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iwncston, (Cuvtvffol.

§IATTWI0TT Qtttfyddo1.







dwyn yn mlaen gan y weinyddiaeth bresenol, gaQ unrhyw weinyddiaeth Ryddgarol yn y "yfodol. Heb gael hyn, yr oedd y Dr. yn PCilderfyau myned i'r poll, a gadael btaenorisid y bobl, y rhai oeddynt ar bwyllgor yr larll, yn gyfrifol am y canlyniadau. Yna, y mae o bwys i ni gadw y dyddiadau golwg. Yr oedd anerchiad cyntaf larll Brecknock wedi ei ddjddio ar Medi 29, 1865, ae un gyntaf Dr. Price ar Rhag. 19, 1865 felly, yn enw pob synwyr, yr oedd yr larll "elil cael digon o amser i ddeall meddwl yr j-tholwyr, ac i anfon allan ei ail anerchiad, pe Wsai yn meddwl am wneyd hyny, cyn i Dr. j ce gyhoeddi ei anerchiad cyntaf ar Rhag. *9. Ond ein barn gydwybodol ni yw, pe na buasai Dr. Price yn dyfod i'r maes, na fuasai yr larll byth yn cyhoeddi yr ail anerchiad a'r faith yw, ei fod o'r diwedd wedi gwneyd hyn groes i deitnladau rhan fawr o'i bwyllgor, y rhai ydynt Doriaid, ac wedi bod felly am eu noes. Yn awr, er cyfleusdra i'r darllenydd, ni a csodwn yma ddau anerchiad yr larll ochr yn pchr, fel y gellir ar unwaith weled y gwahan- Jaeth rhyngddynt :— -Ldrych ar y darlun Ac ar y darlua hwn :— hwn:— To the Independent Elect- To the Electors of the Bo- ors of the Borough of rough of Brecknock and Brecknock and the town the Town of Llywel. of Llywel. GENTLEMEN,—I beg GENTLEMEN.—It is to offer myself as a Can. now Three Months since d'tate for the honour of I last addressed you, and filing his place, who has the time is drawing near for so mauy years repre- when you will be called Rented you in Parliament; upon to elect your Repre- >n doing so, I cannot re- sentative in Parliament, frain from expressing my great sorrow that so The death of Lord Pal- bournrul an event should merston, who for so many e the cause of my now years conducted the Iddressing you. 1 should affair* of this country, is feel great pride in repre- felt by all as a national Renting your Ancient Bo- loss. tough, with which my Family has been so long Lord Russell has been associated, and in the called upen to lead the Prosperity of which I Liberal Party, and a Re- naturally, from my name form Bill will be brought and connection, feel the forward under his auspi- greatest interest. I pro- ces. I aiD in fovour of a itoise you that, if you do considerable extension of me the honour to elect me the Electorial Franchise, I will do my best to ad- and wish to see a better Vance vour interests and representation oftheedu- those of the country. cated and working class- 0 I am a firm supporter es without pledging my- of the Established Church self to the details of a and should regret to see measure not yet before *ny change which would the public, my support impair her power at the will be given to the prin- satne time I think there ciple of any Reform Bill are strong objections to which shall command the OUr present system of general approval of the Church Rates, and should Liberal Party. "ote for such a measure as would in my opinion I shall be ready to lend equitably adjust the "7 a!d in favour of the Question abolition of ChurchRates. I should support such being desirous of dealing Measure of reform as justly wjth trose who dis- Would extend the fraTt. sent fron: the Established chise, while preserving to Church, and having no Property and education fear that she will suffer by their due share of influ- such a measure. The financial policy of repeat the present Ministry that I shall give a firm has met with deserved and '"dependent support Success. They have in- t0 a Liberal Government. Creased the revenue, while m, i Jirninisliing taxation, and The kl»d We effected large eCo»- !°n J .bfa.vetmet omies, while providing *he distinct promises "Ply for all branches of haVe, rece'ved leave me country's service. n° doubt that y°U™W ThQ- c • u • return me as vour Mem- *neir foreign has, in my J opinion, kept the nation er" £ a *ar durifnS tj.n,e8 of I have the honour to be, u'aiculty without any1 »erifice of dignity. Tarn Gentlemen, Pfepared for these reasons 0 t 8">te Lord Palmerston's Your obedient Servant' indl!rnT"! 3 bUt BRECKNOCK, "'dependent support. mernUt of/eS^tonthe Brecknock, Jan. 8th, of the late COL. ATKINS, I postpone for tlle present paying my iespects to you in person. shall take the earliest fitting opportunity of roi"g so, and of explain- lng tnore fully my views oaany points of public 'nterest. ^a*e the honour to be, Gentlemen, YOur obedient servant, T) BRECKNOCK. Ct'ecknnck, Sept. 19, 1865. 1865. Pe wel y darllenydd fod yr ail anerchiad ^edi ei ddyddio ar Ionawr 8fed, 1S66-cant ac Un o ddiwrnodau wedi iddo gyhoeddi y cyntaf, un dydd ar hugain wedi cyhoeddiad anerch- lad cyntaf Dr. Price. Y mae y cvfnewidiad SYOII wedi cymmeryd He yn bwysig iawn; ac ni yn llawen iawn ein bod wedi ^elp llaw i gael yr amcan pwysig i ben. v ef ed' c.ae\ hJn. ystyriai Dr. Price fod ei neges ^cdi ei chyrhaedd, ac y gallasai yn awr 1» i maes i'r Iar"ll ieuanc, gan ddymuno el yddiant. Yna, wedi cynnal cyfarfod cy- oeddus yn neaadd y dref, nos Fercher, Ion. -un o'r cyfarfodydd mwyaf poblogaidd, gwresog, bwvlus, a Uwyddiannus a fu yn Aber- honddu erioed—cyhoeddodd Dr. Price yr an- erchiad canlynol, yn rhoddi fyny fel ymgeisydd, yn herwydd ei fod yn awr yn teimlo fod yr Iarll yn deilwng o .<ael ei gefnogi yn herwydd y syniadau a ddadblygir ganddo yn yr ail an- erchiad. Dyma anerchiad diweddaf y Dr. Price — To the Independent Electors of the borowgh of Brecon and the town of Llywel. GENTLEMEN,—Since I addressed you on the 19th of December, 1865, the Earl of Brecknock, one of the candidates for your suffrages, has issued a second address, which is in marked contrast to the one published by him under date of September 29th, 1865. Whatever cause may have led to a change so desirable in itself, and so promising for the luture position of the borough, I heartily rejoice in the manliness of the Earl of Brecknock, as manifested in his address of January 8th, 1866. Lord Palmerston has finished his long career as a statesman, and T sincerely hope that his policy of expediency and vacillation has died with him. Earl Russell has pledged himself to the country that he would, on the first fitting occasion, bring forward a measure to amend the Reform Bill of 1832. That opportunity is now at hand-a Bill is under the consideration of the Government, and will be submitted to Parliament at an early day. It must, therefore, be a matter of satisfaction to the liberal electors of the borough, to learn that the Earl of Brecknock has pledged himself, in his second address, that his "support will he given to the principle of any Reform Bill which shall command the general approval of the liberal party;" and that he is prepared to support an extension of the Electoral Franchise that will embrace a better representation of the educated and working classes." I now find, by the address of January 8th, 1866, that Earl Brecknock is in favour of the Abolition of Church Rates," as a matter of justice to those who dissent from the Established Church." The declaration as to giving a firm and inde- pendent snpport to a Liberal Government" is equally distinct and clear. pendent snpport to a Liberal Government" is equally distinct and clear. Now, the line of demarcation between the two remaining candidates is broad and well defined, so that no elector need be in a doubt as to the line of policy he should pursue in the coming election. I came forward honestly and firmly to assist the advanced Liberals in saving the borough from being quietly handed over unto stale Whigism on the one hand, or worn out Toryism on the other. My object has been obtained, and therefore I respectfully withdraw, leaving a clear field to fight a battle upon ground that is now marked and in- telligible. As to the statement made by some persons in and out of your borough, that I had entered the field in the interest of Mr. Gwyn, it is but justice to that gentleman and all his friends and support- ers, and but fair towards yourselves, to say, simply, that such an assertion has not the slightest founda- tion in truth. I entered your borough as a candidate for your suffrages on the 18th December last, as inde- pendent, as honest, and as guileless as I had done in the hand of my father, for the first time, forty years ago. I might say, that those who know me, know also, that for the last twenty years of my life, I have laboured hard with honesty of conduct, by means of the press and the platform, to advocate progress in politics, and equality in religion. Gentlemen,—In leaving the field for the present, may I trust that each elector, in the coming contest, will exercise the high trust vested in him by the Constitution, honestly before God, and without fear, favour, or affection before men. May the best man win the day, and God defend the right. I have the honor to remain, Gentlemen, Your ever faithful and obedient servant, THOMAS PRICE. Rose Cottage, Aberdare, Jan. 24,1866. Yn unol & chais taer amryw o'n gohebwyr, bydd i ni gyhoeddi yn ein nesaf araeth Dr. Price i'r etholwyr, Kyda. hanes y cyfarfod dyddorol a gafwvd yn Aberhonddu. Y mae gan etholiad Aberhonddu byd yn hyn ei wersi pwysig; a bydd ni etto orfod dweyd rhai pethau celyd iawn am annghyssonderau an- faddeuol rhai crefyddwyr yn y drafodaeth hon.