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THE CONVICT MICHAEL BARRETT. On Monday evening the Governor of Newgate an official communication from the Secretary ^tate for the Home Department respiting for seven from Tuesday the convict Michael Barrett, now n«8r sentence of death there for the murders caused y the Clerkenwell explosion. Tuesday had been day appointed for the execution, and prepara- tlon were being made for it. The prisoner, since his Eviction, is understood to have behaved with much Propriety. Being a Roman Catholic, he has been attended by a priest of that persuasion from day to and has not therefore come within the ministra- "<>ng 0f t}je Ordinary of Newgate. A day or two after sentence the Fenian convicts, Burke and Shaw, *er« removed from Newgate, to the great relief of 'hose charged with the responsible duty of guarding the prison, but the vigilance of the authorities, in- stead of being relaxed in consequence, may be said to have been increased, if possible, while Barrett re- nins there under sentence. Day and night the gaol 13 Surrounded and patrolled, as it has been for months Past, by a picked body of the city police, armed with Classes and revolvers, no two of whom are ever out of sight of each other, not to mention the special arrangements inside for its greater security. New- gate. indeed, may be said to be a fortress of itself, \nd but for the subtle characteristics of the Fenian Organization and the affair at Clerkenwell, preceded, as it was, by the rescue at Manchester, and the ^°ape of the Fenian prisoners from custody in Ire- laHd, it would never, probably, have entered into the "thorities to guard a place so impregnable of itself. that as it may, the city police, charged with the Special duty of protecting the prison, have never for a tnoment allowed such consideration to weaken their sense of responsibility, or to relax their vigilance, those who have had occasion, from day to day, observe them on duty during the recent protracted TOust have been struck by their untiring zeal /lnd devotion. Now that the trials are over, not to !^erinto details, it is due to the Sheriffs and Under- ,Griffs to state that the precautions they took from ay to day to protect the Court-house, inside and out, ]{er6 as complete as they could possibly be, though to only a few beyond themselves, and those frotily were aware of the consequent security from |°ssible danger or outrage with which every one business in Court, great and small, was hedged °ind. •gafP,RlT MOVEMENTS.—In the year 1S67, 34,661 ffo Pro°f home-made spirits were removed LERN* ^N8'A,,D to Ireland and 1,115,766 gallons were oyed from Ireland to England; 11,060 gallons C/emoved from England to Scotland, and Scot- « favoured England with 3,600,400 gallons. K°CKING ^FFAIR AT DEEBY.—For some days past *ith an^ neighbourhood have been placarded tbe be startling announcements that Mr Worthington, tjy ^ar Diver of the World,' would exhibit on the <»o7rw*nt> on Thursday afternoon and *>Qq 'owing days. Among other feats he was an- ^er°e^ *° iumP from height of 120 feet into the entertainment was announced to com- the £ e 2.20 on Thursday afternoon in a field on <jrovail^s of the Derwent between Derby and Darley ^3 y6' ^e pel former, a young man of about 22 or age, appeared on the ground at the ap- |hen tlrne, dressed in a bathing costume, and com- itjgijjj. Performing a series of feats under the water, «atinE1118 linking milk from a bottle, peeling and threw 0r!?nge» blowing a trumpet, &c. He also ^^hibitio *m° the water an(* rescued him. The Water a d v SS to c*ose wit^ the 'eap 'nto l^6 aqUa' n(* 'Worthington ascended the scaffold about HiiQaf er past four o'clock. After remaining some {Hit jies ,n making the necessary preparations, he the t- into position for diving, and jumped into iy.i \er* In his progress downwards he made three ^tions of his body, and a medical gentleman on °ank remarked to some of the bystanders that t], *»s a dead man. Worthington fell heavily on top of the water on his side, and at once sunk "e bottom of the river. The people seemed to feet that he would rise to the surface, as was his 0tn, and some minutes elapsed before any efforts of6.1!6 toade to recover the body. At last Mr Smith, ^aton> dived into the water, and after several Ifyi^essful efforts succeeded in bringing the lifeless Worthington to the surface. Four medical M^n.Drs Topham, Jamieson, Fant, and Iliffe, 4Uen,a^ been witnessing his performances, promptly on being brought to the bank in a Vt tjjJl *very means were used to resuscitate life, °pini< efforts were unavailing, as life was extinct, *°g. ^e'nf? ^at he died from concussion while geut] was a large attendance both of ladies P^sent, an?ei1' mother and two brolhei 'S were fi ea* prai • ere sPectators of his untimely death. the K6 '8 ^ue to Smith for his exertions to 'lety The height of the jump was about B AT CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY.— \r ^'HiarH ND ^Igges for £ 50.—A first-rate match p*?0'' place on Thursday night, at Brown's pJf Billiard Rooms, between Charles Hughes 40 p". 'gges, of London, 1000 up, Digges receiving tiC'°ck ln^8, commenced shortly after seven f She' proceeded steadily till it was called 0t1ierS an(* digges 283, and at this point the >lla(le his first break of 45 Digges shortly s s„ar^s followed suit with a break of 67, bringing Nde a'6 UP to 382* hughes getting his hand in, pother fine break of 79, and Digges getting a °* 44, brought his numbers up to 500. Hughes Vn vv'th a nice break of 88, from 238 to 326, !>e u?dy Play was the order of the day until the as"—Digges 557, and Hughes 345—whe^ the i!?*dil another fine break of 51. Digges went along to 600, when Hughes made 460. a smaH break of 22 Hughes following 'Ig a^e °ver with 28 and 21. Digges with 8 win j 3*; l°s'ng hazard put up 26, and flughes Dj failed to score getting their wind, l11 's led off with a magnificent break of 70, j, his spot strokes in succession, and at the end VS,k «? g^me was called—Digges 751, sPot Ttle Iattev soon after matle 33 with P0intStLO^es» and two winning hazards. From there were no particular breaks made till V 23 3S 803> an(^ Hughes 657, when the former °f 6fiD<* H.u8hes 33, following this up with a liH°Pp0ne H'hich brought him up to within 113 of now with even success !l 8ame» Digges 900, Hughes 800. C e»l Made l5' ^"fihes got another break W tj)j • en ■'small scores became the order of the V theQ h. —^gges 959, Hughes 937. The ake "I 1 ndled his cue with such dexterity as to th^6S' 3nc^ raost brilliant break ever wit- fl>ot ^tartineSe .rooms' an(l but seldom anywhere N o °ke ej^,Wl^h a winning hazard, he made the .VJ^ent tlmes in succession, which headed Xh r°und' f resu^ which was greeted with a » Do cision °il aPP,ause* Paying with extraordi N i^et 13' continued placing the red ball into X > CK Te' v°"him lhe 6ame' 4,'tS,SL,0oo TV Y cheered when it was called — t till h '^es ,^e st'll kept on with a °f l3g 6 ,a(^ ma(ie 46 times in succession, • John Paton, the marker called the




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