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HOLLO W-G 11 0 U N D RAZORS MADE SPECIAL! Y F 0 It JOHN DAVIES, TY COCH, LLASCOLLEX, Are Sold during the Jubilee Year at the Extraordinarily Low Price of ONE SHILLING, OR 1/2 PEE POST. (2255) J s- AWARDED PRIZES AT THE NATIONAL EISTEDDVODAU FOR CARVED OAK CHAIRS &0. OD A. & M. H. ROBERTS, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE JOHN ROBERTS,) CABINET MAKERS, EAST STREET, LLANGOLLEN, BEG to announce that they are now prepared to Manufacture ANY ARTICLE OF FURNITURE TO ORDER. ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. Repairs done neatly and expeditiously, at fair prices. (2227) QUEENSLAND, QUEENSLAND, QUEENSLAND, The minimum w«» to he derived from working Gold, Silver, iMinet m QKWOTtoiK* fproverbMllg tinted for its exceptional Mineral Wealth.), in conjunction with the successful reduction of Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin and otfitr Ores, cannot possibly be estimated at less than several hundreds Qper cent-per annum on the Capital of the Company." UEENSLAND GOLD FIELDS. The Economical Reduction of Ores. Baugh & Hinksman's Patent. iTolessor K. Galloway says: It is scientifically correct. S?ofUabl?res\fltCst"rmg Pr°CeSS iS Certain to yleld profitable results." Professor J. A. Wanklyn states "It is new and of Great existing modes of working- cannot Silver Ores, which under existing modes of working cannot be worked at a profit, will become available as sources of Gold and Silver." TflHE QUEENSLAND SEDUCTION AND „ MIXING COMi'ANT. M.MITKI). T Capita!, £ 100,000, in 100,000 Shares of £ 1 each. J*UT5BI-' ?H-. Gateshead-on-T.vn?, Chairman ( n a it man of the Tern f+corue hnrk <. oittp^ini, M hiilb^bomiinh Bankers: LONDON & COUNTV BANKING COMPANY I VHTKD (Oxtord Street Branch), 100 & 111, New (>xfm 1 tr^nrtmW C Solicitors Messrs. W. J. CII ELI) & SON,S,'uth Squ/u'e r "s Inn London, W.C. Secretary: THOMAS II 111 [ vu \r v 117, GUKAT RUSSKU, STREKT, BLO(> !SBUIt Y I0\l)0\^wr HOPE THE DEAF ■ PATENTED^ ARTIFICIAL EAR DRUMS cure Veafne: In a11 staires. The most astonish- If i]]g' j'i¡:e: have been cured. Patented and V A a civilised countries of the world \i ?e"d 8 fw'0r 100-paff«.book, contain! »l\ n,t valuable Essay on Deafness.Illus- J/j trations of the Drums, Copies of L'atertis glllllll. hUyto/ HI Letters from Doctors, Lawyers Kditors & or!ier men of prominence who have been l citredby these celebrated DRTJ1VIS, and who take pleasure in recommendingthem a very in teresting book. Name this paper Address—J. H.NICHOLSON, lo, Camden 1'ark-rd,London,N.W.Eny* I CURE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure, I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases.. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Address in full. It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Addre88 DB. H. G. ROOT. 5. Plum Tree Ct., Farringdou-st., London. JAY'S LONDON.—Best and Cheapest MOT>* in the World for Ladies' Black HIateria1s. BEKDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS, from £ 5, carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and beau- tiful. i Plans and prices from J. W. Leg-gc, Sculptor, Aberdeen. I I DISINFECTANTI I I n lib. for 1/ In Tin with Perforated Lid. CHEAP, RAPID, HANDY. For tise d"ll. or .,pr;lIkle,z into Wafer. CONBY'S o POWDER Prepared by the Sole Makers of CONDY'S FLUID, 'THE BEST DISINFECTANT KNOWN TO SCIENCE. The Time*. I)e stroys all foul Smells, and leaves none. Disinfects instantly I C'luaotd, Sinks, Drains. Urinals, and all Household Nuisances, 111. LIE Chemist??. CirocyrSt, and Stores. M«n suffering from Logt Yi^or, »r- Mfe 1% T0US Debility, Lack of Deyelopment, a? B Premature Decline, etc., resulting -gs gaff" from indiscretions, excesses, or over- &SFi!iIkDi £ i work, cured without Stomach Drug- A ging, by the MABSTON TREATMENT flfc. gl so successful in America. Valuable s sJ5aa§l ga book, replete with information of I ill Il= s g value to all men, will be sent in plain 3 =• s = envelope, sealed, post free. MARST0N REMEDY CO., 2491, High Holborn,London. II A IF T 17 C FHEE FROM Uvl/lililJ y MEKCURV. Antibilious FOR BILE, LIVER, ijTT T H INDIGESTION, OF PURE VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS. IVTERYOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. A gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a novel and highly successful yet simple means of self-cure. He will forward particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped directed envelope. Address— J. T. SEW^LL, Esq., Montrose fyodge. Chiswick. Middlesex. tII C. K. BENSON =1 TEA Ul ,Vl U M U BENSON'S TEA 0 HA BENSON'S TEA (Y ill).. BENSON'S TEA > BENSON'S TEA NORTH WALES BENSON'S TEA BENSON'S TEA SUPPLY STORES. BENSON'S TEA BENSON'S TEA HIGH STREET AND BENSON'S TEA GO ™ LION PASSAGE, TEA WREXHAM. BENSON'S TEA BENSON'S TEA i\rjT\Tr^ |,DTMr BENSON'S TEA PSINK. DRINK. JJE^SON'S TEA DRINK THE BEST DRINK. BENSON'S TEA BENSON'S TEA BENSON'S TEA C. K. BENSON BENSON'S TEA BENSON'S TEA ■<& BENSON'S 1EA ^Tri -T-^ i BENSON'S TEA 1 ill A S BENSON'S TEA BENSON'S TEA BLENDED TO PERFECTION. BENSON'S BEST VALUE FOR THE b|| TEA PEOPLE. BENSON'S TEA ———— BENSON'S TEA How is it that C. K. B. & Co. BENSON'S TEA can offer goods so cheap is a BENSON'S TEA ^.e8?°n 1oft(f P.11^ simply BENSON'S TEA thls' they lately and well i.»Vvr«n v;'« -for CASH. On this principle C. K. BENSON & Co. have BENSON b IJiiA made their name famous for BENSON'S TEA Teas, Coffees, aid articles (f BENSON'S TEA Household Consumption BENSON'S TEA throughout the District. RFNNONT'^ SMALL PROFirS-and sound rpF\ judgment—have earned C. K. oUlN r^EA £ > & a reputation unknown BENSON'S IE A for Teas in the history of Wrex- BENSON'S TEA ham and district. BENSON'S TEA Other firms bounce and adver- BENSON'S TEA tise the finest Tea at Is. 8d. per BENSON'S TEA lb., which is so GLARINGLY BENSON'S TFA ABSURD that th.j most RPPF CALLOUS must detect the DISREGARD for TRUTH. -bi^NSOJN 5 IE A BENSON'S TEA c. K. BENSON & CO'S TEAS BENSON'S TEA CANNOT BE SURPASSED. BENSON'S TEA Their Two Shilling Indian BENSON'S IJiiA Blend is guaranteed PENCE kENSON S TEA p,r lb. better value th n any BENSON'S TEA offering in Wrexham or district. BENSON'S TEA Other Blends from 1..4d. to 3s. BENSON'S T'TT A lb. Crrand Quality—and "RTTXTC^XT'C from 4d. to 6d. per lb. superior to i-Ejii. most dealers in the town and J->c>iNoUiN O TEA district. BENSON'S STEAM BAKERY AND BREAD STORES. 12 AND 13, IIENBLAS STREET. BREAD Best Value in Wrexha-n and BENSON'S BREAD District. BENSON'S KciHK 5d- THE 41b- LOAF. 2S?o0N'S BREAD BENSON'S BREAD From the Finest Flour. BENSON'S BREAD BENSON'S BREAD BEST VALUE, 5d. per 41b. BENSON'S BREAD „ BENSON'S BREAD LUAb- BENSON'S BREAD DELIVERED BENSON'S BREAD BENSON'S BREAD to all parts of the Town and BENS0JN,S BREAD District by own Vans-or BENSON'S BREAD may be had at BENSON'S BREAD «TfVR^ BENSON'S BREAD SlORES, BENSON'S BREAD 12 & 1:3, HENBLAS STREET, BENSON'S BREAD awt^ BENSON'S BREAD AND BENSON'S BREAD 14, HIGH STREET. BENSON'S BREAD BENSON'S RT?■Best VaIue in Wrexham and pnvj??^ BREAD T>. • BENSON'S BREAD District BENSON'S BREAD 5d. PER 41b. LOAF. BENSON'S BREAD BENSON'S BREAD ———— BENSON'S TTT"W SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET. I FRUIT BEST VALUE BENSON'S FRUIT BENSON'S FRUIT IN WREXHAM & BENSON'S DISTRICT. iRLIl BENSON'S FRUIT Cleaned and Washed HENSON'S FRUIT BENSON'S FRUIT by Machinery. HENSON'S BACON BENSON'S BACON BENSON'S BACON BEST GOODS. BENSON'S HAMS BENSON'S UAMS ———— BENSON'S ■ IA MS BENSON'S LARD LOWEST BENSON'S LARD PRICES. BENSON'S BLUER PRICES. BENSON'S BUTTER ———— BENSON'S CHEESE BENSON'S CHEESE STILTON, BENSON'S CHEESE CHESHRF, BENSON'S CHEESE CHEDDAW, BENSON'S £ GORGONZOLA, BENSON'S CHEESE PARMESAN BENSON'S PORK PIES ARMESAN. BENSON'S PORK PIES ———— BENSON'S PORK PIES BEST VALUE. BENSON'S PORK PIES BENSON'S CAKES IN BENSON'S CAKES AVREXHAM AND BUN|S DisTiiicT. BUNS BENSON'S BUNS BEST GOODS. BENSON'S PATENT BENSON'S MEDICINES LOWEST BENSON'S PATENT pkujes BLINSO.VS MKDIOINE BKKSOS'S C. K. BENSON & Co., Wit EX HAM AND OSWESTHY. THE EFFECTS ARE PERMANENT. A WONDERFUL STATEMENT, SHOWING THAT THE BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF "WARNER'S SAFE CURE" ARE NOT TEMPORARY, BUT PERMANENT. THE objection is often made that the beneficial effects of proprietary medicines are only temporary, and that the disease returns as soon as the use of the medicine is discon- tinued. To meet this objection in the case of "Warner's Safe Cure," we give below a single one of the thousands of confirmed testimonials in our possession, showing per- manency of effect several years after the cure was wrought. Mr. J. Hiscock, station-master of Taff Vale Railway Station, Wales, writing under date of JULY 31.1882, says —" Having for years suffered from kidney trouble, which ended in abscess of that organ, resulting from inflammation. with a copious flow of pus, I purchased about 15 bottles of Warner's Safe Cure,' the contents of 13 only of which I have taken. It brought away about two ounces of stone; the pus has ceased to appear, the pain has vanished, the water is now clear, and I believe it has effected a complete cure. I have long and fairly tried some of the ablest medical men in South Wales, but they failed to treat the case success- iully, one of them remarking that medical science had failed to find a remedy for confirmed kidney disease." Writing under date of APRIL 27,1886, this gentleman says It is now nearly four years since I discontinued the use of I Warner's Safe Cure,' and I have had no relapse of kidney trouble, have seen neither stone, gravel, or pus during that period, no return of the bad, heavy pain in the region of the kidneys which troubled me for years before I began the use of Warner's Safe Cure.' In my case the cure has been thorough and permanent, and I doubt not it will be in others similarly afflicted, if a fair trial is accorded it. s-7 Yours faithfully, "Station Master Negation Station, Taff Vaíe Railway, Treharris, ll.S.O. Glamorgamhire, Wales." Thousands of testimonials like the above can be shown, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the beneficial effects of" Warner's Safe Cure are permanent. This permanency of power over disease givesit the most exalted rank, and in this particular it has no equal. Read the statement of Mr. Hiscock again, and then answer for your- self: Do you prefer to suffer, or will you give thorough trial to a remedy that has proved a blessing to so many many thousands ? For sale by all chemists and druggists, and at the stores. Price, 4s. 6d. If your chemist does not keep it, and will not order it, send your orders clireet tç, H. H. WARNER & CO., 47, Farringdon Street. London. E r TOBACCONISTS TiEFORE STARTING IN BUSINESS should d^write for Catalogue (post free) to LESSEE. FRIEBLANDEE, 3, HOXJNOSDITCH. LONDON. The OLDEST and CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD, Established 60 Years. SCOTCH WII IS Iv E YL 'S'w* *• CHLORODYNE. well known remedy for cRva-MBltiyp^^Sallds^lYiat-Diarrhcea.Dysentery JTever.&o. B|B8BBB^aSBB^gaM8Bjjibear8 on the stamp tne name of MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE.— A Private Gentleman is desirous of making advances upon Promissory Note alone, at 5 per cent. interest, to male or female, without sureties and strictly private, for any term not exceeding 10 years. Apply for prospectus and scale of repay- mente to G H. SHOVE, Esq., 21, John Street AflAinhi T.rmrinn W7 P. IB PENNYROYAL |« P§ I I SSWAWES&BinER APPLE g SUfWfyi NO OBSTRUCTION STANDS AGA1N8TTHEM. COATED, TASTELESS, and quite harmless to the most delicate constitution, but MARRIED LADIES should adhere strictly to the directions. 4/6 per box. By post, under cover, Id. extra. Of all chemists, or direct from the UNIVERSA ti DRUG CO., 19 and 21, QUEEN VICTORIA STBEET, E.G. LEWIS'S P A Send 23.,either in stamps I or postal orders, and BHH t yon will receive ONE POUND of splendid TEA.. Good enough for B f. the Queen to drink. B f Lo-vis'i sell 5,000 lbs. of g toa" day to persons who call for the tea, so that Lewis's lose the expense A0^k. M of carriage, which in about (3d. a package. It is m f because Lewis's wish their tea drunk in every m B f household in the United Kingdom they F sustain thi< loss; knowing well that when B f you have tasted Lewis's tea you will order raSHBSB f and recommen I it. Send 23., and address your § letters to • LEWIS'S IN LIVERPOOL A LUXURIANT GROWTH OF WHISKER- MOUSTA- CHIOS, HAIR, &c„ produ ed by using the Newly, discovered HAIR FORCER. Quite Harmless. Success Cer. tain. The result of one Box will surprise you. Sent secretly packed, post free, 13 and 26 stamps. B. ROBERTS, 17, Shaw Street, Derby. [io] BTRKBECK BANK.—Established 1851. Mouthampton Building# Chancery LaDe, "W. Deposits receired at 3 per cent, interest repayable on demand. On current accounts, interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. when not drawn below £25. No charge for keeping accounts. The Bank undertakes the custody ofsecuritiei of customers, and the collections of bills of exchange, dividends, and coupons. Stocks and shares purchased and sold, andadyances made. Office hours 10 till 4, on Saturdays 10 till 2. A pamphlet with full y»rtical»r» on applicmtion. FRANCIS RAVENSCROIT, SAFE INVESTMENTS FOR SMALL SUMS. PERSONS of either sex will find a perfectly secure investment for sums of £ 6 and upwards. Good security and large interest. Se- curity deposited with investor. References given and required. Apply to F. ST. AUBYN, Esq., 48, Porten Road, West Kensington Park, London, W. 13 THE ALBERT GATE MART & REGISTRY For Horses, Dogs, Carriages, Harness, &o. for Sale also for the Registry of high-class Men Servants wanted or requiring employment. Forms sent post free on application to the Proprietors, 24band 26, Brompton Road, London, S.W. (four doors from Messrs. Tattersall's.) ATT TV/TT^TVT^F&J™?11 ,T0 MARRY & BE ALL LI/L U L\| HAPPY should see the MAfl! /■A I I IVI 8 I 1 MlKltOR.sentfrcetoaDypartotthe JL JL a J .p J XT JL J* <d X 1 world on rcceint of ame & address. St Fit^ Sq.t Shv iRold. Don't delay—Send at once—it costs you notfrin £ MARK TWAIN System of'Memory. I had before beeii able, like most people, to store up and Xosd things in the dark cellar of my Memory, but he showed mo how to light up the cellar. It is the difference—to chanp,'° the ngure—between having money where you can't collect it, and having it; m your pocket. The Information eostme butlittle, X.U-Sal5eA1t^tTOT?S2.dlgious figure.Prospectus post free from Prof. A. IiOISiiTTJE, 37, New Oxford Street Jionaoa,C* WOOL-GROWERS' WOOL -r^ made into Tweeds, See. ROBERT HOUSTON & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, GREEXOCK. Estbd. 1780. As distinguished from other J^irms, we invariably return to each Customer Goods made of all his own Wool, unless he instructs otherwise. Exchanges cost less. FOR SALE, Our Prize Medal A'oo Harris Tweeds, Cheviot*, baxonies. Indigo Blues, &c. Write for Patterns, stating" whether "for manufacture," "for exchange, or for purchase." Carriage paid by R. H. & S. —TOBACCONISTS COMMENCING. m B M Wl fcna -Ail III/rated Gaiile, Registered (138 H V B B H m Pa&es). "How to open respectably Jm ■ ■ from £ 30 to £ 2,000," free of post. ■p Jr mm H- MYERS & Co., -1 MW ■ ■ 107, HI, EUST0N E0AD, flLJba VoV LONDON. Oldest and only original Toba»»««ists' complete Outfitters. 'i11E J^(^UA"cltY'TAL gri^crACLES The following- are a few of the numerous TESTIMONIALS we are dai'y receiving from Medical men, &c. From S. MOORE, Chemist, Earlstown & Altringham. Gentlemen,-nlhving supplied your Spectacles to many of my custom; rs, who speak in high terms of them, I can with pleasure testify to their value. Yours truly, S. MLOORB. To Wm. Herbert & Godfrey, London. From SAMUEL HITCH, Esq., M.D., 3, Grand Parade, Eastbourne. Gentlemen -I have worn Spectacles at least 50 years, and I have never lound any to which my eyes adapted themselves so readily and so pleasantly as these do. 'lh(y appear to me to render the type clearer, and by artificial light they certainly com- municate a sense of coolness. Yours, &> SAMUEL HITCH, M.D. To Wm. Herbert & Godfrey, London. From tePENUKK T. HALL, Esq., M.D..P.L.D., n M.A., Burnl;y. (jcntlemen,—! have no hesitation in testifying to the great comfort I have derived from the use of your tinted glasses. The sense of eoolue.ss and clearness to overwrought eyes is remarkable rr Jram'°!n's truly' SPENCER T. HALL. To Wm. Herbert & Godfr y. To Lo obtained of HUGii JONES, "Aùvertisor" Office, Llangollen. (2058 I SIX PER CENT. GUARANTEED MORTGAGE BONDS. LOMBARD INVESTMENT COMPANY. JL-A Capital paid-up,$1,000,000; liability of Shareholders. SI.000,000 surplus & reserve, $400,000: total,$2,100,000 ( £ 480,000). Head Office: Boston, Mass., Mr. B. Lombard, jun.. President. Western Office: Kansas City, Mo., Mr. J. L. Lombard, Vice-President and Manager. Sole Agent for Great Britain and Ireland, Mr. H. Ramsden (Ramsden & Austin, Solicitors), 150, Leadenhall St., London, E.C. The Company is prepared to receive money for investment in First Registered Mortgages of .Freeholds in the States of the United States of America, for five years, yielding 6 per cent. interest, payable by coupons half-yearly in London, principal and interest guaranteed by the Company. For full information as to these investments, apply to the London Office. BRASS,REED, STRING, DRUM & FIFE, CONCERTINA & MELODEON BANDS, also NIGGER TROUPES: PIANOS, ORGANS & HARMONIUMS at Wholesale Prices, J. MOORE & CO., Buxton-rd., Huddersfield. Prices & drawings of all Instruments post free. Music for Bands. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronised by Army,Navy, & Rifle Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in exchange. CURES HUSKY COUGH, or HOOSE in YOUNG CATTLE, SHEEP, TEGS, and COLTS. Price per i doz. Box 7/9, carriage paid. 22, Dorset Street, London, W. Z ][)ARLOW'S XAGNETIC CURATIVE J-'APPLIANCES.Ladies' and Gent.'s Belts for Rheumatism, Lumba^Weakness, and Nervousness. Pamphlet post free. DAELOW & Co., 443, West Strand, London. Estd. 21 years. nvQPrPQiA y^e ^ave a sure °ure U I Ui LI Uln for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, and General Debility. We intend to help all sufferers in this world, if we can reach them. If you are a sufferer, send us your name, and we will send you our packet of medicine by post, free of charge, upon receipt of three stamps to pay postage. Address, Dr. H. B. BANSOME & Co., 30, Ely Place, London, E.C. D'ARCY'S DUBLIN STOUT (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one.) BILLIARD & Bagatelle Tables. Immense Stock. Lists free.—G. EDWARDS, Kingsland Road, London. PHOTOGRAPHS in AT PRICES CHARGED FOR COLOURS ORDINARY PHOTOGRAPHY. (CELLERIER-P ARXES PROCESS). Under the personal supervision of MR. VERNON HEATH, T PhotograpliBr by Appointment to HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN & ROYAL FAMILY. 6TUDIOS Mall Gallery (opposite Marlborough House), W.: 16 and 17, poultry, London, E.C.; and 88, King's Road, Brighton. Enlarged Portraits m Monochrome, by Vemon Heath's Special Process, and all his well known enlarged Landscapes at 37, Piccadilly, London, W. -ji A T-TVTTT. A .T A speciality remedy for all kinds of Catarrhal Affections; for Diarrh°ea, Dysentery, Cholera, Indigestion, Spasms, Colic, &c.; for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Asthma, sc.; tor Hay Fever, Ague, Neuralgia, &o. Espe- cially adapted for Domestic use. No Traveller, Tourist, or Emigrant should be without a supply. Full directions with each bottle. Dose-from a few drops for Infants to 40 drops for Adults. A T.TVTTT. A _T An invaluable Household ■ Medicine. Price 2/9 per bottle of Chemists and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale of Messrs. Burgoyne & Co., 16, Coleman Street, London, E.C., and of L. MERCS, the Sole Manufacturer, 159, Euston Road, London, N.W. THE RENOWNED AND ONLY GENUINE RADLAUER'S CORN CURE (Made at the RED PHARMACY," in Posen, Germany) is an INFALLIBLE, SPEEDY, & PAINLESS REMEDY for CORNS, WARTS, & ALL SKIN EXCRESCENCES. AGENTS WANTED.—Send stamps, 1/lh, for a Bottle, including Brush (post-free) to S. RADLATJER, ,I. New Oxford Street. London. W.C. SALUD 2/9 IUBISAEY DI8EA8E8: THE NEW AND PALATABLE Remedy. A certain and speedy AI| |1B^ FWFL| CURE- Highly approved of by the Jr I I MEDICAL Faculty. Effective where AAI other drugs fail. See testimonials (English and Foreign) with each bottle. Of all Chemists, and 1IH Qf fl Wholesale of bRtwi m ga3- S25 PER GENT. SAVED Write for patterns of TROUSERS and instructions for self-measurement (easy as A B C). Fit guaran. teed. Parcels carriage paid. TARLZNG BROS., Wholesale Clothiers, 42, Ooswell Road, London, E.O, < Established 1S4Q. No Stable is Complete without. E LLIXAN 's ROY AL EMBROCATION. CA.STX.ES XaXXHTX]i (For the GOLD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA). LONDON to CAPE COLONY, NATAL, Ttt MAURITIUS, MADAGASCAR, and EAST AFRICA. HE CASTLE COMPANY'S Royal Mail Steamers sail from LONDON every alternate Wednesday, and from DARTMOUTH on the Friday following-. Return Tickets.—Apply to DONALD CTJURIE & Co., 4, Fencliurclx St., London, E.O. UNION LINE for SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD FIELDS. SEA VOYAGES for HEALTH'S SAKE to MADEIRA and the CAFE. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS of the UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Xiim.) sail from Southampton every alter- nate Thursday, and from Plymouth next day, for Cape and Natal Ports, calling at Madeira. Return Tickets now issued to and from all Ports. For Rates of Passage Moneyanrl all information apply to the UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Lim.), Oriental Place. Southampton.and ll.Leadenhall Street. London. EMIGRANTS' PASSAGES. FOR LOWEST FARES and information apply to SEWELL and CROWTHER, IS, Cockspur St., London. Canada, £ 3 United States, £ 316s.; Australia, £ 1212s.; Brisbane, £ 14; New Zealand. £ 13 13s.; South Africa, £ 15 15s. VIENNA HOSPITAL. „ T .Treatment for all NERVOUS DISEASES caused by youthful imprudence, sent free in sealed envelope.—Address, •Dr. H. B. RANSOME & Co., 80, Ely Place, London, E.C. NOVEL REMEDY FOR FILES. MORELLINE PADS, product of the Morella Cherry. Worn as a dry poultice on the stomach. Cures by absorption through the skin. ihe.only cure, so say they who've tried all things. ■"O trouble or inconvenience, and quite harmless. Relief is often immediate, and cure lasting. Operations avoided, an end to pain and suffering. Sair; "i Box, for 4/9, or by post, for P. O. Order, 5/ ■sent abroad by parcel post. Export orders taken. A mC rs 011 receipt of addressed stamped envelope. Apply to THOMAS GRANT & SONS, 46, Gresliam-st, London, E.C. TEN MILLION POUNDS POUIV trr-t«^ £ £ y.2?ted at 5 per cent, is not nearly as good as JRXJTCHER'S NEURALGIC PILLS" cm-ins? FACK-ACIIK, TOOTIT-ACHK, or NKUKALGIA. Jsoxes, l/l^ and 2/9, post free from the Proprietor, A. J. FUTCHER, BEACH ROAD, SOUTHSEA. TRICYCLES! TRICYCLES! TRICYCLES, ADTJTRICYOLE CO., Sheepcote Street, Bir- t^le Public to write for a Price List of the inimit- QUADRANT TRICYCLES, the best in the World. □ (Ill FR Q lands & sizes (Vertical, Portable, Cornish). •LknOTl'E GRANTHAM CRANK & IRON CO. Ltd., GRANTHAM. IN STOCKS, SHARES, &c. ? Before doing eitlier, send for our MONTHLY LIST OF STOCKS & SHARES. ADDRESS I WEST CENTRAL INVESTMENT AGENCY, 8, Millman Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. Nervous EXHAUSTION, Loss of Muscular Power, Strength, Energy, and Vitality, Constitutional Debility, Functional Weak- Bess, Feeble Appetite, &c. Eight page Pamphlet, giving speedy and certain cure. Two stamps. PROFESSOR DE VERE, Vale House, 326, King'. Road, London, S.W. Cr NEW ART "VORK FOR LADIES. PHOTOLEO PAINTINO. THE ONLY LUCRATIVE SYSTEM. Every lady should learn our beautiful and useful process of Painting photographs, engravings, woodcuts, &c., in oils. We claim for this invention the first place, amongst the nu- merous meth. dg of the day, for promoting artistic taste and giving emplo.\ ment to persons of slender means, or providing a pleasureable occupation for those desirous of utilising their spare time on learning a profession which may eventually be of great service to them. Success guaranteed in every case. The technicalities may be mastered in an hour, and proficiency guaranteed after one week's practice. The pupil need not have had the slightest previous artistic training, and any knowledge of drawing is entirely unnecessary. Pains taken to provide work for pupils. The cost of production is merely nominal, the only outlay being for colours and medium. No glasses or other expen- sive accessories used. Quite distinct from Orystoleum. Terms, two guineas by correspondence until perfect, In. cluding elegant case of colours, brushes, &c. Pupils easily earn from C3 to X5 per week, with an outlay of 5s. Full particulars of the Manager, PHOTOLEO COMPANY Studios Victoria House, 12 and 14, Catherine Street, Strmd, London, W.O. BNtkeM—London and County Banking 00. TCHWIS The Latest Improved and Most Perfect smWIIG jf 1CIIII Ever introduced to the English Market. MANUFACTURED BY THE Iffhite fjsMng |§|achme go., At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. 01 'f4: œ m S B p 0. ro ltt- I(Ø See a "WHITE" before Purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarrantee for Five Years. Also the "PEERLESS" Hand Machine. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Saul for Circulars to the Whit$SmiMg SmMm 19, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. GREAT REVIVAL IN THE FASHION FOR SI I 1*0* I 1 PnT Charming for i lull y°»ns lnaies-be- coming to the middle- ^g||||||pp jf aged, and stylish for all. LIVER OIL. /A TRADE lUARK. THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY, GRAND, AND WONDERFUL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. For the cure of Consumption, Loss of Flesh, Spit, ting of Blood, Weakness, Local Debility, Loss of Memory, Lassitude, Lowness of Spirits, Languid- ness Incapacity for Exertion, Study, or Business; the Mind Irritable and Desponding, Palpitation of the Heart upon the least excitement, want of Vital Energy, Nervous Debility, &c. All the above symptoms may be dispelled by means of this efficacious and remedial agency. It may well be termed the true FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH & VIGOUR, re-animating and reviving the functions of life imparting renewed energy and vitality to the most shattered constitutions debilitated and enfeebled by various influences. To be sold direct from the Inventor & Proprietor, GRANT MoDONALD, 3, RUPERT ST., LONDON, W., or by all Chemists, at the following prices, with directions:—half-pints, 2/6 pints, 4;6; quarts, 9/- P.O.O. to be made payable to the Proprietor, at Charing Cross, London. ESTABLISHED 1851. JJIRKBECK Jg A N K.— „ so, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand. .TWO per CENT INTEREST, allowed on CURRENT ACCOUNTS calculated on the minimum monthly balances When not drawn below £100. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, can be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSfiROtfT. Mananrr. MADE VilTH BOILING- WATER. p E P P S'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. NIL COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. SOUTH AFRICA and the GOLD FIELD3. OPENING FOR TRADESMEN. A Correspondent in Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, writes under date 14th Feb. 1887 :— It is almost certain that tradesmen of all classes will soon be needed for this Colony, to take the place of those who have already gone to the Gold Fields, and of numbers who are rapidly saving up to follow them. The one or two 'rushes' I witnessed in Natal were quickly followed by the return of the disap- pointed, but now men only come back to sell up,' and take away their families, bag and baggage,' to the country of the future." ]\/rONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELYT From £ 20 to £ 5000, lo responsible persons, Male or Female, in Town or Country, at one Day's Notice, upon PROMISSORY NOTES, WITHOUT ANY OTHER SECURITY Also upon Deeds, Leases, Life Policies, Stocks, ShareS Legacies and Reversions at Five per Cent. Distance no object, as Loans may be repaid by Cheques or Postal Orders, and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remain. All COMMUNICATIONS are STRICTLY PRIVATE. Apply personally or by post to the actual lender, C. CHARLES, Esq., 4, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London. N.B.-Established 1867, since which period the money advanced by Mr. CHARLES exceeds 45,000,000, and no good application is ever refused. TflSITIN G CARDS printed at three hours' notice Card-plate engraved in the most fashionable stvle an<i cheaper than any house in London. 100 superfine ivory carfs Printed from own plate, 1/9. Samples free y as' PARKINS & GOTTO, Oxford Street. Lonrlmi W ARKINS and GOTTO, r:¡:. (j°URT STATIONERS: J t ;rXuVe Dest Pen in the world. T. ali writers. As flexible as a quill everv uninf- ha-nr? finished. Runs rapidly and smoothly over the paper Free from any disagreeable scratch. The ink flows freely from it trom Sample box of three dozen post free for if s^^lTma -Tojbe had only of the makers stamps" w Ovfv>y,f St- London. W. liffiffll & J" ^acnau^htonT llUL WOOLLEN MANUFACTURLRS, WW Pitlochry, Perth? hi re Have been AWARDED a PRIZE Mpnir .< Woollen Manufactures in the EDiNBrYrn u- NATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1886 H They pay carriage of Wool sent to them for manufacture into their celebrated PJTLOOHRY TWEEDS, DRESS TWEEDS, BLA'IKETS, TT. RUGS, &C. nighest eulogiums from the Leading Journals, Pat- yield of wool, Ac., on application^a "b^S rCqUlred' fa writUwS?for (1..1 for add II for TNNS of COURT FAMILY TTOTPT tral;'quT^oinmodilouR^We?ldVn^b^al0f<'St L<fldon' ^-C- CEU" HEIDELRFRR ^•'st"c^ass family hotel. L. U L L U L! IU Xhe only hotel jn the CagtIe Rrolmdgj Schloss-Hotel. wonderlully situated immediately above the great Castle Garden Terrace. IV*. SCOTT'S EILIOUS & LTVER PILLa Safest Medieme; prepared without mercury. R.. SCOTT'S PILLS cure S'ck Headac^^ s and G-iddincss. DK SCOTT'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Platailency. DR. SCOTT'S PILLS cure CostiveJ2.<1-Tl<l -Vtomach Pams. DR. SCOTT'S PILLS cure Lassitude and JNTervous Depression. DR7 SCOTT'S PILLS restore the Appetite and promote Digestion. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS. Some unscrupulous pei'sons may try to persuade you to buy some preparation of their own. Do not do so, but insist on having Dr. Scott's Biliovis and Liver Pills,which are wrapped in a square green package, bearing the name of the Proprietor, W.IiAMBEB T, 173. Sey mour-plaoo, London. W. A li R. HUGHES, JF ,y Llangollen. ^LlangoUen. ,7 R. HUGHES, W ATCH MANUFACTURER, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, BEGS respectfully to call the attention of th< -D public to his extensive stock of W A TC HES AND CLOCKS, The lowest and best in the Principality. He is, therefore, able to sell as cheap as any house j: the trade. All Watches and Clocks are guaranteed. A large selection of GOLD and SILVER CHAINS at the lowest prices. Also, a first-class stock of every description of GOLD RINGS and JEWELLERY. Clocks and Watches repaired and cleaned. (491.4i) Church Street Smithy, LLANGOLLEN. JONATHAN H. JONES, Begs respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Llangollen an-i Neighbourhood that he has just take! the Business carried on for so many years by the late Mr. Lewis Owens, Blacksmith, At the aire re address, wht,re he trusts, by GOOD WOEKUANSHIP, combined with STKICTLY HODBKATE CHARGES, to merit a share of public support. HORSE-SHOEING WILL RECEIVE PARTICULAR AT FEN IION. FARMING IMPLEMENTS MADE OR REPAIRED. ALL KINDS OF GENERAL WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ENTRANCE (2264) From CHURCH STREET and REGENT STREET. BOOT STORES. ESTABLISHED 1822. JAMES JONES, STAFFORD HOUSE, CHURCH STREET, LLANGOLLEN. A large assortment of every quality of Boots on hand REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. (2243) PEACOCK PICKLES. TO6! T>Best *or Hotel Keepers, Publicans, Restaurant* 1 8 boon to Householders, being a treat wttn Cola Meat, and making the plainest viands palatablfc Pronounced a luxury by those who have once used them. Sold in gallon jars-Cabbage, In. 3d.; Piccalilli, 2s. witrf, 21. Onions. 2s. 6d. Sixpence on all jars. reacock Pickle Factory, R. BROWN, Manager, 24, Holland Street, Southward Delivered carriage free within 12 1411.01 London, and to all London Railway Termini. 7 LO PI:LLSI —+— Impurities of the Blood. These wonderful Pills are valued at the humblest hearths as well as in the houses of comfort and wealth. They work a thorough purification throughout the whole system, without disordering the natural action of any organ, and eradicate those germs of complaints which consign tens of thousands to an early grave. Indigestion, Bilious Complaints, and Sick Headache. No organ in the human body is so liable to disorder as the liver, and none is more apt, when neglected, to become seriously diseased. Remember when nausea, Ratulenoy, or acidity on the stomach warns us that digestion is not proceeding properly, that Holloway's Pills regulate every function, give strength to every organ, speedily remove all causes of indigestion, bile, and sick headache, and effect a permanent cure. Weakness and Debility. 61 In cases of debility, languor, and nervousness, generated by excess of any kind, whether mental or physical, the effects ot these Pills are in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and restorative. They drive from the system the morbid causes 01 disease, re-establish the digestion, regulate all the secretions, strengthen the nervous system, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back the frame to its pristine health and vigour. Turn of Life and Dropsical Swellings. The turn of life is the most distressing period in woman's existence; it destroys thousands. The whole of the gross humours collect together, and like a tide sweep away health and life itself, if not timely and powerfully checked. The most certain antidote for all these dangers is Holloway's Pills. The Kidneys-Their Derangement and Cure. ti J^ese Pills be used according to the printed directions, and the Ointment rubbed over the region of the kidneys for at least half an hour at bed-time, as salt is forced into meat, it will penetrate the kidneys and correct any derangement, should the affliction be stone or gravel, it is particularly re- commended that the Ointment, in such cases, be used night a id morning, as by its judicious application the most astound- ing cures may be performed. Tlolloway s Pills arc the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases :— ':n I emale Ir- Lumbago (Secondary SvniP* \sihma regularities Piles toms Unions Com- Fevers of all Rheumatism|Tic-Doloreux plaints kinds Itetention of Ulcers Blotches on the Gout Urine Venereal Affections i, ,n „ Headache Scrofula, or Worms of all kinds i5o\\el Com- Indigestion King's Evil Weakness from Tl^ u.s Liver Com-Sore Throats whatever £ •«use, Debility plaints Stone and &c., &c. D opsy Gravel Sold at Professor HOLLOW A y's Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.), London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at is. i^d., 2s. gd., 4s. 6d., IIS., 22s. and 33s. each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language. N.B.-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter DAVID ROBERTS & SON, DAVID ROBERTS & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND j^PPRAISERS, ACCOUNTANTS, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, TEMPLE BUILDINGS, CORWEN. EDWARD EDWARDS, A UCTIONEElt AND APPRAISER, A 1, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. (1773) Printed and published every Friday Morning, by the proprietor, HUGH JONES, at his Atmospheric Printing Works, Castle-street, Llangollen, in the county of Denbigh, Sept. Kith, 1887. All orders advertisements, and communication arc requested to be addressed to the "AdYertiaor" Olfioe, Llan gollon.