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MERTA i. YR GUARDIANS. The ordinary weekly meeting of the Merthyr Board of Guardians was held on Saturday morning last, at the Board-room of the Union Workhouse, wnen there were present:—Mr. D. P. Davies, J.P., in the chair, Rev. Aaron Davies; Messrs. J. E. Mills, H. W. Martin, D. Davies (Glebeland), T. Pyle, Alfred Phillips, T. Morris, R. Edwards, J. Reee, D. Davies, J.P., D. Tudor Williams, J. Edwards, Mrs. Emma Williams, Mrs. Peter Williams, Mrs. D. M. Richards, Mrs. M. Williams, Messrs. M. Truran, D. James, W. Davies, Joseph Owen, T. Jenkins, J.P., J. W. Morgan, J. H. Jones, Rev. Father O Reilly, Evan Lewis, Rev. Canon Wade, George Seabourne, D. Abraham, T. H. Bailey, Dan Thomas, Augustus Davies, E. M. Hann, J. L. Smith, R. H. Rhys, J.P., V. A. Wills, T. Bevan, J. Lloyd, Lewis Edmunds, John Rogers, and F. T. James (clerk). OUT-SELIEF.—The Clerk stated that the amount paid in out-relief during the past week amounted as follows :-Aberdare, J674 12s. lOd. Gelligaer, jB29 4s. 8d. Merthyr Lower, JB68 2s. 7d. Merthyr Upper, £ 75 14s. 6d. non-settled, £ 8 12s. removal to asylum, £ 2 4s. lOd. and £ 1 14s., making a total of JB265 5s. 5d., and leaving a balance of £ 62 10s. lid. —A cheque for JB260 was ordered to be drawn. TRAINING SCHOOL COMMITTEE.-This committee, which met on Wednesday last, recommended to the Board that the thanks of the committee be conveyed to Mr. Ishmael Harris and Mr. Arthur Rosebery for their kindness in allowing the children of the school to attend the pantomime, also to Mrs. Williams, Black Lion Hotel, Aberdare, for a gift of ten dozen buns to the children. SCHOOLMASTERS AS GUARDIANS.—The Clerk pre- sented the following report, re qualification of paid servants of School Board to act as Guardians of the poor: "As requested, I beg to report as to the quali- fication of a paid servant of a School Board within this Union to sit as a. Guardian. The statutory qualifica- tions of a Guardian are dealt with in the Local Government Act, 1894, and also in the Poor Law Amendment Act, 1842. The disqualification con- tained in the Local Government Act, 1894, Sect. 46, which apply to this case, are as follows:— That a person shall be disqualified from being elected, or being a member or chairman of the Board of Guardians, if he (d) holds any pr.id office under the Board of Guardians, (e) is concerned in any bargains or contract entered into with the Board, or partici- pates in the profit of any such bargain or contract, or of any work from under the authority of the Board. In my opinion this section does not apply. Section 14 of 56 Vic. Cap. 57 of the Poor Law Amendment Act, 1842, enacts (inter alia) that any person receiv- ing any fixed salary or emolument from the poor rates in any parish or union shall be incapable of serving as a guardian in such parish or union." The construc- tion of this section has been brought before the courts, and in the cases of the Queen v. Dibbm (decided by the Court of Appeal) it was held that the clerk of a Highway Board or a School Board, whose salaries are paid out of a district or School Board fund which is fed by monies contributed by several parishes with precepts issued under the provisions of the Highway Act, 1864, or the Elementary Education Act, 1870, is not disqualified under 5 and 6 Vic. Cap. 57 Sec. 14 as being a person receiving a fixed salary from the poor rates in any union or parish from serving as a guardian in such i>arish or union. Lord Justice Bowen, in his judgment, puts the point very clearly. He says The question is whether Rawlins is a per- son within the meaning 5 and 6 Vic. Cap. 57 Sec. 14, who receives a fi ved salary from the poor rates of the parish or union of which he is a guardian. He receives his salary from a fund which is fed partly by the contributions in the nature of poor rates, and partly by contributions which are not. It cannot, therefore, be said that be receives a fixed salary from the poor rates, and consequently is not within the section. In my opinion the case of a schoolmaster or school- mistress, paid by the Board, is analogous to that of a School Board clerk, and therefore, the above cases I apply in like manner and no paid servant of a School Board, whose salary is paid out of a fund made up partly out of the poor rates, and partly from other sources comes within Section 14 of the above Act, and is not disqualified from sitting at this Board."—Mr. John Lloyd asked for permission to speak, but the Chairman said he did not want to make it a per- sonal matter. —Mr. J. Lloyd: My name has been mentioned.—Mr. V. A. Wills: Wo are perfectly satisfied with the report.—The Chairman said the mover of the report had stated that it was not his object to make it a personal matter, and the question then dropped. THE PROPOSED RELIEF COMMITTEE FOR ABERDARE. —Mr. Pyle said that before he moved a motion which stood in his name, he desired to remove a little mis- apprehension regarding it. Mr. D. E. Williams had once given, notice to move that the train fare of paupers coming from a distance to a"k for relief be paid. This was the spirit of the motion which he (Mr. Pyle) had. The paupers had to come to Merthyr once every three months, and that entailed considerable expense. The matter had been made a test question in his ward at the time of the election, and he was returned on the strength of a pledge which he ga\'e that he would bring forward the matter. Some people thought this was the first step towards separating Aberdare from Merthyr, but he could hardly think that any gentleman was desirous of that. It was a pity that old women of 50 or 60 years of age should be compelled to come from a longdistanceinsuch weather, as they had recently experienced, and he believed that as a matter of justice they should make a move in this direction. He did not wish that this committee should have carte blanche in the way of granting relief. He knew of instances where people had to borrow money in order to pay their tram fare to come to Merthyr for relief, and in order to meet such cases as these he wished that some steps should be taken and no doubt the same thing would refer to Gelligaer, or to any other part of the parish but that matter could be left in the hands of the representatives of those districts. He would therefore move that in future the paupers ot Aberdare Valley be not required to attend at Merthyr, but that a relief com- mittee be appointed consisting of Guardians from Merthyr and Aberdare to deal with the question, and sit at Aberdare.-The Clerk explained that the Board should apply to the Local Government Board for an order to make Aberdare a separate relief dis- trict.—The Chairman But we have standing orders which will have to be rescinded before we can deal with such a question.—Mr. Rhys entirely disagreed with what Mr. Pyle suggested.—Mr. Pyle was about to speak again, when Mr. Wills rose to order, and said that before he could go on further with the matter he should give a notice of motion to rescind the standing orders.—The Chairman said that the standing orders were fatal to the motion.—Mr. Pyle then complained of the apparent neglect of the Guardians to the requirements of applicants for relief, but was smartly called to order. THE NEW AREA.—Mr. Rhys proposed that Dr. Leigh lie appointed vaccination officer for the new district of Llanfalxm, upon similar terms as his pre- sent contract.—Mr. Martin seconded, and the motion was carried.—It was also resolved that the Treharris public vaccinator be appointed to a similar post in the same district. NEGLECTFUL MEMBERS.—The Rev. Canon Wade gave notice to consider at the next meeting what for- feit should be paid by members who neglected their duties—Mr. D. Davies hoped that there were not many who bad been elected who did not intend to carry out their duties. THE MASTER'S RETORT.—Mr. Pearcey, the master, reported that during the week he had admitted 31 and discharged 24 paupers. The number at present in the Worknouse was 390, as compared with 351 during the corresponding week of last year. THE PALTERS' DIET.—Mr. Evan Lewis called atten- tion to the fact that the pauper inmates did not get bread with their dinner on Tuesdays, and there were several complaints, and he calculated that to provide the 390 inmates with 4oz. of bread tor women and 5oz. for men on Tuesday would cost only 6s. or 6s. 6d. per week.—Mrs. Richards (Aberdare) It is with the soup, is it not?—Mr. John Lloyd asked why bread was not allowed with the soup on Tuesdays.—Mr. Pearcey (master): It is according to the dietary.— Mr. Thomas Morris, C.C., said it was a very impor- tant matter of altering the dietary table, and he suggested that Mr. Lewis should give notice of motion.—Mr. J. Lloyd I should like to know what is the master's opinion on this question The Master I think it is very necessary.'The dietary has been in force for many years.—Mr. Lewis then gave notice of motion to reconsider the dietary at the next meeting.






