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MERTHYR BURIAL BOARD. The monthly meeting of the Board was held on Wednes- day last, when there were present:—Messrs. T. Williams (chairman), W. Smyth. W. Gould. G. Roach, J. W. James, L. J. Davjes, and the Rev. J. Lloyd. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. THE RATING OF THE CEMETERY QUARRY. The Deputy Clerk (Mr D. R. Lewis) stated that the rate of 4s. made by the VaynOlt overseers on the quarry at the cemetery had been paid, for they could not do otherwise; this time, as they did not appeal before the assessment committee. If they objected to pay it, it was now for them to decide whether they would appeal. Mr James thought that as they made a pro6t out of the quarry it was only right that they should pay. If they appealed it would only cost them more money, for the Clerk would charge about £ 2 2s for attending before the assess- ment committee. Air Goizio contended that they were rot making a profit out cf the concern, for by the time that they had put the ground all right it would be no profit whatever. The Clerk, he thought, would attend before the assessment committee in his official capacity, and would not be justified in charging anything. A Ion-, and unimportant conversation then ensued, after which Mr James proposed and Mr Koach seconded that the Board pay the rate. The motion was however negatived, and the Board agreed to appeal. REPAIRS TO THE CEMETERY CHAPEL. The Clerk read a report from Mr J LeNi8 of the repairs necessary at the chapels, and an estimate of the probable cost of putting the same in thorough repair. It amounted to 1m 16s., and he recommended that the Board give it out by day work, for as the woikwas of such a varied character, it was impossible to have it contracted for, and he was of opinion that if it was given out by day work it would be executed much better. Mr Smyth thought they had better commence the work at once. The Chairman asked if some of the work could not be given out by contract. ° Mr J Lewis was called in, and stated that the painting might lie given out by contract, though the other work could not. Mr Gould thought they ought to give it out by day work, and ha.ve it done well. Mr Smyth stated that the painting work was very small, only estimated at between £ ? and £\1, so he thought it was not worth while contracting for. Mr Koach remarked that Mr Lewis, painter, Pontmor- lais, bad always been very obliging in sending a man up to the cemetery whenever anything was wanted, and he there- fore thought he should have the work as usual. He then made a motion to that effect. Mr Gould seconded it. The Chairman said they had better first agree that the work should be done. Mr Smyth thm proposed that they do the necessary re- pairs by dfy work, as recommended, and that Mr Lewis, who is a practic-tl man, be asked to superintend the work. Mr Roach seconded the proposition. Mr L. J. Davies proposed an amendment, that the work be given out by contract. No one seconding the amendment, the motion was de- clared carried. THE GRAVEYARDS. The Inspector stated, in reply to the Chairman, that the Twynrodyn Cemetery had not been repaired.—It was agreed that the necessary cleaning and repairing should be done forthwith, the Inspector to look after and see that the same be done properly. Respecting the Zion and Taber- nacle Chapels graveyards that he had reported last month, he had to state that the former had been put in order, but the last named was in a worse condition than it was when ho reported it. He (the Inspector) had been told that the authorities at the Tabernacle Chapel intend doing some alterations immediately, and after these were coiiipletfd tney would put the graveyard in a proper coudition. The St. Tydfil's churchyard would also be put in a good condi- tion immediately, the reason for its not being done before was the change in churchwardens. THE INSPECTOR'S REPORT. A report was read from Mr C. Davies, which stated that the interments for the month had been :Graig. Abercan- naid, 2; Saron, Troedyrhiw, o total 7. Registered deaths ;-i\Jerthy¡- Upper, 83; Vaynor, 4; Merthyr, 64; total, 151. Hearse hiring* :—eight at 5s, 40s.; three at os Gtl, 19s Gd one to Pant, 10s; total, £ 3 9s Gd. Inter- ments in the Cemetery, GO. Mr James remarked that they had agreed a short time ago to have the hearse painted, as it required it very much. He thought some arrangements oug-ht to be made, so as not to deprive the public of a hearse in the meantime. Mr Smyth stated that it would take about a fortnight to do it, and he thought they had better enter into an arrange- ment to have it done in that time, or the painter be sub- jected to a fine of 10s for every day that he would keep it after that period. Mr lloach asked if they could not engage Mr R Gabe's hearse. Mr James thought they ought to do something if they did engage Mr Gabe's hearse, the public ought to have it at the usual rates, though it would cost the Board more. The matter was ultimately referred to a committee of the Chairman and Mr J. W. James. THE CLERK'S SALARY AND FEES. Mr L. J. Davies remarked that there were GO interments in the Cemetery this month—last month there was a larger number; on each of these Is 6d was charged for registra- tion fees. He thought that was very excessive, and it caused great dissatisfaction in the town. The Chairman stated that there was a large set of books to keep. Mr Davies asked who received those fees. The Deputy Clerk replied it was the Clerk. Mr Davies Besides his salary of £ 65? The Deputy Clerk replied in the affirmative, and said that the salary was 175 and not i6t¡. Mr Davies thought that taking into consideration the high salary the Clerk, received. that he ought not to receive 'tt Is 6d registration fee for each funeral. The Deputy Clerk stated that it took the whole time of one clerk to attend to the registering of the burials. At first the duties were very light, but now, when there were from CO to 70 interments every mouth, he assured them it was no easy task, for they had about eight books altogether to keep. Mr Davies said that great dissatisfaction existed in the town because of this exorbitant charge. He had written to the Swansea Burial Board respecting the salary they paid to their Clerk formerly he (the Swansea Clerk) had received £100 per year, but a committee had recently been appointed to enquire into the wiitle of the salaries, and the result was that- they reduced it to .£50. The Deputy Cierk stated that knowing something of the case referred to by Mr Davits, he should like to explain it. Mr J ssery was the Clerk to the Town Council, Boaid of Health, and Burial Board, as well as holding several other offices, for the whole of which he received £500 per year A committee was appointed..s stated, to enquire into the salary paid tohiin for the different offices he held, and they decided to apportion only £ 50 for his being Clerk to the Burial Board, insteal of £ 100. They did not reduce his salary by that amount, for he still receives JIOO per year all the committee did was to re-apportion the salaries. The Chairman said that as the subject was a very import- ant. one, he thought Mr Davies should give notice of his motion. This he did accordingly. "THE SORRY HALF-CROWN." Mr James remarked that Mr Davies should have attached to his motion the question of charging the half-crown for reading the burial service, for he contended it was not right on tneir part to charge parties a half-crown when they did nett choose to have a religious service at the burial, for they might have a friend to do it for them- He thought the public should be at perfect liberty to do as they liked. The Chairman stated that they could have the minister of any religious denolnination. Mr James agreed, but contended that the public ought to be allowed to let their ft icnds read the service if they desired it, and in that case they ought not to be charged the half-crown. They had agreed by a majority of the Board to a petition which the Chairman had signed, in favour of Mr Osborne Morgan's Burial Bill, which Bill was favourable to persons being buried in churchyards, with or without a minister. He thought they ought to allow the public the same liberty. The Chairman said that he was not present when the peti- tion had been brought forward. He strongly objected to the burial service being read by any person not being a minister. Mr Gould would not object to an upright man reading the service, but the reason he objected to what Mr James referred to was, that they might have some drunken person chosen to read the service, and thereby have a disgraceful disturbance at funerals. The subject then dropped, and the Board shortly after- wards broke up. — — MOUNTAIN ASH BOARD OF HEALTH. The usual fortnightly meeting was held at the Workman's Hall on Monday last, when there were present Messrs G. "Wilkinson (Chairman), J. Gray, T. Edwards, E. Thomas, ¡ J. Griffiths, R. Williams and D. Morgan. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. INCREASE OF SALARY TO THE INSPECTOR OF NUISANCES. The Chairman asked what was the salary he received at present ? The Clerk JE10 per year. The Chairman thought that the inspector deserved an increase, for it was admitted by all that his duties had in- creased. Mr J. Gray asked what his duties were when he was en. gaged. The Clerk on referring to his appointment stated that they were the inspection of nuisances and lodging houses. Mr J. Gray said that if he did any extra work he should certainly be paid for it. The Chairman was of opinion that the mere looking after the gas lamps, an office to which he had only just been ap- pointed, was worth £10 per year. Mr J. Griffiths proposed that the salary of P.S. Hodgson should be increased from tlO to jLl-5 per year, and that the increase should commence from the beginning of the year. Mr li. Williams remarked that the inspector^ disc his duties very efficiently, and was in fact a very gooi o cer. H e therefore begged to second the proposition at Mr Griffiths. The Chairman concurred, and thought the inspector was entitled to the increase. S The proposition to increase the salary of the inspector to Sla a year was then agreed to unauimously. HOSE AND REEL. Mr J. Griffiths proposed, in pursuance of his motion, that the Board purchase an efficient hose and reel. It was always admitted that the wisest policy was to meet an enemy, and not to wait until it had arrived, and more es- pecially if it was such a merciless enemy as fire. At pre- sent they were totally unprepared to meet such a calamity, and he thereforore thought they ought to get the things necessary, though he hoped at the same time that the day was far distant when they would be visited by a fire. He thought that when they had purchased one that it should be left in a convenient place in the centre of the town, so as to he ready of access in ease of emergency. They would also have to agree .vith the Water Company for a supply of water in such cases, He concluded by again moving that the Hoard buy a suitable hose and reel. The motion was duly seconded, and'the matter was left over for the Surveyor tc report upon the size of reel best adapted for the district and the length of hose necessary. WATERING THE STREETS. Mr J. Griffiths remarked that the Surveyor had told him that they could get a hose and reel that could also be adapted for watering the streets. Personally he could sec no reason why it could not water the streets if that was so there would be no need of a water cart, as had been given notice of by Mr Edwards. The Chairman was of the same opinion, for he thought they could easily water the streets with a hose. Mr D. Morgan thought the contiuual dragging of the hose about the streets would soon wear it out, and they would require a new one very often. Hose was very ex- pensive. being about 10s. per yard, so he thought the best and cheapest plan in the long run would be to have a proper cart. A short discussion ensued, after which Mr Ed wards post- poned his motion until the next meeting of the Board. ABSENCE OF THE SURVEYOR. The Clerk stated that in consequence of a death in the family of Mr Harpur. their Surveyor, he was not present —having been obliged to attend the funeral that day. INSPECTOR OF NUISANCES' REPORT. The usual report from the Inspector was read, which stated that the notices ordered at the last meeting had been served. He also reported several existing nuisances, to the owners of which he recommended notice to be given to cleanse or remove the same immediately. He stated also in his report that during the past fortnight several of the gas lamps had only been partially lit, whilst others were out entirely. Mr J. Giay stated that he had in his hand a copy of the last report respecting the gas lamps, with, he thought, satisfactory answers against everyone of the charges. He then proceeded to read them, from which it appeared that there were none of the lamps half lit, but were supplying the full amount of gas, namely, five feet per hour, for the burners had been properly tested but he supposed the reason why the Inspector had reported them was that several of the burners consumed six feet of gas per hour, and therefore the lights in the former lamps would seem- small compared with the latter. Respecting those that were entirely out, he stated that they were lighted each night, but as the glass was Iroken in every one of the lamps saiel to be out, he could only accouut for the wind blowing them out. He concluded by remarking that when the Inspector next found some of the lamps only half• lit," as he called it, he (the speaker) should like to have his attention drawn to them. Mr Morgan asked whose duty it was to keep the lamps in repair. Mr Gray replied that it was the duty of the Board. After a short discussion it wfs agieed to solicit tenders from the different glaziers to put the glats in, and after- wards when the Inspector saw a pane missing he was to order the repairs of the same at once. FINANCE. The report of the Finance Committee was read, and on the proposition of Mr J. Giiffitlis, seconded by Mr Ed- wards. it was adopted. It stated that there was £304 14s. 8d. to the credit of the Board in the bank, and they re- commended that various accounts should be paid. Cheques were accordingly signed to the amuuut of £78 l:t 8el., the election accounts being £258s. 2d. It also stated that Mr Jones, the Government Auditor, would examine the books of the Buard on Friday next. HIGHWAYS. Mr Gray gave notice that be would propose at the next meeting that the Board should take to the following streets, and declare the same highways. namely Glyn, Gwyn, Philiips and Allen-streets, and those in New Town. Air J. Griffiths also gave notice that he would propose Bailey-street being taken to by the Board. One or two other unimportant matters having beendis. posed of, the Board afterwards broke up. 0 110. MERTHYR POLICE COURT. SATURDAY.—{Before J. C. Fowler. B. J. Davies, and T. jb.va.ns, -tsqrs.) SAD LOSS OF CHARACTER. THEFT OF LEAD FROM DOWLAIS HOUSE. John Edwards, messenger and postman for many years to the Dowlais Iron Company, was brought up charged with stealing 3 cwt. 2 qrs. 18 lbs. of lead, value £2 15s 9d the property of Messrs The Dowlais Iron Company. Mr R Squire, plumber, Castle-str< et, Merthyr, said I know the prisoner; he is in the employ of the Dowlais Iron Company a short time ago, I was relaying the lead on the Dowlais House; the old lead was left in large pieces about the yard it weighed altogether I should think about a ton and a half; and was worth about 15s per cwt; I saw the leadthere Oil the 27th ult; one of the pieces (produced) I can distinctly remember as being part of what came off the Dowlais House, because it is a singularly shaped one, aud came off a ridge on the roof.-Mr Wm. Kemp said,-I am an agent under the Dowlais Iron Company the prisoner has been in the employ of the Company for the last fifteen or twenty years, and for the ten or twelve years as a mes- senger and postman. The relaying of the lead on the roof of the Dowlais House was in my department, and I saw the work uoin" 011 several times each ûay when tue wdfc-k was completed the old lead was taken by my direction in a cart to the warehouse a day or two afterwards my attention was drawn to the lead, and I went and exaruined it in the warehouse, and found that there were several pieces missing I have not the slightest doubt but that this piece (produced) callie from tbe roof tue Dowlais House. In reply to the Bench the witness stated that the prisoner had nothing whatever to do with the lead.—Margaret RyalJ. wife of John Hyan, marine-store dealer, Merthyr, said —I live at Bridge-street, Merthyr. On the 22nd ult., 1 received some old lead from the prisoner he brought it in a trap in the morning he asked for my husband but he was not in so he left it there, promising to call next day this he did and brought with him another lot of lead he then saw mv husband the lead (produced) is that lead; I gave it all up to the police; it was not kept separate, for we did not happen to have any other lead.-John Ryan, marine-store de-iler, said, —On the 22nd ult. I was at Aberdare, and when I came home 1 saw a quantity of lead in the passage I asked my wife where it came from, and she told me that John, the postman from Dowlais House, had brought it and would call next (layabout it on the 23rd ult., (the following day) he called again, bringing with him another lot of lead I paid him then £1 9s for both lots; when leaving he said he had more to come. On the following Thursday he called again with a quantity of lead, for which 1 gave him 17s or 17s 6d. He bought 3511bs of lead alto- gether the witness stated that he had only entered 2001bs. of it in bis book, the reason he assigned for so duing beincr that as he had brought it down in the Dowlais trap he be- lieved the prisoner got it honestly.—The Bench reprimanded him for not entering each transaction in his book as required by law. He should have done it even for his own protection.-P.S. Davies (47) said—I arrested prisoner in the stable at Dowlais House on Wednesday laat I told him he must come with me to the station, about some lead he had stolen he said How was that found out? I re- plied that it was found out; I thl,n searched the premises in the presence of prisoner, and in a hen house, tbe key of which I had ,frum prisoner, I found a box containing ano- ther lot of lead on finding it I said, why here's some more lead John he replied, well it is no good to tell a lie about it, 1 had it all from the yard of the Dowlais House" I then took him to the station, and charged him with the theft, to which he replied, "Yes all right." The lead is the property of Messrs The Dowlais Iron Company. This was the whole of the evidence adduced, and the Bench then told prisoner that he had a choice of being committed for trial on the charge at the Quarter Sessions, or if he pleaded guilty the case would be at once disposed of. He replied, I wish you to finish it now, I did do it." The Bench asked him if he had anything to say in defence, upon which he replied that he fonnd the tirst lot in a uag in the street, but the other lead he had taken from the yard of the Dowlais House.—Messrs T. Lloyd, Dowlais, P. V\ illiam? W. Kemp, Dowlais, and Superintendent Thomas spoke in favourable terms of the prisoner's character, and that ho was known by them for a great number of years as a sober trustworthy man.—The Bench in sentencing prisoner re- marked that it was not necessary to make any remarks, for he (the prisoner) had pleaded guilty; they had therefore only to state, that they very much regretted that a man of the prisoner's charactershould bebroughtuponsuch acharcre. Remembering the number of years he had been in the em- ploy of the Dowlais Iron Company, and the excellent cha- racter he had hitherto borne, and which Mr Fowler of his own knowledge could testify, it would have been a pleasing act on their part to have looked over his offence, but they had a public duty to perform, which as magistrates they must not shrink from. The good character that he had hitherto borne aggravated in one sense his misconduct for it led to his being confidently trusted, though on the other side there was no charge of dishonesty brought before them before, and they hoped that this jet stood out isolated, and tlmt dishonesty hitd not been a practice with hUll. The least sentence the Bench could consistently pass was that he by,imprisoned at Swansea Gaol for four calendar months with bard labour. CHARGE OF LARCENY.—A respectably dressed man named Daniel Sullivan was charged with stealing a flannel shirt and some mother articles, the property of David Davies' quarry man, Penyard.—Mr Simons appeared for prisoner: The wife of prosecutor appeared, and stated that the shirt produced was her property she was certain of it, because she had bought the stuff and had made it into a shirt; she iost it as well as several other articles on the 16th of Feb- ruary last from off the clothes line in the garden by her house. It was put there in the morning, and she missed it in the evening, about half-past six the prisoner passed by there daily to go to his work. Her reason for supposing- that he had taken it was that one day he was coming along but on seeing her he turned back. k Cross-examined by 1\1; Simons she Admitted that the pattern was a very common one, and much used by the working classes. Ann Harris deposed that this was prosecutor's shIrt; she recognized it by a little piece on the neck band. She always used to wash it, and was confident that this was the prosecutor's property. PC. Rees said he arrested prisoner on the 4th instant at his lodging, and round the shirt produced, which Mrs Davies said waf, ,,e(>°.I?eJ°st from the line on charging prisoner with the theft, he said I did not do it." Mr Simons contended that there was no case against pri- svner, for it was admitted that the shirt was a very com- mon one, and ot a pattern very extensively worn by the working classes, though should the Bench require it, he had two witnesses who would put it beyond a doubt that this was not prosecutor's shirt. He then called Ellen Collins who stated that she bad bought 32 yds. of flannel about nine months ago, to make prisoner a shirt; she had also paid one shilling to another person for making it and TL i?aS tha,t the shirt (produced) was that one.— I he Bench thought there was no evidence against prisoner he would therefore be discharged. SIMILAR CHARGE.-An otd man 67 years of age, named David Davies, was charged with stealing two pairs of boots worth Sl 6s, the p'operty of Samuel Goldstein. The prose- cutor, said that the boots (produced) were his property he had them on the 11th of last month, and missed them on 15th ult. He could only swear to one pair, and they were worth 14s; the prisoner lived in his house,—George Edge,