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PEACE AND THE CONTINENT. Mr Hen./ Richard, M.P., as the representative of the Inglish Peace Society, is now on a visit to the Conti- ent, endeavouring to induce the members of foreign iegislatures to follow his recent example in bringing he question of International Arbitration before the 'arliaments and Courts of Europe. He left London bout a week ago, and, after a brief visit to Belgium, rhere M. Couvreur intends to bring the subject before he Chambers, proceeded to the Hague. The Dutch ewspapera contain detailed accounts of the reception here given to Mr Richard, which must have been ery gratifying to him. He was first invited to a public leeting in the Freemasons' Hall, a room tastefully de- orated for the occasion, which was filled with a respect- ble assembly, among whom were Heer van Eck (mem- er of the Dutch Parliament) and Heer J. M. Jolles ix-Minister of Justice), members of Parliament Heer Sredius, Heer Jonkblot, and Heer Deynoot, members f the Dutch Legislature Heer Bachiene, Councillor f State; the Baron von der Heims, and His Excel- sncy the United States Ambassador. At the upper nd of the hall, above the tribune, was hung a portrait f Mr Richard, encircled with a laurel wreath, with the lotto Peace and Earth and the date of the late lotion in the English House of Commons—" July 8, 873." The British and Dutch flags were mingled ound the hall, and a choir of singers commenced the vening's proceedings by singing'' God Save the Queen," flowed by the Dutch National Anthem. Heer van :ck then took the chair, and in his address welcomed Ir Richard to Holland, conveying the warm congratu- itions of the meeting on the success of his motion, and hanking him for his long services in the cause of peace nd humanity. Mr Richard then spoke for about half- n-hour on the importance of efforts to reduce the lushing armaments of Europe, and to introduce into aternational relations a clearer recognition of fixed and efinite principles of International Law, which might hut tend to prevent the very origin of at least some lasses of conflicts. Her Bachiere then proposed for he acceptance of the meeting a series of resolutions, ?h;ch were carried with great enthusiasm. They were s follows :—1. That the thanks of this meeting be iresented to Mr Henry Richard, Member of the British 'arliament, for his presence and address, and that a resentation be offered him ia grateful recegnition of is services in the cause of universal peace and the eneral civilisation of mankind." 2. That this meet- ng eernestly hepes that the motion carried by Mr tichard in the British House of Commons on the 8th of uly last may before long be followed by some action on he part of the British Government, and that such pro. losals from England may be favourably received by the Srovernment of the Netherlands, and in other countries Iso." 3. That this meeting desires that Mr Richard's ndeavours in the cause of peace and civilisation may Ie crowned with success, and that his present journey on he Continent may be productive of much good, and nduce the representatives of the people in other lations to follow his example." Resolutions were also lassed in reference to the exertions on behalf of peace md the codification of the Internation Law being made iy Mr David Dudley Field and the Rev. James B. diles, of the United States, M. Frederick Passy, of 'ranee, and M. Jacquemyns and M. Visschers, of Bel- ium. A II the resolutions having been adopted, the Chairman presented Mr Richard with fa beautifully- lluminated diploma and album of the portraits of his )utch friends. The next day Mr Richard was enter- ained at a banquet given by his admirers, at the con- lusion of which two members of the Dutch Legisla- ,ture-Heer van Eck and Heer Bredius—pledged bemselves to bring the question of Arbitration before hat body at the earliest suitable opportunity. Mr )avid Dudley Field,of New York, and other gentlemen allowed with addresses on International Concord. Mr lichard has gone on to Berlin. igTERirATioi^x .BRIDGE.—is expected tna» ih^great international railway bridge, to span th* STiagara River between Buffalo and Fort Erie will be ;ompleted and opened some time in October. It is ;he enterprise of an independent company, was com- nenced 10 May, 1870, and its cost will be something )ver one million dollars. The superstructure is of iron, supported on ftone piers, with the necessary Iraws for the passage of vessels. The length of the main bridge across the river is 1,968 feet; thence icross Squaw Island to the west end of the bridge )ver Black Rock Harbour is about 1,200 feet; Iond the bridge over the harbour to Niagara- street is 617 feet. Commencing at the Canada shore, there ^dll be nine spans across the river proper; three of them are 100 feet each in the clear; then come three spans, each 240 teet in the clear; then two draw openings, each 160 feet; then one span of 190 Feet to Squaw Island: and in crossing Black Rock Harbour there will also he two openings of 90 feet each, with a pier between. The "swing" over the openings will be operated by steam, and the length of time requupd to open or shut the same is given as 00 seconds. All the piers are so laid and built lip aa to secure the greatest solidity and offer the least possible resistance to the ice. The depth of the water in the river where abridge crosses is from ten to forty three feet. The ironwork for the bridge is manufactured at' Phceoix-ville, near Phil* Idelphia., and the superstructure i8 known as th* Pratt Truss. THB NATIOKAI EDUCATIOX LEAGUE.—The following circular <0 its supporters has been issued by the Executive Committee of tbe National Educa- tion LeagueThd education question, so far as con- cerns its political «n<J legislative relations, is now entering" upon a nev phase. From 1870. when the Education Bill was brought In, until the close of last session, the measures of the Government have fos- tored in all possible Ways the interests of the deno- minational system; and, by the help of the Conserva- tives, the most objectionable measures have been maintained in opposition to the opinions and the Totes of a majority of Liberals in the House of Com- mons. It is now found that tais policy has resulted in serious danger to the unity of the Liberal partr and that the hostility excited by it threatens the existence of the Ministry. Consequently, a recon- struction oftthe Government is announced, with the im- plied purpose of re-uniting the Liberal party by re. conciling to the Administration those whom its educa- tional policy has driven into opposition, this result is largely due to the recent action of the National Edu- cation League, which has arrayed against Ministers a majority of unofficial Liberals in the House of Commons, and has made it manifest that no Liberal candidate can hope to secure election by a borough txJhstituency unless he is prepared towote for amend- ments of the Education Act. The modification of the Government and ^acceptance oI office by Mr. Bright as a Cabinet Minister cannot be regarded otherwise than as indications of an mtoption on the part of Ministers to healjthe division of the Liberal party py redressing the grievances of which the advocates of a national system of education justly complain. The executive. committee of thfe League accepts these changes in the sense above described, and, in order that no hindrance may be interposed to their full effect, the executive think it desirable to suspend for a time the prosecution of the policy initiated by it, and for the^ extension of which preparations are being made With a view to the approaching general election. While suspending immediate action, however, the executive is of opinion that ihe watchfulness of the officers of the League should not be relaxed, a'nd that sufficient funds should be placed at their disposal to meet any emergency that may arise. It is hoped that there may be no further necessity to appeal to the constituencies against the educational policy of the Government; but it will be a matter of urgentTlmportance to sustain the Ministry in any concessions theymay make. ae these will be certain to receive strenuous opposition from the Conservatives and the nuppo^en qjt cUBomi* optica*! iatfrwtn."





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