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IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. ■A. ESTABLISHED 1836. X S T U B B S MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM ST., LONDON, E.C. Trade Auxiliary Company (Limited). Subscribers, by obtaining timely information, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, and may, through this agency, RECOVER DEBTS DUE with promptitude. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE o t (25s. per annum) Supplies information indispensable to traders, rj, RANCHES at 53, Conduit Street, London, Dublin, Self e°.W' Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Brighton, leorf c°rk, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Liverpo 1, Sn,,??' Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southampton, Sheffield. TEP-MS-XL Is., .£2 2s., d63 3s., £ 5 5s., according requirements. S PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the RETART, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham London, E.C. CAUTION. CAREFULLY OBSERVE THE LOIN DON ADD ESS. JJ ere is no Office in London connected with Stubbs' g roantile Offices (situate at the corner of King j. eefc opposite Guildhall), except the West End n°h at 53, Conduit Street. (1019) DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS _are prepared without mercury. ITSCOTT'S BILIO i.7S& LIVER PILLS, D- -j"e best family aperient medicine. R. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS, D- —ePectual in all liver complaints. R. SCOTT'S BILIO C S & LIVER PILLS D- headaches_and_giddiness. R. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS costiveness and stomach pains. R. SCOTT'S BILIO US & LIVER PIL^S D- _°2?e indigestion and flatulency. RTSCOTT'S BILIOUS & LltER PILLS pleasure6 taken at aU times without restraint from business JjIfSiJOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS cine kePfc r.ea<iy at hand, as a dose of aperient madi- ^J-gygn in time, will frequently prevent a severe illness XjIi^SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS. lIIaki Notice.-Some unscrupulous Persons, for the sake of SLeparttlll5S^.p?wflt* maZ,try to persuade you to buy soma ^pK^ation of their own. Do not do so, but insist on having JJR-SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS, J/li andIE>/Q're?rrappfd,i,n,?:s<lu?Jie green Package, and sold at 1°^' emlst% or by post, for stamps, of Prietorr W. LAMBERT. 173, Seymour-place, London, W. Yo BWYS I BOB CYMRO A CHYMRAES. -K mug Lyfr Cymraeg sydd yn traethu ar y fath nifer lluosog ° Byngciau ymarferol (500 o yn >v,o j i rion).—Newydd ei gyhoeddi, pris Is. 6ch., Yt, rhad drwy y post, mewn limp cloth, LLYFR Y CYFARWYDDIADAU, jjje, Tebyg i'r Enquire Within," ° .^yngbprion Meddygol Teuluaidd ym y^wmeth Anif eilaidd, eglurhad ar bwyntiau *yd«& ° r ?yfralth' yQ ngtyda lluaws o gyfar- j Pr9fedl £ mewn Crefft a Chelfyddyd, v John p76^1 6U ae^0^ yn °falus a'u trefnu yn syml gan B. (Chemicus), Amlwch. Ar werth gan -» cho■ xx xrin Bookseller, and Stationer, Amlwch, H. Jones, Llangollen. (505) 8!11. E S &CLOCKS WATèHMAKER AND JEWELLER By Special Warrant TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, And by Special Appointment* to a.B..H. THE PRINCE OF WALES AND H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. PRIZE MEDALS-LONDON, DUBLIN, AND PARIS. T) E N S 0 N S ^WATCHES GOLD & SILVER J every description, suitable JEWELLERY. for all climates,from 2 to 200 ^loNOGEAPHS, LateSt FaSMOn'- ^SONOMETERS, BRACELETS BROOCHES, P^ESS, LEVERS, EARRINGS, LOCKETS, R§PI^TATI0N' NECKLACES, CHAINS, SWEATERS, RAILWAY RINGS, STUDS, Wf45PS'' SOLDIERS', and PINS, CROSSES, ETC. IJ'SKMEN'S WATCaES of ALSO IN DIAMONDS AND ^-IRA STRENGTH. PRECIOUS STONES. ,Workmen's" English Lever, j 8,8 above, £ 5 5s. (Warranted.) ^jttSON'S "Everybody's" Silver Watch, Crystal Glass, as above, JBS 3s. (Warranted.) JG E N S O .N S CLOCKS SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE Of oil kinds at 1 to 1000 For Presentation, etc. guineas. DINNER SERVICES, CATT £ PH> TURRET, TEA AND BREAKFAST Dl>?rxJAGB> CHIME, SERVICES, FIN?-? AND DRAWING CRUETS, BASKETS, 6ATT0M> INKSTANDS, CLARET SHOP, JUGS, «HARY. BRACKET, ETC. SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. JASON'S new PAMPHLET of WATCHES, and comprehensive in the WORLD, giving prices illustrations of every kind. Just published, stamps. ■Sp^SON'S new PAMPHLET of CLOCKS, the & £ geat yet published, with designs and priccs. 2 stamps. .^SOIT'S new PAMPHLET of JEWELLERY Castrated. 2 stamps. new PAMPHLET of SILVER and LECTRO-PLATE, illustrated. 2 stamps. new PAMPHLET of TURRET JJOCKS, illustrated. 2 stamps. WATCHES sent FREE and SAFE by POST, sikillfj s' Clocks, Jewellery, and Plate repaired by irc>r^men- Plate, Jewellery, and Watches anged. Clubs, Merchants, and Shippers supplied. 13f;ea,w- Factory and City Show llooms- L U D (J ATE HILL; West-end Establishment- 25, OLD BOND STREET, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1749. (485) ESTABLISHED 1817. DYEING! DYEING!! DYEING! FIRST-CLASS CERTIFICATE OF PRIZE MEDAL MERI! Awarded 1874. Awarded 1874. THE LARGEST DYE WORKS IN THE MIDLAND COUNTIES. IMPROVEMENTS- in the ART of 1 DYEING and FRENCH CLEANING, at the MIDLAND COUNTIES STEAM-POWER DYE WORKS, LEICESTER, AND BURTON-ON-TRENT. JOHN SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETOR. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT:— LLANGOLLEN: MRS. W. HOLDING, Fancy Repository, Berwyn-st. WREXHAM: MISSES WHITING, Fancy Re- pository, 2, High-street. OSWESTRY: MRS. E. REASON, Fancy -Repository, Church-street. m- Goods sent to, and received from the I above Agents Weekly. AGENTS WANTED IN RUABON AND UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. 94-r The New Price and Colour List to be had I Gratis or Post Free. NORTH WALES PUBLIC SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, (OPPOSITE THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK. ESTABLISHED FOR THE SUPPLY OF TEAS, COFFEES, FRUITS, SPICES, GENERAL GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CONTINENTAL AND FOREIGN GOODS. WINES AND SPIRITS, PATENT MEDtCINES, PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, &c., &c., AT WHOLESALE PRICES. WINES AND SPIRITS AT WHOLESALE PRICES AT THE NORTH WALES SUPPLY STORES. SHERRIES from. 188. per doz. PORT from 21s CLARET from jgg SCOTCH & IRISH WHISKIES from 26s RUM and GIN from 26s. COGNAC BRANDY from 298. Single bottles of the above can be had at corres- ponding prices. CASE BRANDIES. HENNESSEY'S OR MARTELL'S. 1 Star, per bottle 4s. 6d 2 5s. Od. 3 5s. 6d JUPES DUFONT & CO'S. 1 Star, per bottle 4s. Od. 2 4s. 6d. 3 „ 5s. Od. CHAMPAGNE LIME JUICE (J. F. Edisbury and Co.'s). 4s. Od. per doz ZOEDONE. 5s. Od. „ VIN SANTE 5s. 6d. „ A New and Revised PRICE LIST free on application. C. K, BENSON & CO., PROPRIETORS. (2176) SHREW S3 URY. JJPWARDS OF 100 MARBLE, ENAMELLED SLATE & STONE CHIMNEY PIECES CHURCH-YARD AND CJMETERY MEMORIALS IN STONE, MARBLI, AND GRANITE, MURAL MONUMENTS, HEAD iiONES, FONTS, FOUNTAINS, VASES, &c., &c., MAY BE INSPECTED IN TCE SHOW-ROOMS AT R. DODSON'S MARBLI & STONE WORKS, SWAN HILL, SHREWSBURY. DESIGNS FORWARDED FOR INSPECTION. Masonry executed ill all its branches. (549) D A IM 1/11 I CD- rAIIN r\ILLtnS!K A sure and speedy Cure for SORE THROAT, COUGHS, CoLDS, DIPTHERIA, CHILLS, DIARRHCEA, CRAMPS, CHOLERA, SICK HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, BRUISES, CUTS, SPRAINS, &e. Perfectly safe to use internally or externally, and certain to afford relief. Every "mily should know that this remarkable medicine is SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS, and supplied IN BOTTLES FROM Is. 1M TO 10s. 6d. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R.I., U.S., Sole Proprietors. LONDON DEPOT, GT. RTJSSELL ST. BUILDINGS, W.C. Pamphlets free. SMOKE Cut from Choicest Virginia Gold Leaf. In PACKETS only, 5d per oz. HENRY K. TERRY & Co., 55, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. SOZODONT teethe& Blemishes that disfigure the Teeth are speedily removed by SOS;ODONT, the fragrant purify- KKr A I Bl ing and beautifying liquid. The gums are made rosy and heaS'thy by its use, and the morti- ■ llemee ■ ■ ■ fying defect, an unpleasant breath, is completely remedied by it SOZODONT has become the staple dentifrice of the world, simply because it is impossible to use it, even for a week, -without perceiving its hygienic effect upon the teeth, the gums and the breath. Sold by all the principal Chemists and Perfumers a,t 2s, 6d.. ONE BOTTLE WILL LAST SIX MOHTHS. ■ ■ ■ IE MM ML WL ■ ■ ^01^ It is the best Liver, Stomachy Spleen MT 9 1% mm |%| y and Fever Doctor in the worldJfun- I I I I I MJk B dreds of thousands bear testimony I I I jm I £ g Try one$be convinced! Stop Dosing' All ages and both sexes discover in the Holm an Pad the most marvellous remedy for the A wp»»»S| absolutely certain removal of disease, and that without dreneh ng the delicate stomach with U v dangerous drugs. It is Nature's greatest, best, and safest reuedy, and is valued beyond B all price by thousands who have suffered in all parts of the world. Prioe of Regular Pad, B jm IDs. Special, 15s. "We earnestly invite the reader to send for Book of Testimonials; I B BLm.aaF free to any address. TheHolman Pad Co., Gt. Russell-Bt. Buildings, London, W.C. ■ m wmsmsr SMOKE °gIAyTT,ikE THE GENUINE PRESSED Saliva Proof. WillIKTot Stick to the Lips AIW.BER TIPPED CIGARETTES. H. K. TERRY & Co., 55, Ho/horn Viaduct, ALLEN & WINTER, Manufacturers, Richthond, Va.. U.S.A. London, E.C.„ Wholesale Agents. OT I ANOPE^J DOOR TQ HEALTH. | J 1 I I I J r\| Every person suffering from Indigestion, Dys- 1 T3 in# 1 ■■■ B S 9 m ■ pepsia, or any symptom of a '• ><at«mach out of Oi"W." r.-k^ia ■'end for a Pamphlet vespectins- th«.-no.c • £ ?^urebythe use of LACTOPEPTINE, andWin cases ■(■nil lottprq frnm MoWal Men in erei-j palTi OX tlifc wun« \n practice. Move tHan. l.fxv, T* £ iTt.ZZ\, Chemfsts the entinf <tal Press' have certified as to remarkable efficacy of LACTOPEPTINE. X?^?ation»i theor of' its action, and ciall aiyrdew.of^ the D^estarc Organs Price 4s, 6d. in Ounce Bottles, with a DoseMe^re attach d; and can be sent b>T fac^ottle eontams 48-10 gram doses. It is agreeable to the teste, and may be feS? In e ther wine or water after n.eals. ^AC-1UJJN ii ig sold BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE, and is prepared solelv ll0*en JOHN M. RICHARDS, (Successor to Carnrich, Kidder & Co.,) Laboratory, Great Ruaaell Street?London .,When you ask for ee that + j you get it! A s bad qualities are often substituted. The Genuine is used by the Laundresses of THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. O'S BALSAM lop t\ 4 ,I' 0. ^Ao £ M COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, INFLUKN ZA, NIGHT COUGH, &c. See above Trade lark on every Bottle, and insist on having POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, UA N Sold by all chemists ^Medicine Vendors throughout the World at 1/1 j- & 2/3, 2 !LAN D U D N ABERCONWY TEKPEiu^CE HOTEL TOF?PH STREET, CONWAY. ? YYIELLAM JONES, PROPRIETOR. YISITORS to Conway will meet with (.To»„ »v.u j known Hotel. Ver? attention, combined Wlth very moderate charges,at this well- BRITISH WINES AND CONFVPTTrvNT-ir^v AT? thu Tea mdCoff2~ 7 PFi CHOICEST DESCRIPTION. JjGe provided at the shortest notice. MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES. THE CHESHIRE AND NORTH WALES jL ADVANCE BANK, 19, ST. JOHN'S STREET, CHESTER, Is prepared to make cash advances from X10 to .£500 to respectable householders and others upon the security of their Household Furniture, Stock in Trade, Farming Stock, Crops, &c., repayable by easy instalments to suit borrowers. Apply to the Manager either personally or by letter. I N. ERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY —A gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address, Mr. J. T. SEWELL, Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London, W. (893) EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. SEC, d, C, d, SE TC EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. ADVANTAGES. Are entirely free from SMELL Are not POIS OFOTJS Are manufactured without PHOSPHORUS Are perfectly h armless to the OPERATIVES Are very Damp Proof [EMPLOYED Are not liable to Spontaneous Combustion Light only on the Box. WHAT IS TRUTH? TRUTH is a solid "FACT," more solid than the JL granite rock it is the richest coin of the purest metal,free from alloy of every description. The shaft of envy will not face it, neither will the shots of pre- judice enter it. It is surrounded on all sides by a thousand foes; but each and all, without excep- tion, are mute beneath its piercing glance. IT IS A FACT, AS SOLID AS THE ABOVE, THAT BEECHAM'S PILLS, Which have been before the Public for thirty years, have now become one of the leading Patent Medicines at the present day. From North to South, and from East to West, they are to be found in the homes of the rich and the poor. All classes of society use them, and they are by thousands declared to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, and open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. -BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea WWiX' I 5 0us a*\d Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain m the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsmess, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss ^APPe it«' Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scnrvy and Blotches of the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, minutes' glTe relief in twenty This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a Patent for them, he challenges the whole world to produce a medicine to equal them for removing the above-named complaints and restoring the patient to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. CAUTION.-The Public are requested to notice that the words Beecham's Pills, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills • if lot on, they are a Forgery. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens Lancashire, in Boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent Post Free for 15 or 36 Stamps. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the United Kingdom. N.B.-Full directions are given with each box. (106) NURSERY STOCK. Y. STRACHAN, SEED MER C H ANT, s WREXHAM, Invites inspection of his stock of FRUIT TREES, STANDARD AND DWARF TRAINED. EVERGREEN & FLOWERING SHRUBS, FOREST TREES, Including Larch, Spruce, Sootch, Oak, Ash, &c., &f. Also, a fine lot of THORNS AND PRIVET. Nursery Catalogues on Application. (1026) A FAIR SKIN AND LOVELY COMPLEXION insured by the use of MADAME ROSALIE COUPELLE's EAU m DE PA TJADIS, the only certain remedy for skin diseases yet brought before the public. It is largely prescribed and used by the faculty, and whilst it permanently eradicates tan, sallowness, pimnles freckles, smal pox marks, roughness, and effectually removes discolourations, it is perfectly innocuous to the skin itself. One trial will convince tho most sceptical of its marvellous effects There are many unprincipled and trashy imitations of the above, and the public are therefore warned that none is genuine unless bearing the signature "Rosalie Coupelle, to imitate which is foreerv Price 9s 6d„ 4s. 6d., and lis, per bottle, throlgh all ChemJ«' Sold by H. Jones, Castle Street, Llajfollen. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED ORATIS, A MEDICAL WORK, showing VJI sufferers how they mav ho j health and vitality Vu As' recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; also chapters on Happy Marriages; to Marry The Temperaments 7 • F.orce How Wasted and How Preserved, Galvanic Appliances; and the Wonders of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. Post free for Two Stamps. Address, Secretary of Anatomy, Birmingham. CARDS. DAVID ROBERTS & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS, -rjL ACCOUNTANTS, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, TEMPLE BUILDINGS, CORWEN. (587) MESSRS. ELLIS AND WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEERS AND APPRMSERS» 23, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. (471) MR. LEWIS WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEER AND A PPRAISER, A A DOLGELLEY AND BALA. (472) EVAN EVANS, jgILL pO STER PENGWERN SQUARE, LL ANGOLLEN. (473) MESSRS. WILLIAMS & CO., AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION & JGSTATE A GENTS, TREFYNANT, RUABON. (474) "FOR THE BLOOD is THE UFE" WMMmn WORLD FAMED Trade Mark,—" Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER. SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches,Ulcer- ated Sore Legs,Old Sores,Glandular Swellings Cancerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolor. ations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed Medicine THOUSANDS OF TBSTIMOITIAXS FROM ALL PA.BTS. CURE OF DROPSY. Gomersal, Leeds. Dear Sir,-This is to certify that two eleven shilling bottles of Clark's Blood Mixture cured my wife when three eminent doctors were powerless. Her complaint was dropsy, and sha had been ill nearly ten years. You are at a liberty to publish this if you please. Yours truly, "JOHN Cox. TUTATTHEWS's FULLERS EARTH —"— For Toilet and Nursery use- 6d. & Is. TV/TATTHEWS's FULLERS EARTH Protects the Skin from Cold Windi, Chaps, &c. MATTHEWS's FULLERS EARTH Preserves the complexion from Cold, Redness OF ALL CHEMISTS 6d. & Is.—By post 2d. extra. BOUSE & CO., 12, Wigmore Street, Londo-, w. RFATTY'^ BEATTY'S PIANOS, grand, 1 ^square and upright,are pronounced PIAND9 by the press and the People as the miivsj most beautiful and sweetest-toned AND Pianos ever manufactured. Sent on test ——— trial, and pronounced the best in the world. ORfiAN^ Beatty's celebrated Golden Tongue 1 7°? Parlour Organ Any manufacturer WASHINGTON, NgW JERSEY, exquisitely beautiful solo effects, and the only stop action ever invented that cannot be disarranged by use. The bellows capacity is so great that but little effort is required with the feet to supply all the air necessary. Best made and most elegant cases in the market. All solid wood ornaments. Every instru* ment fully warranted for six years as strictly first- class, and sent on from 5 to 15 days' test trial. Address-DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, United States of America.. BEATTY PIANO & ORGAN. There is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as has Mr. Beatty. From every State and territory comes the same verdict. "They are the beat in the world." Illustrated Advertiser (Catalogue Edition), free. Address—DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, United States of America. CAN buy first-class PIANOS and ORGANS cheaper of DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, than of any o;her manufacturer in the United States. Why ? Because he sells o ly for cash, takes no ri ks, and has no book accounts. Every instrument is fully warranted for six years as strictly first-class, and are sent on from 5 to 15 days' test trial. Money refunded by him if they are unsatisfactory. Send for Illustrated Adver. tiser (Catalogue Edition), and read testimonials from his patrons, some of whom you may know. Address—DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, 742 United States of America. HISTORY of the "LADIES OF H LLANGOLLEN," AS SKETCHED BY MANY HANDS, With notices of other objects of interest, in THAT SWEETEST OF VALES," IM-4« JOHN HICKLIN, hditor of the Chester Courant," of the History of Chester Cathedral," &c. Price 1/.6 Sold at H. JONES'S, "Advertiser" Office, < 1 Llangollen. (SGi)