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,----Notes From London. G


Notes From London. G All THE GOSSIP OF TOWN AND CLUBS. Ministerial Breakdown—Suggested Temporary Bi II-Horncastle —"Wilson's Day. ^laclstonians hardly seem to realise the of their .Local Government Bill, The discovery made in the House this after- nOOll that the Bill cannot come into force 1Ultil1895 or 1896 has caused a splendid Perturbation. Bitten by an asinine mad- Jess, Ministerialists apparently think that this huge blunder can be patched up by a tenrporary Bill which will come within the of the compromise. Here they are distinctly wrong'. Unionists will hold to the terms of the compromise: further they will bot go. The blunder unearthed by Sir yharles Dilke is a blunder irremediable. It IS ill keeping with the mistakes and muddle ^-ich Unionists have been spending' their \?^e*'gies and time in mending. It is such a plunder as cannot be excused. The very Iact that the Government should have 0laitted the vital provisions required to carryon the Bill into an actual law is sufficient to condemn it. THE SUGGESTED TEMPORARY BILL. Mr. Fowler's placid attempt to scurry out of the bog by a promise of temporary lifting- out measures will not wash. I have good teason for stating that the Opposition will bot lend themselves to any such measure. will stick to the compromise. Any temporary Bill to make good the fatal defects in the Ministerial gigantic failure tVill have to take its own chance, and will |P0t meet with either help or sympathy. Srhere js a shrewd suspicion that the Oppo- sition leaders knew the enormous blunder that was impending when jhey consented to the compromise. ,Aat is, at any rate, the comfort and insolation of private members. Ontj of Mejn said to me in the lobby to-night, "I know where he is going to take us, but iaiu determined to follow our leader." In >the meantime Mr. Walter Long's invitation and offer of consideration in the House is accepted, but not without heart searching. It is not known yet to what extent Unionist Placability will be carried, but it may be te-ken that Mr. Long does not pledge the opposition to accept any sort of a Bill -Ministers may offer. It must be a Bill COlJlmending itself to Unionist judgment. HORNCASTLE FOR THE UNIONISTS. ^Horncastle is now practically safe for the "nionist candidate. Gladstonians are akeady anticipating defeat by throwing °ver their own candidate. Mr. Fisher, the ^pent sent by the Liberationists into l-'ie constituency, returned to-night with adverse report, which will be presented to executive of the Liberationist Society to-morrow. On the strength of that report the executive will Pass a resolution inviting their Libera- ^onist friends in the division to abstain from Noting. The Welsh members are strongly ^oved on this point, and if they had party funds to defray the expense they would send :town several of their number to stump the constituency against the Gladstonian. I had it on the authority of one of the most Active of them that they would rather have the Unionist returned than so insidious a gladstonian as Mr. Torr. The National ■liberal Federation are also joining in the £ at-like exodus from the sinking cause. 1 have it on excellent authority that the deration disclaims all responsibility for the candidature of Mr. Torr, who is, they allege, entirely a local selection. RADICAL COUNSELS OF DESPAIR. Ministerialists tell me that the circum- stantial description of a, new procedure for gagging the debate on the Address is en- tirely a spectral guess. So also was the description of the hanging-up resolution Ministers were credited with having in hand. Let me say that neither proposal was prac- ticable, for the simple reason that the time occupied in discussing them would amount to far more than the time that would be saved if they were adopted. Radicals are in the doldrums about the reports of the hard sayings some of them are reported to have ottered at the meeting of county Radicals yesterday. Mr. Cobb, for instance, declares that the remarks attributed to him were a pure invention." LORD RANDOLPH BACK. Lord Randolph Churchill re-appeared in the House yesterday. He looked thinner, out, on the whole, brighter and better than Mien he went away. A PENALTY OF GREATNESS. It is the penalty of greatness, one must leeds think, to be prematurely killed by the Newspapers. The latest victim is no less a personage than Mr. Leonard Courtney, M.P., ho has been untimely killed by an enter- prismg journalist on the staff 'of Native J/tnion, a Bombay journal. It is a queer ,°f showing native gratitude for Mr. p°llrtney's great services oil the Indian „ ui'i'ency Commission, which has just completed its labours. My readers, owever, may console themselves in the iiowledge that if the great pillar of the Hionist cause is moribund in India he is ery much alive in the House of Commons. fact, I never remember seeing him look better than he did yesterday, when he seemed Hjute ruddy in the glow of health. The igorous contributions that Mr. Courtney «as made to the Parish Councils Bill are not judications °f a sickly state of health on the Part of t3ie ex-Deputy Speaker, either Politically or otherwise. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FUTURE. But a cursory glance at the report will at demonstrate the falsity of this belief. Staples of products from all Colonies are arriving, it appears, almost daily, and the ■great work of classification and finding the Necessary accommodation is one which can- Jot be completed in a single day. Naturally, ;the executive take steps during this period | to render the Institute and its resources as .tractive to the public as is compatible ^.ith the maintenance of the high posi- 1011 which it should occupy among the Rational institutions of the Empire—hence o side-show allusion. In May next the 1exhibition promoted by the Institute A.- be opened. This will consist of exhibits •k* china, pottery, and glass, illustrative Inclusively of Imperial manufacture. The preliminary arrangements have h^eady been made, and a number of gentle- • who prominently represent the most portant branches of these industrilbs have Msented to carry the undertaking through. institute of such wide-reaching objects rp.^ot be completed in a week, month, or year. le executive appear to be struggling against '^re&mt-ot' difficulties, and deserve every couragement at this stage. Criticism can "°Hi6 later. WILSON'S DAY." Mabon's Day" will have a rival. It •PPears that the sailors and firemen belong- Illg to Mr. Havelock Wilson's Union are so eased with the manner in which he looked y.'r their interests when the Employers' 'ftbility Bill was before the House that have decided to hold a gigantic eetingv at which they will fix upon a day ? be called by them in future "Wilson's Jay." Like "'Mabon's Dav," this will be carded as a holiday. The date of the 'feting has not yet been decided upon. It C .'he soon enough to settle that when the has received the Royal Assent. BIG GUNS AT SEA. ■Now that Sir Edward Reed has resumed hs Pa,rlia,menta,ry duties he might do ^pi'se than inquire into the, bona, fides a statement which appears in a popular eriodical. After giving an account of the (ia»nage done to a vcsselby the firing' of big at sea—how the shock of the ex- skr°? Matters pane of glass in the flights and splinters all the ornamental °odwork—the nai'rator alleges that on one ri^8*011 a §a'n was fired from a spot lih °ver the captain's cabin, which yras ^erally adorned with pictures. Down went g e Pictures. The captain, determined not to 6 his pretty cabin spoiled, inquired how (. ny times the regulations ordered that gun j-j. e fired. When he heard that thp^aS .e*=>ht more times he ordered charges to be thrown over- 0f And overboard the shot went, some costing the nation £ 60 a-piece, hj. t{ie captain dared not take back with a,lcj .~° Port. This may be an old salt's yarn, iftve .U' njay ^6 n°t. Anyhorr, it is given with f of tvutli, and ehere should in tracifteifeipivs source.

The Bank of England. .



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Pontymister Dispute. .-



H.M.S. Resolution.

Typhoid Fever in the Rhondda.

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The Buluwayo Fight. .


An limportant Capture.

A Cool Burglar.







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Influenza and its Victims.


Making New Magistrates.

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To-day's Share Market. i

Political Situation.

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Yesterday's Racing. .




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