made for Brothers. A Sound and Liberal Education for boys, based on EVANGELICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Inclusive Fees for Board and Tuition, THIRTY-SIX GUINEAS A YEAR. ENTRANCE SIX AND OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS. THE RESIDENCE IS FACING THE SEA. Prospectus and References from Rev. Principal. (119 ECONOMY & GARDEN IS INSURED BY USING Sutton's — utton s PARCElS Sutton's POST 10/- (Mon's See o'0,1. -Sutton's SITE ECL ttl Sutton's OF VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEEDS Containing 30 Favourite Varieties of Vegetable Seeds, and 12 Choice Sorts of Flower Seeds. SENT FREE BY PARCELS POST TO ANY AD- DRESS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM ON RECEIPT OF A REMITTANCE FOR 9/6. PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. QUEEN'S SEEDSMEN, REAPIMB. UNION LINE. CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL & EAST yj AFRICAN STEAMERS.-The UNION S. S. Co.'s MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thursday, and from X'LYMOUTH the following day. For Passage or Freight apply at the Company's Offices, Oriental Place, Southampton. or 11. Leadenhall Street, London. NERYOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. k-N A gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope. Address, J. T. SEWELL, Esq., Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London. OFOR THE BLOOD IS THE LlFEV lislliil I WORLD-FAMED di THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches,Ulcer- ated Sore Legrs,Old Sores,Glandular Swellings, Cancerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples, Pustules Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolor ations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases o the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed Medicine THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. "West Orchard, Coventry, Jan. 6, 1883. It is with pleasure I write to inform you of my complete cure. I have been afflicted for six years with ulcers exten- ding from my ankles to my hips. After having been under the°tvro head doctors in Coventry, and tried numerous advertised remedies, all of which failer1, I procured a large bottle of your Blood Mixture, and received great benefit directly I took it. and am ha.ppy to tell you that one large and two small bottles completely cured me, and I have not got a sore upon me. I am now able to walk without my crutch and stick, which:I have not been able to do for six years. You eRn mak3 11-e of my name anyhow you like, so thankful am I.—Yours truly. -.TA5E HUGHES. MPO IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse j_ the vitiated blood whenever you find its im- purities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex. the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is sold in Bottles, 2s. 6d. each, and in cases, containing six times the Quantity, lis. each- sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases.—BY ALL CHEM ISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent on receipt of 30 01 132 stamps, by n The Lincoln & Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. (482) Trade Mark, Blood Mixture." fORRUCATEDCALVANIZEDiS<ON?kOOFlHo-. t- ¡ PPIRFMI APPI IRNTIOM CORRUGATED IRON C2. CHURCH LANE.WOLVERHAMPTON. ICOT.UI icuuiJWWPWW^WHfHBII—.sum- I I —1111H K[S}PKI{y[|FVPRYWHFRFI f S WAl^^ LM D SYMINGTON'S WORLD WIDE ADA DO REPUTATION AllADw DANDELION, FRENCH and PATENT COFFEES W. SYMINGTON & Co., ) Established Bowden Steam Mills, [ ouer MARKET HARBQROUGH. fifty ^ears- ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitu- tional, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any addr (iifor 60 stamps by The Lincoln & Midland Coun lics'Drug Company. Wholesale Agents,Braclay & Sons.London,and all i the Wholesale Houses. (493)