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A C&VSV' TOR A RESPITB.—An American paper Staff" $that riafliViiirted I'aekenburg was aenienced to he hanged at fjuftfeV, Pennsylvania, no the 7th inst., for murder, and that the clergy have n«lire(I far a respite, on the ground that it wifl takjp'two or three weeks mce to prepare him. GbKfh^ti GARIBALDI.—A corfels^rid'en' of the MorrC ing Advertiser states that General Gart^&l'^i has been' suffering tor fome 4ays past from ai £ #ttack) of fhetrmatic I fever .which' confine^-him to his bed..The last accounts were more favourable, and not the stightert danger Wart appVehended- He has b?en subject ti violent attacks t f rheurJll\tio feyer .ever since he was iij>Sotjth America. Tha ftrst attack, was caused tfy his remaining jn the waf^r seyer«i hours in the fruitless' attempt to save the Ii ("inf a sailofy who, Singular to sav, was named Maurice Garibal 'i, although he waa no relation whatever of the General. £ )>- EAnFux DP-ATH n A Potfcfs OBIT,.—A pauper, named William Cliffy, 58 years of age", tteloTrging to the Warrington Union Workhonse, met with a fearful death 01 Wednesday evening in one of the b Tout^h police cells. It appears that he absconded the SKmn morn'ri^ from the workhouse with a suit of union clothing, and wrs given into custody during the afternoon. The man Nas lo. k'id up in one of the day cells at the police office, and about eight o'clock in the evening as Constable Harry and Morrison were putting another prisoner into the same coll, they found Cliffe lying in front of the fire, dead, every vnstiae of his clothing having been burnt off, with the exception of one of his shirt sleeves and his boots. There is a fireplace in each of the day cells, which is protected by 1 strong iron grating, the door of which is left open in order that the occupant of the cell might replenish the fire when it gets low. It is supposed t^at Cliffe opened the door of the grating, placed himself partly inside ir, and fell aslpep, and that his clothes wete set on fire by some of the burning embers fall from tbe grate upon him. DEATH FROM FASTING.—Mr Payne, the deputy coroner, held an inquest on Saturday afternoon, at Bethlehem Lunatic Asylum, respecting the death of Mr lienry Catchpool, aged 29. Mr'William Catchpool, of 91, Church Street, Bermondsey, said that the deceased was his brother. He was a clerk, and had been over- worked. H's nervous system had been disturbed, and be suddenly ceased to eat, saying he could live without food. A dootor was at otlce called in, and he ordered that the deceased should never be left allOe. An atten- dant was then engaged, and he used every endeavour to notice him to eat, bit without avail. The doctor ordered Ktjtfids to b« administered to him, and in doing so one of bis fe'etfif vfas kttocksd out. He was then re- moved to the Bethlehem" itfpital, Dr K mpthorn said that the diseased was admitted into the Asylum on Christmas eve. As he refused to take food it was ad- ministered to him. His system had been weakened by a fortnight's abstinence from food. He died on Wed- nesday from syncope and disease of the heart. Other evidence proved that the deceased was a nervous roan, ehid that be suffered from pecuniary difficulties. His insanity bfoffeo out about a f rtnigbt a&o, whan he saw a tradesman's bill that was sent in to his ftmily, and it was then he dei tared that he would never eat again. The Jury returned a verdict itr aooordanee with the medical evidence. Pi,A\r^t; SLAUOBTBR.— A very painful affair occttrrad at Brockmior, a'fetw miles from Dudloy, on Saturday, from the incautious handling of fireams. A youth named Samuel Tonks, sevebfe'dny was over from Bewd. ley on a visit to relatives of his at Btoekmonr, and in the course of the day he took up a gun whfctf stood in the house where he was. Louisa Heath, aged aif. the daughter of Tonka's aunt, came near to him, and in a playful manner he pointed the gun at her, believing it was not loaded He to k a cap from bis pocket, and fixed it on the nipple, thirktng to snap it off at the child, but, to his horror, a frightful resul. followed when he pulled the triggei*. The gum was loaded with sh t, and the muzale being within a short distance of Heath's head, she fell dying at Tonks's feet. The ehild-fa«e and forehead were so d^fij;ured by tr.e shot thaI the counten-: ance scarcely appeared human. The child's mother fS a wido v, and her distress was most poigrtant. Tonics was taken into custody bv the police soon after the melaneholy affiir, but, under the circumstances, there can, of course, be no charge sustained against him. SHOCKING PAKBA tt-^y IN MANCHESTER.—On Thurs- day, at the Manchester Cify Police Court, a man named Thomas Lfghtfoot was chfcrged with cruelly ill treating his brother, Samuel Lightfoott. Superintendent Anderton said J The defendant is charged with cruelty to his brother, who is an imbecile, and is also blind, bv keeping him confined for several years past in the cellar of his house in a neglected and filthy condition. The place was a cellar underneath the shop, 164, Every Street, where the defendant carried on business as a provision dealer. I have ascertained that the father ot deceased left 15s a week for the maintenance of the poor man. It has been paid over to the defendant regularly by the trustee. Saw the defendant in his shop, and told him we were police officers, and that, in consequence of noises having having been heard in the cellar between one and three o'clock that morning, and on other occa- sions, we'. had come to inspect his premises, as we suspected there was Seme one confined in the celiar. He said* Yes, my brother >ive* there. He ha- his fed there." I asked him him how fm'g he had been there ? lie said, Well, I think about six yearV' and, after a pause, he said, "Six years last August." fie took 118 into the cellar. We there saw the man now in anothér fnnta of the court. He was sitting on the aide cf a low bed, close id It fireplace in which there was no fire. The room was generally fefy dirty. There were not m re than afroflt tlto square yards in the centre of thd fl ,or in which a person tfould move about. We removed the poor man in a cab: VThffnf b attempted to move him he was so stiff that he couldf soifcef? put bis feet under him, and he had to be partly carried out of tnJ cellar. When he was got into the cab we took the dtefSndanv into custody. Doctor Thomas Dean, surgeon, stated that he examined the man. tlis body was in a frightful condition. His hair was in a matted state, and his finger and toe nails were like talons. Apparently they had not bMn cut fof yeafs. He visited the cellar in whioh the man Wad found. It wftsf not fit for a human being to live in. It wad very damp, and the floor was covered with filth, and everything dboot it appeared as if no removal had taken place for yliatØ. It wlía fourteen feet sqiiare and about eight or nine fetft high; Seferal witnesses who hail lived in the neighbourhood as lotig as six years ago gfive evidence to the effect that they had heard cries pfoOeeding from the cellar there. The poli-e officer doing duty ort tho beat said he had oftsnf heird a noise proceeding from tte cellar, but he thoafght it was made by a dog. The gentleman who paid oYet the money for the maintenance of the man did notapneat to give evidence, although he had promised to atpnid. A summons wns granted to compel him to attend, and the oaie was reminded till Saturday. The witnesses were bound over to appear at the cessions. GALVANISM.—NATUrba Clli"> ESTORER OF JM- PAUtF.() VIT.4L Kw«UQT.—A Pamphlet on Self-applicable EleciriciiVfrdemuflsiraung ibe most effectual, rational, sod simple galvanic treatment of nervous and rheumatcs pains, tie" t'ty, indigestion, nervousness, sleeoles>ne?s, paralysis, neuralgia, epilepsy, oramp, lunctiona! disorders, &c, as laised exclusively by the use of PrLVER, MACHEK'S Improved PATENT GALVANIC OHAIN BANDS, HKLTS, and POOKliT SliLF-IttiSfOfiABLh: CH AIN BATTERIES, &c. Approved by the Acadetuie de Mtd'ciiie, Paris; the Royal College o' Pbysurians, London, &c. ? suostatitialed by Medical Reports and authenticated Testimonials, including Sir U. Locock, Bait, :\1. D i toilr William Fergusson, Bart., Sir J. H. Martin, M.l).; Dr E. Sieveking, M D Dr iiantlfiefu •I'lties, Pt.ysician to St. Mary's Hospital; 1)r A. Clarue, Piivuetau to the Loudon Hospital. Lais Pamphlet vsent post free) tieats'lwhy" and '• wherefore" tlKt.se Galvanic arrangements have proved most efficacious even in cases wiiero otber Elec'.r'cai appfraius and utd nary medical treatment have been tried 'U VHM\ especially in ailments resulting from warn of vical elec- tricity in the functional 01 gans.—Aopty ,0 j. L. PULYfc. tl- AIACH ER, 2"0, Resent Sueei, London, W. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS —During every break of wintry weather exertions should be made by the ntfLcted to recover health before untemitting coin and ttyugstortusaetin. i hrt at ailments, cough vvbecz.in.ss, .v-ithmatical affections, shortness of feiea II, morning nausea and accumulations of phlegm can readily be removed by rubbing tois tine derivative O utme t twi^f a day upon the chest and neck. Holloway's Ireatmcllt IS. -trongly recommended wi ll the view of giving iuinv- dute esse, preventing prospective danger and eit-1 tnu permaner.t relief. These ail-important ends bis uintmeut and Pills can accomplish, and will surely pre* ent insidious diseases from fastening on the constitution to display Uiemselves alterwards 111 those disastrous forms that will proba'ily embitter lite till 11"1.1 itself is almost praved tor, j Mr Jones was advised to get his life insured —" Won' do it," said he; "itwouid be my lock to live for evert if I should." A fir tree, 13fl feet high and 71 inches in diameter, has recently been fellod in the woods belonging to the frncry of Zip-h, At Arsra, in Hungary. It has been taken tc Hamburg to be formed into a mast. Loss OF A GOVERNMENT VBSSKL.—Information has he"n received at tLe Admiralty ot tbe loss of a govern- ment lighter, with all hands, early on Friday morning, during a hurricane from the southward and westward off Bariogne, 13 miles past of Cape Clear. The vessel is Kunposed 10 he either the Fanny or Victoria. A box ot hooks, marked H M.S Valiant," hat been washed flshorp. This package formed a part of the vessel's cargo. — Globe A NOVBI. W AT OF OBTAINING A CHRISTMAS HOLI- DAY—At Sheffipld on Tuesday, a hoy, 14 years of age, named Thomas Layden. was charged with having wil- fully damaged some valuhale machinery, the property 01 R;r John Brown and Co (Limited), at the Atlas Works. The prisoner, who was employed at the work" as a "bogey hoy." threw a hammer and Mom" large pieces o1 iron among some cog wheels, and a large quantity 01 machinery was broken and rendered completely useless. Damage was done to the extent, of £200, and a number of men were thrown out of employment. The only reason assigned by the hoy was that he wished to obtain a lew days' extra holidays at Christmas. He was sent to prison for two months. A PRIMITIVE POST OFFICB.—A German paper says that the simplest post office in the world is to be found on the southern extremity of America. For some years past a small barre1 hfs been fastened by an iron chain to the outermost rock of the monntain overhanging the Straits of Magellan, opposite Tierra del Fuego. It is opened by every ship which passes through the Straits, either to place letter! in it or to take letters from it. Thjj post office, therefore, takes car" of itself it is con- fided to the protection of sea!arers, and there is no exampTe' of any breach of trust having occurred. Each ship undertakers the voluntary transmission of the con- tents of the barYe], if their distination is within the limits of its voyage. FORMS FOR TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGES—The Post Office authorities have prepared for the use of the public, forms for telegraphic messages to be used when the whole system Of inland telegraphs is acquired hy the Govern- ment on the 2.9'h of next month The form is very fdmplo and complete, and differ* in one or two respects from those hrtfrerto employed bv the companies—the novelties, it m «y be a ided, being decided im proj|ments. principal of these refers Jfftthe arrannemeraffif the wior.is "that make up'ths message. A separate Bpice in lljpeS is allowed to each word^ and the coi r JH^nding dtrtrfg# i.« printed claarfr on tbe margin, so that tffesend T can i-rtrftt a glance how much h" has to pay. and the receiving1 d'fk need be a' no trouble in calculating how triflch he has to charge. Eioli of the forms thus divided into spaces is prepared for a message of fifty words, which is assumed to be suffic'ent, in the great, m ij >rity of insmnees. 4n tho right hand upoer corner of the page a blank space is left for the stamps which will probably he almost exclusively used to cover the charges of trans- mission. A'taebed to the forms are direct ons for the o* the sender, with a tarff or charges, and full information as to the Hrrangemtnt* for porterage, MrrHDEn— K RF,VKT»GR FOR SitnuoTtosr,—The eorres- pendant of the Standard, writing from New York, on the lSth inst, AfiYS: A oresdful tragedy was enacted in (Charlottesville, Virginia, the day before yiSter'iay. An fcnglish nan named Oliver we shot and killed at his own house bv George Ayers, a Vi gmi^n. The provocation to the klliing was the eeduction by Oliver of Ayers'g daughter. The deceased was a physician from Bir- mingham, and was living in Charlottesville as theaffent of an English Immigration Company. He delivered an address at the late agricultural fair at Richmond, and was altogether a prominent man. The offence for which Ayers to k his life was committed some months ago. The murderer gave himself up to tbe officers of justice, and now lies in the gaol at Charlottesville. NATURVLIST AND FABULTST.—1 La Fontaine's Fables have become a classio work, not alone in the native land, but in every oth.er country into whose language they have been translated. L'I Fontaine was a fair poet, and possessed some fine gifts as a writer, but as a na- turalist he was often most completely at fault. M. de Remusat, a shrewd critic, has been at work exposing and correcting the poet's hlunders in the last number of the Rtvue des Deux Mondes. According to M. de Remu- sat, La Fontaine knew nothing of the habits of animals Were it otherwise he would never have committed such mistakes as are plentifully sprinkled through the "Fabtcs." La Fontaine says: —"The grasshopper sinking all the summer long." His critic answers :— The grasshopper cannot sing all the summer long, for the summer lasts a good three months, while the grass- hopper only lives a few weeks." Again, the ignorant fabulist describes the grasshopper complaining that he has not a fly nor a worm to eat. Replies M. de Remusat —"The grasshopper does not eaf flies and worms—he :s a vegetable feeder." More error with regard to the grasshopper, vho is described all asking the ant for a Jilde corn to go on with. The naturalist points out that the ant is eamivorous, and never ate a grain of corn in his life J he keeps none in house, and, consequently, has none to give away to the grasshopper or any other starving insect. With regard to the ant, La Fontaine declares that he will subsist fot three days upon a piece of straw. Wrong, replies M. de Remusat, M. La Fontaine might as well have written that a man might live on bricks and mortar. It is true that ants use » raw, but it is for building purposes, nt t as provender. A THISING OVERSIGHT —The other day a curious accident occurred in one of the most considerable oitiea in France. A gentleman who had held office, was an officer of the Legion d'Honneur, and the possessor of many decorations, &o, died. He had been a Protestant, Huguenot, Calvinist, what you will, and a bachelor. flying lived a solitary life, he kept but one man servanf, Who was a gardener, groom, and valet; and to this person was confided naturally the care of the body. But, then, his grief was overwhelming, and required consolation. This he unfortunately slight in the wine cup and, to be plain, he gat exceedingly drunk. and oontinued so for the short interval which in France is permitted between death and burial. The day of the funeral arrived, the coffin, which contained p leaden one inside, was brought to the house, and the faithful (tomestic ondertook to perform 'he necessirv offices. The friends and rela ives came to follow the d ceased to his last home; also a number of high official-, the prefect, military men, &o, with half a hittali. n of B ildiers, to do honour to the medals and decorations, and to fire a salute over the grave. Last, but not, in his own estimation,, least, came '1 gentleman wh 'f11 "re may designate the local Pope of the Protestants of the district. Being largely gifted with eloquence of a certllin kind, h- iruide two hrn8n¡rlJes of considerable length, one being delivered before the procession set forth, the other over the t'lmh. The salute was or. d. and everything properly performed, but as the wnpany returned, they encoun'ered a r umber of persons, and some half a dozen gamins; the latter cried flllt, Men sieurs, vous aveK ouhlie quclq te chose.' The officials naturally lo iked to see whether any of their mwJal; or coat tails had dropped eff, while the Protestant minister surveyed his canonicals to ascertain what was missing. Not being able to discover anything, they demanded, c, Ce qu'il y avait d' oublier.' The reply was, Mais, Messieurs, e'est le mort." And so it turned out. The coffin which had been buried with military honours was empty, the corose was safely in the bed in which the p lor man had died. The coffin was of course dug up again, and thr^e sergents de Ville were told off to enclose and inter the body safely. The drunken servant hrtd been so overcome by sorrow and wine that bt had entirety fo?i?otten to place his master's body ía sbe coffin provided ftfr the purpose. AN ACCURATR Ci.tfRfS -"In a communication on a farming matter in tbe Agntahural G >z-ite of Saturday last the Rev W. F Radcl ff; has occasion to adduce the evidence of his clerk, Mr Stephen Rogers to whose oharacter for accuracy he thus testifies:—•' S'Ufpbtn is a very accurate man, as I have reason to know. He was my clerk at Rushton. and still performs the aameotnce. i once gave out the wrong second lesson in church, wlierf Stephen popped up his head ami said, sMo voce, but iodd enfptfgb for everybody to hear, You be wrong it ain't "G'latiarfs/' its Fegmns to-day;' The con- gregation did no* exactly taagn. but the muscles o! their faces assumed Manic. compFicatioos,' aDd I loolted as red as a harvest moon SCENH AT THE (ECUMENICAL COUNCIL—AdC&rdiftg to a correspondent pi thu jYew Free Press of Vienna, a scene o' an ex raordinary character has already occurred itl the Conn-il. In one of the sittings, a Croatian Bishop rose to propose that the paragraph in the articles as to tbe dispatch ot business, imposed by the Popff Wttich renders it necessary for every resolution to bo subifliffceri tc a special commission before it can be discussed by the Council should be simply struck out. He brought foiward several weighty arguments in sup- port of his motion, hut Its soon as be began to warm with his speech Cardinal de Luca, who presided, Interrupted him. and on his coa1 nuing bis address rang the bell. violent y. Caninal Siraor, the Primate of Hungary, rose to support bis South Slavonian colleague, bat be, too, was silenced by the Cardinal's bell. On seeing this, Msgnr. Dupanloup, the Bishop Of Orleans seized his hot in great IlIl.r and left tiie hall, followed by several of his countrymen. The tact that three nations were con- cerned ill the matter has made an unpleasant impression on the Vatican. THR WILL OF THE LATE BISHOP OF EXETEK.—The will of the late B'stmp of Exeter has been proveo, and it is sworn nndar £ 00,000. He directs the sum of £10,00<1 to be pa d to the Dean and Chapter of Exeter tor the endowment of a theological college in conjunction with that body. He gives to Ins son Henry £10,000, which deceased had covenanted to pay for certain uses, to ha paid out of certain moneys ,r> "e ) .se! from the insurances in the Equitable, K<>ui{, uliW, ana University offices, tbe residue of the policies to bes sunk in bi; residuary estate. Hsexecutcrs art-to par each of his daughter', Maiy Stephens widow, and S) belia du Boul y, the annuity of £1110 during life, I ho latter free trom marital control; £ 2,0 > to Charlotte Cassandra Cherry, his daughter, wito of Benjunin Cherry, ot B.ickindon, H: rIA, but any advances made inthetitetime of the deceased to be stopped out of ths legacy. The sum as settled hy deed In is65 of £18,5011 is to be divided between bis iotir mair.ed daughters an.t his gom,Charles Edward and John Sco t Phillpott-, in pursuance or lI.ar- riage "ettlemen:s, lie beqnea' lis his re.jl and remduary est..t0 to IH; three soi-s, Wilnaoi John, Henry, and Arthur rhufuit-t Pmilpotts, absolutely three (qnal tourtb —the rc!Ual!11IJc. fourth .h.re 10 he held ¡IY trustees jr Cj orgina Lukin, widow or his lace son, Edward «>,vito8tone PlHlipotts, rector of Lezam, (near Laun- tcston), to enjoy for her life, or during bei widowhood, >vith remainder to her children. In regard to the action of qnurz tmpedit brought a jainst the decea-ed by the Rev Mr Marshall respecting the living of Tregony, against which deceased had appeale.1 to the H'Uni: ot l.ords, and lie Appeal was then pending, trio testator directed that 111 the event of Old dy n:; betoie the suit was terminated, lonsifleritif? the importance to the Church that the poin'e involved suould be decided, the executors wei'6 to prosc- [ eite the suit to a Uijia-ie termination.








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