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ABERDARE BRITISH SCHOOLS. Oil Monday last these schools were formally opened, upon which occasion a monster tea-party took place in the school-room in aid of the funds, the place being thronged from two P.M. till ten at night. We were in- formed that upwards of three thousand tickets were dis- posed of (at a shilling each), and that more than two thousand one hundred persons took tea in the course of the day, the supply of that exhilarating beverage being most abundant, while the stock of rich plum cake seemed inexhaustible,—four sacks of flour, each sack containing 250lbs., being consumed in preparing for the occasion. Great credit is unquestionably due to the committee of management for the manner in which the proceedings were conducted but we think that we ought to mention, in particular, the names of the Rev. Thos. Price, Baptist Minister, and Rev. Wm. Edwards, Independent Minister, as they were untiring in their exertions throughout the day; and were ably assisted by many respectable ladies of the place, who seemed fully acquainted with the most approved method to be adopted in making a nice cup of lea." During the evening a choir of singers diversified the proceedings by favouring the company with several chauuts, which they sung to Welsh hymns' Shortly after 8 o'clock preparations were made for holding a public meeting,— MR. DAVID WILLIAMS, YNISCYNON, in the chair. The room was at this time crammed to suffocation while a great mail} had been obliged to leave. The Chairman opened the proceedings in a Wel h I speech, in which he spoke with his accustomed ability upon the subject of EDUCATION, generally considered, and elicited the warmest cheers of the meeting. We regret that in an extempore translation we shall not be able to do justice to what was teally a very cleverly spoken address. He commenced by alludiiig to the efforts which the promoters of these schools had made—the public thanks which were due to them —and the joy experienced upon witnessing the successful issue of their elforts. They had put theii hands to the plough, and had not looked back. 1 hey lia I looked at the state of the coun- tiy—they had seen the people, in too many instances, steeped in ignorance, they had seen a great lack of in- formation 011 general subjects, and their knowledge of the world, and of the habits of society, told them that no adequate means were in existence for extending to the children of the poor the blessiugs which a sound and liberal education could confer. In this state of things ill -y had nobly and disinterestedly stepped forward, de- termined to make an effort for placing within the reach of the poorer children of Aberdare the means whereby their mental and social condition might be elevated: the result of their philanthropic efforts was the erection of that school-room. He pointed out in energetic terms the evils of ignorance and in the glowing and beautiful language of Ancient Cambria, he described the blessings and the happiness which an intimate acquaintance with Ihe Creator's laws were the means of procuring for those who made His kingdom the subject of their studies, and acted in conformity with the principles inculcated in His Divine precepts. In the moral, the soial, the phy- sical, and the religious world, We all saw the evils of ignorance. Paients who had not enjoyed the privilege of having received education felt the disadvantages of their position: should not that prompt them to endeavour to give their children a chance of obtaining what they ever felt the loss of, and which thjy never could hope to realise 1 Some peopte were assiduous and exemplary enough in providing for the temporal wants of their offspring. They had a house for one child, a field for another, a garden for a third, and so on; but did it not occur to well-meaning persons of this description that temporal wealth might be disposed of; whereas if they provided for the mental necessities of their children, caused them to atqunv intellectual possessions, these once hid hold of could never be sold or spent, as the proceeds of houses and fields might. No one could now say that schooling was too dear in Aberdare—out of the reach of workmen- as the price was only two-pence a week. The committee did not wish to draw children from other schools far from it; all they were anxious to do was to provide a school for the children of the poor upon unsectarian principles. The, chairman concluded by reading the following verses, which he had composed for the occasion, and which were very welt received by the meeting:- Esgus ni chewch fod heb ysgol,—-o nerth Cynorthwy wythnosol, I gacl dvsg digymysg gol, Dwy goiniojj fyid digouol. Digonol a da i ugeiniau—fydd, lawn foddiou yn ddiau, Ac I dlawd a gawd tiid gau, Di ail ar rwjdddelerau. D'Vjs godir mewn dysgeidiaetb-ag eniv, Ag anian mor odiaetli, O. teilwng trwy bob talaeth A f) dol nivvy fcddu ei maeth. Ni raid ¡weh 'fyaed i Rydychain,—mwy Na inyiunl i Lundain, 0 herwvdd ceir ar Hirwain, Feib rliwydd aiff heibio i r rhai'n. 0, eiliwn hon hyd e!or,—ymdrechvvn AID drichant yu rliagor, Ag yoo glan can p*'t> eor Nerol, a meibion 1101'. o da gan Dduw—digon o ddysg—raddol Hyth rhodder heb g) in\sg, I "dorf fawr hardd ddiderlys, A iaoh eu moes yn eicli mysg. The Rev. Thomas Price next addressed the mectin_r, in English, as he understood that many persons wished to learn the history of the building in which they were assembled, and also to hear the purpose explained for which it was intended. In the month of February, 184d, a few friends, who felt a desire to increase the means of education at Aberdare, met together for the purpose of considering how that object could be attained, and how a school-room might be erected, in which the children of the poor might be instructed. Those friends found that the means of education were not adequate to the wants of the population and, therefore, determined to call a public meeting. That meeting took place in February 1840, n one of the largest chapels in the neighbourhood, and there the question was discussed. A committee was appointed; and a determination was expressed by those assembled to erect a school-house, and also a place of residence for a master. The committee entered on their work with that unsectarian principle guiding them, which determined them not to mix up any question of religion or politics with their proceedings; so that in the foundation of their school no party or sect is favoured more than another,— all fare alike (cheers). And if a man who had no religion at all were to present his child, it would be received on the same footing, and on the same terms as the child of the most rigid professor of Chris'ianity (hear). Having been informed that the Lord of the Manor had power to grant sites for public school-rooms out of the waste-lands or commons, the committee applied to the late lamented and revered Marquess of Bute, who with that distinguished courtesy which those who approached him were ever treated, immediately presented them with the site upon which they were assembled (cheers). His lordship gave them a quarter of an acre of ground for the purpose of erecting a school-house. The committee then at once set vigorously to work, and solicited subscriptions. fhey were very successful. Mr. Fothergill gave them £ 10; and Mr. Henry Bruce, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Morgan (Gadlys), Mr. Williams (the chairman), Mr. Rhys, Mr. Edwards, and many others came forward in a most liberal spirit. The tradesmen of the place and many of the working people also subscribed very handsomely — those who were called upon giving sums varying from £:3 do ivnwards, so that £120 were collected in the neighbour- hood. Mr. Price entered into further details; anl at length came to the tea-party, stating that when he counted the tickets a short time before he commenced his address he found that 2018 persons had drank tea, each paying a shilling (cheers). A great many had, however, purchased tickets who had not attended. The committee fully ex- pected to realize upwards of £ 100 by this party, which sum would be appliell towards liquidating the deht on the school. He stated that the school-room and house were erected by contract—that the amount of the contract was £5:30; but that there were a few extras which were not included, such as inclosing the play-ground and garden. The object with the promoters of the school was to have a cheap, unsectarian.and, at the same time, a good school for the children of the poor. They intended having a first- rate man as master, who would be capable of teaching the higher branches of education and to give satisfaction to all parlies who might send their children there. The terms of payment for the first class would be a penny a week and when the pupil had made some progress, and had entered upon the study of arithmetic, the price per week would lIc two-pence. Should the members of the middle classes wish to send their children to the school, aud to enter upon the study of algebra, geometry, or other branches of mathematical investigation, the terms would be four-pence per week. During the first year the committee did not expect to eflect much. The room, as all present might observe, was a spacious one. It afforded accommodation for two hundred children and it might be considered the freehold property of the poor of Aberdare (cheers). Mr. Price then expatiated on the importance of knowledge, illustrating his arguments by the introduction of several amusing anecdotes, which while they conveyed a moral" and were instructive, served to keep the attention alive. He eulogized the "YoluntalY Principle;" and said that the committee would depend upon it for support. Mr. Fothergill, iu addition to the £ 10 which he had given, had purchased one hundred tickets, which he had distributed. Mr. Roberts, surgeon, and other gentlemen had also been liberal. Mr. Price believed that the voluntary principle was the best; and disliked any system which would entail upon them government inspection. Government oflijers were not wanted. After dwelling upon this part 0: his subject for some time, and relating a humourous anecdote respecting a gentleman and his dog, Mr. Price proceeded to notice some unfounded statements which had been put forth, by which the committee were accused of an in- tention to exclude the children of Socinians. Why, their respected treasurer was a Socinian (hear). It would be time enough for their Socinian frieuds to complain when they found themselves rejected. The child of no man would be refused admission, no not even the children o Socinian or Mahomedan, Jew or Christian the schoo was based upon unsectarian principles, and was open to all (luud cheers). The question of religion would never be brought to the face of the parent (renewed cheering). Mr. Price then noticed another rumour—that the school was principally intended for the children of farmers and tradesmen: it was not the case, as the children of work- men would have the first chance after which others would be allowed to participate in its benefits (hear). He coneluled an excellent speech, for an outline of which we have only room, amid loud cheers; and re- sumed his seat. The Rev. William Edwards, followed in Welsh, going over nearly the same ground as had been taken by Mr. Piice. The plan of operations was then explained by Mr. Price who stated that as only two hundred children could be accommodated, it was necessary that parents, who were desirous that their children should be received into the school, should at once have their names put down. The Chairman (in English) referred to the pains which the superintendents of the tea-party had takan, and espe- cially to the efforts of the ladies, whose conduct he highly- eulogized. He stated that there were nine applications for the situation of master of the school, and that he was sure, in making the appointment, the committee would exercise their best judgment and discretion. The build- ing in which they were assembled was the freehold pro- perty of the place—belonged to them all, and he hoped would be used for the benetit of all. He strongly urged upon parents to give their children education, so that they might be fitted for entering upon the world with a fair chance of success, which without education they would not have. The terms could form no obstacle. And again, if a man were to put by a penny or twopence a week for his child for twenty years, what would it amount to in comparison with the inestimable advantages of a sound and useful education 1 With regard to the erection of the building in which they were assembled, he had to observe that they wanted about £ 30J to pay for it,— a debt which ought not long to remain unliquidated. The population of Aberdare and its vicinity was estimated at 12,0U0 individuals: how easy it would be for the inhabi- tallts to raise a sum equal to what a shilling a piece from each of them would amount to ani so not only would the debt be paid off but a handsome sum would remain in hand (cheers). Rev. Thomas Price said that in order to show how un- sectarian were their proceedings, and that they were not acting in opposition to the Church, he would mention a fact, namely—that the Rev. John Griffith, vicar of Aber- dare, had kindly presented the school with f5, and had promised to be an anull;t1 subscriber (loud cheers). After a vote of thanks to the chairman had been moved by Mr. Price, seconded by Mr. Edwards, and carried by acclamation, the meeting separated. BRIDGEND.—"ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.— Among the list of those who successfully passed their examiuation in the theory and practice of surgery, on Friday, the 6lh inst. (being the first meeting of the court for the season), and were admitted members of the college, we perceive the name of Mr. William Cox, of Bridgend. This gentleman obtained his diploma in medicine from the Apothecaries' Society in May last. Mu. WYNDHAM IIAIIDINO has received the appnintment of Secretary of the South Western Company, pice Mr. Campbell, who has resigned from ill health. The new appointmeut appears to us to hi most judicious, and we anticipate much advantage to the South Western Company from it. Mr. Wyndham Iiardiug is well known in the railway world from his late position as secretary of the Buckinghamshire lines, but he is perhaps better known in the scientific world from bis engineering acquirem>lIts, awl as one of the ablest writers and reasoners on matters con- nected with the highest branches of railway science. Mr. Wyndham Harding's contributions on important railway matters are widely known, and have always commanded attentiou, from the research and complete knowledge of the whole bearings of the questions which they have evinced. In addition, Mr. HardlUg is acknowledged to possess a most practical mind, and a thorough acquaintance uitli ail departments of railway business. It will be seen from this bri f statement, that Mr. Harding brings to his new ollice qualifications of the highest as well as of the most useful order. We are thus particular iu noticing this appoint meot, hecause we luvc always bdJ the opinion, that lhe post of secretary ill line of great responsibility, and thal much of the prosperity of a runway depends ou an efficient discharge by the holder, of its multifarious duties. This opiaiou, we have reason to believe, is becoming generally prevalent, and bodi Boards of Directors and shareholders are now desirous of seeiug qualification, and not int- rest, established as the guiding rule for filling up vacancies whenever they occur. We are quite sure that no great railway corporation more requites a secretary able, ex- perienced, aud of sound judgmeut, than the South Western Company. The South Western Railway is one of the finest railway properties in Englaud, aud it can ouly lose tbat character by rasb engagements, profuse expenditure, and reckless management. Railway Companies are, how. ever, now beginning to look about them, to see if a revision of their policy may not he advisable, as the best means of restoring public confidence, and of bringing security to shareholders. We feel assured if the South Western Company see that there is room to adopt an improved system, they will have an admirable seconder of their efforts in the new secretary.—Railway Gazette. MA EST EG. — A correspondent informs us that a market- place is much wanted in Maesteg. -a place which has three Iron Works, the property of three distinct com- panies, with a population of about six thousand. PORT TALBOT, Oct. 9.—The Commerce, of Gloucester, from Cardiff, in entering this harbour yesterday eveniug, got ashore on the north side of the breakwater; she is expected off after discharging her cargo (railwuy iron), but with much damage, her bulwarks and deck having been washed away. A YOUNG FEMALE DROWNED.—On Saturday evening as the daughter of Mr. Tanipliu, landlord of the Mariner's Arms, Britonlerry, aged 8 years, was amusing heiself in a small boat on the canal, she accidentally fell into the water and was drowned belore any assistance could be ivudered. 11 er mother, who was looking out through a bed-room window, opposite the canal, observing her child s alarming situation, rushed out of the house and threw hcrseli iuto the water for the purpose of attempting to rescue the poor girl and had it nut been that a locksman, who was pas- sing at the time, assisted her out of the waier, it is possible she would have shared the same fate as her unfortunate daughter, whose body wan brought out by the locksman. VALE OF NEATH.—On Saturday the 30th ult., the members of the Oak and Hazel Benefit Society" kept their annual.festival. This club, which is held at the house of Mr. William Jones of the" Rock & Foun- tain," progresses steadily, both in the number, and the respectahiiityofitsmcmbers. At three o'clock p.m., the members to the number of sixty sat down to a good substantial dinner, and to which ample justice was done. The distance of the parish church from their clubroom pre- cluded their walking in procession to attend Divine service. On Friday last an inquest was held before C. Collins, Esq., coroner, on the body of a child between two and three years of age (the daughter of a working man living at Craig irw), which had been burnt, to death. It ap- pears that the mother, who, had gone to a neighbour's house, had left the child by itself, in bed. In her absence the child got up, and it is supposed, was meddling with the fire, when its clothes ignited. The body was burnt almost to a cinder, and it is only surprising that tha bed did not take fire. Evidence on the subject having been heard, the jury returned a verdict of" Death from burning." INQUEST.—An inquest was held on Monday evening last, before C. Collins, Esq*, coroner, at the Rock and Fountain, Mysidd-fields, Swansea, on the body of Charles Spooner, mason. It appeared that the decayed had been engaged at. his work at Siogletou until four or Ave o'clock intheevening. On his return home he complained of I being unwell, and took some brandy, with the vie v of alleviating the pain..Not feeling better, he proceeded upstairs lor the purpose, :ts he told his wife, of lying on the bed. In the course of two or three hours his wife hearing him groan, went into his bedroom and found the deceased in the agonies of death. A rumour became very prevalent throughout the town that the symptoms attendant upon the deceased's illness very much resem- bled those of Asiatic c'lolt-ra, but. such a report was quite groundless. A post m>rte<n examination of the body was ma le by Mr. W. II. Michael. The jury returned a verdict lit' Accidental death." AT SWANSEA FAIR, held on Monday last, the show of horses was very inferior, and few of them changed owners. Of store cattle there was a larger number than we have seen for some years, and of a superior description. We are s n'ry to say that the sales effected were but few, and those at reduced prices, compared with those obtained at Neath September fair. Fat cattle fetched from 5d. to 5jd. per lb. The supply of sheep was not large, aud prices ruled the same as at late fairs. It is a somewhat singular and unusual fact that the pear trees in the gardens of Mr. White, nurseryman, &e., Swansea, are now in full blossom for the second time this year. A simiUr phenome IOn of nature is likewise observ- able 011 the pear trees iu some other gardens in Swansea, and on several apple trees in Cardiff.

11IOM O U T HJ5 H I it h:…

To the Editor of the Cardiff…

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