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News Gleanings;


News Gleanings; t SVXILLBT OF INTERESTING ITEMS. Sfttocraykta aad. OtlLerwia. Obttinwd ixmm. Ire Variety .1 Source*. A tender for JB19,209 has been accepted for the re-building of iha Royal Cambridge Music- haJl. • A lad named Cooper fell into a vat of hot beer at the Phoenix Brewery, Heywood, and was scalded to death. During the past- week 77 ship.. have traversed the Manchester Ship Canal, 42 inward and 35 outward. On Saturday morning the greater portion of the Bishop Auckland Post-office wa.; burned iown- The damage done is considerable. « • The Duke of Westminster is said to have nur- chased Eaat Deae, Bonch'urch, lately owned and occupied by the iate Mi". J. Snowdon Henry, ex-M.P. • • A brass tablet is to be placed in Bovey Tracey Parish Church. Devonshn-e, tC the memory of the late Bishop Knight Bruce, who WB3 vicar of the parish. » John Williamson (74), wm sen-tt-nceci to six years' penal servitude »* Portsmoutn, .i Satur- day. for defrauding & woman of £ 61, her life savings, under promise to marry. For travelling in Sirw-class carriage with a third-class ticket on Christmas Eve, Mr. Lewia Isaacs, a resident of loresit Gate, wae prosecuted \v the Great Eastern Railway Com- pany, and M West Ham was fined 20s. «nd ccas. ■* • • Bradfidd Hal!, a capital estate between Bury St. Edri-unds and Laveuliain, has been pur- chased >y the Rev. C. S. Johnston, o* Plum- stead fia'M, Norf«j £ k. It waø as formerly occu- pied ty Arthur Young, and the shoot lug is ex- cellent • • • Ithas been decided that the Church Congress shal meet at Nottingham on the four days, September 23—October 1, a week earlier than umaL The guarantee fund has readied £ 4,600. aid the several sub-committees have been ap- pointed. » # Mr. Horace B. Marshall, the publisher c,c the Methodist Times," has again given his) pub- lishing profits to the Worn-out Minister?' Fund. The amount for low is £310. making a total of £3,170 given since the paper was Sr.-t issued in 1885. ♦ At Crewe on Saturday Edward Hughes. of ^Llandudno, was charged with ha-v ng been drunk in a railway carriage, a»,U doing damage. Prisoner arrived at Crewe from Liverpool on Friday afternoon, and fellow Wiio WeTe greatly frightened, complained that be- tween Edge Hill and Crewe he had smashed the windows and made three attempts to jump on the line while the train was travelling at a great speed. Prisoner, who was ieyen:ant. fined 14s. A man named John Hawker, who had been many years employed at the Railway Clearing- House, and was engaged temporarily at Christ- was by the Louden and North Wes- tern Railway Company, appropriated a parcel containing a rug and cither articles. The dead weight so heavily upon his m'nd that he o'1 neither j sleep or eat, so he returned the parcel and confessed what he had done. He was remanded at Marylebone. ♦ » • # At a timj when the air s full of talk about Australasian federation it is instructive to note that Queensland proposes to treat the liews- p-> rev* of the other Colonies a.* 'foreign journals," and charge jd. for every 2oz. be for a they are allowed to enter the colony..At pre- sent the large weekly journals can be sent ff-m »ny of tie Australasian colonies to any other for id. By the new arrangement it will cost 5d. to send a paper like the "Australasian'' to Queensland. • ♦ ♦ On Saturday, at Nelson, Charles Connor and Harry Wilson, of Liverpool, were onurgfed with loitering with mtent to commit a felony, and having houtje-breakiiig implements in their pos- session. At two o'clock on Saturday morning Constable Wutkms saw th", prisoners behaving suspiciously in Back Scotland-read, Nelson. He arrested them, and ^hen searched they had in their possession a jemmy, lock-picker, tile, razor-blade, and knife. The prisoners were re- manded. » » ■. A disastrous boiler explosion occurred at Bown'a Boiler Works, Dukin-fteld, on Friday night, by which seven men ware scalded. They were removed to the infirmary. » # ♦ For the first time in three years soles have been found en the famous Dogger Bunk, the amaok Soeptre having trawled up sufficient number to fill six trunks, which realised 260. ♦ » Mr. Augustiù Daly has accepted, for predic- tion ID London, America, and Canada, a thrse- act comedy of modern life, written by Mr. Arthur Heathcot*?, author of The Duches? of Bayswater and Co." The Baptist denomination has lost one of its most useful laymen m the death of Mr. J. B. Mead, of Brockley. He was a member of mQ8t of its committees, and musicai editvr of the Connexional hymn-book. • # Owing to *m« condition of unsoundness which has become apparent ia Yauxhall-bridgo at the Pimlico ond, it has been found necessary to close the bridge to wheeled traffic, and divert the latter across Lambeth-bridge. • The Corporation of Sydney has decided to seed ita surveyor to England to study the whole question of dealing with the city refuse, espe- cially as to the policy of burning it, and the best mechanical means of doing so. • » » • The report that the Kelmsoobt Pre^s will cease to isaue the works associated with the Mime of the late Mr. William Morris is a,t least premature. Nothing whatever has been done in connection with the matter, and it ;¡¡ believed that Mr. Morris made arrangements for the oontinxiaiion of fthe press. Its dis- persal would be an irreparable loss to the art of printing. < Jane Mailing, a majried woman, residing in Dale-street, Aoorington, was on Saturday sent to gaol for fourteen days for stealing £ 7 10b. fratn tthe bedroom of John Forster, a neighbour. Prosecutor found the woman with some ov the money in her mouth. Three daughters of the acouaed were in court, and as she left she dock they wept hysterically, and oried out, '"Mother, mother, come back. • » A widow named Martha Taylor, of South Hornsey, was summoned at the NortS London Police-court for a contravention of the ln.fa.nt Life Protection Act. It was explained thai the babes were sent to her by the Salvation Army, and that she was ignorant of the re- quirement of the law. Under the lircum- ataacea Mr. Paul Taylor simply bound her over to come up for judgment if called upon. + » ♦ Paris is afflicted with plague of rata, which have been driven from the river-<ide and the aewers by the recent freshets. They have settled in the HaJle8 Centrales and the Palais Roy ale, but in some outlying districts they scour the streets in bodies. « • • • Ex-PoWce-oonstable Murray, of the S Dlvis'.ou of the Metropolitan Poiice, who was convicted on Norenibcr 24 of wilful and corrupt perjury, and sentenced to nine months' hard labour, has been released from Wormwood Scrubby Prison by order of the Home Secretary*' An iuteretSting relic has just found its way mto the Auckland Museum. This is tha old Tower musket which was pres3nbrd by George IV. to Honjfi Hika, the Maori chief, who afterwards became k. own as the "man- eater, on the occasion of his visit to England more tha.n 70 years ago. » » The injection of morphine is a habit that is unfortunately on the increase r.tnong tho. middle classes in this country. On statistics furnished by the pharmacists it is estimated that there are in Par:s alone at least 50,000 victims of the morshine habit, among them 30.000 wcmen. —"L' Eclair. # » Two great favourites of London music-hall patrons, Messrs. R. G-. Knowles and Chirgwin ("the White-eyed Kaffir.") are now appearing with great sue. e?6 in MeHx>urne. The quaint with great SUC:C'8"6 in MeHx>urne. The quaint mannerisms of both these artists have gireatly pleased the Australians, and both hava rapidly attained popularity. » » » On Saturday at Manchester Police-court, Messrs. Sift and Stanley sent Thomas O'Neill, a porter, lodging in Angel Meadow, to prison for four months for assaulting Poliee-conslables Mason and Mullen.Chi Friday tIle prisoner v.«\; ejwted from a beer-house in Shudehiil, and was subsequently taken into custody. He struck fud kicked thp officErs, and owing to his violent conduct, no less than seven constables were engaged in conveying him to the station. It was his thirty-ninth appearance, and he had been previously dealt with for assaults upon the police. The advocates of the legislation of marriage with a deceased wief's sister have the London correspondent of the '"Manchester Guardian" understands, sufficient confidence in the favou- rable disposition towards, their measure of tbe present House of Commons to contemplate introducing in that House the "Bill, as amended by the House of Lords in July last if tliey should obtain a satisfactory position :n cbo ballot. It will be remembered that the Bill, ballot. It will be remembered that the Bill, for the firs* time in its rather lengthened history, passed through the Hoace of Lords last e.-seion, majorities of between 30 and 40 being obtained in its favour upon th? ,-ccond and third rending?. Up to 1893 gropers were rahed in Qiina for the table only- Since then expomri-nnts have been made in makinr- wÏJle. which, «'> far. have re- ulted very successfully; and ó.I Japan now supplies the Celestials with beer, We may rsow expect the lattor to recprocate with Pc'n « • claret. In order 'hat tfc-j fiiin'-ua cndic- oT,d paHmn- sets 0;" the Vatican Libiarv inay not be \1 away by use, the Library Commissioners h-ve decided to have them phototyped. Tin? fa-o- -•imiles of the Petran 'i) manuscripts have already been made: later La executed Terence, and aftrwavds 1h. c'Ù'1J;¡tcc! Codex .\Iaximl1: Georga ,S'n">ugnos^y, a you >g man, wai. charged at Bristol on Saturday with burglary at the hcuse of Frederick 1 )avies, fvingsdown-parade. Entrance was erk'ecxcd titrough a skylight en -tb& attic roof, the ihiei cr it:i^ves Itaving aopa- ronily fir i- g.iined access to an empty '.ioui;e in the 10" and ic.cn walked along the leads C11 the roc- wa" rem3.11Jcd. ?. Divers were engaged en Saturday in the River Avon examining the steoiner Dlla- brod.v. Mr. Arrnitt, who was tonnecred with raising the Oeota/a in ths Thames, lisus the work in hand. At low tide only the -uiars and rig- ging of the steamer are visible. -?." ? ..?-






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