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-I Glamorganshire Quarter…



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Family Notices



jjjT | *c«!tinar of the Royal Agricultural Society of Hunt the 21st June, the Right Cfl, Joi,'i Nieholl, M.P.' of Merthyrmawr, in this Ww elected a member. 1)111 SWINGS' BVNK.—Saturday, June 28th.— £ ->4(>U' deposits received, £ 142 17*. 6J. ditto paid (»' • 10>1.; number of depositors, 24. 8d • 1)111 ManjvKTs, 28th June.—Beef, per lb., 7d. to C^d'. 1Tlu"ou' 15'• fijd.; veal, 5d. to 6d.; lamb, 6d. to #d V 'i°r^' to Butter, Is. to Is. Id.; cheese, fld- °a 8d. per ttox. Fowls, per couple, 2s. ptr' » to is. 9d. Potatoes (old red) 8s. Gd. l,l,°«s (new) IJd. per lb. peas, 2s. per .(,}pec;, (""ngle measure). ,} Fair, on Monday last, was in some respects this'd^1^0"1'111 °n ^l~ ^;l'rs which lately took place in lstr,cl- Tlie quantity of stock was not so great as a%e,scon upon former occasions, in addition to which ^^<-Mation we have also to state that rery few fat cattle ^'r 8a'e- Average prices may be quoted u' i^l,j 'ro,n 53d. to lid.; lamb and mutton, from <>d. to ll'' -^here were not many sheep or lambs in the fair, obt ca"'c so'd freely at an improvement of the price re„*Vled a* the late Cowbridge fair. The horse fair •nd r>eS n° l,arl'cu'ar remaik. It was thinly attended, *ni..11 *°w horses changed hands. Prices ruled J?ABL> HIGH. to o;AVTI°N 10 ^ASTEBS 0F VESSELS.—By a reference J,a3 .r Police report it will be seen that u master mariner prr fn convicted in the mitigated penalty of £ 2.» for dm "bout four gallons of whiskey (upon which had not been paid) to leave his vessel. L'L'IDVV, 27ru .JUNE. —Bankruptcy an- Ki.- June 20.—Thomas Ilerne, Cardiff, Glamorgan- Sh,l;°. draper. '^TOm-IIOVSI:, CARDIFF, June 13.—Removed under j from London, by William Bird, l,4871bs. tea, and i paid thereon, £ lf»2 1*2^. lOd. July Hid, by the !lallle, I:tlb,. tea, and duty paid thereon, JL88 lis. ;),1. ■ IN THE BUTU DOCKS.—On Friday night • between the hour? of twelve and one, two persons boarded a vessel called the Mountain Maid, ^ptain Davis, of this port, intent upon plunder, j 10 n>ate of the ship, who slept in the steerage, heard something unusual at that hour of t as^ on deck, instantly got up, and was about Ceil(!ing the ladder from the cabin when he saw Sc^Kln °'\ 't, and inquired who was there. He had a ? o'ivea utterance to the words before he received f).Ver^ severe blow on his side, which prostrated him. to ueCpVerin' f-1" ''le ctt'ects of the blow, he hastened flit.i »e tlec'i and got there just in time to witness the n two-thieves, who took with them a iiam and a P"Jr} oft»ou,er8. I Ih:TIl "Y DISOWNING.—On Thursday morning an in- ( I1sttlOlls person named Edward Griffiths, mason, residing t'li 1 f^oek public house, Llandaff, was unfor- r, drowned in the river Tafl', which at the time wa» ",a o'deii b\ the late i:. It :iu.)f'ars tiiit In- i:u Y*11 T'I <-» *»* to n u^ lite livoron Iioi a buut r dri\^0i V tljr LliiiulrtrV lor tiir jxo po^e ot { cuu home whirl* w&< }ji\iiig in a liela 011 the Ce(l.a sa »i*le oi tlie rive) and tiiut when he reached "the ''uJV ^'8 8treaiu t0,ce ot li,e ^uncnt washed him Kaii i'1S. ^orse tt[id carried hiin away. The horse re- a j shore in safety. The poor man's wife was an <•11(1 l?e<!i sPectatress °f his distressing and melancholy Mie't an attemPted repeatedly to lay hold of his body affect'6'^ '^e water brought it near the bank, but her iiieff l(|na'e efforts to save the life of her husband proved p°we?.,u'i],_ The body was found at Cardiff near Mr. e. fipt and was taken out of the water by a man h0 e David Francis and others, who carried it to the fiVeSe, 0 deceased's daughter ill Millicent-street. About pla °urs elapsed between the time the accident took Hoon 8 • l^ie ^ntling 'he body. On Thursday after- Tavt- 411 !n1uest was heltl at the Shoulder of Mutton' ore ^e,v's Reece, Esq., coroner, when I C(J:tsed tt',ews> °f Llandaff, deposed that he saw de- **ked »h¥'i0 Wa* years of age, near the Weir. He *hen h w.'tness 'f ',e could cross the river. It was "It ? 8'x o'clock iu the morning. Witness replied !5Qi s ra*her heavy for you, Edward." Deceased was fcuxiedfjf088- t',e r'ver °>* his horse to fetch the cow, and *!f r'ver below the Weir. The halter was 011 the by tjj? 8 anc* the horse stumbled, and deceased held on ■tyjtne tnaile« The stream was running strong at the time. *old h fan roun<^ to assist deceased, and while doing so, horse lm on unt'l 'le came to his assistance. The So* ^atne ashore at Llandaff, and witness saw deceated e4tcif. °jVn the stream. He tried to save him, but missed P°ld of him, and saw him float down towards **»<! <|* er* 'le borse fell by coming on his haunches, ■ HJQJ ^ased slipped into the water. The water was not rsin w- three feet deep at the spot, but the current bv j SJ"eat force. Deceased's wife was in a field close ties SaW acc'(lent- ^'ie screamed for help. Wit- hod" °We<* the course of the river to Cardiff, and the j} Was taken out of the w:.ter near Mr. Powell's tip. — «i was lying on his face on the gravel. Verdict, ■Accidentally Drowned." "e sudden changes of the temperature of our climate 'ut*Uce harrassing Coughs and Colds,—which, if al"gl,"Lted, pave the way to Chronic and. dangerous s^as<:8* The safest and inost approved remedies in C C are ^°)'al family Pills, and the celebrated ough Pin8 0f tjje iute gjr Henry Halford, Bart., M.D., TbBt! 25 >ears wa? Physician to the Royal Family. ■Gout ln, "ftble Medicines, as likewise his Preventive B-heumatic Pills, which are patronised by the town Seuerally, may be had of Mr. McCarthy, in this Inq advertisement. itfhe An inquest wa9 held" on Saturday U»t> «» Bso Star* Llantwit Vardre, before C. R. Vachell, Dawi'<i n •' on view of the body of •coal n aVes* in the employ of Mr. David Morgan, y Sbout r°Pnetor' aPPeareJ from the evidence that t i»o °n,e 0 °l°ck. on Friday afternoon, the deceased f Railw18 • *'PP*n5 coal a 8*ding on the Taff Yale vSiem l-Q I'lanwonna, near Newbridge, a trait of empty wagons came up and some of the PoUeft1* detached to be filled at the siding the I as V?aaania attendance jumped in the detached wagons f the 3 WaS to bring them in, and as they passed t S^0t Tv^lere deceased was employed he endeavoured to Y upon them to give assistance to the policeman. In and attemPt he unfortunately fell across the rail such0"6,0* w.a^ous Passetl over his body, inflicting Se^ere injuries that he expired almost immediately. We regret to Jearn that the Poor fellow has left a very ar.ge family. Verdict-" Accidental Death."