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ORIGINAL (JOliKb.SfOiSDENCli. ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR. rho Editor is not responsible for tile opinions of hli Correspondent* Siu,—Thomas Morris, collier, intends to exhibit, at the next show, three double Balsams. If any in the neigh- bourhood be pleased to call at No 1, Tranchbach, they may see that they are really his before the day of exhibition. THE FLOWER SHOW. fSui,—It has been rumoured, and I believe with some correctness, that some of the produce that was exhibited in the last Flower Show was not the actual property of the ex-, hibitors previous to the day of exhibition, and as one of the intended exhibitors for the next, I would wish for the com- mittee to appoint some persons to visit the gardens of the exhibitors before that time that all may stand on their own merit. UN O'R VAYNOK. CRICKET CLUB. SIN,—Knowing well the character of the MERTHKR TELE- GRAPH for fairness, 1 do not hesitate in requesting that you will publish the following in reference to a correspondence which appeared in your impression of the 23rd inst, and which impudently and ignorantly purported to be a report of the Ebbw Vale Cricket Club v. Beaufort. Your versatile and most erudite correspondent, (torgive the term) in a mean spirit and uncalled-for jealousy sent you the report, which, undisguisedly, wore upon its face a would-be sneer, which in more apt hands, and conceived in a less Bootian brain might, probably, have the desired effect; but, as it was, the bow of his meagre intellect was too weak to shoot the poisoned arrow to the mark. Sir, fearing that some of your readers may surmise that the report of the 23rd inst. emanated from the Beaufort, you will permit me to say that there is too much manhood existing among the mem- bers of the Beaufort Cricket Club to give way to spleen because Fortune's eldest daughter wooed and won them on that occasion. j t: Sir. em vour corresnondent ruottred the unprodu<tjva position more in keeping with the lignity of the MERTHYR TELEGRAPH and facts more truthful. In conclusion, sir, I have to state that the challenge come from the eleven of Beaufort, all of whom are rather too old birds for your 'juvenile correspondent.—Yours, kc., FVTI> Pr AY June 23rd, 18d5. A VISIT TO ST. DAVID'S CHURCH. SIR,—I am in the habit of attending a Dissenting place of worship, but it occurred to me on Sunday evening last that I should like to visit St. David's Church. I did so, and was very much pleased with the manner in which the preliminary service was performed. I then waited with I Home interest to witness our respected Rector as- cend the pulpit, and give his text. I say with some inter- est, because I have long understood that his sermons are frequently sensational in their character. I w'as thus pre- pared for something startling, though certainly not start- ling in the sense in which my feeliug3, and, I believe, those of the entire respectable cougregation, were moved on Sunday evening last. The Rector's motives, as a minister of the gospel, are without doubt perfectly correct; but I think every one who had to endure the discourse on this occasion, will agree vvith tne that it is not by a recital of the details of a filthy, sensual life, the allusion to foul and loathsome diseases, the putting up as in a picture, illustra- tions of gross moral obliquity that the temples of God are to be made more attractive, the worship of the sanctuary more enforced, the morals of the people to be raised, or their religious obligations brought more vividly before them If the sermon of Sunday night was one of the usual sensational seimons at St. David's, then 1 am indeed sorry for those of my fellow-townsmen who deem it their duty to attend Church under any and all circumstances. Thank God, in my humble tabernacle, such sensational sermons are not permitted, either by the taste of the minister or the will of the congregation. — Yours truly, A DISSENTER CONVINCED OF HIS MISTAKE IN ATTENDING ST. DAVID'S CHURCH. WORKHOUSE CONTRACTS. SIR,—I have on several occasions been told I was a gentleman, but somehow I could scarcely believe so myself, until I found "Cymro" endorsed the already prevailing opinion, and what everybody says must be true. I am only too sorry that I cannot say the same of him. It also gave me the greatest pleasure to find he acknowledged the contents of his first letter to be "nonsense," and perhaps ) in future he will refrain from doing the same. "Cymro "has accused me of saying an "untruth," but I not in one single instance has he pointed out one—neither caB he. Granted, that he knows his own abilities better than any- one else, and I am glad he is satisfied with himself, for I fear the the readers of the TELEGRAPH will appreciate but very little indeed of his endowments, if the contents of his letters are a specimen. For my own I will leave others to judge. Cymro says Thames Tunnel is not an architectural error at all. I am sure I never said it was. If he will refer to my letter again, he will find that the word "archi- tectural is not at all used. His original letter was based on the discrepancy between the Surveyor's estimate and the amount of the accepted tender. I brought forward Thames Tunuel because it was the work of one of the greatest authorities of the day, so that "Cymro" may learn that it is almost utterly impossible for any two to make their estimates agree. The reasons are obviously what I stated in my previous letter. But to this he says the river broke in twice, and that was not in the speciti- cation." I am sure, Mr. Editor, were you to require any extension of your present premises, and write your own specification, you would not specify that the building was to fall down at a certain stage. However, I will be a little more generous. I suppose he means to infer that accidents are not provided for in the estimate. If Cymro does ever have an opportunity of visiting an engineer's office, at a time when they are estimating for a contract attended with any risks, he will find that they do provide, for that. As he is not satisfied with what I previously gave him, I will now give him some instances of architectural esti- mates. For new warehouses in Dublin, the highest of several tenders was £ <i,o(j0, the lowest, which was accepted, £45\)ö. For five shops at Battersea the highest W.1S £;),273, the accepted one was £ 1,973. If" Cymro is not satisfied with the above, if he will take the trouble to look over the Builder, which I believe is to be seen at the Library, he will find some dozens such instances every week; it is headed "Tenders." I fear he does not know the meaning of the words, estimate and specification," so I will endeavour to set him right. Estimate means to set a value on, and specifi- cation means particular mention. In conclusion allow me to remark he has gone quite astray from the original subject, and he seems now to awaken and see his folly, for like a converted sinner he begins to feel repentant, as his concluding remarks are, I must say, very moderate. If he had so written at first as a ratepayer, I think he would be quite justified. I will now bid him adieu, and thanking you, sir, for the space you have allowed me, I again enclose my card, and beg to subscribe myself .Tune 26th, 18(36. Ax ENGINEER. FORESTERS' FETE. SIR,—I saw by an advertisement in your last weeks' paper that the Foresters are about to hold a grand fete at Abergavenny 011 the 9th day of July, for the purpose of establishing a Widows' and Orphans' Fund in this excellent district. It is the duty of every Forester and the inhabi- tants of the neighbourhood who possess the means to co-operate with the members of this beuevolent institution in their endeavours to place the Widows' and Orphans Fund on a satisfactory and permanent basis. The support given to the widows and orphans has beeu the special boast of the wealthy and noble in every age. But if these men of position and rank deserve a nation's tribute for their noble generosity, what should be said of that band of Englishmen, who are united together in sach societies as this, and doing just as much and more for the widow and orphan, not out of their wealth and station, but out of their hard daily earnings. This is a noble instance of the inborn principles of the noblest of all virtues, charity. Another feature of these societies is that when a brother is ill, and the mose unfortunate result should ensue—the death of the brother—kind friends would be with him in his dying moments, and he will leave the world with the assurance that his wife and children will not be left wholly uncared for, but would receive the benefit of the fund to which he has m his lifetime contributed, and. therefore, they had a right to look for assistance in such an houf of distress and need. I hope the members of this society and all other societies and the public will come forward in the support of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, for such an institution as this has the effect of reducing the taxation of the different towns and parishes, and I believe that the For sters have a right to anticipate some support from the public at large.—I remain, sir, Yours very respectfully, Tredegar, June 26th, 1866. A FORESTER. THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN" AT MERTHYR WORKHOUSE SCHOOL. Sir,—Allow me through the medium of the MERTHYR TELEGRAPH to make a few remarks upon the letter from Felix which appeared in your last issue respecting the Irish children at the Merthyr Workhouse. The following are some of the arguments in conseqnence of which I supported Mr Lewis' resolution not to allow the Irish children to be taken from the Workhouse School, btly, That a good school for the education of the Workhouse children has been established for many years past, entirely without any creed or religious persuasion, all the relegious demonstrations (except the Catholics) being sa- tisfied with the instructions given at the Workhouse school. 2ndly, All the children whether English, Welsh, or Irish, are under the tuition and management of competent teachers, and the control and discipline of the Master and Matron of the Workkouse who are trustworthy and kind. and who act almost as parents to all the children without distinction. None of the children are allowed to go to another school except when the teachers are gone away. 3rdly, The Cath. olic Priest and Ministers of all denominations are alllowed to visit the children every day if they wish to do so, and there are only eight Catholic children at the Workhouse school varying from 2 to 7 years old (except one being near 9 years old) who are too young to form an idea of the differ- ence between Catholic and Protestant or any other religion. 4thly, Many of the Irish and other children are so filthy and full of bad habits, that I consider it would be very wrong to allow the Workhouse children who are always kept clean and healthy to associate with the children out of the Workhouse. Also, they could not come aud get their meals at the appointed time according to the rules of the Poor Law Union athly, In respect to the Catholic children at Dowlais being worse than other children of the age and class in the neighbourhood, Catholics themselves prove that plainly, as they are obliged to employ a man with a weapon in his hand to guard the children, only from 250 to 300 when going to and from the school, whereas the children of the Dowlais schools numbering upwards of 2,000, are left without any guard, and conduct themselves far better than the Catholics. 6thly, Myself and several others in the neighbourhood of the Catholic schools at Dowlais have made complaints many times to the Master and Pr.est of the disgraceful conduct of the Irish children, and both gen- tlemen very readily and kindly punished them for the.r bad conduct. 7thly, As for the windows broken, persons will prove that upwards of a dozen panes of glass have been broken by the Irish children, but perhaps it was only two (as they say) who broke them, as they are socunning. I hope the above will satisfy the public that I was right in support- ing Mr Lewis' motion. If u Felix wishes to say any more upon the above and say the truth, he need not conceal his name but show himself as an honest man who never hides I am yours &c., Sunny Cottage, Dowlais, JOHN EDWARDS. June 26th, 1866. THE TEMPERANCE HALL. Slit.—In yeur issue of last week a letter appeared signed by Cosmopolitan," and although I do not, as a rule, be- llieve in replying to any letters unless they have the name of the writer, yet, when wilful misrepresentations are made, by parties who are afraid of signing their names to their let- ters, it is well, perhaps, to place the matter clearly before the public. The letter which appeared in your contemporary of June 1st, did certainly give offence, on account of its ungentle- manly and owardly attack. It stated that the benches were dirty; it complained of incivility from those elU- ployed and lastly, that I was called to see the condition the seats were in. Now, as regards the benches, they could uot have been dirty, for only the previous week they were carefully washed they might have been dusty it is true, owing to the dust raised by putting up the scenery and large plat- form. Since then I have found out that a certain disagreement had taken placet between one or two of tae company and the woman who cleans the Hall. I know 0: no other want of civility but it strikes me very forcibly, Mr. Editor, that a man who lives in a glass house ought not to throw stones, but should rather remember that— I This world is full of beauty As othH worlds above, If men would do their duty, It inigtit be full of Lore." In reference to. myself, I beg to state that I was not called to see the condition the seats were in Had I been called I should have ordered them to be dusted. I went in twice, as 1 usually do, to see if everything was right, and when I visited the place, the seats were all clean but, Sir, "Cosmopolitan "states that a. letter of apology had been sent, but he hoped that it was not written by the first visitor." Now. I need not show the absurdity of this further than to state that it is not customary for Brown to apologise for Robinson, and whether it be a custom or not, it cannot be a very pleasant task to perform hence the absurdity of such a foolish hope. The so-called apology would not satisfy me, simply be- cause that it was-no apology; nor would it please the members of the company, several of whom spoke to me on When the gentlemen of the company came to know whom the letter had been written by, they immediately, at their first committee, passed a vote of censure upon him, who they said turned out to be, not in reality a Visitor," as represented, but no less a person than their own secre- tary (Mr. Wm. Thomas, of the county court office). I am sorry to have to state this for more reasons than one; but, above all, because that Mr. Thomas is a member of the Royal 12th. 1 should have given him credit for more courage aud manly conduct than to represent himself in a public newspaper to be a Visitor," when in reality he was a member of the company that performed, and holding the responsible office of secretary. For why, when the founda- tion stone of the Driil Hall was laid last Thursday, by the fair hands of the wife of the gallant captain, I noticed that Mr. Thomas held his rifle to his shoulder as manly and as resolute as any, and was able to fire his own rifle during the volleys, without troubiing the sergeant to turn one side to fire three charges at the same time out of his rifle. I am sure, Sir, that taking all this into consideration, you will agree with me in saying that better conduct might have been expected from him. If the secretary of the Working Men's Dramatic Society, or any of his friends, should again have high words with the Hall cleaner, I should thank him to come to me to complain, and not write his grievances to a newspaper, un- der the anonymous name of "a Visitor." If he does this, J will see that Cosmopolitan has no cause to complain. —Yours truly, W. L. DANIEL, June 27, 1866. Chairman of the Temperance Hall Committee.


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