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The Lord James Stuart, M.P., is expected to arrive at Cardiff Castle this day [Friday.] ELY FAIR on Tuesday last, was the smallest and poorest that has taken place there for some years. Mutton sold at from Gd. to G^d. Lamb, at Gid. and beef at from 5^d. to lid. per lb. THE obstruction to the passage of the public pavement in Queen-street, has at length been removed. Ave sin- cerely and ardently hope we may "never look upon its like again." We understand, that on or about the 21st of August, the inhabitants of this town and district will have an op- portunity afforded them of hearing the celebrated vocalist, Mr. AVilson, sing. This gentleman, as a singer of Scotch songs, stands at the very highest point of his profession, and crowded houses" invariably hail his presence when- ever he finds leisure to gratify the feelings of a provincial audience. AGRICULTURAL TRAINING SCHOOL.—We beg to call the attention of agriculturists to an advertisement which appeared in our last number, with reference to the Agri- cultural Training School, at Iloddesdon, Herts, which is carried on under the supervision of a committee of management, campnBingsevef-ai eminent profeseors. The course of education consists of instruction in Agriculture, Botunv, Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Management and Diseases of Cattle, Natural and Experimental Phi- losophy, Practical Surveying and Levelling, DrawlIlg. the French Language, &c., &c. A farm of 400 acies, an extensive library, museum, and laboratory are attached i to the school, TAFF VALE RAILWAY.—Late on Friday evening or early on last Saturday morning, some malicious person wilfully fastened a railway chair" on the top of one of the rails of this railway, near Maendy. The secretary— Mr. Morcom—has offered a reward of jElO for such in- formation as will lead to the conviction of the offender. CARDIFF MARKETS, July 19.—Beef, per lb., 7d.; mutton, 61(1. lamb, G^cl.; veal, (id. to 6^d. pork, 5,1. to Gd. Butter, Is; cheese, 6d. to 7d. Ducks, per couple, 4s. to 4s. Gd. Eggs, per doz., 8d, Peas, per peck, Is. 8d. to 2s. 8d. Potatoes (new) per cwt., 5s. to 6s.—The mar- ket was not well supplied with meat, and, in consequence of the heat, much remained unsold. Elegance and economy seem the order of the day, no less in the medical than in other. We observe the Royal Domestic Medicines of the late Sir Henry Halford, Bart., M.D., are brought out in a style far superior to every thing of the kind we have ever seen, and that Mr. McCarthy is the Agent for the same in this town. THE BLACK LION INN.—Ou Tuesday last, the Mar- chioness of Bute Society of Odd Sisters celebrated their anniversary at their lodge-room in the Black Lion Inn, Saint Mary Street. In the forenoon, having duly assem- bled, the sisterhood, preceded by the Royal Glamorgan Band, left their room, and walked in procession to Saint Mary's Church, where a most instructive and appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. W. Leigh Morgan in his usual calm and impressive manner. The Rev. gentleman selected for his text the 19th and 20th verses of the 4th chapter of St. John's first epistle We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar :-for lie that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen 1" After Divine service the procession formed as before, and returned to the lodge-room, whi;h was most tastefully and handsomely decorated for the occasion. At about two o'clock the whole company sat down to dinner The tables were profusely supplied with dishes of the choicest description, and bore testimony that in preparing this annual treat the worthy host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. liees, had pro- ceeded regardless of expense, and were anxious only to maintain unimpaired the well-earned and deservedly high reputation of the house for "good dinners." The result proved that they were successful, as the entertainment placed before the company would have reflected credit upon any establishment in South Wales. The afternoon and evening were spent hi the most agreeable manner. At night a public ball took place in Mr. Rees's magnifi- cent and most spacious room, which was brilliantly lighted with gas. The ball was attended bv about tlnve hundred persons, comprising most of the youth and beauty of the town. Dancing was kept up with unabated spirit throughout the night, even until Night's candles had burnt out. and jocund day Stood tiptue on the misty mountain's lop," The whole was one continued whirl of pleasure—one prolonged moment of ecstatic happiness-so that it was with feeiings of extreme regret the company found that the hour for parting had arrived. In concluding our hasty sketch of this delightful assembly, we may state that many circumstances contributed to render it one of the most agreeable in every respect that has taken place in this town for some years. The music was excellent- the ball-room was most spacious and well-lighted, being, we believe, one of the best rooms in the town and the attention of Mr. and Mrs. liees, the excellency of their arrangements, prevented the occurrence of even the least shadow of confusion, notwithstanding the large number present. DEATH BY Dnow\tNG. —A young m:\11 was unfortu- nately drowned on Sunday last in Rumney river, close by Rumney bridge. It seems a horse accidentally fell into the river, and that the deceased swam towards the spot with the humane object of rescuing the poor animal, whose legs had been fastened by its owner to prevent its straying; and that while lie was endeavouring to place a halter on the horse's head, the current proved too strong —carried him away—and he was unfortunately drowned. An inquest has been he!d on view of his remains, and a verdict of "Accidental death" returned. ON Thursday last, being the fifth anniversary of the Glyntaff Church Sunday School, the children belonging to it were regaled with tea and cake and a large supply of fruit, at the house of the Hev. Mr. AVilliams, minister of the above-named church. They were waited upon by their kind teachers, and seemed highly pleased with the attention paid them. NARROW ESCAPE.—On Sunday evening last, while Air. Thomas Thomns, Coopers'Arms, Ystra: near Caerphilly, was returning, at Mynyddydimluth, on his way home, and riding a little pony, having at the time a horse with him which he led, the pony took sudden fright, causing Mr. Thomas to fail on the right side, by which accident he sustained the dislocation of his shoulder and other extensive injuries. Through the instrumentality of Joseph Davies, Esq., surgeon, Tyisha Bedwas, the dis- locarion of the shoulder was reduced, and it is believed that Mr. Thomas is in a fair way of recovery.




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Family Notices