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THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. I YOU CANNOT BEAT jfljjjj Iwo FAR & AWAY THE BEST for all LIVER & BILIOUS COMPIIAJCNTS, FEVER, AND RHEUMATISM. ENSURE SLEEP. SAFE AND EFFICACIOUS IN ALL CLIMATES. Of all Chemists, &c., or from MORISON & CO., The British College of Health, 33, Euston Road, London. A PILLS, 13JD. and 2/9. POWDERS, 13*d. per Box. OINTMENT, 13 £ D. and 2/9 per Pot. ANOS, AT LESS THAU HALF PRICE, direat from the works of the eminent firm of E. BISHOP & SONS (LTD.), From ,315 10/- and upwards. 20 years' guarantee with every instrument. Write for Lists and Drawings to E. BISHOP and SONS (Ltd.), Belmont Street, Chalk Farm,London,N.W. Branch Show Rooms, 237, Gray's Inn Road, King's Cross. West End Show Rooms. 39, Baker'Street, W. R r ITi^UTlWi^WW Trade Mark> TAJ-TAT. LIIMlJI LiiL llE. «w is guaranteed by.using HUSS'S BSAMOND LINEN ENAMEL, i FLMYONE can make their Shirts, Collars, Cuifs, Laces, &c., equal M appearance to ||EW without the use of Glazing Irons. It re- quires neither skill, hard labour, nor mechanical appliances in its manipulation. The process'is simplicity itself. It beau? titles, glazes, improves, and preserves the linen.. JEt contains no acid or other injurious matter. Sold by G-rocers, Chemists, and Stores,in 3d., 6d.. & 1/- Bottles. Say you WILL have it, & your tradesman will get it from the manufacturer, C. H. HUSS, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF, A Sample Bottle sent post free for 7id. i —— .r™—Ti. ■ ■ UOUND —HATS killed with. Sanford's Poison. JL ^Farmers say it is tlie best ever known as the Rats are Found Bead Post free 1/2,2/ 3/ of 3 AFFORD & SON, Sandy. Sold by Chemists OTTO GAS ENGINE OIL is BETTER and CHEAPER than any other. Sole Proprietors: TheRELIANCE LUBRICATING OIL CO., 19 &20. Water Lane, Grt. Tower St., London, E.C. Agents wanted. "OLANKETS. — Real Witney "•Blankets, JLT DIRECT FROM THE LOOMS. Samples Carriage Paid. PRICE LIST and Particulars from- The WITNEY BLANKET CO. (Registered), Witney, Oxos. TV"0 I^KY FINGERS—No Clogged Filthy Pen. The POST SELF-FILLING- and CLEANING FOUNTAIN PEN; marvel of ingenuity & simplicity. Simple movement of the hand sufficient for either cleaning or filling. HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS from Eminent Men in Politics, Science, and Religion. The greatest invention of the age in Fountain Pen construction. Price 7/6.—The Secretary, POST PEN DEPOT, 79 and 81, Fortess Road, LONDON, N.W. THE SKIN SG^AP (for ttie Complexion), PRKHIEK, Only 4<L a Tablet. CREAM (Itching, Face Spots, Burning, &c.), 1/11. POWDER (Redness, Roughness, Sweating. &c.), 1/- H&RLENE l| nEftLStlr DRESSING- I RESTORES THE HAIR, 1 PROMOTES THE GROWTH, ■ ARRESTS THE FALL, ■ STRENGTHENS THE ROOTS. ■ 1/ 2/6, & 4/6 everywhere, or post paid— ■ 95 & 96, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. HOTEL D'ITALIE (Boon oi >»•<.>. MENTON E. WARMEST AND MOST PROTECTED POSITION OF THE RIVIERA. WRITE FOR TERMS. re "1UTALVINE.-The NEW TOILET CREAM JM*- for CHAPPED and ROUGH SKIN; a delightful pre- paration for keeping the Skin Soft, Smooth, and Healthy, free, V-—MALvTNE COMPANY, 12, CASTLE STREET, Qxffiesx) STBBMT, LONDON, W. ECZEMA &MSD ALL SKIN DISEASES, with all their irritations and B<SmMe disfigurements, completely cared. The most wonderful REMEDY ever discovered. We have cured a large number of olwfcinate cases, some discharged by Doctors as incurable, and SAFE eure you. To prove this our terms are NO CURE—NO PAY. Qnr treatment is essentially different from all others, and Bttres when all else fails. Particulars sent free. ECZEMA SURE CURE CO., 152, Wyndham Road, London, S.E. WSk m 3 If ANYTHING YOU WANT, HJb |H H EY^r whatever it may be, if you wish to HNMK ■ ■ W SET the best possible Bargain for ■ ■ B| H| MM your money, through The Bazaar, BmiMB Wmmm ■■ JSmehange and Mart Newspaper, WKSMF TOFIF FFL wkioh contains thousands of an- aounoements of all kinds of Property 0H«ED by Private Persons on the most favourable terms «D dear. The Bazaar, Excluwg? and Mart Newspaper may BE got at all Railway Boo*. Btolls and Newsagents.Price 2d, TSWBFE, MM MB SEE Most useful and entertaining. «p« 9I» mm™ H| Get a copy and see for your- IPA^ BHMI MM H «ELF- Throughthe same journal NM BWM BBB 9B X you have anything yon wish BBL—. |L_ to dispose of you eon readily hW |JGJG| HH NH ROSY CHEEKS and A Lovely Ooiaplexion, clear as alabaster, free arom Pimples, Blotohaa, Sallowness, Blackheads, &c., imme- S^TELY produced by one Box of DR. LENNOX'S HARM- JPES ARSENIC COMPLEXION WAFERS, no matter AOW bad your complexion mar be at present. Price per laree BOXIPOST free, 1/0 (reduced from 4/6), from DR. LENNOX 40,_VASSARL BP., BRIXTON, LONFAON. Warranted J& Jemv Harmless..Free sample for stamped directed envelope. |l|0| lueSample gratis.Preseryednatural bait forPike IWIULI11HOR Salmon spinning. Bambridge & Co,Eton,Windsor CHRK I INfl CASH BUYERS WRITEfbr YUL **» Designs, Quality, & Prices to SHEA'S SOTO WAREHOUSE, 437, ELABROW ROAD, LONDON, W. THE JOURNAL FOR GENTLEWOMEN. t rated. The lady w-"j Is the Most Useful and Best Ladies' Newspaper. TYPEWRITER, "ODELL," quite new & per- feot; all Silver-plated parts. £ 3 only if sold immediately. Gash returned if not approved. Henry Hill, CrownHill, Croydon. CITOPACHE Cures Torturing TOOTHACHE swifter than magic. Per post 4JD- per bottle. TOOTHINE CO., 103A, CHABING CROSS ROAP, LONDON, W.O. -——„ M LENNOX UXLEY'S rCMALEi 4/9. HIOH-CLASS S ECIALITIES RENEW VITALITY. BOUT. 2/9. PAKTICTJLARS SENT FEBB. I The ingredients have secured the warm approval of every INDllir xTInll eminent medical authority inviUCOl IUHj throughout the WORLD.' e i iijpn BIIIM .POST FREB FOB STAMPS. a LIVER rILLSi 2/9. *> ™WGATE STREET, FC/vi LONDON, E.C. TT ,ABY'S £ 3OBeestQnHumb0r Model,1899 Cycle, nsv..TEST month, ■ really beautiful machine, admired by everyone, scamped HIGHEST grade, guaranteed perfect; silver plated lamp, pump, & extras I £ 715/- Elle&mere, 78, Allison Rd, Harrin gay,London,N. TOPPING & SPINDLER (HARDAWAY & TOPPING), FlfJSHINGg HOLLAND. DOUBLE AND TREBLE EVENTS. S.P. ALL RACES. The Continental Sportsman, published twice daily during the season, containing Late5t Market Movements on ail Important Events, iree on receipt of address. The Oldest Established and Most Extensive Firm of its kind in the World. A.11 Letters to be addressed FLUSHING, HOLLAND. Postage ^ii. ESTABLISHED 1851. BTRKBEC Iv BANK 30, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. INVESTED FUNDS aSio.ooo.ooo. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full post fr«e. h'iiASVM RAVENSCROi^T, Manager. V/OOQ! WOOD!! WOOD! COBBETTS. Virginia Road, London, E. MAHOGANY, WALNUT, PINE, &c., &c. PRICE LISTS FREE ON APPLICATION. ilsiiUil Li iM L. FIELDS. THE ROYAL MAIL and INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS sail from Southampton every Saturday for South and East African Ports. Calls made at Lisbon, Madeira, and Teneriffe. Apply to THE UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Limited), Canute Road, Southampton, and South African House, 94 to 98, Bishopsgate Street Within, London, E.C. Washing at Home With Oomfort, Economy, & Complet satisfaction, use Bradford's Family Machine wk*cl1 is also a first-class Wringek & M.angler, Wriie for Bradford't. last Catalogue, MM containing testimony of hundreds of users and mBammmrffl if you buy a BBADFOSD'S WASHING SIACHINS JffilnggmM 8 you will willijiply ailti your own testimony. Thomas Bradford&Co., HighHolborn,-LONDON Deansgate, Manchester; Bold Street, Liverpool. /^fOCKATOO 11 OLQUALITIES. For Knitting SHAWLS, MANTLES, WRAPS, &c. All Goods POST FREE at WHOLESALE PRICES DIREOT FROM THE WORKS. INDIAN CHUDDER SHAWLS In various Shades and Sizes, also CAMEL HAIR SHAWLS & CASHMERE SHAWLS. Patterns of Wools, Shade Cards, and all particulars Sent Free on Application. THE WHARFEDALE FANCY KNITTING WOOL CO. BURLEY-IN-WHARFEDALE, near LEEDS. f^J_ALVANIZED Sheets and Wire Netting. vl Stock of slightly defective Sheets, prao- tically as good as new, 5ft. by 2ft., at CORRUGATED Is. ld. each. Other sizes in proportion. GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING, -w-k aatitv/i And all galvanized goods. I-f UUUinir WALKER BROS. (LTD.), Staflord- Bhire Galvanizing W orks, WALSALL. BEST AND SAFEST NATURAL APERIENT. limfiiiliJaMS "The Prototype of all Bitter Waters.* -Lancet. OF ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Proprietor: ANDREAS SAXLEHNER. BUDAPEST. — f^HINA & EARTHENWARE Goods of all kinds, suitable for Dealers, Shopkeepers, &cl HAWKERS' LAESE CHEAP CRATBSnearlyLOOO articles 38/6. Sendforfree Illus. List. Arthur J. Hull, Normacot Works. Longton, StaSs. Dutch Bulbs.—G-reat Sales Every Day lSaturdays excepted). WESSRS. PR0THER0E & MORRIS will SELL BY AUCTION, at their Central Sale Rooms, 67 and 68, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, B.C., EVERY DAY (Satur- days excepted), Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, and other Bulbs, direct from Holland, lotted to suit large and small buyers. 5,000 lots sold weekly. Commissions executed for those unable to attend the Auctions. Lots packed and for- warded to all parts. Catalogues sent on application.-Auction Rooms and Estate Offices, 67 and 68, Oheapside. London, E.O. J)UTCH BuLBs-D UTclff JJULBS SALES now on nearly every day at STEVENS' AUCTION ROOMS, 38, KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. Large and small lots to suit all buyers. Commis- sions executed for those at a distance, and lots dispatched promptly after sale. Catalogues post free on application. RELIEVES PAIN Ot ANY KIND. JR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, ASIHMA^RQNCHItra,^ 1 the efficacy o?Chloi°o^ynerender °| V1.ta] importance that the public should obtain the Genuine, protected by a Government stamp,bearing the words "Dr. J Collis irowne s Chlorodyne." See decision Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Pa«e vVood, Times, July1% 1864. Testimonials fi-om eminent Physicians yith each bottle. Sold in Bottles, 1/1 i, 2/9. & 4/6, by all ChenuSts. METALS of every description purchased fo'; Cash.—H.B. BARNARD & SONS, IU, Lambeth Walk.Londor" "RAR0N MUENCHHATJSEN (no doctor) «ures Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, & kindred diseases. Para- culars gratis. Sohloss Neuburg, nr. Neckarelz, Baden. Germany. TflUIIII rV'O rilOl SOU RAlOR Per post 4/6. Finest hollow i UffwSlLtT J tnijiL!5n SlfliLUflground. Bull St,Birmingham (,0 0 S M' ,j a DO YO U CO P SEND FOR SAWYERS' HERBAL QOUCH ONE PENNY PER OUNCE. Threepence for Tin of three ounces. Three Tins for tenpence. Address:— POST FREE. inrMTO lf!J?^Trn SAWYERS', LIMITED, READING, flufctf i h llMI i £ 0. LOANS.-THE CORPORATION OF BURY c, is open to RECEIVE a limited amount of LOAN MONEY at 3 per cent. for 3, 5, or 7 years, or repayable at six months' notice after u w T>TT-^m?x- £ -eai'—■Applications to be made to K. W. BUXTON, Borough Treasurer, Parson's Lane, BURY. I^OUND AT LAST—Tlie Cook's Friend. to aS Mothei's. Nursery, and the Kitchen. PREVENTS MILK, PORRIDGE, BIAKOM^GE, BOILJBD Ces- TARD" GRUEL, MELTED BUTTER, SAUOI58. and INFANTS' FOOD f ■? f o Of all Ironmongers & Stores, price 1/- per set of 3. Wholesaie H. & S. & J. K„ or direct from LAWS &CO., 40, Brayburne Avenue, Clapham, London, S. W. Post Free 1/3 24ibs. TE%7_ with CASH BONUS 2/8' 1/ .S.END 1/- TO THE TICKET TEA SYNDICATE brig-nton Chambers, Detiman Street, London, S.E who w,lI lmHledmtely send Full Particulars. MONEY RETURNED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. r:J R1JLIN"} Unequalled for POULTICES. (Regd.) I Medically recommended.Reliably genuine. I Pmia>ia>1 AnaJysts'report on every tin. Get itto-day. vrUBilflu Illness comes suddenly. Sold everywhere. T- „„»j at 6d. & 1/ orpost free from MATTHSWfc I XilH866(U SOMB & Qq„ EULBOXJ) WOOD. Bsaax. [ FOUND AT LAST!! THE BEST SHOP FOR CYCLES. Also the place where Honesty and Best Quality prevails. ,( Meteor Cycles (made by the Rover Co.) £10 10 0 Royal Enfield, from £ 10 10 0 Sunbeams, from. £ 12 10 0 Centaurs, from £ 14 10 0 Ariel, from £ 10 10 0 Also, we are Agents for Cycles of other Grades and Prices, ranging from X7 7s. to £ 22. ■ Don't forget that R. EVANS & SONS, Oak Street, are the Authorized C.T.C. Repairers for Llangollen District. All Kind of Work undertaken in connection with the Cycle Trade. go- MACHINES HIRED OUT by Day, Week, or Season, on most advantageous Terms to the Hirer. DON'T FORGET THE ADDRESS- OAK STREET, LLANGOLLEN. FREE INFLATING STATION, "inr IM" ir HUGH JONES, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, Invites an inspection of his large and well-selected stock of THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FANCY ARTICLES < STATIONERY. PRIVATE XMAS CARDS. Specimen Book sent out on application. PHOTO FRAMES, in latest designs, Are now on view. LEATHER & BRASS GOODS In Great Variety. District Agentifor Winsor & Newton's Artists' Materials. HUGH JONES, FANCY GOODS & PHOTO DEALER, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. ORDERSJFBYZPOST PROMPTLY BXBOD^LKD. .Imm-mxm Atilt I "JAAIU 11'1' M= "For the Blood Is the life." Clarke's Blood Mixture THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, is warranted to Cletuise the Blood from all impurities from whatever cause arising. E For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and = Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pimples and i Sores of all kinds, its affects are marvellous. Thousands of Testimonials of wonderful cures have fcaau reoatTwd from all parts of E the world. The Editor of the "FAMILY DOOTOB" I says:—"We have seen hosts of letters |j bearing testimony to the truly wonderfol 3 cures effected by Clarke's Blood Mixture. 3 It is the finest Blood Purifier that Science (El and Medical Skill have brought to light, I and we can with the utmost confidence = recommend it to oar subscribers and the p public generally." IE As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste jp and warranted free from anything injurious E to the most delicate constitution of either |E sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors e solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its E value. Sold by Chemists everywhere. E Ask for E Clarke's I Blood I to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Sold by Chemists everywhere. E Ask for E Clarke's I Blood I Mixture wort h's^jliri I tat JTURNITURE! JTURNITUREI r A REALLY PHENOMENAL OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYING GOOD, SOUND, LIYEEPOOL- MADE FURNITURE AT ABOUT HALF-PRICE, AT THE "TTIYERPOOL" pURNISHlNG L I 'A COMPANY'S QLD 1,'STABLISHMENT, 100ASD102, L0KD0N pRESENT p RE MI SE S 100, LONDON-ROAD, 1U2 100, LONDOK-ROAD, 102 100,1 ONDON-ROAD, 102 100, ONDON-ROAD, 102 100, LONDON-ROAD, 102 NEW pREMISES NEW pREMISES N EW pREMISES NEW pREMISES NEW pREMISES RARE SALE ARE bALE RARE SALE ARE bALE JX O J^ARE ^ALE pURNITURK ii URNITURE FURNITURE pURNITURE FURNITURE BARGAINS BARGAINS gARG-AINS gARGAINS gARGAINS The unparalled success of our business-attributed entirely to good manage- ment and the good value and satisfaction received by all who deal with uc-bas coW, pelled us to arrange for the erection of what will be the finest and rtiost magnificent Furnishing Establishment in Liverpool. The enormous increase of our trade is sO great and continuous that we have been unable to cope with all the business that an appreciative public have been good enough to shower upon us. Our new premises; now being erected on the site of 104, 1C6, and 106a, London-road, will be opened with an entirely New Stock consequently, are DOW offering our present stock at Greatly Reduced Prices t0 ensure an absolute clear- ance. No new geods will be added to the present stock, which will be sold out re- gardless of profit and loss- The stock is valued aj £ 15,000, and is comprised of some magnificent Dining!" room SIDEBOARDS an<1 SUITES, L'rawing rooff1 SUITES and all prices, from the cheapes* to the most excellent. A great variety of Bedroom Suites in all sizes, at all prices. Also ChiffonnierS, Hallstands, OvermantelS, Bedsteads, Bedding, and Linoleums, and all gooas appertaining to the Furniture Tiade. All orders will be delivered free, and may be stored for any period under one year free of charge. Any article may be purchased on the Hire System. Come early and secure tbe best of the Bargains. THE J^IVERPOOL" UKJS JSHLNG QO-, 100 & 102, LONDON-ROAD. Telephone, 2,414. -===- JUST PUBLISHED. THE LADIES OF LLANGOLLEN, BY CHARLES PENRUDDOCKE. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 9d.; UN CLOTH, Is. 3d. HUGH JONES, Publisher, Llangollen. Also on Sale at the Local Shops. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Paternoster Row, London Southport Visitor Office, Southport. LA ti R ¡ HENEY LAURANCE'S IMPROVED SpEJt* TACLES are scientifically adapted to the defects of vision, and are a boon to thosa needing Optical Assistance. A new Stock just received. AAUAWT Foit LLANGOLLICN-HUGH JONES, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, Stationer <$■ Optician. AM Spwitities Stamped H. L. (iBêO)