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EVANS S CLOTHING STORES, i OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICIO, j MERTHYR TYDFIL. | GREAT WINTER SALE UK t BOYS' & MEN'S GLOTHINC & GENERAL STOCK OF OUTFITTING, j COMMENCING ON SATURDAY NEXT. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED. MEN'S BLUE HEAVER ANI) MELTON OVERCOATS. 16s. lid.. KeSul«.r Price. 00s. MEN'S BLUE BEAVER OVERCOATS, :?2s. txl., Regular Price, 0.3s. MEN S TWEED OVERCOATS WITH DEEP CAPES, Uk. lid., Regular Price. 20s. 6il. MEN'S TWEED SUITS, 12s. lid.. Regular Price. 28s. 0d. MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS. 2.s. Hid., Worth 7.s. lid. A Large Selection of BOYS' srfTS. BOYS OVERCOATS Sold at Nearly One-half Regular Prices. MENS SHIRTS. DRAWERS. MOLE and CORD TROUSERS, SCARVES, BRACES, RUGS. UMBRELLAS, &c.. All Reduccd. TERMS CASH. 1). J. EVANS'S CLOTHING STORES (OPPOSITE THE Post Ofhce), MERTHYR. san k money BY calling TO INSPECT our SPECIAL PRESENTS FOR NOTHING WITH OUR DELICIOUS TEAS. Two Strung Glass Tumblers with J-lb. of Tea at (5<1. M.WtT.UTfT.KK's STOCK 01' r.<)0<.< Strong Large Duckets. One with J-lb. of Tea at 1,6. Thousands of other Articles as Presents and equal in value. NOTK Tlf E AM'PKSS VICTORIA TEA COMPANY, LTD., HIGH STRKKT, MKKTlIYi;, limilEH .MUSICAL KUUCATtOX. )1 .I: 1). C. WILLIAMS, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, • Ex-student ,,¡ the* Univerity College, Cardiff winner or the prize Cantata at thy National Eisteddfod, 1092 and Assistant Master to Dr. Jokkvu ParrtI 'I I AS the l:ono';i- to announce that he ha? taken up his residence in Merthyr, and will he pleaded to recti\e tl I'upils at 167, Plviiioutb Street, or visit them at their residences, and impart instruction in the follow- ing subjects PI ANOUoRTE, ORGAN, SING TNG, and PRACTICAL COMPOSITION. Arrangement-will alto be made shortly to arrange WEEKLY CLASSES in Harmony, Counterpoint, Canon. Imitation. Fusrre. and Orchestration. TKR.VIS. v,hi'di are moderate, may !>e had on application to Mr. WILLIAMS. u Mr. J. M. WILLIAMS, 107, PLYMOUTH STREET, MEHTHYU. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. liic r*om}»!etc cuvo of Cou^h- Colds, and all affection? of the A Throat, Chest, and l.ynuv. Tho first dose will give relief in ten B J m\ BJP MJP f iDin'jic. Vnlike any other preparation it clcars the throat, r*" W disolves the phleirm and leaver tl-.a Bronchial Tubes and I.unys ■ A ia 3. healthy condition. For \sthma.Bronchitis,Hoats,ene^S4iort• u-s*»«f Breath, Iiiflucn/».,Tiyhtno-:s and Oppression of the Chest, Whet/in; &e.. it ai^jiliko MAGIC' and a few doses will be round u> i-ffeet a pcnnaHf.nt CUKE cd these most distressing disorde s. This rorsit-dy i.> ^.druittcd by tliOUsHnd< tc L'J the World's Great Medicine.. It you have a cough or slight cold. f TT l'Er ANY Pkksox sivk Ti vvu arc Asthmatic or Weak in the f I ll I | — 1—1 rMUlYS syrup < 'hcst,trv one bottle and prove ioryour W M 1 1 A ,V„i. i. s-elf. its immediate effect tor removing And .e o* uoJwl eotiyh ceu-'hs of long standing loss ox voice, 'u' J thort ll!"e 1" abating feverish cold-. —— TESTIMONY OF ITS EFFICACY KEEPS POURING IN. Ladv -writes Am traveiiin*»on the f'ofitinviit and am quilt. out ui ij'jr celebrated Cough Svrup. l'lease send pt-r return l-.vo hr: BoUti'S. bv parcel post, to l'cc-t Offi'-e, Marseilles. The only cure I ever had aft'-r TT TT rying all the advertised preparatioiw. ■ I THIS TKsTfMO.vrer, is uoitni kk.U'I.V- W' J B^S V ■* 1)I:ak SIR.-I was invalided for months uiilic for wofk ov\ in.4'lo-cvei e Coucrh and Astinaa. T WitS told of) our Syrup, [md Itxo bottles completely cured me and enabled me to follow my usual work. Sold in Bottles, 11;' and 2.9 each. Of:111 Chemists ov csin j¡," obtained post free fnr 15 r.n<] 36 stamps from the proprietor, J. I'AUH V, < iK'inist, 94, Caiiterlmry Road, Kilbuni, Loudon, N.W. C«» JI. iv. GLA8GX, (V7 AND Ots, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, tAMILV GROiEIiS, Flom*. Corn, and Provision Merchants, CONFECTIONERS, DEALlvliS tN GAMlv WINKS, A SPIRITS. Ales and Stouts in Cask or Bottle. Patent Medicines, Proprietary Articles, Cigars. SPECIAL VALUE IX TEA AT Is. (jtl. IMPORTERS OF CHOICEST DANISH BUTTERS. PlUCE LIST ON APPLICATION. __0. G. M. & R. GUNSON, 67 & 68, High Street, MERTHYR TYDFIL. New Iron Frame PIANOFORTE, Full Trichord. C'hcck Action. Latent Improvements. Handsome Kvsewuod or Walnut Cast*. Sent FREE to any station 011 receipt uf Oash— £ 21—Cash. I;0 Years Warranty Given. AME R J < A y ORGANS, Fined Makers, frum £6 to £100. HARMONIUMS, special Church Damp Resisting, Uom £4 to i660. SKILFUL TUNERS Sent Everywhere. HEINS CO., BRECON. ALSO .\T HEREFORD, ABERGAVENNY, and ROSS. \f^ ai1'' Harnws Tlie Clicai^sc and Best Printer-; in ]\Irrt?iyr for »lf ■ ,v^terproof uo a s Wk kind.'of Commercial and ArtLtic rriDtntg av< and soft as ^elvet. A'U's tbre? ° tinieg tc th? 'rear and alloi.s pal- TI.1E3 PHLMTNG COMPANY, ASLD MEJ3AL ^irn5: Exhibition TIME? OiTicE, Jom; Strejct, — — — Hlghes. Awards, (Next to Temperance Hall), MERTHYR, ^■ ■ ■ W Tan 2d,, 6d., Is., and 2s. fyi. III IV1HIR *'1 Huotmakers. Saddlers, i i/tv UillJlJIllU-dthcr filers UO^OI ?luii for every lm,.3 of FnutiiTg oil VlfVwW^Avll ■ »pphc»tion to t.tv M^nng-r, I MERTHYR FOOTBALL CLUB. THE FIRST ANNUAL DANCE WILt. TAK* PLACE AT THE DRILL HALL, MERTHYR, FEBRUARY 21st, 1895. I FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS -SEE HILLrf. ¡ TICKETS TO BE OBTAINED AT THE BELLE Vl'E, AM> MEMBERS OF THE CLUB, 2s. 6d. EACH. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Our numerous readers arc requested to not* the fact that MESSRS. R. THOMAS AND SON, C H B M IS T S, :.ït 143 IlIUH STREET, AND 6-i, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION), MERTHYR TYDFIL, ARE NOW SELLING i V A T E N T MEDICINES AS STORE PRICES. -uu USE THOMAS' MAGNOLIA BOUQUET SOAP. Tli° most delicate skius may be washed with this beantifvil preparatiou in the severest weatlitr. It causes neither rednevs or irritation. It is unique for its soothing and healing pro[>erties, creamy lather, and delightful perfume. TABLETS, 5d. EACH; 4;6 PER DOZEX. [2864 I DOMESTIC ECOXOMY. CHEAP FUEL. COKE! COKE!! COKE! WHEN WELL BROKEN AM) MIXED WITH SMALL COAL lORMS A CHEAP AND EXCELLENT FUEL FOR HOUSEHOLD FIRES. It in so very efficient for raising steam, heating Greenhousen, Conservatories, etc., and for use in all kinds of Grates and Stoves—.slow combustion or otherwise. PRICE AT THE MERTHYR TYDFIL GASWORKS 6s. ad. PER TON. Orders received at MERTHYR TYDFIL GAS OFTI ES, Picton St., Merthyr, WILL HAVE PROMrT AM) BKST AlTi:> i .v. hi Novtmljtr, [2602 WOOTTON, THK people's CASH DKAPEIJ, CLOTH HALL, MERTHYR TYDFIL, [ IS NOW SELLING Grand Lines in Real Welsh Flannel Shirting, better was never niailo at Is. Oid. per yard fur Cash also Stripes and Clucks for Men's Drawers, BLANKETS, o<. \) M., 6s. 11 .Ul., 8s. 11 Ail., 10s. Gd. to -Us. per pair. Uu." tlie.se at (I yon will very likely live long. 0 SHEETS, :!P5. 6d., 2s. llld., 3s. 6d., ;h. II.Id. Sleeping made easy. BLUE AND GHEEX QUILTS, Is. llid., 5s. 11 Ail., 7s. 11M. to Its. Oil. WOOTTON Serves Crowds of Smart Buyers Every Week. TElDlS CASH. NO CREDIT. PRESS ON To WOOTTON'S THE UP-TO-DATE CASH DRAPER. ) CHRISTMAS. CHRISTMAS. MESSRS. J. E. DAVIES & CO., BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR GRAND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR U now ol)4,n with a Grttun Selection of U.sehd Novelties .suitable for CHRISTMAS i& NEW YEARS PRESENTS i j INCLl'DINn ALBUMS. WKITING DESKS, HANDBAGS, PHOTO' FRAMES, A, I MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF JAPANESE NOVELTIES AND WARE. | AN INSPECTION EARNESTLY INVITED. TEMPLE OF FASHION, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. [2627 _r. .u. PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING | For illi kinds of Printing, cxccuted in the Best Style, and at Moder i j ato Priees, go to the TIMES | PRINTING COMPANY, i j John-Street, MERTHYR. f, c i 4- 1 j JOHN P. SEAL, Ali-'J'toyEKK I> HOCHE AUENT. Bl'XIS rej-pcctfully to thank hii numerous \)atrou-< and the public pftnoruliy for their liberal patronacjo tluriug the p< seven ytars, and trusts by cantiutifd attention to bu^iuess to still merit their wiiBdence and ruptjort. i HOUSE PROPERTY'old ''v Auction or Private Treats'. Sales of UUIiNlTLlwE. A,o. cft«ctfcd. >'ALUATIONS for MORTGAGE, PROBATE, ^e. j COLLECTION OF RENTS. J. F. S. g-ivu-j special alitenfiou to tiJi,4 branch of I hii business, and at prei-^nt is fafourwl with lUf* j COLLECTION OF OVER 500 HOUSES. Owners will save much'personal trouble by placing j their Pro\x;rtiG.i iu J. P. S.'h hands,^ keeides tinding j their nett incomes much increased. S'.B-—Apix)inted I to Levy Distresses for Rent. Unsolicited testimonials. i OFFICE 5, CASTLE STREET, :IEltTHYR j [2313. THE GREAT REMEDY- PILLS Wit, liOLT, TillEOJATlSM, i^CIATK A, LVMPAW, Sfc' E.WJ1A u»»g T-iiii is <iuicVlv rcJI'Ncrt. and cured in a fe^" daiv. by these relcbratcl Till?, j sUL'f,' bVFK, AM" n'FUTL\ J" t {-old K ill C'btmlsta at 1?. I'd. aud 2i. W. per bo\. [ 1171-00 L M IRKL: l'RJ'.t?'. Post l'rec to any Address. SAFETIES HAi'*TIKS I "TW, SAFETIES! Important to Agents, I>ealers and others. Wiok'?alc T*.ist eon- i-i min7 1.000 (One ThouiJiid) >»»(;liine«. J new and sccond-hand sei* Poet.Free to ) anj. af((|rebS_ 50 per cent cheater than other makers or agent: Wby pay more or lanoy jirices ii single machine at ^bolesale pricc. Write at oneo fer the v! larsrest and most complete list in the cycle trade, titertinc: }( value and no largfe profits. W. R. WAHKILO^ c''° ^1 Hcgcnt St.. Vcstw-s'»per-Marc._ -'•<gr> ;'l TfTAKfED*theP'ibiio to icuow that tT>« jfciihgr i'i y\ Tines ia the cheapest and best 1iowk9 in tba District for e"» ery dederiptioii of Printing. Our ttock of typy in all the latest designj i not- to be J eciuallcd in n. Wriu> »«• a-k for quotations beiore 1 gijinjf t'lt-'f^'berf. Work turned out promptly and in th« bc.:t btylc. 1 Situations Mantcb, &c. IF YOU WANT A JSkkvant, a WrrcATTON, a House, Apaktukms, or tu Un, or Exchan<!K ANYTHING, ADVERTISE In the PREPAID COLUMN of the Merthyr Tit,}ex, at the following SPECIALLY CHEAP RATES 20 WORDS Gd. 20 WORDS FOR THREE TIMES, JiS. THKKK six \VOnj>S. ONK TIMES. TIMES. st. d. K. d. s. d. 20 Worrls 0 6 1 6 2 0 I 32 Words 1 0 2 0 ,I 3 0 40 13 2 6 3 6 43 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 The above is the Prepaid Scale for Wanted, To be Let, and To be Sold Advertisements only; for other Charges apply to the Manager, Times Office, Merthyr Tydfil. j Postage Stamps or Postal Orders may lJe sent j in Payment. | 1> FS1 'KCTA BljE BOYS Wanted to Sell the JlV Merthyr Times iu Merthyr and District.— Apply to the Manager, Timrs Office. TO BE LET.—A commodious STAHLE and SMITH SHOP. Goad lx>sition.—Apuly, Ehmi'nds, Corner House Inn, Mertnyr. [2827 t AGENTS WANTED, Whole or Spare Time; ¡ commission and bonus.—Ireton (Limited), 92, Gracccburch-street, Loudon. ^VVJ'ANTED, Laud or Household Property (old ▼ T preferred).—Application to Z, Tini't Office, Merthyr. [2359 \X7" ANTED, a res|jectable Lad as an Office Boy.— yT Apply to J. F. Seal, 5, Castle-street, Merthyr Merthyr. [2359 \X7" ANTED, a res|jectable Lad as an Office Boy.— yT Apply to J. F. Seal, 5, Castle-street, Merthyr Tyalil- "\VrANTED, a good Plain Cook.—Apply, Tetuplo V? of Fashion, Merthyr^ T28S2 LODGINGS, and use of Sitting-room, Wanted L must be near Market-square Buildings.—J, ¡ J''thit.< Office. l2853 1'TJ^NDTD PKINT^l'ATCllWORK OU1LTS, Is. 6d. Cretonne ditto, 2s. 6d. each large sizes.—Mrs. Gujkjmx, 32, Addington-street, New Cross, Manchester. 2796 (lENTS wanted £ 26 per quarter, paid weekly I splendid owning; experieneo necessary; specimens free.—Address, Coinpo Works, Farnworth, Bolton. l,t;iiiale Pret)aration 1.'L should be known to all. It never fails.— Write or call, 2. Westl>ourne-place, Plymouth-road, Merthvr. Advice and information free of charge. ™9— rilO 1>E LET shortly, a new Coruer House and | Shop, suitable for a retail trade, at Cromwell- street, Breeou-road, Merthyr Tydfil. -For particulars apply to .T. F. Seal, Auctioneer and House Ayent, 5, Castle-street, Merthyr. 2356. (" lOLLlFKY Ol 1' 1CTALS ANI > MIN FIiS of all 7 ranks and ages. Lessous by Post. The surest »;oad to promotion. Send Id. stamp for syllabus. — X A. Soi.tukkn, M.E., T<ate H.M..Tn.«pe«.'tor of Ms'ne.s, the Uni\ereal M ining School, Derby. 151 202 TUF Inhabitants will lie glad to licar tliat Pro- fessor DcsQiitne, the Srieoialist on all corn plaint-, has decided to stay in the district altogether, and will o advice free of charge. Head address. Merthyr 2, Westbourne-place, PIvmouth-road, Sun- days. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dowlais Merthyr I and Dowlais" Coffee Tavern, Mondays, 3 until 9. Troedyrhiw Wednesdays. Cefn Fridays. Times and places as usual. Teeth Extracted, 3d. each. 157-9 (LIPORT.—Noiseless Rabbit Wflcs, 9s. Pocket Rifles, 9s. 6d. Walking-stick Guns, 15s; Car. tridges, b. 6d. 100; Rabbit Bolters, superior to ferrets. b.; Purse Nets, six for 2s. 3d.; Nettinsr, ItL. bel. 11.1(\ vards Gunj, Rittet, Net. Trapa, Decoy;. Call", and all importing Ryqufcit&s. C-alaJogue Id., carnage paid.-Jobu Egsiei-toD, N'aturalist. Sunder- land. (:8M Te, ovRRfOMf! Wkirakss. — Pepper's Quinine nod Iron Tonic I,;jq, N>v bile, Health, StreBjlb, and Energy. Insist j en ti'.vins Pepper's Quinine — Advt. auctions. DOWLAIS, GLAMORGANSH1RE. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PUBLIC- i HOUSE. MR. JOHN FORRESTER has been favoured with instructions from the Mortgagees to SELL BY AUCTION, at the PANT CAD IVOR INN, PANT, DOWLAIS, on THURSDAY, the 14th day of Fkuruaky, 1395, at seven o'clock in the evening, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, all that Free FREEHOLD INN AND PREMISES KNOWN AS THE PANT CAD IVOR INN, Now in the occupation of Mr. John Evans, together with the Leasehold Pieces or Parcels of Laud thereto adjoining, held tinder lease from the Marquis of Bute for a term of which 63 years is unexpired, subject to a ground rent of £2 per atminn. Part of this land is sub-leased to under tenants and produces a. ground rent of £1 per annum. The remainder is suitable for building purposes. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 50, Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydfil; or to MESSRS. FRANK JAMES AND SONS, 2351] Solicitors, Merthyr Tydfil. EBBW YALE. SALE OF VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE LEASEHOLD SHOP. MR. JOHN MORGAN has received instructions to Seli. by Pt nr.Kj Auction on Wkdnksdat, Febkuarv the 13t1i, 1895, at tiie Emlvx Co*tee Tavern, Ebkw Valk, at Three O'clock p.m. Sharp (subject to the conditions to be then and there pro- duced), All that LEASEHOLD SHOP, Situate in Ida-place, Ebbw Vale, and let to Eastman and Co., Butchers, at JMO per annum. The Premises are situate in the best business part of the town, Rnd are a very desirable investment. The Lease is for a term of 87 years from the 25th March, 1884, at an annual Ground Rent of £ 110-. 7d.; the Mines and Minerals being reserved. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at his Office, Waterloo Chambo-, Merthyr, Glamorgan- shire, or to C. DAUNCEY, ESQ., 2874] Solicitor, Tredegar. 4 _4- public announcements. MARKET SQUARE CHURCH. I NEXT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH. Pkkachek— REV. J. G. JAMES. Morning Subject—" Ambition." Evening Subject—"A Winter Set-iiiou." MERTHYR WORKING MEN S BUILDING SOCIL-YFY. THE ;3 tTH APPROPRIATION (BALLOT) In connection with the abovi: will take place on TUESDAY Night, February 19th, a', the MARKET HALL, MERTHYR. Chair will be taken t 8 o'clock by M). J. T. Doe-ton, High-street, Merthyr. [2872 Brynmawr Chair Eisteddfod and Band Contests. APRIL lar., 1395. CI RAND &■ numerous Competitions. Programmes JT may be obtained from E. Watkins, Secretary, 1, Kiug-atreet, Brynmawr. NEW QPERA fJTOUSE, ^JERTHYR. I Sole Lesicoand Manager.Mn. Will -iN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH, 1895, FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Arthur Bearne & Gilbert Tate's Company, In the Romantic Play in Four Acts, entitted- bi -T "DICK SHERIDAN" ¡ By Robert Buchanan, FROM THE COMEDY THEATRE, LONDON (By arrangement v> itli Mr. J. Comyns Carr). Time and Prices as Usual. Plan of Urn Theatre may be seen and Scats secured at HAHHIS ft Sons' Studio -.u VISITORS TO CARDIFF SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AT TITE PlIOTOGKAPinC ESTABLISHMENT or THE OM) ESTABLISHE1» ANI) WELL-fiKPITE[) 11 KM or GOLDIE BROTHERS WHOSE STUDIOS AilE AT 66, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. Photographs of all descriptions accurately and artistically produced. Wedding parties, groups, etc., a speciality. Cricket, football, and other athletic clubs waited upon. SATISFACTION G UARANTEED. CARDIFF FUR STORES (LATE OF THE HAYES), Manufacturing Furriers, Skin Dressers, and Dyers. A Speciality of Re-Modelling and Lengthening of Seal Jackets on our improved System, by meaus of which no cross scums are visible. Old fashioned Seal Jackets and Fur Mantles Renovated and Re-Modelled to latest fashion. > Furs of all kinds freed from moth, Repaired, Re- made, or Lined. SHOW ROOMS 1st and 2nd Floors, 23. High-street, Cardiff. H. H. HARRISON, Manaoeh. Established in Cardiff 1888. A Branch will shortly be opened in MEHTHYH. [2844 rjViIEATRF JJOYAL, CAHLJIlT. Lessee & Manager, Mu. EDWARD FLETCHER. LASTTHREE N IGHTS,THURSDAY,FRIDAY, And SATURDAY, FEB. 7TU, 8TH & 9-rir, Of the Successful Farcical Coinedv, Entitled CHARLEY'S AUNT, Written by Brandon Thomas. Preceded at 7.45 p.m., by a Day, iu One Act, by A. C. F ii as Eli Wood, entitled IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD. Sta^'e Manager "j 1 oi -,lr- j' Mr. Guy Lano Acting Manager Mr. A. Whittaker Affent in Advance J rmlcy. | Mr. J. S. Barnet TRAIN A RRANG EMENTS. Great Western Railway.- Last Train to J'ewn tit, 11 p.m.; Barry, 10.45 p.m.; Newport, 10.55 p.m. every evening. Taff Vale ltailvvay.—Last Train to Ponty- pridd, Porth, Aberdare and Merthyr, 10.55 p.m. every evening. Rhvmney Railway.—Liist Train to Rhymney and Intermediate Stations (Thursday and Saturday ouly), 11 p.m. MONDAY, Feb. lIth.-The Renowned Actress MISS FORTESCUE Aud her Celebrated Company. -0- Q^RAND rjpiIEATRE, ^FESTGATLVST. CARDIFF. Lessee and Manager MIt. Cl.M!V.nlI". Sounes. Every E\ening at 7.30, aud Saturday Morning; at 2 o'clock. GRAND CARNIVAL Ur TO DAT]; PANTO- MIME, CINDERELLA, Oh, THE PRETTY LASS OF THE SLIPPER OF For 12 nights only, ending Saturday, February 16th. Everyone should sec the gigantic festival produc- tion, the pantomime of pantomimes, the children's dream of happiness, under the genial direction of Santa Claus. Morning Performances Saturdays. Doors open at 1.30, commence at 2. Early door, 1. Scats booked at Messrs. Heath's by letter or tele- gram, Music Warehouse, '^ucen-strcet, Cardiff. Prices from 6d. to £1 III. Fully licensed refresh- ment and smoking taloon;1 now open. Monday, February 16th, the Great Adelphi Drama, LIGHTS OF HOME." rpiIK MERTHYR TIMES A BEST LOCAL FAMILY JSTENYsrAI'ER. On Tuesday and Thursday, Fer. 5th &. 7th, 1895, Commencing at Two o'clock precisely each day. IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING, 1\f ESSRS. J. U. MADDOX K SON will Sell A.TJL BY Public Auction, at their AUCTION ROOMS, 25, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF, on the above dates, an immense assemblage of verv superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE (Removed from various residences for absolute sale) including 6 Hardwood Bedroom Suites complete, 6ft and 4ft. Wardrolx' Pairs of Handsome Toilets, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, several excellent Carpets, Fenders, Brasses', 5 excellent Dining and DRAvving-roomSuites, Rosewood iiiid Walnut Cabinets, 6ft. and 5ft. Side- boards, Bookcases,. Dining and Occasional Tables, Walnut, and Gilt Overmantels etc., etc., in all about 400 lots. On view morning of each day of sale. Arrangements made to pack and forward all goods purchased by country buyers. Established 1860. [2340 Merthyr General Hospital. milK ANNUAL MEETING of the GOY- JL ERNORS of the Merthyr General Hospital, will be held in the Boaud loom of the Hospital, on Thcusday, the 11th day of Fki;kcaky, 1895, at half- past seven o'clock in the evening, to receive the Annual Statement of Accounts, Animal Medical Report, and transact any other business relating to the Hospital. Signed, JOHN J'LEWS, Chairman. R. R. DAVIS, Hon. Soc. Feb. 6th, 1895. [2858 Ystrad Gas and Water Company. S1.ALE of £ 10,000 ORDINARY 15 OR 7 PER CENT. £10 SHARES, to be paid up in full on or before the 1st March, 1895, from which date DIVIDEND will ACCRUE, in the YSTRAD GAS AND WATER COMPANY (being the remainder of the first portion of £70,000 additional capital author- ised to be raised I.y resolution passed at an extra- ordinary general meeting of proprietors held on 9th May, 1892, in pursuance or the Ystrad Gas and Water- works Act, 1890. The numlx-r of shares to be now; issued will be 1,000, and the same will he sold in Lots of 10 Shares of J310 t-tch. The above Shares will be offered for Sale by Public Auction by Mr. D. T. Alexander (of the Srm of Messrs. Stephenson and Alexinder) at the New Inn Hotel, l'ontypridd, on Wednesday, the 20th day of February, 1395, at 2.30 p.m. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Mr. Arthur P. James, 123, Qneen-treet, Cardiff; Messrs. Frank James and Sons, Merthyr, Solicitors and of Messrs. Stephenson and Alexander (the Auctioneers), High-street, Cardiff. [2865 Merthyr Tydfil Gas Company. Estahlishkp 1836. Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament, 25th June, 186S, 31 and 32 Vict., cap. 77. VTOTLCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Twenty- seventh Yearly Ordinary General Meeting of the l'roprietors of this Company will be held at the Oi-tioes, Merthyr Tydfil, on Wkdxk.sdav, tho 20th day of February instant, for the Election of Directors and the transaction of the general Business at such mcetiug.-i authorised. The Chair will be taken at Three o'clock in the Afternoon precisely. E. n. EV ASS, Chairman. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, e 4 that the Books of the Company will be Closed for the Transfer of Stocks from the 13th day of February instant, and will not be Re-opened until after the holding of the said Meeting. By Order of the Directors, JOHN L. COCKER, Secretary and Manager. Gas Offices and Works, Merthyr Tydfil, February 6th, 1895. [2372 Merthyr Tydfil Gas Company. REDUCTION IN THE PInCE OF GAS. NOTICE. THE DIRECTORS of the Mkkthyii Tydkil Ga.s Company hereby inform the Consumers, and the public generally, that on the Fikst Day of Jam" Anv last the Price of Gas was REDUCED in the Town District from 3s. 4d. to 3s., and in the out districts of Iroedyrhiw, Penrhtolgenig, and Cefn- coedycwmmuH'r, from 3s. 8d. to 3s. 4d. per thousand cubic feet nett. Gas Engines, Gas Fires, Gas Cookers, awl Stoves at 2s. lOd. per thousand cubic feet nett when supplied through a separate meter. By Onler, E. B. EVANS, Gas Offices, Gas Works, Chairman. Merthyr Tydtil, 6th February, 1995. [2373 MERTHYR UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. PUBLIC MEETINGS Will be held as under THURSDAY (TO-NIGHT), FEB. 7TH, 1895, ill the TWYNYRODYN BOY: BOARD SCHOOLS (Near Pei nel Chapel). ADDRESSES will bo gisen by HERBERT C. LEWIS, ESQ. (Candidate for the Borough), JAMES JEFFERY, ESQ. (Unionist Agent, Pontypridd), MORGAN JAMES, ESQ., B.A. (Welsh), and other:. Chair to be taken at 8 p.m. Ladies are cordially invited. GELLIFAELOG SCHOOLROOM, PENY- DARREN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 8th, 1895. Speaker: HERBERT C. LEWIS, ESQ., and MORGAN JAMES, ESQ., B.A. (Jhair to by taken at 8 o'clock by THOS. JENKINS, ESQ., J.P., High Constable. TROEDYRHIW BOYS' BOARD SCHOOL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH, 1895. Speakers I'- ll ERBERT C LEWIS, ESQ., MORGAN JAMES, ESQ., n.A.,and E. WADDING TON. ESQ. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock [2870 Glamorgan County Council Election, 1895. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE MERTHYR TOWN WARD, Ladies and Gkntlf.jikn,— The unfortunate retirement of your representative —Mr. Frank James- one of our most popular and generous townsmen, causes a vacancy in the reprepen, tatiou of the uboveWard. 1 should have been pleased if health had permitted Mr. Jaiue-i to continue to ser\e his fellow ratepayers for a further period; but a contested election appear-inevitable, and I have pleasure in submitting my claims to your considera- tion, and confidently appeal for your votes and support. 1 yield to no one iu my desire and determination, if elected, to sen e my fellow townspeople diligently and faithfully. Closely connected as [ have been from my advent to public life with my native town, and especially with the Town Ward, in which I reside, I am most solicitous for its prosperity, and no effort shall be wanting upon my part to promote its general interests. The present immense powers of the County Council I consider have not been directed as they should have been for the benefit of the masses, whose condition deserves more consideration and attention than have hitherto been bestowed upon them. Whilst I greatly desire and would advocate more extended pov.cis of Local Government, I would endeavour to secure for the toilers of our valleys, upon whom the material prosperity of our districts so largely depends, those boons which they are at present entitled to, and others which may be granted them. The expiring Council has been distinguished for its unbounded extravagance, and such policy, if pursued in the future, will meet with my most active and vigorous opposition. U nnecessary posts have been created with api>ointments for highly-paid, but use- less officials, and iu this and other ways our ccunty expenditure has beeu euormously increased, a ad our local burdens mads very oppressive. Efficiency auu economy abu'jJd m irk our county adtniuistratioii, aud il, shall be my aim. if elected, to striv e for a more Mtisfactoiy state of thing1 than at present exists. Your iutcrests and my own are ideutical, and t pro- mise if vour cuutiduncc is reposed in me to ment it by untlaggiug attention "to the affairs of our county, par- ticularly having in view the many and growing requirements of our important district, I remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, JOHN WM. LEWIS. Coedcae Uousc, Twyuv rodyn, Merthyr Tydfil. CJf RK.TABIES of Churches t.»noot Ho betW than «;cl ø th"r Flirting done at the TIMES PRIMING WORKS, Johv Street, Mkbtrvr. Newest U pe— best workmanship. 'FRAT'KSMENS Billhead", Jfemos Handbills, Labels J- Winflow Fills, >»<< den" in best si vie and with rlf^va,i at th« TIMKS rniNTr.N'ti WORKS, Joii.N Street, Mbriht* Es imntcf given for all kinds of work.


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