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PARLIAMENTARY SUMMARY. The Lords, on Friday, read a third time and passed the Coal Mines Regulation Bill, the Labourers' Allotment Bill, and the bill to amend the Friendly Societies Act, 1875, and on Wednesday virtually brought the session to a close by passing several other measures through their remaining stages. The sitting was then adjourned until this day (Fri- day), when the Queen's Speech will be read. The House of Commons concluded its business on Tuesday, when the Consolidated Fund (Appro- priation) Bill was read a third time. The House then adjourned until to-day. An important dis- cussion took place on Monday, when Sir William Harcourt entered a strong protest against the Irish policy of the Government, more especially in regard to its action in suppressing the right of public meeting. Mr. Balfour, Mr. Gladstone, the Attorney- General for Ireland, Mr. Dillon, and Lord Randolph Churchill followed. Mr. Parnell then moved the adjournment of the debate, but on a division the motion was defeated by 228 to 87. On Tuesday morning, during discussions in committee on the Coal Mines Regulation Bill and the Truck Bill, a Scotch member and an Irish member (Mr. Graham and Mr. E. Harrington) were suspended for dis- regarding the authority of the chair. 1VEL fill Q UESTIOJSfS. AGRICULTURISTS' PETITION FOR PROTECTION. In the House of Lords, on Thursday, Earl De la Warr, in rising to present a petition tj'pm e members of the Denbighshire and Flintshire Agricultural Society, said he desired to do so because he thought the subject of which it treated was of such importance that he might reasonably ask their lordships' attetnion to it. The petitioners desired to impress upon their lordships the grievous state in which the agricultural interest was placed by the low prices which had ruled for some time for agricultural produce, and to express their conviction that if the present state of things continued a very large proportion of the land in Great Britain would of necessity go out of cultivation. They also called attention to the fact that nearly 50 per cent. of the food of the people was derived from foreign sources, and that,in the event of a war with any of the great naval Powers the food of this country would be raised to famine prices. In conclusion, the petitioners earnestly prayed that your lordships, right honourable House will give its most serious attention to the present condition of things, and if it is considered undesirable to place import duties on foreign produce, it is quite possible to relieve the agricuttu-al interest frommany of the ratesaud taxes which now press so heavily upon the industry." This was the substance of the petition he had the honour to present, and he wished to express his entire concur- rence in the object and wording of the petition, and therefore asked their lordships' attention to the very reasonable views which it expressed. (Hear hear.) He had ventured to bring this petition under their notice because he was reminded that no measure had been passed in this protracted session with a view to giving relief to agriculture, and at the same time he was bound to add that no attempt, so far as he was aware, hal been made by her Majesty s Government or by Parliament, to solve the difficult question of foreign and colonial competition which was undoubtedly striking a deadly blow at the interests of agriculture. On the contrary, early in this session the noble marquis at the head of her Majesty's Government stated that he did not entertain any hope of being able to cope with relict of this kind by legislation. He, therefore, ventuieu to think that the prayer of the petition w as wi in the scope of legislative action by the alternative of "relief by taxation." There was unmistakable signs that the country was beginning to think that something must be done, and that shortly, to relieve the agricultural interests either by a reform of the fiscal system and the incidence of taxation, or by a readjustment of foreign and colonial tariffs so far as was possible. His lordship gave notice that early next session he should move a resolution to the effect that, having regard to the present depressed condition of the agricultural interest, it was incumbent upon the Government to consider what measures could be adopted to avert the grave consequences that might otherwise ensue. THE TITHES. Ill the House of Commons, on Thursday, in reply to Mr. H. Gardner and Mr. J. Talbot, Mr. W. H. Smith said that the Government had come to the conclusion that, under present circumstances, it was not desirable to appoint a royal commission to inquire into the question of tithes. In answer to another question from Mr. Talbot on Monday, Mr. W. H. Smith said the subject of tithe rent charge would receive the serious attention of the Government during the recess, and he had every hope of being able to submit proposals to Parliament early next session. The same evening Mr. Herbert Gardner inquired whether the Government would extend the scope of a new bill to remedy some of the abuses of the Tithes Commutation Act of 1836, as well 'as include the question of readjustment.—Mr. W. H. Smith said it was impossible to say what the result of the serious consideration he referred to would be.

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Family Notices


To the Editor of the" Llangollen…

To the Editor of the " Llangollen…



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