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EVANS'S CLOTHING STORES, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, MERTHYR TYDFIL. GREAT WINTER SALE OF BOYS' & MEN'S CLOTHINC & CENERAL STOCK OF OUTFITTING, COMMENCING ON SATURDAY NEXT. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED. MEN'S BLUE BEAVER AND MELTON OVERCOATS, 16s. lid., Regular Price, 30s. MEN'S BLUE BEAVER OVERCOATS, 22s. 6d., Regular Price, 35s. MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS WITH DEEP CAPES, 10s. 6d., Regular Price, 25s. 6d. MEN'S TWEED SUITS, 12s. lld., Regular Price, 28s. 6d. MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS, 2s. Hid., Worth 7s. lid. A Large Selection of BOYS' SUITS, BOYS' OVERCOATS Sold at Nearly One-half Regular Prices. MEN'S SHIRTS, DRAWERS, MOLE and CORD TROUSERS, SCARVES, BRACES, RUGS, UMBRELLAS, &c., All Reduced. TERMS CASH. D. J. EVANS'S CLOTHING STORES (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE), MERTHYR. Toothache, Neuralgia, Tic-doloreux. All who suffer SHOULD TAKE JONES' NEURALGIA MIXTURE. Thia Mixture is prepared from a Special Prescription of a late Eminent Physician, who never failed to effect a rapid and lasting cure with it. One trial will convince the most sceptical of the above assertion, and its marvellous efficacy is the only wairanty in thus speaking so confidently of its virtues, and making it known to the public. RECENT TESTIMONIALS. "66, John-street, Merthyr Tydfil, "I had been a martyr to Neuralgia for a month,one i ebruary 7th, 1895. bottle of your mixture quite cured me. DEAR SiR,—My daughter, now residing at London, A. SWEET, 8, Penry Street." was a martyr to Neuralgia for three weeks, she tried many doctors and Chemists' Mixtures, buc they all I had been suffering for years,and had tried many did her no good. Two doses of your Mixture com- chemists'and doctors, mIXtures, but all did me no good. pletely cured her, the result was truly marvellous. One bottle of your mixture greatly relieved me. The (Signed JANE HILL." result was marvellous. «« A j i. r .i MARGARET RICHARDS, 12, Iron Lane." 'After having tried most of the advertised v remedies, I found that one bottle of your Mixture I have found such great relief from your Neuralgia completely cured me of a very bad attack of Tooth- Mixture that I have advised a friend of mine to take ache and Neuralgia. it, and I hope it will do her as much good as it has (Signed), ANNIE DANIEL, Iron Bridge Shop, done me. November 30th, 1894." WM. WAGSTAFF, 17, Howell Street," The above are only a few recent testimonials, others are being received daily. Sold in Bottles, Is. 1 !d, each, per Post 3d. extra. PREPARED ONLY BY CHAS. W. JONES, A.R.P.S., Dispensing Chemist (by Exam.), 3A, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIREWOOD FOR SALE, ALSO Empty Butter Casks for Immediate Disposal. FOR PARTICULARS- VICTORIA TEA COMPANY, LTD., ALBION HOUSE, MERTHYR. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. For the complete cure of Coughs,'Colds, and all affections of the A Throat, Chest, and Lungs. The first dose will give relief in ten M M minutes. Unlike any other (preparation it clears the throat, JaA disolves the phlesnn and leaves the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs ■ ■ X. A in a healthy condition. For Asthma, Bronchitis,Hoarseness,Short- ness of Breath, Influenza, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, &c., it acts like MAGIC and a few doses will be found te affect a permanent CURE of these most distressing disorde s. This remedy is admitted by thousands to be the World's Great Medicine. ————. U you luve A cough or Slight cold. » X T T ta PnwM MVB 111 I f — U CARRY'S COUGH SYRUP Chest,try one bottle and prove for your J \^J V M A A And the most violent coutrh •elf, its immediate effect for removing w l in a short ti ne be n coughs of long standing loss of voice, wIll in a snort tune be re, abating feverish colds. nioi-ed. TESTIMONY OF ITS EFFICACY KEEPS POURINC IN. A Lady writes :—" Am travelling on the Continent and am quite out of your celebrated Cough Syrup. Please send per return two large Bottles, by parcel post, to Post Office, Marseilles. The only cure I ever had after trying all the advertised preparations. I I THIS TESTIMONIAL IS WORTH READING. Y J [ J J DEAR SIR, —I was invalided for months unfit for work owing to severe Cough and Asthma. I was told of your Syrup, and two bottles completely cured me and enabled me to follow my usunl work."—Sold in Bottles, 1/1J and 2/9 each. Of all Chemists, or can be obtained post free for 15 and 36 stamps from the proprietor, J. PARRY, Chemist, 94, Canterbury Road, Kilburn, London, N.W, WOOTTON, THE PEOPLE'S CASH DKAPEU, CLOTH HALL, MERTHYR TYDFIL, IS NOW SELLING Grand Lines in Real Welsh Flannel Shirting, better was never made at Is. Did. per yard for Cash also Stripes and Checks for Men's Drawers. BLANKETS, us. lUd., Gs. II.>d., 8s. llid., 10s. 6d. to 21s. per pair. Buy these and yon will very likely live long. SHEETS, 2s. 6d., 2s. 11 Id., 3s. 6d., 3s. lHd. Sleeping made easy. BLUE AND GREEN QUILTS, 4s. 11 Id., 5s. llid., 7s. llkl. to lis. 6d. WOOTTON Serves Crowds of Smart Buyers Every Week. TERMS CASH. NO CREDIT. PRESS ON TO WOOTTON'S THE UP-TO-DATE CASH DRAPER. New Iron Frame PIANOFORTE. Full Trichord. Check Action. Latest Improvements. Handsome Rosewood or Walnut CcM-u. Sent FREE to any station on receipt of Gash— £ 21—Cash. 10 Years Warranty Given. AMERICAN ORGANS. Fiucst Makers, from £6 to icloo. HARMONIUMS. Special Church Damp Resisting, from zC4 to £60. SKILFUL TUNERS Sent Everywhere. HEINS & CO., BRECON. ALSO AT HEREFORD, ABERGAVENNY, and ROSS. AKES Boots and Harness The Cheapest and Best Printers in Merthyr for all |J&|f5B^d sotir™W™* AddsS three °f Commercial and Artistic Printing are- times to the wear and allows pol- TIMES PRINTING COMPANY, GOLD MEDAL LS £ 1DIL- .1? EXHIBITION TIMES OFFICE, JOHN STREET, a H m Highest Awards. (Next to Temperance Hall), MERTHYR. ■ Tins 24., 6d., Is., and 2e. fid. of nil Bootmaker?, Saddlers, v r Tl LflllJIIII Leather Sellers, &c. r155-20'l Intimates given for every kind of Printing on ■PVUvMH ■ application to the Manager. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Our numerous readers are requested to note the fact that MESSRS. R. THOMAS AND SON, CHEMISTS, 143, HIGH STREET, AND 64, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION), MERTHYR TYDFIL, ARE NOW SELLING PATENT MEDICINES AT STORE PRICES. USB THOMAS' MAGNOLIA BOUQUET SOAP. The most delicate skins may be washed with this beautiful preparation in the severest weather. It causes neither redness or irritation. It is unique for its soothing and healing properties, creamy lather, and delightful perfume. TABLETS, 5d. EACH; 4/6 PER DOZEN. (3664 G. M. & R. GUN SON, 67 AND 68, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, FAMILY GROCERS, Flour, Corn, and Provision Merchants, CONFECTIONERS, DEALERS IN GAME, WINES, & SPIRITS. Ales and Stouts in Cask or Bottle. Patent Medicines, Proprietary Articles, Cigars. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEA AT Is. 6d. IMPORTERS OF CHOICEST DANISH BUTTERS. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. G. M. & R. GUNSON, 67 & 68, High Street, MERTHYR TYDFIL. IF YOU WANT HEALTH AND STRENGTH TRY PURDY'S HEALTH HERB BEER AND HOP ALE. It is very strongly recommended to persons employed in Mills, Foundries, and other Workshops. It is the most REFRESHING and NON-INTOXICANT Beverage ever offered to the public. It is pleasant to the taste, quenches the thirst, and it assists digestion. It is entirely VEGETABLE, consisting of a combination of some of the most valuable MEDICINAL PLANTS. It is equally well adapted for young or old, and within the reach of every family. It is delivered free, and all empties are collected as often as desired. Orders by post ptly attended to. SOLD IN BOTTLES AT lOd. PER GALLON. MANUFACTURED BY CHARLES W. PURDY, Works: Jenkins' Court, Quarry Row, Merthyr. R P R E E s HAS JL"8T RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS From the well-known and largest Seed Growers in England, MESSRS. CARTER AND COMPANY, LONDON. THESE SeedB have been carefully and specially selected to suit this neighbourhood, having had nearly JL Thirty Yea.ra' experience. To prevent disappointment and loss, you are earnestly invited to buy these Seeds, which havo been carefully tested and proved satisfactory, so that under favourable circumstances failure is impossible. NOTE THE ADDRESS R. P. REES, Chemist (by Examination), SEEDSMAN, &c„ 177, HIGH STREET, DOWLAIS. Prompt Attention given to all Orders by Post. EARLY SPRING FASHIONS. PHILLIPS and JONES (Lale D. PHILLIPS and Go.) HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, HAVE much pleasure in informing their patrons and the public geuerally that they have returned from the various CENTRES OF FASHION, And have completed their arrangements for the SPRING TRADE. But continual care will bu taken to add all the Newest Productions as the Season advances. The following Departments are now replete with the veiy LATEST NOVELTIES, And will be found marked at MODERATE PRICES. DEPARTMENTS DRESSES and SILKS. i LADIES' & CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING. MANTLES and MILLINERY. KIBB0^\cLACES' GL0YE^ HOSIERY, WOOLLEN CLOTHS, MENS MEKCEIiY, &c., &c. HOUSEHOLD LINEN AND FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. OUR DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING, MILLINERY AND BESPOKE TAILORING ARE UNDER EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT. public announcement*. AN INTERESTING BOOK. A Guide to Merthyr Tydfil," By T. E. CLARKE, Originally published in 1848, is now re-published by J. P. LEWIS, PRINTER & STATIONER, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. Price Paper Cover, 9d. Cloth Boards, Is. Thia Book contains an account of the origin and progress of the Iron Works, Local Antiouities, Social and Religious matters, a history of the riots, and much otter interesting information, bringing the work up to date. [2885 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Temperance Hall, Merthyr. MABON S DAY, 6TH MAY, 1895. HIGH STREET BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. Grand Performance by the Sunday School Choir of the beautiful Cantata entitled CROWN OF THE YEAR," By CARYLL FLORIO, To be preceded by a short Miscellaneous Concert. Proceeds tv be devoted to the Church Reuovation Fuud. [2909 public announcements. PALM SUNDAY! PALM SUNDAY APRIL 7th, 1895. ORDERS are now being booked for Wreaths, Crosses, and Cut Flowers, for above date. Having over an Acre of Glass Houses I can supply above in large quantities. SEEDS SEEDS BEST ANIJ CHEAPEST. All splendid, selected stock. Onion, White Spanish, 4d. per oz. James* Keeping, 6c'. per oz. Peas from lOd. per quart. All other Seeds equally good& cheap. Catalogues Free.^ Hundreds of good, strong Cucumber and Tomato Plants now ready. A trial order respectfully solicited. HENRY PITT, Brecon-road Nursery, Abergavenny. Market Square Chambers, Merthyr Tydfil. G. ALEC LEWIS, (LATE HENRY LEWIS), AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ACCOUN- TANT, SURVEYOR, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. SALES OF FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, AND COPYHOLD PROPERTY, TIMBER, MACHINERY, FURNITURE, STOCKS, <tc VALUATIONS FOR PROBATA, TRANSFER, MORTGAGE, SCCCESSION DUTY, &C. Ebiates managed. Routs collected. Mortgages arranged. [2905 public announcements. Brynmawr Chair Eisteddfbd and Band Contests. APRIL 1ST., 1895. RAND & numerous Programmes VX may be obtained from E. WATKINS, Secretary, 1, King-streot, Brynmawr. Llangynider School Board. TENDERS are invited for certain ALTERA- TIONS and ADDITIONS to the DUKES- TOWN SCHOOL, as per plan and specification, which can be seen at my office situate in Castle- street, Tredegar. The -Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders to be in my hands on or before the 7th of April prox. C. DAUNCEY, Solicitor, Clerk of Board, Treclegar. 12th March, 1895. [2955 SPRING CLEANING, 1895. PAPERHANGINGS PAPERHANGINGS R. H. LUSCOMBE, 44, VICTORIA-STREET, DOWLAIS, HAS just received a large consignment of PAPER- HANGINGS for 1895 Season, which he isoffer- ing at exceptionally low prices to clear, comprising— GOLDS, SATINS, NEW MICA LUSTRE, PULPS, SANITARYS, &c. An inspection earnestly solicited before purchasing elsewhere. All branches of the painting trade receive pcrsoua) attention. Note the Address :— R. H. LUSCOMBE, PAINTER, DECORATOR, &c., 2937] 44, VICTORIA-STREET, DOWLAIS. Merthyr Tydfil Gas Company. REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF GAS. NOTICE. THE DIRECTORS of the MKUTHVK TYDFIL GAS COMPANY hereby inform the Consumers, and the public generally, that on the FIIIST DAY of JAM AKY last the Price of Gas was REDUCED in the Town District from 3s. 4d. to 3s., and in the out districts of Iroedyrhiw, Penrheolgerrig, and Cefn- coedycwmmmer, from 3s. 8d. to 3s. 4d. per thousand cubic feet nett. Gas Engines, Gas Fires, Gas Cookers, and Stoves at 2s. lOd. per thousand cubic feet nett when supplied through a separate meter. By Order, E. B. EVANS, Gas Offices, Gas Works, Chairman. Merthyr Tydfil. 6th February, 1995. (2873 MR. DESMANE, SPECIALIST On all COMPLAINTS and DISEASES, attends Business viz., at his Private Rooms only, except when he visits patients who cannot attend on account of sickness. Through his GREAT SUCCESS in Merthyr and district he has now FIVE PLACES of Attendance. In 12 mouths nearly 4,000 have received his Treatment. Call at once and see the GRKAT AND STARTLING TESTIMONIALS. WONDERFUL CURES after years of suffering. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. A SURE CURE in every case, whatever the com- plaint or disease may be. It will be taken in charge, and skilfully and successfully treated. DEAFNESS AND WEAK EYES Receive special attention. Hundreds of Cures in one year. TEKTH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, 3N. EACH. CALL OR WRITE AT ONCE. Do not be put off by anyone. AuvicR FREK. Telegraphic Addre-s—Desmane, Dispensary, Merthyr HKAD ADDRESS MERTHYR, The Dispensary, Westbourne Place, Plymouth-road. Tuesdays and Sundays all Day, and until Noon other Days. DOWLAIS, Merthyr and Dowlais Coffee Tavern. Mondays, 3 until 9 p.m. PONTYPRIDD, City Coffee Tavern, High-street, near Station Gates. Wednesdays, 3 until 8.30 p.m. ABERDARE, Davies' Eating House, 2, Market- street. Thursdays, 3 until 9 p.m. TREHARRIS, 33, Perrott-street, near Railway Station. Fridays, 2 until 8 p.m. FEMALES, MADAME DESMANE attends in private Female Cases, and her special preparation should be known to all. It never fails. Please write or call for advice and particulars. All communications strictly private. I TO MAKE HARD TIMES EASY Is a problem thousands are daily trying to solve. YOU CANNOT MAKE A SOVEREIGN worth more than twenty shillings, BIT YOU CAN BUY MORE ADVANTAGEOUSLY in some markets than others, thereby increasing its purchasing powers. FOR A PRACTICAL TEST TRT THX ATLAS FURNISHING 00. LIMITED, Hayes Buildings, Cardiff, FOR READY MONEY OR ON EASY TERMS. SOUND, RELIABLE, AND ARTISTIC FUITNITL'KE. All Kinds of BEDROOM FURNITURE. Bedroom Suites complete from £3 15s. All kinds of DINING-ROOM FURNITURE Dining-room Suites complete from L3 15s. All kinds of DKAWING-ROOM FURNITURE Drawing-room Suites from LS 4s. All kinds of KITCHEN FURNITURE. All kinds of BAMBOO AND FANCY FURNITURE. All kinds of GENERAL FURNITURE All kinds of PIANOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SEWING MACHINES, WASHING MACHINES. PERAMBULATORS, MAIL-CARTS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, Ac. WK ARE ABSOLUTELY THE CHEAPEST and most EXTENSIVE HOUSE FURNISHERS OUT OF LONDON. WE ARAVE OVER J650,000 WORTH OF STOCK In eur showrooms for intending Buyer, to Select from. We are Large Manufacturers of Cabinet and Upholstered Goods our workshops at the rear of our Shop are Open for Public Inspection. ADVICE.—We advise those about to Furnish to go through our Premises and see our Stock; whether they buy or not this will arive them an idea of what Furniture really is. OUR TERMS FOR EASY PAYMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS £5 worth of goods 2s. per week. £ 10 „ „ 3s. L20 4s. 6d. „ L25 6s. Special arrangement* for larger amounts. All good,, delivered free by Road. Carriage paid within 100 miles of Cardiff. Catalogues, Trice Lists, and Terms free on appli- cation. PERAMBULATORS, MAIL-CARTS, Ac. Our New Season's Stock has now arrived. Come and see our selections. The Best and Largest Stock in Cardiff to choose from. MAIL-CARTS FROM 10s. 6d. PERAMBULATORS FROM ONE GUINEA. Invalid Carriages, Perambulators, See., lent out on hire by the day or week. Out ONS AKI) OWLY ADL>S £ £ :» — ATLAS FUBNISHING Co. LIMITED, Hayes Buildings, Cardiff. public announcements. To the Tenants of the Estate of David Isaac Evans (Deceased). TAKE NOTICE, that I, the undersigned, have been appointed RECEIVER and COLLECTOR of the ESTATE of the late DAVID ISAAC EVANS, by agreement, dated the 18th day of February, 1895, and made between the Rev. Thomas Thomas, Baili. Glas, Llandovery, in the County of Carmarthen, Calvinistic Methodist Minister, one of the two sur- viving Trustees of this Estate, and Ebenezer Evans, Gwenllian Jones, Catherine Lewis, John Evans, and David Isaac Evans (for whom David Recs Lewis, of Merthyr Tydtil, solicitor, acts as agent for the said David Isaac Evans), all of which are legatees deriving benefit thereunder. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE, that you are required to PAY ALL RENTS to me or my autho- rised agent. Dated this 6th day of March, 1895. (Signed) GEORG-E ALEC LEWIS, Court Estate Offices, Market-square Buildings, Merthyr Tydfil. Witness, T. B. GREENE, Timcs Office, Merthyr. PALM SUNDAY. J. GRAY Respectfully thanks the public of Merthyr and district forpast custom, and solicits a continuation of the same. Wreaths and Crosses made up of the Choicest White Flowers, such as Arum Lilies, Camellias, Roses, Narcissus, Spirea, Lilies of the Valley, Deutzia, Hyacinths, with Maidenhair Fern, &c., for 58.. 7s. 6d., 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d., 15s., 17s. 6d., 20¡a" 25:-< and upwards. Also a large assortment of Artificial Wreaths and Glass Shades. Hyacinths, Tulips, &e.. in Pots. All kinds of Evergreens, Rose Trees, &c. NOTE THE ADDRESS: J. GRAY, NURSERYMAN, SEEDMAN, AND FLORIST, 6, GLEBELAND-ST., MERTHYR. Just received a Fresh Stock of Vegetable and Flower Seeds from the best growers. 15, Church Street, Merthyr. MR, J. GORMAN, M.R.C.V.S., VETERINARY SURGEON, (Recently assistant to Mr. STRWAKT, M.R.C.V.S., Cardiff), BEGS to announce that he has opened the above Premises for the practice of Veterinary Medioine and Surgery In all their branches, and hopes by strict and careful attention to all professional duties to be favoured with a share of public patronage. NEW OPEHA JJOUSE, MERTHYR. Sole Lessee and Manager.MR. WILL SMITHSON. MONDAY, MARCH, 25TH, 1895, FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Special Engagement and Return Visit of the Favourite Irish Comedian, Mr. FRED COOKE, in an entirely New Irish Drama— SHANNON'S SHORE. Time and Prices as Usual. April 1st, MASTER AND MAN." Easter Attraction, "A Woman of No Importance, which has caused such a sensation at the Theatre Roynl Cardiff, this week. J. W. Turner's Grand Opera Company is coming. The New Boy is coming. Professor Crocker's Horses are coming. rpHEATRE JJOYAL, 0ARDIFF. LESSKK k MANAGER, MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. LAST THREE NIGHTS of OSCAR WILDE'S GREATEST PLAS, A Woman of No Importance From the Haymarket Theatre, London, by arrange- ment with loIH. BEKUBOHM THEE. Box plan now open at Thompson and Shaekell, Limited, Queen-street, Cardiff. Visitors to Cardiff should note that the last Taff train leaves Queen-street Station at five minutes to 11 o'clock p.m., and the last Rhymney train 9.45 p.m. GRAND rpHEATRE, CARDIFF. Lessee an. Manager MR. CLARENCE SOUNES. THIS WEEK UNTIL SATURDAY MARCH 23RD. Enthusiastic reception of the Great Military Play, THE ROAD TO FORTUNE. Seats booked at Messrs. Heath's (by letter or tele- gram), Music Warehoube, Queen-street, Cardiff. Prioes from 6d. to JBl Is. Traius leaving Cardiff for Talf and Rhymney lines Queeen-street (Taff) 10.55 p.m. Rhymney Station 9.45 p. m. auctions. COTTAGES FOR SALE. SEVEN, LEASEHOLD COTTAGES, 35, ^36 and t0 37, GLEBELAND-STREET, and 3, 4, 5 and 6, LAMB-LANE. Rentals, £574". a year Ground Rent, £3 5s. 30 years of Lease unexpired. Will sell Nos. # 35, 36 and 37 separately. — Offers, LEWIS, Auctioneer, Market Square Chambers, Merthyr.[2967 SHOP FOR SALE. LEASEHOLD SHOP AND PREMISES, No. 4, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR, Let at JB45 per year ground rert £3 7s. 45 years of lease [unexpired. — Offers, LEWIS, Auctioneer, Market-square Chambers, Merthyr. [2966 Ox TUESDAY ANt) THURSDAY, MAR. 26th & 28th, 1895, Commencing at Two o'clock precisely each day. IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING. MESSRS. J. G. MADDOX & SON WILL SELL Iri. BY IJrBLw AUCTION, at their AUCTION ROOMS, 25, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, on the above dates, an immense assemblage of very superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE (Removed from various residences for absolute sale) including 6 Hardwood Bedroom Suites complete, 6ft and 4ft. Wardrobes, Pairs of Handsome Toilets, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, several excellent Carpets, Fenders, Brasses, 5 excellent Dining and Drawing-room Suites, Rosewood and Walnut Cabinets, 6ft. and 5ft. Side- boards, Bookcases, Dining and Occasional Tables, Walnut, and Gilt Overmantels etc., etc., in all about 400 lots. On view morning of each day of sale. Arrangements made to pack and forward all goods purchased by country buyers. Established 1860. [2840 MERTHYR TYDFIL. SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. J. M. BERRY has been favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the DYNEVOR ARMS. GEORGETOWN, Merthyr Tydfil, on WEDNESDAY, the 27TH MARCH, 1895, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions of sale as shall there and then be read, the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, viz :— All that single-licensed Public-House and Pre- mises, known as the "Britannia," situate in Bethesda- street, Merthyr Tydfil, together with the shop adjoining (now unoccupied). These Premises are held, with others, for the residue of a term of 90 year. from the 1st day of May, 1826, at an annual ground rent of £ b, which will be apportioned, and are uuw sold subject to a lease of 21 years, from the first day of November, 1890, to a brewery company, at the yearly rental of £35. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 10, Fairview-terrace W. BEDDOE, Sobettur or to J. W. LEWIS, Solieitor (all of Merthyr), 2979J IMPORTANT SALE AT SHORT NOTICE ABSOLUTELY UNRESERVED SALE OF HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE AND EFFECTS (The most svprrb Sale of the had ever held in Cardiff). REMOVED FROM A LARGE COUNTRY RESIDENCE IN GLOUCESTERSHIRE, The Property of (1 Commercial Gentleman, and to cover heavy advances made by the Auctioneers, Including the appointments of TWELVE BEST an,! SECONDARY1 BEDROOMS, the contents DRAWING-ROOM and BOUDOIR DINING ROOM, BREAKFAST-ROOM, STUDY H ^ARY BILLIARD-ROOM, sewing-room, ser- vants halls and kitchens, entrance and inner halls contents of greehouaes and outdoor effect-, the and COLI 4RD Vl^0¥01iTE hY COLLARD and OUBLjARD, another instrument by Chappell. full-sized slate-bed billiard table and appointments bv Stevens, :FINE SILVER and PLATE, including a. presentation service, and library of books ME™V?TTWA^Z' WTPTinv ,i Vi. r6c21\ed ■Mttnct.on. to SELL !sy L, their Salerooms, 11, Hurh-street Cardiff, absolutely Without Reserve, on THTTT?s' KmY' *;R^2AX'ra,nd SA,T,™DAY', March 2b £ 29th, and 30th, at Eleven o ciock each day punctually THE ABOVE SUPERB APPOINT- MENTS OF A COUNTRY RESIDENCE Removed from Gloucestershire for immediate Sale). OY VIEW OX MONDAY AND TUESDAY PRIOR TO SALE. ,P¡;CfAL Al'l'ENTION IS CALLE']) 1'0 THE vnnv OF THIS SUPERB COLLECTION. ORDER OF SALE. THURSDAY, 28TH.-Content8 of Bedrooms, Din- ing-room and Library, in old carved oak; Drawing- room, Breakfast-room, Ber- vants'-hall, and Billiard- room. FRIDAY, 29TH. Remainder of Bedroom Furni- ture, Dining and Morning Rooms, Boudoir, Hall, and 'c. 4T.rrr..w-.r Servants' Offices. SATURDAY, 30TH.—The Books, Silver and Plate, Collection of Pictures, and Old China. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, Cardiff. Situations lUa»tcf>, &c7~ IF YOU WANT A SKRV AXT. a SITUATION, a HOUSE, AI'ARTIIKNTS or to Buy, SELL, or EXCHANGE ANYTHING, ADVERTISE In the 1 REPAID COLUMN of the Merthyr Times, at the following SPECIALLY CHEAP RATES: 20 woRDs 6d. 20 WORDS FOR THREE TIMES, Is. THREE SIX WORDS. ONE TIMES. TIMES. s. d. s. d. s d 20 Words 0 6 1 6 2 0 32 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0 40 Words 1 3 2656 48 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 The above is the Prepaid Scale for Wanted, To be Let, and To be Sold Advertisements only for other Charges apply to the Manager, Times Office Merthyr Tydfil. Postage Stamps or Postal Orders may be sent in Payment. RESPECTABLE BOYS Wanted to Sell the Merthyr Times in Merthyr and District.- Apply to the Manager, Times Office. AGENTS WANTEDTWhole or Spare Time; commission and bonus.—Ireton (Limited), 92; Gracechurch-street, London. 00, Victoria-street, To Let, Two Unfurnished » Rooms on Second floor; private entrance.— ;V)p^' VIPJIM Auctioneer, &c., 18, Union-street, Merthyr Tydfil. [2915 LAVv £ L 1 H^rHeulgerrigrTO -LJ LET or o r,LL; four rooms down and four upstairs; good and large garden.—Inquire on the Premises. -^™n^Uvla^;OUNG LADY for the W lea Counter. — Apply Manager, LiPTOx'S, Market Square. [2930 GROSVEXOR HOTEL, ^Ifrthyr,—Experienced vJT HOLSRMAID WANTED immediately.— Apply on the Premises. BLAILERG S Arcade, Cardiff.—Bute-street right through to Bute-terrace. BLAIBERG S Arcade.-22-carat Wedding Ring, quite new, 3;dwt.; 17s. (government guarantee). BLAIBERG S Arcade, Cardiff.—To readers of tins paper- we will send, on receipt of 3H. 6d real Gold Keeper. BLAIBERG'S Arcade.—Do you know that 80 out of every 100 working men in Cardiff use our 4s. Anaoman Alarm, 12 months' guarantee. LAIBERG'S Arcade.—Forfeited pledge, 8-dav Striking Kitchen Clock, 15s. 12 months guarantee. BLAIBERG'S Arcade.—Forfeited Silver English Lever, pledged for 20s. same re-advanced only 25s. BLAIBERG'S Arcade.—Forfeited (sharp blades), 6 lable Knives, maker, Haywood, Sheffield 3s. LAiBERG'S Arcade-forfeited Gold Wedding IDs. Ring, 5s. 6d.; Gold Keeper, 5s. 6d.; taking both, LAIBERG'S Arcade.-Forfeited English Con, certina maker, Lachniel, London; 198. B LAIBERG'S Arcade.—Lady's Gold Drees Ring, 48. BLAIBERG'3 Arcade. —Forf ei ted Gent's Gold Curb Albert, 50A, pledged for 45s. BLAIBERG'S Arcade. —Forfeited tor 8s.; Silver Watches, 10s. each 12 months' guarantee. BLAIBERG'S Arcade.—Money returned if *oods are not to your satisfaction. B^BER^S Arcade. -ForfSteTl^dpTlSri JD Gold Watch, 25, worth double. BLAIBERG'S Arcade.-100. Gent's Gold Signet Rings, 3s. 6d., worth 6s. 6d. BLAIBERG'S Arcade, CaiTl7tf7^B^^ Electro-plated Cruet, 7s. 6d. nice weddinsr I present. BLAIBERG'S Arcade. — Silver Lever, original cost, £ 6 6s., maker, Russell, Liverpool Crystal Glass Chronometer balance, quite new, only £7; warranted by maker 25 years. LAIBERG'S Arcade. ForfeitedBreeeh- loader; maker, Osborne, Birmingham. 55s Government tested. MADAME DESMAN E'S Female Preparation should be known to all. It never fails — Write or call, 2, Westbourne-place, Plymouth-road, Merthyr. Advice and information free of charge. 157-9 an ASSISTANT, who can speak ▼ T \V eisli, whose duties it will be to solicit orders three or four days a week, and to assist in the shop when required.—Apply, MASTERS AND Co., Market- square, Merthyr, O PLENDID PRINT PATCHWORK^QUJ I/J S, k? IS. 6d. Cretonne ditto, 2s. 6d. each large sizes.—Mrs. GRIFFIN, 32, Addington-street' New- Cross, Manchester. 2796 TEWELLERY, Watches, Watch Materiah, Electro-plate, Musical Instruments Wholesale list post free.-Wright, St. Luke's-road, Birmingham. 2919 TO BE LET shortly, a new Corner House and Shop, suitable for a retail trade, at Oromwell- street, Biecon-road, Merthyr TydtiL- For particulars apply to J. F. SEAL, Auctioneer and House Agent 5, Castle-street, Merthyr. 2856 IOLLIERY OFFICIALS AND"MINERS of all ranks and ages. Lessons by Post. The surest road to promotion. Send Id. stamp for syllabus — T. A. SOUTHERN, M.E., Late H.M. Inspector of Mines, the Universal Mining School, Derby. 151 202 MOXEY TO LEND to Farmers, Tradesmen, and others, in town or country, at 4 £ per cent. per annum, in sums from £50 to £1,000, upon personal security, for term of years to suit borrowers money upon mortgage, 3á per cent.—Mr. Wood, 56, Tasman- road, Stockwell, S.W., London. [2952 rilHE Inhabitants will be glad to hear that Pro- X fessor Desmane, the Specialist on all com plaints, has decided to stay in the district altogether and will give advice free of charge. Head address. Merthyr 2, Westbourne-place, Plymouth-road, Sun- days, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dowlais Merthyr and Dowlais Coffee Tavern, Mondays, 3 until 9. Troedyrhiw Wednesdays. Cefn Fridays. Times and places as usual. Teeth Extracted, 3d. each 157-9 SPORT.—Noiseless Rabbit Rifles, 9s. Pocket o Rifles, 9s. 6d. Walking-stick Guns, 158; Car- tridges, Is. 6d. 100 Rabbit Bolters, superior to ferrets. Is. Purse Nets, six for 2s. 3d • Netting 17s. 6d. 100 yards Guns, Rifles, Nets, Traps/Decoys Calls, and all bporting Requisites. Catalogue Id carriage i>aid.—John Eggleston, Naturalist, Sundcr- land- [2866 WANTED.—Cook, £ 30; Jvitehenmaid, £ 18; T^rW 'li 1 ^•lourmaid, £ 20; Ilo.usemaid, -fpn c l°useniaid. £ 14; General Servants, £ 6 to £ 20 for London and Country. Write—Mrs. Coster, Registry Office, Gloucester. 12880 X>AfCH\VORK. Patchwork. Patchwork.-Agents wanted. Ladies, Families, and others to trv our parcels, containing about 200 assorted pieces of beautiful prints, suitable tor aprons, cushions, quilts. One sample parcel, Is. 6d.; two, 2s. 6d.; four 4s. 9d. carriage paid. Also velvets, silks, satins' &c., one parcel, 2s. 6d. two, 4s. 6d. four, 6s.'3d.- J. J>L/.CK, 71, Bunington-street, Manchester. ■jVTONEV.—If you want it promptly, privately, and at a low rate of interest on your simple, promissory notes with or without sureties, apply immediately, cnclusing stamped envelope, to Mr. W. r. ThumaH, 30, Market-street, Abertillery. Special features:—No inquiry fees; reasonable interest, which is quoted beforehand universal promptitude a day's notice being generally sufficient; no oppression of honest and solvent clients. The Carlton Bank, Lù" for whom Mr. Thomas is Branch Manager, has been established 10 years, and has a capital of £30,000, consequently no genuine and respectable application is ever refused. {.2376