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(, 0 TRADE MARK I MOUSSINE MEALI g THE PERFECTIpM 6F ANIMALDIET. OFALLCORN DEALERS &c I MMMMMMMMIcffBLAsaNt c fl.D 36.HABKuwE'lmii>oN ,r. j I TOBACCOS I CIGARS I CIGAEGTTES I T Brcrj knqwn Bnm4*rMujnS»ctBrers' ewn List Price*. EndHeffl T*rlety at Tobseeontets' Fancy Goods and Skat GCTOLETOW & QpLR, LTD.. Cannen Street, Birmingham. I DELICIOUS COFFEE. RED WHITE &BLUE For Breakfast A after Dinner. "BLUE For Breakfast A after Dinner. ARMY BLUCHJ £ H»! R Cloms I I &.008 pain of now im Btadwni Tm beat leather soles. will Mod one pair, any size. post tree for 6s. M. Cask returned it not approved et.-H. J. GASSON, Government ContTaetor, By. V' -J GOUND AT LAST. A Marvellous I CONSUMPTION CURE f railed "SACCO'i ? (Sooti Alrica. Cosswapties c. OriliuO diecorend in South Africa. It i made frem pure nerM aae is -Ive, b, M,$,Mp%effsril, incredible as U extensively msed by the Medical Profession. Incredible as it may teem the Proprietor* guarantee to cure. It >s an *D»O- hite cere for Consumption, Haemorrhage, Asthma, Bron- chitis, influenza, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, etc. Baltics 6» end ill- (pottage 3d. extra) of Chemists or dir.ect gem §TEVENSL^CO^22^ASIASHAI^5TR»ET £ X0ND0N^5|C. I SYMINGTON'S 1 I PEA SOUP addition of boiling water only. KlH *•■"» makM m plateful. Wade TITH Symington*. PT, NOUR 1 SMMB Extract of Meat. Smsniug, 41c. I MM OF TOUR GROCER. ] ^Z/BB \f*aafa*tttn>r*; W. SYMIXGTON & CO Ltd. I SB&HH Eowtfen Steam Mllis, Market Hart)wcairii —1Hi I Mmmm mtablMied VO!). Send for partigularseforeat -11.1 AND BAGATELLE. TABLES. BILLIARD ANB BAGATELLE TABLES. Jaoles. Write for List. G. Bdw^i?* r^g8l^dl.N.W CARSON'S I WATER PAINT, f MU RALINE Registered). SOLD IN A DRY POWDER. C The addition of cold water makes a Paint which S M a WASHABLE, SANITARY. DURABLE, and C 'K ECONOMICAL. Jtflowsunderthebrushandleaves 9 a perfect surface. Prices and full particulars post free. K W^CARSON ASONS, BATTERSEA.LONDOH.J low MONEY Easily lamed in Spare Time. I You can at onee add 15/- to tol. per week to your present income: the work is simple, no goods to sell or buy, no money to collect, not insurance. Suitable for men and women, foremen, artizans, railway servants, secretaries and members of clubs' trade unions, and benefit societies, etc., etc Send' postcard wio tname and addnaa for particulars, B. & C., 17, 18 i6, Great Sutton St., London, E.C. ATO, WANTED. £ 2 to £ 3 easily earned Money to colW?*^6 f1-™6' No goods to buy or seU or S^nts^n a^li k N°t insurance. Prudential and Singer the above sum to their weekly earnings additional labour. The work is suitable for rain 13 very simple .—Address British And Coatmental Co., 17.18 & 86, (ft. Sutton St-London^E.C. SSI AFQ yKQ^IEED. State price per bushel. V I- W Edward Tattam, Leighton Buzzard, JBeds. iGiRL^R^Mj I^1RBZ f J CAMp- reaches a much I BELL, M.A., wrote to m the Editor: "I canaot HIGHER LEVEL M refrain from thanking M W»J0J, -girl's OF EXCELLENCE 5 KEALM. There is no *■ .5 better edited magazine than any magazine ■ on the market." for girls has ever. previously attempted, m members of the Girl's ——— 5 fteF"bamtafIaSc"V^ A Specimen.Copy will be 5 activities of which Guild sent Post Free on receipt have received the graci- 0f postcard to:—"Girl's ous patronage of-HER „ „ ■ MAJESTY THE QUEEN Realm ( OUice, 12, Portu- 5 and many other mem- gal Street. London, W.C. 5 ) bersofthe Royal Family. j Something New and Dainty in Note Paper & Envelopes. HUGH JONES WILL be glad to send NEW SAMPLE BOOK of the Latest HIGH-CLASS NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES To anyone on receipt of Postoard. Tel«rra»s—" Advertiser," Llanjollan. Telephone—lzl. Darlington's Handbooks. I "LordKaollysIscomoandedfcytheKing to tliank Mr BarUngtea for a copy ef the New Edition, so well get Bp, ef "London and Environs." Nothing better could be wished tor."—British Wetkly Far supenor to ordinary guides. "—Daily Chrvuiclc. Visitors to Loadon (aad Residents) should U8 DARLINGTON'S Very emphatically tops them all."—JBaily Graphic. Q KjtAV A brilliant Hok.Tlte Titles. Particularly good. "-Academy. AND By E* C" COOK aRd 4til Edition Revised, E. T. COOK, M.A. g/- ENVIRONS. 24 Maps and Plane. I The best Handbook to London ever issued." *B* —Livirfeel Daily Pest. 60 nius. leaps and Plans, 5/- KINTH WALET. | 100 IUas. Maps aad Plans, 5/- I KEVIN & CORNWALL. Brighten, Battboume, BaMingt, St Le«mrit, VT»rthinf, Beurne- ww™ f]?tetr' Tviwy, Paignton, Exmouth, Bidmeuth, Teignmouth, BawlSh, i Danmovr. Exmtar, FalmoutK the Lizard, Penianee, LMntM u 3 £ "• X'fttMy. Tintaffet, CtovtUy, H £ racombc, u r<M*y. Btvtrn ValUy, Bath, Hetton-tuper irrf^' "» WereMt*r- W<nuxter, Cheltenham, LUtndrindod Jd0"9*1" AitTlTownx. Barmouth, vetgeUf, B *•<&€&, Crieeieth, Pv&htlt, Llandudno, Rhyl, Conway, Holteyn Bnv, U<m>faiTf«4ktm, Bangor, Carnarvon, BeddgtUrrt, Snotcdon, rettiwtg, Trefriw, Bttttet-y-coed, Norwich, Yarmouth, Lovmtoft, Korfiitk BnMt, lilt Wight, mnd Channel Idandi, thvuld we DARLINGTON'S HANDBOOKS, i/- each. UugoneiiDARLINGTON ft CO. Londen i-SIMPJCIN'S. P&Ms and Now York:-BRRNTANO'S. ) The Railway Bookstalls atrd all Booksellers, PHOTOGRAPHS.—Beautiful Photographs of Scenery, Ruins, ™ Norway, Sweden, Senmark, Russia, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt, also the English Lakes and North Wales, 1/ 1/8, and 2/ List post free.—Darlington ft Co., Llangollen. 11 A SAFE REMEDY I A. JOB ALL 8' SKIN & BLOOD DISEASES '»* 9 If yon an mdtniag from any disease due to < an impure state of the Blood, such as ) Eczema Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Blood Poison, Qlandular Swellings, Abscesses, Boils, Pimples, Rheumatism, EJout. 4c. You should test the value of Clarke's Blood Mixture, the world-famed Blood Pwirfierluid Restorer. It iii warranted to cleanse the blood from all impure xmtter- from whattvir cause ertetnf. Tb* EFIRE* O In Family Doctor sajs We hav» seen hosts of letters liearing tes- timony to .«e truly/wojiderful cures effected 4 Ki^we. It is the finest Blood Puriter that Scianee and Medical .Sim have/brengat to, lighl^Bid we can with the utmost eoaSdaaoe recommend it t« our gub- m acribeo aad the pablie generally." I CLARKE'S | BLOOD MIXTURE I THE fORbS-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER. I V «« O&MKMS END «er«, 2/0 per BrtiU, I JBSWJJIS Of IMITATIONS. I i-0, PHOTOGRAPHERS TO HER LATE MAJESTY THE QUEEN. R. T.KTT^OMiV SONS,] v?-' • A-£' to • -I'IM T.A.Ke wors in all fl bran' hep of PHO'i.iA PHTY, PORTRAITS, ROUP F>FINCBS, ETC., Photographed on -e «! or- !tine, and finished in -ill the latost' iroot .-rriNOB. CARBONS SEPIATTPBS, etc. Pf <!<■■ f'RKB DEVELOPI^<, S'KRTAKEN FOR JUST PUB HSn! A SET OF SIX MOONLIGHT.. PICTORIAL POSTCARDS OF LLANGOLLEN & NEIGHBOURHOOD. Price, 6d. the Set. HUGH JONES, AI iVKKTISER OFFICE, LLANGOLLEN. "0- "SANITAS" DISINFECTING FLUID. It-pint bottles, and 5s. gallon. The Breath of the Oeeaa and the Pine ForUL Frspwt and Koo-poiaonotu. Antiseptic Wash for Wouads and Som. Aatiseptir Gargle for SON Throat. Aadaeptie Wash far Perspinag Pcet. Antiseptie Wash for Mouth aad Teeth. Kills laiWetioa like Lightafag see Tirsisiseisli Restores Oxygea to vitiated Air. Spray ahoat Roeias aad Clethes. Znjoyt pturml fartnr.LANCET. u How ia disiaieet" Baek, free. TIM "MW)TM" lo., Ltd., Leeway St., llnnlii—» Lendan, a. FLUID, POWDER, AND SOAPS. "SANITAS" FOR SALE, Clear '> 1 Newspapers—20 lbs. fer 1/ te clear. Brown Paper, id. per lb. Apply — "Advertiser" Office, Llangollen. | Visitor's Handbooks. LLANGOLLEN ft NEIGHBOURHOOD: What to See. and How to See it; being a Guide to the Walks, Drives, and Excursion* to Plaoee of Interest, by JAMXS CLANKB. Price 3d. THE L-ADIPA or- LLANGOLLEN, By CHABLK8 PSNBXJDDOCKK. Beautifully IUUB- trated. Price 9d.; Cloth, 1/3. rrUE LADIES ;y the late Rev. JOHN ^L &.ØI.U ";11.1:1 u A XJXj. As it Was and As it Is; with a Catalogue of its Contents, and a few Reminiscences of the Old Ladies," by the late GENERAL YOBEB, C.B Price 6d. DINAS BRAN CASTLE, An Account of, Price 2d. VALLE CRUCIS ABBEY, An Account of. Price 2d. GUIDES, MAPB, &3., TO N0&T3 WALE S ON SALE AT ALL LOCAL SHOPS, OB FROM THE ✓ publisher, HUGH JPNES. Castle Street "EIVION," pRIVATE JJOTEL AND JJOARDING JJOUSE, 21, Bridge Street, Llangollen, Next Door to the N. # S. W. Bank, Picnic Parties, Choirs, &o., Specially Catered for. Visitors and, Commercial Gentlemen will find every comfort and attention at moderate charges, JAMES CLARKE, Proprietor. HOUSE AGENCY.-A List of Houses and h artmente to Let in the Neighbourhood kept. NO PRELIMINARY FEES. PRIVATE ADVANCES In Large or Small Sums (not less than £10) ON BORROWERS' OWN PROMISSORY NOTE. ESTABLISHED THIRTY-FIVE YBARS, and now lending UPWARDS OF £70,000 ANNUALLY. Prospectuses, terms for advances, or any informa- tion desired will be supplied free of charge on application, either personally, or by letter to, GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, (15198) 5, Town Walls, Shrewsbury. /"CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to J- cure, in lithor sex, all acquired or oocatituttona] iisobarf^s from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Free from Mercury. Established iP^ar«« <* years. In Boxes, 4s. 6d. each rf the Chemists ft Patent Medioine Vendors throujrhl ,nt the World; or sent for sixty stamps by the takers, TB., LINCOLN AND MIDLAND CO-JNTIM OKUO CottPANT. Linooln. WE Insert Advertisements of every Descrip- tion, Birth, Marriaftf, or DMUI Notices, in any pap« a the kmgrdaai, at rates charged by then fcpply—Publisher, "Advertiser," Llangellcs "A wado hyn aed a hi, A gwaded i'r Haul godi." C. ,.| I'll Fea11ai mai fatui neu arferiad ydyw, ond alla'i gael dim T6 yn un man yn debyg i D6 Phillips." We PHILLIPS & CO., LTD., ¡ SPECIALISTS IN TEA, EmSSHED WREXHAM. DISTRICT AGENTS- I Mr. EDWARD EDWARDS, Grocer, Trevor. ¡ Mr. ELLIS WILLIAMS, Grocer, Garth, E. ROBERTS, Grocer, Yron. #¿t:: t —: r PATENT GLAZIER WINDOW IIECORATION. A Substitute for Stained Glass. THE GLACIER WINDOW DECORATION is a thin transparent material like gelatine, stained or coloured to represent Stained Glass, insoluble in water, and, properly fixed, will withstand heat, cold, or moisture. The GLACIER PATTERNS are very numerous, and comprise BORDERS of all widths, from 1 tin. to 4fin; CORNERS for Borders | ——————————————— J and CURVES of different radii; CENTRE PIECES of all styles—Ecclesiastical, Emblematical, yj^|p|§|S\ Floral, Heraldic, &c., & GROUND PATTERNS for filling large areas after the Border and Centre are fixed. SEE PATTERN BOOKS. 1 District Agent- I M HUGH JONES, |KCZ;| "ADVERTISER" OFFIOE, j LLANGOLLEN. l