-= "NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. I No Notice can he taken of annonyroous communica Hons. Whatever is intended for insertion nrns be authenticated by the name and address of the wri-er not necessarily for publication, but as a guaran er of good faith.
AFTER a vacation of nearly three months, Pr liament reassembled on Tuesday to complete the business of the Session. This was done as quietly and unostentatiously as though the members had only come back from an ordinary Easter or Whitsuntide recess. and both Houses at once proceeded to business. The truth is, the work which it is necessary should be done by I the House of Commons before the year closes, is not of a kind calculated to attract public attention, or excite popular interest. It will mainly consist of the voting supplies—a func- tion, which, although affecting in the most direct way the interests of the taxpayers of the country is, as a rule, left to a small minority the members of the House, who have the tåsw, or the capacity or the sense of responsibility •> undergo the labour of minute investigation Of details that would alone qualify them to be intelligent critics of the estimates. Other cir- cumstances combined no doubt to divert notice from the gathering of Parliament on Tuesday, Amongst those were the c. ter attractions of the Gladstone show at Birm ngham, which was timed no doubt advisedly to take place in Bingley Hall, f t the very moment that Mr Speaker was resuming his chair at St. Stephen s. Speaker was resuming his chair at St. Stephen s. It was the way adopted by the Revolutionary Chief of showing the superiority of the Stump to the Serate as a form of government. Besides this, the Parnell Commission had on that day commenced its weekly session, and without expressing'a single word of comment upon the proceedings of tnat most remarkable proceduie, we may sAy that what has already transpired in the inquiry, has deepened and intensified the public ir.terest is to the further revelations that may be made. For there is no doubt that the whole country is listening with intentest atten- tion for the facts to be elicited—whatever the effect or thus; facts may be, whether to establish or to disprove the charges against Mr Parnell, and his associates. It will plainly not be pos- sible for Parliament to accomplish, in the six or seven weeks to which the residue of the Session must be confined, much in the way of legisla- tion. It is indeed very important that one new Bill should be introduced and carried through before the close of the Session-we mean J Bill providing for the advance of a few millions to carry on the purchase operations under Lord Asbbourne's Act, which otherwise will have expired before the commencement of the nwt Session. This proposal will no doubt meet with the most vehement and persistent opposition of the Parnellite party, although the operation of the Ashbourne Act has been most advantageous to the Irish tenants, as enabling them to pur- chase their holdings on the most favourable terms. But we are pleased to know that Lord Hartington and the Liberal Unionists as a body, will support the Government. The only interest likely to centre in the proceedings of Parliament during the few remaining weeks of the Session, will be connected with the tactics of the Par- nellites which are expected to be brought actively into play when the Irish Estimates come up for consideration.
CONCERT.—A Concert will be held on the evening of the 19th inst., at Boltoll Hill School- room. The arrangements are being made by the friends who have successfully conducted similar gatherings at the same place, and a plfasant evening may be anticipated. The price of ad- mission will be Is. 7" 1ST PEMBROKESHIRE VOLUNTEER BATTALION Welsh REGIMENT.—The following regimental orders have been issued by Major E. Eaton j Evans, commanding Head quarters :—No. 1 It is notified for general information that the first squad of recruits fer 1888-9 will commence drill in the Market Hall, at 8 p.m., on Monday, the 12th November. All persons wishing to join or irembers having friends desirous of joining, will be good enough to at- tend at the Market Hall on the above date. No. 2. The following Sergeants are granted certifi- cates of proficiency :—No. 201, J. Cole, and No. 64. R. H. Jones. STAR BOWKETT SOCIETY.—A lecture showing the advantages and working of the Star Bowkett Building Societies, one of which has been formed in this town, was delivered at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday evening by Mr W. David, agent! of Mr Starr. In the unavoidable absence of Mr Alderman Green, who had been announced to pieside, the chair was occupied by Mr W. J. j Jones, solicitor. The lecturer explained the pnn- ciples of the Society, which advanced to mem- bers sums of money of XIOO to C400 for purchas- ing property, to be repaid in from 1 to 121 years without interest. The subscription was Gel. per week per £ 10G share, and the sums advanced, which was are appropriated by ballot, were re' payable in instalments. Branches had been esta- blished at Cardiff, and had proved a great suc- cess. There were about a thousand societies in England, and the number was steadily in- i creasing. More than 150 persons have taken •hares in the Haverfordwest Society. Mi Councillor George Jones and Mr C. T. Rogers were elected auditors for the ensuing year. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH.—The following is the order of the services in connection with the de dication festival >f this church, which will com- mence on Sunday next — 1st celebration of Holy Eucharist, at 8 a.m. matins and sermon, Ham. choral calibrations of the Holy Eu. cbarist, 12.15 p.m. music Calkin in C. Even- gong and sermon r.t 6 p.m. Preacher at 11 and 6-Rev. Sir Geor-e Ralph Featherstone, Bart., vicar of Pydeltrr- Ithide, Dorsetshire.—Monday, the 12th, parocb .al tea party and entertainment, at 6 p.m. —Wednesday, the 14th, evensong and; »eimon at 8 p.m. Preacher Rev. C. M. Phe Ps- -Friday, the 16th, rvensong and sermon at 8 p.m. Preacher Rev Stephen Jenkins, B.D., rector of Oxwich, G )w Sunday, the 18th 1st celebration of How Eucharist, 8 a.m matins and sermon, 11 a.m. choral celebration of Holy Eucharist, 12.13 p.m. evensong, ser- mot. and Te Deum, 6 p.m. Preacher Rev. S. Jenkins, rector of Oxwich. There will be a daily celebration of Eucharist at 8 during the Octave. The collections throughout the week will be for the St. Martin's Endowment Aug- mentation Fund. 1 H AVERFORDWEST CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA- The Secretary of the Haverfordwest Conservative Association (Mr W. Jones, 40 High Street,) has received the followingletter from Mr Sydney Greville, (Lord Salisbury's Secretary) in acknowledgment of the vote of confidence in the Government passed at the meeting re- cently held in the Masonic Hall :— Foreign Office, 2nd Nov., 1SS8. DEAF Sik,—Lord Salisbury desires me to acknow- ledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st ult, con- tainiii" the copy of a resolution passed at a public meeting held on the 30th ult. in the Masonic Hall, Haverfordwest. Haverfordwest, It is very gratifying to his Lordship to receive sneh assurances of confidence and sympathy, as are ex-, pressed in that resolution towards the policy which is being followed by the Government, and he begs to assure the members who have addres.««d him, that he values very highly this testimony of approval. I remain, dear sir, Faithfully yours, SYDNET GHETILLK.
ELECTION OF COUNTY COUNCILLORS. From the following letter it will be seen that residence in the county is not necessary for county councillors and aldermen This will much enlarge the area of election, and possibly save tu, some valuable men whose services otherwise we should have lost r "Local Government Board, Whitehall, &.W-, Nov. 3, 1888. "Sir,-I am directed by the Local Oowrment Board to .cknowlertge the oi your cttei Of the 29tli ult., and m reply to state that a person is not^°ci as°a county! ^ffi^Htledtofote in the election °* ™01 s.^V^j°,j.s for registration as a I T 'irp set oiit in section £ ) of the county elector are se Muneipal Corpo^ • j- section 2 of the CouXt J bhd Wl"«°r » certain term in or vithhi seven miles of the county is, it will be observed, necesary to entitle a person to be so •.Ut, as' regards qualification for election Tunty councillor, the Board may say that cumt if the person is registered as a Par- > vote" in respect of the ownersh p of in county he need not ■janty. your obedient servant, Aasi start t Secretary Tj-.v.tvi-iioiire, "-ud) Q.
HAVERFORDWEST TOWN COUNCIL. The annual meeting of the members of this Corporation was held to-day in the Council I Chamber, the Mayor (Mr Rule Owen) presiding. ELECTION OF MAYOR. On the proposition of Mr Alderman Green seconded by Mr Joseph Thomas, Mr Alderman Eaton-Evans was unanimously elected Mayor for the ensuing year. ELECTION OF SHERIFF. Mr Alderman John James proposed that Mr W. Reynolds be elected Sheriff for the ensuing year.. Mr W. Davids seconded the motion, which was unanimously adopte A torch light procession of the inhabitants in honour of the newly elected Mayor, will leave the Jnbilee Gardens at seven o'clock this even- ir.o-. The procession will pass through some of the principal streets, and finish its perambula- tion at the Castle Square.
LANDSHIPPING COLLIERY. Last Saturday afternoon we were somewhat alarmed at hearing in the distance the report of heavy discharges of artillery but our alarm turned into joy upon learning that the noise I emanated from a salute that was being fired at Landshipping in celebration of anthracite coal having been struck there in a new pit. We are much pleased to hear that the Landshippiug Collieries are again being worked, and as a large capital is available for the purpose, there is no doubt about the success of the undertaking, and that shortly the market will again be supplied with the well known coal lor which they are so famous. The re-opening of these collieries is another sign of the better times that are upon us and no doubt an extensive foreign trade will be el established, the quays at Landshipping being well adapted for shipping purposes.
HAVERFORDWEST BOARD OF GUAR- DIANS. A meeting of the members of this Board was held in the Board Room on Wednesday. There were pre- sent Mr Roberts (who presided), ilr C. Mathias, Mr J. Thomas, Mr E. Vaughan, Mr W. H. Walters, Rev. F. Foster, Rev J. Lewis, Rev T. Mathias, Ven. Arcl)- deacon Hilbers, Rev J. Pahnour, RevT. G. Mortimer, Mr Bevan, Mr Garratt, Mr W. Thomas, Upper Market Street, Mr S. W. Dawkins, Mr Thomas, Trebover, Mr Reynolds, Tierson, Mr Williams, Tem- perness, Mr Williams, Popehill, Mr Daysh, Mr Thomas, Honeyhook, Mr P. Mathias, Mr T. Llewel- lin, Haythog, Mr Lewis, Hanton, Mr Jas. Griffiths, Mr Geo. Phillips, Mr Jnj. George, Mr Walters, Mr W. Williams, Mr Reynolds, Treglemais, Mr Davies, Walton West, and Mr Vaughan, The West. The Master reported that the number of paupers in the House was 99 the number in the corresponding week last year was 106. He also stated that the house had been visited by Dr. Clutterbuck, in con- nection with the industrial training of the girls. The Clerk stated that he had received a communi- cation from the authorities of the Joint Lunatic Asy- lum announcing the death of a pauper patient named Ann John, who was admitted to the Asylum in 1886. The deceased belonged to the parish of Freystrop.
FIRST (PEM.) VOLUNTEER BATTALION, WELSH REGIMENT. The following is a copy of the confidential inspection report on this regiment. Head Quarters, Western District. I 31st October, 1888. The Major General is pleased to receive again so good a report on this Battalion, which continues to merit the commendation passed on it by the Inspecting Officer last year. The Financial condition of the Battalion is re- portell to be satisfactory. (Sd.) J. JONES VAUGHAN, Colonel The following memorandum has also been! issued by the Colonel commanding the Bat- talion In forwarding the report of the Major General commanding Western District, on the last inspection, for the perusal of the several detachments belonging to the Battalion, the commanding officer wishes to express his gratification on receiving such a satisfac- tory report, and to thank sincerely the officers, non- commissioned officers, and men of the Battali )n, who by their individual attention to the drill and discipline of their detachments, have in no small way contributed in sustaining the Battalionin such a state of efficiency as to merit the commendation passed on it by the Inspecting Officer. By order (Sd.) J. R. P. CLARKE, Capt. & Adjt. 1st V. B. W. Regiment
'1 HAVERFORDWEST PETTY SESSIONS. These sessions were held in the Shire Hall on Monday, before Mr Rule Owen, Mr Joseph Thomas, and Mr S. Green. CHARGE OF DKUNKEXNESS &C. Caleb williams was charged with drunken- ness. The defendant said the charge was true. Supt. Williams said that the charge had been adjourned from former petty sessions in order to give the defendant an opportunity of im- proving his conduct, and in that case, he would avoid imprisonment. He was very sorry to say that he had since seen him under the influence of drink, and their worships could see for them- 1 selves what state he was in that morning. The offence charged ngamst defendant was com- mitted on the 27th of August: defendant was druuk about mid-day in Dark-street, cursing and swearing, and disturbing the whole neigh- bourhood. The Bench asked the defendant what he had to say ? Defendant: Never a word the Super, is right for that. Supt. Williams, in answer to the Bench, said that the defendant kept sober for nearly three weeks after the first adjournment. Defendant then broke out, and complaints were made respecting his conduct. The Bench said the defendant seemed to defy 1 the law, and in this case they felt they had no other course before them than to send him to imprisonment for a fortnight, with hard labour. CHARGE OF STEALING. Mathew Morris, and Thomas Laugharne, were charged with stealing several articles, the pro- perty of the Trustee of an estate in bankruptcy, Supt. Williams said that from information that had come to his knowledge, he felt it would be useless to proceed with the case against the accused, and with the permission of the Bench he did not propose to offer any evidence in the case. The case was then struck out. [Mr Green withdrew from the Bench when this case was called on.] OBSTRUCTING THE STREET. Bartholomew Welton, Mary Welton, and. Martha Richards, were charged with causing an J obstruction in Dew-street on the 3rd. instant. The defendants denied the charge. P.C. Reynolds deposed that about 3 p.m. on Saturday, the 3rd inst., the three defendants quarrelled in Dew- street. A crowd assembled, I and the street and pavement were completely I blocked. He asked them to be quiet, but they kept on shouting and abusing each other. They called one another bad names and now and again used bad language. °Supt. Williams deposed that his attention was called to the distmbance in Fish Market Square. He was told there was a gentleman very iil there, and that some persons were creating a disturbance. On going to the place, be saw Richards standing by her box of herrings, and the other two defendants a few paces a head with a cart also containing herrings. They were abusing one another, and he tried to pacify them. He remained there some time before h could get them to be quiet, and de- fendant Richards was taken away by her husband. The street and pavement were im- passable. He did not hear rrery bad language. The defendants were very much excited. The defendant Richards said that the Weltons would not allow her to go on with her business, and were vexed because she sold more herrings than they did. They were continually annex ing her, and she was not going to lie down under them. Bartholomew Welton said that Mr? Richards annoyed him and bis wife, and Richards's' behaviour was worse than that of a woman who had come out of an asylum. The Bench ordered each defendant to pay a The Bench ordered each defendant to pay a fine of 5s, and 7s. lOd. costs. i •
A noox TO MEN. » Who sufftr from NF<RVOUS DK- BILITY, LOST VIGOUH, ExHAUSfIVK VITAL1TY, KlDNKY DLSKASK-S, &(;. A Treatise explaining the renowned MAUSTON treatment, by local absmp- turn, the only postive cure without, Stomach Medicines', will be sent in plain envelope sealed for three stamps. —THK MAIISTON REMEDY CO., 249A, High Holborn, London. IVIL SEIRVICE comming Exams. Second Class Clerks in, CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS.— Forth- Lower DivL-ions. Outdoor Officer* of Customs, As- sistants oftflxoise, Engineer Students, Naval Con- structors, &c. Good Salaries and Pensions. For fur. iitoimation and complete sets i'f lecent examination papers see the CIVIL SERVICE YEAR BOOK for 13S7 revised and considerably enlarged. Paper, 2s. 3d. cloth, 2s. 9^, post fre SLIEPFAITD & ST., J GH> 6, St. Beitlo .freet Lom.OU, E
ROOSE PETTY SESSIONS. Thesfe sessions were held in the Shire Hall on Saturday, before Mr R. Carrot, Mr G. L. Owen, Mr Joseph Thomas, and Mr Jas Phillips. UNLAWFULLY ON LICKNSEL) PREMISES. Moses Cousins was charged with being on the licensed premises of Trooper's Inn during prohibited hours on the 10th of October. P.C. 47 deposed that he saw the defendant in the kitchen of the Trooper's Inn about 10.20 p.m. on the 10th of October, with a glass of beer in front of him, about three parts full. The defendant drank the re- mainder in his presence. The defendant was not a traveller.. The defendant said he was on the premises and was supplied with beer. He had come from Herbrandston Fair, and was thirsty. The door of the inn was open and he walked in and called a glass of beer, and paid for it. He did not know what time it was. He lived at Hayston Bridge. The Bench fined the defendant Is. with costs. Frederick Evans was charged with being drunk on licensed premises. P.C. 41 deposed that on the 19th of October, about 8 p.m., he visited the Coburg public house, Neyland, and saw the defendant drunk. Defendant used abu- sive language towards the landlady, who refused to supply him with beer. The defendant was further charged with the same offence on the licensed premises of the Forester's Arms.. P.C. 41 dppoted that about 9 p.m. on the same day he visited the Forester's Arms, and saw the de- defendant very drunk, with a glass of beer in front of him. The Bench fined defendant 7/6 with co"ts for, the second offence, and imposed no fine in the first case. CHARGE OF REFUSING TO GIVE rr NAMI5.S TO A rOLICR CONSTABLE. Mr John Thomas, Town Clerk of Swansea, and IV Howeil Thomas, a justice of the peace for Swansea) were charged with being on the South Wales Hoteli Neyland, on Sunday, the 16th of September, and re- fusing to give their names to a police constable. Mr Robinson Smith appeared for the defendants, who denied the charge. P.C. 43 deposed About 8.25 p.m., on the 16th of last September, I was on duty near the South Wales Hotel, Neyland, in comnany with P.C. 41. I saw a man leaving the hotel with a jar containing two gal- lons of beer in his hand. I asked him what he had got, and where he was going to. The man said he was going down on board the Tiger,' a steam boat which had just come in. The defendants were not present then. I took the man back into the hotel, and asked Miss Gaskell, the Manageress if she supplied him with the beer. She said 'Yes.' While I was talking with her about it, seven gentlemen came out from the back parlour. One of them said he had ordered the beer and that it was for the crew on board the 'Tiger, and that they had come. round from Tenby that morning. In reply to a question, Mr Smith said that the Tiger was a steam trawler. Witness I asked the gentleman if he was the master or captain of the boat. He said no, he was not. I then asked him if he would bepleased to give me his name and address. He said he would not: that he would give me the captain's name, as it was the captain who, he said, had ordered the beer. I asked him if the captain was present, and he said he was on board the boat. He gave me the captain's name. I wrote down the captain's name and that of the man who carried the beer. I then asked the gentleman for his name he said he would not give it, as the captain's name was sufficient for me. When I was taking down the names, another gentleman came out, who made the number eight. The name of the first gentleman was Dr. Howell Thomas. I dc not st,e him here. Mr Smith That is just what I expected he is here. Witness That is the gentleman there—[pointing to Dr. Howell Thomas]—he has shaved his chin since then. That is the other gentleman—[pointing to Mr 1 John Thomas]—he came out in a fearful rage, and shouted to Miss Gaskell—* Don't take any notice of this fellow, I will see you are all right.' He said to me—' You had better take all our names.' I said I in- tended doing so, and I then asked him if he would be pleased to give me his name first to start with. He said 'No, I shall not: that's straight to you you arc exceeding your duty you are too officious you don't know what you are doing you should consult your superior officer before you came into a place like this.' He then went back into the room, and I failed to get any of the names. I had my pocket book in my hand to take down their names, and they saw it. I left immediately after the conversation witb Mr John Thomas. I did not ask for any names after I asked for his.. Cross-examined I first saw the man with the jar outside the porch of the hotel. The time was 2.1 minutes past eight. There was^ a gas lamp over the door. The "Tiger" had come in that afternoon, but I did not know until they told me. I did not notice there was a quantity of luggage in the passage. When I took the man back into the house it was with a view to information against the house for supply- ing beer during closed hours. There was no difficulty about the man's name he gave his name, David Morgan. The gentleman after refusing to give his own name, gave me the name of the captain—David Rees. I believe the two names given are correct. Seven gentlemen came out of the parlour I do not know who they were. I could not say whether that gentleman—(indicating a person in Court)- was one. The first person who spoke to me was Mr Howell Thomas, to the best of my recollection. The person who first spoke to me did not tell me that he was the owner of the boat, and that he it was that ordered the beer, and that his name would be sufficient for me. There was no one else in the passage Miss Gaskell was in the bar, and could hear and see what was going on. About two minutes after I went back with the man who had the jar, the people came out ot the bar. I had made no entry at that time. I got David Morgan's name after they came out. The gentleman with the 1 glove on did not speak to me. They were all laugh- ting and jeering. I could not say whether Air Stone was there or not. I did not hear them saying that thej had come round from Tenby that morning. Mr Howell Thomas first of all said that he had ordered the beer, and then afterwards said the Captain ordered it. I had asked his name before that. After he gave me the captain's name, I asked for his name again. I did not ask the Manageress for the names of the gentlemen before they came out. I could not identify any other gentleman. After he said he had ordered the beer, I asked him if he was the master, and he said "No, he wa.s not, and that the captain was on board," and then he gave the name. I did not hear anybody say—'You can have the names and addresses of all of us.' The middle gentleman—[in- dicating]—did not say—'Hadn't you better take my 1 name and address.' I did not get any name from that gentleman, nor hear his name and address. I be. lieve the eight gentlemen stayed in the house that night. All the eight came out of the room into the passage. I believe the young man had the jar of beer. I cannot say I saw this gentleman—[indicating] there. I did not see the little one in the Hotel? I did not see the gentleman with the reverend beard. Police Constable Griffiths was with me. I know that Mr John Thomas wrote a letter to the Chief Con- stable complaining of my conduct. I asked this gen- tleman for his name and address. I am sure I °did not ask the others. I went out when Mt Thomas got into a rage. I reported the house no charge has been made against the house that I know of. I have nothing to do with taking any proceedings against the man who had the beer nor against the captain. I be- lieve that—[indicating]—is the young man who carried the beer, but I would not swear to him, as he was black and dirty he was all grease, and I could not say he was the man. I took more notice of the other two men. Re-examined In consequence of the beer referred to I went into the house for information. I was satis- fied that the man who had the beer had not committed any offence. ) P.C. Griffiths deposed I have been in court while I the last witness gave his evidence. I followed him into the house what he has said is true. I can identify Dr. Howell Thomas and Mr John Thomas. I heard the witness ask for the name he said I shall not give it that is telling you straight you are too emulous you are exceeding your duty.' I saw a man going in with a little black bag or jar in his hand: I could not tell which. 0 Cross-examined I saw three men in the Hotel passage. I did not see three man going up with lug- gage. I do not know the men who had the beer. I cannot recognise any of the gentlemen you point out to me. I can swear to the man who spoke first, and who said—' It was I who ordered the beer, and I am going to pay for it, better take my name.' The last witness said, 'All right: I will take your name.' The man gave his name. The other said—' I don't see it is necessary you shall not have my name.' He gave the captain's name. The constable had his book in his hand. Seven gentlemen came out cf the bar parlour. Mr John Thomas was the last, and made number 8. Our report was made before we saw Mr Thomas's letter to the Chief Constable. I heard Mr John Thomas say—'You had better take our names and addresses.' He was in a towering passion at the time. The last witness said—'I will take your's first if yon will please to give it.' Mr Thomas said—' I shall TlOt, I John Llojd deposed I am a billiardmirker at the South Wales Hotel, On this particular Sunday night, my duty brought me to the passage. I saw seven gentlemen there and two Dolicemen. I do not kn&w what took place. I heard one gentleman refuse to give his name to P.C. Lloyd. 1 saw PC. Griffiths there. I saw a book in Lloyd's hand he was writ- ing something. I cannot identify the gentleman who refused to give his name. The policeman remained a few minutes after the refusal of the gentleman to give his name. I did not hear him ask for any address after the refusal of this particular gentle- man. Cross-examined: I did not hear the gentleman say -I shall not give my name and address. I will give the captain's. There were seven gentlemen there 1 noticed them T cannot identify them now. I was passing after keys. Miss Gaskell could see everything that was going on. This was the case for the complainant. Mr Smith, in addressing the Bench for the defence said the gentlemen whom be had the honour to repre- sent were people of the highest position and standing and of the best possible repute. Tf nn onencehad been committed against the licensing act, by the sup- ]>Iy of the beer which had been referred to, it was are- workable fact that the Bench had not got the case be- fere them. With regard to the otfence alleged which w .:3 laid under a peculiar JJsectiou of the Act, he should like to say one word. He had had consider- able experience in courts of justice, and never during the whole of his experience since the act of 1872 was pasied, had he known a case of the kind to have oc- curred in the town in which he resided. In drawing the attention of the Bench to the circumstances of this I particular case, he was certain that a man who had. committed the offence of refusing his name, would be the last person to act in the manner in which Mr John Thomas had done, for on the very evening on which the alleged offence took place, the wrote the letter referred to giving his name to the Chief Constable, There was another circumstance which he must men- tion, and that was, that it so happened that the gentleman who first spoke to the policeman was Mr Stone, who was in Court, and who would tell the Bench what actually occurred. Mr Stone said—"It is no use giving wÿ name the name of the captain of the vessel is sufficient for you you can do what you j j like upon that.' There was no intention whatever to withhold the names and addresses, for the persons were rightfully on the premises, and were not there for the purpose of committing any offence. They were on the premises in the exercise of their right as travellers, and there could be no motive for refusing their names unless something had been done which it was desired to conceal. All the witnesses spoke to seven or eight persons being in the passage. He had all the gentlemen in Court but one, who was de- tained in Swansea ou business, otherwise he would have been in Court. He had not brought them as 1 witnesses, but for the purpose of seeing whether the officers could identify them. If their memories were ( so bad that they could not identify the men of whom 11 they must have taken notice, then theirmernories must < be particularly unreliable when they spoketothe persons refusing their addresses and names. The constable complained of Dr Thomas, but the first officer in the box did not recognize him. He (Mr Smith) had put Mr Thomas in that position prominently, and the con- stable failed to recognize him altogether. He had put it to the constable whether the circumstance he alleged took place with Mr Howell Thomas, did not take place with Mr Stone and not with Mr Thomas at all, for the fact was that those gentlemen did not leave the parlour. Mr Stone did go out, and on hearing a conversation going on, Mr Thomas came up, and the other young gentleman (Dr. Thomas's son), who would in future be known as the one whom the policeman said carried the jar, and was unwashed and dirty. The fact was that the man in Court behind the young gentleman, was the one who carried the jar. Those gentlemen whom he had men- tioned came out to see what was goixg on, and would confirm what he had told the Bench. Those gentle- men would tell the Court that in no shape or form did they refuse to give their names. He would also call Miss Gaskell who would state that no refusal was mide by any one of the gentlemen. Mr John Thomas deposed: lam Town Clerk of Swansea, On the night in question, I was at the Hotel at Neyland. Something attracted my attention in the passage. I heard a conversation going on at the entrance to the Hotel between Mr Stone and a per- son who afterwards turned out to be the constable. We were eight altogether—seven are here. Mr Stone was not alone—my brother Dr. Howell Thomas, and his son were there. I did not refuse to give my name and address. I was not asked to give my name and ad- dress. 1 suggested to the constable that he might take the names and addresses of all of us. I com- plained to him of his officiousness. I made this ob- I think it would be well for you before taking the part you do, if you did consult your superior officer.' Within half an hour after the occur- rence, I wrote to the Chief Constable. The state- ment contained in the letter is perfectly true. I heard my brother say—1 Won't you take my name and address.' The constable replied,'I don't want your name and address.' Dr. Howell Thomas deposed I am a Justice of the Peace for the Borough of Swansea. I was at Neyland on the night of the 16th of September, having come from Tenby in the Tiger.' With regard to my beard, it is in the same form as I have worn it for the last five or six years. I have heard what my brother has said. It is true. It is perfectly untrue that all the gentlemen came out from the bar parlour into the passage. The only persons who came oat were my brother, Mr Stone, and my son. Mr James is the gentleman who is not here. I did not refuse to give my name and address. Knowing the authority vested in the police, I should not be such an arrant fool as to refuse my name. I said to him—' Don't you think yon had better take my name and address, I did not hear anyone refuse. Cross-examined My brother was not in a tower- ing passion he was excited. The Bench said they were quit.. satisfied with the evidence adduced for the defence, and were unani- mously of opinion that the cases should be dismissed. The cases were then dismissed. ILLEGAL CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Mrs Yeo, landlady of the Troopers' Inn, was charged with allowing the illegal consumption of in- toxicating liquors on her premises. This case had been adjourned from a previous ses- sions. The defendant depose I that she drew no beer for sale, but that she gave beer to her nephew and lodger. Her nephew and lodger were in the brew house when the police constable came in. She had given them the beer before the officer came. They were sitting in the brew house, and were accustomed to do so. The lodger had resided with her more than six years. Michael Rees, the lodger referred to, deposed that he was in the brew house with Hugh Young, the de- fendant's nephew, wheu three men came in and asked for a quart of beer. He went in and asked the land- lady if she would draw it, and she refused to do so. The police officer came in, and the men ran away. There were two pints on the boiler, that had been supped to him and Hugh Young. In cross-examination, the witness said that none of the men had any of his beer, nor did they have cups iu their hands. There was no beer in the pints when the men came to the door. Hugh Young deposed that he was defendant's nephew. He was in the brew-house when the men came in and asked for a quart of beer. The landlady refused to draw it. The men left the house because the constable came in. In cross-examination, the witness said he could not tell who the men were, because he did not look at them. The Bench 3aid there was suspicion about the case, but on the evidence adduced they felt bound to dis- miss it. CHARGE OF OFFERING BEER FOR SALE WITHOUT A LICCNSK. Thomas Davies, of Langwm, was charged with ex- posing beer for sale without a license and John Morris, Richard Lewis, Arthur Morris, James Jones, and James Davies were charged with illegally dealing in intoxicating liquor. ° Mr W. J. Jones appeared for the defendants. P.C. 47 deposed that in company with Sergt. Irving ind P.C. Webb, he, under the power of a warrant, entered the premises of Thomas Davies, on the 26th of October. He saw Mr Davies and five other men standing in a room, on a table in which were two quarts containing beer. The men were the defendants Arthur Morris, Juhn Morris, James Davies, James Jones and Richard Lewis. On searching the premises he found two half barrel casks of beer. One of them was halt full it might have contained less. The tap was in it. The other was full, and was not tapped. He seized the beer, and took it away, and also two quart jugs. He had pre- viously visited the house at different times. On the 6th of October he visited the house in plain clothes from Pembroke Dock. There were some people in the house then he could not say how many they were drinking. In consequence of information he re- ceived, he visitvd the house in plain clothes. He visited the housfi on the 16th of October there was no one in the house then they told him there was no beer there. He visited the house on the 22nd of October about 9 o'clock in the evening there were two men there at that time-Arthur Morris and George Adulph. He had seen casks brought to the house. In cross-examination, the witness said he knew the daughter of Thomas Davies; he was very friendly with her, and had known her for the last three years. He asked her if she would give him a pint of beer. They refused to take anything for it she told him that they had not beer for sale, but would give him a glass of beer if he wanted one. He did not ask her to give him a gla3s. He called in one night and had a pint of beer he paid nothing for it they told him it was not for sale. He knew the daughter was about to be married she was married on the 27th of October. They did not tell him that they had in two barrels of beer to entertain their friends. He did not see any strangers there the persons were from Langwm and Guildford. He did not know thev were relatives. He had learned since that the men i summoned were relatives he only knew one for sure when he seized the beer. They made no resistance to the taking away of the beer. He saw no one pay s for beer. 1 Re-examined The defendant Thomas Davies is j a fisherman.. Sergt. Irving gave corroborative evidence, and pro- duced the two quarts that Were found on defendant's premises. 1 Mr Jones submitted that there was no proof what- ever that an offence had b'-cn committed The wit- 5 liess had stated distinctly that no beer was sold, and ( that what he had was given him, the defendant's f daughter telling him at the time that the beer was S Iwt for sale. 1 Thomas Davies (defendant) deposed that he was t the defendant in the first case, and lived at Langwm. His daughter was married on the 27th of October and [ some time before that (late he had some ale into his house to entertain his relatives. He did not supply any of the ale to anybody for money. All the ale ( consumed on his premises was given by him to his relati veil. In cross-examination, the defendant said he had two half barrels for his daughter's marriage. He 0 also had for his own use three half barrels within j t. three Weeks. He thought he had five half-barrels ( vvithin four weeks. It was customary for the coin- n pany to tjive something at weddings a hat or plate f. was sent i.;und for that pmposc. did notaive e beer at the dinner he gave the guests !>e'-r when 0 they required ft., Re-examined He had no one in his house but ir.s own relatives. This was the evidence in the case. The Bench said there was no proof of sale of the beer, and that the evidence was not sufficient to war- tl rant a conviction. The cases were, therefore., dis- d missed. I The beer and quarts seized by thi police were reo tl virned to the defendant. ASSAULTS. 1 Maria Williams was charged with assaulting Mary I Evans, of Waterson. The defendant, in answer to the charge, said she never struck a blow. The complainant deposed that a dispute occurred about her children having been inteifered with by defendant's children. The defendant caught hold of her, pulled her out, and hit her all her length on the ground." The defendant caught hold of her by her hair, and she cried out, "Murder." Mr Harries came to her assistance when she called out. Juo. Harries deposed that he saw the defendant holding the complainant by the throat against a wall. The defendant said that the complainant put her fist in her (defendant's) mother's face. Complainant said to her—"What are you wanting, you old—— V She replied—" Thank you I am ready for you." The complainant had hold of her by her hair as well. She only put her hand on complainant. The Bench fined the defendant 2/6 with costs. CHAnGE OF DAMAGING REAT, PROPERTY. John James, Thomas Carter, John Miller, and Thomas Davies were charged by Mr John Fisher, of Denant, with damaging real property to the t xtent of 6d. The defendants said they did no damage to the land. Mr Fisher said that the complaint he made against the defendants arose in this way. The defendants wanted his permission to try their dogs at drawing a badger which was on his land. I-Ie would not permit them to do so, and they went to Thomas Absalom, aud telling him that he had given permission to get the bad- ger out, asked him to come with them and help them. Absalom and another man named Gibby dug out the baclgnr, and the defendants took it away. Thomas Absalom, called bv Mr Fisher, said that the defendants did not dig out the badger, but he did so for them in consequence of the false statement they made that Mr Fisher had given per.nission. The Bench said that the defendants appeared to told a lie to Absalom, and got him to dig up the ground. The charge therefore of damaging the land could not be sustained against them, and would be dismissed. They cautioned the defendants as to their future conduct.
HAVERFORDWEST GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A special meeting of the Governors was held at the Council Chamber on Wednesday week at 2.30 p.m to receive the report of their Clerk as to the pending negotiation with the Trustees of Milward's Charity, Birmingham, for a loan of £2,400 for the enlargement of the School Buildings, and to consider the corres pondence theron, and to give further directions, &c. There were present :—Captain Higgon, (Chairman), Sir Chas. E. G. Philipps, Bart., Mr George Phillips, (vice-chairman), Mr R. T. P. Williams, Mr John James, Mr Thomas James, Mr F. Lloyd Philipps. Pentypark. THE NEW BUILDINGS. The Clerk (Mr Henry Davies) said the meet- ing had been specially called at the request of the Chairman, with whom he had been in com- munication to consider a difficulty which had very unexpectedly arisen with respect to carry- ing out the proposed loan of £2,400 from Mil- ward's Charity, Birmingham, as had been ar- ranged with the Trustees of that Charity, and the Charity Commissioners. The Commissioners, however, having required a separate formal ap- plication to be made to them by the Governors of this foundation and of Milward's Charity, he had prepared such documents and forwarded the one signed by Capt. Higgon as their Chair- man to the Commissioners, and the others he had sent to the Law Secretary of Mil ward's Charity to be signed by the Chairman of that Trust, in accordance with a resolution which had been passed by them. To his utter astonish- ment, however he had received a letter in reply to his in the following terms :— 41, Waterloo Street, Birmingham, 1st. October, 1888. Haverfordwest School—Enlargement of Premises. DEAlt SIR,—The applications you have forwarded to me with reference to the proposed advance by the Gavernors of King Edward's School, Birmingham, of the sum of £:2-100 for the above purpose, and your let- ter have been received by ine. There is a misunderstanding about the terms of the proposed loan. A minute of the Governors is on re- cord, whereby they express their willingness to lend the required sum, not as Trustees of Mihvard's Chaiity, but as Governors of King Edward the Sixth's School, out of monies now standing in their names at Lloyd's Bank. The Governors also feel that as the money may be required by them at any time, it would not be possi- ble for them to lend the sum to be repaid out of in- come hy such annnal instalments, and at such rate of interest and within such period as your Board may see expedient. I cannot bind the Governors in any way as to how they m-ky be repaid the sum to be lent, but I imagine the loan will be on the same footing as an ordinary Mortgage, whereby the Governors reserve the power to call the money in by six months' notic. I return the applications for the necessary altera- tions. t Yours tiuly, R HARDING MILWARD. Henry Davies, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Haverfordwest. He (Mr Davies) had sent the following an- swer :— Haverfordwest, 8 Oct., 1888. Haverfordwest School—-Enlargement of School Premises. DEAK SIR,—I have to acknowledge the receipt of letter of the 1st inst., with reference to the proposed advance of £2,JOO for the above object, and returning the application which I sent you for,the signature of the Chairman of the Governors of King Edward School, acting as Trustees of Milward's Charity, I was never more astonished than I was at your statement, that there was a misunderstanding about the terms of the proposed loan, and I am quite sure that if you will carefully read the correspondence on the subject, you cannot fail to come to the conclusion that the misun- derstanding arises with yourself. I was very careful to rend all the communications which I had received from the Charity Commissioners to you, so that there should be no misunderstanding. It would not do for the Governors of this School to borrow on any other terms than those named, as it might place them in an insuperable difficulty if they borrowed on mortgage in the ordinary way, and subject to the money being called up at any time. The Board of Charity Commissioners will take gocd care in their order to provide how and when the repay- ments are to be made It was quite understood that in this transaction we were dealing with the Trustees of Milward's Charity, and it must^also be borne in mind that the Governors of this School are equally interested with King Edward's School, and it would be peculiarly hard lines for the Trustees of Milward's Charity not to afford them every faciity for carrying out their plans of improving their school buildings. The Charity Commissioners had most particularly crone into the'whole question, and you may rely will take every care of the interests of all parties con- cerned. I purpose going to London next week, and would see the Secretary of the Charity Commissioners upon the matter it there should be any difficulty in your PaAt all events, I should like to have your farther views during the week, and hope you will see your way to advise the Governors to join in the applica- tion to the Commissioners. I am, dear Sir, Yours truly, HENRY DAVIKS, Clerk to Haverfordwest Grammar School. R. Harding Milward, Esq. 61, Waterloo Street, Birmingham. Mr Davies further stated that he had not re- ceived any reply before leaving for town, and when they telegraphed to Mr Milward for a re- ply as he meant to call at the Charity Commis- sioners' Office next day, he received a telegram in reply, stating that our last letter contained all our instructions.' He therefore made an ap- pointment to call on the Secretary of the Charity Commissioners, and did so. He saw a gentle- man ill charge of the macer, and who fully understood it. He wasrruch surprised to find, there was any hitch aftev reading tho corres pondence, and suggested that copies should be sent to the Commissioners. The question now was, having regard to all *he circumstances of the case, what course of action should be taken by the Governors of this School. The Clerk then read the whole of the "olumi- nous correspondence on the subject which *>tis- fied the Governors that there was no misunder- standing on their side. And after considerable discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk should further communicate with Mr Milward, and send him copies of certain letters which had been written to him, clearly setting forth the terms of arrangement, and to call a special meeting so soon as an answer was received. TirE LATE MTT. J. W. T lIILLIPS, The Clerk said he had received from their late Chairman's son the following letter :— 25 Blooinsbury Square, London, .C., October 29th 1888. Dear Mr Davies,—I heg to acknowledge the receipt >f your letter of the 27th Sept., with copy of fc, vote of •ondolenee fi'.m the Governors of the Haverfordwest Grammar School on the death of my Father. In the name of my mother, and the other members of our: family, I beg to tender o» thanks for the very kind j sxpressions made use of by the Governors in memory )f their late Chairman. Yours very truly, J. W, PHILLIPS. A letter was olso read from Mr Richard Mum- 'ord, giving up possession of the burg-age behind I he School premises, which would be required luring the progress of the new buildings. t The Clerk mentioned that Mr Thomas Jenkins, j: he Contractor, had commenced the works. J The meeting tUeu broke up. <
DRUNKENNESS CURED. I A wealthy American Lady whose only son was for year's a slave to intemperance, after seeking in vain for a cure. and trying all known remedies, at last found a simple means that cured and saved him from a drunkard's grave. Any one suffering or de- siring to help others in this worthy cause by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to Mr James llcl- land, 2; If art Street, High Holborn, London, will receive this information free of charge. Mention this paper.
lllll IIIIIHIIM> i— Wl— nil—IB Wm CORRESPONDENCE. DEAK Silt,—There is a very general demand in the present day for what is called technical education, or such education as would form a groundwork or preparation for the industrial arts, and there can be no doubt that such early training as enables the British workman to use his head as well as his hands, has of late years greatly raised his standard of efficiency, and will do so much more in the future. Haverfordwest is too small a town to main- tain a technical or trade school, and I fear that we shall never be able to do much in this direc- tion in our elementary schools (I much wish we could) it is therefore the more necessary that we should use and support the Art Class which has for some years been carried on in this town. This School is in connection with the Science and Art Department of South Kensington, and is consequently under government inspection, and conducted by a duly qualified and success- ful master. Skill in using the pencil, or copying, design- ing, or giving shape to a passing thought, is of the greatest possible value to a youth who wishes to excel in any branch of the building trade, as a carpenter, a mason, a blacksmith, or moulder, or a cabinetmaker, in fact, every trade which has to do with construction and de- sign, (and what art has not ?) requires skill in drawing in those who would take a good posi- tion in it. The elements of drawing are taught in our day schools, and the Art Class offers an ad' mirable opportunity to young person on leaving school of carrying on this useful and delightful study. Applications should be made to the master on Tuesday evenings, at the School of Industry, Hill Street. Yours faithfully, FHAXCIS FOSTER. The Rectory, Prendergast, Oct. 28th, 1888. SIR,—The Times' Commissioner in his report on Pembrokeshire, which all must admit i-s just and im- partial, named several subjects, which at the present juncture become opportune, and deserve special at- tention by those who have a hand or rather a vote in electing members to the County Council, as to that portion dealing with the candidates' sentiments in re- gard to the land question generally. Although it will not be his immediate province to go to division upon the question, it would bV, well to bear in mind that at a future date the opinion ot the various coun- cil boards of Wales will probably be asked, as being in a manner direct representatives of agricultural in- terests, as to the supposed benefits conferred by Land Act or Commission, though there could not be a scientilla of justification that the necessities of the moment would require the appointment of such, it being opposed to all principles of political economy and of its Irish prototype Lord Derby said "Never before in English history has so vast a power of dis- posing of men's property been assigned. The Com- missioners are absolute they have no law to guide or control them. No other set of men in the British Isles are absolute. They need give no record for their decisions. There is no appeal from their au- thority." This is and lias been the case since the first public e sitting on the 20th October 1881. In a supposed land bill for mild Wales, no wider scope or different working base to that for down- trodden Ireland would be required, further than lo- calising it for custom, &c. Therefore, I would re- commend tenant farmers to look well ahead, and by their votes at the January elections endeavour to prevent retaliatory measures which might in that event take place, yea the adjustment of rents of tenants, besides those under the one Jandlord, who have not had their rents even disturbed for the space of thirty to fifty years, as to my personal knowledge another landlord has only a. proportion of leaseholders of one in thirty-nine. His yearly tenants, their fathers, and in many instances their grandfathers befoie them, have felt quite secure under the several generations of this family, which in succession have in word and deed (not parchment) acted over them. In the vista of corning years, it were a thousand I pities should this relationship of security and mutual dependence be marred by the agitator and despoiler, such as have overrun the sister Isle, and who until lately were allowed to do so with impunity, LOLO AP VECIIAN. TRADE MARKS ACT. Sill,—The remarkable scenes witnessed at the dis- 1 cha.rging berths of our large seaport towns immedi- ately following the above becoming law were ludi- crous in the extreme, as in the absence of the necessary declaration accompanying the bill of lading as to where the goods were manufactured, a reshipment at once took plico amidst epithets far from complimentary of the captain, H. M. Customs officers, and in many in- stances of the foieign manufacturer himself, who by his potential presence in his ignorance thought to over- awe those whose duty it was to interfere. The great good already arising from the bill hav- ing passed is untold it will also further do away with that foreign competition, which under a questionable guise entered our markets on the assumption of being English make, and it ought to stimulate our manu- facturers not to allow (now that as to make their their nationality is known) such articles to be placed in competition without in all instances strenuous efforts on their part to eclipse the foreigner as to quality with moderation in price. The healthy tone given by the Trademarks Act to the inducing of excellence of make and the security given by a Trade Mark is great though only a shadow of that of the future. Localization being the order of the day even as to government, may I sug- gest that Trades Marks also have a local habitation and a name, the various Council Boards in the differ- ent counties taking cognisance of tach registration. This done a fresh impulse would be given to local in- dustries by a rivalry that would prove harmless in itself, and of substantial increase to the revenue of capital and also of labour. The benefit to the consumer is at any rate two fold primarily, the choice of purchase is in his hand, and being enabled to distinguish as between British and Foreign made articles, consequently to discrimi- nate in purchasing. All foreign goods are (must be) legibly stated so on each article, therefore should he for a time be determined to eschew goods of inferior make, he will perforce ultimately oblige the makers to manufacture to his (the customer's) entire approval. I will state a case-lock making for instance. Tons of both British and Foreign locks are thrown broad- cast on the provincial market, trash, padlocks of cousin Jonathan's especial make, and whose only recommendation lies in the novel if not artistic de. sign, their nationality being hitherto unknown. Now the tables are turned each article as above stated is marked, its source given, and will find its level and stand on its own merits. Finally British production in order to stand its ground, must essentially be made so as to ensure the consumer his money's worth. I am, Sir. yours, &c., G. MERRIVAL.
Family Notices
BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. „ BIRTHS. On the 24th ult., at Tower Hill, in this town, the wife of Mr E. Owen, copper, of a daughter. At Tredegar Cottage, Tudor Square, Tenby, on the 8th inst., the wife of the Rev James Symington, of the parish of Lead Hill, N.B., of a daughter. MARRIAGES. October 30th. at Btulau Baptist Chapel, Little Newcastle, by the Rev. D. Oliver Edwards; assisted by the Rev. J, John, Mr W. Evans, of Llystyn Mill, near Newport, Pembrokeshire, to Miss Martha Matilda George, third daughter of the late Mr John George, Fleming's Castle, near Ambleston. DEATHS. On the 4th inst., at 8 Malvern Road, Sonthsea, Amelia, aged 61, widow of the late Mr Thomas Wignall, late of Jersey, Lloyd's Surveyor, and formerly of Pembroke Dock.
HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. Mr Worthington's Hounds will meet on Tuesday Nov. 13th, at Manorowen Mill and on Friday, Nov. 16tli, at Trecwn,—each day at 11 o'clock. The Pembrokeshire Hounds will meet on Monday, 12th Nov., at Hasgnard Cross roads; on Tuesday, l'J'II, at Norchard Gate on Thursday, 15th, at The 1\1\. and on Friday 16th, at Yerbeston Gate,— eacl day at 11 o'clock. M 'Powell's Hounds will meet on Tuesday, the 13th inst, i Ciieoed, Mydrim, and on Friday, the 16th inst, a, Llandissilio each day at 10.30. The /ivyside Foxounus will meet on Monday, the 12th ins tt Velindre, Penboyr, and on Thutsday, the 15th inst. Lr«-acych Gate each day at 10.45 Mr. T. (\ awes' Harriers will meet on Tuesday, the 13th in at The Kennels, and on Saturday, the 17th inst, a Llandyssil each day at 11.
Ilolioim/a Ointment ami PtUa.—Coughs, influenza. The soothing properties of th.w n edicainer.ts render them well woithv of trial ill all di.»eas«M of the respir- fitory organs. In common colds and influenza the Pills, taken internally, and the Ointment rnbhnd over the chest and Tlirott, are exceedingly efficacious. When influenza is epidenncj this treatment is the easiest, safest and surest. Holjoway's Pills purify the blood, remove all obstacles fo its free circulation through the lungs, relieve the engorged air tubes, and render respiration free, without reducing the strength, irritating the nert c?!, or depressing the spiiits s'.eh are the ready means of escaping from j suffering when afflicted uitjb/oolds, coughs, bronchitis, md other chest complaintsj'pfy which the health of so nany is seriously and petfcjaueutly injured in most iunntt-ics, |: .J
OL YNDERWEN. We omitted to state last week that the collec- tions at the thanksgiving serviclo held in the Church at Clynderwen, an-ounted to ,£1 17s. Od, which have been handed to the Treasurer of the Pembrokeshire Infirmary.
PEMBROKE DOCK. THE DOCKYARD.—Admiral Mayne has received a communication from the Admiralty positively contra- dicting the report that about 30 more hands are to be discharged from Pembroke Dockyard. No further discharges from the yard are contemplated.
PEMBROKE. HARVEST THANKSGIVING AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH.-p Harvest thanksgiving services were held in St Mary s Church, Pembroke, on Friday night. The sacred edifice was tastefully decorated with corn, flowers, and fruit. Miss A. Jones (the Vicar's sister) and » willing band of decorators were busy at work all day; beautifying each nook and corner. The service was heartily rendered throughout. The vicar (Rev. Win. Jones) said the prayers, aud an excellent ser- mon was preached by the Rev 1. G. Lloyd, rector of Bosherston.
MILFORi) HAVEN. MECHANICS INSTITUTE.—On Tuesday the 6th, Mr J. T. LI. Davies, Observatory Hall, read an essay on volcanoes, earthquakes, and geysers, to the Dis- cussion Class. The Rev. Jas. Boaden occupied the chair. Mr Davies was cordially thanked for his kind services, and the close of the evening was taken up with impromptu speaking. The next meeting of the class—which will not tak", place till the 2Cth instant- will be devoted to short essays and criticisms.
LLANGWM. CONCERT.—A very successful concert was held in the National School-room, in this village on Friday) the 19th ult Several ladies and friends from neigh- bouring parishes, with great kindness ?ave their very valuable assistance, and a most pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present. The vocalists were,—^Irs Humphrey Jones, of Steynton Vicarage Miss Thomas, and Miss Jennie George from the same par- ish Miss nella Hoherts of Haverfordwest, our well- known, and deservedly popular soprano, whose night- ingale notes have before charmed the music- loving inhabitants of Langwm Miss Florence Thomas, of Miiford Haven; and Mrs Hay, of Bnrton; all of whom were most warmly cheered, and many of the songs rapturously encored. Vocal and Pianoforte duets were taken by Mrs Humphrey Jones and Miss I Jennie George Mrs Lewis Jones, of Rhosmarket Vicarage, and Miss Bella Roberts Miss Roberts and the Rector's little daughter, Miss Hylda Mary Pal- mour. '1 he Church Choir, whu took a very promi- nent part in the proceedings, sang several glees with a correctness and precision which marked the careful and able training of their leader Mr Simlett. Where all did their very utmost to please, it was but the natural result that their kind efforts were thor- oughly appreciated and a most delightful evening was brought to a a close by the singing of the Na- tional Anthem. HARVEST FESTIVAL.—The Harvest Festival Ser- vices of the church in the village are always looked forward to with the greatest interest and enthusiasm. The one held on Thursday, Oct. 25th, came behind in no particular, the festivals of former years. The beautiful little church, in its festive adornment of flowers and fruit, looked meet for the assembly of thankful worshippers. The altar was most richly decorated, a splendid gift r,f choice flowers and fruit having been kindly sent for the purpose by Lady Scourfield. The choral part of the service was reverently and correctly rendered by the choir the Priest's part being taksn by the Rector. The lessons were read by the Rev Joseph Tombs, Rector of Bur* ton, and a most able and instructive sermon was preached by the Rev George Huntingdon, Rector of Tenby. The Anthem, 'Praise the Lord, o Jerusalem,' from Psalms CXLVII. 12—14; CXLV. 3. was sung by the choir with their usual spirit and ability, Mr Simlett, their able and efficient leader presiding, at the harmonium.
WALTON WEST. THE COUNTY COUNCIL.—In accordance with a notice issued by Capt. Goldwyer, a meeting of the electors of the Walwyn's Castle division was held in the large schoolroom, at Walton West, at which there was a very large attendance It was proposed by Mr T. Rosser, Talbenny, and seconded by Mr T. E. Gold- wyer, that the Rev. T. O. Harris, the Rector of the parish, should take the chair. The Chairman then briefly explained to the meeting the object for which it was convened, and called upon Capt. Goldwyer to proceed with the explanation of the Local Govern- ment Act. Capt. Goldwyer then explained its origin and general objects, and Mr H. Goldwyer proceeded to read an abstract of its various clauses with refer- ence to the composition of the Council, finance, &c., explanatory remarks being made by Capt. Goldwyer as to how the provisions of the Act would especially affect this county, and pointing out to the electors the vast powers that would be entrusted to the Council, also requesting the electors in the selection of a can- didate to he very careful to return a representative who would jealously watch the expenditure of the public money. The Chairman then made a hutnour- ous speech which seemed to entertain the audience. Mr Howell Walters (supported by the Rev T. G. Mar- shall, of Walwyn's Castle), then advanced his claims for support on the ground of being a County Magistrate, to which Capp., Goldwyer replied that he thought, as it was strictly a ratepayers' question, his claims were greater as an old resident ill the district for 23 years, and owner of property, Mr Howell Walters not owning any land in the parishes he wished to represent, A few remarks were made by Mr Marsh, a yearly visitor to Broad Haven, deprecatory of any show of hands as contrary to the spirit of the Ballot Act, and the ll1eet:ng soon aftet came to an end with a yote of thanks to the chairman, hearty cheers being given for Capt. Goldw) er, An incident which occurred during the evening, caused by the bursting of a paraffin lamp, caused some excitement, but the fears of the audience were soon allayed.
«> ST. DAVID'S. THE BIBLE SOCIETY.—The annual meeting of the British and foreign Bible Society was held at the Town Hall on Monday evening last. The Rev. Canon Lewis (deputed by the Rev. 1). Jones, who was prevented by illness from taking part) presided, and in doing 80 said he deplored the absence of Dr. Jones, who had been appointed chairman for three years, and deprecated the undue haste shewn in de- posing the venerable Dr. by electing another chair- man ere the time was up for doing so. He suggested a reconsideration of the matter by the committee. Continuing, the rev gentleman said he felt proud of the privilege to preside, and that for several reasons which he named. He was also reminded of what Bishop Ryle said as to the fences which divided them as Churchmen and Nonconformists, that they were after all of such a height that the shaking of hands could take place and on neutral ground as they were that evening met, all could take part in the glo- rious work of disseminating the Holy Bible. He then called on Mr H. Williams, the Treasnrer, to read the statement of accounts. The Treasurer, whether un- wittingly or not, said that he should do so in English, thus tacitly admitting that English would be better understood than Welsh. The Rev. W. Jenkins, M. A., being called upon to propose a resolution, moved that the statement be printed and published- In speaking to the mocion, Mr Jenkins also alluded to Bishop Ryle's remarks, and said that he wished that the fences were lower still, so that those of the Nonconformist ministers present would he enabled to asceud the pulpit of the Cathedral, and vice versa. He concluded with an apology on behalf of the com- mittee, stating that it was a mistake as to time, and also that the elected officers wished their names to appear in the London report for the coming year. The Rev Delta Davies seconded the motion The Rev. Mr Jones, of Swansea, being introduced, spoke to the very efficient work done by the Society during the past year, He stated that, although depression was visible tn all sides, yet the Society's receipts were larger than in any one year since its tarnation. The address of the Rev. Mr Lewis, Berea, brought the speeches to a close. The rev. Chairman, in his concluding remarks, jocularly gave Mr Jenkins a Roland for his Oliver, by pointing out that the way to obtain the desired object as to the Cathedral pul- pit. led through Abergwili. Thus ended one of the most successful and well conducted meetings of the last forty years.—Communicated.
ATLANTIC TRAVELLING. TO THE EDITOR OF THE "TIMES." SIR,—I have read with attention and intcrsst the letters of your several correspondents and your strongly expressed editorial of the 13th inst. upon the inconveniences, annoyances, delays and dangers at- tending the present means of transit between Great Britain and the United States. The case is fairly stated, and there does not secrrt to be any complaint which has not a foundation too substantial to admit of denial or explanation. I havo been waiting to see what response these remarks would elicit. Nothing as yet appears, and it is there' fore fair to assume that there has been neither error nor exaggeration. The transatlantic steamers form the direct channel of communication between populations numbering, iu the aggregate, more than 100,000,000, and the medium of indirect or partial communication for almost as many more. No other highway of ocean travel ap* proaches it in extent or importance. The vast inter- ests involved are now subject 'to the inconveniences) delays, and hazards due to tides, bars, fogs, storms; and delays in narrow and crowded waterways, and along dangerous coasts aid against none of these annoyances and dangers do remedies seem prob* — able or passible so long as present routes are relied upon. These iuconveniencds and hazards of existing linfS beinsadmittud, your correspondents, as well as yourself) have been in search of a remedy elsewhere. Let Us here consider the improvements demanded, and then examine the means -proposed to effect theui. They may he shortly stated as follows — 1. Directness of travel.—This requires the shortest lines of transit, and comprehends all possible savi"# in distance and in time, so far :1, the latter is depend- ent ol distance. 2. Harbours safe and easily approached espe- cially during periods of fog like those which affect St. George's Channel and the coasts near ^SaVf York.. 3. Sufficient depth of water to permit vessels ha?* iut; a draft of, say 28ft, to cnter at any state of the